The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 01, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Inflammatory Socialist Docu
ments Afloat In Russia.
Factory nml WorU1ii l'.mtlo
Hnvr n l.lxt of (irlrvnii'C
AffnlnKt (nvrrnmrnt nml
ST. ri:Ti:KSi:t'l!(i. April lin.-Mny
diiy Is nwuiicil wlih poiisideinlile nils
Klvliitf. In mi i iu't- of tin- iinlicli!i
oi)8 of (llntiirlumci'K tin' fiictories nnil
orknhoim luivo boon tluiroiiKhly oiin
iHRt'il Willi tlic olijccl of iiroinotiiiK
nornl olisii'vutioii, iiuU the men have
'rn mipplloil with Social I li'inocriitlc
UTiilurc of nil kinds, much of which
eouiliod hi uiiii'kcdl.r tomjicnito Inn
:.;mj!o. IhoiiKh tin; llliiNtnitioiiM lire
i .niH whnt iiiHiiiiiiiuitoi'.v. Among the
hitter Is n fnclory simtoiiikIimI liy n
Kravc.viird, w hile a pii'tui'o of the win
tor pulsion Is taken to mean an Invita
tion to iissoinblo there May 1. These
imiunhlets were printed In icrniiiny.
A sketch lilstory of Labor day In
Husslu and other countries recounts
how the workmen's movement in Hus
sin is becoming a force whicli promises
Ho eftalllsh lllierty. einality and jus
tice In place of the present oppression
of the Kovernmeiit mid capitalists. "We
have learned how to flyht," says one
document In capital letters, and It pro
ceeds to formulate demands, including
ten hour day, with the same pay as
t present, a half holiday on Satur
days, the prohibition of the employ
ment of children under lifteen years of
HK'e, tin; abolition of overtime, obligato
ry insurance, the responsibility of em
ployers for Injuries and deal lis, the ex
tension of factory and workshop in
spection, freedom to strike, organize
unions, hold meetings and control their i
own funds, the establishment of arbi
tration courts and trial in open court
instead of arbitrary arrests and buuish
ment. The demands also Include the re-cs-tHhllsliineul
of the holidays which the
workmen were deprived of by the law
of June 2, 181)7.
ltrllcf For ltiiNNln'mi Slnrvlnnr.
WASHINGTON, April 30. An idea
of the tremendous effort making by
the Itusslan gorernnieiit to relieve its
famine sufferers is contained in n re
port to the state department from
Oonsul General nolloway at St. Pe
tersburg showing thut last your the
government expended $13,1170,270 In
this relief work. It now has on hand
a half million pounds of grain, but
must make further extensive pur
chases nnd will require enttle, horses
ind seed to the value of an additional
A Forty Tun Stone Pillar.
NEW YOUK, April 20.-The biggest
monolith ever raised in New York on a
building has been lifted into place on
the new Hall of Records. The monster
Is thirty-six feet long, four feet two
Inches In diameter nnd weighs forty
tons. It is the first of eight great pil
lars which are to ornament the front of
the building on the Chambers street
side. There arc also to be eight on the
Center street und eight on the Keade
street sides. The bases for the columns
are at the third story, so that the lift
Is n tremendous Job. The stone was
brought here from the quarry at Hal
lowell, Me.
A Hunk With S2r.,000.000 rapltnl.
NEW YOUK, April 25. The direct
ors of the National City bank of New
York have recommended an increase
of the bank's capital stock from $10,
000,000 to $25,000,000. The new stock,
In 150,000 shares, will be offered to
shareholders at $150. This will pro
vide an additional surplus of $7,500,
000 and will increase the bank's sur
plus to $15,000,000. Only two other
hanks in the country have n capital of
$10,000,000, and the Increase to $25,
000,000 will make the National City
the largest banking institution In the
United States.
Murderer Pleads Guilty.
LITTLE FALLS. N. Y., April 2!).-At
Herkimer Joseph Brown pleaded guilty
to murder In the second degree and
was sent to Auburn prison for life.
Brown murdered George A. Young In
an llion barber shop last August. His
trial had lasted for a week, and when
the prosecution closed Brown made the
above plea.
Explosion on Submarine Hunt.
men were Injured In an explosion
aboard the submarine boat Fulton Just
as she was rounding Delaware Break
water yesterday. The Fulton was mak
ing an ocean trip from New York to
Norfolk and thence to Washington, the
most remarkable test yet applied to
craft of Its kind.
German Aeronaut Rained.
BERLIN, April 20. Count Zoppelln,
the aeronaut, has been ruined financial
ly by his experiments with airships.
He Is unable to obtain any further sup
port in Germany for his projects, and
ho is breaking up the old frameworks
of bis airships. He has told live tons
of aluminium.
Forty llodlea Found.
CAIItO, 111., April JS.-Four bodies of
the victims of the City of Pittsburg
Wreck have been recovered, making
forty to date. One was Identified as
'.hat of Joseph Bedding, a striker engi
neer of Louisville. The other three
were colored, two men and one woman.
Suicide at F.licuty-n ve.
PENN YAN, N. Y., April '-!.-- Freder
ick Poyneer, aged about eighty-live,
L'ommitted suicide by hanging. Ho
was one of the oldest resident of Penn
Van and had been a constable contlnu
' nusly for over forty years.
Rntnblp Kventu of the Week Ilrlefly
nil Temely Tnlil.
Wllhelinliifl's condilion showed stead;
American Jockeys won the chief race
at Newmarket.
A French fishing fleet was caught In
a gale in the North sea, and many lives
were lost.
Three thousand plasterers went on
strike in New York, and the situation
in the building trades Is serious.
IHplomatie relations between Austria
and Mexico were resumed for the llri.t
time since their rupture in lStl".
The Danish folkethlng approved Iho
cession of the West Indies to the t'nit
ed States, subject to the plebiscite.
Tut-xilnj, April K!.
An explosion of an engine on the
I-nckawanna road near Dover, N. J.,
killed two men.
It is estimated that between 12,000
and l'J,(MMi sheep were killed by last
week's storm In Wyoming.
The Fulled Copper company, with an
authorized capital of $80,000,000, was
incorporated at Trenton, N. J.
The lord chief Justice of England de
cided against the Protestant alliance
In its efforts for the expulsion of
Monilny, April JiM.
Five men of the Chicago's crew were
arrested at Venice for causing a dis
turbance iti St. Mark's square.
The Hotel Dorian, near South Nor
walk. Conn., n well known summer
hostelry, was completely destroyed by
The great Singer strike, which has
been on at South Bend, Ind., for ten
weeks, is ended, the Singer company
gaining n victory.
The president has virtually decided
to appoint H. G. Squlers, now secreta
ry of legation at Peking, as the llrst
United States minister to Cuba.
. SlUnrrtnj, April 211.
A New York policeman found two
pearls valued at $400 In an oyster.
Good rains in the northwestern states
have relieved fear for the safety of
Chinese Imperial troops on the way
to relieve Nanulng defeated a large reb
el force.
Bulletins about Queen Wllholmina
were vague and Indicated that her con
dition Is serious.
Fifty persons were injured in an ac
cident ou the Great Eastern railway
In a Loudon suburb.
Friday, April 28.
A recurrence of high temperature
has revived anxiety about Queen Wll-
The Venezuelan government forces
under General Castillo have been de
feated and he killed.
Soaking rains have occurred through
eastern and central Kansas, where
drought had prevailed.
A French sailor was arrested at Tou
lon, charged with plotting to blow up
the battleship Charles Martel.
The Western Iron and Steel compa
ny, with a capital of $15,000,000, was
Incorporated at Phenix, Ariz.
Thnmilay, April 21.
The lord mayor of Dublin refused nn
Invitation to King Edward's corona
tion. New Orleans was selected as the next
meeting place of the ex-Confedcrato
The Danish landsthlng adopted a re
port deferring ratification of the treaty
for the sale of the islands.
Experts have decided on a figure 8
course for the airships in competition
for the St. Louis fair prize of $100,000.
The Wisconsin supreme court 'deciTJ-
ed that such privileges as street rail
way franchises cunnot be grunted to In
dividuals. At Kenton, O., the Champion Iron
Fence works burned, entailing a loss of
from $225,000 to $250,000 and throwing
300 men out of work.
About 400 members of various wom
en's clubs left by special trains from
New York, Philadelphia, Boston and
Buffalo to attend the meeting of tho
Federation of Women's Clubs at Los
Angeles, Cal.
Illu Stone In New York.
NEW YORK. April 29. Ellen M.
Stone, the missionary who was for
weeks tho captive of Bulgarian brig
ands, lectured last night in the Broad
way Tabernacle. This Is the lust meet
ing which will ever be held In this old
church. Preparations had been made
to start the work of demollshment yes
terday, but it was postponed to enable
Miss Stone to lecture.
Wireless Station Construction.
MONTREAL, April 25. Work on the
Marconi wireless telegraph station
near Table head, Glace bay, Is to be
pushed as fast us possible to have the
four 200 feet towers and the appuratus
ready to send coronation congratula
tions from Canada to King Edward.
' 8nto-luiuont ICngaired.
NEW YORK, April 20. M. Santos
Dumont will continue his experiments
l.i aerial navigation among the oceun which are wont to sweep Man
hattan Beach during the picnic season.
It has Just been announced that he will
be one of the summer attractions at
that resort. x
I.onyr Sentence For a Traitor.
ST. LOUIS, April 2!.-Ernest Wilde
occupies a cell In tho guardhouse In
Jefferson Barracks awaiting transpor
tation to the federal prison on Alcatraz
Island, in California bay, to serve a
nlnoty-nlne year sentence for treason
to the United Stutes.
Paris Election Fluures.
PARIS, April '-".. Tho latest election
figures made public by the ministry of
the Interior show that 24S ministerial
ists and 153 untlmiiilsteriallsts have
been electtd to the chamber of deputies.
Former Secretary of Aarlrnltare
Die In (lilpntro. ,
CHICAGO, April 28,-Hon. .1. Ster
ling Morton, former secretary of agri
culture, died yesterday afternoon at
Lake Forrest at the home of his son,
Mark Morton. For several weeks Mr.
Morton had been gradually falling. Tho
nature of his illness had not been de
termined, nnd n week ago be was
brought from his home at Nebraska
City, Neb., to Lake Forrest for med
ical treatment. The change brought
no Improvement, nnd he failed gradual
ly until death came.
Julius Sterling Morton was In Wash
ington for four years as secretary of
agriculture in President Cleveland's
second administration. He was n man
of steiidfust convlclons. unswerving
hotiesty and undoubted ability.
Tlie ex -secretary was the author of
Arbor day (April 22), which began to
observed genernlly during his incum
bency as head of the department of
agriculture und is now generally oh
served In all the states. His constant
motto was, "Plant trees," having It
stamped In large letters under a pic
ture of a tree on his stationery. He
was an Inveterate letter writer.
The ex-secretary was exactly seventy
years old, yesterday having been the
anniversary of his birthday. He was
of Scotch-English descent. He was
iMirn In Jefferson county. N. Y but his
parents moved to Michigan when ho
was very young. He was a graduate
of Union college, N. Y. Mr. Morton
was connected editorially for a time
with the Detroit Free Press and tho
Chicago Times and then located nt
Bellevue, Neb., In November, 1854,
where in April following lie issued the
first number of the Nebraska City
Work Ahnndoneil Nine Years Since
Ileitis Carried Forward.
NEW YORK, April 20 The work of
cleaning away debris in the completed
part of the North river tunnel, which
was abandoned 'nine years ago, has
been finished, and drillers will be put
to work In a Tew days to complete the
tunnel for the New York and New Jer
sey Railroad company.
The recent survey of the work shows
that the entire tunnel will be 5,800 feet
long and that 4,200 feet on the New
Jersey side nnd 110 feet on the New
York side were completed when the
work was abandoned. Tills leaves but
one-quarter of the work to be done.
The New Y'qrk terminal will be at
Greenwich and Christopher streets,
where a block of property has been ac
quired for a union depot for New Jer
sey trolley companies.
I More Doers Out of Aetlon.
LONDON, April 2!).-The war office
has made public the following dispatch
from Lord Kitchener, at Pretoria:
1 "Since April 21, twenty-live Boers have
been killed, seventy-eight have been
taken prisoners and twenty-five sur
rendered. There has been desultory
fighting in various sections of the
Transvaal and the Orange River Colo
ny. The garrison at O'oklep, Cape Col
ony, successfully held out uutil It was
relieved by the columns."
A nilllon Dollar Beet Trust.
CHICAGO, April 20.-A billion dollar
packing trust is among tho possibilities
If the United States government should
succeed in maintaining, as contemplate
ed, Injunction proceedings. The predic
tion was made in La Salle street 'finan
cial circles that the large packers who
may be made defendants In the federal
court will be forced formally to coin
bine if the prosecutiou against them
under the Sherman antitrust law
should be successful.
Cloning Stock Quotations.
Money on call steady nt i per cent.
Prime mercantile paper, 44f44 per cent.
Sterling exchange steady, with actual
business in bunkers' bills at t4.87Vat.SH for
demand and at 4.8&rcj4.Su:ft for ISO days.
Posted rates, I4.S6 and 4.8Si4.8!. Com
mercial bills, 4.X4rrf.4.S5.. Bur sliver, Glc.
Mexican dollurs, 41c. Government bonds
steady. State bonds steady. Rallroud
bondH firm. Closing prices:
Atchison DSVi N. T. Central... 161
Ones. & Ohio.... 48 Ontario West. 34
People's UUB....105 Pacific Mall .... 43
Del. & Hudson.. 179 Reading- 67
Erie 39 Rock Island ....178
Gen. Electric... .127 St. Paul 171
Lackawanna 2S8 Sugar Refinery. 124
Lead 20' Texas Paclrlo ... 43
Louis. & Nash. .129 Union Paclllc ...104
Manhattan Con.135 Wabash pref. .. 45
Missouri Pac....l00 West. Union ... 82!4
New York Markets.
FLOUR Had a steady tons at old
prices; Minnesota patents, $3.90''d4.20; win
ter straights, I3.7fifc3.90; winter extras, $3.10
winter patentH. J3.8Mi4.05.
WHEAT Generally firm on unfavorable
KansHS news, covering and steadier ca
bles than expected. May, 807,'(S1 3-16c;
July, 80 11-1H&81 1-160.
RYE Steady; state, 6163c., c. t. f., New
York, car lots; No. i western, C414o,, f. o.
b., uflnimt.
CORN Firm, but not active, Influenced
bv cables and good Chicago buying; May,
tiVKc.; July, tix'yiKi9o.
OATS Dull, but steudler; track, white,
statu, 6KU5tks. ; track, white, western, 51i
PORK-Steudy; mess, I17I&18; family, $10
LAUD Steady; prime western steam,
10. 40C.
KUTTER-Steady; state dairy, 19&220.;
cretimery, 201 23c.
CHliKHB Firm; state, full cream, small,
early made, funcy. colored nnd white.
:t'4c. ; full cream, large, full mudo, fancy,
colored und white, 12i I2',e.
KGG8 Unruly steady; stnte and Penn
sylvania, 17'ul7c.; western, ut murk, l(i
"tIHPENTINK Dull at Witfe
KICK Steady ; domestic, 4V0Vc; Ja
pan. 4'!ifc.
TALLOW Firm; city, 6V4C. ; country, 6
HAY Dull; shipping, DuiilSc. ; good to
choice, 87!vu95c.
Uuffulo Live Stock Market.
CATTLK Receipts, 2"0 head: dull and
Blow. VeHls Receipts. ir.O bead; full easy
lo 2fo. lower; choice, iMit.ib; fair to good,
i5.ron 5.75. common, $4.50'u5.2fj.
HUGH Receipts, 4.2i.O head; better
grades full steady; others dull and lower;
Yorkers, T Ji 7.15; light do., (0. 754; 6.90;
mixed packers. $7.2Mi7.40; choice huuvy.
t7.4fiif7.6fi; pigs. $B.4uVfl.56.
SI1K.KP AND LAM IIS Receipts, 6,200
heed: iihout sternly; wool stock nearly
Heglecteil ; choice lurnlm, 7.3."4f 7.60; good to
choice,,lf7.26; culls to (air. J.YflMi7;
sheep, choice handy wethers, t6.IOii.76:
yeurilngs, 10.406.90.
Cost of Making an Archbishop.
It may surprise many people to know
that the cost of making nn Archdislu p
of Canterbury in hardly less than the
cost of making an M. P., and the cost
of a bishopric is not a great deal less.
Dr. Temple, when he took over the
primacy, found himself with a bill to
pay of only a trifle short of qoo, or,
to be exact, ,885 5s. 6d. The sum
is split up in an extraordinary way
among a list of officials of all sorts,
many of whom have nothing to do
with the primate from the beginning
to the end of his official career. The
creditors of a new primate include
eight doorkeepers the Clerk of Parli
aments, the Gentleman Usher of the
Black Rod and a long procession of
somebodies and nobodies at Canter
bury, Bow Church and the House of
The Board of Green Cloth receives
$0 4d. for "homage fees," the audit
or of the Dean and Chapter of Cant
erbury receives 20 10s. as an "elec
tion fee," and the Crown Ollice draws
the considerable sum of tu for the
"restitution of temporalities." The
royal license costs ,140, nearly half
of which goes to the Home Office,
and another 75 17s. Od. must be
paid for the royal assent. It is indeed,
pay, pay, pay with the primate as with
the taxpayer, but he probably does
not mind. It is irritating, no doubt,
to throw away hundreds of pounds for
doorkeepers and ushers and clerks to
scramble for, but it is the price that
must be paid if one would cross the
threshhold of Lambeth Palace as its
master, and it is, after all, not much
to pay for a palace and filteen thous
and a year. From London St. James'
Luxurious Traveling Facilities
Philadelphia & Reading's New Hourly Trains.
The new hourly trains which will
commence running on the Philadel
phia and Reading Route between
Philadelphia and New York on May
1 8th, leaving the Terminal in each
city on the even hour from 7.00 a. ni
10 7 00 p. m. every weekday, will in
their equipment equal if they do not
surpass any of the noted Special Limit-
ed Trains.
The equipment will consist of wide
vestibuled combination cars and pas
senger coaches, finely finished and up
holstered in blue plush, a special new
supply of cars being nearly ready for
delivery, ordered especially for these
trains and to each train will be added
one or more Pullman Parlor Cars fur
nished with buffet when necessary.
When it is also noted that these will
be all Fast Express Trains through
without a change, a number of them
making the run between the two cities
in 2 hours and the position of the
Terminals. The Reading Terminal.
Philadelphia being in the centre of the
trade and shopping district, and New
YorK bound travelers having the
choice at Jersey City of boats to either
Liberty Street or Whitehall Terminal
(South Ferry), at the latter place
under the same roof with the Elevated
Roads and the ferries for Brooklyn, it
is evident that travellers by this route
will have accommodations not sur
passed by any railroad service in the
Parade Day. Knights of the Golden Eagle,
Reduced Rates to Shamokin via the Ponnsyl
vania Railroad.
For the benefit of those desiring to
witness the parade of the Grand Castle
of Pennsylvania, Knights of the Golden
Lagle, at Shamokin, Pa., on May 13
1902, - the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell excursion tickets to
Shamokin from all stations on the
Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Divis
ion from Willtamsport to Sunbury, in
elusive; from Sunbury to Wilkesbarre
and Tomhicken, inclusive; on the
Northern Central Railway Division
from Sunbury to Harrisburg, inclusive
at rate of single fare for the round
trip (minimum rate, twenty-five cents)
1 nese ucKeis win De good going on
May 13 and returning until May 14
"Cleanliness i s next to godliness," Dirt
and depravity go hand in hand, this is just
as true of the inside of the body as the out
side. Constipation docs the body and
clouds the mind. Constipation means that
corruption is breeding in the body, poison
ing the blood with its foul emanations, lie
fogging the brain with its tainted exhala
tions. Constipation is the beginning of
more diseases tnnu, perhaps, any other
single disorder 1 lie consequences of con.
stipation are legion, lleudache, pain in the
side, shortness of breath, undue fullness
after eating, coldness of the extremities,
nervousness, indecision, lassitude, dizziness,
sallowness, flatulence, and a score of other
ailments are directly caused by constipation.
':ure constipation and you cure its conse
quences. The quickest cure of this evil is
obtained by the use of Ir. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets, They are small in size but wonder
ful in result. They cure permanently. They
contain no injurious ingredients. Tne use
of them does not beget the " pill habit."
Ask your druggist for them.
Send 31 one-cent stumps, the expense of
mailing only, and receive ir. Pierce's Coin,
mon Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers.
This work contains 1008 pages and 700
illustrations. For 31 stamps it can be had
in substantial cloth binding. Address L'r.
K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V.
tlearithe ,4 118 You Have Always Bought
Tlio Kind You Have Always
111 UNO lor OVPr jcur,
J-f Konal
. - .. .
All Counlorielis, jiiiuavum ...... . .
Caslorla U a Imrniless Mil-stTuito for Castor OH, Pare
goric, lroPs nml Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
Contains ..Jltl.or Opium, Morphine ..or oilier Naroot 0
pubstnme. Its nc Is Its guarantee. It lostroys Wr nin
mid allays FcvoiMmvss. It t uics Diarrluca ami Wind
Colic, it relieves Teetliinff Troubles, cures Gonstlpatlou
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Foo.l, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving' healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears tho
The Kind You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Cigars, .Tobacco Candies, Fruits and Huts
Henry Maillard's Fine CandieB. Freeh Every Week.
F. F. Adams & Cd's t ine
Bole agents for tbe
Honry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver As
Bloomsburg Pa.
t Doors ab(ne Court House '
A large lot of Window Curtains in stock.
Not a Quarter But 10 cents, nnd 40
dnses in a vinl of Dr. Agnew's Little 1 ills.
No pain, pleasure in every close little, but
awfully good. Cure Sick Headache, Con
stipation, Biliousness, Nausea, Sallowness.
The quarter size is 150 per cent cheaper
than other pills. 59
Sold by C. A. Kleim.
The spring poet buds without being plant,
A Magical Lifb Saver Is Dr. Agnew's
Cure for the Heart. After years of pain
and agony with distressing Heart Disease,
it gives relief in 30 minutes. Thos. Petryj
of Aylmer, Que., writes: " I had suffered
for five years with a severe form of Heart
Disease. The slightest exertion produced
fatigue. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart
gave me instant relief, four bottles entirely
cured me." 58.
Sold by C. A. Kleim.
A woman might 1e a factor in r olittcs if
she could only stuff a ballot-l o as well a-i
she can pack a trunk.
All who use Atomizers in treating
nasal catarrh will get the best result from
Ely's Liquid Cream Halm. 1 rice, includ
ing spraying tube, 75cts. Sold by druggists
or mailed by Ely Bros., 56 Warren St., N.
Messrs. Ei.v linns. . i Bn ....
- gum inu
of your Liquid Cream Balm to a customer, I
...... i.i.iu..riiuii, 1415 ueiachnise St. New
Orleans; he has used the two bottles, giv.
ing him wonderful and most satisfactory re
sults. Geo. W. McDuff, Pharmacist.
The dealer in umbrellas believes in the
weather profits.
Convinced iiy Printed Testimony of
the hundreds of the cured, Mrs. Bent -f
418 E. 8;h street, New York, who was 'for
years a great sufferer from Catarrh, pro
cured two bottles of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder and it effected an absolute cure in
a very short while. One ,,uff ihumah the
blower will clear the head and slop head
ache. 50 cents. 57, 1
Sold by C. A. Kleim.
The people who si'.g "thd7 ow pra;
never indulge in duets. 1
O AB-roiH A.
Bears tie ,4 1 tie Kind Vuu HavB Always Bought
I.ouB1it. nnd wlilrh
i.., lmrnn ultrlUUIirO OI
ju. - - - - - r1.lar-
tunIn lilulfT lllft IrCr-
supervision Mnro Its liifatioy.
1"nre but
Signature of
Cut Chewing Tobacco
following brandB of Cigars-
Pome Foolish People Allow a cough
to run until it gets beyond the reach of
medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will
wear away," but in most cases it will wear
them away. Could they be induced to try
the successful medicine called Kemp's
Balsam, which is sold on a positive guaran
tee to cure, they would immediately see the
excellent effect after taking the first dose.
Price 25c. and 50c. Trial size free. At ail
druggists. 4.!od-4t.
The Markets.
corrected weekly. retail l' ricks.
Butter, per pound $ ja
Eggs, per dozen
Lard, per pound -
Ham, per pound " 1
Beef (quarler), per pound 6 to g
Wheat, per bushel g qq
Oats, do 0
Kve, do 55
Flour per bbl .
Hay, per ton 14 00
Potatoes, (new), per bushel I 00
Turnips,. do .
Tallow, per pound '.!"!.'.""! 06
Shoulder, do 10
Side meat, do ."..'.."."!!!!!" la
Vinegar, per qt ! .".'..!.'!!!! o
Dried apples, per pound '" 06
Cow hides, do ,1
Steer do do oS
Calf skin ' g
Sheep pelts '."!"!"!!"."" 75
Shelled corn, per bushel '.!!!!!!!!! 8a
Corn meal, cwt a
""". cwt , .
t;lip. cwt "" ;L
Middlings, cwt , '
Chickens, per pound, new Ja
r ti ou :: I0
Geese, do
Ducks, do "
Number 6, delivered ,
o 4 and 5 delivered""."""""' 2 J
do 6, at yard 7
dj 4 and 5, at yard...".''.'.'.'.'.'." 4 a
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Boar, the y IhO Kind YOU Haw Alwavs finnirl