The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 06, 1902, Image 1

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    iff mHY
VOL. 37.
NO. 6
The regular February session of
Court opened on Monday at 10 a.
m, with Judge Little and Associates
on the bench.
Judge Little handed down the fol
lowing cases :
Robert S. Howell vs. II W. Angle.
Certiorari from Justice of the Peace.
Order and opinion ot Court filed.
Judgment of Justice affirmed.
Petition of Robert S. Howell for
mandamus. Opinion of Court filed.
Judgment for costs in favor of Wm.
Boeart, Justice of the Peace.
Estate of Rebecca Smith. Excep
tions to report of Auditor. Opinion
and order of Court filed
Constables' returns were taken.
Constable Jeremiah Veager, of
Catawissa township, reported that the
index boards near Adams' Hotel are
down. It was referred to the Dis
trict Attorney.
Constable Vansickle, of Sugarloaf,
leturns bridge over Cole's Creek, near
Tri-Miils, in dangerous condition, ow
ing to absence of, guard rails. Says
the Supervisors know the condition of
the bridge but they refuse to do any
thing with it, as they claim it is a
county bridge and has never been ac
cepted by the township. Matter re
ferred to the JJisirict Attorney.
Grand Jury called and sworn. Har
man T. Young appointed and sworn
as foreman of the Grand Jury.
Robert M. McBride appointed con
stable to wait upon Grand Jury.
Estate of Daniel Young. Audit
, er's report confirmed nisi.
Estate of Sarah B. Mensch. Re
turn of sale confirmed nisi.
Estate ot Enoch Rittenhouse. Re
turn of sale confirmed nisi.
Report of viewers in favor of pub
lic road in Locust township, near
Daniel Rumpell's mill, confirmed nisi.
Estate of John Swank. Return of
sale confirmed nisi.
Court fixed February 5, 1902, at a
p. ui., for reading of Sheriff's return
and acknowledgement of deeds in the
following cases :
Joseph Deppen vs. W. H. Magill
Co Operative Savings & Loan As
nciation, now to use of Enoch Har
lan and Roger T. Gill, Receivers, vs.
Theodore Conner.
Same vs. Frank G. Case.
Same vs. Willis C. Wall.
Same vs. Peter H. Connei.
Estate of Mary A. Kamerzel. Re
turn of sale confirmed nisi.
Estate of Abby Leiby. Return ot
sale confirmed nisi.
Report of viewers in favor ot coun
ty bridge in Beaver township, near
Shuman's Hotel, confirmed nisi.
Estate of George Lockard. Audit
or's report confirmed nisi.
Estate of Joseph W. Hendershott.
Auditor's report confirmed nisi.
A P. Fowler vs. Redeker Furniture
Co. Petition tor rule to show cause
why Sheriff's deed shall not be made
by Sheriff of Columbia County to J.
H. Riail. Rule absolute.
Estate of A. M. Masteller. Audit
or's report confirmed nisi.
. In re application for the incorpora
tion of the Boro of West Berwick
Decree and order of Court vacating
the decree made Dec. 0, iqoi, and
setting aside proceedings filed.
In the matter of the application for
the incorporation of the village of
west Berwick as a borough by the
name, style and title of "The Borough
f West Berwick."
In the Court of Quarter Sessions of
the Peace of the County of Columbia,
Nov. 4, Sept. sess. 1901.
Now, February 3, 1901, it appear
ing to the Court that the decree and
orders of the Court incorporating the
Borough of West Berwick made as of
December 9th, iqoi. was made in
advertently and prior to a full compli
ance with the conditions prescribed by
the acts of Assembly in such cases
made and provided, in that the pro
visions of the Act of June 26, 1895,
P. L. 389, had not been so complied
with as to confer jurisdiction on the
Court to make the said decree and
orders of December 9, 1 901, it is here
by ordered and decreed that the said
decree and orders of the Court made
as of December 9, 1901, incorporat
ing the Borough ot West Berwick,
with all of the decrees .and orders
made as of December 9, 1901, in re
spect thereto, are hereby, vacated and
made void, and also, it is hereby
ordered and decreed that the proceed
ings had in this Court as of No.- 22,
Sept. tern- 1901, upon petition of
Jfreeholoers and others for incorpora
tion of the Borough of West Berwick
are hereby vacated and set aside and
the said petition filed on September
3, 1901, is hereby dismissed.
X 1 1
Blooms. burg Knlional Ban I
bases all its liustneM with its patrons on the underlying principle
of interest, which is carefully conserved in all triitisui tions.
This conumnds respect became it is" right, and from this standpoint
alone can come that ideal relation that ouyht to exist between a bank
ami its customers.
A. Z. SCHOCH, President.
Petition of freeholders for the in
corporation ot West Berwick, etc ,
filed. .
Samuel Shaffer, Boyd Trescott and
George Miller appointed to view site
for county bridge over Raven Creek,
in Benton township near William Ash.
Registers and Prothonotary's ac
counts and widow's appraisements
confirmed nisi.
James Smith Woolen Machine Co.
vs. Magee Carpet Works et. al. Mo
tion ot James Magee 2d to set aside
service of writ. Rule granted.
Petition for the incorporation of
the Rupert Hunting, Fishing and
Boating Club at Rupert, Col. Co.,
Pa. Refused.
Report of viewers against road in
Greenwood township near Wesley
Morris. Confirmed nisi.
Estate of Margaret Seaborne. Rer
turn of sale confirmed nisi.
Petition of S. B. Lutz for discharge
of trustee in estate of Jacob Nuss.
Supplementary report of vtewers in
favor of road in Montour township
near house of G. Y. Mourey confirm
ed nisi.
Nelson Hartman vs. Frank W.
Boone. Partition in Common Pleas.
Return of sale confirmed nisi.
James Cartwright appointed In
spector of Election in Conynghani W.
No. 1.
Estate of Andrew Laubach. Re
turn of sale confirmed nisu
Report of re viewers to vacate and
reinstate road in Fishingcreek town
ship near Thomas Coleman's Dam
confirmed absolute.
Report of viewers in the matter of
opening of 15th or River street,
Bloomsbsrg, confirmed absolute.
Report ot viewers against road in
Mt. Pleasant township near land of
Jacob Fisher confirmed absolute.
Report ot viewers in favor of road
in Orange township near Elmira Force
confirmed absolute.
Report of viewers on road in Pine
township near Daniel Bidlec confirmed
Report of viewers to view site for
county bridge near T. M. Adams
confirmed absolute.
Estate ot Thomas W. McIIenry.
Auditor's report confirmed nisi.
Estate of Benjamin Wagner. Re
turn of sale confirmed nisi.
Estate of Caleb Girton. Leave
granted to file amended return of sale.
Constable John Crawford, of Mt.
Pleasant tgwnship, returned the bridge
in Mt. Pleasant township near Poor
House Farm in. dangerous condition t
states arch is crumbling away, etc.,
and asks that some action be taken
by the Court regarding it. This is
the same bridge that has been re
turned by Constable Crawford for the
past two years. The matter was re
fen ed to the District Attorney with
instructions to send up an indictment
against the County Commissioners.
Commonwealth vs. Horace Eveland
et. al. Charge conspiracy, etc. Nolle
pros, allowed on payment of costs.
Commonwealth vs. Charles Wnhers.
Charge F. & B. Continued.
Commonwealth vs George Sarley.
Charge desertion. Nolle pros, allow
ed upon payment of costs.
Commonwealth vs. II. F. Smith.
Charge perjury. Continued.
Commonwealth vs. Benjamin Lanyon.
Charge F. & B. Continued.
Commonwealth vs. Wesley Gilbert.
Charge F. & B. Continued.
Commonwealth vs. Robert Grant
et. al. Charge highway robbery and
assault and battery. Continued.
Commonwealth vs. Charles Ernest.
Charge assault and battery with in
tent, etc. Continued
Grand Jury makes the following re-
WM. II. HIDLAY, Cashier.
T. M 0. 4. N0TE3-
The speaker next Sunday in the
Men's meeting is one of the choice
men in God's word, Mr. H. W. Frost
of Toronto, Canada. He is the Di
rector of the China Inland Mission
for North America Mr. Frost has
just returned from a trip to China
and Japan. He visited China im
mediately after the Boxer trouble
broke out and had an opportunity to
know, from observation, the nature
and extent of that great uprising. Mr.
Frost is a graduate of Princeton in
the same class with James McConkey
who has spoken in Bloomsburg before
many aud ences and will be especially
remembered as one of the speakers
at the State Y. M. C. A. Bible Con
ference held at the Normal school in
1897. Mr. Harry Barton will have
charge of the music and the Epworth
League choir will sing special selec
tions. Bible Study Union Friday evening
at 7:30, Synthetic Study of Genesis
is followed in this class. Young men's
class Saturday evening at 8 o'clock.
The Evening School is in full swing,
but there is s'.iil room for a few more
students. Almost any branch taught.
The Physical Culture classes will
begin next week. See prospectus or
call at the building for information.
The Grand Regent of Pennsylvania,
Hon. H. Druckemiller, is expected to
visit the Bloomsburg Council next
Friday evening, February 7th. Grand
Orator Wickersham may also be
present. A social session will begin
at &00 o'clock. Refreshments will
be served. The members are re
quested to meet promptly at 7:15
The latest styles in type for visiting
cards can be seen at this office. By a
change in the arrangement of our
show case, ladies can order cards in
the front office without going back
into the work shoD. Call and see
samples, tf.
Mr- William R- Imu, of Williamsport, Pa
Will speak in the Evangelical
Church on Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday evenings, and comes well re
commended. Come and hear him.
Kiad My Ao on 5 tii Page.
Big Stock of
Or Knives
F and
Forks n$
and Tea Spoons
which I will sell at prices very
low in order to reduce stock
before 1 move.
March 24, 1902 1 will occupy
the store room iu the Eut
building which is now Utah
ton's Drug Store.
J. Lee Martin,
Telephone 1842.
Some of the industrious ladies of
Lime Ridge were badly swindled last
week by a young man claiming to be
a representative of Jonas Long's
store. His gag was to secure ladies
to make fljwers for the millinery de
partment ol Jonas Long's branch
store, which, lie claimed, had been
established at Berwick. After he
peisuaded the to take up the
work, he then secuied $1 50 from
each, which was to pay for materia s
used in making the flowers, and also
fr lessons to learn to make them,
which were to be taught by a lady
wh would call the next day. Alur
they had learned to make the flowers
they were to be paid $2.00 per week,
working one hour each day. Of
course, the "lady" has not come, and
the ladies who were so defrauded will
never see their "teacher," the swin
dler, or their $1 50, although he has
a standing invitation to cal again at
the village, where a warm reception
awaits him should he reappear. All
kinds of threats are being made in
his behalf, and he will be doing well
by keeping his distance. Perhaps he
has been enclosed behind iron bars
before now, if not, it is not because
he don't deserve being there.
Preached to Deaf Mates.
The Rev. Franklin C. Smileiu held
a service in St. Paul's Church last
night for a few deaf mutes who live
in town. Mr. Smileau is himself deaf
and dumb, and is an ordained minis
ter in the Episcopal Church. His
whole time is devoted to ministering
to the deaf mutes in the diocese of
Central Pennsylvania. It will be a
surprise, probably, to our readers to
be told that there ate in this State
alone 5,000 deaf mutes, 'of whom
2500 are found in Central Pennsyl
For District Attorney
The name of Christian A. Small.
Esq., of Catawissa, appears in this
issue under the head of political an
nouncements, as a candidate for Dis
trict Attorney. Mr. Small has worked
his way well up towards the tront
rank of the junior bar and has a
good practice. He has been chair
man of the Democratic county com
mittee for the past two years, and
has filled the position very acceptably.
If nominated he will make an etlic
ient officer.
Samuel McHenry and daughter,
of Rohrsburg, were in town on
Friday on legal business. They
are the father and sister of the
late Thomas McHenry who was
murdered about a year ago. Mr
McHenry is now eighty-two years
of age but is well preserved for one
of his years. He has been a sub
scriber to this paper continuously
since Col. Tate's time, nearly forty
years ago.
Pnblio Sales-
Now is the time to fix a date for
spring sales. Our sale posters are
up-to date and as cheap as can be
found in the county. A free notice
is given in the paper until day ot sale
in all cases when posters are printed
at this office. 4t.
Removal !
will remove his
hardware store to
room now occu
pied by Ben Qid
ding;, about
March 9,1902.
All goods not n
the staple line will
be sold at "
rather than move
General Hahdwaee,
Corner flain
For the next two weeks we will
sell all
Suits and
Rather Than
Ben Gadding,
, qso Come in and see us, we'll
treat you right.
The Leader
5 Per Cent.
We have been telling you we want double
the business for 1902 that you gave us iu 1901.
The Banking Business
5 Per Ct. per Wonh on Deposits.
IMPOSSIBLE 1 Oh, no! Here's our plan,
briefly. Full particu'ars in our circulars :
Trade with, ua and we furnish you with a
deposit book of the Leader Bank. Evrery pur
chase you make is entered to your credit in
your book. At the end of the month we give
5 Per Ct. on the Amt. so Purchased.
You can take this 5 per ceut. credic and
with it purchase anything to that amount in
the store. We do not say to you that you have
to buy a chair or a lamp that you may not
want. If you have a credit of $1.00 take it
and buy a dollar's worth of sugar, or potatoes,
or muslin, or anything else you may want.
5 Per Cent. Interest on Everything You Buy.
Bank opens for business Feb. 8th.
Leader Dep't Store
Fourth and Market Sts.,
5 Per Cent.
MARCH 1st.
and Centre Sts.
of 40 Per Ct.
Hove Them.
Dep't 5tore.
5 Per Cent.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
0 X
5 Per Cent.
Continued on page 8 1st Col.