The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 26, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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General Milee ensured by
His Orders.
Caaaaar of Army Tla1 He Had
iilam I f.tprrf Hlaaarlf
rblrr Vrdlrt-J?rtarr t.nmg
Afprva Manrltr Hort.
WAf HI NO TON, Dec. 23.-Tfc lateft
Dation Id the Schley cane following
the A'.tlon of fk-cretary of the Navy
Long In approving the finding", of the
conrt of Inquiry la the appearance of
I'realdent Hooev-lt on the H'ne and
exercising h!n prerogatives a com
mander in chief of the army and navy.
Id doing which he ordered the repri
mand of Lieutenant General Slile by
Secretary Root and a demand for the
ren.'gtjatlon of Kdgar Stanton Maclay
from hi berth nn iecial laborer in the
Brocklyo Davy yard.
General Mile la the jrwrnl com
manding the army, and the censure Irn-ptu-
ty the prex.'dent' direction !.
called forth by an Interview on the
Schley court and it finding. Mr. Mat-lay
Is the Metorian of the navy, ui:oe
ccutiationa; of VnltifT" conduct
Rear Admiral S'ljl'-y caused the rum
pua which retcilted In the court of in
quiry, and who also talked In violation
of the regulation.
General Mile wan reprimanded for
I urn wl!1lnif to take th j'lgm-ul of I.:wy in th matlr. H ha
been a rornrriJin'ier of & flet and ttn auch
hum known of tho anxieti and ronal
MIHIa hkh reat on a man un'lT thoK!
clrrtimatanf-a. Ji'; wan lnfrumnTiil In
the d'-mni'tl'in of one Kpanlnh flet and
known nl r;ilj!a th: rei:riirii that en
compaM an officer und-r auch condition.
I fr.lnk lt-Kty ha aumrned up the mat
ter In a clear nnd conctK manner, and I
bellev hi conr.-lualoria will be Indoraed by
the patriotic people of the t'nlted State.
I have no nympathy with the effort a
whf'h have b--n m.'ide to i-troy the hon
or of an officer under uch circumstance.
Mr. Maclay also gave an Interview
on the finding of the court, in which
be flcclared that all the statement he
bad made had laen xubKtantiated by
the tetttlmony preM-nted to the court of
When the Interview with General
Mile wan published, Secretary Root,
by Instruction of the preideiit. called
upon the general for an explanation
which wait made In writing.
The formal reprimand 1 contained in
a letter from Secretary Root to General
Milea, In which the aecretary nays:
Tour explanation of the public atate
ment mad by you 1 not aatlsfactory.
Tou are In error If you nuppoae that you
have the name rlicht a any other citizen
to exprea publicly an opinion regarding
official question pending In the course of
military discipline. The established and
invariable rule of official propriety necea
aary to the effective discipline of the aerv
tce Impoiie limitation upon the public ex
preaalon of military officer, with which
your long experience ahould have made
you familiar.
Your duty I to expreaa your opinion on
official matter when called upon by your
official Muperlor or In the due courae of j
your official report arxl recommendation
and not otherwise. Tha first article of the
regulation governing the army of the
United Htat-s provides:
"Deliberation or discussion among mil
itary men conveying pralae or cenure or
any mark of approbation toward othera
In the military service are prohib
ited." The present fact are that for several
yean there had been an unfortunate and
bitter controveray In the navy department
- controversy generally deplored even by
the participants, a tending to bring the
aervlc Into dlsesteem at home and abroad
and to deatroy those relation of mutual
Influence nnd friendship between naval
offlcem which the Intereat of effective
service require.
In thlM controvery tha army had not
been Involved, and no bar had been raised
to that good feeling and friendly relation
between all the officer of the navy and
all the officer of the army which Is essen
tial to the successful and harmonious co
operation of the two services In prepara
tion and In action. A court of Inquiry had
been held on the matters In controversy,
and a report had been made In which one
member of the court had dissented In
some particulars from the majority, and
the report wo pending before the review
; tng authority.
At. this point you, the lieutenant general
of the army, saw lit to make a public ex
pression of your opinion as between the
majority and the minority of the court,
accompanied by a criticism of the mot
severe character, which could not fall to
be applied by the generality of readers to
the naval officer against whose view your
opinion was expressed. It Is of no conse
quence on whose side your opinion was or
what It was.
Secretary Root concluded his letter
with this Hbarp reproof:
You hud no business In the controversy
and no right, holding the office which you
do, to express any opinion.
Your conduct was In violation of the
regulation above cited and of the rules of
official propriety, and you are Justly liable
to censure, which I now express.
Before be mnde public hi Indorse
ment on the findings of the court of
Inquiry Secretary Ing Bhowed It to
the prealdent, who beurtlly approved It,
This la Secretary Long's approval of
Hie majority report:
The department has read the testimony
In this case, the arguments of counsel at
the trial, tha court's findings of fact, opin
ion and recommendation, the Individual
' memorandum of the presiding member,
tha statement of exceptions to the said
. findings and opinion by the applicant.
the reply to said statement by the Judge
advocate of the court and hi assistant
and the brief this day submitted by coun
set for Rear Admiral Bumpson traversing
the presiding member's view as to who
was In command at tne battle or Huntlago,
And, after careful consideration, ths
findings of fact and the opinion of ths
full court are approved.
As to the points on which the presiding
member differ from the opinion of tha
majority of the court, the opinion of the
majority Is approved.
As to the further expression of his
views by ths same member with regard to
the Question of command on the morn
Inif of July i, IK!', and of the title to credit
for the ensuing victory, the conduct of ths
court In making no finding and rendering
no opinion on those quest Ions Is approved,
Indued It could wnn propriety, tune no oui
mr course, evidence on these question dur
tng the Inquiry having been excluded by
rhe court.
t The department approves the reenmmen
dstlnn of the court that no further pro
ceeding be had In tns premises.
Kfflrlala of Vlaiaatn Prarlae
(. A 14 t Hvhrta.
MANILA. rv. 23 ;nni1 Ooorre
W. par!, commanding at Zanil-on;a.
Ifi!aiil of Mindanao, ban r.a-tf-l that
tb proving of MiMtnU, Mindanao,
again N plao! tinlr luilitury f-ontrol.
tTiTal Iavl baa proof that the re
cent 1 t cWiH prcftidrntr and vlf
cnunHiora and the leading tnn of
Otnyan Minamls are Ttiilty of tr'-a-oti
In furnlfthlng ammunition to tip In
Mtircnt within the pant month.
The of the province of
la alo Implicate. The flvwi
that all tli"c men were meniU-rr of
the aecret Katipunan nrx-IetT. fic-i.- ral
Jnini - n Y. Wide, commanding, the!
Arnri - (in f'-fea on Otn Inland. o.n-
f-iim in and indorwa the rnnnt of
General Pari and, reviewing the xita
lition In Mindanao, nay he la natisfled
that the enda of Juftiee, peace and koo'J
government will MooneM I? obtained
by the restoration of military control
to the province of Mi nam la and the
overcoming of all reitanco to that au-
TLe United State army transport
Meade ha arrived here. She report
having met a terrific typhoon I'er. 13
and 1.1 which did some damage to her
boat and flooded the cabin ami the
hosp.tul quarters, causing great alarm
to tnje on board.
General Chaffee, t-peaklng on the sit
uatloij In the islands, said he r-on-ider-ed
iiii'i.tii us iu the I'hilippinc to be
hopeful ami that by the end of Febru
ary all the turbulent provinces will
have In-en pacified. Geiieiul Chaffee ex
ccpt the Island of Samar, however,
which will probably require aome
mouth longer. There the aituntiou de
mands a policy of rigid Ktarvution and
the giving of food only to tboe who
surrender or who tay in the town.
The closing of the port iu Ijiguna
and I'.ataiiga provinces In Luzon ha
had a most salutary effect, as tin; meas
ure ha resulted iu touching the pock
et of the Manila Filipinos who have
been aiding the insurgents. The former
are now anxious for peace uud are
working to that end.
Mx Killed anil Many Hart at Allen
tot a, I'a.
ALLENTOWN. Pa., Dec. 24.-Six
person were killed and a number In
jured hint night by reason of on elec
tric car Jumping the track at a sharp
curve at the foot of the Lehigh moun
tain between here and C'oopersburg.
The accident was due to the wet rail
and unow. The dead are:
Rev. Tolilii Keller, aged sixty, an
unuttached Reformed church clergy
man, killed within sight of hi home.
Allert Ycager of Allentown, aged
Mra. Dr. Jacob Fetzer of Cooper
burg, aged thirty-five.
Ambrose Relnhard of Freedensville,
aged fifty.
Irwin Reuncr of Zion Hill, farmer,
aged fifty-live.
Frank Wesley of Allentown.
Motorman Stocker tried hard to
stop the car when It slipped on the
steep grade, but. the car Hew around
the curve and swung against a guy
pole, which tore off one Hide of the car
and the roof. Those killed aat along
the broken Hide of the car and were
crushed by the post. The new Coop
ersbtirg line, on which the accident oc
curred, opened only last Wednesday.
Ipton'a American Friends Head film
a Silver Poach Howl.
LONDON, Dec. 25. Sir Thomas Lip.
ton haa received a magnificent silver
punch bowl and stand as a ChrlHtmas
gift from John D. Crlinmins, J. II.
Flagler, Charles Dana Gibson, Judge
Morgan O'ltrlen and nineteen other
Americans who were guests on board
the Erin during the races this year
for the America's cup.
Sir Thomas said:
"I cannot say how delighted I am.
It merely Hhows that If a man does
the right thing In America they ap
preciate It as no other people do. I
have never received anything I value
more than this splendid gift from my
American friends."
King Edward has presented Sir
Thomas Upton with a cigarette case
bonrlng the royal monogram. It. Is a
ropllcu of the one the king himself
Slid Knd of a Sleigh Hide.
MIDDLKSRORO, Ky., Dec. 24.
Charles I'rcHton, aged about thirty
years, took little Jessie Marlon sleigh
riding on Powell river, across the Cum
berland mountains. The Ice gave way,
and the girl wus drowned. Preston
tried manfully to save the girl, and,
becoming crossed over the matter, he
went to the child's mother nnd com
mltted suicide In her presence.
The I.eblub's Heavy Damage.
E ASTON, I'a., Dec. 24. It is estl
muted that the flood of little more than
a week ago damaged property of tho
Lehigh Valley Railroad company to
the amount of $2)10,000; on the Lehigh
division, $10,000; Mahunoy and Hazlo-
ton division, $ro,tXK); Pennsylvania and
New York and Auburn divisions, $50,
000, and Wyoming division, $150,000,
A Mother at Sixty-are.
TRENTON, N. J., Dec. 24. Mrs. Pe
ter Klein of 229 Rusllng street, who Is
sixty-five years of age, has given birth
to a child. Her husband, who Is a
farmer, Is seventy years of age. The
couple have been married for forty
years, and this Is their first child.
The Depew-Palraer Wrddlnr.
LONDON, Dec. 23. The wedding of
Senator Chauncey M. Dcpew, who ar
rived at Plymouth Dec. 20 on the
North German Lloyd steamer Kaiser
WUhclui der Crosse, und Miss May
Palmer has now buen fixed for Dec.
at Nice.
Argentina and Ctiile Agree to
Submit to England.
ferltUk Goverameaf Wttrklm Proa
reaa of Ike IJUpate RrMirra the
Two ( naalrlri, bat Una Herel
ed o Official tlratloa.
VALPARAISO, Im?. 2a. It la re
ported here that the government of
Argentina and Chile have 'siiol a
piotocol by which they agree to submit
the questions pending between U.etn
to the arbitration of Great Rritaln.
The riewspajwrs published here as
sure their readers that several powers
stand ready to offer their good office
to mediate the difficulty, but that Ar
gentina do-s not eonslder the moment
has yet arrived either to accept or to
rtfuju! uch offer.
According to the Tribunn. Sen or C'on-
ha Subercaseaux. the Chilean minis-
er, will leave here for Chile Jan. 1,
and the secretary of the Chilean lega
tion, Senor Errazuriz. will remain. In
Large of Chile's Interest.
Senor Subcrcaseaux conferred for
wo hour yesterday morning with Dr.
Nirterto Qulrno Costa, vice president
of Argentina, and Dr. Amancio Alcor-
ta, the minister of foreign affairs. After
this conference Senores Costa and Al
corta went to see President Roca.
The TiemjK says a casus Infill
would survene to existing conditions
If Chile, desiring to render effective
her Jurisdiction over the territory
known a Ultima Eperatiza, attempt
ed to drive the Argentine iolico from
Ms territory, as Argentina would re
sist such an attempt.
The Patriotic league will demand
that the exportation of horse and
mule be prohibited by President Rucn.
The chamber of commerce of P.ue-
nos Ayres has publicly expressed Its
appreciation of the patriotic attitude
maintained by Senor Alcorta, the for
eign minister.
Kneland Its Heard ohlngr.
LONDON. Dec. 21. The P.ritlsh gov
ernment is watching with considera
te anxiety the progress of the dispute
ictwcen the Chilean and Argentine re
public. It is said that neither side has
yet approached the British, foreign of
fice. If both Chile and Argentina re
quest Great Britain to arbitrate the
matters In dispute between them, Lord
Lansdowue, the foreign secretary, will
promptly acquiesce. . The statement,
however, of Dr. Alcorta, the Argentine
minister of foreign affairs, that Argen
tina has referred the matter to the ar
bitration of ihe Rritish government un
der the agreement of 1808 appears to
be Inaccurate, for the foreign office
says the present contention Is quite bo
yond the power of that treaty.
Colombian Liberals Commit Depre
dation al Sombre de Dloa.
COLON, Colombia, Dec. 24.-During
the absence of the government soldiers
the Liberals returned to Nombre de
Dlos and looted the commissariat of
the Manganese Mining company, an
American concern. They also threat
ened the life of the custodian of the
stores, who was forced to surrender
his keys. The company Is presenting
a claim to the government for the loss
sustained. On the arrlvul at Nombre
de Dlos of the United States gunboat
Marietta and subsequently when tho
Colombian gunboat Plnzon, with fifty
soldiers on board, reached the same
place the Liberals again disappeared.
The Plnzon after landing the troops at
Nombre de Dlos proceeded to Savanll
la. Cuptaln Foliaco, who was com
mander of the I'inzon, und several of
his officers returned to Colon on board
the Marietta und have since sailed for
San Juan, Porto Rico.
General Albun says that If the Mon
roe doctrine could be made to provide
compulsory arbitration In order to set
tle all disputes between South Ameri
can republics and European nations it
would be accepted with euthuslusui
bv all those republics.
Vessels I.onar Overdne.
vessels have been added to the overdue
list at the Merchants' Exchange. They
are the British ship Bluckbraes, 113
days out from Table buy for Portland,
quoted nt 10 per cent reinsurance, and
the British bark Enrl Cudognn, 170
days out from Antwerp for port Los
Angeles, quoted ut 10 per cent.
When "Wu Ting Pang, ths famous Chin
es Minister to Washington, irritabls and
somewhat forgetful from a severe cold,
missed on day from tb front of bis cap tk
immense diamond he always wsar there,
he was dreadfully frightened. A friend
pointed out that tb statesman bad inad
vertently donned bis turban wrong sid
befor, and that the diamond was saf in
th rear. Had Vfu Ting Pang isen wear
ing Benson's Porous Piaster on bis chsst
or back to eur bis cold, be novr would
have doubted its location, ale would bav
felt it doing its work, warmiag and mak.
Ing flexible tb tarpld masolss, eitraoting
tb paia and soreness, promotiag tha frs
u-oulatloa of tb blood, stimulating tb
skin and lungs to proper action, and so
diuohing and banishing tb malady. Thus
w psrseiT, beloved friends, that
while a pretty thing to look upon, was of
no prauhoal us. Uut Benson's Plasters
ar supremely useful. Tby relieve and
our gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, oold
on tb sheet, lam baok, eto., so quiokly
and oompletely a to mak yon wonder how
k can be. Better n'oie, wll to-tnorrovi
that's tb way they work. Get th genu,
la. All draggUu, or w will prepay post
age on any number ordered la tb United
States on receipt of 26. Mob.
BMbury A, Jetuuon, Mig. OnamisU, N.I.
Aa Oprratlaa Perforated aa ttae Gea.
eral la Detralt.
DETROIT. Dee. 23. An operation
was performed yesterday on General
R. A. Alger, former aecretary of war,
for the removal of gallstones, from
which he ha leen suffering for a long
period. General Alger rallied well
from the operation, and the surgeons
reported late last evening that be bad
recovered almost entirely from the
shock. IDs temperature was but little
above normal, and bis pulse was
strong. The following official state
ment wa Issued by the surgeons In re
gard to the operation:
"A condition of Infected gall bladder
wa present a the result of gallstones.
There were many adhesion about the
gall bladder, which was opened and
drained. General Alger's condition I
aeriou, but he stood the oiratlon
The operation wa performed by Dr.
C. O. Jennlng. II. W. Longyear. II. C.
Walker and E. L. Shurley of this city.
Dr. William Osier of Baltimore and Dr.
J. R. Murphy of Chicago.
Dr. Longyear spent the night with
General Alger. -General Alger Is In
no Immediate danger," said he, "al
though hi condition is serious. Ills
chances of recovery are very fair."
The Hoaae and Senate Adjourn to
Jaa. 1.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 20.-Before
the house adjourned yesterday over the
holiday recess a is-clal order was
made for the consideration of the Nica
raguan canal bill, beginning on Tues
day, Jan. 7, and to continue until the
bill Is disposed of. the order not, how
ever, to Interfere with revenue or ap
propriation bills. The session of the
house wa brief.
In the absence of Mr. Frye of M;iiiie,
president pro tern., Mr. Perkily of Cal
ifornia presided over the session of the
The bill temporarily to provide reve
nue for the Philippine Islands, which
was passed by the house of representa
tives Wednesday, was referred to the
committee on the Philippines.
Senator Hanna Introduced a bill
granting n pension of $.".() a year to
Mrs. McKInlcy, widow of the late pres
ident A bill was Introduced by Mr. Penrose
reviving the grade of vice admiral of
the nuvy and promoting Admirals
Sampson and Schley nnd Cuptuln
Clark to that rank.
At 12:40 p. m. the senate went Into
executive session and at 1 p. m. ad
journed until Jan. 0, I!i2.
Captain Conk's Condition.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 2.1. Captain
Francis A. Cook, who Is III at the Unit
ed States Naval hospital here. Is Im
proving slowly. Ills physician states
that It will be two weeks before he
rlli ty s.V r.
Forcible Facts. Oneiixth of the
deaths from disease are due to consumption.
Ninety-eight per cent, of all those who have
ued Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
for "weak lungs," have been perfectly and
permanently cured. Cornelius M-.Cawley,
of Leecbhurg, Armstrong Co., Pa., had in
all eighty-one hemorrhages. He says: "My
d ctor did all he could for me but could not
itnn the hemnrrharrea and alt oave tne tin in
r ---- - t f
die with consumption." What doctors could
not do "Golden Medical Discovery" did. It
stopped the hemorrhages and cured their
cause. This is one case out of thousands
Investigate the facts.
Free. Tlr. T'ierre'a nreat work. The
People's Common Sense Medical Adviser is
sent free nn receint of tlnmni to mv mat of
mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps lor
i i i. . i . i.
pajcr covercu uouk, or 31 stamps tor cioin
1 : I: A j j r 11 tr : ti ,
oinuing. tuurcss ur, i. v ricrcc, cm
falo, N. Y.
I ...
I The great trouble about accepting favors
is that they are merely loaned.
Ls ri'.'I.y to inquiries we have pleasure
in announcing that s Liquid Cream Balm
is like the solid preparation of that admir
able remedy in that it cleanses and heals
membranes affected by nasal catarrh. There
is no drying or sneezing. The Liquid Cream
Balm is adapted to use by patients who have
trouble in inhaling through the nose and
prefer spraying. The price, including spray
ing tube, is 71c. Sold by diuggists or mail
ed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren street, New
It is sometimes hard to distinguish be
tween the peacemaker and the busybody.
Bears tb ltlB ltlnl1 ou HavB 'wayS """SK
The Markets.
Butter, per pound $ 28
Eggs, per doien 28
Lard, per pound 13
Ham, per pound M
Beef (quarter), per pound 6 to 8
Wheat, per bushel 90
Oats, do 65
Rye, do 60
Flour per bbl 4 00
Hay, per ton 4 00
Potatoes, (new), per bushel.... I 00
Turnips, do 4
Tallow, per pound 05
Shoulder, do 10
Side meat, do 09
Vinegar, per qt , 05
Dried soules. per Dound 00
Cow hides, do 3$
Steer do do 05
Calf skin 80
Sheep pelts , 75
Shelled corn, per bushel 85
Corn meal, cwt 2 00
Bran, cwt I 30
Chop, cwt I 5
Middlings, cwt I 40
Chickens, per pound, new ... 10
do do old 9
Turkeys, do
Grese, , do I a
Ducks, do 08
Number 6, delivered 3 50
do 4 and 5, delivered 4 40
do 6, at yard 3 15
du 4 and 5, at yard ... , 4 5a
1 ,2 JU U
AVegelaUe Preparation for As
similating ihcroodandRcflula
ting the Stomactis and Bowels of
Promotes Diestion.Cheerfuf
ness and Rcst.Contains neilhcr
Ojnum. Morphine nor Mineral
ot Narcotic.
SfcarsManarnsr A perfect Remedy forConslipa
Tlon . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvrnstv
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
Cigars, Totacco Candies, Fruits and Nuts
Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week.J
tirine Goods j Specialty,
F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco
Bole agents for the following brands of Cigars-
Henry Clay, Londres, Normal,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
or OIE. ( LOTH,
a Doois above Court JIIouss.
A large lot of Window Curtains In stock.
RE yo" interested in your fillorcsf Art you concerned in the
J affairs of Uftt Do you care anything t.'-out the r,at men who
have brought about the eonaiuo'is ii ubicb u ate, and tbie
who are in power to-day D) yo t euiof wbole.c, animtt.-f t i ie that
art true to lift? Do yon tare Jor beauty in ai . ' 'f'un there is
no escape for you ; yu must join tb arms who read M.C lu-e regularly.
New Romantic Love Story by booth tarkington.
author of "The Gentleman from Indiana " and "Monsieur ,aueaire,"
tale of love thwarteJ but triumphant, of gallant men and beautiful
vvomeft. It dea's wLh life in Indiana ut the time of the Mexican War.
True Story of the Standard Oil. By ida m. tar
bell, author of " Life of Mapscon," Life of Lincoln," etc. A
dramttic, human story of the first uid still the greatest of all trusts not
an economic trea ise, but a.i exciting history.
Greatest of the Old Masters.
By JOHN LA FAROE. Interest
ing anJ helpful papers on Michelan
gelo, Raphael,, etc. , their
finest pictures reproduced in tints.
Mr. Dooley on His Travels. I lis
views upon tho typical New Yorker,
Philadelphia!!, Bos'onian, and in
habitant of Chicago and vVashint'ton.
William Allen White on Tiiin an,
halt, Cleveland and others.
Illustrated prvipsitm, Mttribin' in lull
But at nny price THE BEST
Try The Columbian a Year.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
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Bears the
For Over.
Thirty Years
Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Asb
Clara Morris's Stape Recollec
tions, Stories of balvini, Bern
hardt, Mrs. Siddons and others.
A Battle of Millionaires. By
the author of "Wail Street Stories."
The Forest Runner. Serial Tale
of the Michigan Wcods.
Josephine Dodge Daskam. More
Child Stories.
Emmy Lou Stories bv GEORGE
manv miir fea'urtt. tent fiet to wis nJJ'rit
East 2tth tii:et. New York. N. Y.