The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 12, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Senate In Executive) Session
Oyer the Former.
Nrnntor Mnrmn'i Measure Pnvnn
Iminrdlate Construction A lull to
Protect the rresldontlnl foo-ctHlon-Hons
WASHINGTON, Doc. ll.-The open
evasion of thp wnnte yosfprdny vvns
devoted routine business, such ns
he presentation of petitions, memo
Inls and bills. The senate then went
;ito executive session on motion ot
'enntor 1odjrp, who has clmrpp of the
lay-rHuneefote treaty, nud adjourned
t 1:55 p. in.
Seuutor Morgan Introilueed a bill pro
viding for the construction of the Ni
caragua!! canal. The bill provides an
aggregate of $lHO,ooo.M)0, of which
$5,000,000 Is made Immediately n valla
Me and of which aggregate "inn such
amounts as are necessary are to be ap
propriated by congress from time to
time. The control of the canal and of
the canal belt is vested In a bourd of
ight citizens of the United States In
addition to the secretary of war, who
la to be president. The members of the
board are to be paid a salary of SS.OOC
a year each, and they are to be chosen
regardless of political affiliation.
There Is a provision authorizing the
establishment of a regiment from the
regular army on the canal belt to
Cunrd it properly, and courts also are
authorized conformable to the powers
granted by the governments of Nica
ragua and Costa Itiea. There also is
a provision making three divisions of
the canal during the construction, and
there is to be a chief engineer and two
assistants on each division, the chief
to receive a salary of $0,000 and the
assistants $3,000 each.
Senator Jallinrr introduced a bill
to protect the president, vice president,
persons lu the line of succession to the
presidency and embassadors and for
eign ministers. Uefore presenting It
he explained that the bill was prepared
by Hon. Edgar Aldrlch, United States
district Judge of New Hampshire. The
bill provides for the puuishment by
death of any person who shall Inten
tionally kill or who, with Intent to kill,
Shall assault the president of the Unit
ed States, the vice president, persons
In succession to the presidency, em
bassadors and ministers of foreign
countries resident In the United States.
The same penalties are prescribed for
persons who shall Incite others to any
of the foregoing deeds.
After a number of nomitiations had
been confirmed Senator Lodge called
ap the Hay-rauncefote treaty and
made a brief statement regarding tha
convention. The senate then adjourn
ed. In order to give the Democratic cau
cus committee an opportunity to bold
a meeting.
llonae Committees Annonncnl.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. Speaker
Henderson at the session of the house
yesterday announced the appointment
of the committees. Usually the com
mittees are not appointed until after
the holiday recess, but Speaker Hen
derson had the situation well in band
when congress met, and, having com
pleted the lists, he announced them.
The early appointment of the commit
tees should facilitate legislation con
siderably. A general speech on the
Philippines was delivered by the ven
erable ex-Speaker Galusha A. Grow
tTa.). Mr. Burke (S. D.) formally an
nounced the death of Senator Kyle,
and as a mark of respect the house Im
mediately adjourned. The adjourn
ment was unil Friday.
A Squabble at Tientsin.
TIENTSIN, Dec. 10.-A sentry be
longing to an Indian regiment station
ed here ran amuck and killed two of
his comrades. A company of Tunjab
Infantry was at once turned out to se
cure him. In the meantime the sentry
had been shot by German troops, who
then opened Are on the Tunjables. A
free tight ensued, as a result of which
three German privates were killed and
a German oflleer mortally wounded,
while three of the Indian troops were
killed and several wounded. The Ger
man troops have been confined to their
barracks until further orders.
A Decline of Theolog-nes.
PRINCETON. N. J., Dec. 10,-An-
nounccment Is made that the Theolog
ical seminary catalogue will be Issued
In two weeks. A striking feature Is
the falling off In the enrollment over
previous years. In 1800 there were
ncurly 250 students enrolled, and now
the number is 133, being twenty-three
less than last year's enrollment. Dr,
Warneld said the decline in the en
rollraent of students was noticeable
In practically all of the Tresbyterlan
seminaries of the United States.
Hoosevclt's Christmas Plana.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. President
Roosevelt has accepted nn Invitation
from Genera! Bradley T. Johnson ot
Virginia to spend Christmas with him,
It is understood that the president will
be accompanied by his wife and chil
dren mid will be absent from Wash'
Ington for two or three days.
Governor Udell Recovering?.
NEWBURG, N. Y., Dec. ll.-Gov
ernor Odell, who has for several days
been at home suffering from a bilious
attnek, is slowly recovering. On the
advice of his physician he will not
leave the bouse for several days.
Dally Riots at Prnu'ue.'
LONDON, Dec. 7. "Thousands of the
starving unemployed are rioting dally
at Prague," telegraphs Jho Vienna cor
espondent of The Dally Mail, "and
vsrtroug forces of police are preserving
mW tln.i '
ldoi time.
Designs For Holiea Selected A Mich
Jeweled Crown.
LONDON. Dec. 0. Designs for the
coronation robes finally have been de
cided upon. King Kdward will wear a
clotli of gold underjacket embroidered
with palm branches and the shamrock,
rose and thistle. On the king's stole
the cross of St. George, the royal
crown and the rose, shamrock and
thistle will be woven In gold threads.
His cape will be a magnificent gar
nient, decorated with silver eagles ami
fleur-de-lis and the national floral em
blem. Queen Alexandra will wear robes
very similar to those of Queen Ade
laide, which will be brought to Marl
borough House from I!rodle castle,
where they are kept as heirlooms.
The coronation rites will last four
hours. After the sacrament has been
administered to the king he will dis
card the church vestments and put on
his state robes.
More than 3.000 precious stones dia
monds, pearls, rubles, sapphires and
emeralds will be Included In the
king's crown. There will be 1.3U0 pure
white diamonds and 1,270 rose dia
monds. The historic ruby which the
king of Castile gave to the lUack
Trlnee In l.'!17 and which was subse
quently worn by Henry V. In Agiu
court Is In the center of the crown,
placed in the heart of a Maltese cross.
A I.on Anurlri Ilnnk Ilolilird of
lOO.OOO I nut it at Ion I'rotecteil.
LOS ANGKLES, Cal.. Dec. 10.-H. J.
Fleishman, cashier of the Farmers and
Merchants' haul; of this city, hns dis
appeared with a sum of the bank's
money which Vice President H. W.
Hellnian estimates ut ?100.oo0. The
shortage has just been discovered.
Fleishman hns not been seen since 0
o'clock Saturday morning. At that
hour he was at his club. He notified
the bank people that he was ill Satur
day morning and would not be at his
desk. Nothing was thought of the
matter at the time.
The Farmers and Merchants' bank,
of which 1. W. Hellman is president
and H. W. Hellman Is vice president,
Is the oldest and strongest bank In
southern California. Its capital Is
$500,000, with a surplus of $1,000,000
and deposits of $5,500,000.
A Monument to Fnlton.
NEW YOKK, Dec. 0. A monument
to the memory of Robert Fulton erect
ed In Trinity churchyard by the Amer
ican Society of Mechanical Engineers,
now in session here, was unveiled yes
terday. The unveiling was preceded
by formal exercises and religious cere
mony. Rear Admiral Melville, U. S.
N., and Dr. Robert H. Thurston of
Cornell university eulogized the great
engineer, and the clergy of Trinity,
with the choir vested, conducted a ded
icatory service. Rev. Dr. Robert Ful
ton Crary, a grandson of Fulton, also
delivered an address, and Rev. Morgan
Dix Invoked the benediction. The
monument stands close by the ago
marked vault where Fulton's body
was entombed nearly a century ngo.
Pennsylvania Railway Improvement
Pennsylvania railroad has awarded
contracts for improvements involving
an expenditure of more than $1,000,
000. The contracts Included the erec
tion of a four track stone arch bridge
over the Rnrltan river at New Bruns
wick, N. J., and a new single track
tunnel through the crest of the Alle
ghany mountains at Gallltzen The
bridge will be built on the site of the
present Iron structure at a considera
ble elevation above the old bridge. This
will enable the company to carry out
its project of elevating its tracks
through New Brunswick.
Mollueux Must Stand Second Trial.
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. Roland B.
Mollneux's motion to hnve quashed
the Indictment under which he stands
accused of having murdered Mrs. Kate
J. Adams was denied yesterday by
Judge Newbtirger in part 1, general
sessions. The judge held that if the
judges of the court of appeals had con
sidered the indictment faulty they
would have said so nnd ordered the
liberation of the accused. Instead they
ordered a new trial of the defendant
under the old Indictment.
Nurse Toppun Indicted.
BARNSTABLE, Mass., Dec. 7. The
grand Jury found three indictments
for murder against Miss Jane Toppun.
She pleaded not guilty to nil three
charges lu n woice hardly audible.
Jane Toppan Is 'charged with having
caused the deaths of Miss Mary D.
Glbbs, Mrs. Annie E. Gordon and Mr.
A. T. Davis.
She was committed to jail without
New York Markets.
FLOUR State and western unsettled
and mure or less nominal nt oh) prions;
Minnesota omenta, $;t.8M4.2Ii; winter
training, tS.lUiri.ii, winter extras, W.DU'tt
8.1ft: winter patents, t3.754.10.
WHEAT Buffered a violent setback
through larger northwest receipts, unsat
isfactory rabies anil fair unloading;
Mnrch, 8748So.; May, M9S7o.
HYE Quiet; state, 67f(iB8c, o. f f., New
York, car lots; No. 2 western, T's., t. a.
b., afloat.
COKN Also weakened by cables, gen
eral unloading and the drop In wheat:
May, IVtWWia.
' OATS Bold oft with other markets;
track, white, state, Ml) 58c; track, white,
western, M(i58o.
rOHK-Steady; mess, $18.75617.25; fami
ly. I16.60&17.
LARD Firm; prime western steam.
19 .Sfin.
BUTTER Steady ; stats dairy, 1628V4c;
areamery, 10ti251,ic.
CHEEBK Firm; fancy, large, Septem
ber, lOSjilOSio. ; fanoy, small, Saptember,
106'Uo.; late made, boat, large, Ve.; lata
muai.', best, small, lOftlO'Ao.
F.OQS Quiet; state and Pennsylvania,
261i 27o. j western, at mark, 26o.
BUaAR Raw steady; fair rsflnlng,
8 9-32c. ; centrifugal, M test, 8:14c. ; refined
tendy ; crimhed, 6.40c.; powdered, 6o.
MOLASSKS Steady; New Orleans, 87(3
42c. . .
KICK meaay; domestic, 4BVio.; Japan,
A'ir.I.flW-fitfBllv' oltv KUiaiAn n,,n-
try, 84W4o.
HAV -Quiet; shipping, frOfiOiio. ; good to
I -h-io. gtutfuflvso.
An Offer of Ten Millions For
National University.
Proposition to Kndow an Institution
For Illaher Kdncatlon Made to
the President Matter to De
Submitted to Cousrcss.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 10. The
Washington Post this morning says
that President Roosevelt has received
a letter from Andrew Carnegie In
which the latter offers to make n do
nation of $10,000,000 to the United
States. The letter will 1p referred to
congress by the president In n special
i Mr. Carnegie's gift Is for the purpose
; of establishing iu Washington a unl
j verslty for higher education. As far
: as his Idea has been developed It pro
poses a gift after the manner of the
bequest of James Smithson, the Eng
lishman, who gave $l,000,tHH) for the
' establishment and maintenance of
what Is now known as the Smithso
nian Institution. Smithson desired the
Institution founded by him to be n fac
tor In "the diffusion of scientific knowl
edge." Mr. Carnegie proposes that the uni
versity which he Is to endow shnll be
the greatest lustltutlou lu the world
for the development of higher educa
tion. He has consulted President Gll
man of Johns Hopkins university,
President Iladley of Yale. President
Eliot of Harvard, ex-President White
of Cornell nnd all the leading educators
of the country. They heartily Indorse
his pluns. The proposed university will
not interfere lu the least with the edu
cational Institutions already establish
ed, but will supplement thein, for, ac
cording to the present plans, its doors
will be open only to those who desire
to take up n postgraduate course. Mr.
Carnegie also wants the new univer
sity to take the lead in original re
search, so that the United States can
eventually stand side by side with
Germany, if not excel that nation, lu
scientific development.
Mr. Carnegie's plan 'does not pro
pose a national university in the sense
that an appropriation will be asked or
needed. The government Js simply to
be the trustee of the magnificent en
dowment, Just ns it administers the
fund bequeathed by Smithson.
The amount of money to be given by
Mr. Carnegie equals the sum of the
present endowment fund of Harvard
and is considerably more than the In
vested fund of Yale. With the Catholic
university, the Methodist university
and the proposed Carnegie university,
Washington will be the educational
center of the country.
Pneumatic Gun Tested.
SAVANNAH, C.a., Dec. U.-The test
of the new pneumatic dynamite gun at
Hilton Head, S. C, under the auspices
of a board of army officers is believed
to have been satisfactory. Major Ira
McNutt of the ordnance department
was chief officer of the board. The gun
is nt the entrance to Tort Royal har
bor, which It commands. It was shown
the gun has a range of 0,000 yards.
Eight projectiles loaded with explosive
gelatin were fired. Six of them ex
ploded upon Impact and threw columns
of water Into the air. Two were fixed
with time fuses. If they were explod
ed It was at such n depth of water that
there was not any disturbance discern
ible. The explosive charges ranged
from 50 to 200 pounds of nitrogelatin.
CIiIcuko's vVincroim Ordinance.
CHICAGO, Dec. ll.-Mnyor Hnrrl
son has signed the wlneroom ordi
nance passed by the city council and
Immediately ordered Chief O'Neill to
send out notices to all saloon keepers
thnt wlnerooms must be removed un
der penalty of revocation of the liquor
license. Restaurants will be served
with a copy of the law as passed and
I advised to keep within the limits pre
' scribed In the second section forbid
ding the sale of liquor In private din
ing rooms to parties numbering less
than four members.
Canal Route Leased.
MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Dec. 10.
Dr. Fernando Sanchez, Nlcaraguan
minister of foreign affairs, and Wil
liam L. Merry, United States minister
to Nicaragua, Salvador and Costa
Rica, have signed a treaty by which
Nicaragua agrees perpetually, to lease
to the United States a section of Nlca
raguan territory six miles wide, which
Includes the route of the Nicaragua
Sixty-live Poisoned at a Wedding;.
TRAIRIE DU SAC, Wis., Dec. 7.-Slxty-flve
persons were poisoned at a
wedding feast at the home of John
Mulky nt West Point, neur this place.
It is believed there was poison in the
coffee. Physicians were summoned
from Lodl, and after several hours'
work hope was glveu that all would
recover. Some of the coffee has been
sent to a chemist to be examined.
Molten Iron Explodes.
SHARON, 10., Dec. 11. An explo
sion that shook the earth for mlUs
around, shattered windows in hun
dreds of houses at South Sharon, mov
ed adjacent buildings from their foun
dations and caused the Injury of nine
men, two perhaps fatally, occurred at
the Sharon Stetil company's plant yes
terday. Out of the nine men Injured
tour were taken to th hospital.
1 New Governor of Oklahoma.
GUTHRIE, QUla., Dec. lO.-Thomas
B. Ferguson of Vfatonga BHSumcd the
office of governor of Oklahoma yester
day. Governor Ferguson made no
speech and vouchsafed no promises. It
Is said all the officials of the Jenkins
administration will be removed at
Uriel' Summary of Progress nf
South African War.
LONDON, Dec. 11. Tn a dlspntch
from Pretoria Ixtrd Kitchener reports
that the result of the week's work Is
31 Rocrs killed, 17 wounded, 352 made
prisoners, 35 surrendered and a large
quantity of supplies captured.
By advancing the line of blockhouses
In the pastern part of the Transvaal
Lord Kitchener Is now able for the
first time to carry out systematic and
continuous operations In the vicinity
of Ermelo, Bethel and Carolina.
Columns have elenred the southeast
era districts of the Orange Rlvpr Colo
ny nnd are now operating northward
of the Thnbanchu line.
The Boers are still In force In the ex
treme west of Cape Colony. They are
there commanded by Maritz, who re
cently attacked Tontellboschkop. The
Boers were driven off, and Mnrltz was
severely wounded.
Additional drafts for the mllltln, yeo
nionry and the regulars are nlrendy be
ing prepared for transportation to
South Africa. The British government
has decided to call out for the South
African service all reservists who hnve
rot completed their twelve years of
The federal government of Australia
is also considering the sending of fur
ther contingents to South Afrlen.
Chinese Exclusion Favored by Scran
ton Convention.
SCRANTON, Pn., Dec. ll.-The ex
clusion of Chinamen, Japanese nud
other Asiatics from American territo
ry, ticket scalping, legislation and ad
visability of adopting a universal label
for union made goods were the princi
pal questions thnt claimed the atten
tion of the delegates nt yesterday's
two sessions of the American Fcdern-
I tiou of Labor.
The resolution ndvocatlng the exclu-
, siou of the Chinese was adopted by
I the convention with considerable hur
rah, but In the matter of excluding na
tives of Japan nnd other Asiatic lands
a snag was struck, and this part of the
anti-Mongolian agitation was killed so
far as the present convention Is eon-
' cerued.
Mrs. Stanford's (ireat Gift.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 10. Mrs.
Jane L. Sail ford has transferred to Le
land Stanford, Jr., uulverslty by deed
bonds, stock and real estate valued ut
$30,000,000, the largest single gift ever
bestowed on any Institution of learn
ing. Of this amount $18,000,000 con
sisted of gilt edged bouds and stocks
paying a large revenue. The real es
tate deeded to the university comprises
much of the property originally given
by Senator Stanford, but the deeds of
which were found to be Illegal.
Wakeinan Asked to Reslsrn.
NEW YORK, Dec. 10. Wilbur F.
Wnkeman, United States appraiser of
this port, has received from Secretnry
Gage of the treasury department a re
quest to resign his office, the resigna
tion to take effect not later than Jan. 1,
1902. It Is stated that Mr. Wakeinan
will not resign nnd that he will be
tween now and the lust week in De
cember make public certain reasons
whv he refuses to do so. '
Tub Christmas Dinner. In spite of
the fact that the word dyspepsia menm
literally bad cook, It will not be fair for
ninny to lay the blame on the cook if they
begin the Christmas Dinner with little ap
petite and end it with distress or nausea. It
may not be fair for any to do that let us
hope so for the sake of the cook! The dis
ease dyspepsia indicates a bad stomach, that
is a weak stomach, ratehr than a bad cook,
and for a weak stomach ihere is nothing else
equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. It gives the
stomach vigor and tone, cures dyspepsia,
creates appetite, and makes eating the
pleasure it should be.
The fellow who has to pay alimony ought
to he glad he didn't live in the days of Solo
mon. DoN'r Sneeze. Sneeziag, snuffling, ex
cessive blowing of nose, congested air pas
sages, watering of eyes and all the other d s
ameeable ivmmoms attendant upon colds in
the head, influenza, catarrh, hay fever and
similar diseases are instantly banished by the
use of Clark's Antiseptic Cream. Hue appu
cation gives relief in the worst cases in ten
seconds and permanently cures in a very
short lime. The greatest discovery ever
made. Sold under a guarantee. Large tube
nosmaid for 2'C
Agents wanted everywhere to introduce
this remedy. Biff inducements ottered
Write today for a sample (stamps taken) and
terms. CLARK chemical to.,
12-12-4U Blairsville, Pa,
The Markets.
Butter, per pound 34
Eggs, per dozen 26
Lard, per pound 13
Ham. Der nound 14
Beef (quarter), per pound 6 to 8
Wheat, per bushel 90
Oats. do SO
Rye, do 60
Hour per bbl 3 84
Hay, per ton uo
Potatoes, (new), per bushel 75
Turnips, do so
Tallow, per pound 04
Shoulder, do II
Side meat, do 09
Viiiepar, per qt 05
Dried apples, per pound 06
Cow hides, do 3$
Steer do do 05
Calf skin 80
Sheep pelts 75
Shelled corn, per bushel 7
Corn meal, cwt , 3 00
Bran, cwt I I
Chop, cwt I 5
Middlings, cwt I I
Chickens, per pound, new
do do old
1 ys, do
Geese. do
Ducks, do .., 08
Number 6, delivered 3 50
do 4 and 5, delivered 4 40
do 6, at yard 315
du 4 and 5, at yard 4 53
AVfrgclable Preparation for As- J j
simaalingtltcFoodandRcjJula- ;JJ
ting iheStoinachsartd Dowels of ( B
Promotes DigcslionChccrful
ness andRcst.Conlalns nellhcr
Opium.Morphine norrtincral.
Not Tarc otic.
Xtpt afOtlDrSWUELPnum
PmyJtm Seed
W SrnlM-
Apcrfccl Remedy forConslipa
Tion , Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions Jevcrish
ness nnd Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature ot
Cigars, Tobacco Candies, Fruits and Huts
Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week.
F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco
Bole agents for the following brands of Cigars-
Honry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Asb
Bloomsburg. Pa.
2 Doois above Court JIIouso.
A large lot of Window Curtains in stock.
A Magical T.ife Saver is Dr. Agnew'a
Cure for the Heart. After years of pain
and agony with distressing Heart Disease, it
gives relief in 30 minutes. Thos. retry, of
Aylmer, Que., writes: "I had suffered for
five years with a severe form of Heart Dis
ease. The sliphtest exertion produced fa
tigue. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart
gave me instant relief, four bottles entirely
cured me." 58
Sold by C. A. Kleim.
Most married women feel that they would
ike to organize a society for the improvement
of men.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders ' for chil
dren, successfully used by other. Gray,
nurse in the Children's Home in New York,
cure feverishness, bad stomach, teething
disorders, move and regulate the bowels and
destroy worms. Over 30,000 testimonials.
i bey never fail. At all druggists, 25c.
sample FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, LeRoy, N. Y. 13 5l4
The man who worries about his debt1
doesn't understand the philosophy of living
Eczema Relieved in a Day. Dr. Ag
new's Ointment will cure this disgusting skin
disease without fad. It will also cure Bar
ber's Itch, Tetter, Salt Rheum, and all skin
eruptions. In from three to six nights it
will cure Blind, Bleedin ; and Itching Piles.
One application brings comfort to the most
irritating cases. 35 cents. 56
Sold by C. A. Kleim.
It Keeps the Feet Warm and Dry.
Ask to-day for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder.
It cures chilblains, swollen, sweating, sore,
aching, damp feet. At all druggists and
shoe stores, 25c. 13 Sd4t
Some fellows who wouldn't sell their
votes can be persuaded to hire them out.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
tmc ctNTus eoMPanr, m voss. city.
The Homeliest Man in Bloomsburg.
as well as the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druggist and get free a
trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the
Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is guaran
teed to cure and relieve all chronic and
acute coughs, asthma, bronchitis and con
sumption. Price, 25 and 50c. 11 2id4t
Toj much pie is apt to make a dyspeptic
To accommodate those who are partial to
the use of atomizers in applying liquids into
the nasal passages for catarrhal troubles, the
proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid
form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid
Cream Balm. Price, including the spraying
tube, is 75c. Drupgists or by mail. The
liquid form embodies the medicinal proper
ties of the solid preparation. Cream Balm
is quickly absorbed ly the membrane and
does not dry up the secretions, but changes
them to a natural and healthy character,
Ely Brothers, 56 Warren street, New York.
A woman's complexion is sometimes as
thick as two thieves.
Convinced by Printed Testimony of
the hundreds of the cured, Mrs. Benz, of
418 E. 8th street. New York, who was for
years a great sufferer from Catarih, procured
two bottles of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow
der and it effected an absolute cure in a
very short while. One puff through the
blower will clear the head and stop head
ache. 50 cents. 57
Sold by C. A. Kleim.
When a man is dropped for non-payment
of dues he is generally broke.
character and good reputation in each state
(one in this county required) to represent
and advertise old established wealthy busi
ness house of solid financial standing. Sal
ary 918.00 weekly with expenses additional.
all payable in cash each Wednesday direct
from head offices Horse and carriage fur
nished, when necessary. References. En
close self-addressed stamped envelope. Man
ager, 316 Caxton Build'g, Chicago. (16(926
Bean the yIhe Kin4 You Hav Always Bot