THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. MAY LOSE A COIM. Newfoundland Feels Hurt at British Inattention. OFFICIALS IGNORED IJY CHAMBERLAIN Co Amnrr I'roin lni-rlnl (lnvrrn merit In DIkiiiiIi'Iivk -ii t Jinny JMaui I It a A iMi el-lulu ow ffri'iim I in in I n cut. LONDON. Oct. Ili.-Accortllnjr to dts-nutc-hcM iiulillslii'il totlny by The Dully Mull, n crisis Is liiiniiiiciit In Now fnumllnnil unless (lie lliltlsli koviTH meiit pays niiM'o nttt'iitlnii to the il nmiiilH of the colony Hum him hitherto been the ciiho. A long Kpeclnl from SI. John's snys: "WlnetMr. Itonil, the New fonnilliind Jiremler. left Kiiplniitl hist April he has not received n Kindle word from the Im perial government reKiirdliiK n settle, inent of the Krelich shore queKtlon, nor 1ms Mr. C'hnndierlutu ever nnswered the (llsitch from the Newfnundlund Kovernment sent live months nco tiri Iiik the Imperial authorities to persuade Sir Wilfrid I.nurler, the Domliiloii pre mier, to agree to a ratification of the r.iiinl ISlnliie convention." The (llsiatch gives detnlls of the re cent Hond-l.aurler conference and as serts that the Dominion premier based his refusal to agree to ratlllcatlon on the ground that the Joint high com mission had discussed the matter and that, all being veil, the commission would discuss It ngnlu. lu au editorial taking the govern ment severely to task The Dally Mall says: "Assuredly this Is not the way in which to treat a loyal colony. It Is not business, and It Is not courtesy. Can It be that the ahscntmlndcd meth ods of our war oflice have affected the trout department of state which Mr. Chamberlain has hitherto controlled ho well 7 "The colony has been exasperated In the past by the disdainful careless ness with which its Interests have been treated by the predecessors of Mr. Chamberlain, and Its temper Is likely to be strained If It should believe that, after so niany saerillccs, It is being neglected. In such a frame of mind u conflict with the French on the New foundland treaty shore could be only too probable, with consequences that can scarcely be foreseen." The III Duck 1-1 lloutc. BALTIMORE, Oct. ld.-Tho Im mense Hunting drydock built by the Maryland Steel company for the Unit ed States government has started on Its Journey to Algiers, La. It Is ex pected the trip will occupy about a month. The dock la being towed by the steamship Orion, three cables, each 1,2(KJ feet long, being used. The dock, said to be the largest of Its kind lu the world, Is 525 feet long ihhI V27 feet Wide. Its sides rise about lifty feet above the surface of the water. Over 13,0(KI,OiM) pounds of steel were used in Its construction. It cost $S1O,0ihJ. It n uk 12niilo t-- HiMvnrileil. NEW YOKK, Oct. 12. The employ ees of the National Broadway bank and the Broadway Savings institution lire $20,000 richer than they were yes terday. After llfty-three years of serv ice In the bank Francis A. l'nlmer, presldeut of the bank, retired, and aft er uddresslng the employee of both concerns he distributed among them $20,000 lu cash. Each of the bene ficiaries received n sum of money lu accordance to the length of time he had been In service. Some of the older employees found that their shares amounted to $3,000. The lluvnnu liiilU'tmt-iita. HAVANA, Oct. 10. The Indictments In the Havana postolhVe fraud cases sent by the tiseal to the audienela Im plicate Estes O. Itathbone jointly with C. F. W. Neely ami W. II. Beeves In defrauding the government, his com plicity being based on the contention that he permitted and therefore con sented to and tacitly authorized the fraudi'-'iit transactions. The whole amount of the steal on all counts In the Indictments Is estimated nt $1.10,000. Feter SterliiiK Wmi nt t.-limln. LEXINGTON, Ky.. Oct. l'l.-IVtor Sterling won the $10.noo Louisville prize without a touch of the whip and held his gait like a piece of superb urn chlnery. The winner ol' last Tuesday's $10,000 Futurity passed under the wire first In each heat with a length to spare. Royal Coat led him to the stretch In the lirst heat and finished Kecond, with Hawthorne third. A Powerful P.i-ncoii. HIGHLAND LIGHT, Mass., Oct. 11. The change of Highland Puht. from u fixed to u flash light has been accom plished, and last night the lamp was lighted for the first time In the perma nent tower. It makes a very powerful beacon and sustuius the highest caudle power of any oil burning light in the world. A. lleaervolr lliimlM. EAST LIVEIU'OOL, (., Oct. 14. A largo reservoir, containing 10,000,000 gaAlous of water, burst yesterday and causod great damage. No lives were lost, but a score of people had narrow escapes. The money loss will reach probably $150,000. Their Last flfllflnl Act, PEKING, 0?t. 14 The Chinese plen ipotentiaries have performed their last otlielul act and forwarded to the Span ish minister, who is the doyeu of the diplomatic corps, a bond for the Indem nity of 450,000,000 taela. Ieci-iidniit of Vrankllu Dead. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 14.-Mrs. E. IX Gillespie, a great-granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin und ono of the city's most prominent women, Is dwad at her homo here, uged eighty yeurn. MARRIAGE QUESTION SETTLED. lOlilarnpnl luiri-li llrJrpU l'roinnl nnnnn Willi llrnnrd to ll vnrrnrn. RAN I'TIANCINCO, Oct. 10,-Th. troublesome question of ninrrlHgo n divorce hns been sot nt rest for nnothei three years by the action of the housi of deputies of the triennial Kplseopit convention In rejecting both of the pro posed canons on the subject which were passed by the house of bishops The greatest tight of the conventloi has I n over section 4 of ennon ,'Jd virtually forbidding the remarriage o. a divorced person by a priest of tlr church. This had passed the house o, bishops and been adopted by n, yen nnt nay vote In committer of the whole b the house of deputies. When the committee rose and report ed its work to the house, a declslvl vote was taken, not only on the Iron blesoino fourth section, but on the en tire cation, which was rejected us 1 whole. Canon 37, which provides for the (lis cipllnlng of persons marrying again after being divorced, met with a slinl lur fate. The house of deputies passed an amendment to article 10 of the consti tution permitting moillllcd forms ol worship which In spirit Is similar to the famous Huntington amendment re cently defeated. The amendment though credited to Dr. McKIm ol Washington, was In reality presented to the convention of three years ago by Dr. Huntington. The bishops have yet to net before the amendment can become part of th constitution. Itoth houses appointed members of a standing committee on capital uud la bor which Is to Investigate the subject with a view to the peaceful settlement of disagreements between employers and worklngmen and report to ench general convention. DUKE OF ALBA DEAD. .Noleil ' Spun I nil (iriimli-p ('time to AiiK-rlcii to Si-r Ynrlit Karen. NEW YORK. Oct. HI. The. Duke do Alba, one of the highest grandees of Spain, Is dead In this city from Influ enza. The duke came to this city Sept. 21 to witness the international yacht races as the guest of Sir Thomas Upton. On the day of the last race he con tracted a severe cold, which developed Into n case of Influenza. His condition Improved greatly during the past few days, and up to within a few moments of his death he was entertaining a par ty of friends. Shortly after the party had left the duke complained to his valet of severe pains In the region of his heart. He 1 was assisted to his couch and medical aid hastily sum moned, but before tin- physicians had arrived the duke expired. The Duke of Alba, or Alva, as It Is sometimes spelled, was tlfty-threo years old. In social and titular runk he was the leader of Spanish society. He was fourteen times a count, nine times a grandee of the first class and twelve times u marquis. His estate was the most extensive private prop- . erty in Spain, and his palace at Mad rid for many years had been the cen- ' ter of social gayety. Much of his time had been spent, however, In Lon- j doll. The duke was well known In this country, where he had been a frequent visitor. He was u spectator of the America's cup races In J.SOU and spout the season of IS',14 at Newport. LETTER FROM PAT CROWE. Mull AeeiiHeil of li ' Kliliiuplnif Oltt-r to Surrender. OMAHA. Neb., Oct. 14. Chief of Po lice John ,1. Donahue has received a letter from I 'at Crowe naming the terms on which he will surrender. The Utter came In care of au Omaha news paper, In which It Is published, and covers fifteen closely written pages of manuscript. The postmark Is Uleglblo, but the letter was mailed at 8 o'clock in the morning and reached this city at 8 o'clock in the evening of the same day, Indicating that it had not traveled j a long dlstauce. in the letter urowe ugrees to give himself up at oneo and stand trial lor the kidnaping of Eddie ; Cudahy provided he shall not be locked : up until a jury shall adjudge him i guilty. lie says he Is unable to fur j lilsh bond In excess of $.100 und de 1 mands that bail be fixed in that sum. I The letter then states that the chief would nut know him, that he weight ' 200 pounds and Is looking tine, lie ' says he- has been In Suiitu America uud Africa, lighting with the Boers, : and expresses his disgust with Great i Britain and his sympathy for the ! Boers. Ho closes the main part of his i letter by saying he regrets that Mr. Cudalfy should suspect hlin of klduap j lug the boy and hoping soon to receive I a reply from the chief, which he Ul I recta should be made through u local I paper. j Xew York Market. FLOUR Statu uml western ruled firm I iirul fulrly lu-live; Al innt-sotii patent, t&.tt foa.M); winter straluhts, t3.Vrii3.1H; winter extras, .0uii2.S0; winter uutanta, $3.W($ i I. SO. WHEAT Firm on farther bullish Ar I centlna crop news, hlKhur cables und lo cal covering: Ducciuhur, 7(iVi;U?0 11-lOe.; May. 7U'Vu"o. RYE Qulyt: state, tuli.iUc., c. I. f., New ! York, cur lots; No. 2 western, 60a, f. o, b., ' 'ijOHN Steady, but quint, being sua- l tallied by wlieat; nuceniuer, i'ii'Uiu d-ioo. ' OATS Dull anil about stonily; traelc, While, slate, lumnu.; iiacn, wuua, wum ern 1Wtnc POKR-Easy; nieBS, $15.7510.25; family, $ltJ.50' IK. 1.AKD EaBjr; prima western steam, 9 72l-'e. Li L'TTER Firmer; state dairy, 1420o.; .....,..,...., ir.,r'iue. I CHKKSE Steady; fancy, lareye, colored, 9Uu-: fancy, law, while. HU'H'J'.sO-i '""CX. 1 small, colored, luVio.; fancy, small, white, F.CKiS Steady; state and Pennsylvania, 21VJ'(22e. ; western, candled, 2IV4o. tfUUAR Haw lirm: fair renntntf. J B-liio.; centrifugal, W test, 3c.; rennvd Veady; crushed, 5.60c. ; powdered. S.ilOo. TURPKNTINK Steady at 3'(SSVae. MOL.ASUES Bleudy; Now Orleans, 37 1UCI3 Steady; domestio, IWaC.; Ja t an, -IM'-Vio. TALLOW Steady; city, 6',ic.; country, HAY-Htxady; nUippluii', 603tMe,; KOud to Choice CON'JENSKD DISPATCHES. PtofiiMr Kvente of the Week llrlely mil Temrlr Told. Thr safe it n bank at Budd, la., was roblied by burglar. 1 The battleship Wisconsin sailed from Meat tie for Samoa under sealed orders. The convention of the Amcrlean Bankers' association began In .Milwau kee. The Duke of Westminster, n two-year-old colt, sold In Knglaud for .! 105, 000. ( A rumor of the caV'ire of licneral Botha was current on iue London Stock Exchange, The Farmers and Citizens' lunik of Tiro, ()., was robbed by six men, who kept people at bay with rliles. Twenty-seven works In the Pan American art show at Buffalo havw been sold, catalogue prices aggregating $14,D:;5. I Tnesilnr, Oet. n. French miners voted for a general strike. Six brothers and sisters met In Chi cago after forty years' separation. Bx-lioveruor John S. Pillsbury of Minnesota was reixirted to be dying. Banchcrs near AlbiKiucnpie, N. M;., ure killing wild horses on neighboring ranges. Dr. Donald It. Hinckley of North ampton. Mass., necldentully shot und killed himself. Government vessels completed the survey of Fox Island passes, the gate way to Bering sea. Orders were received at Aldershot, England, to hold every uvullable man ready for active service. Mrs. Craeme Harrison had jewels valued nt $15,000 stolen from her on u New Haven train to New York city. Mnmln), Oet. 11. Results of the registration In New Vork city Indicated n heavy vote. Fire In Dubois, Pa., caused n loss of ?i!o,(HMi, partly covered by insurance. Peter Nlssen of Chicago made it suc cessful trip through the whlrl 1 rap Ids of the Niagara river lu a boat of his own design. Nearly the entire business portion of I.os (iatos, Cal., was destroyed by fire. The loss Is estimated at u quarter of a million dollars. The First Purlsh Unitarian church of South Framlngham, Mass., observed the two hundredth anniversary of Its organization and ordination of its first pastor. Kitturdny, Oet. 12. The net cost to the United States of the Spanish war was $5i:i,s:;o,!Jo7. The last steamer for Cftpe Nome until next spring has sailed from Seattle. The British cruiser Amphlon has been ordered to Panama because of lighting on the Isthmus. C. F. W. Neely, accused of misap propriating Cuban postal funds, was placed on trial lu Havana. The Pocahontas Coal und Coke com pany was Incorporated in Trenton, N. J.. with u capital of $-(0,000,000. President Boosevelt has changed the ofliclal title 'of his residence from the executive mansion to the White House. Friday, Oet. 11. The national purity convention at Chicago discussed vice. Marquis Ito, "the grand old man of Japan," arrived at Chicago. The ,f.0O0,000 contract to dredge Ma nila harbor was awarded to u Seattle company. Three noteworthy pictures wero bought In Loudon for the Hartford Athciicum. The heirs of the Humphries estate Hied for possession of a !f5,0(K),(l00 tract of oil land near Beaumont, Tex. Four trainmen were killed and three others were slightly Injured In n colli sion of freight trains on the Chicago Great Western near Lombard, 111. In New York Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Bice were sentenced to ten days in prison for tying their little daughter to u table while they went on a pleasure Jaunt. Thurnlny, Oct, 11). General Smith has left Manila with troops to fight the Saniar rebels. Loss by a tire In Chicago put at !;5'.r,0(i0 Is covered by Insurance. Chillies A. Bookwalter, Republican, was elected mayor of Indianapolis. Burglars robbed the house of Samuel Coykendall of Kingston, N. Y., of booty worth $10,000. The twentieth annual meeting of the American Street Railway association was held lu Madison Square Garden, New York. The new Russlau battleship Retvlzau has started from the Philadelphia builders' yards for New York to pre pare for her trial trip. Another Fool hull Ftitnlity. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. H.-Edvln Longenecker, aged twenty-one years, quarter back on the football team of the Brown Preparatory school, this city, Is dead in a hospital as a result of injuries received In a game last Tues day. Longenecker, who was preparing to enter Cornell university, wus heav ily thrown and fractured his spinal col umn. He became paralyzed, and an op eration was performed on him last Fri day. -He took a relapse and died at midnight. Johiinu Mont fifia a Year, NEW YORK, Oct. 13.-Juhann Most, the unarchist, who was arrested for having published an article hi his pa per, Die Frelhelt, entitled, "Murder Against Murder," was seuteueed to one year's Imprisonment by Justlco Hins dale lu the court of special sessions. Most was tried last week. World' Wheat Crop Large. WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. The da purcmeut of agriculture announces that the three most Important estimates of the world's wheut crop of IDOt so far made agree that the crop Is larger than that of either of the two preceding years. A llenmrkalile It r cord, KlhlnfT (llanil rs Is a singularly conscientious man. Mnllins All ? KildiilT lie was never known to lie, even about his thermometer. Leslie's Weekly. Din'errnt Point of VletT, Irate Patron I thought this rail road was for the benefit, of the public. Railroad Olllcial You're nway off. The public Is for the benefit of the ruilroad. N. Y. Weekly. t'hnnned Place. "Is your poor aunt conscdablp yet for tin- loss of her first husband?" "Oh, yes! But now her second hus band N uncon soluble over it." Flie penile Illaetter. lltneiiKKlon Potioned. She I'm very sure you could get work if you wanted It. He Mebbe so, lua'nm. I make It a rule never to argy before brenkfaat. "-Boston Courier. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and perseverance in its use will work won ders for the most hopeless woman. If Mrs. , Newton, whose letter is given below, had not persisted in its use, she might never have known the happiness of perfect health. Perhaps the reason for her persistence was because she used Tavorite Prescription" as a "last re sort." Physicians had failed. If" Favor ite Prescription " could not help there was nothing to hope for. It did help. It always helps and almost nlways cures. It establishes regularity, dries weaken ing drains, heals inflammation and ulcer ation and cures female weakness. It imparts strength and elasticity to the organs of maternity and makes the baby's advent practically painless. "When I CJiiHUltcd you in April, 1H09, I wn In Kor health," writei Mrs. K- II. Newton, of Vanbiirtn. Arountook Co.. Maiue "Und been siik all whiter, und, to add to my trouhl. wai on the road to maternity, which the dfictor inid would end my days. I was almost riiftcounitced ; 'did not exjK-'ct nny help, hut thought the end was only a matter of lime, nnd oh 1 my two poor, little, motherless children. " It was in this condition that I ln-Ran the use of your valuable medicine. On receipt of your letter of April 6th my husband purchased six bottles of 'Favorite Prescription' and -('.olden Medical Discovery.' " and 1 used it as you directed. When you wrote me word of en couragement on April 27th I hail received no benefit ftom the medicine, hut determined as a last resort to xive it a fair trial. 1 am now tnk Inii the thirteenth anil lust bottle. 1 have n lovely babv nirl three weeks old. that weitthed Ii pound's at birth. Mv baby and I are enjoy ing perfect health, thanks to your wonderful nieuicine, to wnicn 1 neneve 1 owe my iue " Dr. Pierce's Pellets stimulate the liver, rUBUC SALE Or VALUABLE- Real Estate Pursuant to the last win and testament of Jacob L. C.trton, late of the Town of Blooms- burs, Pennsvlvanla, doceased, the undersigned executor will expose to public sale, on the premises, In the Town nf llloorusburg, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1901, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, the following described real estate, situate in the Town ot Bloomsburg, b.iu tided and d scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning on the west side ot Centre street, nt the Intersection or an alley with said Centre street, whleu alley separates the lot hereby described from lot of Ata stiller nnd others; thence along Bald alley south sixty three and three-quarters degrees west, ono hundred and eighty-two foet to an alley: thence south twenty-eight and oue-elghtu do green east, forty-one feet and ten Inches to lot of W. K. Hartaian ; thence along said lot north sixty-three and three-quarters degrees east, one hundred and eighty-two feet to Centre street; thence nlong said Btreet north twenty six nnd one-eighth degrees west, forty-two feet to the place of beginning, upon which are erected 2 FRAME DWELLING HOUSES and a barn. Tkhms of slk: Twenty per cent, of the. purchase moaey to bo paid at tho striking down of the property: twenty per cent. January 1 l'.HfcJ, at, which lima possession will be given by an assignment ot tne leases tuereon, and th balance Januiry 1, TO, with Interest from uauuajy i, rjjz. W.M. L'lIUIS.YlAX, Exocutor. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue - of u writ ot Fl. Fa. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Uloomsburg, County nnd state afore said on SATURDAY, NOV. 2, 1901, at 3 p. in. Ail that certain message or tenement, planta tion and tract ot land, lying and being in tho township ot Franklin, county of Columbia, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a dead pine In Hue or luiid or Thomas llower, theueu by laud of tho Bume north seventy-four degrees wost, thirty. six perches to a stone, thence by land or (leorgo Hlilck north three degrees west eighteen perch es to a stone, thence by tho same south eighty eight degrees east, forty-four perches to a stone thence by land of Win. Fisher, (formerly) south goventeer degrees west twenty-eight perches to the place or beginning. Containing 5 ACRES AND 49 PERCHES, strict measure, whereupon are erected a two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, burn and outbuildings. Seized, tftKen Into execution at tho suit or Jane IB. Koblns, executrix or John K, lioblns, deceas.'d, vs. Jacob Knlttlo and to bo sold as t ho property ot Jacob Knlttlo. DANIEL KNOUU, ItiuwN anii (li'ig, Att'ys. Sheriff ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. KSTATK OK OLAI'.K . WAI.THH, LATi Of CATA W1HHA UOIIOlllIU, COLUMBIA CO., PA., DKO'o. Notice Is hereby given that letters of admin lstrtil ton on tho estate of Clark S. Waller, late of Calawlssa Borough, Columbia Co., l'a do. ceased, have been grunted to tho undersigned administrator to whom till persons Indebted to bald estate are requested to make puviuents, and t hose having claims or dmnaiKts will make known the same without delay 10 10-17 MAT1UIA WAI.TEH, Joun U. Uabuan, Atl'y. AdiaiulsUuuu. aSssrStS4,J Soft Harness Too can make your har. tm aa soft aa a glove and aa touch aa wlrn by using Kl II KKA liar. Head Oil. You can Irnxthim lis Ufa make It Inst twlra aa long aa It ordinarily would. EUREKA Harness Oil makaa a poor looking har neNa like new. Made of pure, heavy bodied oil, es pecially prepared to with stand the weather. , Sold everywhere la cans all alaea. Mads b; STANDARD OIL CO. SATISFACTION OF A MORTGAGE. Whereas, T.ewls Ppishllne, administrator of the estate of Mh-hael Ki lslillne. deceased, on October t. lWill, presented to I he court, of com mon Plciisof Columbia ( ountv, Pa., a petition, setting lorth that on April 1st, isis. one Wm. Lauderbach executed a cert it In mortgage lo ttnlph (. Carpenler for rti:l.l, iiifalnst Ml Bcres nt land, In Flshlngi-reck Twp.,ieserlbed as "All thai certain 111 aeres.adlolnlng lands ot Carpen ter anil Krlck, Kam i Yon, Atidr. s. i reveling, et. nl., ami that the leiritl presumption of payment of the siime existed by hipao of time, and praying that the same should be aal Istled n'-eordlnir to lnw. Therefore, the holder or holders of said morfKiige are hereby notified to appear at the liecember termor said Court and answer said petition. HANI EL KNOKK. 10-10.4t Sheilff. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF IIKO, M. LOCK ARB LATH OP BLOOMS HCHII, rA., IIKVSASKIl. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Columbia County, Pa., to pass upon exceptions tiled lo Hie first and par tial account or Ksther.1 Lm-kard, administra trix, will sit, at the olllce or Ikeler K Ikeler, lu the Knt Building, nioomsburg. Pa., on Wednes day. October au, 1H0I, at ten o'clock a. m , to at tend to the duties ot his appoint ment.wlien nnd where all parties Interested In said estate must appear. iu4t FHKDIKEf.EK, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK ZKKttL C0I.R, LATE Or RI OAKI.OAF TWI'., COL. CO., FA., IIRCKASKD. Tho undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court or Columbia Co., Pa , todlstrlb ute the balance In the hands of II. II, llrotz, executor ot the estate of K.eklel cole, as ap pears by his tlnul account, to and among the parties legally entitled thereto, will atleud to I lie dul lea or his appointment at his onice, In lite Town ot Hlooinsburg, fa., on Saturday, the Sillh day of October, uml, at, ten o'clock In the forenoon, when and where all parties Interested are requested to present their claims, or be for ever debarred from comlrg In upon said fund. U6 45, C. W. MILLEH, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE 0K FKKPKKICK CHOCSE, LATE OF BEA VEH TOWNHHIf, PKt'KAHHO. Notice Is hereby g ven that the undersigned Auditor, appointed by the orphans' court ot Columbia t otinty. Pennsylvania, to make dis tribution nt the fund In the hands or the ad ministrator ot Frederick I'rouse, deceased, to and among the pan Ins entitled I hereto, will at tend, nt his ntUcc, In Hloomsburg, on Saturday, the iHth day or October, A. U. I Win, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, to perforin tho duties or his appointment, wnen ana wnere an parui's Hav ing clulms against, the estate are required to present l item lor adjustment, or be forever de barred f ruin couilnu In on sntd fund. .'H4t JOUN O. FKEE.E, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF MARIA L0WEKV, LATE OF 0KANOB TWF DECEASED. Tho undersigned, having received a commis sion as auditor from the Orphans' Court, ot Col uiiibla County, Pa., to distribute Ihetund In the hands or the executor of said estate, to and among the parlies legally entitled thereto, will attend to the ditties of his appointment, nt his office, In tho llartman Building, Blonmsburg, Pa., on Friday, October unit, laid, at. teu o'clock In the forenoon, when and where all parties In terested In suld estate are required to appear and prove their claims, or be lorever debarred from coming In on said fund. iu a M it. it. juh., Auditor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF CATHARINE FI.KC K KNSTIN E, LATE OF THE HOKOUIIII OF O K A NtIK V I I.I.K, PA,. DEC D. Notice Is hereby given that letters testa mentary on mo estate or Catharine r lecken stliie. late of the Borough ot otantrevllle. Col innbla Co., Pa , deceased, have been granted unto Joseph Fleckenstlne, residing In said Bor ough, to whom all persons Indebted to said es tate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same wunout ueiny to JOSEPH FLECK ENSTIN'E, Clinton IIekbino, Att'y. (ik"i) Executor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF KI.IZ AllKTII E. It KIM Alto, LATE OF III.OOUSIIUHII, FA., PKCKASED. Notice Is hereby given that letters or admin istration on the estute or fciiziiuein k, hc imam, late Ot Hlooinsburg, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned ailmlnlst rator, to w hom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and I hose having claims or demands will luiiko known the same without delay, to CllAllI.ES II. KElMAUi', Adm'r. II. 11. stkes, Att'y. y-5-iit. SaPRDFESSIOm CARDIE N. U. FUNK, ATTORNKY-AT LAW, lira. Enf Building, Court Hons A-Tiaj, BLOOM SBURG, PA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ortlco-Bloomshiirg Nat'l Hank Bldg., 3d floor. W.OOMSrSURG, PA. C. W. MILLER, ATTO RN EY-AT-LA f, Wirt's Building, fl IViw BUX3M.SJttJg.Cs 'A. J0I1N0. PBEEZE. JOHN fl. niKviu FREEZE & HARM AN, ATTOUNEYS AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ULOOMSUUKG. PA. OfflceB: Centrest., nrst dooroelowOperanouse WM. li MAGILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Lockanl's building, Corner Mam and Centre Sts. A. N. YOST, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. II. R. STEES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office, in EntBldg, Bloomsuurg, Pa. II. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbian Building, 2nd Floor. BLOOMSBURG, FA, RALPH R. JOHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hartman Building, Market Square, Bloomsburg, Pa. IKELER & IKELER, ATTORN EY AT LA W . Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. CLYDE CHAS. YETTER, attorney at law, Bloomsburg, Pa. Office in Wirt's Building, J. H. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Office, in I.ockard'g Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. W. H. RHAWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, Corner of Third and Main Sta CATAWISSA, . PA. CLINTON HERRING, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office with Grant Herring. BLOOMSBURG, TA. C-tT Will be in Orangevil'.e Wednesday ol each week. WILLIAM C. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Office in Wells' Building over B. A. Gidding's Clothing Store, Bloomsbnrg, P Will be in Millville on Tuesdays. H. MONTGOMERY SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oflice : Wirt building, over Alexande Bros. 11-16-99 EDWARD. FLYNN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. nortlce Llddlcot building, Locust avenue- J. S. JOHN, M. K, ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residence, 410 Main Si 3-70-iv pi OC MFI TC, FA MONTOI B TELEPHONE. BEI.L TELIFBOM EVES TE8TEP. GLASSES FITTED. H. BIERMAN, M. D. IIOMtEOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN AND BUMBO office hours: Office & Keshteace, h 81 , 10 a. m. to i p. m., 6:80 to 8 p. m. ULOOMSUUKG, Tt. J. J. BROWN, M. D. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes tested and fitted with glasses. No Sunday work. 311 Market St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Hours: 10 to s. Telephone. DR. M. J. HESS, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Crown and bridge work SPECIALTY, Corner Main and Centre Stre-1 . BLOOM SILKG,PA. Dr. W. H. HOUSE, , " BUKUEON DENTIST, Offlo Barton's Building, Main below Hartf BLOOMSBURG, Pa. All styles of work done in a superior mau., and all work warranted as repreient4 . TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAJ , by the use of Gas, and free of charge wkei artificial teeth are inserted. To be open all hours during the day. C. WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. p. Hartman f tan nAm. franklin of rhtla. VJI,tL. BCBPLOI A LI tl.OMLK 1,1V, 1.0S4I. 42 Wi.Bt . hT.o,. ; V ""','" Ji,r.i.,ti VM stthestcr, j,-Y ,W Ol,0 j'7,,.('i AmiTlca, l'hlia. 3,oou,'oo0 no'.m 2.SM, s rr ... mce-r,rst BWfi., ad floor. Hi-u"c rromptly adjusted and paid, M. P. LTTT7. Xr cn (SUCCESSOKS TO FKEAS BKo'wBl INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND BROKE S. N. W. Corner Main and Centre! Stittti, Bloomsburg, Pa. Represent Seventeen asgoodComn- ies as there are in thr, w JP.? losses proniptlyadjusied rndpi?1 at their Office. CITY HOTEL. W. A. Uartzel. Prop. No, 121 ves, t.:n B. "Larpe and convenient samnl rooms, hot and cold water. veniences. Bar stotk.-H .;,, V ""uc, li'iuors. First-clS; , exchangFhotel; G. Snyder, Proprietor, (Oppositethe Court House) BLOOMSBURG, fA. Larfe an . room,? hoPand co a'Pandr0r Brth j convenience. aDd a11 noder