THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURO, PA. THE DANCER PASSED President MoKlnley'a Condi tion Continues to Improve. PHYSICIANS EXTRESS CONFIDENCE. Vice President nnil Hrnnlor Hnnnn I.vnvc for Their lluinra Ainrtil Thnt the Wnnndcd Mnn la Btrndllr Onlnlntt. BUFFALO, Sept. 11. 'Hip corps of eminent surireon ami physician in nt t'lulHiiec upon tlu wounded president commit themselves without reservation to the opinion tlmt their pnticnt is out of dauircr and thnt only the possibility of complications tlirentcn li Is llfo. They do not glvo OHHiiriinri' of hi recovery cur lectively over tlielr sli;iiiiturc in nn olli cinl bulletin. Tlmt Ik more tliiin can be asked in reason. Hi'lcntilie mcu, no mat ter how HtronK their tat victlnn may be, cannot le cxpeeteil to assume the move responsibility of ollic hilly procliiiininK the certainty of tlie recovery of a man lying nn u bed of pain with a bullet hole In bin stomach, but they k a long wny toward it iudivbliially and sepnintily cai'h of them with the exception of Ir. llixey, who him placed himself squarely on rec ord, not privately to the friends of the. president, but publicly throUKh the Kcncy of the press, that the datiirer point bus passed nnd thnt the president will anrvive tlie attempt upon his life. "Of course we will nil feel ciisIit when week has pnssid," said I)r. McBtirne.v, the dean of the corps. "We would like to see every door locked and double locked, tint the daniter from possible com plications is now vm-y remote.'.' Thousands of 111 are today wnlkinff the earth in perfect health with much larger chunks of lead in their bodies. The X ray machine is ready for instant use, however, and if there is the sliautest lnUuminntlon or pain in tlie vicinity of the bullet an operation will bo per formed. The vice president, members of the cab inet. Senator llntimi nnd the other dis tinguished friends of the president who have remained hero to await the issue ac cept the verdict of the physicians ns prac tically conclusive, and there has been an exodus of those who considered their presence no louder necessary. Vice Presi dent ltoosevelt left last evening for his home nt Oyster Bay, Senator Hnnnn re turned to Cleveland on business to be (tone two days, and Comptroller Dawes tins (rone to Washington. Aimer McKin tey, tlie president's brother, will remain a few days longer, but his family huve returned home, and Mrs. Duncan and several other rulatives of tlie president have gone. Judge Day, lone nnd cloutd i nn. kixf.y. associated with the president, has return ed to Canton. The live members of the cabinet still here will remain u few days rather ns friends who have been inti mately associated with the president for yearn than as public ollicials. Tlie president's physicians have been impressed with his remarkable recupera tive powers ami the rapidity of bis im provement. Ordinarily an incision for such nn operation ns was performed upon the chief executive should heal within three weeks, but in the president's case It muy be strong enough for him to be moved a little sooner. The president will be taken direct to Washington as soon as it is safe to move him. Within the sickroom mnny evidences of the president's improvement are ap parent. Tlie president himself begins to tdiow conlideuce iu his ability to care for himself, and from time to time he will carefully turn himself and gain n more restful position. The nurses naturally ob served with care these evidences of grow ing strength and courage and arc ready to nee thnt there is no undue tax on the president's strength or the (.training of the wound. These slight movements from side to side nre nil that he has attempted thus far, nnd it is too early yet to think of his sittinft up in bed or of any other marked use of his muscles. A most important development is the private determination reached among tflose iu charge of the case that fond should be administered to the patient to day by the mouth and not by the rectum. Not since tin1 shooting has n morsel of food been given to the president by nat ural means, but the drain on his system has been met by dissolved foods admin istered by injection. The importance of this feeding by tho mouth is that it will restore the normal action of the stomach for the first time since that organ bad both its walls pierced by a bullet. Tlie doctors nre sat isfied thnt the time has Mine to renew these normal functions, nnd the five days which have elapsed since the wounds in the stomach were closed give every as surance that the sutures are sulliciently liealcd to allow nature to resume her sway. Borne uneasiness wns caused last night because of the length of the consultation of physicians, and this was somewhat increased when It wns ienrned that Dr. McBurncy, who had intended to lenve for Stockbridge, Conn., at 11:20, bad missed his train nnd hud decided to re main over until tonight, but the doctor himself did all ho could to dispel the Idea thnt the change iu his plans por tended uuything serious. It was 11:10 when the physicians emerged from the house. They had been in consultation an hour and fifty minutes and announced to the wuitiug newspaper men that the president's condition was unchanged iu everv Important purticuliir. As explainud iu tlie bulletin which all the doctors signed, it seems that tt small fragment of the. president's cout had been carried into the body by the bullet, and although this foreign substitute wut removed a slight disturbance developed which mnde necessary the opening of th wound. The doctors seek to allny nil ap prehension by the positive statement thnt this Incident rmnot give rise to othef complications, nnd their frankness in giv ing tho news to the public leaves no rea- I son to question their entire good faith. The further fact communicated in the bulletin thnt the president was now well enough to begin taking nourishment In ' the mouth In the form of pure beef juice wns or course gratifying, but to the lay men the mere mention of n complication, however slight It might be. naturally crented nlnrin. it seemed like a little cloud on the horizon which might grow nnd spread. But the most positive nssur- anccs were given 'that the only effect i might be to slightly delay the heullng of the wound. '1 he irritation was not in any wny the result even of n suggest Ion of , blood poisoning, and the phvslelnus de clared over their own signatures that It could not result in complications. The opening of the wound wns in no sense nn operation. Several of the stitches were simply taken out, nnd after n thorough antiseptic Mashing of the inll.imeil tissue the wound was again sewed up. No tin esthetics were necessary. Considerable delay wns caused by the fact thnt n cer tain dresshiK desired by the surgeons wn not In the house, ami it was necessary to end into the city for it. Tlie first time the messenger returned be did not have what was wanted, nnd lie hail to mukc another trip. After the bulletin wns Issued Secretary Cortelyou and Mr. Milhnrii came to the press tent to dispel nny alarm that might have arisen with p.sitive assurances of the unimportance of the incident. OPERATION ON PRESIDENT. How the Yi'onnl In the Stomneh Were Antured. BUFFALO, Sept. n.-The Express to day says regarding the first operation performed on the president: "The operation performed at the Emer gency hospital left no need for n second operation to follow It almost immediately. The full details of the operation hereto fore have not been known. "It was performed by Dr. Matthew I. Mann. His first assistant wns Dr. Her man Mynter. His second nssistunt wns Dr. .lohn I'armeiitc'r. His third assistant was Dr. Lee of St. Louis, who happened to be on the exposition grounds nt the time and plnced his services at tlie dis posal (if the president. Dr. Nelson W. Wilson noted the time of the operation nnd took the notes. Dr. Eugene Wasdin of the Marine hospital gave tho ann-s-thetic. Dr. Hixey arrived nt the latter purt of the operation nnd held the light. Dr. I'arke arrived at the close of the op eration. It was Dr. Maun who wielded the knife. "The operation lasted almost nn hour. A cut about five Inches long wns made. It wns found necessary to turn up the stomnch of the president in order to trnce the course of tlie bullet. The bullet's ripening iu the front wall of the stomach wns Binnll, nnd It wns carefully closed with sutures, nfter which a search wus made for the hole In the back wall of the stomach. , "This hole, where the bullet went out of the stomach, was larger than the hole iu the front wall of the stomnch in fact, it wns a wound over an Inch iu diameter, jagged and ragged. It wns sewed up in three layer. This wound wns Inrger than the wound where the bullet entered because the bullet in its course forced tissues through u'.iend of It. "Iu turning up tlie stomach, nn net that wns absolutely necessary and wns per formed by Dr. Mann with rare skill, the danger was that some of the contents of the stomach might go Into the abdominal cavity nnd ns n result cause peritonitis. It so hnpptncd that there wns very little in the president's stomach nt the time of the operation. "Moreover, subsequent developments (end to show that this feature of the op eration was grandly successful and that none of the contents of the stomach en tered the abdomlnul cavity. If any of the contents had entered tlie cavity, the probability is that before now peritonitis would have set in." G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT. nvnl Veternns' Iuy nt Cleveland. I'erry's Victory Celebrated. CI.KVKI.AND, O., Sept. ll.-The na val veterans took first place in the festivi ties attendant upon the tlrnml Army en campment yesterday. The eighty-suventh anniversary of Oliver Hazard Terry's historic triumph on Lake Erie was fit tingly celebrated iu u grand parade of naval veterans und u naval display on tic la lie. Other features of interest in the day's programme were as follows: Keception by tho Cleveland Yac ht club, naval display on hake Krie, the fleet be ing opened to the inspection of tlie pub lic; dogwatch of the Association of Na val Veterans at (liay's armory, camptire of 1'nion ex-I'risoners of War at Cen tral armory, reception for national ntii cers of tlie (iranil Army by Women's Ke lief corps at Chamber of Commerce hall, le' epiiou of Indies of the Ornnd Army of the kopublic, west side camptire at Turn ball and n lake front naval display by t'.:e I'ni'ed States and naval reserve boats, including illuminations und maneu vers by the licet. Forty Miners Kii tonilied. CAI'.IU'IIII.LY, Wales, Sept. 11. A si rious explosion look place lnl evening at the I.hitibrnilacli colliery, near here. Six miners, have been rescued, all suf fering severely from the effects of aftel damp, which prevents n continuance of the relief work. It is reported that forty nre still entombed. The explosion occur red between shifts, rendering nil u ecu rate estimate dilUcult. At a late hour it be came known that at least two of the miners were dead, and the total of the death roll will probably be ten, as eight luivi not yet boon recovered. Many nro swiously injured. ' Cresceiia nnil The Abbot to Meet. BOSTON, Sept. 11. Cresceus and The Abbot will race for a purse of $10,000 nt lU-ndville Sept. 10, the winner taking the v hole purse, which is offered by Thomas W. Lawson of this city. Mr. Jewett, sec retary of tho New England Trotting llmse Breeders' association, unnounees that the preliminary arrangements for the nice have been completed. The gate re ceipts will go to the West End nursery in Boston. Borulnm and Iird Derby will ulso nice during the meeting for u purse of $10,000, which is offered by the usso- ciution. ' Caluuiblu Chosen. NEWl'UMl, K. 1., Sept. 0. The chal lenge committee of tho New York Yacht club announces thut the Columbia wit defend the AuicrR'u'H cup against Buam rock II. CONDENSED DISPATCHES. KotnMc Invents of the Wrili Briefly nnd Terselr Told. Andrew Carnegie received the freedom of the city of Olasgow. Strikers ngaln prevented work In the National Tube company's plant nt Mo Keesport. France's action In expelling Turkish spies from the country is bringing tho sultan to terms. Lord Kitchener reported 07 Boers kill ed since Sept. 2, 07 wounded, It.S4 prison ers nnd H!,'l surrendered. Japanese business men wnnt their gov ernment to use part of the Chinese indem nity fund to found n great bank. The and cm l inn nnd the king nnd queen of Englnnd participated in the farewell luncheon nt Copenhagen. The treasury department lias received from Architect Oillicrt plans for the new custom house building for New York city. Tuesday, Kept. to. Marquis Itu of Japan is coming to America. Russia has decided to build five new battleships. Emperor Francis Joseph hns closed tho Hungarian diet. ' The national golf tournament begnu at Atlantic City. N. J. Eighty uutoinobiles started in the en durance contest from New York to Buf falo. The canal treaty to take the place of the Hay-I'iinucefote convention has been negotiated. The transport McClellan, from New York, with the couirressionul party ou board, has arrived at Manila. Strikers at McKccsport, Pa., prevent ed by force the resumption of work la the National Tube company's plant. Monday, Sept. ft. The final protocol wus signed nt I'cktng by the representatives of the powers und China. Tlie Carthusian monks in a meeting at tlie (irando Chartreuse, l'uris, have du cided to leave France. A Venezuelan fleet was reported to bo bombarding Uio llacha, o town on the northern coast of Colombia. Brandolino Ynwlinglunn hns confessed that he killed John Francesco Dura, a Mount Vernon (N. Y.) saloon keeper. Men representing $1,."00,0h,(M'o met iu New York city and by declaring that they would support the stock market prevent ed any panic in Willi street. American trains demonstrated that the route across this country was the quick est for mnil service between London and Australia, cutting dowu tlie time by sev eral days. The Philadelphia, formerly the Paris, of tlie American line reached the port of New York, completing the first voyage of the vessel since It was wrecked off the English coast two years ago. Pntnrdn. Sept. T. Giant waves nt Itockuwity Bench, Long Island, added large ureas of new land to the shore. A severe gale on Lake Huron did much damage to shipping. No lives were lost. The yellow fever board nt Havana voted to discard the Use of Dr. Culdus vaccine serum. Miss Maud Willard died from the ef fects of n trip in a barrel through the whirlpool and rapids nt Niagara. She was in the barrel more than six hours before being rescued. The Abbot trotted n mile In 2:05 nt Hartford, Conn., fulling to brcuk the track record of 2:0-1. Frliluy, Sept. !. A storm destroyed much property nt Beiikeluiuu, Neb. A bank ut Tininionsville, S. C, was robbed by its cushier. A new Frniico-Kussinn commercial treaty has been negotiated. Commander Fields of the Banger re ported all quiet nt I'nnumn. Strikers went to work nt the National Tube company's works at McKeesport. Captain Forsyth repudiated alleged in terview on the Sampson-Schley contro versy. Two men reached Seattle from the Klondike, bringing $300,000 as a result of the summer's work. Nearly ".00 soldiers at Fort Mcl'herson, (in., were taken ill after eating a stew. Four of them may die. Thursday, Sept. 5. A rich oil strike wus made ut Granite, Oklu. The Methodist ecumenical conference opened iu London. A threatened strike in the packing trades was reported from Chicago. France Is to expe Turkish agents ns a first measure of coercion uguinst the sul tan. The German cruiser Waclit was sunk after a collisiou with the battleship Such sen. A train wns held up near Texarkauu, Ark., mid u large sum taken from the ex press safe. Customs men ut Chlcugn seized dia monds und other property valued at Jflo, Uull, thought to have been smuggled. Severe Storm on I, like Huron, WASHINGTON. Sept. !t.-Dispatches received by the life saving service' indi cate that a very serious storm bus raged on Lake Huron. These dispatches re port a number of disasters to lake craft und show that all told fifty-six seamen were rescued at different life saving sta tions ou the lake. New York Markets. FT.OT'R Slate and western quiet nnd I'lirely steady: Minnesota patents, $;i.7uu4; winter straights. j.:iift3.4.'i: winter extras, $2.SCi2.Mt; winter patents, H CfilsS. V 1 112 AT I'ull and easier lieeuuse of lower cables, realizing and heavy north vest receipts; October, 7t 7-ltilj7-lc. ; Ias cemlicr. 7i r,-1i'ii 7i'.c. HVfcl I'ull; state, 55'iiiiic., e. 1. f.. New York, cur lots; No. 2 western, tWVso., (, o. j., alloat. t.'oHN Weakened also under bearish cables, hluiier northwest temperatures and unloading; October, lil'Vic ; December, UH'tlli-'vC. OATS Inactive and easier; track, white, state, IW'iWi'v:. ; track, white, western, a&'.i t 47c. 1'iiHK I-'irm; mess, $15.75ft 16.75; family, Jlti.7C'.tl7. I.AR1J Quiet; prime western steam, 0.7J' -e. lilvrTKIt-Btendy; state dairy, 1P318HO.; creamery. lj'a'iiSni..e. CHKIirSK t'liseitled; funcy, largo, col ored. He; fancy, targe, white, Uc. ; fancy, small, colored, Ulic ; fancy, small, white, 1?i HIS Steady ; state nnd Pennsylvania, lS'ii'.Mo.: western, cuudled, K'iilKe,, Sl'UAH Haw quiet; fair refining, 3 6-llio.; centrifugal. !Mi test, ll-'jc. ; relim-d sternly : crushed, fj.J'ie. ; powdered, 5.:imi. '1 U ft I I : N T 1 X 10 Firmer at aii-VCfio. MOLASSKS Steady;. New Orleans, 35 KICK Firm; domestic, 4UTiii,-4o. ; Japan, 4-',c. TAt.T.OW Steady; city, HVje.; country. 11AV Steady; shipping, CXj c:,c. ; youd to choice, ioyy-.u. nonltts and Dlfflcnltles. He One ennnot always tell wheth er n, frirl menus wbnt she says. She And one ennnot. always tell whether a man enres whether she means what she nays. Puck. Well, Why Xntt She Do you think love always finds a wny? lie No. Very often It's the girl. Chicngo Iiecord-Hernld. A Severe Criticism. "How do you think Kdith Many euinnicrs looks with her new henu?" "As If she might be a mother to Mm." Chicago Journal. Doctors not seldom give up a case, but mother never (Iocs. Y hue life lasts. while there is a spark of vitality which love's lalior tuny fan into a flame, she toils untiringly for the child she brought into the world. And sometimes where the doctors fail the mother succeeds, Shu has no prcj udices. Any means she will use wlncli will save her child. The mother's prescrip tion given below is a cms in point. Her daughter was given up by physi cians as suffering from an incurable disease, called "wasting of the digestive organs." Tlie mother pre scribed Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery an'l " Favorite Proscription," and had the happiness of seeing Her daughter restored to perfect health. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and oth er organs of di gestion ami nutrition. It Is a nerve- uourishing, flesh -forming medicine making new blood and new life. "Golden Medical Discovery " contains no alcohol and it is absolutely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. It is a true temperance medicine. "My iter fof Arlington, Wmhlng-ton Co., Nehr..) w takr-i very slr-lc and had severs! (l'lcton!," wrltM Mr C. I Harrison, of Klk City, DoiigUi Co., tfetir. They coul. I not do her nny good, und told mv mother thi-v would not come Buy more, un no doctor could help her. that he could not trt well. She hud ' wtHtinit of the UiitcHtive oiifans.' Mv mother tnid to my sinter: ' Will, I almost know that Dr. Pierce s tncdU cinei will cure her.' So she bouirht nix bottle three of ' Col ltu Medical Liiicovery' three of Favorite Prescription.' nnd amne of the 'Pel lets: ' and now my sister U a well woman. " We thank you for your medicine." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, IJuffalo, N. Y., ORPHANS' COURT SALE -OP VALUABLE- Real Estate. fursuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court of ColumbH County. Pennsylvania, the under- signed, administrator of the estate of Huston Roblson, lato of Scott township. Col 11 mala County, Pennsylvania, will expose to public sale, upon the premises, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1901, (tract No. il at two o'clock p. m., and tract No. 1 at three o'clock p. m.) the undivided one-half Interest and title, In and to the following de scribed real estate, viz : TKACT no. 1. Tne undivided one-half Inter est In nil that piece, parcel and tract of laud, situate InStott township, Columbia County. Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a stone corner, In the pub. Uo road, leading from Espy to Llghtatreet . thence south. In said road, nlno degrees east, fltry-sli perches to a stone corner Iu suld road ; tliftioe by laud of Sarah Snyder south twenty, nine and on-fourih degrees east, forty-nine and nine-tenths perches to a stone corner; thence south sixty and three-fourths degrees west, six perches to a stone corner; thence south twenty-nine and one-fourtu degrees east, thlrty-tbree perches to a stono corner ; thence by land of C. W. Kline south sc-venty-seven and one-halt degrees east, seventy-six and slx-ten'hs rods to a stone, formerly ptne corner; theneo north scventy-alx degrees east, elghty-one and five-tenths rods to a stone cor ner lu the public road, leading from Espy to residence of Kills Hlngrose ; thence by centre or suld road and land of said Ellis Klngrose, north twenty-nine and throe-fourths degrees west, one hundred and sixty-four and four tenths rods to a stone corner; thence north seventy-six degrees east, forty-three and nlne tentlis rods to a stone corner; thence north twelve and one-fourth degrees west, nine and nine-tenths rods to a stone corner In the public roud, leading from tho residence of Joseph Ileekmnn to Win. J. llldlay's ; thence la centre of said road and land ot Win. J. Uldlay, south seveuly-sevcn and one-fourth degrees west, one hundred ai d sixty and right-tenths perches to a none coruer lu the public road, the place of beginning, containing 138 ACRES AND 25 PEACHES of lu nd upon which Is erected a BRICK. DWELLING HOUSE, frame haul; barn and outbuildings. A lime stone nuiirry Is also upon the premises. TltAUr NO. 2. The undivided one-half In terest la nil that piece, parcel and tract ol laud, situate In the village of Kspy, county and s'ule aforesaid, bounded und described ai fol lows, to wit : Ueglnnrng ut the southwest coi l.erot .Market and Secoud st reets; thencu west wards along Second st reet eighty-two and one halt feet to corner of lot of Case, 'No. 61;" thence southwardly, along lino of suld lot, one hundred und seventy-threo and one-fourth feet to un alley; thence along said alley eaatwurdly eighty-two and one-half f.iet to Market street, aforesaid; then.'o northward, ly, along said street, 0110 hundred and seventy. 1 hive and one-fourth feet to secoud street, tho place ot beginning, upon which Is erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and barn. Tkkms of Sale : Tin per cent, of one-four'h of the purchase money to b. paid at the stilk 1S down cf the property; the oue-fourtU less the ten per cont. at the continuation of said salo ubsolu'e, and the balance one year after confirmation nisi, with Interest fioin that date. WM. O. HoliliON, Administrator. W'M. ClIllISMaN, ATT'V. t 11 1J EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. JCSTATU OP RII.A8 CONNh t, I.ATK 0KT1IB HOROUUU OK OKANIIKVII.I.K. eol.. CO., I'A,, IIKCKAsHU. Notice Is hereby given t hat let ters testament ary on the eslate 06 Sllus Cnuuer. late of Hie Borough of oiuiigevule. roltmi'ila County, l'a., have been (,'i antud to I. W. Conner and Charles Conner, of oriingevllle, to whom all persons In debted to suld estate nre leipiested to make ptiviuunt, and tho. e having clu n or demands will make known the sai.iu without delay to J. W. CONNKH. (h.8) t llAltl.liS CUNNEK, CLIN ION llKHIUNU, Atty. K 3 .01 S. A K or ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE-- Real Estate. rursunnt to an order of the Orphans' Court of Colurnbln County, Pennsylvania, tho under, signed, administrator of the estato of t.uwson Hughes, late of Mill Orovc, deceased, will ex pose the following property to public snlo on TUESDAY, SEPT. 17, i9of, ntone o'clock p. in , upon the premises, In Mill Orove, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Tit ACT No. S. Situate in Mill orove, nnd bounded by tho publli road leading from Mill Orove to tho I'nlon Switch, lands of Owen W. Cherlngton and Elijah Beaver, containing about 15,826 SQUARE FEET, whereon Is erected a 3-STORY FRAME BUILDING, commonly known as the Terrace House proper ty. Tho last above described property to be sold upon the condition "that no license what ever shall at any time bi obtained for the sale of any spirituous or malt liquors unon the said premises, by tho purchaser or purchasers thereof, their heirs or assigns, or lessees, and that a covenant to that effect, shall nlso bo In serted In the deed conveying said prctnlses." ALSO, THAT NO. a. -situate In Mill Orove, nnd bounded by tbe public road leading from Mill Orovo to the Methidlst Church, In lloarlng creek township, lands of Owen W. Cherlngton and other lands of d -cedent, containing about 70J SQ. PERCHES OF LAND, on which Is elected A LARGE FRAME STABLE. Tisvs of Hah:-The one-half of the pur chase money, being the amount to be set apart to securo the widow's Interest, to bo and re main a Hen upon the premises, as required by law, the Interest thereof to be paid to her ann ually, from and after the date of confirmation, during her life, and the principal thereof to be paid nt her death, to the parties legally entitled thoroto ; ten per cent, of one-fourt n of the pur chase money at the striking down of tho prop, erty, excepting snles under (fJOn) two hundred dollars, which shall be ten per cent, of the whole; the one-fourth, less the ten per cent., on confirmation of sule, and t!io balance with Interest from the confirmation, In one year from day of connrmatlon. All bonds and mortgages taken to secure tho deferred pay. merits on the several premises, and the deeds of conveyance, to bo pnld for by the purchasor or purchasers, respectively. These properties will positively be sold, as It Is desired to closo up and settle the estate. OWEN W. CHEKINOTON, N. U. Fcnx, Att'y. AUMINISTKaTOH AUDITOR'S NOTICE. IN RS KSrATS OK CAROI.INR WKRKHRISF.H AND MAKY P. 1IK8S. The undersigned auditor, appointed by the Court i f Common I'leas of Columbia County, to distribute the balance In the hands ot Daniel Knorr. trustee, to und among the parties enti tled thereto.wlll sit, at his onice.ln the l.oekard Hutldteg, Hootn No. li, on second lloor. corner of Main and Centre Sts., liloi msbiirg, on, September If, l'.el, ut, 10 o'clock In the fore noon, when und where all persons havlnir claims sgalnst said estate will appear and prove the same, or be forever debarred from coming lu upon said fund. 14 41 J. II. MAIZE, Auditor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. (8TATI OP CATIIAH1NS PI.ttCK RN8TIN K, .ATI OP TIIK BOKOLIIH OK OKI NOKV I l.l.B, PA., DKC D. Notice Is hereby given thut letters testa mentary on the estate oi Catharine riecken. stlne. lute of the Morough of Oiungevllle, i:ol tiinhtu Co , l'a , deceased, have been grunted unto .Joseph rleckenstlne, residing In huld nor- otigh, to Imm nil persona Indebted to said es tate are requested 10 inase payment, ana tnoso having claims ordemauds will make known the same without ueiay in .lOSKl'll FLECK ENSTINE, Clinton IIihrinu, Att'y. (y-") Executor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ESTATK OK JACOB I.. OIKTON, I.ATS OF Ut.OOMS Hl'KII, PA.. I)KCIASKI. Notice Is hereby Klven that letters of admin istration on the estate of Jacob L, Olrton, lute of hloomsbuiy.deceused.lhave been granted to the undersigned ndmlnlst rator, to whom ull persons Indebted to said est uie are request' d to make payments, and those having eiuims or demands will make known the same without delay to H-15-tlt. WILLIAM C11KIS.MAN, Executor ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP nl'STON K0IIIS0N, LATE OF BC0TT TOWNSHIP, COLUMBIA CO., PA., DEC'l). Notice Is hereby given that letters of admin istration on the estate of Huston Koblson, late of Scott township, Columbia County, ru., de. ceased, have been grunted to the undersigned administrator to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or demands will make known the buuio without delay to WILLIAM C. HOIUSON, Wm. Ciikihxan, Atty. H-jju-iit, Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP ELIZABETH E. REIMARP, LATH OP lll.OOMSIiriKI, PA , DECEASED. Notice Is hereby given that letters of admin istration on the estate of Elizabeth E. Kelinard, late of llloomsburg, Pa., deceased, have been grunted to the undersigned administrator, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are rciiuestcd to mnke payments, and those having claims or demands will make known tho same without delay, to CHARLES II. li EI MA Hi.', AdmT. U. K. Stkes, Att'y. il-5-lit. -PROFESSIONAL CARDIE N. U. FUNK, ATTORNTT-AT-LAW, Un. Eot'l Bnildinc Court Hoots AQuy, BLOOMS BURG, PA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllco-Bloouishurg Nat'l Hank Hldg., 3d lloor. UI.OOMS3UKC, PA. C. W. MILLER, ATTORNEY-AT-UASr, ' Wirt's Building, rJ fnw. BIjMafSBtUtci TA. J0UNO. PHEEZC. JOHNS. BAKUAW FREEZE & IIARMAN, ATTOUNEV8 AND COUNSELLOKS AT LAW, 14I.OOMSBUKG. PA. Offices: CentreSt., first doorbelowOperallouse WM. h MAGILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURO, PA. Office in Lockard's building, Corner Main and Centre Sts. A. N. YOST, ATTORN EY-AT-L A W Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. II. R. STEES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office, in Ent LMg, Ei.oomsburg, Pa 1 H. A. McKILLlP. ATTORN EY A T LAW. Columbian Huil.ling, and Float. BLOOMSBURG, PA. RALPH R. JOHN, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hartman Building, Market Square, Koomsburg, Pa. IKELKR & IKELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBUkO, PA. CLYDE CI IAS. YETTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURO, Pa. Office In Wirt's Building, J. H. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATK AGENT, Office, in Locltard't Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. W. IT. RHAWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, Corner of Third and Main St CATAWISSA,. PA. CLINTON HERRING, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office with Grant Herring. BLOOMSBURG, PA. CiT Will be in Orangeville Wednesday of each week. WILLIAM C. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Wells' Building over B. A. Gidding's Clothing Store, Bloomsbnrg, Pa Will be in Millville on Tuesdays. H. MONTGOMERY SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office t Wirt building, over Alexaodc Bros. 1 1-16-99 EDWARD. FLYNN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. raOfilce Llddlcot building, Locust avenue' J. S. JOHN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residence, 410 Main Si 3-7-iv . PI OOMSPUFG, VA MONTOUR TELEPHONE. HEM. TRLBmOK BVES TESTED. OI.AS8E8 FITTED. H. BIERMAN, If. D. HOMfEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND BtJV0 oppici hours: omoe & Kesufcace, th Bl , 10 a. m. to 8 p. m., 6:30 to 8 p. m. liLOOMSBTJBfe, FA. J. J. BROWN, M. D. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. F.yes tested and fitted with glasses. No Sunday work. 311 Market St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Hours: io to 5. Telephone. DR. M. J. HESS, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Crown and bridge work A SPECIALTY, Corner Main and Centre Stre t , BLOOMSBURG, PA. Dr. W. H. HOUSE, SUKOEON DENTIST, oms Hartnn's Building, Main below Karkr Bloomsburg, Pa. All styles of work done in a superior man.-, and all work warranted as represented. TEETIi EXTRACTED WITM0UT PAIH. by the use of Gas, and free of charge wkxt artificial teeth are inserted. f"To be open all hours during the da? C WATSON McKELVY, fire insurance aoknt. (Successor to B. F. llaixnian Represents twelve of the strongest Compaa es In the world, among which are: CAsn total srapLtn - CAPITAX. ASBSrS. OVBBALL Franklin of Plilla.. t immkio :i,ihs,6i ti.ooa.1 Penn'a, I'htln 4ito,noo s.Hi'MN) 1.41S.1 Queen, of W. , mhmxio 8,Mb,wt liwi. westchrster, N.T.'O 1,7M,xw N. America, Plilla. 8,00u,uuo ,7titi,wi 2,814, Office First Nat'l Bank Bldg., ad floor. HVI.osses promptly adjusted and paid. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSOR TO VUITkv nunn, . hwu wuvnaj INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATK ACVHTC A . . N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Streets, Bloomsuurg, Pa. Represent Seventeen as pood CompaaV ies as there are in the World and all losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CITY HOTEL, W. A. rjartzel, Prop. No. 121 West Main ptrett, tyLarge and convenient sample rooms, bat) rooms, hot and cold water, nnd modem cost veniences. Bar stocked with best wine aail liquors, t irsl-class livery attached. EXCHANGE HOTEL, G. Snyder, Proprietor, (Oupositethe Court House) BLOOMSBURO, I A. Large and convenient surr.ple roomt Bath rooms, hot and cold water, and all m odcr l convenience'.