The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 01, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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All Day Conference at Pitts
burg Fruitless.
Tlie I'nllnro In l;iTrr n Settlrnipni
Cnnxr Miicli I iK-nnlnpNK The
UlllcInU Will Snt llc-l.i.f
the rroert-iltna.
PITTSIU'Rti, .Inly 31. 1 i-iippiint-mont
nnd nppi rlicnsiim pervade the nil
Of rittHllllt'K Im'CHUW llf tile f.lilui'e lf tlltl
eiecntive board of tin Amnlirnniiiti'd A
whitimi of Iron, Steel un4 Tin Workers
'o rntify tlit pence pi-iijniMiils ninnmed
it the conference ill New York lilxt Silt
ltiliiy between the nut iminl olliccis of the
Aninlwinmtcd nxsncintioii and M'W,
Iox-vruu. Srhwiiti ii ml liruy, r'r-f'iit Iim
'hp I'niti-il St;ite Steel corporation.
Wlion tin? conference opened yesterday
mornlnp. it win cotitidctitly expected thnt
nn nxreomcnt would In" rcnchcil ill n
short tiini', lut Hfter u cssion Instills
from l:.".0 h. in. nn'il V,-.',)u p. in. the
nicetinir ndjoiiincd without nnivin lit
any conclusion so far iih known to niri't
aorniii today.
The ircitiaitt'i fcsiou indicates that
the hoard is not MiHist'ied with tin' pro
vision of the compromise measure, and
unli-ss some iiiodilicntioiis nte made itH
ratification is iloiihtful. Tin- opening of
union mills to nonunion workmen is the
point on which it is believed the board
hesitates to accept, and the long dis
tance telephone lietwccn New York and
Pittsburg was worked frequently to iret
mollification of this clause. The work
nun hold that this would give the mill
owners full opportunity of crushing the
union without n strike by finding excuses
to di.sihuige union men ami then iill their
places with uonuuionists.
Another rock of dissension is said to
he the retention in their present jobs of
the men who worked ns "strike break
ers" nt the various mills during the
Ktriko. It is said that these men have
been promised the protection of the nian
ufiicturers in ense of a settlement uud
that they will not concede their dismiss
al at the rcpicst of the organization.
The workers, it is said, are willing to de
clare the mills now workina nonunion
open luills, but strenuously object to hav
ing all the mills of the combine classified
us upeii mills.
All is, however, conjecture, ns it is im
possible to net any definite statement
from any of the parties interested con
cerning the day's conference,
YVheii the board dispersed nt (!:3fl,
every member was waylaid by persistent
newspaper men seeking information, but
every quest inn w as answered by the
stereotyped phrase: 'Wo can say noth
ing. There is absolutely nothing to give
to the public nt this time."
President Shaffer and Secretary Wil
liams declined to talk nt all. Assistant
Secretary Tighe was agreeably hnppy and
cheerful, but said that he knew nothing
of interest to the public. M. liarhind.
who was present at the first session ol
tho board, diil not return during the aft
ernoon, but ns he left the ollices of tilt
organization seeiued to be satistied with
the discussion I tut t lie hud heard there.
KxiMiNltlmi Itiiti'N I. on-.
BITrWI.O, .Inly ill. A joint meeting
of railway passenger agents, newspaper
proprietors and hotel nun wns held yes
terday nl'ti rnoou with the view of adopt
ing some means for correcting so far us
possible the impression that appears to
prevail at distant points that railway
rates to the Pan-American exposition are
high and that hotel rates in liiiffalo are
excessive. The conference revealed the
fact that l'lid'alo can accommodate -HO,-(KID
visitors in its private houses and ho
tels at rntes ranging lrom r0 cents to !?
per night and that no one need pay more
than M for a first class lodging in n
private house. It was also shown that
the railroad rati' is lower than for any
former exposition lor a 5, 10 or 13 day
ticket, nccordiug to distance, being nt the
rate of one fare plus ifl for the round
trip from all parts of the country. The
average daily attendnnee since the open
ing day has been liO.iNdj, The average
daily nttendauce during July has been
lvmiNim and Mlmioiirl Hevlveil,
KANSAS CITY, July :io.-Tu
drought lias been broken in Kansas and
Missouri by good rains, which have fallen
in heavy and frequent showers since Sun
day morning. The outlook for a contin
ued fall is good. Colonel (ieorge W.
Veale. who has watched conditions close
ly in Kansas for !i score of years, say
that Kansas would raise nearly half u
crop of corn. He said the people would
raise Bulliciciit forage lor all the cattle
now on the range in Kansas. The rains
will greatly benefit fall pastures. Al
ready the brown prairies are changing to
green, and farmers and stockmen say tin'
laiiiUcape will show n pleasing contrast
within the next t'o weeks.
Snn Jnnn llnrlior C'lenreil,
WASHINGTON. July .11. Captain C.
A. l'lagler has reported to tho chief of
engineers that he lias completed the work
of removing the wreck of tin
Colon from the entrance to
Sail Juan
harbor, Porto ltioo, where she was sunk
by the Spaniards in the spring of lSdtf
with the intention of closing the harbor.
The effort was not successful, but it
made the entrance narrow and ditllcult
of navigation.
End of the Texnn Drouulit.
PAI.I.AS, July :.".. The drought hns
been broken by heavy rains in approxi
mately 20 per cent of the cotton growing
districts. These rains have fallen regu
larly for the last four days over the ex
treme northern uud southern rims of tho
cotton licit. About So per cent of cot
ton lauds in the large central district lo
cated inside this circle lias received only
local nnd scattering showers.
Mornwiiilnni ftiircndlnit In Germany.
HEUUN. July .'io.-Francis M. Ly
man, one of the Mormon apostles, prench
eit Sunday before the llerlin Mormon con
gregation, which now numbers over 4o0
members. Kattuer, a Gerninu Mormon
missionary, reported, that the movement
wns mnkiiig progress in Germany nnd
asserted that a few days ugo a congrega
tion nunicriug SS had beeji organized in
Fa ni oim C'hnrrh titruck by I.lshtnlua
30. The belfry of the Old Dutch Re
form church was struck by lightning yes
terday, und Hie Interior of the building
was damaged. During tho Revolutionary
war this church wus used us u military
iiticruor of ( nliii nml Ills Family on
flip Mnrro ('untie
NEW YOltK. July :tl.-Anioiig the
fassein.'1'rs who nrrived on llie Ward
line steamship Nlorro Castle from Ha
vana were (ieiiefal Leonard A. Wood,
Mm. Wood and three children.
Jcncrnl Wood, when seen on board,
said: "I am feel ins much bettor. 1 hnve
not had any fever for ten days and have
nn vNccllcnt nppetile, 1 intend going on
board the steam yacht Kanawha for n
short trip niong the New Knglitnd coast,
where we hope to enjoy n spell of cool
weather. 1 expect my stay to be brief,
ns 1 intend to return to llavnna nt tho
iiirliest moment. When 1 left Uavnnn,
etorythiiiK was remarkably quiet. I am
highly grnttlicd by the kindness shown
mo by tho whole Cuban people during
my late illness.
"Mrs. Wood nml family will remnln In
quarantine until tomorrow as guests 0f
Health Ollicer Ioty. Afterward Mrs.
Wood will probably join me on the
Kanawha, while our children will take n
trip west to visit friends."'
(iciiernl Wood had very little to sny
nbout Cuban iilTairs. F.vorythiiiK wns
going smoothly, he said. The convention
for the compiling of the election lawn
had nearly finished its labors. After that
the elections would come In their proper
"The Cubnn people hnve been most
kind to me in my Illness," he it ninrked.
"Messages, letters nml telegrams from
nil classes, from all parts of Cuba, were
received daily. I feel very grateful for
the synipiilhy shown."
Only Small l.eanllon Gnnrtl Itrmnlna,
llrltlnh Still 'Hi ere.
riCKINO, July .11. There lire only
men of a legation guard left of nil the
(ierinan troops who were formerly here.
The last of the (Sermans left yesterday.
The British hnve not yet left.
tine of the foreign ministers inquired
of Sir Kobert Hart, imperial commission
er of maritime customs, if there was n
possibility of China paying n semiannual
Installment on the Indemnity of -JMl.tmO,'
(mo tails next January. Sir Kobert
thinks it will lie impossible to make tho
necessary ehnnges and secure revenue
siillieieut to cover the first payment in
less than n period of three years. The
powers will oppose any such delay.
liiee tributes are coining here by steam
boats and railway instead of by canal.
The first lot nrrived yesterday. One hun
dred and thirty trains with over 500 tons
of rice are expected within the next four
mouths. This is n sign that the court is
to return to Peking.
Train l imit ff Home Seekern Meet!
With Serious Accident.
KltK.M I. IN, O. T.. July 31. The north
bound Chicago, Hock Island and Pacific
passenger train No. 2. which left Kl
lleiio three hours late crowded with de
parting liome seekers, was wrecked yes
terday afternoon while going at full speed
two miles south of here. C. I.. McLain
of Enid, ). T was killed, and J4 other
passengers received cuts and bruises. It
is believed none but McLuin was fatally
A broken rail over n culvert washed
out by heavy rains threw the baggage
car from the track. This car, the smoker
nnd one passenger coach were overturn
ed, resting on their sides. Three passen
ger ears and the Pullman also left the
track, but did not overturn. The track
was torn up for ",oo feet. Passengers in
the other turned cars were lifted out
through the upper windows.
StnndlnB of tlie t'lnlm In National
and American Lcnu'iiei.
Pittsburg 4!i
St. Louis. 4S
Philadelphia 4S
Brooklyn 44
Huston lis
New i'ork 34
Cincinnati "2
Chicugo 34
Chicago r.:i
Boston 47
flttltlmore 42
rietroit 4"i
Philadelphia 3:t
Washington :t2
I'lovehmd 31
Milwaukee 3U
Kennnn Expelled From nnssln.
ST. PKTKli.SP.UKtl, July 27.-A high
Russian police ollicer culled upon George
Kennnn, the Ajnerieiin author nnd lec
turer, at liis hotel Thursday evening nml
informed him he must leave the country
by 10 o'clock I'Vulay evening. Mr. Ken
nan was not allowed to leave his room in
the interim, but he wns courteously treat
ed. This action by the Kussiau authorities
is taken under the law giving the minister
of the interior authority to expel undesir
able foreigners.
The Shamrnrk l"n ltonte,
GOl'HOCK, July at. Shamrock II,
accompanied by the Krin, has sailed for
New York. Great enthusiasm wns dis
played ns the challenger departed. Cap
tain Sycamore desired to go under cnu
vms ii ml he was favored with n liiHit
,.ustt.,iv whul Kiiffleient to keep the flags
u S t, in the direction the vnebla loiil
to sail.
A Klft For Lord lloliertn.
I.ONHON, July JiO, When the house
qf lords met yesterdny, Prime Minister
Salisbury read n messnge from King
Kdwnrd recommending that parliament
concur in the grant of 100,000 to Karl
Huberts, cominnnder in chief of the
forces, in recognition of his eminent serv
ices in South Africa.
I lien's er Llhrury.
TWA. N. Y, July 20 The trustees
of the I'ticn public library have decided
upon the plan for the new $l(i.i,000 build
ing. Sixteen' architects were in the com
petition, and the plan submitted by Ar
thur C. Jackson of New Y'ork was
chosen. Mr. Jackson is a former resident
of this city.
ol u mli la Won Cap.
NEWPORT. R. I July 30. The old
cup defender Columbia won the $1,000
Astor cup for sloops yesterday, leading
the new cup yacht Constitution nt tho
finish by 2m. 13s. ollicinl time. Tho nice
wns sailed In a line breeze from the
north, the course being a triangular one
of 38 miles.
Famous Horse Fiend.
WATERLOO, In., July 20.-Adrinu
Wilkes, sire of Roy Wilkes, 2;tMlig, und
f3 other famotrs trotters anil pacers hav
ing records of 2:30 or better, is deinl at
the Wilkes Vulley stock furui. lie wal
24 years old.
Newport's Marine Pete At
tended by Thousands.
Ilnrlior iny With I Inus of Worships
nml tncht A I. and I'nrnde,
Which Wns Led liy lipner
nl Jimcnh Wheeler,
Ni'.WPORT. 11. I., July :il.-With her
ktreets resplendent ill gorgeous draperies,
her harbor completely tilled with flag
covered yachts, three massive warships
in her roadstead nml a host of strangers
in the city. Newport yesterday plunged
into gayctics of n summer fete and
emerged at night fully satislied with the
dny's frolic. Front the firing of the sun
rise gun until the last Incandescent lamp
nhut its small bright eye the sport never
flagged, nor was there n hitch in the al
most continuous performance.
Numerous harbor sports were the at
tractions of the forenoon. A land parade
from the warships nml also by the Rhode
Island mil it in occupied the afternoon,
while in the evening day was lundo to
nlinovt dawn ngnin through the brilliant
illumination of every vessel alloat and ev
ery building on shore. Although the sky
was overcast during the early morning
nnd n thick fog obscured part of the
fleet, no ruin fell to dampen the ardor of
the crowd or disarrange the carefully
planned programme.
Shortly after JS o'clock, as soon ns the
morning routine of "colors" was finished,
Commodore Ledyard of the New York
Yacht club gave orders to "dress ship,"
uud soon every yncht in the harbor was
festooned with signal flags.
Rowing races for local crews nnd nlso
crews from the three warships followed,
the Father Mnthew crew winning from
the crews of the naval reserve and the
Old Colony machine shop, while the Mas
sachusetts cutter defeated those of the
Kcarsargc mid Alabama.
I'ufortnimtcly the weather wns too
thick for the submarine boat, nnd, much
to the disappointment of a large crowd
along the water front, this fenture of the
day had to be omitted.
The land parade wns formed nt 1:30
o'clock and, with Major General Joseph
Wheeler as chief marshal, accompanied
by a brilliant stall, began to move half
on hour after. A company of the const
artillery from Forts Adams, Greble nnd
Wetherell under ciunninnil of Cnptain
Joseph Wheeler, Jr., headed the main
section of the parade.
Following came the sailors nnd mn
rilies, this division being commanded by
Captain W. II. Hrownson of the Ala
bama, while just behind came the com
panies of the state militia and two Com
panies of the naval reserve.
Although the evening was given up to
oiie vast illumination, it had as n special
feature a Venetian fete parade of nil
kinds of small boats, steam ami naphtha
launches and boats, which, strung out
for half a mile, wound through the fleet
like tlie tail of a liery dragon. Prizes
Were awarded to the best dressed bouts.
During this parade the sky was filled
with hUsing rockets and bursting bombs
from many of the yachts and also from
points on shore.
The electrical display on the three war
ships and on some of the larger ynclits
was particularly brilliant. All three of
the battleships had their great hulls out
lined in bright lights, while Uuiuing over
head wns the uaine of each boat in glow
ing letters which could be read distinct
ly miles away.
On the smaller bents in the harbor the
incandescent bulbs were more varied In
hue, long strings of different colored
globes being hung in swinging festoons
from mast to deck. Nearly all the yachts
burned colored lire uud the green, red
and green ronton signal of the New
York Y'ucht club.
Hold Jnil Ilrenkera.
DEVILS LAKE, N. ., July 31. As
Sheriff Herman Hat leu entered the cell
containing P. H. Pickett and George Kel
ley, the Church's Ferry snfe blowers,
tin y overpowered, bound and gagged him,
taking tlie keys and locking him jn the
cell. They then released three other pris
oners, and the five tnndo their escupe.
Passing through the sheriff's oflice, tho
two safe blowers helped themselves to re
volvers. As soon as tlie sheriff could give
the nlarm the tire bell was rung, and citi
zens turned out in pursuit of the csenped
prisoners. One wns caught in front of the
courthouse and two in u wlieatfield near
town, hut the safe blowers, both desper
ate characters nnd armed, are still at
large. Posses are scouring the surround
ing country.
A I'nlvrrsnl Mulch Trust
LONDON, July 111. A universal
match trust is contemplated, nccordiug
to The Daily Mail, by Edwin Gould i
and Mr. Harber, chair
irinan of the Dia-
v. who nn. bii'ielv
mom! Match company
buying up the stock of the Swedish
Match company. The Daily Mail pub
lishes an interview with an American
whose name is not given who declares
that he knows that such a trust is in
Much tiold on llnnil.
WASHINGTON, July 31. The stock
of gold in the treasury is the largest in
the history of the government and is
accumulating at the rate of SM"iO0,ih0 to
$3,0011,000 a mouth. Yesterday's figures
are $304.33 1,207, of which !f24S.II3S,(l!l8
is free gold, but including the $130,000,
000 nold reserve. Since July 1, P.KIO, tin.
stock of gold on hand has increased
llbout If S 1, 000,1 H 10.
A IIIk Cotton Trust,
P.OSTON, July 31. George Wash
burn of this city, president of the Com
monwealth Club of Massachusetts, has
sailed for Europe on ii mission to in
quire into tho (ii-operatlve methods of
various bodies in England, Hclgiiini and
Switzerland with a view to the forma
tion of a $30,000,000 cotton trust iu this
More Klondike (iold.
SEATTLE, Wash., July 31. The
steamship Cottage City has renched port
from Lynn canal with 40 passengers nnd
33,0oo in Klondike gold. She left
Skaguny July 20. River traffic continues
slow, nnd severnl of the 'new river steam
ers are temporarily ofT the run or until
the fall trallio opens.
Khurkey Will Meet Jeffries.
HUSTON, July 30. Tom Sharkey bag
wired The Police News accepting nn offer
to meet James J. Jeffries before the Sau
Francisco Athletic club In September.
The detiiils of the mutch will now be
i speedily rutiticd.
Knlnlilp Kvents of the Week tlrlelly
nnd Temely To!d.
Four prisoners have broken jnil nt To
ledo, The I'niteil States cruiser RufTalo has
sailed from Huston for Gihrnltnr.
Socialists caused a riot in the lower
house nt P.russols. The president sus
pended the sitting. '
Maryland nml Mnssnchusetts were
found by the census to hnve more fe
males than males in their population.
Renr Admiral Kimberly lias requested
to be excused from membership In the
Schley court of his ill health.
TiirKilny. .Inly :i.
The president made many army nnd
navy appointments.
Italy observed the first niiliivcrsnry ol
King Humbert's death.
Heavy rainstorms are reported in cen
tral and southern Arizona..
General Chaffee ordered Manila troop?
to wear coats always buttoned.
Saiitos-Diitnoiit, the aeronaut, made an
other successful nseent in Paris.
The Paris-Lyotis-Miilitcrranonii rail
way has bought ten American locomo
tives. Money stolen from the nrniy snfe nt
Santa Cruz, Philippine Islands, has not
been recovered.
Important business nnd liuanelal men
are said to have joined to settle all labol
I roubles in this country.
The Mark Lane Express reported that
Germany mid France will need to import
wheat. Russia's crop outlook is good,
louilti). Jnly iill.
Insur Tents were reported to be opernt
ing in large numbers nbout the city of
Anticlerical meetings in Spain resulted
in disorders in Madrid, Saragossa nml
The Peruvian congress wns opened nt
Limn by President Romaiia, who was en
thusiastically cheered.
At Cambridge, O., one man wns killed,
two proably fatally shot and a fourth had
the back of his head crushed in as the
result of a free for all tight nt Kings
Huron Mount-Stephen announced n gift
of to the Presbyterian church of
Scotland, the income to go to ministers
in his native district of Aberdeenshire and
Saturday. .Inly T.
The Kearsarge's 1.1 inch gun wns slight
ly damaged by a bursting shell.
The Duke of Cornwall sailed from Fre
mantle, Australia, for Mauritius.
Fires caused a loss of $2oo,()oft in Na
shua. N. II., and f loO.tloii in Cincinnati.
l'hilailclphiu is shipping quantities of
fruit ami vegetnblos to drought stricken
western states.
Lloyd Tevis Hreekinridge, grandson ot
n former vice president, killed himself in
San Francisco.
Friday, Jnly 211.
An epidemic of strikes exists in Snn
A phenomenal thunderstorm did much
damage in London nnd vicinity.
Massachusetts schooUhip Enterprise
left St. Petersburg for Antwerp.
General Arthur Henry Paget has re
ceived a coinninnd in South Africa.
Turkey refused Greek squadron per
mission to visit Smyrna and other ports.
Fifty prominent Kansas City Republic
ans have organized a 11KI4 Theodore
Roosevelt club.
The Philadelphia nnd Rending striking
machinists nt Port Richmond rejected an
offer of . per cent more wnges.
At Rutoom, Russia, an explosion of
petroleum in the most thickly populated
quarter wrecked the whole center of tho
In New York Dr. R. Johnson Held just
completed a manuscript of li.500 puges,
und sparks from his pipe destroyed it ns
lie slept.
Thursday, Jnly "-T,.
Italy's former premier, Crispi, hns
be-n declared better by his physicians.
Spain has decided to undertake impor
tant military and naval improvements.
Hailstones weighing three pounds are
said to have fallen in Sehlatzsk, Russia.
Three American travelers were slightly
hurt in n railway accident nenr Moscow.
Six passengers were slightly injured in
a collision on the Rock Island railroad
near Titlln, In.
I "Cash" Slonn, the Anierienn jockey,
I wns rescued from a mob ut Moscow by
soldiers and police.
1 Over KSl.oou people have applied for
' the 1.4,000 free farms in the reservations
, to be opened in Oklahoma.
I Firemen on the Philadelphia and Rend
ing railroad and section men on roads
i entering Columbus, O., have received .1
raise in wages.
Lnfnyctte Belles Found,
LONDON, July 30. "J. Piorpont Mor
gao, before his recent departure for the
United States," says the Paris corre-
Kpondeht of Tlie Daily Express, "left a
i check for 10,KI with General Horace
l oner to ue pain on delivery at ine unit
ed States embassy of certain valuable rel
ics of Laiayctte said to be in n pawn
broker's shop in London. How they got
there is not known, but the story is that
among t In in are the sculptured gold jug
and sword carried throughout the Ameri
can miiipaign which. Lufuyette left to his
(ostly Fire In Davenport. I fl.
DAVENPORT, In., July 20 Fire laid
waste an areu of sawmill uud residence
property in Davenport last evening equal
to 20 ordinary city blocks. The Haines
started in a big pile of kindling wood of
the Rock Island Fuel company on the
levee. The mill of the Weyerhauser Detik
uiiinii coin puny and yards were totally
destroyed; loss, $-00,IM.HI; residence aud
other loss, $300,111)11 more.
A Flu lit With Vlljoen's Force.
LONDON, July 31. The war oflice has
received the following dispatch from Lord
Kitchener: "General F. W. Kitchener,
ufter a long cliase of Hen iljoen s com
mnndo, caught up with it. We captured
a pompom uud 22 wagons uud took 32
prisoners. The Hrltish had five wound
ed." Mad Mullah Defeated.
ADEN, Arabia. July 211.-In a fight be
teen the Mad Mullah and the Hritlsh July
17 the former was routed, losing 70 killed
The Hritish casualties were Lieutenaut
I- redericks nnd 12 men killed and Licit
tenant Dickson uud 20 men wounded.
Admiral Sumimoa Hns llecovered
P.OSTON. July 31. Rear Admiral
V i llln in T. Sampson, commandant of the
riiarlcstown navy yard, has so far recov
ered from his recent attack of illness
hat lie is able to be iu his oilice iittuud
ng to his duties.
Tho Kind You Itavo Always
in use for over 80 years,
nnd lins boon inwio nndor liis pcr
yfy'j'yP's Miml supervision nine its infancy.
f-cttCuAi Allow ii r nnn toilorolv voll ill this!.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Just-as-jrood" nro hut
Experiments that triilo with nnd ciulaiiixer tho health of
Infants nnd Children Experleneo n-ralnst Uxncrimcut.
Castorla is n, harmless subsf.luto for Castor Oil, Paro
trorie, lrops and Sootliliipr Syrups, It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotio
fMibstaiu'c. Its nf?o is its guarantee. It destroys AVornisj
nnd allays Feveiisliness. It cures Diarrluea nnd AVind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural bleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For
Cigars, Totacco Candies, Fruits and Huts
Henry Mail lard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week.'
2Piliti-- Goons js. Specialty,
F. F. Adams & Co's Fine
Sole ugontsfor the
Honry Clay, Lonires, Normal, Indian Princess, Sair.scn, Silver Ash
Bloomsburg Pa.
or miL CLOTH,
2 Doois aboe Court House.
A lare lot of Window Curtains in stock.
Not Hard lo Satisfy.
"Some men nre easily satisfied," re
marked the Observer of Events and
Things. "There is the clockniaker,
for instance; lie never pets any extra
pay, nnd yet every day he works over
time." Yonkers Statesman.
Too Quick.
Hobb If you ever make any money
Jn Wall strvet, never tell your wife.
Kobb Why not?
Hobb She'll spend it for you before
you've liad a chance to lose it yourself.
The I.oiiut nml Short of It.
"I wonder why it takes pay day so
loiiff to come around?"
"It only Beeni long1 when you're
Khort, nnd the shorter you are the
longer it seems." Philadelphia l'ress.
Caime for t'uiiurutulatloii.
Drummer Any mail for me John
H. Klawbaek?
I'ettyville Postmaster Xope. '
Drummer Ciood! The firm hasn't
fired me yet! Puck.
The Cure hat Cures
f m I t II t . I T
i $oia Djj auaruggisis 2580ctsi
Bought, nnd which litis lcci
Iins horn tho slnatnro of
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
Cut Chewing Tobacco
following brands of Cigars-
The Markets.
Uuttcr, icr pounil $ 22
KgES 1'-t dozen i4
I.ard, per pound ,a
Mam, per pounil ,j
lieef (ipianer), per pound 6 to 8
Wheat, per bushel g0
Oats, do 40
Ke. ,lu 60
l lour per 1 bl 1J4 00 to 4 20
I lav. vet ton nnn
Potatoes, (new), per bushel 1 qq
lurnips, do
Tallow, per pound
Slioulilcr, do
Side meat, do
Vinecar. per cit
llricd apples, ptr pound 05
Cow hides,
Sieer do
Calf skin
Sheep pells
Shelled corn, per bushel - 65
Corn meal, cwt
2 50
1 10
I 30
1 15
3 t
ISran. cwt
Chop, cwt
Middlings, cwt
Chickens, per pound, new.,
do do old.
Turkeys, do
Geese, do
Ducks, do
Mimtier 0, delivered
4 and 5, deliv
4 4"
' do 6, nt yard 3 15
uo 4 ami 5, at vard. 4 25
and women to irnvel and ndverlise for old
established house of solid financial standing.
Salary 1S7S0 a year and expenses, ull payable
in cash. No canvassing requited. Oive
lefcmices nnd enclose se.f addressed
stamped envelope. Addiess .Vanayei, 355
Cnxton llldy., Chicago. 4-25-161
Ice is buttery when il is churned
before the cream is icy cold Turn slowly
at first until the mixture begin? to freeze,
then rapidly for a few moments until it
is frozen. August "l.adie,1 1 tome Journal."
Bean toe 1 hi Kind You Have Always BougK