The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 18, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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KnterM at tht Pott Ojllot at Olnnmsliurg, to.
I txeond clan matter, March 1,
A Stillwater letter will appear in
our next issue. A representative of
the Columbian will be in Stillwater
next Friday.
Legal advertisements on page 7.
Hammocks many styles and
many prices at Mercer's Drug &
Book Store.
The Munn Wire envelope for sale
at this office costs no more than the
ordinary kind. Ask to see it. 2t.
The congregation of St. Col
umba's Catholic church will picnic
at Aqueduct Park, Rupert, Satur
day. Get your panacea for your little
chicks and lice powder to kill the
lice, at Mercer's Drug & Book
Lack of brick caused a two days
delay with the workmen engaged
at the new addition to F. P. Pursel's
Base ball gloves, of all kinds,
base ball bats, and all base ball
goods, at Mercer's Drug & Book
A young daughter is a recent
arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thornton Freeze, who reside out
, beyond Iron Dale.
Bloomsburg will play the last
of a series of games with Danville
at Danville, tomorrow afternoon.
' Each -have won a game.
Travel to the seashore from
Bloomsburg has been very light
this season. Our Jpeople appear
to prefer the mountain resorts.
Mr. and Mrs. W. il. Riddell's
little son Earl, fell from a six foot
elevation in their yard Saturday
morning and broke his arm.
A meeting of the Executive com
mittee of the Agricultural Society
is scheduled to be held at the fair
grounds Saturday afternoon.
Town lots for sale, on easy terms.
Bloomsburg Land- Improvement
Co. Inquire of Sanderson Woods,
sales agent. N. Us Funk, Sec'y.
Office, Eut Building. (4 25
The Columbia Montonr Electric
Railway Company will commence
in a few days to erect a power house
at Willow Springs. Plans for the
structure have already been pre
pared. Telephone.
Have just received a large
assortment of fine
tackle. Everything of the
I&tejft !Pkttefti
Rods rora $1.25 to $5.50
Reek from 75c. to $2.00.
Lines from 10c. to $2.00
Flies, a Full Apsortment.
Hookp, all Styles.
W. S. Rishton, Ph. G.
Ent Building. Pharmacist
The Newest and Best
Shoe for women.
Light, flexible soles.
Very Shapely and
Name Stamped on
Every Shoe.
None genuine with
out it.
8 E. Main St.
For Croquet Sets, from 85c. to
$2.25, go to Mercer's Drug &
Book Store.
Keep an eye open for Buffalo
stamps with an inverted locomotive
on. They were printed by mistake
and are worth $30 each.
Guenrey Lyons has purchased
Clark Sheep's barber shop fixtures
and will conduct the business at the
corner of East and Main streets.
The Bloomsburg Band enter
tained a large throng of townspeo
ple at the square Saturday evening.
Rain put a stop to the enjoyment
before the program was completed.
Clayton Welliver is clerking at
Tooley & Co.'s Cash Grocery
Store. This firm appears to be
able to put its hands on the best
when in need of help.
The Bloomsburg base ball team
will accompany the P. O. S. of A.
excursion to Manila Grove and in
the afternoon will cross bats with
the strong Tamaqua team.
Danville lost one of its leading
citizens in the death of Samuel
Goldsmith which occurred on Wed
nesday last. The deceased was the
father of Mrs. Max Gross of First
street. He was buried with Masonic
The P. O. S. of A. excursion and
picnic to Manila Grove on Saturday
will be the cheapest one to leave
Bloomsburg this season. Indications
point to a large attendance. Fare
for the lound trip is only $1.00,
Children 60 cents.
Mrs. Thomas Furman while on a
visit to relatives in "Berwick Satur
day, fell on a defective pavement
and injured her right foot to such
an extent that she is unable to re
turn home, on account of the swol
len condition of the foot. It cannot
be determined whether or not any
bones are broken.
The real estate of the late Wra
B. Peterman, situated in Sugarloaf
township is offered at private sale.
It consists of 50 acres of land, and
frame dwelling house, barn and
other buildings. Inquiries as to
terras and price may be made of
Miss Rhoda Peterman, Guava, or
of Col. J. G. Freeze, Attorney,
Thinking it was easier to move
than to pay board, John Lacey de
parted Saturday for parts unknown,
leaving behind a bill of several dol
lars at E. B. Krum's East Third
street boarding house. He's evi
dently crooked, as he was possessed
of sufficient money to settle had he
been so disposed. He is a printer
by trade.
I. K. Miller was injured on Wed
nesday morning by a wagon runn
ing over his foot in front of Wells'
hardware store. He was getting off
the wagon oi Samuel Trump who
was hauling some goods for him,
when he slipped and his foot was
under the wheel when the horse
started up and the wheel passed
over his left an tie.
Good Will Fire Company No. 4
gave a demonstration of their re
cently purchased chemical fire ex
tinguisher last evening. A skeleton
structure on the Square was ignited
and allowed to get a good start
before the chemicals were applied,
and the blaze was soon extinguish
ed. The test was quite satisfactory.
Two dogs, one the property of
Mr. .Carson and the other belonging
to Donald Herring were engaged in
deathly combat in the rear of G. P.
Frymire's residence on East street
Friday afternoon. Donald and
Robert Fryruire were attracted
by the noise and in attempting to
seperate them te former was seri
ously bitten. Fearing the results
of nursing a dog bite in this heated
season, Donald was sent to the
Miners Hospital Saturday morning
for treatment.
Envelopes, paper, tablets, box
paper and all stationery, at Mer
cer's Drug & Book Store.
The Hazleton Semi- Weekly Bulle
tin says the Liberty Band of that
city being unable to secure satis
factory rates to the Allentown tair
will run an excursion to the Blooms
burg Fair this fall.
L. M. White has charge of the
Wisconsin Chair Company's exhibit
at a semi-annual furniture exposition
which will be held at New York
Citv. Mr. White is one of the com
pany's traveling representatives.
. .
The early closing movement went
into effect 1 uesday evening. The
stores will be closed at six o'clock
in the evening, excepting on Sat
urdays and the fifteenth of the
month, until September 1st.
A good sized rat m B. A. Gid-
cung s display window created a
considerable amusement as it moved
around the articles of clothing on
exniDiuon, ana poised on its rear
feet on top of a dressing case Wed
nesday morning. People who stood
watching its performances did not
frighten it in the least.
Sunday evening as Jackson Fort
tier of Millville, was returning Irom
meeting at Vandine's church the
hold-back broke and let the buggy
run against the horse which started
to run away. Mr. Fortner was
thrown out and badly cut and bruis
ed about the face, the end ot his
nose was nearly cut off. Dr. Gord
ner was sent for. He sewed the
piece of his nose on and fixed hiin
up so that he hopes to get out again
in a short time.
For Sale: A good fixed focus
camera, taking pictures 3' by 4
inches, good as new. fritted with
time and instantaneous shutter, two
diaphragm stops, two tripod sock
ets two view finders, ground glass
and door.and two double plate hold
ers. A good all around camera for
amateurs. Call and examine it at
The Columbian office, or address.
267 Market Street,
tf Bloomsburg, Pa.
After several days of searching
by friends and relatives of Albert
Metzger, whose failure to return
home from Bcndertowu two weeks
ago, occasioned feelings of anxiety,
he was located in Hazleton. Leaving
as he did, without informing any
one of his intention, considerable
trouble was experienced in finding
him. It appears that he had held
a conversation with a passenger on
the train and it was from informa
tion furnished by the latter that
he was found.
The Reliance Fire Company of
Berwick wish it stated that it was
not the intention of the Company
to enter the firemen's contest here
on the Fourth of July, the report
that they backed out after watching
the preliminary practice of the local
company, to the contrary, notwith
standing. The company hadn't the
slightest idea of entering the race,
and so informed the men, who were
at the head of the celebration, early
in the morning.
The Railroad Juniors is a new
base ball club that has just recently
sprung into existence. The mem
bers of the organization all live
within a radius of a block in the
south western portion of the town.
They were out soliciting subscrip
tions a few evenings ago and secur
ed six cents. The youngsters can
put up a good case of talk, and the
manager informed the scribe that
they stand ready to meet any team
in the business provided the ages of
the niue players do not exceed
sixty-seven years.
George Moouey, an employee of
the trolley road was severely injured
while assisting in hauling rails
Thursday morning last. In some
manner or other his right leg was
caught in one of the wagon wheels
and before he could extricate hitn
selt the bone was fractured. He
was given medical treatment and
sent to his home at Kingston on the
afternoon train. He arrived in town
that morning and had only worked
for the company a couple of hours
before the accident occurred.
Camp Idleness, No. 3, was
opened in Montgomery's woods,
along the line of the Bloomsburg &
Sullivan Railroad, a short distance
above Orangeville, last week. The
camp this year is said by those who
spent Sunday with the boys to be a
delightful place and far superior to
those of other years. There is ex
cellent fishing in the immediate
vicinity, and many nice catches
have been made. The campers
were joined on Monday by S. C.
Brown, Anthony Menzbach, Oscar
Lowenberg, Frank Derr and Wilbur
Fisher. Duty will call the last
mentioned two home every couple
days, but the others will remain
during the life of the camp, which
will oe lor about two weeks at least.
For a pood bicvcle. cither ladies'
or gent's, go to Mercer's Drug
& book Store.
The Wiuoua Fire Company is
without an indicator at its hose
house and the boys claim it is a
great inconvenience 111 times of fire.
Go with the crowd to the P. O.
S. of A. excursion and picnic on
Saturday. The itinerary has been
carefully arranged. Manila Grove
is a beautiful place and the price is
cheap. What more inducement can
be asked for?
James, son of Michael Casey, fell
from a cherry tree Tuesday after
noon and broke his arm in two
places and dislocated hiselbow." He
was removed to rite home on Pine
street where the injuries were dress
ed. The accident occurred in Pen
man's lot on Iron street.
The many friends of Frank E
Miller will receive with pleasure
the news of his safe arrival in
Europe. His father. C. W. Miller,
Esq., received a cablegram to that
effect Saturday morning. We are
uninformed as to how long he in
tends remaining in the British isles.
We are requested to say that the
person who picked up a white, kit-
ien in irout oi a AiarKei street resi
dence on Saturday night about 9
o'clock, and carried it away, has
tne thanks of the owner. The kit
ten was so infested with fleas that
the owner was hoDincr some one
would steal it, so that the necessity
ot drowning it might be avoided.
We Would sntrrrput thi lUipral iioa
- - no .
of insect powder and a daily bath
wun aog soap, Dtn piease aon t
bring the cat back.
Dr. mul Mrs. I. T. Brown have returned
from Kagles Mere.
Mrs. II. V, Walter is visiting relatives at
Shenandoah this week.
Herman, son of Hon. A. I.. Fritz, is ser
iously ill at his father's home.
Mrs. R. E. Ilartman is visiting her father
Capt. tclward Keese, at rark 1 lace.
Robert Hawley is in attendance at the
Furniture Exposition at New York City this
Frof. L. t Sterner and family are so.
journing with Mrs. William Cole, above
Jamison City,
Dr. J. W. limner and family returned
home on Monday from Eagles Mefe where
they spent a week.
Miss Helen Vanderslice and Miss Mary
Veal went to liutlulo I uesday to visit the
Pan-American Exposition.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Person of Williams
port, were visitors over Sunday at the home
of B. F. Zarr on East street.
William I.owenberg and his bride arrived
home from their wedding tour on Monday
and are at home with the former's mother,
M. P. I.ulz is able to be about, but is com
pelled to use crutches. He ha 1 een housed
up since Memorial day, when he fell and
broke his ankle.
Win. S. Mover and daughter Miss Martha
departed Monday morning for Buffalo where
they will visit the Exposition. They will
be absent for two weeks.
DcEorest Hummer and lady friend. Miss
Cora Foye, attended the morning service in
bt. Stephen s Episcopal Church, Wilkes
Barre, Sunday. They returned home on the
evening train.
Miss Irene Welliver is spending a two
weeks vacation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Welliver on Leonard street. She
is in the employ of the International Corre
spondence School ot Scranton.
Prof. C. H. Albert will have charge of the
pedagogy department in a Teachers' School
of Methods, in the northern part ot Maine,
this summer. He left on Saturday tor New
York, from which place to Portland he will
go by boat, and thence by rail to his destina
John K. Miller, of Bloomsbure, Superin
tendent of Columbia County schools, spent
the past day or two in town trying to inter
est some of our capitalists in Missouri cop
per, speculation in which is a craze at
bloomsburg just now. Ashland "tele
Mrs. Edward Eiath and daughter, Miss
Bertlm, and son, Stanley, of Wilkes-Barre,
are at the home of the former's mother, Mrs.
11 assert, c trner of fourth and Catharine
streets. The children will remain here
while Mr, and Mrs, Eiath attend the Buffa
lo Exposition.
Capt. H. J. Conner of Oranceville returned
home Friday from a provincial western trip.
He took in the big show at Buffalo, and then
continued his journey all the way to San
1-rancisco, Other cities visited by him
were Omaha, Chicago, Ogden and others.
He was gone a little over four weeks.
Reduckd Ratks to Mketing of Baptist
Young People's Union of America,
Chicago, via B. L. & W. K. R.
On account of the International Conven
tion of the Baptist Young People's Union of
America, to be held in Chicago, July 25 to
28, the L. L. & W. Railroad Company will
sell excursion tickets fiom all stations on its
lines to Chicago at rate of a single fare for
the round trip. These tickets will be sold
and good to return until July 30, inclusive.
1 ickets remaining on deposit alter July 30
will be good returning, leaving Chicago un
til and including August 24, on payment of
fee of 50 cents to joint agent. 18 2t
atop-over allowed at Buffalo on return trip.
and women to travel and advertise for old
pshililishud liniiKp nf Rnlid financial standing.
Salary .$780 a year and expenses, all payable
in casu. io canvassing required, uive
icferences and enclose self addressed
stamped envelope. Address Manager, 355
Caxton Bldg., Chicago. 4-25-161
This signature ) 0 every box of the gonuln.
Laxative uromo-Uuinine Tablet
the remedy that wire a void In one dajr
The buyers of summer materials of all kinds will g
find many attractive values now offered them in all m
kinds of summer merchandise. An investigation will
repay you.
A lot of Dimities, Lawns,
Batistes,Satteens,&c. None
have been less than 15c,
some more. All to go at
ioc. a yard.
All our remaining Pon
gees, that have been 25c a
yard, this week at 1 8c a yd.
A special lot of men's
shirts, in sizes from 14 to
16, in every way like the
dollar shirts, except the
?rice, which we make 50c.
'here's a big shirt bargain.
No cuffs.
Made of fine Lawns,
trimmed with white, blue
and pink bands. We make
the price this week 50c.
200 pairs men's fancy
socks, 2 pairs for 25 c.
. 300 pairs children's col
ored stockings, 15c a pair.
300 pairs children's black
stockings, double knee,
high spliced heels, 2 pairs
for 2 Sc.
200 pairs ladies' lace
Lisle stockings, in red and
blue, 25c a pair.
The only make of Rubber Shoe
and Boots in the world that will
stand this test of elasticity and
strength. For sale by
Bloomsburg, Penna.
Store open Thursday and Saturday evenings.
In silver and gold, rose and green
colors. Beautiful designs, great va
riety, all new lines. 25c. to $4.oo.
45 West Main Street, - - BLOOMSBURG, PA
First-class watch and jewelry repairing.
160 pairs ladies' fancy
seamless stockings, 2 pairs
for 25c.
Another big reduction
in prices this week. Act
quick if you want a big
hat bargain. Ladies' and
children s.
We have made big re
ductions in the prices. See
Made in latest styles,
trimmed in white. A reg
ular $i.i$ skirt. This
week, 94c each.
This week we offer you
a lot of American Lady,
Model Form, C. B., W. C.
C, Armorside and R. & G.
Corsets, at a very low price.
None have sold less than
one dollar. This week this
lot 67c each.
Of all kinds at reduced
At 6 p. m. every night
during the week, except
Perfect fit,
In Style,
For Durability.
Jewelry Wisdom.
It certainly is far from wise
to buy Jewelry wherever you see
Jewelry for sale.
The imitation looks like the
genuine at first.
The wise way is to come right
to us, then you'll know precisely
what you're buying. You'll be
sure you have your money's
An additional safeguard is we
to be as represented.