THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURQ, PA. COUNTY STATEMENT ASSKSSORlf DISTRICTS, jv-avor Dentin llorotiirti Br-nton Township Berwick, N B HP. N W " H W liloom int. - and ' Aril 4th llrinrcreek CntawlHsa Tnwntthlp Catawlssa Borough Crntrulla 1st " Knd... Onrrn Cleveland I'onyngliam K N W N W H W UK Flslilngcreek K Vranklln a j :::::: Oreeuwood K " W I llrmlork JimkHon l.OTIIHt Madison Main Mtrtlln Vllivllln Montour Mt. Pleasant Orang'i J'lneN " H J Roarlnifcreek Bcott K I " W I HiiKfirloat N ... H J Stillwater Hnrouith Krungevllle Borough Total. Catawlssa MAO Wks headstone for Hlrlmrd Httpert 15 00 V A Butt, licadHtnn? tor B K (Minora.. H " Ad'iin Lilt..... l.'ioo T48nlllvnn, " " Win Ynumr.... 1M11 II T Yoiitnr, " " Win Hlelmrd.. Iftrtl W A Butt, "' " (leolllsliiip.... 1500 CatnwlHHn M Q Works, hoadHtotie for 11 Barnilt 15 00 "15 00 FIRK WAUDKXS. K.T Ilnnek, Urn warden, Heaver $ 210 0 Thos Medlnley, tire warden, Conyng'tn M AH John I.nimdnn, " " " 57 23 ii)rifeSiiinmei, " " Montour.. 11 Hi Miles SuBHiiinan, " " Catiiwlssa 2ss:i .- T llnr: mull, " " Ceii' re 17 22 ,7 1, Silne, ' " Loensr. ... 4 3 ruilurtmnn, " " .inekwm.. 42 12 4) M llower, " ' Htlaicre'k H IS WHKarlir, " l-oar'Kcr'k 71 h:. ?l M Helper, " Main ,r 15 W II reiielnc'nn, ' " Klshliine'k lllvi A l Vniislekl", " " Hmriirliiuf. 1 : HbedlHli Y -vjiiiU, ' " 'level.- ... in 71 K II Hardo, " " Oreenwo'd 44 40 JVMHiirr. " " KlstiltufO'k 147 W II Dayman, " I Ine 4 85 i II Belsullne, " " Oreenwo'd S2I I 1043 85 M1IWP DAMAGK. Wm C Custor, Montour (lid le.lmel, Brlarereek K Kiick-buuin, Benton 44 L Uerr, (,"enwool , 11 V lavage, Jueksou John Bavupe, .laekMin M IIi'hs, Huirarluuf B Ikeler, (Ireenwoml. A W Johnson, Greenwood , 000 8 00 900 24 50 8 B2.-I 650 18 00 700 9100 RKCAP1TULATI0S. Miscellaneous t Courts, jurors and constable's returns Commonwealth costs . . . Koads and brl 1nes, viewers and damage Com'rs olrloe and court Houso StfiHOI 4MI.1 HI 8217 73 llh4 40 6231 18 County Jail and rnson HeqiiiHitions, Wi 97 hutlonery, prlutlng and postage 488 70 jnquisiunns Bridges, bulUllnic and repairs Penitentiary and asylums.... Assessors' puj 14910 1012 85 70i rat 8159 05 waips. 312 00 Kleet Ion ex penses 35:15 os Blank bonks H o Burial of deceaaud soldiers 746 "0 Fire wardens liHint tiUevv damuiie 91 00 $ 45:178 33 Mothers! MothkrsI Mothers I How many children are nt this season feverish and constipated, with bad stomach and head ache. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children will always cure. If worms are present they will certainly remove them. At all druggists, 35c. Sample mailed FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N.Y. 14 Dr. Aonew's Catakriiai. Powder Kev. W II. Main, pastor of the Baptist Fmanuel Church, Buffalo, gives strong tes timony for and is a firm believer in Dr. Ag new's Catarrhal Powder. He has tried many kinds of remedies without avad. "After using Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder I was benefited at once," are his words. It is a wonderful remedy. 50c. Sold by C. A. Kleim. 33 When a knife blade lo-es its temper it be comes dull, but when a woman loses hers she becomes cutting. What Shall we Have for Dessert ? This question arises in the family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try Jell-O, a delicious dessert. Prepared in two min utes. No baking I add hot water and set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, orange, raspberry and strawberry. At your grocers. 10c. 3 I4d Help tub Overworked Heart Is the great engine which pumps life through your system hard pressed, overtaxed, groaning un der its load because disease has clogged it ? Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is nature's lubricator and cleanser, and daily demon strates to heart sufferers that it is the safest, surest, and most speedy remedy that medical science knows. 34 Sold by C. A. Kleim. A man's house may be his castle, but that doesn t make him a nobleman. Distressing Stomach Disease Perma nently cured by the masterly power of South American Nervine Tonic. Invalids need suffer no longer, because this qreat remedy can cure them all. It is a eurt or the whole world of stomach weakness and indigestion The cure becins with the first dose. The Telief it brings is marvellous and surprising It makes no failure; never disappoints. No matter how lone vou have suffered, youi cure is certain under the use of this great health.pivinu force. Pleasant and always safe. Sold by C. A. Kleim, druggist, 1 28 West Main street, Blooinsburg, Pa. iy4 19 Tell a dignified individual to pull down his vest and you raise his choler. Bum th. A I'll Kind Vou Have Always Bought Signature of Continued from Page 6.) PA r. 3 a I 1 3 O P ! a a i 31 4U ! 87 45 MM S2 00 M 00 44 H 11 Wl hi :ia M KO Si : 41 M) in Ml 89 50 24 (HI AIIO AIM! 600 600 601 AiO 6 00 6I) 0 00 600 AIIO AIM 00 6 00 ' AlO 600 6 00 Anil AIIO 6i0 nno OIK) A oo 6(10 (101 6 00 8 Oil 600 6 00 6 00 800 600 6i0 flOO 8IKI 8 00 8 00 Aim aoo A 00 6 00 11(10 8 00 6 011 6 IH1 600 m so 28 00 43 8q 85 50 32 40 HI 70 870 19 0 K Oft 8010 171 00 38 00 21 HO 40 00 M no 20 S 05 let Wl 821K1 1W 10 moo 15 li'l 8 30 II 55 15 15 53 GO 30 25 17 65 -6 00 8.1 0 V I 0 w 3.75 K7 ii in V.M (fl an io ! 35 875 6 00 18 20 87 00 81 00 80O n 80 20 10 00 84 00 30 00 If I IHI 24 00 88 00 31 10 18 Oil 14 to 87 00 11 00 18C0 89 00 13 81 49 00 40 00 6110 10 ti 14 in ' 12 S5 18 70 13 80 ill 10 11125 I0"l iOllf 1110 f 413 10 f S.V2 (0 t 204 00 'JKII 10 ,.ll.',0j AHSKTS. A mount due on duplicates for 1W0.. .. lrt'23 7s Amoiitit due on duplicities prior to 1900 472 59 81849 87 II SO 00 2d Mil 37 Less probable Com. and Kxons. ... Amount In hiinds of Treas Hi 7 3ll 500 0(1 1 00 Ainmnt due from slate or forest II res. SuteliantH to Treasurer, 1897.. Sureliarue to Cotnnilssloners, 1897 81 75 23 3.1 ,. 4119 37 f 2tiVJ2 12 MirvliurKO to I'omnilsHloners, iw Due from stale for stale tux, r.wo LIABILITIES. i monwealth costs, about 1 j.l damages, now due leTwps troiu eeuted and unseated hind tax WW 00 2o5 50 3107 98 Otltstuiidliiif onlers 15 88 . llWtllIK) U Ji !-0 I13;57 92 , 81)465 80 I i.iiii'v notiiis unpaid Tax on loans County Indebtedness. We, the undersigned Auditors of Colum bia county, being elected to adjust and settle the accounts of the Commissioners and the Treasurer of Columbia county, do hereby certify that we met at the Court House, in lilooinslmig, Pa., on Monday, January 7th, 1901, at ten o'clock a. m. Organized and proceeded to audit the accounts of the above named officers. Atter examining and cor recting the same, from January 1st, 1900, to January 4th, trjoi, we do certify them to be correct, as above stated. We find a balance due the said county, on the 4th day of January, A. D. 1901, by Jer emiah Snyder, Treasurer, sixteen hundred and thirty-seven dollars and thirty cents. The following bills we surcharge against the Commissioners, Nehemiah Kitchen, Wm. II. Fisher and Wm. Krickhaum, for the year 1900 I B. F. Zarr's bill, No. 977, amount, If 50.00. This bill, not being item ized, and he being Solicitor for the county, we were unable to ascertain to what extent the county was liable, if any. Also bill of V. F. Zarr, No 978, amount, $20.00, ex penses in road view, near river bridge, he being Solicitor for county, is not entitled to same. Z. A. BUTT, ) Ct. II. SIIARPLESS, y Auditors. WM. BOGERT, ) Attest : W. F. Stohner, Clerk. A Remedy for tub Grii'pe. A remedy recommended for patients afflicted with the grippe is KEMP'S BALSAM, which is es pecially adapted for the throat and lungs. Don't wait for the first symptoms of the dis ease, get a bottle to-day and keep it for use the moment it is needed. If neglected the grippe has a tendency to bring on pneumonia. KEMP'S BALSAM prevents this by keep ing the cough loose and the lungs free from inflammation. All druggists sell KEMP'S BALSAM at 25c and 50c. 3-14d4t Little Braves. Old time a quarter a box "Burgers" are quitting the field in whole battalions. Dr. Agnew's Little Pills at 10 cents a are driving them out at all points Because they act gently, more ef fectively, never pain, and are easy to take. Sick headache succumbs to one dose. 35 Sold by C. A. Kleim. The stock ticker is always bundled up In red tape, To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers ill applying liquids intoj Ibe nasal passages lor calanhal troubles the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as s l.iquul Cream Balm. Price, including llie spiaying tube, is 75c. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the medicinal proper ties ol the solid preparation. Cream IJalin is quickly absorbed by the membrane and does not dry up the secretions, but changes them to a natural and healthy character. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren street, New York. Have you eczema? Have you any skin disease or eruptions ? Are you subject to chafing or scalding? Dr. Agnew's Ointment prevents and cures any and all of these, and cures itching, bleeding and blind piles be sides. One application brings relief in ten minutes, and cases cured in three to six nights. 35 cents. 36 Sold by C. A. Kleim. Even a strong boarder wnn't always eat two plates of hash without turning a hair. Tei.i.-O, the New Dessert, pleases all the fumilv. l our ll.ivors : Lemon, Orange Raspberry and strawberry. At your grocers loc. 3 M'Ut CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of A writ of Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Fleas of Co lumbia county, Pennsylvania, and to me di rected there will lie exposed to puiilic sale ai the Court House in Uloomsburg, county and state afurcsaid on SATURDAY, MARCH 3, i9t, at 2 o'clock p. m., all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Sugarloaf township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, hounded and described its follows to-wit : Beginning at chestnut tree, thence by land formerly ot Nathan Ueach, south seventy-two and one half degrees west one hundred and thirty four and on -half perches to a corner, thence by land of Joshua Brink south two and one hall degrees east two perencs io a corner, thence bv land of Christian I,. Moore, south sixty. nine degrees eaM two hundred and one and six tenths perches to a corner at a public road, thence by land sttrvcvei1 Maria Frit, north one and one-half degrees east one hundred and twenty-two and two tenths perches to a post, thence north eighty ciftht and one-half decrees west, sixty-one perches to the place of beginning, con'aining EIGHTY-FIVE (83) ACRES and one hundred and twenty. I wo perches, strict measure, whereupon are erected 2 FRAME DWELLING HOUSES, barn and other outbuildings. Seized and taken in execttti n at the suit of Leonard Moore vs. John Moore, niortgng on and (Jearhart Moore, Lmcline Moore Doty, Mary Moore Keeler; Melvin Moore, Laura Moore Dempscy, f.ttcy F.bncr, guar dian of Nellie Moore, Melvin Moore guar dian of lohn Moore, heirs of the said deceas eil lohn Moore mortL'.iL'or and to be sold as the property of John Moore, mortgagor; and (learhart Moore, Knteline Moore Doty, Mary Moore Keeler, Melvin Moore, Laura Moore Dcmpscy, Lucy Ebner guardian of Nellie Moore, Melvin Moore guardian of John Moore, heirs of said deceased. A. L. Fritz, DANIEL KNORR, Attorney. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. liy virtue of a writ of Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Picas of Co lumbia County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in iiloomsburg, County and Slate aforesaid on SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1901. at 2 o'clock p m. Ail that message, tene ment or tract of land being a lot situate on the south west corner of Third slreet nnd Leonard street in the town of Iiloomsburg County of Columbia and state ot Pennsyl vania being about forty-four feet in width on Third street and ore hundred and six feet in depth on Leonard street, whereon is erected a two and one-hall storv doulile FRAME DWELLING HOUSE- and out buildings. Seized and taken in execution nt the suit of Simon Reichard assignee vs. Wm S Fleckenstine and llatlie E. Fltckcnstine nnd to be sold os the property of Win. S. and ILittie E. Fleckenstine. Pbacock, DANIEL KNORR, Attorney. Sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of Plur. Lev. Fa., Issued out ot the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia Couuty, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, In Iiloomsburg, County and State aforesaid, on SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1901. at two o'clock p. m., all that certain messuage and tract ot land, situate In Sliuman s Addition to tne Town of Catawlssa, In the Township ot Catawlssa, In the County of Columbia and Ktatoof Pennsylvania, bounded and at scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point In Church street, In said Addition, thence south thirty-nine decrees twenty-nve mlnuU s east three hundred and thlrtj-nlne feet, by land of Harmon Young ; thence by same and lands of Catawlssa School District north nfty degrees thirty-five minutes east, one hundred and nlne- ty-flve and flve-tonths feet to a corner; thence by said school land north twenty-three degrees nfty-tbree minutes west, one hundred and six and five-tenths foot to an alley; thence by the same north Blxty-nlne degrees east, two hun dred uud forty feet to a corner; thence by land laid out as a cemetery, by said F. L. Sliuman, twenty-four degrees east, three hundred and twenty-five feet to a corner; thence by same north slxty-slx degrees east, forty feet to a corner; thence ny same south twenty-tour de grees eaBt, two hundred and fifty-three feet to line of land of Widow auntber; thence by Bame south fifty -six degrees thlrty-Ove minutes west, three hundred and twenty-seven feet to a cor ner; thence by said laud south thlrty-threo de crees five minutes east, one hundred and twenty-two feet to a corner; thence by said land south forty degrees west, one hundrt d and one feet to a corner; thence by said land and across public road, and right of way of 8. 11. & W H. K. south forty-six degrees forty-five min utes tast, eighty-live feet to a corner; thence tltly-three degrees forty-five minutes west.four hundred and forty feet to a point In Mill street, In said Addition; thence In and along said street north forty degrees twenty-five minutes west, nve hundred and fifty-eight feet to a point In said street; thenco north fifty-one degrees east, one hundred and elghty-threo feet to a corner, by lands of W. 11. Khawn ; thence by mild lands north thirty-nine degrees twenty Ave minutes west, live hundred and thirty-one foet to said Church street ; thence along said street north sixty-seven degrees east, threo hundred and fifty -two and live-tenths feet to the placo of beginning, containing 16 ACRES AND 10 TORCHES. Being the sarao premises which said F. L Shu man and Angelina, his wife, by their Indenture, bearing even date herewith, granted and con- veyed unto the said Owen I). L, Kostenbauder. There are no buildings upon this tract, the same being plotted Into town lots, which front upon the principal streets ot the said liorough of Catawlssa, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances, seized, taken In execution, at the suit of An gellna Hhuman vs. U. 1). L. Kostc.ibau'ier, and to be sold as tho property ot 0. 1). L. Kosten- bauder. DANIEL KNOKH, Sheriff. IKKI.BII & IKKI.KK, Atlys. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. gHTiTB OF MIC1IARL RHOWN, BK., LATB OK CON- YNIillAM IWF., DDI UMHU CO., 1-4., K('BAHK1I. Notice H hereby given that letters testa mentary upon tun estate of said decedent have been granted to the undersigned. All persouB liidi'liird to said estate are directed to make payment, nnd those having claims or demands against tii siiiuu win uiuKi! mem Known wim out dulay to IIK'IIAHD BUdWV, 1'ETKIl UUOWN, Or to Kxeotitnrs. Alfred Qaknek, Atly., Ashland, Pa. 7 ttl tit ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE SMiiU of Mrs M. A . Watton, late of tlte J'own of tnuomenurg, aeaeaeea. Letter of iulmlhltratum on the eetate of Mr. M. A. Walton, deceased, having been granted to the under Hlgnetl adnitnimratrlx, alt pereont In deltted to aid estate are regueated to make pay ment, and thone liovlng claim or demands wilt maKe Known wiittovi aeuiyio 8-UH-tM ELLA V. WATSOS, t Adintntstrutrtx, Blooinslurg, Pa, NOTICE. Notice, I herehy given that on Tmeday, Vie Wft (lot of March, 1111, the. lUrrmtgh Council and Chief Hurge of in norinujh of sttitwaier, vol uinhta County, Jimwtylvnnta, paeeed and ap proved an ordmant extending the limit of the llwongh tf Stillwater hyamutlngand admitting thereto the adlacenl land mnied Ity II It Kelch- ner, Stephen Itreeher ana w. II. lie; that a plot araft of mh erleneltm hnK Iteen Wed In the office of the Court of tjwtrter Senetonf of Cil; liin ro(i, at niomnetnirg on the ftih day f March, A. U 1901, ehowlng the locntlim of eaid tande and Hie present and former tiwindarteti of mild llormigh. Any clllten of the llorintqh trr lerrttory antwrrd dteirlng In appeal front, the i Id ordinance Io the Court of quarter Seettian of Colmnhla CoiihIii thai! file eald apiwal within thirty day rrmnlhe date of juing aia pianor plot, ur beforerer after dt 'tarred W. II IIKSRfK, 8 7 4 Clerk of the Court of Quarter Setetont. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Entalenf Heeler A. Moor, lot of Greenwood Tttimmhlt, t nltLnihla f.'o.. i'fl . aeceaeen. The mid retaned Auditor, apimtnted tty the Orphan' Court of Columbia Co., Ha., to pa. uim exception and dimrlhnle the fund In the luindeor A. M. uewtrr, anniinteirunrr of mr r- if of ilPnler A . Moore, decraeed, n appear on hi final acctntnt,and the errepwm mereut, io unit ntnimii the imrlie truallil entitled llierelo. frill attend to the dalle of hi appointment, at hi office. In the "Colmnttian" hnitmng, in me Tmni of niiDmmtnira. Colum'tla Omnia, Vnn'n, on Saturday, the nth day of Aiirll, nine n'rfuf.'fc n the forenoon of ald day, when oml wh're all partlr tntereeted are reipiesltd to fire- tu-nt Ihelr claim Iterare ine unaereignea, or m furervr aftrr dflHirred, front, tomtng In upon the lata fund. u. a. m niijuir. 8 7 41 Annum, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. , F.ntale of Uowl Partem, drceated. Tie vnilrreiiined Auditor appointed liy the Orphan' Court of Catnmhtn County to nuiKe dletrlhntlon of fund In hand of aciotuttanu to ana amimg the panic legally entmea tn're. In. will tit at. hi oiHce In Liekard hulldlna, room So. 5 on ecmd lloor, corner of Main and Centre Mreete, In Itloirmelmrg, on Monday March 25n 1901 at Wifclocle in the forenoon, when and wlwre all iiemon having claim attain!. at; eelate will aiwear and prnre'he eame or lie fur. ever de'xirrrd from coming In nixm .mid fund. UM-t J. II- .P., Audttur. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of M, C. A'tVwH, Intent BlwmMhnr'jPfnn'o The wtnwfiluneil Awiuw. anvointwt bt the Court to nwlti urttte and mtJnM, the ammnt of awl to )hixs nnm wviitUm awl makf GiMrthw lion or the rHtitwiv t ire no tutu or Jn rrrrwar tothfi narifs rut Hied therrto. trill attmtl. nt hi of If vp, in tUtuminlmnj, on hYhlay. the With Hoy of Mitrrti, m 11, ot ti n ift hn K' thf forpuoim,jir the hutfpfof tin aniMjintntPntt irhrn ami trher? all parti Intprrntrtt are reonlreft to mv their claim, or ite imrrrtl from pnrtfrfiatfnff In unlit 8 7 St A ntlilor AUDITORS NOTICE. Kstate of J.'Uas Drelfwlhln Jii' o Mt Pleasant 'loinmnifii aerenttea. Thewnlprni'jni-'l Aiut(,iHinte1 Im le(W 1) ha as Court of Columbia Co., Pa., to make dis tribution of the fmnts in the hands of the hands ufthp administrator of said estafp. irill meet tlte parties tnteres'Hl at nis office. In the Town of lUoomshuni. '(., on Tuesday, A itril '2d. U1, at ten v'vtoi k in the forenoon, when and where (. parties interested will attend nnd present their chums, or be, forever detain ed from a share in said fund. W. A. EVKUT, U74t Auauor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OKJACKrtON EARNS, I. ATE OY CLEVELAND TOWNHIlir, DECEASED. The underMgned Auditor, appointed by tho Orphans' Court, ot Columbia County, Pa., to make distribution of balance In hands of W. II Brooke, executor of said estate, to ana among the parties entitled thereto, will sit, at his olli, In the Knt Building. Uloomsburg, Pa., on Wednesday, March :7th, .'.H, at 10 o'clock a. m., to attend to tun uuties 01 ms appoinimeni, when and where all parties Interested In said estate must apiiear, or be forever debarred from coming in on said fund. V XI 41 llAUtll It. BlDtl, AUUltlir. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK DANIEL X. TROT. Letters of administration on the estate of Daniel K. Troy, late ot Beaver township, Col umtila county, Pa., deceased have been granted to CharlHS H. Trov and 1. 8. Trov. reslrtlmr In said township, 1 1 whom all persons Indebted to saiu estate are requesteu to maxe paymt-uL nuu those having claims or demands, will make known the same without delay or to Clyde C. Yhttek, en akes II. Trot. Attorney. 1. S. Tkov. March 11th, ltfai. Administrators. THE CRITERION $1.00 per year. 10 cents a copy. The Best Illustrated Monthly Magazine of the Kind Published, Its paces are filled by a brilliantt array of writers and artists. Its authoritative and independent reviews of books, plays, music and art, its clever stories, strong special articles, humor und verse, with fine illus t rat ions, make it a necessity in every in telligent home. The vejy low subscrip tion prict 1.00 IFEI "TZ"ELI puts it within the reach of all. Reliable agents wanted in every town. Extraordin ary inducements. Write for particulars. A trial subscription will prove it WU1TE TODAY FOR SAMPLE COPY. CRITERION PUBLISHING CO., Subscription Department, 3-7 4t 41 E. 2ist St., N. Y. City. OKUANIZICl) 1891. TEB FiB MIAL Ml, Bloomsburg, Pa. CAPITAL - - $60,000 Surplus and Undivid ed Profits, - - 48,000 W. S. MOYER, A S. MOYER, President. H. BLOOM, Cashier. biRKcroKa. Chartet W. Runyon, Grant Herring, S. U. fimfc, C. A. Kleim, lr. '. JW. i'mr, If. S. Mayer, Dr. J. J. Urown, C. M. Crevellng, II. A. iTKilllp. trwn solicit, I lie amounts of Individuals and (Inns, and will urant accommodations, con sistent with uood banklntr. , SAFE PKPOHIT HOX ES, 11UKI1LAU AND flUE PUOOP VAULTS. W. M. tow, Pres. J. M. Stavrb, Vice rres K. B. Tustin, Cashier. fit mm Bin -OF Bloomsburo, Pa. Capital and Surplus, $162,500 Undivided Profits, $20,000 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT IN BURGLAR AND FIREPROOF VAULTS. DIHKt'TOKS. Dr. K, W. M. Low, Myron i. low, Dr. .1. II. Vastlne, J. M. Staver, E. B. Turtln, Louis Oros9, Geo. 8. Bobbins. Accounts of Bnnks, Corporations, Funds and Individuals, solicited Upon the Most Llo eral Terms, Consistent with Good Banking. BLOOMSBURG NATIONAL BANK, BLOOMSBURG, PA. CAPITAL . . .$R0,(I00 SUKrLLo ALI rutin is.. ... tf,0U0 A. Z. SOHOCtl, PKKSinENT, PALL K. WIKT, Vies PRBRItiltNT, V. II. IIMlLAY.CANHlKR, MUltUIM H. IIKOADT, Tll.LKK. MRKCTOHH. Ilpnry J. Clark, Jowph Haiti, .1. I.i'H Ilarmnn, Samuel l(flll, Ilarvey W. Hums, Harrison .T. Conner, Paul K. Wlrr,, Owrn W. ClirrlnKton V. M. I.onucnbcrt'cr, Amon .. scnocn. Frank Ikuler. Accounts of Individuals, Finns and Corpora tions, Kespectfully soucir-u. Beagle Studio I Prompt attention given Io all Photographic Work. Crayons, Framing, Copying and Bromide Enlargements, Made at Short Notice. The Beagle Studio, MAIN AND CENTRE STS. PROFESSIONAL CARDSJ- N. U. FUNK, ATTORNKT-AT-tAW, lira. Soft Building, Court H AJWr. BLOOMSBURG, PA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlce-Bloomsburif Nat'l Bank Bldg., Sd door. BLOOMSBURO, PA. C. W. MILLER, ATTORNCY-AT-LAW, Wirt's Building, rmi htm. BLOOMSBCRG. PA, John o. fhkrz. jobm a. barmam FREEZE & HARMAN, ATTOUNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Offices: Centre St., flrst door below Opera House WM. h MAGILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Lockard's building, Corner Main and Centre Sts. H. R. STEES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office, in Ent Bldg, Bloomsburg, Pa. A. N. YOST, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbian Building, and Floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. RALPH R. JOHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hartman Building, Market Square, Bloomsburg, Pa. IKELER & IKELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank, BLOOMSBURG, PA. CLYDE CHAS. YETTER, attorney--at law, Bloomsburg, Pa. Oflice in Wilt's Building, J. H. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Office, in Lockard's Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. W. II. KHAWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oflice, Corner of Third and Main Sts., CATAWISSA, . PA. CLINTON HERRING, A TTORNIY-AT- LAW. Office with Grant Herring. IILOOMSBURG, PA. CrT Will be In Otangavills Wedneiday of each week. WILLIAM C. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in Wells' Building over B. A. Gidding's Clothing Store, liloomabnrg, Pa Will lie in Millville on Tuesdays. II. MONTGOMERY SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office i Wirt building, over Alcxande Bros. II-16-99 EDWARD. FLYNN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. ir-Offlce Llddloot bulldinir, Locust aveoiw- J. S. JOHN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. and residence, 410 Main St Oftice 70-IV I I OCMm M.. PA HKMHY TV. rilAMPLIN, HtKlil.llN, M. D GENERAL SURGERY, SURGERY or THE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Over Farmer's National Bank riooma-it-ro-99 burg, Pa. - MONTOl'R TKLFWIONH. BR 1.1 T HI. I CHOW IVKH TKHTBD. OIsAABRS riTTRD. H. BIERMAN, M. D. nOMtEOPATHICl'nySICIANAND BUW0 orrici hocrh: Office A Residence, 4th Ht., 10 a. m. to Z p. in., 6:30 to 8 p. in. bl.UOMMSTJKG, M. J. J. BROWN, M. D., Market Street. Bloomsburo, F THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested, fitted with glutei and Artificial Eyes supplied. noursl0to4. Telephone ronntt DR. M. J. HESS, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Crown and bridge work a specialty, Corner Main and Centre Stre t , BLOOM Sis fJRi, PA. Dr. W. H. HOUSE, 8UHGKON DENTIST, Offlc : Barton's Building, Main below Mark BLOOMSBURG, Pa. All styles of work done in a superior maaw, and all work warranted as represent, TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAW, by the use of Gas, and free of charge t artificial icein are inserted. WTo be open all hours during the day. C. WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. F. ilartmau Represents twelve ot the strongest Cobumi es In the world, among which are: CASH TOTAL SDBPITC CAPITA f.. 1BBM. ASH Franklin of rhlla.. t4uo,iKK) f3,n,6ii tl.ooe.1 Penn'a. Phlla 4oo,0i.o 8,686,io l.ili.6 wueen.or m. y.. 500,poo 8,R38,ll& l,un, Westchester. N.Y. 8H0.i) o m N. America, Phlla. 8,0uu,000 .730.6ft 2.3U.T Oflice First Nat'l Bank Bldg., ad floor. Wl.osses promptly adjusted and paid. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSORS TO FREA8 BROW M i INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND BROKE S. N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Streets, Bloomsburo, Pa. o Represent Seventeen as good Compaaa ics as mere are in tne world an J all losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN F. KNAPP, FIRI INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home, of N. Y. s Merchants of Newark. N. J.; Clinton, N. Y.;Peoples N.Y.;RaU ing, Pa ; German American Ins. Co., Maw York; Greenwich Insurance Co., New York) Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N, J. i iicac uiu curiiurations are wen n aioiiet by age and fire tested, and have never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Thelf assets are all invested in solid securlt'ee, anf liable to the hazard of fire only. Losses promptly and honestly ad ustedaa paid as soon as determined, by Christian F Knnpp, Special Agent and Adjuster, Blocsr.s burg, Pa. The people of Columbia count shoal patronize the agency where losses, ; My are settled and paid by one of their owa citizens. CITY HOTEL, W. A. Hartzel, Prop. rvo. 121 West Main Street, "Large and convenient sample rooms, bath rooms, hot and cold water, and modern oo. veniences. Bar stocked with best wine and liquors. First-class livery attuched. HOTEIr ENT, (FORMERLY CENTRAL HOTEL) BLOOMSBURG, PA. New soni le rooms, large nnd convenient Recently papered, painted and refurnished Everything up to date. Excellent facilitie for travelling men. Good stabling 5 3 C. B. ENT, Proprietor. EXCHANGE HOTEL, G. SmriER, Proprietor, (Opposite the Court House) BLOOMSBURG, Fa. Large aud convenient sample rooms Path roouu, hot and cold water, and all mo ia conveniences.