THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURQ, PA. r The Newest and Best $3.00 Shoe for women. Light, flexible soles. Very Shapely and Easy. Name Stamped on A Everv 5hoe. None genuine with out it. Leases and notices to ouit. for sale at this office. tf. T. U'. Hnrttnan & Son's altera tions are progressing rapidly, and they expect to be ready to throw open their enlarged store soon. . Hihlra lnrtre and small and the stock onen for comparison at Mer cer's Drug & Book Store. W. C. HcKINNEY, 8 E. Main St. TH E COLUMBIAN. ' BLOO NfSBU KG r a7 THURSDAY, MARCH 7 1901. KxrKKiUNCten Ncksij desires employment. Address, P. O. Hox 57, Kspy, 1'a. 3"7 4V The Danville Record has been purchased by Lutz & ltair, who propose to put some new me imo 11. PR FLY PERSONAL ABCbiocks.nd abc books in Doiu mien iiim iiiK.i iiui.i ,-)-. -zn nr Morccr S DriVl X 150OK Store. Kiitfrert ai "if I'utt OtHcr rit llliunnslmig, J'iu ... ........ If. .....I. t .0 rM''mn rill rmiuri , inn. , . Fred Kichar .5 transacted lmslnrss in New York this week. J. Lea Itarmnn went to Scranton on lmsi- ties en 1 iirsday. Tru 1 II Si;ilt 7r hn lwn t.rn.lin.f few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j. C. Conner at Shamokin. Mr and Mrs. Frank Ikeler and Mr. and Mrs. S. F. I'cacotk went to Washington last Saturday to s;e the inauguration cere- Kx-Commissioner Washington I'arr expects to start on a western trip aliont June 4th next. Me will visit Illinois nmt Nebraska before returning home. 1 linn I Pnln U'imtfl Tnwnshin. Jr. ......... .............. ......... - and" his brother Samuel F... who has been visitint! relatives in 'he Fast (or several weeks, were among our recent callers. lioth of them have been readers of theCiittmitlAN for many years. Legal advertisements on page 7. Gold pens and pencils for either lady or gent at Mercer's Drug & Book Store. V. II. Brooke's insurance office has been moved to the Columbian Building, front room, second floor. If voti want drucs or patent medi cines of any kind go to Mercer's Drug & Book Store. For Sale: Three young mules, suitable for farm purposes. 2-2i-4t G. N. BakCr, Kspy. . .. II. R. Stees. Eso has moved his law office across the hall in the Knt Hiiiltiinc. to a room facinsr the Court House. Memhers of the Benevolent Order of Klks can obtain address cards with handsome designs at this of- fW tt According to orders from the Government, the United States mail is now being weighed by the local Post Office Department. We have a verv nice line of small photo trames.with prices reasonable and many kinds at Mercer's Drug & Book Store. cpn Anderson left town as soon as his fire loss was adjusted. From oil rpnorts. there are auitc a number of people here who would like to see him. VJp are informed that Geo. S Pnhhins has been elected Secretary of the Greene Consolidated Copper Co. and that he intends to move to New York City. Xew and beautiful patterns in table dinner ware will arrive this week. Don't miss seeing them at L. K. Whary's. Architect John Bruirler. of Dan- villn hns completed plans for the tipw nub ic school building, wnicn will be erected in Berwick next spring. TIip Paul V.. Wirt tountain pen either plain or gold mounted at Mercer's Drug iiooK oiore. fV T. Girton. of the firm of Girton & Welliver, Danville, lias crdrl nut his interest to his partner, I Charles E. Welliver, and will re turn to Blootnsburg, where lie win open a stable. P TV Heddeus has moved from the White House Restaurant to his nfnnwtv nn Knst First Street. Mrs. Fairmati, who has purchased the Restaurant business, win iate possession to-day TT O Christian, formerly of this rliir. nnrt who for some time has f"- . ... t-- been a resident 01 rnuaaeipma, nas removed with his tamiiy to uerwich. nnrl Vina rnrchased the bakery and contectionery store 01 in. oiuuu. Tt ia cniH that ice on the river in man v nlaces is frozen to the bottom There are some fears of a flood when a break up occurs, owing to tlio 1nw statre of the water which may be insufficient to carry off the ice Spiccial. From this date to Ar.r;i k h soecial prices will he riven on Summit Ranges. They orAnnicW bakers and fuel savers We sell them as our leader, and give a guarantee with every sale. I. IV. W11AKI rllnr and cuft boxes, necktie boxes, handkerchief boxes, necktie books, ievvel boxes, glove boxes, . . 11- - cmr stands and cases, inuhie tuns, r,hntn holders, card stands and card cases, some of which are very kooiiti'fi.i at Mereer s Drutr aim vuui v Bcok Store While nbivinc on the ice near his j j o home yesterday afternoon, Edward, an eight-year-old son ot Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Miller, of South Market Street, fell and broke his leg be tween the knee and tlngli. A large piece ot wire was imbedded in the ice, and in gliding over the surface, his foot became entangled, wnicn caused the fall. . . . The largest line of juvenile books and prices right at Mercer's Drug & Book Store. Ira Ilutchins fell from a moving train near Jersey Shore, a few days ago and was severely injured. He was removed to a Hospital wiiere an examination revealed the fact that in order to save his life the amputaiion of a foot was necessary. The young man lett tins town alwut a year ago. For several years pre vious to his departure he was em ployed 111 the Uloomshurg snu Mill. His mother and sister reside on Leonard street. The former left for the above mentioned town, im- mediately on receipt ot tlie news 01 the sad accident. BLOW TO SEORET SOJIETIES. Mcmben aro Excited Ovor a Bill in the Ho-iso ol Representatives. Members ol the fraternal beneficiary societies, orders and associations which nav beneliis in case ot death or sick ness are much wrought up over a bill which has been introduced into the House of Reuiesentatives by Repre sentative Henderson of Allegheny. I'hev believe that the bill, it made a law, might crush all the lodges and beneficial societies out of existei C . he bill proposes to place all such associations under the supervision of the Insurance Commisssoner, and gives him authority at any time to exami le into their affairs, and provides that the expenses of such examina tions shall be paid out of the treasur ies of the organizations. Every association not chartered by this State is to designate the insurance Commissioner as its attorney, upon whom all lawful process against it must be served. Whenever a society fails to file us annual certificate or in case the Insurance Commissioner deems it nacessary,he shall have power to examine into the condition,business metho ls, account, books and invest inent of such association, which ex amination shall be at the expense of the organization, $100 it it nas no rirve fund, and $200 if it has. No Fraternal association shall be permit ted to do business in the ttate witn- out the consent of the Insurance Commissioner. HEALTHY Lamps from 25 cents to $13.00 at Mercer's Drug & book store. Telephone. FILLING PRESCRIPTIONS is our most serious duty, and we giye it all the care and attention due its importance. v., Drucs. skill and accuracy are the three great requisites for the suc cessful filling of the Doctor's orders. AH drugs used by us are ot the high est quality, fresh, and in perfect condition. Our experience in com pounding extends over a long period of years, and we guarantee absolute accuracy. . . . High quality does not mean hgn price here. W. 3. Rismor. Ph. O. Int Biildinff. Pharmacist. A rlotihle weddine occurred at the Methodist parsonage on Tues day afternoon, March 5th,when Rev. W. M. Frysinger united 111 weuioes Mr. Frank W. jacooy ana miss Irene M. Derr, and Mr. John Walter Greenley and Miss Ninon I. Derr. The brides are sisters, both of Jersc-ytown. Mr. Tacoby is of Krranton. and Mr. Greenly of Terseytown, and all enjoy the esteem and good wishes ot a large en etc uj friends. Brother Randall of the News Item i unkind enoutrh to cast suspicion upon the truthfulness of our state- ment concerning a lew aiun" fnnrl that were recently taken from our relrigerator. Judging the whole world by the condition ot south side editorial refrigerators, he doubts the financial ability of a nwh.oMr editor to purchase so lYiiirh nrovender at one tine. If he .;il nlerve. we claimed ownership ,Miivrothe snare-ribs, and at the w...-' . . ... ... j same time tried to give out me 1111 that we owned the poultry I also, without saying so. But, since Krothfr Randall has discovered us i we reluctantly admit that the ! poultry was only left with us by a neighbor on cold storage. It's i,innn of von Charley, to give tis j away as you did. Just wait 'till you pet a refrigerator and borrow ' c,-,tiif.tliiritr to rut in it. and some- v,n,Ur &pn it. then see what But that's looking too far into the distant future. - Games irotu 5 cents to $1.00 at Mercer's Drug & Book Store. A man with a thin head of hair is a marked man. But the big bald spot is not the kind of a mark most men like. Too many men in their twenties are bald. This is absurd and all unnecessary. Healthy hair shows mans strengtn. 10 build up the hair from the roots, to prevent and to cure bald- ness, u s e Institute at Oanby. The local institute held at Canby on the 23 of February was well attend ed. Mr. Harry Dolman called the in stitute to order at 10:30, after which all joined in singing "America". A prayer wa9 offered by Mr. Sylvester Kitchen! and alter the election 01 Secretary, Walter Abbott of the Miller town school recited. Pupils from the . ..m ill. Kitchen school then sang "t aouie your own Canoe." Several recitations followed. An essav bv Miss Lena Kitchen, "Some thmiL'hts on Lancua?e Study" emphasized the need of the children's hearing good pure English in the home and school. Pupils troni the Kitchen and Millertown schools gave recita tions after which Miss Rebecca John read a naner entitled "A Sketch of the Life of Queen Victoria." Messrs Clark Kitchen and I-rank 1'erkins favored the institute with a duet fol lowed by recitations by Bertha White and Mertle Thomas. Miss Anna Kitchen read an excell ent paper on "Advanced Reading." Pupils, she said should acquire a taste for good literature, should be able to decide which is for the day and wnicn is fnr all time, and should also be able to read well aloud. '1 hey should be b-.l to see and (eel the beauties of the selection read in choice of words, fig ures of speech, and happy expressions. When classics can be had for 3, 4, or S cents each, one cannot plead the vcin;fl of pxnense. I wo littli? eirls from the Ikeler school, Helen Kline and Blanche Mordan, acted a short dialogue in a very natural manner. The quarrel, tears, and making up were quite real. Gertrude Vance followed with a recita tion that was well received by the in stitute. The chairman, Mr. Dolman, thf.n addressed the institute upon "Necessary Appliances of the School room." The teacher should no more be handicapped by appliances twenty years out of date, than the farmer should be compelled to use scythe and flail in place of binder and thresner. The boys and girls from the country rrrnW on to fill the Dositions of honor and trust in our countryr and they should have the best possible chances in public schools equipped with mod ern .mnliances and skillful teachers. ri - . After singing, the institute aajourneu until 1:30, The afternoon session openea wnn music, after which Irene Artman of the Ikeler school recited. Miss Bessie Kitchen and Erma Mordan, Messrs. Clark Kitchen. Ammerman Miller and F.ank Perkins of Kitchen's school then rendered "Beautiful Flag of the Prr " As the instructors trom the Normal School had not yet arrived, Mr. Dolman read Hubbard's Message to Garcia. Mabel Kester then sang a solo with ease and grace that captured the audience. Miss John next recited a little German poem, "Die Lorelei," which was followed by music trom tne Millertown school. Prof Sutliff of the Normal school addressed the institute upon the sub ject of Arithmetic, in which he dwelt upon the need of absolute accuracy, and of tp.ichmi? the concrete and practical parts of the subject thorough ly- Prof. Detwi er then soone on u. a TTietorv. Teachers can make it the dryest subject possible by having pupils merely memorize tacts ano ti?ies. Hwtorv ono-ht to be. and is if properly ta.itrht the most interesting subject one can take up, for it is a study of the life ot the human race, aupi tiiier next snoke of the silent lnliu ences for good the teachers might bring to bear upon tne pupus, uy beautifying school houses and play crronnds. 0 , . A ouestion box lolioweci. Among fh onestions discussed was this ... .u- "How may parents oe ieci 10 sec mc necessity of sending their children to school regularly and on time. Rebecca John, secretary. Separate Waist Haterials. We have now on sale the most complete line of ma terials, suitable for separate -waists.we have ever shown, in Silks, Flannels, Challies, Foule, Series, &c, in the leading and popular styles and colorings. If you want a stylish waist material it's here for your inspection. BLACK LRE53 GOODS. We're now showing the newest spring black mater ials of all kinds, and at the lowest prices. You should see them. All kinds of black goods are in our col lection. Special values in Black Mohairs. TAIL0R-MAD2 SUITS. The new spring styles are here, in the leading ! styles and colorings. All I perfectly cut and man tail 1 ored of the best workman I ship. See them. Also I separate skirts and jackets. J CUmttT MATERIALS. I We show full lines of curtain goods, by the yard, in newest patterns, for all t purposes. NEW LACES. A large line of the new est Allover Laces are here, in the newest colorings and prices. We have them in White, Ecru, Venise and Black, with a full line of headings, bands and inser tions, which are very pop ular for dress ornamenta ion. KID GLOVES. We offer you. this week, two special' values in kid gloves. Undressed kid gloves, 2 clasps, a regular $1.25 quality, at $1.00 a pair. Mocha gloves, our regu lar $1.25 grade to go at yoc a pair. Nearly all colors. 2 clasp kid gloves at 75c a pair. : Linens. j You should not miss this offering of Table Linens, Cloths, Napkins. Towels and Toweling?, by the yard. . Now is the time to buv Linens and save money, as the S foreign markets all look as. though linens will be con- ' siderably higher. We know of no better stock to se- S lect from, nor any that's cheaper for the same grade ot linens. o 2 I H. J. CLARK & SON. N mm This siirnivture Is on every box of the genuine . II A .!.... n rr I ...... Laxative urorno'vu,u,1,v' iuh" the remedy that cures a colli In ' It always restores color to faded or gray hair. Notice that word, "always." And it cures dandruff. $1.00 bottle. All drugglsti. Mv liuslnesB calls me out among trance a groat dual. I would actually feel aslunied every time I would take on uiy hat, my hair waa no thin and the huld Bpota showed K plainly. 1 began the uise of your Hair Vhror lem than three mouths ago. Today 1 tlnd 1 have as Hue a head of hair as 1 ever had. 1 tell evervbodv what I used, and thny say 'It luuitt be a wonderful remedy.'4" Uko.Ybari., Dec. 14, 1808. Chicago, 111. We have a hook on The TUIr and Boulp which we will send free upon rmiuett. U you do not obtain sll the beiieUM you expeeted from the uie of the Vik'r, write the X)uctor about Lowell, Mass. "Elite" French China. GOLD SEAL Rubbers, -o- Perfect fit, Unrivaledj In Style, Unequaled For Durability. The onlv make of Rubber Shoes and Boots in the world that will stand this test of elasticity and strength. For sale by F. 0 You want to have clear sight, and you must have your eyes properly cared for. Even if glasses are not necessary, there are attentions the eyes should have. Let ns direct the care of your eyes. A little of oin advice no w may save you a great deal of in- convenieace and pain later. Our examination nn'11 rownal wTirar von need. We have fitted a orivite optical room, test your eyes tree, and guarantee, correction. GEO. W. HESS, Dr. of Refraction, Graduate Optician and Jeweler, Blootnsburg, Penna. e?t We desire our patrons to know that we sell the famous "Elite" china, now so extensively advertised in leading periodicals. Dainty odd pieces or com plete sets may be had at pi ices no higher than you would pay for ordi nary makes The " Elite" maik means perfection. Have you read the story "Limoges- Its People-Its China' ? If not, leave your name at our store and we will obtain a copy for you, free. L. E. WHARY. TO MEET THE DEMAND FOR A CHEAPER LAMP Than Fairy Lamps for decorative purposes, we recommend PYRAMID CANDLE LAIFS, which, for lowness of price and beautv of design, are unap. proachable by anything in the market. They are designed foi decorative lighting. Price, - 25c. Per Lamp See our line of Silver Candle Sticks. J". LEE JEWELER AND REFRACTING OPTICIAN, 45 West Main Street, - BLOOMSBURQ, PA First-class watch.and jewelry repairing.