THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURQ, PA. CONDENSED DISPATCHES. BStble ICvents of flic Wffk Brief! p anil Teruvlr Told. Ifoiirik Ilisen. tlio Norwegian drama tut, in 111 nt Copenhagen. Antiapring election advocates nt Trcn ton won a preliminary vlctnry. Fiiiip firemen were killed nml two hurt by a fnlllng wnll nt New Haven. General I'ole-t'nrew was married to Lady Hcatriee Uutlor In Loudon. One of tho throe men In tln Cmluliv kidnaping plot who arrested nt Uinnhn. AililU'kn fcnlnotl four vote in tin- 1 Ma nure legislature- fop short term senator Mp. Captain Dyer, who commnnded the Baltimore at tho battle of Munlln, wiim retired. An unraBy feeling was reported In Cn rncas over the government's attitude In the asphalt controversy. The twenty-llfth nnnnnl henrh bIiow of the Westminster Kennel elub was opened in Madison Square Garden, New York. Tnralnr Feb. 10. The first class at West Point wns grail anted. Tho rtrittnh steamer Homer Is helleved to have been lost, with 10 men. Three were killed in a freight wreck on the New York Central at Aiken, N. Y. Severest cold in 50 years in Denmark. Heavy snows and very cold weather throughout Kurope. Senor Curios Martinet! Kilvn, the new minister from the United States of Co lombia to tho United States, arrived in Washington. Monitor, Feb. IN. Francis B. Loomls, the United States minister to Venezuela, Is very 111. Striking potters at Cooksville, ().. have organized a pottery company capitalized at $2(),(NH). Uussiu has imposed tho maximum tar iff duties on American Iron and steel goods of nil sorts. Severe cold weather, with snow In un heard of localities, was reported through out southern Kurope. A British army surgeon said he had driven malaria bearing mosquitoes from Hongkong neighborhoods. New York bank loans increased ?1!), (Xin.tKKJ and surplus reserves reduced by $7fWM).IM0 during the past week. Miss Francos Koberti' suit to have, her father. Dr. C. It. Roberts, a financier, de cla led uisnnc has been dismissed in th supreme court at Albany. Mrs. Anna Franz, alleged to be a pro fessional beggar, was arrested in Wall utiwt. New York city, where she expos ed a child of I) months to the rigors of tlio weather. Sntiiriln), Kelt. 1U. The Indianapolis zoo keeper was killed by n Bengal tiger. Mrs. Stevens, president of the W. C. T. I'.. Indorsed Mrs. Nation. Twenty-nine persons were injured in a trolley wreck near Cincinnati. King Kdward inspected the Canadian troops returned from South Africa. Maurice Thompson, the author, died tit Crawfordsvillc, Ind., after a long Illness. The Duke of Connaiight was elected grand master of Masons in pluce of King Edward. Labor riots continued in Budapest. Three persons were seriously and 15 lightly injured. Friday, Fell. 1.1. A sent on the New York Stock Ex change sold for $51,000. All railroads In northern New York were reported blocked by snow. King Edward VII opened the British parliament in person with great pomp. A new theory of terrestrial magnetism wag advanced by Professor I,. M. Pence. A sneak thief stole an overcoat with valuable pusses from General John. B. Gordon in a Chicago hotel. Judge Ilollister issued a permanent in junction against the JclTrlcs-ltiihlin con test scheduled for Snngerfest hall, Cin cinnati. Navigation in New York harbor and the East and North rivers was greatly impeded by ice. Many boats were frozen in for hours. The Presbyterian revision committee completed its work in Washington. Ma jority report favors slight explanatory changes iu creed. The University of Pennsylvania an nounced that Burnhnm, Williams & Co., owuers of the Baldwin Locomotive works, have subscribed $25,000 to the new engineering building of the imi Tersity. Thursday, Feb, 14. Disastrous floods were reported from La Paz, Bolivia. Moscow students rebelled as a protest aguiust the Kiev sentences. Forty-two Russians wero killed In a fight with Chinese at Kiao-Cbau. Several New York ferry lines suspend ed tratlie owing to ice in the river. Several Mexican ranchers have been killed by Yaqul Indians near Ilermosillo. The New York Glucose company, with capital of $4,000,000, was Incorporated at Trenton. Mayor Vetoes Police Bill. NEW YOHK, Feb. 18. Mayor Van Wyck vetoed on Saturday tho single head police commission bill and sent it hack to the senate by registered niuil In the evening. The mayor sent with the vetoed measure, which he hail kept un der consideration fop nine days, a mes age in which he set forth his reasons for disapproving it. ine mayor de clares that the bill seeks to evade the late constitution in important particu lars, is a dangerous attack upon the rights of the residents of the' political subdivisions of the state to select their owu local ollicers and Is entirely wrong in principle. tmprlrmi Clrl Promoted In Berlin. BEULIN, Feb. II). Yesterday, with elaborate ceremonies, Miss Caroline T. litnu'uvl tf M mtiiilitu u'na iirolluileil til till ... . ' ' ' I degree of doctor of philosophy at the University ot ileum, ror me nrsi nine II competitors were women, Mis Stew art' opponents being Miss Jane Seller ter, Miss Mary Montgomery and Frau Ilpi'ter. I'uivi For the Cabinet. WASHINGTON, Feb. l). Black wal nut canes were given to the cabinet mem bers yesterday by the president. The yntif tin, tii'csiilcnt from Illi nois nnrt were cut from a walnut tree on tho farm formerly the property ot Aiira liaiii Lincoln In llurritowu township, Macon county, ins. Sweden' Queen Improved. STOCKHOLM, Feb. IS. The condi tion of IJueen Sophia Is so much improv ed that it is now believed she will no Dog matic People Are often capable of doing injury to less positive people, the very emphasis of their affirmation making up for lack of argument and want of evidence. And the worst of all ilocmatists are those doctors who, harking back to some old dogma of the schools, Insist that certain patients are beyond all medical help, because, forsooth, their diseases are beyond the limited medical know ledge of the dogmatist. " When the physicians had given me up I was cured by the use of Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery." That state ment, varied sometimes in form but identical in fact, is otic of the common expressions round in the letters of those cured by "Golden Medical Discovery." Sometimes the statement runs; "I wa given up by four doctors," showing a ucsperate effort to find relief in local practitioners. But however the story begins, it almost invariably ends with the statement, " I am perfectly cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery." Persons suffering from " weak" lungs, hemorrhages, deep -seated cough, ema ciation and weakness, have been restored to perfect health by the " Discovery." The philosophy of the cures effected by this marvelous medicine is not hard to understand. Life is sustained by food, digested and assimilated. The basis of health is a good appetite and a sound digestion. In almost all cases of disease loss of appetite Is an early symp tom, and this is promptly followed by a wasting of the flesh. For some cause the food eaten is not being converted into nutrition and the body and its or gans, being starved, must grow weak. There is only one' way to get strength nud that is by food. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discoveiy heals diseases of the stomach and allied organs of digestion and nutrition, so enabling the body to assimilate the needed nourishment. Thus various forms of "weakness," so called, are cured by the "Discovery" "weak" lungs, "weak" heart, "weak" nerves, "weak" or sluggish liver, etc.. liecause the organs are made strong by food, which is perfectly digested and assimilated nfter the "Discovery" has healed the diseases of the stomach and associated organs of digestion and nu trition. . PAIN ALL DONE. "I hsve taken n your medicine wun me greatest rrites Mn. George Rirhl, of Lock- antUrnrtintl.' wr port Station, Westmoreland Co., Penn'a, and ran limieatlv nav Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery lias cured me o( a pain iu my right lung that the tiet doctora could not help. My amietite and digestion have improved so that I can eat anything at all, and I feel better than I have lor year. Your ' ravoriic rrescnpuon lias cured me of womb trouble that I aufTered from for fifteen yeara, and painful monthly troubles. I can work a whole day and not get tired. My pain ia all gone andj feel like a new tieraon. I suffered wun neauacne an me lime, !ut have no headache now since taking your medicine. Your 'Goldeu Medical Dincovery" and 'favorite Prescription' do all that you clnira fnr them, and more. too. I have been cured of roullra that I suffered from for fifteen yeara. aud the beat doctor lu tne Mate could not cure me. 'Golden Medical lnacovery- cureu me oi neuralgia that I aulTtred from for five years, and If my letter can aave oue other poor sufferer, you can publish it." "ALMOST A MIRAOLE." l took a severe cold which settled in th bronchial tubra," writes Rev. Prank Hay, of Nor tonville. leflferaon Co., Kansas. "After trying medicines labeled "Sure Cnre," almott without number, I waa led to try Dr. Pierce's Goldeu Medical Discovery. I took two bottles and was cured, aud have ataved cured. When I think of the great pain I had to en dure, and the terrible cough I had, 'it seems almost a miracle thut I was o goon relieved." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. They do not re-act upon the system and become a necessity, aa do liany other pills. From the Country. "Gosli!" said Uncle Hayseed, "I've lieerd of purty tough heim, but them bricklayers 1 heerd of in the city must beat 'em all!" Harlem Life. MAYDOLE'S HAMMER. (Benson's Plaster Is Pain's Master.) When Mavdole was told that he made "a pretty good hammer," lie said, "No, I don't make a 'pretty good hammer,' I make the best hummer that ever tea made." Every carpenter who saw a Maydolo ham mer wanted one. It was of tho best ma terial, perfectly balanced, and the heud never flew off. Hammers were divided into two classes 1st, Maydole's; 2d, all the rest. Plasters are separated by the same line of clnavago; 1st, iiensou's Porous Pluster; 2d, all the rest. When, for rheumatic pain, a cold, a cough, kidney trontlo or any other disease or ailment that may be treated externally, you ask for a plaster, any hon est, re;utublo druggist will give you a Pen sou's. He know it is iucoraiiaral ly the liest, and he assumes that you know it too. As the name of Muydole stood for hammers tho mine of Benson stands for plustiTS tho "real thing." All the medicinal poten cies that are valuable in a plaster are in Bonsou's. Capsicum, Strengthening and Belladonna plusters are out of date. An army of physicians and druggists, and million) of the people, have written of Benson's Piasters as a remedy to be trusted, Bi'usou's Tlastevs have fifty-five highatt TiMrdH. Accept no subatltute. For side ly all druggists, or we will pre. pay postitgo on any number ordered iu the United States, on receipt of 2Ro. each. Beabury v Johnson. Mfg. Ohemista. N.. Not to Blame. "Babbert is an awfully poor judge of whisky, isn't her "Yes, he inherits it. He come from long line of druggists." LiSe. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature ANNUAL STATEMENT OF BLOOM POOR DISTRICT. For year ending January 1st, 1001. TREASURER'S REPORT. WM. K. HA HTM AN, Treasurer, Dr. Amt, ree'd from .?. K. Orotz, former Treasurer I MS M Amt. ree'd from all sources.. Toss 44 -$ 7591 07 WM. E. HA HTM AN, Treasurer, Cr. By old orners of 18B paid . I My old orders ni woo paid ... By nolo Di'crlDg Harvesting Company By order to Kloonisburg Nat. Hunk and Int. DO days.... Commission 84 W (019 HI 60 60 1(MW M 100 67 714 11 balance duo District $ 450 80 ' RECAPITULATION RECEIPTS. Amt ree'd from all collectors.! tA 44 " ' " J. 8. Boone 70 00 " m Wi vv. Kestor rer Itngenbuph and Cox.. 135 7f ree'd from Treas Col Co. T re us land sslo. 18 79 Amt ree'd from farm W " " " Kiln property.. 117 ' Muncy Poor District 85 70 Amount reo'd from Berwick poor District by Rhode.. 4 81 Amount ree'd from Danville Poor Hist by llagenbuch. 418ft Amt ree'd from M. .1. Kester.. in 5 " " Discount S7 60 I 70SS 44 Wo the Auditors of the Bloom Poor District, (Ind the above accounts correct, snd so approve Ihem. P. II. KuKKZK, A. P. YOUNU, J. K. LAM ON, A. F. TEKWILLIOEK, Auditors. ai.hshoukr and bxpbnsbs. Suit and Phosphate t M 87 Mhoemsklng 7 A7 Two Cows 65 on Oil H Hlarkamlthtng 38 Repair to I u in plug Engine . M as Hardware 4T fi I'lothi"?.... 87 7H rrovisions ana nunpuea a Pipe 1 H8 Dry Goods Htt Ml Tinware 20 79 Farm Implem'ts and repairs. W 70 t'nal and Light mm sliiies U3 10 Tobacco.. 4 Oil Harness and Hcpalrs M 1 I HleoiB. IS 18 Hprlng Wagon H 00 8ed ... ftl 10 MeilloRl Supplies at Oh Sewliig Machine 20 00 Hcpalrs to Building 40 40 I.lllllll'T. 5 M 8 Jersey Heifers 4.i OH I.llioli'lilll 8 IS Hcilillng 11 In Wiisliliix Machine .. 8 00 Extracting teeth at farm (or paupers 2 B0 cast Iron Kettle 4 60 Incidental., 15 2i Wire Fencing- 84 01 New tiround Hauling ti 75 SALAR1RS AND PS IS. P. A. Kline, Steward Mrs. Kline, Matron . A. Treliualn salary for ''.id. I. It. Wolf " " " J. H. FoMnnr " " " J. t'. Butter Kd. Kverett on acet of snlary for year 1mfor vitllvllle.. 0. A. Treimsln on aect salary for year iwo Sugarlouf.... H, II Khoudcs sulury as Di rector for lttno 1. Ilavenbuch, salary as Di rector for lno C. H. Cox salary as Director for isoo Kreezo tjulck, salary as seo'y for imoo, months. T. t Hurler, siirlnry as physi cian for 1H00, for Bloom.. Thos. Webb, salary as sec'y for l'.', H months D. a MuKllllp, solicitor for 19O0 1. P. Wo f, snhirv as physi cian (or . joo,II mos. Scot t. J. 13. l''olliner,siiUry asDhysl clan for I'.ioo, 6 mos. (or Greenwood O. H. Welllver, V. H C. G. Barkley, salary .counsel In case ot lndrlm Twp. vs. Bloom Poor District . W. A. Everett costs as t orn. In case of Madison Twp. vs. bloom Poor Ulst no 00 to 00 IS to 80 00 10 ro 7.) 00 7 10 11 S 100 00 100 00 100 00 75 00 loo oo 23 CO SS 00 87 AO 5 00 A 00 40 00 10 00 -t 1452 i SUNDRY IXriNSBS. Traveling Expenses I S 99 orders ot Belief 23 75 Delivering bee( to Berwick . a HO Auditors (orison 13 60 y bul. taxes ue Co. Treas on sealed lands S 70 Driving steers (ruin Vlllvllle. 1 00 Kxpenses for other districts.. 77 05 Hostage and stationery 12 04 Coll) n, shroud and digging grave for Darnell -a uo J. W. Uruner, examlolug Graham..-.- sou W. M. Kt'Ucr, examining Gra ham a no Printing f 75 K. It. Ticker, John Phillips to wiiuuinsnort. i K. K. Ticket. Geo Lenliart... U S3 coftln (or Henry Krane 15 00 Collin for Sadie Davis 15 00 Sundry smull bill. W. w. Bar- rctt. taking Mrs. uinos io Asrlum i to Funeral expenses Mrs. Heli um Kramer, oomn, wasn Ing, shroud and attend ance during last Illness.. 70 00 365 82 1000 00 Loan Bloomsburg National Bunk, loan tor w uays .. . . STATS HOSPITAL VOtk INSANE. Jesse Kelley. to b't 1-7 weeka-S 91 25 L. Y. Kahler " " i Ala M Sterner, " " 01 'J5 Carrie Turrlll " " HI 85 Joho w. tisman " " 1 o Win. W. Kester, " i Kllus F. Hmlth. " " 81 5 ohu 8 Boone, " 1 liu TlllleUlbbs, 2 4-7 " 4 60 Naucv l.aubach 8 2-7 " 14 50 James Welsh 21 15 !70 75 0CT8IDI BBI.IIP. M. O. Woodward , 34 n 11 87 '.6 0) 4 00 2 00 20 20 00 10 2 00 4 UO 19 10 2 00 7 00 5 SO 6 HO 1 75 20 00 7 00 H 00 SO 0) 28 70 41 40 4 00 25 ;w 6 KS 41 50 14 10 85 13 BO 12 10 42 60 84 M 5 50 17 7ft 24 00 W 2f 127 T5 2 75 2 75 8 00 B 41 8 00 20 50 20 75 5 75 4 00 8 AO 8 SO 48 00 8 25 00 4 50 K8 no 8 00 9 50 5 00 48 00 87 1 41 1 00 Tramps Anna.wuiiio- Mrs. j as. Lay cock Jas. Laycoclc John ArndU Geo. Ivey John Shaffer Jacob Marts Henry Stuclcey Mary long Ueo. Trump K. C. Thomas .lanlel Bali - Sully Long Jacob Eyerly Heo. II. Morris U Heldebraudt , Lucy Men man Anna luckey Mrs. Adams - Lydla Htuckey Clark Creveltng Mrs. Cbrlsman Abble Evans Casper Kmssler Margaret Coleman... K u. Michael Kills Michael Margaret KckenrotU. L. brewer Ed. -lioemnker John McUlll M. U. cox Wm Hopper 1). Henuer Eckerd Mrs. Baiimun Alliorl. Kelly Matilda Hurley Mrs. .lohu Urecn l. J. Johnson Mrs V Whlieulgbt.. Mrs. Reynolds It. C Long Mary chrisman. Mrs. Ilensnn (leo. Maiuuels Mrs. 't hoiniis Brown Jacob SluulTer Sylvester Holleder... Henry Km ne Daniel Huiiiniin Kll.ubeth Bauinan... Jacob llui'li'l I. W. YtllUrd John Leu Inkiiuwu Lull wig S 00 8 m ft uo 01 Mary Thomas.. John Herman .. Mary Kinney... Uurret, Brooke. t 00 18.W l W undersigned auditors of the Hloora Poor Ills' riot, having examined the foregoing accounts for the year lttno aud nudlng them correct, so approve them. I . ll. r imn.n, A P. YOl!N(i, J. F. IMON, A. F. TEHWILLIHEH, Auditors. PRODUCTS OP FARM FOR 1900. 915 Bushels of wheat. 7im " " oats - US 16 9' i 00 474 00 1K6 40 r2 mi 8JI 00 h) 00 io on t IM) on 10 oo so oo s oo 4 i0 to oi 4n ro KH 40 119 10 a 4o 14 00 Wi 00 88 60 84 00 00 00 1WI0 " Corn tm " Huckwheat. 1o: " Kye i Tons of Hay 4000 Handles of Corn fodder. Iiino Heads of Cabhign . .... 10 Bushels of Sweet, Corn. .... IX Bushels of Beans 2i Bushels of Tomatoes.... UK) Bushels of Potatoes ...... 6 Bushels of Beets 1 Barrel Sour Krone lAoa Pounds of Pork.. 4.V) IMunilH o( Ltrd , il Pounds of Beef M0 Pounds of Butter. 4i Dozen Rggs... 14 Turkeys 1!1 chickens II H limits 8 Calvna 14 Stifle p I 2205 45 VALI B OP MIA I. RSTATR AND PERSONAL PSOrESTT. M. R. Fowler .. J. K. Blttenbender Dup 18'HI f 8. J. Mather, Col , " 1s'. .. u ih a . u mini C. K. Uarttnan " isw i, u juim i. M. Bote " " lHtll " " " 1WI0 A. M. Hess " ' Ihwi Wilbur Lsilbach iwio L. I). Kaso.CPl.,. " 1s ,i . isoti i idoJ 6H 40 AO 21 tiOl M 511 CO 429 11 411 Ut 111 75 73 .m ISO 43 811 t'J 7H H 2012 80 -t 5181 61 Farm -ml buildings ...... 4 hoiws. 7 cows 4 heifers 1 calf I bull 0 steers W shouts 4 briHid sows 3 hogs A turkeys loo chickens 13000 00 800 00 sio on SO 00 5 00 8 5 00 BOO I'O 40 00 fa oo 30 00 A 00 SO 10 19 sheen 183 00 1 seed hog 10 00 41' bushels of potatoes 18 00 120 bushels Ot Wheat !) 00 21 bushels of buckwheat ... 11 50 '.0 bushels of rye :I5 00 !) bushels of corn cars "0 82.1 bushels of oa's 07 50 .loon bundles coin fodder lvi oi stonsofhttv ins (K) 0 tons of coal 87 01 2' uces of whent In ground.. I'M P0 13 acres ot rye In ground 78 00 Furniture In Almshouse Sim 00 Furniture InSieward's bouse 300 00 Farm Implements 5s. 00 4 seis hesvy harness.. 40 no 1 set light harness 12 00 Flynels and h liters 15 "0 4oil pounds of lurd 83 00 8iO pounds buck wheat flour.. 0 7 K) oumlsof wheat flour.... 0 00 loot noun.Uof d .k Hi oo 150 pound of beef 12 00 -$ 1IW04 75 t 2.1146 :ili Oi't'L PANTS AT AI.MS1IOI SK. No. of paupers at last report 11 Adu ltted during year 8 Discharged during year 2 Hemnlnlng nt end of year ... 17 No. from Bloom. .. 8 Sco't 3 " 'tigarloaf 1 Onenwood 5 M. II. RHODES, V. K. COX. Directors. Attest: Fkp.bzi Qrici, Sec'y. PARKER'S U&IB BALSAM riMunx il bMiitinti hl. it. -m m llivurittllt ffTOrth. ';W6V iWftVrMMet liixumnt P VM.' . Wir Palls to Haatori IIi to its Youthful .'..-,) ?)"' . Curii ""IP !'"" Wjlnver Palls to BMtoro Orij Color. r fnairg. 1,19 6-7-ltl HUPTURE. Write or call for J. A. Sherman's book just out over 100 pages price 2'iC. In postage st imps. Learn how cured without operation or loss or time. Address J. A. 80 HUMAN, I1EKNIA SPEC IALIST, 8u9 Broadway, New York. 2-7-ltd CHARTER NOTICE. untina ta Hsrnhv irlvpn that an annllcutlon will be mndw to tho (lovernor ot the ri'ata of Pennsylvania, on Monday, tho Uth day of March, A. D. 1H01, by J. L. Dillon, T. K. lilllnn. Roid Fiirniin. lli-nrv W. Gibbons and Alfred K. (ilbhons, under the Act of Assembly ot the Staleof Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide tor the Incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 2, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an Intend d corporation to be called the "Henry W. Gibbons company," tne cnuroc ter and object of which lathe designing, manu facture aud side of greenhouse structural, heat ing and equipment materia', and the erection of same. And the manufacture from iron, wood and other material or euaer, ior com merce, for kindred structures. . 2-74t Solicitor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ESTATR OP DB. JAMBS BOYD MOKBLVT, LATB OP TH TOWN OP HI.OOMBBL'KII, VBCBASSU. Mi,- la hnrohv oivnn that letters testament ary on the estate ot Dr. James Boyd MoKelvy, late of the Town of Bioomsburg, Pa., deceased, have been granted to Oeorgn A. McKelvy, resi dent ol said whom all persons Indebted to said estate are reiiu-sied to make payment. and those having claims oraemanas win iuao known the same without delay to .., Or to his Atty., UKO A. McKKLVY, H. A. McKlLMP. 2-7-6t Executor. Beagle Studio! Prompt attention given to all Photographic Work. Crayons, Framing. Copying anil Bromide Enlargements, Made at Snort Hotice. The Beagle Studio, MAIN AND CENTRE STS. ORGANUKD I891. m imm mim mi Bloomsburg, Pa. CAPITAL - - Surplus and Undivid ed Profits, - - - $60,000 48,000 w. s MOYER, President. A. H. BLOOM, Cashier. llIltHCTOHS. Cliarle W. Runyon, Grant Herring, X. U. Funk, C. A. KlrlM, '. M. Hrtmr, W. H. Mojrr, J. J. Brown, C. M. CrewtUng, It. A. iTKUllp. tv We solicit the accounts of Individuals and (Inns, and will grant accommodations, con slstoul wltb good banking. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES, HI' KULAK AND FIUK PItOOF VAULTS. E. V7. M. Low, Pres. J. M. f tatir, Vice Tres, E. B. Tvstin, Cashier. FIT N ATIOIAL BiSS -OF Bi.ooMsnuRO, Pa. Capital and Surplus, $162,500 Undivided Profits, $ 20,000 SAFE DF.POSIT BOXES FOR RENT IN BURGLAR AND FIREPROOF VAULTS. DIHECTOK9 l)r. K, W. M. Low, Myron I. Low, Dr. J. II, Vastlne, J. M. Btaver, E. n. Turtln, Louts Gross, Geo. 8. Bobbins. Accounts of Banks, Corporations, Funds and Individuals, Solicited Upon the Most Lib eral Terms, Consistent with Good Banking. BLOOMSBURG NATIONAL BANK, BLOOMSBURG, PA. CAPITAL $00,000 8UKPLUS AND PKOFIT8 '.OOO A. Z. HCHOCII, PassiDBNT, PAI L E. WIKT, Vies PKBSIDBNT, W. 11. HIDLAY.Casiiibb, MOltUlS H. UKOADT, TlI.Lllt. DIRECTOH8. Henrr .1. Clark, llsrrlson .1. Connor, Joseph Haul, Paul E. Wirt, J. Lee Hurmsn, Owen W. Cherlngton, Ramuel Wlgfall, W. M. Longenberger, Harvey W. Hess, Amon Z. 8chocb. rraus iseier. Accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corpora tions, llcspectruiiy solicited. -PROFESSIONAL N. U. FUNK, ATTORNTT-AT-LAW, Urs. Ent s Bailding, Court Hons AJWy, BLOOMSBURfJ, PA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. onice-Bloomsburg Nat'l Bank Bldg., 2d floor. BI.OOMSRL'RC, PA. C. W. MILLER, ATTORNEY-AT-ULW, Wirt's Building, miflsai BLOOMSBORO, PA. J0UN O. FaBBH. JOBS O. HABMAM FREEZE & HARM AN, ATTOUNEY8 AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Offices: Centre St., first door bolow Opera Douse GEO. E. ELWELL, ATTO&NEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, and floaty BLOOMSBURQ, P.a, WM. h MAGILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Lockard's building, Corner Main and Centre Sts. H. R. STEES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office, in Ent Bldg, Bloomsburg, Pa. A. N. YOST, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbian Building, and Floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. RALPH R. JOHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hartman Building, Market Square, Bloomsburg, Pa. IKELER & IKELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. CLYDE CHAS. YETTER, attorney at law, Bloomsburg, Pa. Office in Wirt's Building, W. A. EVERT, Attorney-At-Law. BLOOMSBURG, PA. (Offloeover Aleaandep I Co. Wirt building. JOHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY at law, Office, First National Bank Bldg,, ad Floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. J. II. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Office, in I.ockard's Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. W. II. RHAWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, Corner of Third and Main Sts., CATAWISSA,.rA. CLINTON HERRING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office with Grant Herring. BLOOMSBURG, PA. C-fT Will be in Orangeville Wednesday ol each week. WILLIAM C. JOHNSTON, ATTORNKY-AT LAW. Office in Wells' Building over B. A. Gidding's Clothing Store, Bloomsbnrg, Pa Will be in Millville on Tuesdays. H. MONTGOMERY SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office s Wirt building, over Alcxaode Bros. II-16-99 EDWARD. FLYNN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. rvofflce Llddlcot building, Locust avenue J. S. JOHN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residence, 410 Main St 3.70-Iv ELOCMFtt'M., PA Tl KMRV W. CHAMPUN, M J.J. SrHUIU.t, GENERAL SURGERY, SURGERY OT THE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Over Farmer's National Bank Blooms burg, Pa. kt-io-99 M0MT0CB TBI.BPFOKB. BBII. TBLBPBOW XTB TISTSJ. GLASS BS PITTID. H. BIERMAN, M. D. HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND BVWiBQ oppiob bocrs: Office A Residence, 4th in., 10 a. m. to 8 p. m., 8:30 to 8 p. m. BLOOMSBUKQ, r. J. J. BROWN, M. D., Market Street. Bloomsburg, Pa THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested, fitted with glassei and Artificial Eyes supplied. Hours 10 to 4. Telephone Cornentte IR. M. J. HESS, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Crown and bridge work A SPECIALTY, Corner Main and Centre Stre't , BLOOM SBUFft, PA. Dr. W. H. HOUSE, SUKQEON DENTIST, Offlo : Barton's Building, Mam below Mart Bloomsburg, Pa. All styles of work done in a superior maaaac. una an worn warranted as represented. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIM, by the use of Gas, and free of charge amnciai teem are inserted To be open all hours during the dap. C. WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. F. Hartman Represents twelve of the strongest Comaaa es In the world, among which are: CASH TOTAL SCKPLTa fllVITll A aaima . Frnnklln nt Phlla. dti (mm! u iuu km m m ...... . - - w " "UVai 11 1 .Ubjbj ur Penn'a. Pblla 400,0t'0 8,8,1S0 l.4l.i wueen.of N. Y. 500,000 8,W8,16 l.OKLt WpRlrlipatpp. l V. nn lit n , .n. Atvtm N. America, Phlia. S,00n,noo ,'780,'nfV 2,8M,T Office First Nat'l Bank Bldg., ad floor. Wl.osses promptly adjusted anrt paid. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSORS TO FKEAS BKOWNi INSURANCE AND REAL ES'l ATI AGENTS AND BROKE S. o N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Stmts, Bloomsburg, Pa. d Represent Seventeen as good Com pas ia mere arc in tne wonu and all losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN F. KNATP, FIEX INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home. Of N. Y. , MerrVi.nt. nt N. T.: Clinton. N. Y.tPcnnW. M v . d inBi Pa ; German American Ins. Co., Haw iihk, ureenwien insurance Co., New watti Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, M, J. These old comorations r mll by age and fire tested, and have never yt nmu a toss setiiea Dy any court of law. Tfcelf assets are all invested in solid securities, u liable to the hazard of fire only. ixisses promptly and honestly adjusted aa paid as soon as determined, by Christie W Knapp, Special Agent and Adjuster, Blooase burg, Pa. The people of Columbia county shoal patronize the agency where losses, if aav are settled and paid by one of their ajwa citizens. CITY HOTEL, W. A. Hartzel, Prop. No. 121 West Main Street, WLarge and-convenient sample rooms, bath wiiia, uui inn com water, nna mndern ooe veniences. Bar storkH uitl, k... i- - - - .' " . " . . 1 u. liquors. First-class livery attsched. HOTEI, ENT, (FORMERLY CENTRAL HOTEL) BLOOMSBURG, PA. New simple toims, laige rnd convenient Recently papered, painted and re furnished Everything up to date.' Fxcellent facilitie for travelling men. Good MaM-iig 5 3 C B. ENT, Proprietor. EXCHANGE HOTEL, G. Snydkr, Proprietor, (Opposite the Court House) BLOOMSBURG, Fa. Large and convenient ssnple rocms Bna hot and cold aicr, and all onveniencei lunger be coutiuvd to her bed ut ail. 1