WORK 0FO)NGRESS. Ship Subsidy Bill Before the Senate. FIRST SPEECH IS OPPOSITION. Pnrne r ficyv Vork nnil Swannon of Virginia IMactma the Itcvriinr llf diK'tlon l-nnnr In llio lloime. llooa Cane to lie In vent lunel. WASHINGTON. Dec. 12.-Tb first speech in opposition to tlio .-hip mibwid.v bill in tho xcniitc wuh ddivcn il ye ;tcrduy by Mr. Chiy of tleoiKin. lie in oni" of tliu minority members of tho committee on commerce which conducted tho henriim on tho nionsnro nnd reported it to tho Renale: lie in ivcnpnlxcd n ono of tin; most vigorous opponent of (lie hill in tlio HPinito, nml ilniitm' Hourly two hours which IiIm speech consumed ho wns ac corded close uttoiitioii by scniitors on both sides of tho I'hmnhor. Mr. ltitnnn, who expect to roply to Mr. Chiy's iirjtiimciit, gave him n pin tlinhirl.v nttontivo hcnrhi;;. In tho ourly pint of tho session a lively colloquy wus precipitated over tho refer ence to committee of tho tlr-nit oleomiir garinc bill, just pussoil by tho homo of reprcsetittitivcii. rinally it wont to the committee on nvri ioulturo. This ' n victory for tho friends of tho bill. Thoro ulso was n slinrp debute ovor the Mnutunn senatorial case, but no notion was tnkon, tho mutter by consent ginng ovor temporarily. Today no business ses sion of the Konato was held, ns tho day wus devoted to tlio celebration of tho cen tennial of the establishment of the sent of government In Washington. The debate on tho war revenue reduc tion bill opened in the house, but was con fined to two speeches, ono by Mr. l'liyne of Now York, chairman of the ways and menus committee, on behalf of the ma jority, und ono by Mr. Swnnson of Vir ginia, on behalf of the minority. The house adjourned early to permit the hull to bo decorated for the exercises in con nection with the centennial celebration today. Heforo tho war revenue reduction bill was taken up n resolution was adopt ed for the appointment of n special com mittee of five members to investigate, tho deuth of Oscar L. IVioz of ISristol, 1'ti., who died recently, il is alleged, as a re sult of hazing received while n cadet at West Point. This course was taken over the head of tho military committee, which reported in favor of allowing tho war de partment to conduit tho inquiry. 111k Supply Bill rnNOtl. WASHINGTON. Pee. 11. Hon. Charles A. Towne, the recently appointed suc cessor of the late Senator Davis of Min nesota, attended yesterday's; session of the somite and tool; the oath of olliee. Xo business of importance was transacted In the open session, the senate going Into ' secret session on the llay-I'aunccfote treaty as soon as routine business had boon concluded. Tho first of the great supply bills, the legislative, executive ami judicial appro priation hill, was passed by the house in record time. The bill carries !?24,41lli. 408 and has 1,'U pages, but there was loss than ton minutes' debate upon it. Mr. llinghnm of Pennsylvania, who was In charge of tho measure, tendered his 1 thanks to the house for the confidence shown In the appropriations committee. It required about throe hours for the Clerk to read the bill. Xo other business was transacted. Oleo IIIll I'nHHod. WASHINGTON. Dee. S.-The house yesterday passed the (irout oleomarga rine bill by a vote of V.MI to '.rj. Tlio substitute offered by the minority of t lie committee on agriculture, which impost! additional restrictions on the sale of oleo margarine to prevent its l'raudiil-iit sale as butter ami increased the penalties for violators, was defeated by ti vote of 113 to 178. Chairman I'ayne of the ways and moans committee bite in tho afiot-noon submitted the report of that committee signed by all the Republican members in favor of tlio bill reducing tho war rev enue taxes about !?40,Uim,(ilKi. House I'liNsen Army 1SI1I. WASHINGTON, Dee. 7.-The house of representatives at the end of u long fitting passed the army reorganization bill by a vote of HH! to Y.VA. Three Demo crats, Messrs. Hall of Pennsylvania and Underbill and Clayton of New i ork, vot od with the liepublii-itns for the bill and Mr. McCall dtep., Muss.) with the Dem ocrats against it. Otherwise it was a strict party vote. Ilecelveil )y the Hultun, COXSTAXTIXOPLK. ' Dec. It. A dinner was given at the Yildiz palace Inst night In honor of the officers of the United States buttleship Kentucky, now nt. Smyrna, previous to which tlio United States charge d'affaires, Mr. Lloyd C. Uriscom, intn duet (1 the ollli crs to the sultan. The grand vizier and other digni taries were present ut the 'dinner. Sub sequently Mr. (iriscom und Captain Col by M. Chester were received in private uudieuco by the sultan, who ufterward received the other olliocrs and addressed to each of them a few gracious words. etvfuuiirilmiil Siioil:r.iiiid. ST. JOHN'S, X. Dec. lU.-l'ieroo snowstorms continue to beset the Is land, blocking Ihe railroads and paralyz ing the transport system generally. Mr. lteid, the contractor, has given up run ning the street railroad in Si. John's un til next spring owing to the heavy fall of snow, Several vessels ate now overdue along the coast, and it is feared that they have foundered in the gales. Further Aid For t.nlvckton. WASHINGTON. Dec. U'.-The Wash ington auxiliary to tin- national ltod Cross association yesterday sent Jfl.iMM to Mr. John Scelcy,- chairman of the re lief committee at Galveston, to lie used ill providing shelter- for the homeless. Another thousand will be scut soon by the auxiliary, which is receiving contri butions from all parts of the United Stulos for this purpose. Fntal l'.iluloii In u Tunnel. OGDKX, Utah, Poo. 11. It is report ed that tin explosion of gas occurred in the big Union Pucilic tunnel six miles north of Aspen, W'y. Five nieii were killed and a number badly injured, As pen tunuel is ti,700 feet long. Yellow Fever NuIimIiIIiiw. HAVANA, Dee. 12. The yellow fever IMUllluoii uoi-n mown Kcm-im liliorovc- uieut. I wcnty-eigut cases ure now under ircuuneui, lueniuuis uwy ono Aiuenvuu. POSTOPFICE REPORT. Itevenaes of 1h I)r pnrl ment Frcpd $100,000,000. WASHINGTON, Doe. lO.-t'ostinii-tor General Charles Kmnry Smith In his J annual report made public last night, be sides discussing domestic and Insular operations in the last fiscal year, devotes particular attention to the abuses of the second class mail matter privileges and extension of rural free delivery. Ho makes the following recommendation for legislation: Compulsory separation by publishers of second class mail mut ter, amendment of tho interstate com merce law to prohibit telegraph and ex press companies or their employees from aiding or abetting in the green goods or lottery swindles or any other wrongful scheme carried on jointly by mail ami common carriers, punishment of persons who forcibly attempt to enter mail cars or who assault a railway mail clerk while on duty, authority for postoflioo In spectors to take out search warrants whenever necessary, an appropriation for constructing inspectors' lookouts in p st- olliccs wherever tlio postmaster general deems them necessary. The financial operations of the depart ment for the last fiscal year are shown briefly in the following statement of rev enues ami expenditures: Oiilmiir.v postal revenue, .$1l!0.S!!i,-i:i;5.-ll; receipts from money order business, ii,-i..t,ii.i..; to tal receipts from nil sources, .101!,:t." l, !7!l."!i; total expenditures for the year, !?M7.7 p'.-ti".!)!': excess of expenditures over receipts, $.,:iN.",t'..N,S.70. l-'roni this statement it will bo observed that tho revenues have now passed the hundred million mark; also that wiiiio the expenditures were over .f(i,(HKI.(HKI greater than for the previous fiscal year the deficit for tlio year INP.t-l'.MM) was but Jf.VfcS.'.tSS.X, being SilJLTi.dSS loss than that of the previous year. Several pages of the report are tie voted to rural free delivery. STRIKE STILL ON. Strlklnsv V.'cuvers Seem to He (inln liiK Cirouml nt New llcilloril. XKW llKPFOIiD. Mass., Dee. V Tho mill strike is still on, and efforts made by the state board of arbitration brought about no satisfactory r stilt, for Treasurer Knowlcs refused to have a conference arranged. The labor leaders, when they heard the result of the state hoard's cull on Mr. Knowlcs, were agreed that It would only make the fight of the operatives more de termined than over. It was stated upon the authority of the strikers that yesterday ." per cent of the weavers employed in the Acushuot and Hathaway mills remained from their work. In nil probability this number will bo added to before the week is out, for u labor loader wuh told by hulf a dozen weavers that they would leave the mills just ns soon us they got the cloth they are now weaving off the looms. In some cases weavers have some 7 to $! worth of cloth on the looms, and they will fin ish their cuts, so as to bo able to know just what they are going to got. Hvery thing is very quiet and orderly about the mill gates, ami there is no hoot ing or hissing or other insults to the weavers who choose to go to work. GUAM PICKING UP. The Slluulion Una Considerably Ini liroveil Since the Typhoon. MANILA. Dee. 12. The United States hospital ship Solace has arrived nt Cavite from San I-'raneisco. Her ollicors say the condition of affairs at the island of Gimin has considerably improved since a week ago. Dwellings are being restored, and tli people are resuming their occupation, but the crops are practically all destroy oil, though there is no iiniiieilbite want. Tho Solace left supplies there, and the Arethiisu has taken u considerable quan tity of supplies to Guam from Cavite. The reports as to the number of deaths are about unchanged. The wives of Commander Si-ton Kcht or der, the new governor of (luain, and other officers who went to tho island on the Solace remained at (Inam. A detachment of the Fifth cavalry had n tight with loo insurgents south of San ta Cruz Sunday. Tho insurgents were chased for four miles. Fourteen of them were found dead. There were no Amer ican casualties. In addition to this engagement there have been several minor cucouiitoi; be tween the troops and the insurgents. II Ik I'riee For lleef. CHICAGO, Dec. 7. One hundred dol lars apiece for steaks ami .fill a pound for roast beef was paid at the Fat Stock bIiow when Schwiirtzsehild A: Sulzberger of Xew York bought It. It. Pierce's Aber deen Angus steer Advance for l.r(( a pound. This was paid for beef on the hoof, and as the steer tipped tho scale at 1,-lUO pounds the price was .li,14"i. TcvUlMir- Konnd, XKW YOKK. Doc. 11.-Having been missing from bis olliee in this city since July 13 last, Lewis !. Tewksbury, n stockbroker who owes, it is said, nearly .jJ.loO.OOf), is reported to have boon found living in the City of Mexico under an assumed inline. A number of those who know him hero are endeavoring to con firm tho report. ft lot-rloinl Italia In rway. CIIK1STIANIA, Doe. 11. The Nor wegian government has awarded the en tiro contract for steel rails for the slate railways this year, ll.MMl tons, to thi- Peunsylvnniii and the Maryland Steel companies, l lie contract last year was awarded to the United States ami Kug laud, each taking half. Hultun Presents t luurelle.s. COXSTAXTIXOPLK. Doc. 12.-The sultan sent a quantity of cigarettes Sun- ' day to the crew of the United States bat tleship Kentucky, now at Smyrna. The Kentucky was electrically dressed. Cap tain Colby M. Chester, the commander of tho Kentucky, will probably rejoin his vessel tomorrow. Another Landslide at lleluolnnd. CI1UISTIANIA, Dee. 12. Another se rious landslide bus occurred in Helgo land. Thirty houses have boon engulfed nml a considerable part of the island bus been for three days under water. Thus far it has boon Impossible to send relief, and the losses have not yet boon deter mined. Nrlsmi Hollos Stolen, LONDON, Dec. 10. Several relics of Lord Nelson, including his watch and limuy of tm, ,1UMuls awarded him, were tui,. f,.,m, t,0 UreCllWllil Hospital But UI.Jliy aftl,r tuc atteudauts left. The po j jjt.e mlve ,10 trace of the tiitcf. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Important Captures, but Little Fighting, ta the Philippines. INSURGENTS GENERALLY RETIRING. Aiiierlennia Prevented From I.nntHnjr Ae:ir I'u a dun l,nre 'Inutility of Arms, With I'l-liiilnu mid SlHiinl J UuClts, Mrtri-d lit Mountains. MANILA. Dee. 10. While the enp ' t tires of supplies and tlio occupation of now points uro quite Humorous those in volving actual fighting are comparatively few. Apparently the Inmirg-'lits are fall ing back ut nil contested points, sacrific ing their possessions In most cases and satisfied to save themselves. A detachment of the Forty-seventh United States volunteer infantry from the island of Cataiiduancs, off the south east coast of Luzon, relinquished an at tempt to land near Pniidnii. On anchor ing the Americans were fired upon by 110 riflemen, and after a short engageuicut they cut the anchor chain and sailed for Cntundiiutics with two killed end two wounded. The names have not yet been ', received here. ' Captain Hit-hard T. Kills of the Thirty- : third volunteer infantry captured lu the mountains near Itarbar a large quantity . of King, Mauser ami Komingloii iiniinu- : nition, together with a signal out lit, n prinling press and other equipment. All of this was destroyed. Thirty l ilies and several hundred car- tridgos were secured nt Victoria. A detachment of the Fourth infantry ; captured Major Garioii mid throe ollicors of lower sank in the town of Pasay. Another detachment destroyed General : Uguad's camp. The enemy had Hod, but the Americans subsequently rounded up ITi insurgents. t General MaoArthur has approved tho i death sentences passed upon several ad- ' ditional persons convicted of murder, ar- , son and pillage. In a few other in stances ho has commuted deuth sentences to imprisonment. I llnttlenliin euriy Ilendy. WASHINGTON. Deo. 11. Three of the six battleships now under construc tion, the Illinois, Alabama and Wiscon sin, are reported by Chief Constructor Hichborn to bo practically complete, the work done upon them ranging from H7 to it! I per cent. The Maine, at Cramps', is sot down nt I!S per cent, the Missouri, at Newport News, at 1U per cent and the Ohio, at the Uuiou Irou works, at lio per cent. F.rle until t inned. UTICA. N. Y Dee. 10.-Water is be- , ing drawn from tho Erie canal, and navi gation for the season is at an end. It has boon kept open nine days longer than the time originally decided on for closing in order to allow boats that wore delayed i by tho break at New London to reach their destinations. The cost of repairing the break was about ifi.lHiO. Atiierlenn Steel In F.iiKlnnd. LONDON. Doe. 11. Three thousand tons of stool plates and angles for ship building from the works of the Carnegie company reached the Clyde Sunday by the steamer Dunstiin from Philadelphia Nov. 24. In spite of tho railway freight to Philadelphia ami the ocean freightage the price is still 10 shillings per ton below Knglish figures. Contract Let For t'lqi Defender. UOSTON. Dec. 12. A contract has been entered into by Thomas W. Linvson with George Law ley of South Boston to build a cup defender. Lrownuishii-bl will design her. Wunuin Suflrnue In Victoria. MKLP.OUItXK, Doe. 12. The legisla tive assembly of Victoria yesterday pass ed the woman suffrage und old uye pen sion bills. We know of nothing better than coughing to tear tho lin ing o? your throat and lungs. It Is better than wet feet to cause bronchitis and gneumonia. nly keep it up and you ''tl.A will succeed in W9W reducing your wcigm, losing your appetite, bringing on a slow fever, and making every thing exactly rtaht for the germs of consumption. Better kill your cough before it kills you. kills coughs of every kind. A 25 cent bottle Is just right for an ordi nary cough; for the harder coughs of bron chitis you will need a 50 cent bottle; and for the coughs of consumption the one dollar size is most economical. "My cough reduced me to a mers skeleton. I tried many remedies, but they all failed. After using ths fliarry Vectnral 1 Immediately tm gun to improve, and tlk-ee bottles restnrod mo to health. 1 UeHevu I owe my life to It." Hakau F. MoitOAlf, Oct. 7, lR'JH, liruwntowu, Va. lis" ."aST'HC mm Br 1 DISPATCHES. Kotnlile I'veiits nt the VreU rtrlcfly nnd Tpn-rly I'old. Ollicors of the Solace r ported improve ment at Guam. The St milliard Oil company has bought out tho Pacirto Coast Oil company. Tho government's side of the Xeoly ex-triid.ti-'ii case was prosinlcd to the su premo com t. It was officially announced nt Tho Hague that the trouble with Portugal was not serious. W. .1. ISr.van will be guest of honor at Inauguration of Governor Fleet .lennlngs of Florida on .Inn. 1. The Dutch records of Ulster county have been translated and sent to Albany to bo Indexed and published. Supremo court has dismissed contempt proceedings brought against Standard Oil company by (lie attorney general of Ohio. Fornn r (Jiiccti Llliuoknlanl listened to a Thanksgiving sermon devoted to tlio bloMii-.'s of aniiexatiou in a Honolulu church. Tho Now York city board of education nsked for a bond issue of H.o:il.:t2."i for the purchase of sites mid erection of now schools. Tnesdio. Dei;. 11. New York state dairymen convened in Watcitonu in annual session. The Canadian Inmps left London for Liver; I, whence I hoy sail for homo. Gcoige Westing-house of Pittsburg has boiv'.-t a hirxe tract of mining land, in Arizona. The agricultural department reported lO.ltMUMlO bales as the probable ciV.tou production. Serious floods wore reported In tho mountain district of Jali.-co ami Guer rero, Mexico. Hock taken from the llluckwcll's is land quarry by Commissioner Lantry has boon found to contain gold. Momliiy, Dee. lO, Zero weal her was reported in central oml northern New Yoik. Ono thousand mill operators lu New P.edford, Mass., went on stiikc. Mrs. Mary McLean, mother of Mrs. Admiral Dewey, died in Washington. The bearing of the Xeoly extradition case was begun in United States supreme court. Fire lias destroyed Iowa Agricultural college. Three hundred students in the building had n narrow escape. Twenty persons were injured in an ac cident on the Philadelphia, Wilmington ami lialtir.ioro railroad at Oruy's Ferry station in West Philadelphia. I The largo four masted stool ship Astral built for the Standaid Oil company of Now York has been launched successful ly from the Arthur Sowall company's yard in Pxitii, Mo. It is the largest sail ing vessel nllout. j Vntiinlny, Dee. 8. The czar's condition continued satisfac tory. Tho year's I'rilish army estimates to taled V. 12.000,1 H HI. Now and rich gohlflelds have boon dis covered on Yellow river, Alaska. Two freights were wrecked on the Ilos ton and Maine near Salisbury. Mass. An American bank, with capital of 000,000, has been organized at lioltcr dam. Fighting is proceeding between rebels and government troops at Ituenavonturn, Colombia. Knglish shareholders passed a vote of no confidence in directors of Stratton's Independence mine. A launch used by Napoleon and other historical relics were destroyed by a fire In the Cherbourg arsenal. Uichard Itakcr, a London hotel proprie tor, bus bton declared -41 bankrupt, with liabilities of over ."jsi.OOO.OOO. William Scat-ui broke the skulls of four persons nnd shot another in a fit of mur derous rage at South Park. Wash. Friday, Dee. 7. Four boys were publicly whipped ut Kvunsvillc, lud., for theft. . tV slight operation was performed hi the pope for the removal of a tumor. Now York bankers have invited the president to attend their banquet Dec. 10. Two Chicago clergymen have aecepted a divel-.eepor's invitation to preach in his places. The president of Santo Domingo urges reciprocity witli the United States in his message to congress. Stewards of the London Jockey club have deeidod not to grant a license to Tod" Sloiuie to ride next your. Governor Itoosevolt will go to Colo rado und New Mexico for 11 vacation in .luiiuaryfnud slay through February. two at tempts were inude to hold up Chicago street curs. One of them result ed in the arrest of two men, who nar rowly escaped lynching. Thursday, Dee. 0, The Bulgarian cabinet has resigned. Severe gules swept the Kngli.-h channel. The czar's convalescence continued to take a favorable course. Fire nt Portlaud ami Causeway streets, Boston, caused 11 loss of $10,000. The Turkish government has stopped all telegrams from Smyrna relating to the Kentucky. The Dutch premier declared himself unable to state when Holland could pro pose arbitration between Fiigland und the liners. . Arrayed AfiuInNt Kurope. BEKLIN. Doc. 10. Tho National Zei tung devotes its first pugo today to a carefully prepared editorial dealing with the United States as u world power. After pointing out the enormous progress economically and politically of America lu the world's ufl'airs the editorial de clares that In both respects the United States is arrayed uguiust Kurope. Ulw Wur 1. on ii Voted. LONDON. Dee. 12 The Iioiiho of commotio yesterday voted lti,lMK,(!(IO to carry on u war Lord Huberts htm daily fluuouuci'd lis "riniidied" lit full m-nlo coHt for iiiiother three inontliH in tho listleis ninnncr i-linraeteristie of Itn proi eedint;s when dculinu with tinanco nnd with n careful uvoidunee of what minlit turn out to be unjuHtitiublt' hiipt'l'iiliicsii. Klnic Oacur Alilo to lie Out. STOCKHOLM, Dee. 8.-KiiiK Osinr has bo fur recovered from hi rw-enl ill nesB that he now drives iibout the city nnd has recently been purchtisiiig Christ uuiu plena. "'tu. lie looks vigorous. Hi-Trealileilt Olid I'realdent Meet. WAHHINOTON, Dee. rj.-Kx-l'r-Kl-dant llHiririoii viHited 1'reiddeiit MeKlii ley yesterday ufternooii. He wu iic Compuuied by ex-Seei'etuiy i'oater. CONDENSED HAS STRANGE POWERS. llnrrsril Ynnth Mnnds Htlll, YM Keeps ecrsl Strnnp; Men from l.lftlnu 111 m. f'nn vnn tell whv W llllii in It. Mack nn IS-.v'nT-c.M- H'.i-pound Harvard freshman, can stand Hill and , yrt keep evenil strong men from lifting him'.' His strnnge powers have inude him 11 curiosity nmong bis fellow students, and have puz.ied prominent ndmtisls In I'.urcpe and America. The ltoynl Med lent society of Fnn'.nnd could not tell the source of his nbi'.it.v. Prof. Vir chow, di an of the University of Berlin, decided after three weeks' study of Mm, that he had "n force of nerve re sistance." One dn.v. In fun. a Harvard mnn tried to lift Mack off his fort. The boy put one hand on the man's neck near the spinal cord, pressed the other against the pulse of otic wrist nnd stuck to the pround lik a post. Then other TKY1NO TO LIFT MACK. (Four Harvard Athletes To Thiir l:nt, Hut full.) Very men, ineludintf the different football players nnd t'ochcnis, the strong man of the unhersity, tried und failed. Aft erword Mack stood a vaultitiff-pidc up ripht 011 the ground, steadied it be tween his flat palinsnnd invited several heavy men to lift it or push it over in any direction. They took bold of the pole, he rubbed bis palms bris-k'.y ovi r their knuckles a few sicouds, pressed his linnds npainst the pole j npain nnu they weie unable to move I h' I One cxp'nnnfJon of the voting n-.nn's ability, H'.ys the T.ittle Chronicle, is that a hypnotic current passes from his hands and weakens the nerve cen ters in his opponent's body so that, the lifter has little strength. . Mack h;id his power 13 years npo, but when n child it was not nearly so powerful ns now. lie does not understand it himself. I low Are Your Nkkvks? If they are wenk nnd you feel nervous nnd c.isily "llu-i- Iraicd," can t sleep, nml rise in the morning unfrcslied, your blood is poor. Strong nerves depends upon rich, nourishim; blood. It gives sweet, refreshing s!erp nnd com pletely cures nervous troubles, llcgin taking it to-day. Naui-ea, uuliestion, are cured by Jfouu s ruis. "Wouldn't that jar you!'1 exclaimed the pickle as he giucd at the preserving factory. It Keeps the Veet Warm and I")rv. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures chilblains, swollen, sweating, sore, achinp, damp feel. At all druggists nnd shoe stors, 25c. Sample free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, I.cKoy, N, Y. Hi HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil Till PILE OINTMENT. One Application Gives Relief. It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids External or Internal, Blind or Weeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief im mediatecure certain. It cures Burns and Scalds. The relief instant. It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. Invaluable. It cures Salt Rheum. Tellers. Scurfv Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of insects, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00 Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' MED. CO., Cor. William 4 Julio Sta.. NEW YORK. ALEXANDER BROTHERS & CO. DEALERS IN Cigars, Tobacco Candies, Fruits and Nuts ,. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard'e Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week.. ZPzELtriN-s Goods jl. Specialtt. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco Sole agents for the following brands of Cigars- Henry Clay, Loadros, Normal, Indian Princos3, Samson, Silvor Ash Bloomsburg Pa. IV YOU ARE IN NEED OF Alt PET, MATTINO, or OIL CLOTH, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT w. m. iiowiw i Boois" above Court JHouee. A large lot of Window Curtains In stock. THK MARKETS. BLOOMSBURG MARKETS. OOBBIOTID WIIKLT. ITAILrklti,, j Butter per lb.. $ .26 ,8 .11 3 ,c6 .07 9 3S Eggs per dozen , , , Lard per lb , I lam per pound Pork, whole, per pound Beef, quarter, per pound,... Wheat per bushel Oats " " Rye " " 50 Wheat Hour per uui 4.00 to 4.4o Hay per ton iC.oo Potatoes per bushel, . . . ., Turnips " " Onions " " Sweet potatoes per peck Tallow per lb Shoulder " " Side meat" Vinegar, perqt Dried apples per lb , , Dried cherries, pitted Raspberries Cow Hides per lb Steer ' " " CalfSkin Sheep pelts Shelled corn per bus Corn meal, cwt .70 30 .60 S s .11 .on, ,oS S .IS .It Ji 'S .So 7S S 1 7S 1. 10 ''S 1. 10 ,09 .c9 .14 .14 .08 a 60 3 8j 3S 3.6o UMn ' r-h. Middlings " Chickens per lb new,. " " " old.., Turkeys Geese I) ticks 11 COAL. No. 6, delivered " 4 and 5 " " 6 at yard. .. " 4 and j at yard School hoes! Will Soon be Needed. Our 28 years' ex perience enables us to select for you the right shoe for service. Full line of W. L. DOUGLAS' Fall and Winter Shoes for men now in stock. W. H. MOORE, Cor. Main and Iron Sta. KLOOMSnURO, PA. Buy U. S, Express Money Orders And avoid paying New York Clearing llouae Tax. BETTER THAN P0ST0FFI0E ORDERS tw Safest. ehPBPist and most eonvenleut mi-thod ot remitting money. For Bill" by n-iy ic. P. WILLIAMS, Agt. Rim CHICHESTER' ENGLI3M SrEEiNYftOYAL PILLS B AV-k. OrllnT and OnlT Uraulatt 91 it'NSAKK."-I.' I udU-. M. l rol t-SK C,4 CUICHKM KK'rt KNGLIS lSJlJCAln H:l ii:. I Oolil n.ulll. Low. " Vv Ttj'a blu.rl6b.ia. ' akfi no other. K"" 7n 4J loaroo HubUluUo ua I I i1flL..L Hu. ..f ...... llru.i.L. nr 4r. moidu. ft,r I'Mrtlvnlaro, TcotloMuUlo mil 'K,JIf for I llf."m uu. .' tars Moil. IO.Ouo ltiout,l.. PiMkr all lirutfuaia. 4'hlba.lar 'b.ialu "a G4MI1 i fo-TT. ! f5V PACKER'S HAIR BALSAM Plasm, aud " '".J""- 1'rum.!.-. a . 'ii OraT lfAiP ta II IUIU T,,.- . M-4t.d. Try the C OL UMB1AN a year.