3 THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. WASHINGTON. From our Regular Correspondent. Washington, Nov. 5, 1900 Chairman Richarilson, of the Oerno, cratic Congressional Campaign Com mittee, who has been dividing his time between the New York branch of national headquarters and Washing ton, returned to Washington last week. The wotk of the committees, both national and Congressional, is done, and the result was in the hands ol the voters. Mr. Richardson was confi dent that a democratic victory was in sight and that it would include a majority of Congress as well as the residency. Said Mr. Richardson : "The reports received at democratic headquarters in New York from the different state chairmen aie most en couraging and full of confidence of sucess at the polls." Of Mr. Aryan's extraorinary reception during hisspcak- ing tour of New York, Mr. Richardson said : "There is not another man in the world that could create enthusiasm equal to that aroused by Mr. Hryan on his trip through New York. It was marvelous. There is nothing like it on record. If proof were needed that the life of a private in the li. S. army under exciting conditions is not a pleasant one, it is furnished by the annual re port of the Ailjutant ucneral, just made public, whic h shows that there were 3,093 desertions during the fiscal year. The large ami respectable ele ment wnicn oppose the "army can teen" are given a slap in the face by the report, which says that the "army canteen'' has grown to be an absolute necessity, and that a business of$r, 915,862, with a net profit of $464,504, was done by them during the year. The growth of the U. S. in popula tion during the past ten years nearly 21 per cent, as shown by tne official figures given out this week 76,295, 22c has been entirely satisfactory. Whether the same can be said of the growth of manliness, independence, and political intelligence cannot be positively stated until after the elec tion, which will show whether a ma jority of the voters will vote their known convictions or will allow them selves to be driveu to the polls and to vote as the local bosses in the p iy of the trusts shall dictate. American manhood vs. serfdom is an issue as well as the republic vs. the empiie. Mr. John M. Sherrouse, a New Or leans business man and a broth-in-law of Representative Robertson, of La., was in Washington last week. He said of the political outlook: "I hope that Bryan will win. I am opposed to aggressive expansion and also to bene volent assimilation through the can non's mouth. In the case of the Philippines we are attempting to con quer lands thousands of miles away and assimilate a people whom Infinite Wisdom has made so different as to render all our efforts fruitless. We have already an alien race with us that has grown into a national problem, and it will be only adding fuel to the fire to bring more alien races in." How some New York republicans regard Mr. Bryan may be judged by these remarks, made in Washington by Mr. W. I). Tearson, a prominent member of the New York bar: "I don't believe there ever has been a Presidential candidate who was so tie serving of success as is Mr. Bryar. I am bound bv principle, as a good re publican, to cast my vote against him, but I could almost cheer if I learned that he was elected. He is absolutely sincere, and just such a man as would make a good President. I think there are a good many more republicans in the empire state who think as 1 co, and the republican leaders are not at all certain of carrying the State." Some idea ot republican methods in West Virginia mav be had from the following statement, made by Mr. II M. Richards, of Wheeling: "Hannais working hard to capture West Virginia When I left Wheeling the two Circuit Court iudces were working overtime to naturalize the gangs of foreigners run into the state by Steve Elkins and the Republican Campaign Committee, Statk of Ohio, City ok To-7 i.edo. Lucas County, j ss Frank T. Chenev makes oath that he is the senior nartner of the firm of F. J. Chenev & Co.. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State atoresaul, and that said nrm win pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for eacn and evejy case of Catarrh that cannot be cured' by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. ' Frank J. Chenev. Sworn to brfore me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De cember itlG. A. W. Gleason, Tskal Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally and acts directly , on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CiiENi v & Co , Toledo, O . Sold by druggists, 75 cents. Hall's Family Pills are the best. it is the most disgraceful incident in the history of the Commonwealth." The prediction made some weeks alio by Senator-elert ni.irtrVinrn rnar the republicans intended to try to carry Kentucky by the use of a small army of U. S. deputy marshals, has been fully verified by the news of the wccK.even to the name of the man who is at the head of the movement, Judge Evans of Louisville. This desperate sort of move, together with things of the same kind m olhcr close states, makes it evident that the republican bosses are far from being as confident of Mr. McKinley's reelection as they pretend to be. Men who belive they can win fairly and squarely do not re sort to illegal methods to gain votes. The democratic managers of the campaign believe now as they have believed from the first that P.ryan and Stevenson have a good fighting chance to win. and they are going to keep on believing and fighting until the last ballolhas been deposited.and then they are going to keep a cloie watch to see that there is no trickery in the count ing. They have been through too many campaigns to be frightened by republican assumption of confidence. - . . . Tlio Sea Board Air Liue Railway, Florida and West India Short Lino, is Posi tively the Shortest Roto toSavanah. Jack sonville, Tampa and all Florida Points. Double daily service and through Pullman drawing room and butfet sleeping rais from New York, Phila delphia, Baltimore, Washington and Richmond. Round trip winter tourist excursion tickets are now on sale at all principal points to Jacksonville, Tampa and all K'orida points. Trains arrive and depart at Pennsylvania Railroad stations. For further infor mation call on or address W. C. Shoe maker, General Eastern Passenger Agent, 1206 Broadway, New York; C. L. I.ongsdorf. New England Pas senger Agent, 306 Washington street, Boston, Mass.; W. M. McLonnell, General Agert, 1434 New York avenue, Washington, 1). C, or the General Passenger Agent at Ports mouth, Va. E. Sr. John, L. S. Allen, V.-P. & G. M. Gen. Pass Agt. A Severe Winter Predicted. It will, following predictions accord ing to signs believed in by weatner prognosticators, be a severe winter. A Crawford County man, for instance, whose base of prognostications, is the actions of the nimble little squirrel, says : "Never before have I seen the squirrels laying in such supplies of lood for the winter. When the little fellows are as active as this it is an unmistakable sign of a hard winter. If they are slow in ther movements and display but little activity the winter will be mild, and there will hardly be any stormy weather. The squirrels are acting as if they had just received straight tip from the clerk of the weather, and I am going to follow their example and get ready." Pin This la Your flat. It is a noticeable fact that many good items are lost to newspapers every week by the modesty ot people who hesitate to tell the reporter any matter concerning themselves. The right thing to do is to stop a news paper man on the street or any other place and tell him when you have been on a visit, have relatives visiting you, that your wife entertained com pany, or anything that is in any way a matter of news. If you have done anything mean, of course keep it 10 yourself, for there are always others to tell that. Religion Has Grazed Her. Mrs. Mary Foley, aged 40 years, created a scence at St. Edwards Church, Shamokin, and later at the Polish Church in that town. She ad vanced to the alter and insisted upon making an address. She was taken in charge by constable Daubert, who found it necessary to put handcuffs on her, and in attempting to do so was severely bitten by the woman. She is crazed on religious subjects, and was but recently discharged from the Danville Asylum. She was taken h:icV to that institution Friday after noon. Here's Something New For You. The "calchers" a new virulent form of skin disease, which has been pre vailing in the western part of the state has reached this region. The disease is a new one and the physicians are puzzled to diagnose it. It is similar in some respects to blood poisoning. Those affected have immense dark blotches, which develop into eruptions and when they disappear others fallow in the sajne places. To was the sores appears to irritate them and make them bleed.The disease is said to be contagious. Our fanners are favored with an abundance of good full pasture. The fields since the late rains have become as green and luxuriant as iu June. WOMAN MAIL CARRIER. Twice n Wrrk PlurUr tnrnh M. IlnrU 1 Travtrnr n Wild, llrmiliite It" ftlnn on HorarbNrk. ! Miss Snnili M. liurks In probably the only woman mall carrier !u the went, nml her route In one of the most desolate conceivable. From SU John' to Jimtown, A. T., h trnv cln twice, ft week, covering a distance of 20S miles, n the towns nre 52 mile npnrt. The Intervening country i prnetienlly ft wilderness, the settlers being1 few and fnr between. It. would be difficult to Imagine a more, uninviting region than that MISS HA UAH M. lit'HKS. (How fihe Carries the Mall In the WilJa of Arizona.) triiversed by Miss Murks. What tiny ft renins nee found there are poisoned with nlknli. Navajo Indians Mini occa sionally 1111 Apache lire Mimewhat plentiful, but white men vchfoin go there, mid then only to get 'the gold, (diver nml copper. Nothing in the way of vegetation can grow there. It is simply a region of rich niinernls deposited in titanic volcanic action nges ago. Along the western border of this desolate, uncanny wilderness Miss Hnrks rides twice a week, (ienernlly tdic Is nlotie, and If lie has a com panion he is likely to be a miner, a commercial traveler, or, mayhap, a lawyer, who has rented a horse from Miss Harks' father, and the is to col lect payment and to see to the care of the horse. She is always armed with shooting irons, and when a child she wns the crack shot of the mining camp at Harqtia Hala. Her hat (s a white .trnvv. She wears short skirts of blue serge, a cordu roy or canvas jacket, leather leggings and heavy shoes. WHEEL WAS HIS SAFEGUARD. Pettjr Xaval Oincrr'a Illej-ele Kept Illm from the Allurement of th Saloon. "Tn these days of automobiles, steam carriages anil electric vehicles," said nn observant man the other day to a New York Tribune man, "the bicycle is not being neglected. It has become too cheap to be popular with the upper classes, but it is more of a blessing than ever to the poor. Even the newsboys and bootblacks own their own wheels now. It was on a visit to the cruiser Baltimore the other day that I became convinced that one could find bicycles every where. "I waa passing through one of the gangways leading to the quarters of the crew. There were guns and fight ing things on every side. I happened to look up and was surprised to see a bicycle securely fastened to the top of the gangway. It was an old-stylo wheel, with heavy frame and thick tires, but It had served the petty offi cer who owned it very well. It had been ridden in most of the seaport of Europe at which American war ves sels call. The owner had scorched about the streets of Hong-Kong and had taken a bicycle trip into the In terior of Japan. Even la Manila he had found it useful, in spite of the extreme heat. " The owner of that wheel has saved Who hssvo tho Despondency In women Is a mental condition directly traceable to some distinctly female III. Well women don't have the blues, but compara tively few people under stand that the right modi cine will drive them away. Lydla E. Plnkham'i Vegetable Compound overcomes the blues, be cause It Is tho safeguard of woman's hoanh. It regulates tho entire female organism as nothlnn else does. When tho dragging sensation and the backaches go, the blues will go also Read tha tetters frttm women appearing In this naner women who havo tried St and know. There are a million suoh women Wi three years than any other petty officer on the ship,' said the lieutenant who was showing me around. 'It keeps him ousy when he has shore lenve and he has no desire to go to saloons and other places In which sailors "drop" all of their hard-earned pay.' " M &gdtf32cc And a clear complexion are desired by every woman and admired by every man. lrr,l,airlT1Q tiim. tiles and similar blemishes are caused by an im pure condition of the 1)1(kk1. These skin blemishes are permanently removed by the ti: i 11 use or in. 1 len e s J Golden Medical y Discovery which thoroughly puri- fics the blood and cures the cause of J the disease. " For shout one year nl hnlf my face was bndly broken out," writes Minn Cnrri Adams, of 116 West Miiin St., Haltleereek, Mich. I spent a (Trent deal of nionev with dtic tiir and for different kinds of medicine, tmt received no Iwne fit. At last I read one of your adver tisement in a pnper, antl obtained a bottle of Iiocior Tierce's nolden Medirnl Discovery Ilefore I had taken one bottle of this medicine I noticed a clinni;', and after taking three bottle I wag entirely cured. I'ree. The Common Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages, is sent free on re ceipt of stamps to cover expense of mail ing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for paper covered liook, or 31 stamps for cloth binding. Address, Doctor R. V. Pierce, Iiuffalo, N. Y. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics enre by acting directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder in any other part of tho system. NO, CURE. PRICES. 1 Fever. Congestion. Inflammation. ,t!5 ii Worm. Worm Fever, Worm Colic . .'J 3 3 Teething. Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .ti 4 Diarrhea, ot Children or Adult 33 7 Cough, Colds, Bronchitis 33 5 euralgla. Toothache, Faceache 33 9 Headache, Blck Headache, Vertigo.. .33 10 Dyspepsia, Indlgestlon.WeakStomach.33 1 1 Suppressed or Painful Periods 33 13 White. Too Profuse Period 33 13 Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 33 I t Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruption. . .33 15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pain 33 16 Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 33 1 Catarrh, Influenza. Cold In the Head .33 30 Whooplng-Cough 33 37-Kldney Disease 33 3H-.'ervon Debility 1.00 30 Vrlnary Weakness, Wetting Bed 39 97 Grip. Hay Fevor 33 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free. Sold by drUKKlsta, or sent on receipt of price. Humphrey' alod. Uo Cor. Wltllani ft John Bt., Mew York. RAILROAD TIME TABLE LACKAWANNA RAILROAD ULOOMSHURG DIVISION. I a effect .lane 10, 1'.iuO, EAsT. r.M. a.m. p.k. 1.&0 jOoO 15 W) U A.M. NOKTHrUBRULAND 40 3S C'aiueruu Cuulnsky Duuullu C'atiiwlbHtt ........ 0 1. ft) 10 8 10 6 -Hi 8 81 :;ti 8 41 ! 17 6iM 7 l i! 7 IT 7 !!4 7 .!! 7W 7 4 a 11 2 84 i 40 3 4li US 10 u 10 11 1 10 87 10 48 10 48 Kii,'rl liloombUurt; ...... Kuiiy -. Lliue Kide...... brnucrecK ; Willow Uruv I, 41 11 51 ;s ui Herttlok ' 1105 . . 11 -0 1143 l'i'b'i 116!) ueacu Uuren.... . . 8 wi 8 l .109 M Hick's rVriy 8 li rihlukxlilijuy 8 17 Huulock'a... i 7 0i 9 ) 3 31 8 38 3 4J 8 47 s u '.HI 4 t3 4 07 4 12 4 17 4 i!0 4 !!4 4 M 4 Si 4 40 4 4 4 SO 7 18 7 5 7 uj fi'i 7 68 Nauilt-oke 8 an Avoudalo ii l'lyuiouih 8 47 l'lyuioutli Junctlou 8M KlngR'on do) boniiett... - V 01 Forty t ort 04 Wyoming noa WHt Pltlston 13 12 08 8 CO 8 11 ttuiueuuuDu Ave H HI PlllHlllU Mlf 12 11 12 17 8 14 8 18 8 24 8 1.7 8 31 Duryca.. H88 9 '.8 0 37 u r; LaekawuiiUa.... Taylor Hunovue SCB1NT0N 12 85 8 J5 1. p.m. r. u WKST. STATIONS. A.M. A m. r.M. p.m. SCHANTOK. 6 45 ISO 05 1 15 5 50 Bullevue Taylor 8 50 8 55 7 01 7 '8 7 07 7 10 7 18 7 17 724 780 7 in 10 15 10 23 10 28 10 31 3 cs 2 10 2 13 2 17 8 111 2 23 2 a 5 5!l 0 !i 6 09 Laokitwtniia litiryea I'luston Busiiui'lmiiiiu Ave.. West I'lllstou Wyoming Forty Fort Bennett Kingston' Plymouth J nmtloo Plyiiuiulii Avondale 8 13 8 18 8 19 8 24 lu3) 10 85 10 40 io 49 10 54 nrii 8 34 i 40 flS'1 685 '643 2 49 7 4J 2 54 258 8 08 8 20 8 30 8 37 8 44 60 8 5t 8 4 i'8 4 12 4 17 4 22 4 ::5 t4 42 Nanllcnke 7 44 Huoioek's -.. 7 61 HhlekBhlnny 8(1 11 11 11 17 11 20 lllok'fc Kerry am 111 1 lleacli Haven 8 1H 11 48 more money during the last If mm PC 1"! 17 'X Horwlck 8 '.'3 1154 Hrlarereek... 8 t'8 Willow Drove 1 line Kiu'e... 8 81 8 81 112 09 ( 89 12 15 8 41 1J22 8 40 19 27 8 51 H 82 9 00 12 47 KHpy Illoouisburg T unpen ,., rutuwlsaa m, Danville ('niiliiHky Cameron NOUTUl'MBKRLAND .... 9 21 12 67 4 48 1 10 6 00 .. 2 85 1 10 6 00 t Huns dallv. f Ffiig Btatlmi. A (' HII NKI'IIT. T. W. I.KB Supt. Hen Pass. 801'TH.- II. & 8 It. II, AHKIVK. am 7.10 7.0s ?.'I3 g.50 a.m.ipm'p.m. stations, am'pm lUooiHnliU'g. 8.47 2 40 " P. & V. H.l!l!2.42 " Main St.. 8.52 9.H Paper Will. 9.01 2.51 pmlarn 12.05 0. 26 12 00 rt.irt II. 5? 8.14 11 47111.0? K.in 2. '0 9.05 6 35 8.37 8.40 1 80! 0 51 tl.43!5.Mt 1.461 11.31 5.49: 1.30 ll.2'5.8H 1.(8)1 ll.10.3t 12.581 I1.13i5.'.'7li'j.45 11.05 5 1710.8 ..Light r-t . luuinrevK'e. H OS a.s 5.M u.1."i'3.lO,7.04 S 4" !.5 .. .Forks ... o.'.'i ...Z'iner'H... 9.27 1.24 7. If .Mliiwater. .as 8.30 7.23 ...Hent.on.. . 9.43 3.40 7.3' ...Kdson' .47 3.44 7.37 .tlnle'8 i v'k. 9.50 8 47 7.41 ..LaubieU.. 9.54 8.67 7.51 ...Central... (10 10 4.07 8.01 JftUl.Ulty.. 10.14 4.10:8.05 B.()Htl-00l6.1) 12.10 0 ilJllll 5.10 12.0". I 8.5:1 10.52 5.a3 11.63 6-41 10. Vi 4.53 11.45 5.4llll0.10ll..50;11.80l am m p m p m LIAVI auipuipmam AUH1V Fennsvivania Railroad. TlmeTnlile iti efTYrt Jtnv i,tu . m. . , :r. Hi M0r.Mll0(I;ailV I 8 4f I t f.8 12 IN I'ltinion " " i 7 in no (ki its M A M P M WI!k"Hbrr.'. ..v t 7 80 Siu fr. I riyin'lli Kcro " t 7 8b .11 (W I 8 i. Nantloke...." i i 48 11 10 8 a. Mocanaqna.." 1 8i4 118 8 4li Wapwallopen. " 8 8 114 8 Ml Nesuopeck ar 8 4 11 62 4 07 a. r. st. J,ot,tvllle....lv t 6 fi 12 80 llnza'ton " : 7 or, 2 on ToinliK'kPii " 7 ii 2 in Ki rn (ilea " f 8 27 Kuuk tli u " 7 -U 8 84 Nesoopook ar : 8 do a.oo At M A M l M Nnacnpock lv I 8 V4 tli ftJ I 4 07 t;mHy 8 83 .12 o-.' 4 Kit Kepv Kerry..... " f h 4a 12 In I 4 "I K. liloomn'burif" 8 4J ja u w P. M. Catawlssa ar 8 dfi 1221 4 35 t'ataviinMa v 8 V ;i 21 4 4'' M. Danville.... " 14 12 81 UI Muiibury " 9 8.1 i.UOu 0 A. M. P. tf. T. M 1 Hunnurv..lv I l 4.' 1 10 S 45 LewlHburg ....ar 10 1H 145 8 IH Ml uOI " 10 08 1 30 18 11 Wllllrtiniort.." 11 On 2 311 1 7 10 . rx'.K Haven... ." 11 RH 8 40 .8 it.' .toi fivo " A. at. 4 4ii 0 00 K.IL8 " 8 2.. ... r M. r. M. tjck Haven.. .lv 112 10 (3 45 lli'llcfoute nr 1 uf M 44 Tyrone... ' 2 15 18 00 I'lillliwtHirK...." 4 23 5 28 Cleartleld " 8 07 ! 00 I'lttshurif " 5 111 30 A. M. P. M. r. M. Mutib'iry Iv mi 4 1 6r, In 25 llarrlHuurK ar 1 30 ! 3 If. 8 5.'. 1 p y ' P M P. M f Htillndelplila..ar t 3 17 I '' 3 110 2' llall lmore " 8 11 0 0 I 4 ' VVanlilnil(m... " 4 1 7 8 1)0 5 A. M. P. M. Hubbury lv a 57 2 03 P. M. LewlHtown Jcar 11 40 I 8 5" ........ 1'ltiabuitf ' i 8 &5 SU 80 A. M. P. M. P. M. Iliirrlsburg- lv 1 11 4.. 13 4." I 7 an PtupburK nr I M - 111 ao I i P M I 4 21 4 52 r. M I 8 00 f 8 07 8 17 8 87 41 7 00 P. M. 5 Ml 8 10 8 If 8 2 (I P. I 7 1:1 7 li! 7 all 7 25 7 82 7 82 7 M 8 16 P. M. I 8 40 "Jul 9 50 P. M' II 8 31 110 10 A. H. I 4 ' 2 30 05 P. M 110 20 A. U 5 5 80 ( WceKdHys. l-all. I Hi V M.aUM; P. M. p.'III PlttHburg...lv I 7 in 18 so A. M. A. M. Ilarrlnburfr ar I 1 65 I 3 4i. a. in. Pittsburg lv LewlHtowo Jo." ......... t 7 so Muutiury ar t 211 p. m. a. m. Washington ..lv 10 401 Ilultlinore " Hi". 41 I 4 SO I'lilladelpliltt..." Ill 211 I 4 25 A. M. A. M. Harrtsnurg' IvJ 8 35 I 7 55 suubury ar I 5 05 ID 30 P. M. Pittsburg- lv 812 45 Cleartlfld " 4 09 I'lilllpHburK.. ." 4 58 Tyrone " 7 15 Helli-fonte " 8 31 Lock Haven. ..ar 8 30 P. M. A. M. Krle.. tv I 4 80 ......... Kane " 7 55 Kt'UbtO ' 11 15 t 8 40 Lock llaven...." 12 03 t 7 S3 A. M. Wllllamaport.." 1 05 I 8 30 Milton " 1 50 9 !! IwIhIiiiiu " OB Suubury ar 2 27 V 40 A. M. A. M. Hunbury lv 8 50 I 9 f5 8. Danville " 7 13 10 17 Catawlsna " 7 at 10 35 K. Blooinsburg" 7 39 10 43 KHpy Ferry " 7 43 1 10 4" t'reaay 7 6:) 10 6H Nescopeck....ar 8 03 11 u8 A. M. A. M. Nescopeck lv til 06 (.'atawlBHa 7 88 houk Olen ar 8 28 12 81 KernOlen " 8 88 12 27 Tomblcken " 8 42 12 85 Hazleton " 9 02 12 55 I'ottsvllle " 11 80 2 08 A. M. A, M. Nescopeck lv t 8 M 1 11 05 Wapwallopen.ar 8 18 11 20 Mocanaiiua 8 as 11 32 Nantlooke " 8 48 11 54 P. M. Plym'th Ferry" J W Wllkenbarre...." 9 05 12 10 A. M. P. M. Pitt.8ton(SH)ar t 9 89 m Scranton " 10 On 118 n. m a m 1 8 00 P. M. I 8 IK n. in. t 8 00 P. M. t 8 10 t 5 (5 a. 111 llli 50 111 45 112 it P. M. t 4 00 t 6 40 A. Ml I 8 Oti i9 28 10 12 12 SO 1 42 2 41 P. If. I 2 ;) I !).:o p. ui 8 4.1 6 08 A. M. t 7 45 t S 45 I 8 40 A. M. til 40 1 10, A. M. I 2 60 I 9 10 82 10 30 A. M. I A 00 111 811 11 25 P. M. tl2 40 1 27 1 15 1 65 P. M. t 2 00 2 21 2 3'1 i 43 3 55' 8 05 I 3 OC 4 0C 4 ii 4 47 & 20 P. H t'B 48 09 8 V7 C 82 ( 8 Sli 8 4ii 8 65 P. It 7 52 8 00 P. M. t 4 521 5 20 i.,,iiHi.i.i tmin will leave Hazleton 5.15 p.m. Koc.k men, 5.:) p. m., arriving at CatawlBsa ? Weekdays. I Dally, t Flag station. Pullman Parlor und Sleeping I'ara inn 0 through trains between Hunbury, WIHaa por and Erie, between Sunbury and PhlladelpUlt und Washington and between Uarrtaburg, Pitts! burg and the weat. cor lunuer iuluiiusuuu ..fy . - Agents. wr.nn J. JJ. ill uin.in, V l & UOU'l. Manager. orunomom PHILADELPHIA & READING RAILROAD. TKAlNSLKAVKBLOOMSnrHG: For Now lorn, 1'tilladelpnia, Keadmif ?Otta vllle.Tamiuiua, weekdays t.SS liu a. m. l or lliluiuspori, wueauaj a, ." v Kor Danville and Milton, weekdays.7.80 a. ir. For catawlssa weekdays 1.20, S.38, 11.30 a. m., U.iO, 5.00, no, p. ni. Kor Kupert weekduys7.20,b.3S 11.30a. m.,H.J0, a ad fm it 'iti n in. For UiUUmore wasmiigion miumc "" n . i I tliHAiiifhtHulna lauUD KfHIlll If If r nrinal.PhlladelDhlii..i'0.7.6n, ll.Saa. in., 7.jr, p. m. Sundays s.40, 7.iw 11.80 a. 3.40, 7.3T, p. ro. Additional trains from 4 S3 p.m. Sundays, 1. an. .-' p. ui. TWAINS KOK ULUii'.HL'HG.. Leave New York via Philadelphia 7.80 m., and via sasion v.iu a. m. Leave pnuaueipnia ii'.zia. m. Leave KeadliiK ia. 15 p. m. Leave I'ousvillt 19.80 p. in. Leave Tamaqua 1.40 p.m., Leave WUllauiBport weekdayaio.13 a m, 8.43 m. . . . Leave cstdwispa weekdays, T.uu.o.xuB.iun, 6 51 1,80 8.311, .08 p. m. . 6 58 7 13 Leave niipert, weeauuyH, i.ud, o.3, u.w . m., 1.88. . 411, .. aTI.AN 1 hm'ity nitimoa. In effect Del. 15, l'JOO. Leave PhlliidDlptila, chehiuut Street wharf BDd South street wharf. For ATLANTIC CITY Weekdays. Express, 0.00 a. m., 2.00, 4.00, 5.00, 1.15p. m. Aceouimo duilon, 8.00 a. to., MW n. 111. Sundays Kx press, 0.00, 10.00 a. m. Accommodation, b.oO a. 111.. ft.00 p. ni. Leave ATLANTIC CITY, Weekdays -Express, 7.35 9,00, 10.15 a. in., H 50, 5.30 p. 111. Accommo dation, h Of) a. m., 4.0.1 p. m. Sundays Express, 1.30, 7.30 p. m. Acooiijmodatiun, 7.15 a. m., 4.05 p. in. Parlor ears on all express trains. For CAl'U MAY Weekdays ".IS a. m., 4.15, 5.00 p. in. Sundavs 0.15 a. 111. For Ot'EN 1 1TY Weekdays 9.15 a. m., 4.15 p.m. Sundavs U.15 a. in. For ska LSLK ( IT Y Weekdays 9. 15 n. m. 7 62 8 01 8 05 8 20 8 45 Agt -UOKTII vKw YDHK AND ATLANTIC CITY EXPHKS8. LIAVI -LpavesNKW YUHK (I.lheitv Street) 8.40 1). Leaves ATLANTIC CITY, 8.30 a ni. liet ailed time tables ut ticket, oftlues. W.U. UESI.Ult, KDSON J. WEEKS. Oen'l Siipt. uen'l Pass. Ak't. 6.10 8.37 K.5U 7.10 PtEHTY OP MONEY easily made In trraln and stock speculations. Quotations furnlslicd to out of toA-n eustoiii era. Correspondent wanted In every town. Write us tor fill particulars and we will mull our stock and code book to you free. T.S5 7.4S SJHl 8.30 S.40 H.4 0.00 95 9.35 SAMU KL JAHUAKU Oil., Hankers and Hrokers, dim 121 Oicxol 1)U16'., I'UUudolpUla, Fine PHOTO GRAPHS and CRAYONS at R. B. GROTZ Bloomsburg. The best ar the cheapest m 1 V r Keifer's Meat Market I5eef, Veal, Mutton, Lamb, Pork, Bologna, Sausrge, Ham, l!act n, Scrap ple, Vienna allfage, Trit.e, Hoiled Ham, Ac, All meats fresh and clean, and prices right. J. K.KEIFEK, Centre Street Market PHOTOGRAPHS We attribute our success to the mak ing of Fine Photographs. Pic tures that are both pleas ing and durable. Market Square Gallery, Over Hartman's Store. iyi2 ai Jta?" Seventeen years' experience. PATENTS caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and a) Pnient buttlness conducted for MODEKAT: VKVH. OUH OFFICE IS OPPOSITE THE" TJ. B. PA1 KNT OI KK'E. We Uave no sub-apencles. t buBlnessdlreet, ueneeeun triinsac' I fttem till neKBln less time and at, Less Cost 1 nun tboce 1 mote from WaslilnKtxiii. tfend niodiM, drawing or photo, with desert tlon. We advise If iiateniable or not, free cnante. Our fee net due till patent Is secure. A book, "llow to obtain Parents," with refel ences to actual clients in j our state.tount y, t town sent free. Addresf c. a. snow & ( o WaKhtngton.D. C (Opposite U. b Patent Offte.) Iihrll, r A irnnd looking hnNn.nn nooriooa- Ing name l th t.i,.,.tlnn. 1? ,ifJ Eureka ww ri not only makMtheharnwiii and 1 Katuer soft and pllalil.', puts It In con- I , , UlllOQ It, lilB, .mw um 11 uiuiiitii' - Soli efcrT"hft" la ll k STANDARD -Hi Give Your, Horse a, yChancctj 1' 'rT' .Mr 3.46, m.. and a. M-.'i ':. A ''XV- ;M- p rii.iifi-..'. .' m '.! .M;;i'il'i:l!l!!'iif..- You can save money on Pianos and O gas. You Mill alw.iv? dnl the largest, fclock, best makes and lowest prktbi. PIANOS. From $175.00 and Upwards. .ORGANS, From $50.00 and Upwards We sell on the installment plan. Pianos $125.00 down and $10.00 per month. Or Bans, $10,00 down, $5.06 per month. Lib er.il discount for cash. Slieet music, at one hnlf price. Musical merchandise of kinds. We handle Genuine Singer High Arm" SEWING MACHINES, 15.00 down and If 3.00 per month. We also handle the Demorest Sowing Mao'iine, from 1:9.50 and upwards. Sewing Machine Needles and Oil for all makes of Sewing Machines. Best make of WASH MACHINES 111. FROM $4.00 UP TO $9.00. J. SALTZER. KIT Music Rooms Xo. 115 West Main' St., below Market, Bloomsburg, l'a. 31011 Pu. I'll: Mi" ii 1 1 1 Ir II! il 1 1"H 11 IM 11 1 11 1 .1 IV ' 1 ' ';?.i.;.l'. i 1 i-i' 1? "j t ili- 2 r. r I'M 7