THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Ohinese Rebellion Assuming Alarming Proportions. FOREIGN ESVOYS FEAR MASSACRE. Inropciiii Tria l.n nil Inn The- "Ilii " Believed to llnve Ihe ftnpport of the Kmiirrm Dnnnner In Their Ant Ifon-lun Crannde. LONl0. Mny :ti. Tin- IMiily V.x press has tho fiillnwiiijr f mm Sluinnlml, ted Tttrsdny: "The rrltollinn continues to grow In In tensity, and tho Ki'im'st fours nro fiitcr lained of its ultininip cMciit. Tho for Mjrn r-nvoys nt Peking, fonrinu a iiiiissn pre within the capital, hnvo ilooiilcrf to oritur np tho k minis of the lt'truthm. , "TIip rebels nrp now massiim ontslilo if Peking, nnil their number are rrport d to hp constantly angmentim;. I'rosh .'ontinKPHtH of nrmpd iinilentitonts nro coming up nlmoRt hourly from thp north. "The imperial troops who were sent to disperse the rebels found themselves hopelessly outnumbered. Several hun dred were killed, and two nun and many rides were raptured, after which the most of the remaining troops went over to the rebels. They are now mnnliing Hide by side. "It is believed thnt the 'Hoxers' have the sympathy of the entire Manclm army in the antiforolgn rrusnde, and there is no doubt that thpy have thp countcnanee DOWAOEU EMPRESS OF CHINA, of the empress dowager and of Prince Ching. "The Belgian minister, escorted by a strong bodyguard, has gone to obtain nil nudienee of the tsung-li-yamen, n num ber of his countrymen, with their fami lies, having been cut off by the rebels at Chnng-hKln-tien.' "The position of the missionaries is one of extreme peril unless aid is speedily forthcoming. It Is feared that they will meet with the same fate as their un fortunate converts, whom the 'Boxers' are ruthlessly murdering." The Peking correspondent of The Times, telegraphing Tuesday, says: "The foreign guards have been sum moned by the legations and will arrive Immediately. This decision was well tuken. The opinion is widespread that the powers should compel China to de fray the cost of a measure which the apathy of the Chinese government neces sitates. All the French engineers and their families ure reported safe." RUSSIA READY. Hns Twenty Thousand Troops nt Port Arthur Gnnboata Aaked For. SHANGHAI, May 30. The Russian minister nt Peking has telegraphed ask ing that oil the available gunboats be sent to Taku. It is believed that Russia is about to land troops nt Taku from Port Arthur, where 20,000 are in readiness. The Chinese are reported to be sending large masses of troops overland from Hu-nnn and Kiimg, but the generalissimo refuses to assume command on the plea of sick ness. The "Roxers" assert that they are con fident of receiving support from the dow ager empress. Princes Kaug-yi and Ching-Tunn and the entire Mautehno army. Throughout the north the "Rox ers" are enlisting hordes of desperadoes. They are intent upon expelling every thing foreign. Chinatown Quarantined. SAN FRANCISCO, May :. At u meeting of the board of superivsors of this city held yesterday and attended by the board of health, the Merchants' asso ciation and the board of trade ami other interested citizens a resolution was adopted empowering the board of health to (iiarautine Chinatown or any other Infected section of this city and county. The resolution was passed by a vote of 15 to 1, the dissenting vote being cast by Supervisor McCarthy, who stated in emphatic terms his belief that plague doi-s not exist and never has existed in the city and county of San Francisco. Kansas Corn For India. CHICAGO, May I'll. Twenty carloads of corn from Kansas has arrived in Chi cago over the Rock Island railway des tined for India as a part of Kansas' do nation toward relieving the starving mil lions of Britain's eastern empire. The Rock Island transports the corn free of charge. It is estimated that the Utl cars carried upward of 1HUHI0 bushels. East of Chicago the consignment will be di vided equally between the Pennsylvania and the Lake Shore. Valuable I'earl Found. BOSTON, May 2.. A pearl of great price is likely to belong to Mr. Allan Wood of this city. He took Mrs. Wood to luuch after the circus, and In a Little Neck clam served on the half shell he found a Ul grain pearl. A jeweler now raises Mr. Wood's hope of richness by saying that if the pearl proves to be per fect its vulue will be $1,L'00. Bond Trunsuetlona. WASHINGTON. May HO. The amount of bonds so far exchanged at the treasu ry for the new 2 per cent consols is JfliSI,. 2l3,or), of which IjtiKM'J.Vi.'O was re ceived from Individuals and institution other than national banks. The amount of old 2 per cent bonds received for re demption to date under the secretary'! recent call U 3-'J,5UO. . : CONTINUED FIGHTING l.lentennnt ICvan Killed Miiht At tn r k at t'nterninn. MANILA, May .'iO.-Major Henry T. Allen of the Forty-third Infantry, while scouting from Ciithnlognm, Island of Sa mar. May !, drove a parly of liiMitge its from the valleys. Four Amotions were killed, including I.i utetiatit V.'. II. Evans, who was killed while g.i.liimlv lea-ling n i.liarge nguinst (lie Intrench tne;:tjs. Ele-en of trie enemy were killed and four wm. tided. The town i.t Cnlermnn, Island of Si mar. w as attacked nt midnight. April ,'tl. by l.ofto tcbel who intrenched them selves near the town over ti's'it. Capffi'-i John Cooke of the Forty-third retriineiit fought the Filipinos for six hours and nftcrwiiril buried l."il of the enemy. One American was killed and one was wound ed. The hamlet of l'nwin, in the province of I.nuiina. Island of Luzon, the head quartets of General Cailles, was sur rounded May 2l I by three detachments of the Forty-second regiment, Thirl y-sv v enth regiment nnd Eleventh cavalry. Only a few of the enemy were encoun tered, Cailles having departed the day be fore. Pnwin, which was manifestly a rebel stronghold, was burned to the ground. Captain Nordon's scouts and two com panies of the Kiglitecnlh regiment, while scouting May 12 in western l'anay, sur prised n number of the enemy near Val derama nnd killed li'i of them. There were no casualties among the Americans, but some of them suffered from sun stroke. The official reports announce scouting nnd small engagements in l'anay ami Cebtt islands and Tayabas. Laguna, Zninbnles, Benguet and Pangnsinan provinces, resulting in 14 of the enemy being killed and many wounded. The Americans also captured 110 Wiles, a Nor denfeldt gun and supplies of ammunition and destroyed a powder factory. A rebel major who surrendered at Iis cum lust week has been persuading oth ers to follow his example. Yesterdny he effected the surrender of 4(1 men with 5.1 ritles at Tarlac and hopes to Influence, more of his countrymen to do the same, i MORE FILIPINOS YIELD. CSenernl MneArtlmr Iteports the Sur render of Two Ilnnds. WASHINGTON. May 2!). General MneArtlmr has cabled the war depart ment from Manila under date of May 28, reporting tho surrender of more insurgent organizations intact. General MacArtuur says: "Thrpe officers and 50 men, with 4U rifles, surrendered unconditionally at Cuy apo yesterday. Three otllcers and 40 men. with 55 ritles, surrendered uncondi tionally today at Tarluc. These sponta neous surrenders are' very encouraging." Saints Canonised. ROME, May 25. There was a magnif icent spectacle in St. I'eter's today on the occusion of the canonization of Jenn Bnptiste de la Salle, the founder of the order of Christian Brothers, and Rita di Cascia, a nun of the Augustinian order. The interior of the vast basilica was illuminated and adorned with magnificent ' hangings, nnd the building wag tilled with a great concourse of people, including all the pontiticul dignituries, diplomats nnd the Roman nobility. Of the 00,0(10 spec tators about 30,000 were foreign pilgrims. ' Italian troops kept order in the square in front of St. Peter's, while the pontifical bodyguard was stationed within the ca thedral. Conl Mine on Fire For a Year. SHAMOKIN. Pa., May 30. The Burn side slope, operated by tho Philadelphia ami Rending Coal and Iron company, was accidentally set on tire one year ago, und 2M men were rendered idle. The stupe was flooded with water and culm, and it wns recently believed the Cre had been smothered. While men were half way down the Incline yesterday remov ing culm they discovered the fire burning as fiercely as ever. Several nirholes will now be sunk in order to Hood a number of old breasts where the fire is supposed to be the worst. To Fllilit Ice Trust. NEW YORK, May 25. Attorney Gen eral J. G. Davies lias rendered his deci sion on the petition of William R. Hearst that proceedings be begun to prohibit the American Ice company from doing business in this state. The attorney gen eral says he will begin such proceedings, as he is satisfied that "the American leu company is an unlawful combination, conducting its business in restraint of trade in violation of the luw and aguinst public policy Child's Miraculous Kacnpe. LEBANON. Pa., May 2(1. A little son of Engineer Michael Rowe of the Corn wall Iron Works wandered uwuy from home and could not be found. Yesterday morning miners found him ut the bottom of a mine shaft 125 feet deep. He was slightly bruised und bleeding, but fust asleep. The child hud fallen into the pit, striking the sides. He was not much hurt. Au hour later he was running about. Ilernnndes Captured. CARACAS, Venezuela, May 30. Gen eral Hernandez, the revolutionary leader, has been captured by the government forces. The revolution is ended. New York Markets. NEW YORK, Way 29. FLOUR State and western about steady, but quiet; Min nesota patents. Ki.GUn3.8U; winter straights. $3.3.'a3.45; winter extras, J2.55a2.75; winter patents, 3.80h8.K5, WHEAT-Opened firm on steadier ca bles und a little foreign buying, rut soon turned easier and ruled dull and chiefly dependent upon locul dealings with condi tions weak ut noon on reported rains in the northwest; July, 72 l-ltiu72c. ; Sep tember, 73u73l4c RYU Quiiit; state, 59c, c. I. f., New York, carlots; No. 2 western, tiL",-jC, f. o. b., afloat. CORN Opened quiet nnd ruled barely steady with a small local business; July, iM'i 1-llic. ; September, 42ViHt-'iC. OATH Dull and nominal; track, white, Stale, 27'ju34l4c; track, white, western, 27',ia34'4o. PORK Quiet; mess, tU.75al2.50; family, 113.5uaU.50. 1.AHU - Dull; prime western steam, BUTTER Steady; Btate dairy, 16alc; state creamery, Iu4u20t4o. CHEESE Weak: fancy, large, white, D',4c. ; fancy, smull, white, 8',ia8c. EUlJS Rarely steady; state and Penn sylvania, Hal4',je.; western, loss off, IV yj lit!. SUOAR Raw firm; fulr refining, 4a.; centrifugal, 60 test, iVjO. ; refined steady; crushed, 5.70o.; powdered, 6.40c. RITE Firm; domestic, tViHti'io.; Jupun, 4u4Ti.C TALLOW Easy; city, 4Ha4c; coun try, ic. HAY Firm; shipping, 70u75o. ; good to Choice, 80a0c. AT THE C1TTS GATES Roberts, Victorious, Enters Johannesburg Today. BRITISH CAVALRY PUSHIXG BEYOTD Mines Reported tnlnjnred nnd the Town (inlet Pence Talked of by TrntiKvnnl (iovernmeiit Km Iter's Followers Falling. LONDON, May 30. Lord Roberts Is bivouacking In the suburbs of Johannes burg and intends to make n victorious en try at noon today. Judging from his dis patch, he must have private Information regarding the disposition of the garrison in the fort, ns he does not seem to ex pect opposition. Lord Roberts' cavalry have flowed on beyond .tohannesbnrg. A portion is un derstood to be nt Zuurfontcin, seven miles north of .Tohannesbnrg and with in 2D miles of Pretoria. Lord Roberts, although with a broken bridge at Vereeniglng and a wrecked railway be hind him, has somehow managed to get forward suflicieut supplies for his large force. As he has been able to do so much it is considered possible that he will be out side of Pretoria Friday. The rapidity of his advance Is thought nn extraordinary achievement even by grudging continental critics. The liners, who were expected to fight along the line of hills known ns Kliprir ersberg, ubandoned the eastern end of the range near Lord Roberts' ndvunce line, but they stood their ground on the extreme right near Van Wyck's rust where they met General French's turn ing movement. The fight continued all day, and the result is as yet mere con jecture. Probably the Boer rear guurd succeeded in keeping General French oft nnd is now in the hills northwest of Jo hannesburg. The Standard has the following advices from Pretoria under Monday's date: "The Trunsvuul government has open ed or is about to open peace negotiations. It has cabled n final inquiry to its ugcuts abroad asking whether any hope exist of aid." Without doubt the presence of Ixrd Roberts with 40,0(10 men at .Tohannes bnrg will hasteu the Transvaal's action. Dispatches from Loureneo Marques yes terdny described President Kruger ac "wavering, but demaudiug a guarantee that he shall not be exiled to St, Helena." The fighting burghers still continue tn desert, nnd the total collapse of the Roei military organization is not far off. Mr. Rennet Burleigh, wiring from Lord Rob erts' headquarters at Vereeniging on Sunday, says: "I doubt if President Kmger can mus ter 15,000 men, us many of the burgucri have gone to their homes." The following dispatch, dated Germis ton. May 20, i:30 p. in., has been reeeiv ed from Lord Roberts: "We arrived here this afternoon with out being seriously opposed. No casual ties so far as I am aware in the main column and not many, I trust, in the cav alry and mounted infantry. The enemy did not expect us till tomorrow nnd had not, therefore, carried off nil their roll ing stock. We have possession of th junction connecting Johannesburg with Nutnl, Pretoria and Klerksdorp by rail roud. "Johannesburg is reported quiet, and no mines, I understand, have been in jured. "I shall summon the commandant it) the morning, and if, us I expect, there it no opposition 1 propose to enter the town with all the troops ut noon." More Bloodshed In St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, May 30. In a rioting sense yesterday's developments were the worst experienced since the strike on the lines of the St. Louis Trnnsit compauj was inaugurated over three weeks ago The rioting was confined entirely to thre( places in the southern section of the city, and by night full the police records show ed that fully n dozen persons had eithet received bullet wounds or been hurt by (lying missiles. Three of those hit bj bullets received' what are presumabl mortal wounds, and that no one was kill ed outright seems miraculous consider ing the great number of shots exchanged by the employees of the company, tin strike sympathizers nnd the strikers themselves. Diamond Thief Tatiuht. CHICAGO. May 2S. The Chicago po lice say that a man under arrest in Leip sic, Germany, on the charge of stealing JSlTi.lHiU worth of diamonds is Chnrlce Woodward, alias Williams, alius Ander son, alius Watson, alias Wright, who has been absent from Chicago for 1U years. He is one of the cleverest thieves In the world and has earned the cogno men of "Diamond Swallower" through repeated acts of that kind in order to es cape conviction. He has stolen half u million dollars' worth of diamonds am) has served nearly 20 years in jails and penitentiaries in this country and in Eu rope. In the 00 years of his life Wood ward has become celebrated all over thf world through his penchant for stealing diamonds. Fnt'.il Result of fluxing. BRIDGEPORT. Conn., May 28. Ed die Tcuhout, the colored pugilist who wui taken to the Bridgeport hospital in an in sensible condition Friday night us the re suit of a blow received during a boxiuu match with William Forsyth at Sailer't hall that evening, died yesterday after noon without regaining consciousness 1-oi'syth is now in jail, having been un able to secure $1,IHI0 bonds required uf the preliminary hearing Satin day. Many Arrests In llussln. LONDON, May 30. The Standarc publishes the following from Kiev, Rus sin, dated Tuesday: "Seventy-six arresit have been made in Odessa at the instance of the secret political police, 18 in Kie and 20 in Warsaw. There is much mys tery involved, but the urrests appear tt be connected with the same, charges ol sedition which two mouths ago led tr 200 arrests in St. Petersburg und to lot in Warsaw." rallfornht's Frnlt Crop. SAN FRANCISCO. May 2N.-Froir reports carefully collected in every fnih growing county of California it is sect that the fruit crop will be the largest! ever known in the state because (J( tin new acreage. Mrs. (iliidstone's Illness. LONDON. May 2S.-Thi Illness oi Mrs. Gladstone is now reported to In more serious. Her strength is gruduall, ' fuiling, and the members of the famil; Lave been tumiuouutl to Huwurdtm. The senate's decision in the Quay rase Is one thnt must cause general satisfaction outside of those who would not healtnte to set aside the constitu tions of the state and the nation to carry out their selfish purposes. Those who feel thnt the senate should pnrtnke of the dignity and rare of a judicial, as well as a legislative body, experi ence a sense of relief in knowing that it has refused to reverse the decisions of a century to favor an influential politician who asked to be admitted on credentials hitherto considered in BufilrUnt. It would be still more sat isfactory had nut the danger of the senate's overturning precedent and the constitution been so imminent. The sennte ought to so possess the confi dence of .the people that they would feel absolutely certain In such enses that no Influence of politicians and politico-corporations would lie able to override law, dignity and precedent. All good citizens will rejoice over tho victory, narrow as It was, and hope for that better time when the senate will be so far above suspicion of' paltering with the constitution for partisan ad vantage that no pnrty, nnd especially no individual of h pnrty, would venture to ask It to stultify itself by palpable wrongdoing. " A Penny Saved Is a Penny Earned," I'.conomy is the lesson t.nieht by this saung. It is true, economy to take Hood's Sarsnpa rilla at this season because it purities, en riches and vitalizes the blood nnd thus pre vents sickness and puts the whole system in a state of health for the coming seasun. Ev ery bottle of Hood's Snrs.tparilln contains loo doses positive i.rool that it is economy to take only Hood i. constipation is cured by llootl s I'll In. When young married couples g" to house keeping in an npirtinent house they must ex pect to lead a fiat existence. Biqgle Horse Hook is full of rood senseJ as an egg is of meat. Its motto, "Always speak to a horse as you would to a centle man," is the keynote of its treatment of the whole subject. I here are twenty-five chap ters, including advice on feeding and water ing, stable managemcet, whims and vices. ailments and their remedies, harness hints, about stables, colts' education, care of the feet, etc. Many of the illustrations have been made fiom life. The book is hand somely printed and substantially bound in cloth. The price is to cents bv mail: ad dress the publishers, Wilmer Atkinson Co., rniladclphia. When a man sees throunh another man's scheme it doesn't ulways follow that seeing is oeueving. To Mothers is This Town Children who are delicate, feverish nnd cross, will get immediate relief from Mother Gray's Sweet rowacrs tor Children, lhey cleanse the stomach, act on the liver, making a sickly child strong and healthy. A certain cure for worms. Sold by all druggists, 25c. Sample free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. V. c ind At The man who boasts of a family tree thinks he has a shade the belter of his neigh bor. While Turks, is I.h-r Tiirbk u II.ipi I was afflicted with catarrh; could neither taste nor smell and could hear but little. Ely's Cream Balm cured it. Marcus G. anautz, Kahway, N. J. The Halm reached me safelv and the ef fect is sururisilH'. Mv sun s.-ivs the first mi. plication gave decided relief Respectfully, irs franklin freeman, Dover, N. H. ine tialin does not irritate or cause sneez ing. Sold by druggists at 50c., or mailed by Ely brothers, 50 Warren St., New York. When a deaf mute makes love it's a case of silence in the court. Distressing Stomach Disrask Pnm nentlv cured bv the miislerlv rnwr n( mttU American Nervine Tonic. Invalids need suffer no longer, because this great remedy can cure them all. It is a eure for the whole world of stomach weakness nnd indigestion. The cure begins with the first dose. The rc-uci it urines is marvellous ami snrnnsimr It makes no failure; never disappoints. No mauer now long you have sullered, your cure is certain under the use of this great herdth-pivini' force I'lensnut anil nlnm safe. Sold bv C. A. Kleim. drupeisi, 11K ..!.. . ... , ' .. csi main street, rsioomsourg, ra. iy4 19 Some wives' idea of a husband's recreation is to allow mm to water the lawn. Does CoFkek Aukkr With Vnii If not, drink Grain-O made from pure grains. A lady writes : "The first lime I made Grain-O I did not like it, but after using it for one week nothing would induce me to go back to coffee." The children can drink it freely wilh great benefit. Get a package to. day from your grocer, follow the directions and you will have a delicious and healthful table beverage for old and young, 1 5c, and S5C c 24d4t The colored naintines of noultrv in liiTi,l I'oultrv Book cost I.nrV) tn tminl nti.t re produce. The work was done by one of the leading, live stock artists of the country. Biggie Poultry Book costs but co cents: send ... . i. I,;, y,. iu me puimsneis, v timer Atkinson Co., Philadelphia. All llOrScleSS wapons Art nnl niitr,mr, There's the mule team, for instance. Jei.L-O, the new dessert, pleases all the family. Four flavors : Lemon, orange, raspberry and strawberry. At jour grocers. 10c. Try it to-day. 5 24 4,j The man who agrees with nobody thinks everybody ele is wiong. Relief in Six Hours. Distressing kid ney and bladder diseuses relieved in six hours by "New Great South American Kid ney Cure." It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or fe male. Relieves retention of wat--r almost immediately. If you want cpiick relief and cure this is the remedy, -old by C, A Kleim, druggist, US W. Main St., Blooms'. burl!. tt 4 26 ly. Does Your Feet Ache and Burn? Use Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It makes tight or new shoes easy. Cures corns, bun. ions, swollen, hot, sweating feet. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Sample free Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeKoy, New rk- S lod4t FREE TO INVENTORS. The experience or U. A. Hnow A ro. In obtain, lag more than M, 00 patents for Inventors has einllll, il 1 held In liul.-riillv nu.UUM linns relating to tho proteutton of Intellect U'.l property. Tlilsthev have done lu a pamphlet treating briefly of United mates anil forelita paients, with cost of same, suil how to tiro, cure them ; trade marks, designs, caveats, la. .: lngenuitus, decisions lu leading patent cases, olo., eto 1 This pamphlet will be sent free to anyone writing (J. A. buow & Co., Washington, D. u. 4 The Cure ifaat Cures "t CmituSts. Colds, Grippe, .... mi 1PTII11 it f WrlUUmu liUUUn. 3inniH. BRONCHITIS AND INCIPIENT $ CONSUMPTION IS s-s. t"z t"-iar SUR i otf by all 'druggists 25S50cts You can save money on 1'ianos and Ol gas. You will always find the Urges lock, best makes and lowest prices. PIANOS. From $175.00 and Upwards. ORGANS, From $50.00 and Upwards We sell on the installment ptan. 1'ianos $25.00 down and $10.00 per month. Or gans, $10.00 down, $S- VCT month. Lib eral discount for cash. Sheet music, at one half price. Musical merchandise of kinds. We handle Genuine Singer High Arm SEWING MACHINES, $5.00 down nnd $1.00 per month. We also handle the Demorest Sewing Mac'ilne, from $19.50 and upwards. Sewing Machine Needles and Oil for all makes of Sewing Machines. Best makes of WASH MACHINES, FROM $4.00 UP TO $9.00. J. SALTZER. r Music Rooms No. 115 West Main St., below Market, Bloomsburg, Ta. 3ml 1-3 itiWsssw BIG f j l Wf rSLwoa Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and tbe FARM JOURNAL fi icnil trciimiuucr ui liyi.tgwi, 1901. IQOS and IOO3I Will DC Sent UT " o any address for a DOLLAR BILL. banipieoi rAKm juuknal and circular describing BIUULE books Tee. WILMER ATKINSON. CHAS. V, JENKINS. ALEXANDER BROTHERS & CO. DEALERS IN Cigars, Tobacco Candies, Fruits ana Nuts SOLK AGENTS FOR Henry Mail lard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week.' ZFwiT-s Goods a Specialty. CATV A r" 17 VTI'O EAn F. F. Adams & Co's Fine 3ole agents for the following brands of Cigars- Henry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Sair.son, Silver Ash Bloomsburg Pa. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, MATTING, or CLOTH, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. II. BILWWIM a Dooia jabave Court House. A large lot of Window Curtains in stock. THE MARKETS. BLOOMSBURG MARKETS. COSSICTSD WIIILT. S 1TAII. fBlCSt Butter per lb $ ,0 Kggs per dozen x Lard per lb , Hani per pound , . Tork, whole, per pound (Cj$ Beef, quarter, per pound , . , . .0. Wheat per bushel ' Oats " " " 0 Rye " jo Wheat flour per bbl 3.50 to 4.00 Hay per ton $u.oo Potatoes per bushel,,...,.... ,4. Turnips ,j Onions " " Sweet potatoes per peck ,40 Tallow per lb ,0- Shoulder " " ,J Side meat" " Vinegar, per qt 0J Dried apples per lb 0. Dried cherries, pitted ,t Raspberries....... ,,t Cow Hides per lb ti Steer ! CalfSkin 8J Sheep pelts , Shelled corn per bus "00 Corn meal, cwt. t'j0 Bran, t00 Chop ,.00 Middlings " i-00 Chickens per lb new ,1, " " old Turkeys " " t4 Geese " Ducks o8 COAL. No. 6, delivered ,.60 " 4 and 5 3.85 " 6 at yard j.jj " 4 and 5 at yard 3!r3o ErlHYRDYAI Pill 3 ?yH"7iv.4f--wr!"' "r'r ish APA I" ohicuk-stek" KSGUHM 3 Hab.lli.tlo.. ..4 iuj fJT !. li, ot llr.,,,.,, m .;'" MmU" 00 r.-,noii,.i.. II D,,i.u C hlliMl.r t Jl iZ MwMga MUM 5-24-4td PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ClMnitf and braatifta lh halt. Promotes laiiumnl pwiwtft. 3evr rails la nntora uraj Hair to lta Youthful Color. .oCtirrg tulp dira.'-4 A hair Ulluig. "J mnt On'-sMl U-15-4t.d. Iry the C OL V MB IAN a year. GGLE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled taltie Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Friuted and Beautifully Illustrate. By JACOB BiadLP No. 1 BIOQLE HORSE BOOK AUntHiul Horses a Common-Snse Treatise, with over 74 illustrations ; a standard work, l'rice, 30 Cents. No. 2-B1Q0LE BERRY BOOK All about (rrowini Small Fruits read snn learn hnw ; contains 43 colored lilc-like reproductions of all lemlinK varieties and 100 other illustrations. Trice, y Cents. No. 3 BIQGLE POULTRY BOOK All about I'oultrv ; the best Toultry Book in existence , tells everything ; v.itlu3 coloird life-like reproductions of all the principal breeds; with 103 other Illustrations. Price, so Cents. No. 4-BIOQLE COW BOOK All about Cows nnd the Dairy Business : having (rrt sale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions ol each breed, with 131 other illustrations. Trice, u Cents. No. 5-BIOQLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hogs Breeding, Feeding, Butrh. ery, Disea.ies, etc. Contains over Bo beautiful hall tones and other engravings. Trice, 50 Ccuu. The HIGGLE BOOKS are unique.original.useful you never saw auylhiuK like them so practical, sosentnble. Tin y are having an enormous sale East, West, North utid South. Every one who keeps a Horae, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to scud tight away for the BIGULE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit. It is as years old ; it is the (treat boiled-down, bit-the-nail-on-the-head, quit-after-you-oave-taid-it, Farm and Household paper in the world the biggest paper of its size In the United Stale of America having over a million and a-balf regular readers. Address, FARM JOniNJt to TBlLAbJT 'UIA Cut Chewing Tobacco