THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. DISPATCHES. Rntnole Kretita I thf Week nnl Tersely To lil. rirlrflr The bent paused one death nnd four rrntrstlnns In ('IiicuKn. A limvy snowstorm was reported from l,rimio nml I'liclnnltx, Uemiiiny. The Rochester school bill, which wns fraudulently nineiulcil, was ilcclarcil mill The Mcthoilift Kcneral coiifcrcnce nl ('liicugo li'rliii(I la fuvoi of u neto Mflliop. Two firemen nt Somervllle, N. J.. were badly burned ly cnxoline from mi ex ilol(il tank. Terrible distress rvns reported In the famine dinti'lits of Indln despite t'.ie lav ish distribution of fund. A small firo which broke out In the Ohiitcnn d'Eiitl cmiHed Intense excllement on the Purls exposition ground. Argument I" the frnm-hlsi! tux ense lie fore the appellate division of the supreme court wns ndjoiirned to the June term. Tiirnln, Mnr It. The University of CiiuihridKe conferred the drums of doctor of laws oil the kitii! of Sweden nnd Nonvny. l'liiliidelphiit Urpublknn ' nnnomieeil tluit they hud raised the JlOO.tMH) pledged for the nntioiiul convetition. Secrctnry Chiitiihcrliiiu introduced in the house of commons a hill to niuho Australia n federul roinnionweiilth. Hot wenther prevailed in New York nd vicinity, the thermometer In soint rases registering as high as IM decrees. IUv. E. I. l'atton made h sensntionn attack on churches nud preachers from the ftaife of Butt's Operu House ut To ledo. A suit against the sugar trust at Tren ton charged It with restraining trade II i't;ully in an attempt to force the Ar buckle company to combine with it. I'linrlcs H. Cole, former president of the Globe National bank of Huston, was sentenced to eight year In juil fur uiis appropriation of funds. Monday, Mar 14, A coal mine explosion at Toms Creek, Va.. killed six men. Thirty-four schooners returning to Vic toria, B. C, have secured 15,IMHI seal (kins. Three shiploads of arms from Genua try were reported at Hongkong for the Filipino junta. A fire in t'uktn, Japan, has destroyed 1.0U0 houne and many temples at nu es timated loss of $2,rilK),KK). Several American ltonum Catholic prel ates are in Home in connection with the creation of a second American cardinal. Large gold shipments from the United States and from Russia have cased the stringency in the London money market. The American pavilion at the Paris ex position was formally turned over to the exposition authorities, great throngs of Americans witnessing the ceremonies, Saturdny, Mar 1-- The third drawing room of the season was held by the queen ut Ituckinghuui palace. The Tennessee Democrats renominated Governor McMillin and declared for Bry an and the Chicugo platform. Major General Brooke relieved General Merritt at Governor's island, iu churgt of the department of the eust. It is reported at Constantinople tliut the Turkish minister in Washington hut given the American government assur ances of the settlement of its claims. A threatening dispatch to the empress dowager of Chiuu from the l'oh Wona Wei in Amerieu was stopped by the Brit Lu embassy, in whose cure it wus sent. Friday, May II. Much damage by frosts was reported. The eruption of Vesuvius Is reported practically over. The ipiceu arrived in London to at tend today's drawing room. Citizens of Rochester will give Gen eral Otis a banquet on his return home. Advances have been made in transpa cific passenger rotes to take effect June IT.. The ItritUn colonial oilier has no con firmation of the reported fall of Ku- DlHKsi. Francesco Abbatta was hanged ut Cuinden, N. J., for the murder of Gebarc de Feo. Three prisoners escaped from the New York stnte reformatory at Elmira Wed nesday night. It is estimated that the cotton crop of the Fnited Stutes will be greater than last year by 10 per cent. A cabinet crisis is expected to follow the demonstrations against the Spanish government's taxation schemes. Two hundred nud seventy-five Lehigh Valley car repairers struck at Buffulo in sympathy with the men already out. The temperature in New York city Wednesday was 5 degrees lower than uy previous record mude for the saint date iu May. Thursday, May lo. Lightning set fire to a loaded trolley far ou the I'usKaic-lIobokcn line. Fifty large postollices showed an ng givgute increase iu receipts during April of SJoO.MOO. The cable car service up Mount Ve suvius has been suspended in consequence of the eruption. The conference for the discussion ot face problems iu tho south opened ut Montgomery, Alii. The British ship Sierra Nevada wue recked neur Melbourne, and -'.I lives were believed to hnve been lost. Admiral Hichborn reported that work on the battleships Kearsnrge nnd Ken tucky was practically completed. Serious demonstrations against the r'vernment's financial policy wore re ported from Spain, and the ministry was "id to be grently alarmed. Jeffries Still Champion. NEW YOIIK, May 15. In the fastest, preinest and closest heuvyweight ring tattle ever fought In New York .lames J. Jeffries bus renffirmud his right to the "lauinionshln. In th,. ai-nmi nt 1ib Sea- Hide Athletic club lust night he decisively defeated Jim Cnrbett, once chapipion of the world himself, after 22 rounds of sci entific fighting. It was a clean knockout J 'at came so quickly thut it diued Uie "ousaiid8 of keen, alert, intent srs-ota and left them iu doubt us to just how tue wlnuing blow was delivered. fcutea German Editor Arrives. NKW YoitK, May ld.-Amoug yes "'days nrrlvals, tit this port was Dr. JoUa,1Ll1 Trojau, tho editor In chief ot Kladduradutsch, the tjeriimu comic iittrieal weekly which iu to (jermuny WMt I'uuch is to Hnglnnd. He is the w' prominent and most liked (iortuuii uuiuormt of today. He is ulso u poet oi 't'uutution uud u writer of short storiu. CONDENSED. Ghosts would ftightcn many people, who are not afraid of genu. Vet the germ Is a real danger If this microscopic animalism could be magnified to a ijo in proportion to lis dcndliiicas it would show like a giant python, or fire breathing dragon. The one fact to retnemb.-r is that the germ is iiower less to harm the body when the blood is pure. It is far easier to keep the c,crin ollt than to drive it nut after it ol.taius a hold in 385 81 81 OA 150 800 the system. lr. 1'iurce's Golden Medical Discovery is the mo,t powerful nnd pcifcct of blood purifying medicines. It Increases the quantity ns well ns the quality of the tiiooii, mm enables the to resist dis ease, or to throw it off if disease has ob tained a footing in some weak organ. Wher ever the digestion i impaired, the nutrition of the body is diminished, for the blood is made from the food hich is eaten, and half digested food cannot supply the body with blood in quantity and quality adequate to its needs, l or this condition there is no rem edy equal to ''Golden Medical Discovery." It cures ninety-eight out of every hundred persons who give it a fair trial. When there is constipntton Dr. fierce' flcasant Pellets will promptly relieve ami dermamly cure. Wherever there is a gap in the mountains you will generally sec a yawning chasm. TREASURER'S SALE OF UN SEATED AND SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA By virtue of Sundry Ads of the (leneral As sembly of the Cominnnwoaltti or Pennsylvania relating to the sale of seated and unseated Jands In Hie C'tmty of Columbia etc., for taxes ve and unpaid I will offer at Public Sale In the rniirt House In the town of lllooinsburg, on MONDAY, JUNK nth, 1900. at. 1ft oYlock a. m. tlin following described pieces ot land or such part t hereof as ay be necessary to satisfy I hn amount of taxes due and unnitld airalnst the, SJine und continue the shiiih from day to day as the same may ba found necessary. TERMS OK SALIC The amount of taxes and costs must be paid when the land Is Ht i tick down orott or the silo may be void ana the property put up and re- sum. Al'KSS LOTS rNSEATiD LANDS. TAXSS Warrantee or Owners. A AM VKR TWP. 61 ncrrtngcr, (J E f 1 beaver," Ins s " .lesse 80 1 Brock way a Abbott 4 it lis 5 01 C. B. 1 77 Bogart. Mary., Boye', K. a Columbia I'oal ft Iron ( o , Crossing, Patrick Deed... Corman. M Davis, Lloyd. lavls, lsum Est Davis, Anthony Downs, Martin Downs -lhn kVHtis A Kn:'.e Fritz, John Kunkhouse. K. M,- Klanagan, A Frey, W. S Hughes, Douglas Harinan A Cluster Henry, (ieorge llluuvrllter, John lacnby, I). A Kline, A Lawrence, W. It Montgomery, James W.. Martin, Win Mnnday John Miller, Henry. " Adam 1 IS 8N 50 1 18 59 4 44 l:t IH 1401 SI 11 115 KM) 10 H 100 8 in 4 44 50 1 77 4! 2 W 1 77 M i) t 1 77 1 is 6 4H 14 18 40 73 1 - 59 1 77 100 14 75 1 77 1 IS 11 05 1 4H 800 as We A'orney, tl. N 1 1 1 57 1 77 I 18 8 00 1 77 1 1 1 77 1 1 77 ii m 9 05 05 1 IS its 140 100 S3 3 Michael ,KmmA N'ucgesser, tieorge NeatiF, Joseph Jr Price, Clarence Hlce, Abraham Est Kuthford, hiimucl Shuniaii, T. J Hchreck, I. J. Smith. J. W Schweppenhelser, Isaac. . Khuiioin. b'. L 11 85 5 DO 5 SO 1 77 2 05 1 77 59 1 1 77 110 f7 411 l'.tt !W7 27 SitiT 48 50 to 8 M 8 70 Tro, Daniel E 1 4S 84 7 00 8 (Hi 10 H5 tl Hi; 'i 95 4 18 1 77 8 54 '.'5 8 Workhelser, Samuel 8 ' " Lebo, Henry Kllngaruuin. John 5 Miller. O-'orge Klt-e, Nsthttii HHSl'iiS th i: GlbDoiis, 8. M Kline, John S. Kst BRIAItCKKKK TWP. Apple. Haul Ailum, Henry Bryan, (iuy Crispin, Benjamin Clem, Itev. W. T. Kst'.i!.".'.'.! Hudson, Chas. A Dletterlck, Stephen Frees, Bradley M so 55 as is 100 10 too HO it 48 10 fid 0f 14 loo 350 400 75 82J 100 40 1 73 9 07 8 10 1 :itl 1 5S 47 9 58 12 88 I :0 5 15 1 38 1 30 7 HI Koons, teo. iLansflale, Vesta X) Adams, KUIott W Mack, lllll &l'o Mcllenry, o. V 10 2 58 45 08 10 30 1 91 8 80 3 57 41 2 51 Hi 100 1 84 19 t 8i i H u of 11 lthlnard, Hamuel .sarver, t)eo W. Est.... 8vy.. T. I' Hitler, Heubeii Hmlth. H. 1' Suit, John W Verene, Wm Westler, lleo. V Agnew, Mrs. L. K r.4 TA HriXSA TWP. Brelsoh, llirman II.... John E Clewell, Win Camnbcll, V. Margaret... Kiner, Itobert .Miller, J. lilt) 110 5 m J00 10 5-1 411 IS a- 1 (19 1 80 3 KS 1 19 1 0 1 so 78 8 B 18 H 07 ai)7 17 7 HI 80 -.JO U 8 00 1 30 0 IM 8 10 1 SO ii 70 90 1 M y oo (10 4 50 Newell, Fred Weaver, KllaS.--. Yetter Lewis Kst Yetter, Boyd CiT.iWI.sSA VOKO. Jjlddle, Heirs. CKSTIIM IA liono, l Price, Mm. Win. H 1 ct'XTIiH TWP. Bellas, Iteuben Bloom, Polly Lsr... , Coleman, ' M1 I.oekanl. "leorgu Fisher, Win Hiiirenlmeh. r.. . Hoffman, Win Kxl 1 Hess Kill" Melleiiry. Dorcas...... 1 Klrkendiill, John and Heirs.. Snyder Win. H 8 30 1 '3t 5 10 6 75 5 10 84 25 5 3X IW0 05 i till) 200 200 100 MO l'.KI 48 a 33 1 18 10 49 1 18 8 05 7 90 58 1 19 1 19 1 19 2 11 7 4 eo u to 11 M 11 H4 11 81 7 40 11 Ka 11 84 2 91 ChKVKlASn TWP. Billing! mi, ThoiaaB... Kreluer, Dnrntek Kulpi Me Williams.. Myers, Mary ltustln, Wary....- o charlotte - ii Tliemas Reynolds, John Hcese, Daniel HchalTer, Henry....... CO.Vl'.VoH.4. THP. Lots. i BoverOeorge Beam Joshua iiMiiuili knbert Acres. 3 50 105 00 1 3li 50 1 28 1 SS 1 l!S 1 'J8 1 38 4-M 18 yel remit Daniel Leibv i-amuel Lelby Albert LelbV Harvey ii.....m,l .Inhn M.-Munaiiian Felix. 2 50 McMaiiaiiian Marj - ;, Irtl.n , 1 -? Vonrofl John 17 fO Kustln Tiiomas 175 HnstlnMnrr Nino Walker iwls 80 00 Pl.slllMiriiHhK TWP. Harrison John 8 90 Hide J. and (1. W 8 90 Creasy A Wells 88 Mi'llcnrv (. I) 9 75 Mellenryo.ll 8 25 l nangst M. II 8 35 Kindt. John A Co 10 80 HASKhlS TWP. Hlbhy Augustus 21 lilliliv Jain -s H 45 Blhlir James l(. V3 Boer Nelson 8 25 Hayhiirst. Kzra Heirs 83 I.oriinun Jonalhan 83 Miinhiiir Hen. Kst 13 Vastlne J. 11. 23 Vouglit Peter II S 85 VHKKSWOOl) TWP. Albert son Miles ft Hartley.. 8 48 Derr Bros 8 Ail Kline, wm 8 30 htarkbnuso M. K t 30 UKMIAICK TWP. Applcman U P 5 70 Kline M. M 8 St) J A CKSOS TWP. Miller Neyhard 48 70 Miller Neyhard 88 60 LOCUST TWP. 8 1 2 1 1 1 1 40 130 lit 30 .'I 838 310 5 80 KulpX Darlington 84 85 Dewart (ieorge 6 30 Lengenherger Philip 8 70 MiufTer Henry 3 &h 80 43 MA DISOX TWP. 1.'. 11 Beiigle ileorgo.... Condi Joseph 8 40 4 80 85 COX JlM-l 1 98 II Demott Calvin 1 81 IKS Kvans ft Chscv 9 00 60 Hemlershot t K.rastus A 01 82 Ilartnian (Ieorge 2 40 .lo.inston II. W 2 40 AO 48 15 50 30 Kreppeneck Clins , 8 02 Masters David a Wm 4 so Masters Davhl A Wm 4 80 Host. Daniel. Kst. 7 80 20 13 fcands cnarles 8 40 Hlinetnaker Jacob 8 40 Montague Theodore 1 85 ltnhblns Harry 8 80 Ureenly Howard 8 50 MAIS TWP. Brnekway A Knt 1 18 Boone Anton 2 35 llauman J. F 4 70 Creasy Wm . Est 8 35 Deer Samuel, Kst 59 Hlnderllter Henry 94 Hawk W. II 18 Ha'tnonv W. M 1 40 Kelfer James 8 35 Miller W. H 8 38 Miller Nat han 177 Miller Nathan 1 18 Mcwilllan M. M 7 08 Miller Aaron I 18 Hhuman lteubnn, Est 8 58 Hhunian Frank 8 35 Hchmlck, Brobst, Yetter ft Hawk 1 84 Yetter J. B 8 81 Yetter J It 8 53 Yetter B. K 8 85 Brelsch C. W 1 Oil Harmony vv. M 06 Ml FPUS TWP. 84 A 8 3. 4 23 18 10 5 3 600 8 180 7 100 81 MO 100 30 8 31 H7 Creasy Hiram 8 24 Dnrnhach Naomi... 8 84 8 34 S07 Hess Prlsclllu, Kst Keller II. J Michael Joe ft Peter F Michael Joe ft Peter F MnwreyJnhn M Nuss Jacob Ptahler Frd, Kst Parks J, A A. V Kchwennenhelser Horace.. (HI 38 13 07 80 8 60 1 19 85 8 34 1 05 8 HO 8U0 8J 47 KU 75 88 15 11 15 67 17 15 l' 80 3 1 At 4 30 hlusser Slephxn 8 24 Hchreck J. A... 4 30 1 01 1 61 1 19 68 8 21 6 45 84 84 44 34 Sehreck J. A Hult Peter J , W estler (J. H Westler O. II , Yohe .1. it.. Est Yetter Bovd K Nuss Henry Nuss Klt.a Nuss Wesley's heirs .... Hehweppenhelser I, Abralmin and Horace.., K., MOSTOVR TWP. Huntington F.lmlra Frey Daniel Snyder Jerry MT. P.KASAXT TWP. Miisgrave Mary M OliASOR TWP. Hess J. A Bobbins Ira Drake Mrs. Francis v Delong Perry Kverllt Moses, Est Neyhard Win Meiigie John V Kemley ft Htlner (.reveling Samuel '.VA' TWP. Drlblebls Dalits Eves ('. W., Kst Eves C W., Kst Frlck (1. A., Est Bull William IIOA ItrXUCKKKK TWP. Bitting Cleo. A Bouglmer Peter i. . Campbell Mrs. M. M Cox U. 8 , Ex. of T. Cox cox C. 8., Kx. of T. Cox Cox 0. S , Ex. ot T. Cox Croop A. B Dlllplsln t.cklcl John Stacy, Est Morris ft Hughes McMillan M. M Philadelphia City Co Stroup Abraham stroup Abranam Stroup Abraham YeagerOeo. ft Wilson ., Vetter Lewis, Kst Yetter Lewis, Est. SVGARLOAF TWP. Butt MoIIenry Custer Mary Cone Israel (irotz II. II Hess Wesley Sr Hess Wesley Sr Hess Wesley sir Smith Miner It., Est 18 9 88 13 8 88 I OS ' 5 18 87 1 OA 82 82 42 8 38 1 111 4 20 1 16 81 1 75 . 7 ixl 8 90 5 54 12 , 7 50 1 19 1 49 8 3H 11 bll 8 54 4 59 , 3 30 3 54 8 26 , 10 93 1 HO II 71 8 K9 2 8 P8 5 90 1 49 , 9 90 4 06 , 13 OH , 18 60 87 90 82 58 8 2 50 , 88 28 , 18 80 , 9 P0 4 KH 1 16 8 80 4 35 TAXK 8 8 IX iu 20 11 1A 11 8 ?H 102 loo 80 243 50 25 ll 200 00 15 SI 142 80 500 30 70 v 05 60 18 S50 75 50 400 ti Of 119 lj Of 1 19 !4 Oil 19 91 8K0 500 800 4 5 850 MuHcnry Hour Edgar T, H Edgar T. II Hess Blehard Seward Win. -fames Mcllenry A. L ,ft W. L .... L0T8 SKATED LANDS. Warrantee or owner. DKA VKlt TWP. 4CKI8 70 Baker, Charles f 9 50 8 " John 8 75 1 Davis, Jacob . 4 90 u Krvln, Churli-a 1 511 1 Knlttlo, Michael 95 1 Lynch, Kll.abclh 9 95 10 " Annie 1 18 5 Miller, (ieorge 181 317 " Longenbcrgor, Fisher 805 50 5 Martin, Mrs. Wm . 8 88 8 Megley, K II A 90 10 Mm hie Bros A Co 81 78 1 Khouds, Peter 6 13 3 Stlnev. Martin 49 40 Wltotiey, Win 95 1 Monday, Nancy 85 1 Bojle, W'm estate 87 Boy les, Win. Hoac.h, Peter 1 Evans, Thos B 8 Davis, II J 8 Emily and Mary Jauu Hartley 0 IIKXTOX BOKO. colley, It L F estate... BKSTOS TWP, Chapeu. D L 13 30 BLOOM TWP. 1 Evans, W C 4 4A 1 Edgar, T II 8 81 1 " " 1 94 1 " 8 09 1 Ever, 0 W 8 91 1 Ferguson, W li 1 98 1 " " 97 1 " " 4 48 1 Harder, Win 8:11 1 Humphrey, Harry 8 so 1 Laubuch, W B, 6 08 1 Lyons, Mrs Bryson 8 13 1 t)lil, M T 97 1 Khondcs, Uuuuuvllle 1 93 1 Webb, J N 6 78 1 Yost, Oscar 13 46 Clllens Lund Association..,, ii 37 " " " .... 8 85 Crawford, Warrou 1 45 Conner, Thuo F A AN " P U m 6 08 Ferguson, Win 1 9: " JIrs Win 1 9.1 " " " ,. . . 97 Flshnr, John !!".'.'.'..'.!.'. 193 Horrlng, W II A in Juyue. s c l 93 Kuse, V ii A 68 I.unlrenm Jnslah 97 Moll, Flnrlnd!! g 8 92 97 1 91 1 93 1 46 1 40 1 93 1 93 7 71 8 85 17 Ml 9 61 8 8 8 35 4 15 1 12 1 33 8 15 1 09 9 A3 65 A5 1 46 8 83 1 IH 1 4H 0 08 8 23 97 8 91 0 88 19 88 4 83 8 40 F R , ' C V " " A Co.. Monre A Lemon Nevhard, J W I'rosser, Jno W.... .... Smll h. R T A Son . Shlves, SO (4 lots) Panrts, C K Taylor, W B Watson J F Sarah Webb, 3 N Watts, II W (8 lots) " (Mot) " Howard Wall, W c Bloom Match Co Ilessel, Lewis A Co CKXTBA LfA BORO. 1 Farrell, Bridget, I Monaghan, (irace.. 1 '7 8a ra coddlngton, Mary Kellly, Jas M Moimgham, Sarah McFadden, Kdward McKlnney, Chus 1 cKlnnev, Chas 2 Parslck, Knsa CATAW1SSA TWP. 10 Bender, MaIn .... 81 Knlitle, J. Bert 6u Soot t, John CKSTRK TWP. 85 1 Henry, Sabln 6 Mllllngton, W A 5 Kemley, Sarah A 3 Wolverton, Kema ' ' 11 Wagner, CD 15 Williams, Miles A estate 4 Wag. er, O D Boone, Samuel croop, M ll ft Wesley Shaffer Henry, Sablna l.ohnnan, T J Lynn, Levi Oeorgo Itemley, Ella M Itomlok, Chas..!'." ii ( ... 8ponf?nt)erff, Mary ,,,,, CLKVBLASD TWP. 3 80 8 -0 3 00 1 40 89 5 95 1 12 8 00 17 01 12 11 9 25 10 45 8 62 4 55 71 7 10 1 78 8 13 2 tw 78 2 78 8 70 1 80 1 8: 8 7i 1 48 S 9-2 88 2 58 90 15 Tewksbury, E M En ly, Sebastian estate Claybcrger, Adam COSYX6UAMTWP Brown, Nathaniel Heusley, Johnson 1 F.rstbergcr, Barney 8 5: 56 1 54 803 no 410 8sS 173 85 1 48 1 Flarney, John 1 HatTey, Mrs John 1 HetTron. Philip 1 Kress, Margaret 1 Muidev, Margaret 1 Naughton, Frank 1 Kowun, Thomas 1 Dougherty, barney 1 MeUiilre, Mary 1 Tooley, Thomas HI ley ft Co FISIUS'ICREKK TWP. 25 Black, Perry 15 Bogart, John 10 Force, Kussel 6 Kline, Peter Keeler, Ida ii Ale, Jackson Hedllne, B F GRKkX WOOD TWP. t Arwlne, Eliza, Estate 1 Taylor, Ellliue, Estate 1 Trivel piece, Joseph Watts, Earnest HKMLOCK TWP. ( Ebncr, W'm 1 Hiellnger, W L 1 Hiellnger, w L A Herring, Grant 1 Miller, Aaron, Estate 30 Pursell, Mary J 1 While, H V sanaal, Nathan Mason, Jas, Estate McDormlck, John JACKSOX' TWP. 10 Hess, Elizabeth 25 . Huberts, John 50 YorKs, John 8 80 It hone, Jesse A ts Miller ft Neyhart 21S Miller ft Neyhart LOCL'S'f TWP. 80 to 5 30 1 85 2 60 5 80 1 75 8 ,50 A 00 10 80 5 40 3 49 A 3 A) 8 91 11 71 75 8 64 1 35 3 82 1 4S 83 3 9. 8 92 8 9. 1 95 1 15 4 3 92 1 00 t 50 3 00 1 M 5 8 H4 1 3 50 3 00 5 30 8 Khoads, Susan, Estate 83 Bllner, Geo W MADISOS TWP. 50 Cox, Chester 50 Cox,MrtlnE 69 Evans, A Casey 1 Holderman, Henry 80 Kramer A Moore 37 smith, N B 8 Shoemaker, I II so Whltmlre, James 47 Derr. Chas 47 liondershott, Mary luO Uurtman, (ieorge MA IX TWP. 18 Bunkes, Peter. ' MOXTOI'R TWP. 1 Parker w LA Co Parker, M L Snyder, Jeru. ORA .Vtf 7'H'P. 17 Bonne, Isaac 1 v P A W U H 1 Drake, Catharine !V4 Harman, 3 S 12-13 Patterson, Margaret 1 Hush, Theodore 65 Vandersllee, U W 18 Evans, Ellslm McClure, Drake, Estate llonne, Hannah, Estate Musselman, A W, 8ft L Assn PIXB TWP. 5 60 S 82 6 95 7 20 4: 10 so 8 30 2 95 3 t,j T 63 4 48 21 00 1 18 3 38 1 M 1 04 79 3 Oil 3 00 13 1 5(1 1 40 1 1 1 8 40 Allen, D P Eves, C W, Estate 8 38 5,' 7 05 2 55 S3 24 Johnson, T W Lyons, Ezra, Estate shultz, Zebulln Sands, J E 11 oss, W T Cole, Allntis .... Miller, C W Watts, Lloyd..'. Wllhos A Sheep IIOA RIXOCRKHK TWP. Fellerolf, Daniel Levun, Harrison btuurfer, Joseph SCOTT TWP. Bear, David ( rouse, Nelson Columbia Llmoft Iron Co.. Hopper, Wm, sr Pursel, W B A Bro Pleasant, Thos E Thornton, Ulchard Warden. John, Estate..... Edgar, Martha, Est SCQARLOAP TWP. Cole, Mrs Joshua Hughes, Wellington Cole, Benton W Keller Jacob 1 1 18 3 66 3 05 5 5 70 00 st 1 1 4 ,'0 1 .. 1 09 .. No ,. 6 40 . . 7 49 .. I 50 ... 8 2s ... 0 89 .. 13 50 ... 4 50 .. 8 . 23 2C 1 .. 1" 90 .. 1 50 JKKKM1 All SNYDEU, asuror's office, April 4th, 1900. Treas. Tr I8QI. 1899 -OF Bloomsburg, Pa. CAPITAL, - - $60,000 Earned Surplus and Undivided Profits, 35,000 W. S. MOYER, A. H, .BLOOM, Pretldont. Cashier VIRKCTOUS. Chnrle II'. liiitwun, William (llnole. Xfmn V. Funk, (VuiWen M. Crrwtiny, i'ltrlttuphrr A. Ktelm, William Krfamfi; Joseph W. ii'ivf, William H. Moyrr, ,. trqnK Ikeler. p-"t-9i; Miller, II 3 Miller and McKeynolds. Mnnhnliig John Miller, C W E. W. M. Low, Pres. J M. tavb, Vice Tres. K. B. tustin, casnier. fit mm Bin OK I3i.ooMsr.URti, Pa. o Capital and Surplus, $162,500 Undivided Profits, $ 20,000 SAKK DKPOSIT HOXES FOR RENT IN IJURGLAR ANO FIREPROOF VAULTS. D1UKCTOKS. Dr. E. W. M. Low, Myron T. Low, Dr. J. ii- vosttne, i. . pmi-r, E. B. Turtln, Louis oross, Geo. 8. Bobbins. Accounts of Bnnks, Corporations, Funds and Individuals, soiiciteu ( non uie mom num eral Terms, consistent with Good Banking. Ii: Bloomsburg National Back. CAPITAL fi0,000 SUKPLUH 20,000 DIRKCTOKS. Henry .1. Clark, Harrison J. Connor, losenh Hatti, Paul K. Wirt. Wilson M. Eves, Owen W. cherlnfrton, W. M. LonRenbcrjfer,, Anion Z. Henoch. President Vice President Cashier Hiimuel WlKfall, Harvey w. uess, A. 7- 8choch Paul E W irt W. II. Hldlay Morris 8. Broadt.. Teller Business and Individual accounts respect fully solicited. Aug. , iwa. -PROFESSIONAL CARDSJS- N. U. FUNK, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Mrs. Inf i Building, CoaA HmsM ADay, BLOOMSBURG, PA. A. L. FRITZ, ATT08JUTEY-AT-LAW, Fast Ofie Building, and float, BLOOMSBURG, PA; C. W. MILLER, ATTORN EY-AT-ULW, Wirt's Building, tmiAmm BLOOMSBURG, PA, JonN a. rimxs. 'obh a. babman FREEZE & HARMAN, ATTORNEYS AND COTJN8KLLOR8 AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Offices: Centre St., first door Delow Opera House GEO. E. ELVVELL, ATTORHEY-AT-LAW, Coluuibian liuilding, and Ooo, BLOOMSBURG. P.. WM. h MAGILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Lockarrl's building, Corner Main and Centre Sts. A. N. YOST, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbian Building, and Floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. RALPH R. JOHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hartman Building, Market Square, Bloomsburg, Pa. IKELER & IKELER, ATTO RNEY AT LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. CLYDE CHAS. YETTER,. attorney at law, Bloomsburg, Pa. Office in Wirt's Building, W. A. EVERT, Attorney-At-Law. BLOOMSBURG, PA. (Office over Alexander ft Co. Wirt building. G. M. QUICK, ATTO RNEY-AT-LA W, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office over First National Bank, JOHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY at law, Office, First National Bank Bldg,, ad Floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. J. H. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Office, in I.ockard's Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. CLINTON HERRING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office with Grant Herring, BLOOMSBURG, PA. C'iT Will be iu OiangeviUe Wednesday of each week. VV. H. HIIAWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, Corner of Third'and Main Sts., CATAWISSA, PA. WILLIAM C. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OfTice in Wells' Building over B. A. Giddinu's Clothing Store, Uloomslmrg, P Will lie in Millville on Tuesdays. II. MONTGOMERY SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office ! Wirt building, over Alcxand Bros, n-16-99 EDWARD. FLYNN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. Hromce Llddlcot building, Locust avenue J. S. JOHN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residence, 410 Main St. 3.70-Iv i:i.OOM!Hl.Kl., rA. H ENRY W. ( HAMPI.IM, M. D., HlKUi:ON. GENERAL SURGERY, SURGERY OF THE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Over Farmer's National Bank Blooms burg, Pa. 11-10-99 SrlCIAL ATTINTION TO Pit IA8S8 OF CBILDBI II. BIERMAN, m. d. HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND 8UKOBOO orrici hours: Gffioe ft Residence, 4th Ht., Until 9 a. u., 1 to 8 and 7 to 8 r. u. BLOOMPHUHO, P DR. ANDREW GRAYDON, physician and surgeon, Bloomsburo, Pa. Offlee and resldenoe N. K. Cor. Fourtli ana Jefferson streets. TELEPHONE. J. J. BROWN, M. D., Market Street. Bloomsburo, Pa. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested, fitted with glutei and Artificial Eyes supplied. Hours 10 to 4. Telephone Conrertww DR. M. J. HESS, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Crown and bridge work A SPECIALTY, Corner Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PAV Dr. W. H. HOUSE, 8UKGKON DENTIST, Office, Barton's Kulldlng, Main below Harkr BLOOMSBURG, Pa. , All styles of work done in a superior mar aac, and all work warranted as represented, TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAUI, by the use of Gas, and free of charg artinciai teeth are inserted. WTo be open all hours during the day. DR. C. S. VAN HORN, DENTIST Office corner of East and Main Streets op posite Town Hall. Office hours 8:30 to 12 a. m j 2 to 6 p. m. BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. F. Hartman Represents twelve of the strong-eat Cotnpaa es In the world, among which are: CASH TOTAL StTRFLVa ... CAPITAL. ASSIT9. OVSa ALL Franklin of Phlla.. 4o,ooo n,i8,5iiti 11,000,5 Penn'a. Phlla 400,000 8,826,10 1,41,S Oueen.Of N. Y.. 500,000 8,fVi8,lB LCMU Westchester, N.T. 800,000 1,7M,8OT 4SM N. America, Phlla. 8,000,000 9,780,68 2,su,r Office First Nafl Bank Bldg., ad floor. WLosses promptly adjusted and paid. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSORS TO FREA8 BKOWH) INSURANCE AND REAL ESTAT AGENTS AND BROKERS. o N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Street!, Bloomsburo, Pa. O Represent Seventeen as good Compass ies as there are in the World and ail losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN F. KNATP, FIRI INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home, of N. Y. j Merchant! of Newark, N. J.;Clinton, N. Y. ; Peoples', N.Y.j Read ing. Pa J German American Int. Co., Km York; Greenwich Insurance Co., New York) Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. These old corporations are well seaaoaed by age and fire tested, and have never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are all invested in solid securities, aatd liable to the hazard of fire only. Losses promptly and honestly adjusted ear paid as soon as determined, by Christie V Knapp, Special Agent and Adjuster, Bloom burg, Pa. The people of Columbia county shoal patronize the arencv nhrrn lnc,. J t. ..1,11 .1 ; , l . ! . . umu oy one 01 tneir CITY HOTEL, W. A. Hartzel, Prop. No. 121 West Main Street, WLarce and convenient sample rooms, bath rooms, hot and cold water, nnd modern coe veniences. linr stocked with best wine and liquors. First-class livery attsched. EXCHANGE HOTEL, G. Snyder, Proprietor, (Oppositethe Court House) BLOOMSBURG, Pa. Large and convenient sample rooms Pat ooms hot nnd cold water, and til modern onveniences I'l , if I ,;t! iifi if-, J ;':s t. Vr r i 'ii,- 1 ' j ,1 ; n , V 1 it i il. '(. -,llll .'It V, 1 I " ! i I; 1. m m .1 a 1. i : ' : ; M :,t ' li .w it- '' I" ';:-m h. I'l' : r t ! 1 I i. m . ,.. , V.Mt n-m 1 ti , i 1 r. t ji.':; 13 ;:tvil: i .i.1 1 ..iirii i ""1 5 !'til