The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 05, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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table Event of the Week Briefly
ad Teraelr Told.
There hare been 70 rases of plngue nt
The plague situation at Honolulu was
reported much Improved.
Owing to the small Ice crop Norway
may be drawn on for ice thin season.
A telegraph office has been opened by
tat Chinese administration In IYklng.
An interoceank" cauul compnny with
$10t;noo,000 capital was Incorporated nt
The f'nniegle company will expend be
tween fl.o00.000 and $2.Hin,0ll0 in luu
proving Coiiiieaut (Ohio) harbor.
The second chamber of the dates (fen
tral of Holland approved the internation
al arbitration convention of the peace
Taradny, April 8.
A British steam launch was captured
by pirates near Hongkong.
The Yukon Ice shows indications ot
breaking up unusually early this spring.
East Hill House, the large t student
boarding house in Ithaca, N. V., was
It was reported nt Yokohama that Ko
rea had granted Russia's demand for a
concession at Masanpho.
Captain Charles D. Sigsbec, U. S. N.,
arrived in St. I'aul, where he will be
the guest of the city for the rest of the
A suspected Chinese spy was tied to a
beacon stake on a barren rock in Itich
mrdsdii's bay, California, and loft there
without food or water.
An attempt to destroy the residence ot
George 11. Cox, the Republican leader in
Cincinnati, was made by some person
placing on the veranda a package of dy
lamite addressed to Mrs. (Jeorge 11. Cox
Monday. April Si.
About 3.DO0 striking machinists in Chi
go resumed work.
Vermont maple sugar makers report a
tod How of sap of excellent quality.
Strikes in many of the building tradei
began in New York city and vicinity.
Emanuel Mamlel of Trenton, for It
years totally blind, has had his eyesight
The recent heavy floods in Uruguay
hare caused great destruction of cattli
and wheat.
Recent frosts haTe damaged fruit ano
vegetables in southern and central Mis
sissippi and in northern Georgia.
The great machinists' strike, started in
Chicago and expected to spread through
out the country, has been declared off.
Chicago university succeeded in rais
lag the required $2,000,000 aud thus se
rures Rockefeller's latest gift of ?2,000,
OIK). The new scale for bituminous coal
supers went into effect, and 15.000 min
n will receive the highest wages in 30
Mrs. Saii-s of Boston, after suffering
orach pain in her heel, submitted to an
uperation. A bone exactly resembling an
incisor tooth was extracted.
Saturday, March 31.
Admiral Farquhnr's squadron reached
Oxford won the field games with Cam
bridge at London.
Archibald Forbes, the well known wai
correspondent, died in London.
A man waded out into the river at Ni
agara, shot himself and was carried over
lie falls.
A syndicate of home and foreign bank
ntn has taken the new Dutch state loan
trf 20,000,000 kronen.
Six hundred Arabs were killed In a
'tattle with the French near the oasis of
laaalah in northern Africa. ,
The crew of a Delaware and Hudson
rreight train was nearly asphyxiated in a
nnnel near Binghamton, N. Y.
Extreme Leftists in the Italian cham
sir of dcputiespelted the president with
(aper balls and forced an adjournment
at the session.
Three thousand two hundred and forty
lapanese laborers arrived in this country
4nce Jan. 1, 181)0. Seven thousand more
.tare obtained passports.
Friday, March SO.
Lord Curzon said the wheat and cotton
crops' loss this year is fl7.000.000.
The plague deaths in Calcutta Tuesday
jumbered 217 and the new cases 157.
The strike of the machinists at Colum
ella, O., was settled by a compromise.
The porta notified the United States
.ubassy at Constantinople that the im
mrtation of American pork bad been pro
Chicago schoolteachers will examine
'.he rision of pupils to discover defective
The French foreign office announced
hat France would not oppose American
reqnUition of the Danish West Indies.
The British cruiser Psyche left King
ton, Jamaica, for Bluefields, Nicaragua,
o protect British subjects at the lattei
Japan Is preparing in the navy and
Military departments for war with Rus
la because of the latter's disregard foi
Be trenty.
The funeral of Dr. Isaac M. Wise was
ehl in Cincinnati. Thousands of per
sona viewed the remains in the Plum
Hreet temple.
The steamer Dutch Trinco will take tc
lotterdum from Philadelphia the first
rgo of American bituminous coal vx
(orted to Holland.
Thursdny, March Sill,
The senler Aurora, which arrived at St.
rhn's, N. F., narrowly escaped destruc
ion by tire.
The Russian squadron, which recently
Hied at Chemulpo, Korea, has arrived
t Port Arthur.
Mrs. Frances 51. Wolcott, at Buffalo
'enied the story that she was robbed ol
H0.00O worth of jewels in Parrs.
The foreign embassies at Constantino
do have collectively protested to the
orte against increasing the import du
ics. The jury in the trial of Camden report
in for publishing a report of an alleged
uiifcssion of Shaw was discharged,
eing unable to agree.
Loaded Down Willi Heals.
8T. JOHN'S, N. 1. April 4.-Th
eating steamer Iceland has urrived hert
vith iiO.Titill seals. She is the most neat
ly laden of all the ships that have yel
irrlved. Shu had a narrow escape from
'oandering last Friday during a fierce
;ale owing to the fact that ,he wus car'
.yiag 2,000 seals on deck.
C'nt In Two by n Saw,
GOKIIAM, Me., March ao.-Moses
Stanley, 05 years of age, was cut in two
through bis breast lust night by fulling
m a moving circular saw. lit wus super
alttudeut of a steam sawmill.
The healthy old man wears his gray hairs
like a sdver crown. What if he be three
score and ten if there is still fire in his eye.
firmness in his step, command in his voice
and wisdom in his counsel ? He commands
love and reverence. Yet how few wear the
mantle of ace with dignity. Dim eved.
querulous of speech, halting in step, childish
in mind, they "lag superfluous on the stage.
dragging out ihe fag end of lite in a simple
existence. The secret of a healthy old age
is a healthy middle age. The man who takes
care of his stomach, who keeps his body
properly nourished, Mill find that the body
will not fail him in old age. The great value
of I.)r.l icrce s tiolden Medical I Mscovery lies
in the preservation of the working power of
the stotmich and other organs of digestion
and nutrition. From this center is distrib
uted the nourishment of the whole body, the
salt for the blood, the lime for the bones,
phosphates for the brain and nerves. A
sound stomach means a sound man.. A man
who keeps hi., stomach sound by the use of
"liolilen Medical Discovery" will wear the
crown of gray hairs as befits a monarch, with
dignity and ease.
It doesn't make much difference whether
March went out like a lion or a lamb, so
long ns she shut the door behind her.
McOlure's Magazine for April,
In sureties nnd variety of attraction, it
would be hard to surpass McClure's Maga
zine for April. The account of the interior
of China, especially with reference to its rich
promises as a niaiket for America, written
by Mr. V. B. rarsons,Chief Engineer of the
American-China Development Company,
from observations made on his own journeys,
and illustrated very fully from photographs
taken by him; the account of Prof Huxley's
life in London between his twenty-sixth nnd
thirtieth year, when he was having a terrific
struggle to maintain himself by purely scien
tific work, with its self-revealing passages
from his unpublished correspondence i.nd its
new portrait of hi.n; and the account of the
Russian ship "Ermack," the marvelous new
ice breaker that gives promise of being able
to cut a passage for herself to the l'ole
these are all, in their several ways, articles
of the strongest interest and the highest
value. And just as much may be said for
M' Walter Wellman's "An Arctic Day and
Night" a chapter from his own experience
in house building, housekeeping, and daily
work and sport, including some thrilling
bear hunting, up near the North Pole. In
addition, the number otters, on the more
strictly literary side, two excellent poems, a
heroic story of railroading and Indian fight
ing on the plains, a story of English prison
life, a love story having to do with a Pacific
coast "boom" and an Atlantic coast maiden,
and a humorous story by Kobert Barr of "a
scientific miscalculation'' that involves, es
pecially, England and America. Nearly all
of the articles and stories are fully illustra
ted. The S. S. McClure Co., 141-145 E.
25th street, New York City.
Deaf mutes are always married on the
More suicides can be traced indirectly to
disordered nerves caused by disordered. di
gestive organs nnd the consequent mental de
rangement and weakness, than from any
other cause under the sun. This is pioven
by statistics. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple
Tablets come as a universal blessing to man
kind. No stomach trouble is too trivial for
attention no case so deep-seated that these
wonderful tablets will not ultimately cure.
1 a in a hox, 10 cents. 40
Sold by C. A. Kleim.
April showers brine May flowers and
Many School children are Sickly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children.
used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's
Home, New York, Break up Colds in 2d
hours, cure Feverishness, Headache. Stom
ach Troubles, Teething Disorders, and Des
troy orms. At all druggists, 25c. Sample
mailed FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted,
LeRoy, N. Y. 315 4td
The old maid doesn't believe in new
No Heart Too Bad to be Cured.
Testimony could be piled high in commenda
tion of the wonderful cures wrought by Dr.
Agnew's Cure for the Heart. No case
stands against this great remedy where it
did not relieve the most acute heart suffer
ings inside of thirty minutes. It attacks the
disease in an instant after being taken.
Sold by C. A. Kleim.
The smokeless
cigarette would be an im-
Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a Powder
to shake into your shoes. It rests the feet.
Cures corns, bunions, ingrowing nails, swol
len and sweating feet. At all druggists and
shoe stores, 25c Sample free. Address,
Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. 3 I5d
No, Maude, dear, fortune tellers are not
employed in banks.
Eyes and Nose Ran Watir. C. G.
Archer, of Brewer, Maine, says t "I have
had catarrh for several years. Water would
run from my eyes and nose for days at a
time. About four months ago I was induced
to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, and
since using the wonderful remedy I have not
had an attack. I would not be without it."
It relieves in ten minutes.
Sold by C. A. Kleim,
"I leel rather rocky this morning," re
marked the infant in the cradle.
Does Coffee- Agree With You ? If
not, drink Graui-O made from pure grains.
A lady writes : "The first lime I made
Grain-O I did not like it, but after using it
for one week nothing would induce me to go
back to coffee." The children can drink it
freely with great benefit. Get a package to.
day from your grocer, follow the directions
and you will have a delicious and healthful
table beverage for old and young, 15c. and
25c 3 2ad4t
When fortune knocks at a man's own door
it's his own fault if the knocker is out of or
IlciiiNU Piles. Dr. Agnew's Ointment
is proof against Ihe torments ot itching piles
Thousands of testimonials of cures effected
by its use. No case too aggravat ng or too
long standing for it to soothe, comtort and
cuie. It cures in liom 3 to 6 nights. 35c.
Sold by C. A. Kleim.
Even chiropodists may mount the pinnacle
ol fame, but they are forced to begin at the
Pill-Fame. 10 cents a vial for Dr. Ag
new's l iver Pills would not make them the
fame they enjoy to-duy if the curative powers
were not in them. Worth will get to the
lop and that accounts for the wonderful de
mand for these little gems. They positively
cure constipation, biliousness, sick Headache,
Sold by C. A, Kleim.
Ordinances of Crangevllle Borough,
Be It. ordained and enacted by the Borough
Council of the Borough of Orangevllle, and It la
hereby ordained and enacted by authority ot
the same:
Section 1. That the fees of the Chief Burgess,
when acting In his capacity as a magistrate
shall be as follows:
For an Information or complaint, for every ten
words, two cents.
For docket entry of any case brought before
blm tor hearing, twenty cents.
For warrant of Arrest or commitment, forty
For administering oath or amrmatlon, ten
For taking recognizance, twenty cent s.
For a subpoena for witness, twenty cents.
For hearing a caso whero complaint shall be
dismissed without a trial, or examination ot
witnesses, twenty cents.
For hearing a case on trial and entry of Judg
ment, forty cents.
For an official or certified copy of any record,
two cents for every ten words, Including certifi
cate. For warrant to levy Hue or forfeiture, forty
Section The fees and allowances to the
High Constable or Borough Constable for ser
vices and outlays shall bo aa follows:
For an arrest for each person, and taken be
fore the Burgess, Afty cents.
serving a subpoena on one person, twenty
cents, and for each additional person after the
first, ten cents.
Levying fine or forfeiture on warrant, thirty
Taking or holding In custody after convic
tion, and conveying to prison, nfty cents.
For travel In executing process, six cents per
mile circular.
For necessary support of persons arrested or
held by him in custody, such amounts as may
reasonably be expended by him to be taxed and
allowtd by the Chief Burgess.
For taking animals, etc , Into charge and
custody and Impounding the same as follows:
For a horse, mare, gelding, or mule, nrty
cents, and when more than one, for each one
after the first, twenty-five cents.
For cattle and sheep respectively, for the
first one, thirty cents, and tor each addlttona1
one, twenty cents.
For swlue each twenfy cents.
For levy and sale of property In any case and
for sale of Impounded animals etc., (and for
duly accounting for proceeds of sale) cn each
dollar not exceeding thirty dollars, six cents,
and each dollar above thirty dollars, four cents.
For advertising Impounded animals, etc., In
any case, by written advertisements, fifty
cents: and by printed advertisements, twentj
five cents, together with the actual and reason
able cost of printing same.
For feed and feeding Impounded animals, etc., ,
any actual and necessary amount expended, to
ha un t f I oil nnri allnwul hv t li n . - ) , ) n , n . . ... . '
...... ...... ........... w, tuu v. n 1 1 1 uuijjrax
section 3. The compensation of policemen
for services rendered by them shall be the same
as the compensation allowed the Borough Con
stable for similar cervices or those allowed the
High Constable for similar services.
Passed March 26tU, p.100.
C. B. WHITE, President of Borough Council.
Attest: CLINTON II Eli KINU, Secretary.
Approved March '.tub, Weo.
A. B.U ERRING, Chief Burgess.
Be it ordained and enacted by the Borough
Council ot the Borough of Orangevllle, and It la
hereby ordained and enacted by authority of
the same:
Section 1 Any person found within the llm-
Its of the Borough of Orangevllle, fighting,
quarreling boisterously, and to the disturbance
of the public peace.or Inciting others tonight or
quarrel, and every person making assault, or
assault and battery on the person ot another,
within the llmltaot said Borough, shall, upon
conviction, pay a fine not exceeding five dollars
tor each offense and the costs.
Section . Any person found within the llm-
tts of said Borough, In a state of lntoxioation
or drunkenness, shall, upon conviction, for
every offense, pay a One not exceeding Ave
dollars, with the costs.
Section S. Any person engaged In, or partici
pating In. any riot, rout.tumult, or affray, or In
citing thereto, within the limits of said Borough
shall upon conviction, pay a fine not exceeding
twenty.dollars with costs.
Section 4. No evil disposed or disorderly per.
sons, nor men or boys, shall be permitted to
assemble, or congregate upon any ot the streets,
alleys, roads, sidewalks, or coiners thereof, or
upon the bridges, or other places within the
Borough, and each and every person so assem
bled, in companies or assemblies, numbering
more than four persons, shall, upon conviction,
forfeit aud pay a One not exceeding two dollars
tor each offense with costs.
Section 5. Full power and authority are here
by given to any policeman or constable ot the
Borough, and It shall be their duty to arrest
upon view, and without warrant, any of the
classes of persons aforesaid, and to take and
carry them Immediately before the Chief Bur
gess, or Imprison them In the lock-up until
such time as they may be brought before him.
Section 6. Any person round firing or caus
ing to be fired within or upon the streets with
in the llmlta of the Borough, any kind of fire
arms, Ore-crackers, or squibs, shall, upon con
viction, pay a One not exceeding Ave dollars,
for each offense, wllhlcosts. Provided that this
section shall not apply In cases where the same
Is done by a policeman or constable In the dis
charge ot his duty, or when a permit has pre
viously been obtained from Council.
Section 7. That from and after the passage
of this ordtnance, It shall not be lawful tor any
person or persons to sell or offer for sale or give
away any fire crackers, toy pistols or other Ore
works within the Borough limits except on the
4th day ot July. Any person violating the pro
visions of this section, shall, upon conviction
pay a One not exceeding ten dollars with costa.
Provided that this section shall not apply when
a permit has previously been obtained from the
Council. Passed March SAth, looo.
C. B. WHITE, President of Borough Council.
Attest: CuINTON HSRHINO, Secretary.
Approved March 36th, leoo.
A. B. HERRING, Chief Burgess.
Be It ordained and euacted by the Borough
Council of the Borough of Orangevllle, and It
Is uereby ordained and enacted by the author
ity ot the same:
section 1. That each and every owner, or
keeper ot a dog, or dogs, within the limits of
said borough, shall pay a yearly tax of one dol
lar for each aud every dog or spayed bitch so
kopt by any person, or by a metuuor 01 111s iara
lly, and every bitch owned or kept by any per
son, within the limits ot the Borough ot Or
angevllle, shall be taxed two dollars. The taxes
atoresuld to be assessed and collected In like
manner as other taxes arc assessed and recov
erable by law for the use of the borough. Pro
vided, however, that all pups four months old
or under that age, shall not be taxed.
Section 1 If any person or persons shall re
fuse to Inform the assessor, when called upon
for that purpose, whether such person or per
sons own, or have In possession, any dog or
dogs, or bitch or bitches, or how many dogs or
bitches, owned or had In possession, by such
person or persons, he, she, or they, on proof be
ing made thereof, shall forfeit and pay the sum
ot Ave dollars tor evety such refusal, and said
sum shall be sued for and recovered, as sums of
like amount are by law recoverable, with costs
of suit, and paid Into the treasury for the use
of the borough.
Section 3. That, it shall not be lawful for the
owner or keeper of any bitch or bitches, to al
low such bitches, when la heat, to run at largo
within the limits of said borough, and any per
son or persons violating the provisions of this
section, shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a
Ane of Ave dollars, to be collected as other hues
are by law recoverable and further, It shall he
the duty of the lilgh constable ot said borough,
upon discovering any Ditch or bitches, running
at large, In violation of the pr vlslons of this
section, Immediately to take and Impound the
same for a period of not more than than three
days, and It after due notice has been given tho
owner or keeper, If he can be found, and such
bitch or bitches are not rcdiemed by the owner
or keeper, by the payment of the aforesaid pen
alty, and a Ane of two dollars additional for
expenses Incurred, It shall be the duty of the
high constable to kill and bury such bitch or
Section 4. That It shall not be lawful for the
owner or keeper of any dog or dogs, bitch or
bitches, to allow tho same to run at largo with
in the limits of this borough, from July 1st to
Sept. IM h ot each year, without such dog or
dogs, bitch or bitches, are securely inuz.lcd.
Aud It. shall be the duty of the high constable
to Immediately Impound any dog or dogs, bitch
or bitches, found not so muzzled, between those
dates, for not more than three das, and If after
due notice has been given to the owner or
keeper, If he can be found, and such dog or
dogs, bitch or bitches, are not redeemed by tho
owner or keeper, by the payment of the penalty
of three dollars, it shall be the duty of tho
high constable to kill and bury such dog or
dogs, bitch or bitches.
Passed March Hiith, 1U00.
C. B. WHITE, President of Borough Council.
Attest : CLINTON HERRING, Secretary.
Approved March SAth. lUK).
A. B. HERRING, Chief Burgess.
Be It ordained and enacted by the Borough
Council ot the Borough ot Orugevllle, acd It Is
hereby ordained and enacted by authority of
the same:
sectlon 1. That If any person or persons
shall cart, draw, carry move or deposit or cause
to be done any shavings, mud, straw, ashes,
dung or any dead carcass, offal, excrement or
other ttlth whatsoever on any pavement, foot
walk, street or alley within the limits of said
Borough and leave the same there remain, he
she or they so offending and being so convicted
by a Justice ot the Peace or the Chief Burgess
shall forfeit and pay the sum of two dollars for
every such offense, and shall moreover pay tho
expense of removing Bucn nuisance. Provided
the party may after conviction, It the same has
not already been done by the proper authorities
remove, bury to a depth sufficient to remove
any disagreeable smell arising therefrom, the
said dead carcass, offal or other Alth, which If
done immediately shall cause a waiver of the
latter part of said penalty.
Passed March aith. 1900.
C. B. WHITE, President of Borough Council.
Attest: CLINTON H ERRING, Secretary.
Approved March 26tb, 1000.
A. B HERRING, Chief Burgess.
Belt ordained and enacted by the Borough
Council of the Borough ot Orangevllle, and It is
hereby ordained and enacted by authority of
the same:
Section 1. That it shall be the duty ot the
Committee of 1'ubllo safety, as well aa any
citizens, to report to the Borough Council any
defective Aue or building that may be heated
or lighted by any apparatus that may be
dangerous; or any factory that may hazard the
risk of other properties.
Section That the Committee ot Publlo
safety may at all available times have access
to any property that they deem necessary In
the discbarge ot their duty.
Section 8. Any new dwelling that may be
erected after the passing of this ordinance
must have brick chimneys, built In a substan
tial manner, starting at the first or second
floor, and said chimneys shall be erected a dis
tance of not leas than two and one-halt feet
from the comb of the roof.
Section 4. It shall be the duty of the owners
of any such property as has been herein men
tioned, npon a written notice from the Clerk of
the council to put such property In repair, as
specified by the Council within ten days, after
which time the Couocll may get the work
done, and charge the same to the properly
owners, to the cost of which may added twenty
per cent, which shall be appropriated to the
Borough funds.
Passed March SCtb, 1900.
C. B. WUITE, President of Borough Council
Attest: CLINTON HERRING, Secretary.
Approved March 2ttth, luoo.
A. U. UEUHING, Chief Burgess.
Be It ordained and enaoted by the Borough
Council of the Borough ot Orangevllle and it lB
hereby ordained and enaoted by authority 01
the same.
Section 1. That no person shall ride a bicycle
on the Bide walks of any street or alley lu the
Section 2 The following regulations for the
use of bicycles are hereby adopted:
1st. Every bicycle shall have attached there
to a gong or bell that may be distinctly heard
at least twenty yards.
2nd. Every rider shall carry on his bicycle a
llghud lamp after dark.
:rd. The right of way shall be given to pea
estrlans at street crossings In all cases. The
rider shall dismount If necessary.
4th. The rlrtcr "hill pass to the right of any
person or vohlcle going In an opposite direction.
Bth. The rider shall pass to the left of any
person or vehicle, going In t!ie same direction.
6th. No rider shall pass nny pedest rian going
In the sumo direction wlt'iout founding his
gong or bell when at least ten yards distant.
7th. On approaching street corners the rider
shall keep his bicycle under such control as will
enable him to stop It necessary within three
feet of the crossing.
8tb. Any person or persons violating any of
the provisions of this ordluaooe shall be liable
to a penalty of from WW tol'.OO to be recover
ed before the Chief Burgess or In his absence
before any Justice of the Peace In the Borough.
9th. It shall be the duty of the High Con
stable to report to th Chief Burgess the names
of every perso-, violating any of the provis
ions of this ordinance. Passed M uch th. IWO
O. B. W 11 ITU, President of IDroiiKh Council.
Attest: CLINTON HERRING, Secretary.
Approved March Stith, iwm.
A. H. HERRING, Chief Burgess.
Bo It ordained and enacted br th.i Borough
Council of the Rirmigh of Orangevllle and It Is
hereby ord lined and enacted by authority of
the snme:
Hnntlon l.-Tliat, It shall be the duty of every
resident or property holder within the paved
Ilmltsof tho Borough of orangevllle, whether
In front of private residences and places of
business or In front, of vacant lots and public
buildings, to keep Hid pavem-nts or sidewalks
clear of snow, and ir any resident, or property
holder, or the Trustees or agents of public
buildings shall neglect the cleaning of pave,
ments for twenty-four hours alter tho snow
has ceased falling, then It, shall be the duty Of
the Chief Burgess afler d'lo notice, to hive
such pavements cleaned at th-.t expense of tho
resident, property or trustee, wlih Afty per
cent, additional added to the cist, the same to
be collect ed as ot her penali les are now collect
ed. Section a. That It Bhall be tho duty of every
resident or propeity holder whose house Is
contiguous to the pavement and whoso roof
consists ot slate, to keep at all times a good
guard on the roof of said house to prevent snow
from falling down on the pavement to the
great danger of pedestrians; and If such .
owner after notice given, do not place tho
proper guard there, then It shall be the duty
of the Council to gel the work done and charo
the sunic to the property owners, to the cost of
which may bo added twenty per cent, which
shall be appropriated to the Horough fuuds.
Section 8 That It sh'ill bo the duty of every
resident or property holder whose house Is
contiguous to the pavement, to keep a good
substantial spouilug on tho roof ot said house
contiguous and parallel with the pavement, so
as to keep the water from running or dropping
from the eaves of said roof dowu on the pave
ment; and If such owner after notice given, do
not place the proper spouting there, then It
shall be the uuty of tho Council to get the
work done and charge the same to the property
owners, to the cost ot which may be added
twenty per cent, which shall be appropriated
to the Borough funds.
Passed March Sth, 100.
C. B. wniTE, President of Borough Council.
Attest: CLINTON HERRING, Secretary.
Approved Mvirch !lth, 1;U0.
A. 11. HERRING, Chief Burgess.
Be It ordained and enacted by the Borough
Council of the Borough of Orangevllle, and it Is
hereby ordained and enacted by authority of
the same:
Section 1. That It shall be unlawful for any
person cr persons to ride, drive or lead any
horse, mule or cow or any other largo animal
upon the pavements In tho Borough of orange
vllle. Section 3. Any person or persons who shall
obstruct with a team or teams, by stopping or
otherwise, the free use of pavements or foot
crossings In Bald Borough, shall be subject to a
Ane as hereinafter provided.
Section 8. Any person or persons tying a
horse or mule to any shade tree on the public
streets or highways of the Borough of Orange
vllle, shall be liable to a Ane aa hereinafter pro.
Section 4. Each and every person violating
any of the foregoing provisions of this Ordin
ance shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and
pay a Ane of one dollar for each offense and It
shall be the duty of the High Constable or other
officers to see that this Ordinance be enforced.
Passed March &Hh, l'JOO.
C. B. WHITE, President of Borough Council.
Attest: CLINTON HERRING, Secretary.
Approved March Wth, 1900.
A B. HERRING, Chief Burgess.
Be It ordained and enacted by the Borough
Council ot the Borough ot Orangevllle, and It
IS hereby ordained and enacted by authority
ot the same:
Section 1. That It any person or persons
shall willfully or negligently ride, drlvo or
suffer any horse or horses, mule or mules, or
any other animal to go Into a gallop or other
Immoderate gait, or shall ride or drive any
race or trial of speed with any horse or horses,
mule or mules, or any other animal, In. tbrougn
or along any Btreet, alley or lane In said
Borough, so aa to endanger any person or
persons, the person or persons so offending
shall on conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a
Ane of Ave dollars for each and every offense.
Passed March 2th, l'JOO.
C. B. WUITE, President of Borough Council.
Attest: CLINTON HERRING, Secretary.
Approved March mh, lvoo.
A. B. HERRING, Chief Burgess.
Be It ordained aud enaoted by the Borough
Council 0' the Borough of Orangevllle, and it Is
hereby ordained aud enacted by authority of
the same:
Secllou 1 That all fakirs, mountebanks, nnr.
sons with wheels of fortune and three card
monte men, nnd practicing sluilllur devices
to win money, are forbidden to carry on their
devices within the llm is of said Hormu-h ami
If so practicing and convicted of the same, their
apparatus so used snail be declared forfeited
and Bhall be lmmealutelv demrnvnii hv thn
High Constable, aud they Bhall further forfeit
and pay the sum of ten dollars, one-halt to tho
Informer, and tho other to the use of the
B jrough. Passed April 2nd, l'JOO.
V. B. WHITE, President of Borough Council
Attest: CLINTON HERRING, Secretary.
Approved April '.hid, I'.i U
A. 11. HERHINu, Chief Burgess,
VILLE. Be It ordained and euacted by the Borough
Cjunell of the Borough of Orungevilio, and It Is
hereby ordained and enaoted by authority of
the same:
Section 1. That If any person shall erect or
maintain any hog sty, or any other nuisance In
said Borough, In such manner or situation that
tho smell thereof shall be offensive to his or
ber neighbors or other citizens, shall forfeit
and pay tho sum of ono dollar for every Buch
offense, and the further sum of oue dollar for
every week the same Is allowed to remain
Section . -That If any horses, mules, cattlo,
hogs or sheep are found running at inrge .i
in said Borough, the same may be tak, ,
Impounded and advertised by the.
stable, for which services ho shall ri-c.'vet,
amount set forth In his fee bill, payable ,,,
owner of tho animal, or animals so linpniuniJ
or out of the proceeds of thn sale tlu-reof. J
the owner appear before the eiplruiionnfi,.
asyssiiu imj mi cimisn, a m-n'in contain
they may remove the antrral or nnlinaK Tbi
chtrges shall bo as they appear in tho
stablos fee bill together with tweniy.n,,
cents for the uso of the Borough. Tho mrt
Constable In his advertisement giving t-n day.
notice to the impounding of any anim-d
shall add the time and place of sale r ,,.J
animals etc., Impounded, which may ho on tin
evening of said tenth day ami not i,it,.r ,,
the eleventh day, unless thai should ai 0,
Sunday, when tho sale shall take pl i.c on th
following Monday. The proceeds of su. hsj(
shall be appropriated as follows: All tho ai,,T
m-ntloned charges shall first oe rnM, toH,,,
wit h the fee of the High canst able fur Haiiinir,
as per fee bill, and tho remainder shall bo mii
Into tho Borough Treasury for the use ot the
owner, If demanded within six months after
the sale; if not demanded within saM tlmo rnea
tho sum sh ill belong to tho Borough ab-i. ilute
ly. Furthermore It Is hereby made the duty q(
High Constable, under penalty of one d for
neglect of duty, If called upon to Impound any
animal etc., running at large In the sir.-, or
alleys of said Borough contrary to the onl.
nances thereof.
Section :t. That It shall be unlaw mi for b iyj
or other persons to congregate amum) nr out.
side of any building where a meeting, u tiio.
atrlcul exhibition, or any other congregation u
assembled and there make a noUe nr canvi
disturbance, or for persons to so make 11 noise
or cause disturb meo within such bunding
when such meeting, theatrical exhibition or
other congregation Is In session, and tb
same Is hereby declared to be a nuisance; and
any person convicted before tho Chief Ituix'-ss
of a violation of this ordinance shall pay a Ike
of Ave dollars together with tho costs. And
furthermore It Is hereby made the duty of tlu
High Constable, under the penalty of one
dollar for neglect of the duty It c il.ed upon
to arrest without warrant any such person,
and take blm before the chief Burgess fori
Section 4. That It shall bo unlawful for nny
person or persons to coast on the side walks of
any street, road or alley within the limns of
said Borough and the same Is hereby ile ,-l.ired
to be a nuisance; and any person eonvh ti
before t he Chief Burgess of u violation of tliln
Ordinance shall pay a flue of two dolUn
together with tho costs.
Passed April Und, Win.
C. B. WHITE, Presldont Of Borou,-h 1 'oiki.-II.
Attest: CLINT N HERRING, Secretary.
Approved April Und, ltt '0.
B. HERRING, Chief Burgess.
Be It ordained and enacted by the Borough
Council of the Borough of Orangevllle, and It Is
hereby ordained and enacted by authority of
the same:
Section 1. That It shall be the duty nf the
Street Commissioner to keep the streets, roads,
alleys, ditches and gutters In a safe condition
and to enforce all ordinances, regulations aud
orders of council, relating to the repairs im
provement, drainage and cleansing of the s.itue,
and he shall notify all persons causing or per
mitting any deposit of obstructions In or upon
the same to remove It, and upon the neglect or
refusal ot said persons to comply, after one
day's notice, he shall remove the sumo at the
expense of the person so offending, to bo co-
lected with a Ane not exceeding two dollars
aud the costs. ' Passed April 2nd, I'.ioo.
C. B. WUITE, Presldont of Borough Council.
Attest: CLINTON HERRING, Secretary.
Approved April 2nd, 1900.
A. B. HERRING, Chief Burgess.
Be It ordained and enacted by the Borougn
Council ot the Borough of Orangevllle, and It 11
hereby ordained and enacted by authority 01
the same.
Section 1. That It shall be unlawfulUo pltci
quoits In or along the publlo streets or high
ways within the limits of said Borough.
Section 8 That It shall be unlawful to play
ball, or to practice any game or games, on tin
Btreets ot said Borough which may endanger
property or people on the Btreets, or caust
crowds to congregate.
section a It shall be the duty of the Mk'
Constable to arrest without warrant any nersm
or persons offending against the provisions ot
this Ordinance, and If convicted before ttae
Chief Burgess shall pay a Ane of fifty cents for
each offense, In addition to the costs, the said
One to go to the use of the Borough.
Passed April ind. WOP.
C. B. WHITE, President of Borough Council.
Attest: CLINTON HERRING, secretary.
Approved April 2nd, HMO.
A. B. HERRING. Chief Burgos).
Be It ordained and enacted by the Borour
Council of the Borough of Oranirevllle, and It U
hereby ordained and enaoied by authority of
the same:
Section l.-That It shall be unlawful for anf
person to go about within the Bald Borouji
limits, begging from door to door or asking tf
alms unless said persons are residents of sail
Section 3 All tramDS are Drohlblted from
coming or being within the Borough limits. u4
It shall be the duty of the High const awe w
any police onicer of the Borough, to arrest any
such persons that mav be found, and If conviu-
ed before the chlof Burgess or Justice of tiw
Peace, thoy shall be fined and in case of refus1
or Inability to pay their Anes, they shall W
kept for a period not exceeding ten days, and M
mads to lubor upon the Btreets of the BorouK".
under Ihe rilrnntlnn nf rl.A Hr reel coinmlsstoDCfi
until the Anes and costs have been paid. 1
case of any refusal to pay Anes, or to perform
labor for the remuneration of same, said con
victed purt les shall be fed on bread and water
for a period not exceeding ten days. Provta
that such persons shall be ovor sixteen years 0
age, not blind, crippled or lullrru such '
would uunt them tor manual labor.
Passed Anrll "nil. luno
C. B. WHITE, President ef Borough Council
Attest: CLINTON HERRING, Secretary.
Approved April 2nd, IUOO.
A. B. HERRING, Chief Burgess-
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