The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 15, 1900, Page 5, Image 6

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..,.nniihrPolOm at Dtoomtlturg,
n wnnd '"" matur, Jfnrrftl, IHW.
Wanted !
We want ?oo new subscribers to the
Columbian this spring and as a special
inducement will include tue rarm
Journal from now until Dec, 1904,
Or the New xorK innce a wccn
World for three months free.
Or the Columbian and World one fnr $I.CO. tl
Pay Up and Get Both Papers at Price of
We want to ret 500 new subscribers
to our paper, and are going to do it if.
we car : we tnerejore continue our ur-
ranament with the Farm Journal by
which we can send The Columbian
one year and the Farm Journal 5
years, both for $1. And we make the ;
same offer to all old sufiscriocrs wno
. finv alt arrearages and one Year i
t j -o--
in advance.
You know what our paper is, and
the farm Journal t a gem practical,
progressive a clean, honest, useful
paper tull of gumption, full of sun
shine, with an immense circulation
among the best people everywhere.
Legal advertisements on page 7.
Leases and notices
sale at this office.
quit, for
II. Ileinbach has purchased the
Beagle mill property, in Hemlock
A new Methodist Episcopal
Church is in course of erection
near Ikekr's, in Mt. Pleasant Twp.
Finn & Phillips have vacated the
room in the building below Market
slreet, and have moved their stock
back to Scranton.
Wall paper, wall paper, window
shades, window shades. Many
patterns, many prices, it Mercer's
Drug and Book Store.
Forepaugh's big circus is booked
to appear at Williamsport on
day, May 4th. Buffalo Bill's show
will also exhibit in that city the
coming summer.
Tablets, paper, box paper, envel
opes, blank books of all kinds, tis
sue papers, lead pencils, erasers,
ana Doan's Kidney Pills, at Mer
cer's Drug and Book Store.
, An effort is being made to organ
ze a lodire. to be known as the
Daughters of Liberty, in Blooms
bg. It is to be an auxiliary to
tue Junior Mechanics.
Are you going to move ? If so,
you will probably need some neat
wall paper to beautify your rooms.
ou can find a large stock and
many pretty patterns at Mercer's
Urug and Book Store.
Have you a Cold?
We will CURE IT or
We will sell you a box of
And if you are not satisfied,
come and get your money back.
1 hat is fair, is it not?
W. S. Rishton. Ph. C.
mk Building Pharmacist
Queen Quality
For Women
Style, Fit, Wear.
None Better.
No. 8 East Main St.
Bibles, large and small. Trices
right, at Mercer's.
The Danville papers say that
their new knitting mill is booming.
L. A. Ward, has changed his
place of residence from Buckhoru to
Fifth street this town.
Don't forget "Tony the Convict"
at the Opera House to-night. Illus
trated songs between the acts.
" He that seeks finds." He that
takes Hood's Sarsaparilla finds in
its use pure, rich blood, and conse
quently, good health.
II. P. Blocher. a regular sub-
'scriberof the Columbian has in
structed us to send his paper to
Hazleton hereafter instead of Nauti
coke. A valuable horse, belonging to
William B. Ferguson, had its leg
broken on Sunday, by a kick from
another horse. It was shot to end
its suffering.
DrilKS antl patcnt medicines, toi-
brushes, combs and
perfumery, and all articles kept in
a first-class drug store, at Mercer's
Drug and Book store.
The Montour and Columbia Tel
ephone Company is stringing its
line this week. Connections will
be made and the 'phones ready for
use 111 a few days.
Tirpc ppmpnta inner ttihes.
ers, enamels, on, plugs, paicnes,
and all bike sundries at Mercer's
Drug and Book Store.
At a recent meeting of Rosemout
Cemetery Company, S. F. Peacock
was elected superintendent and
treasurer, to fill the vacancy caused
by the death of Jasper E. Wilson.
Hon. Jesse C. Ammerman died
at his home 111 Cooper towusuip,
Montour County, 011 March 2, aged
A--. ll...
70 years. lie represented mm
county in the Legislature in 1873-4.
The Glee Club of Susquehanna
University will give- an entertain
ment in the Lutheran churc on Sat
urday evenine. March 24, under the
ausPlces OMUamcsjuu oy.
- . t i I !J o ...
T?t D i-.tH Qrrrvfir1 flnrif frfttlt
of Columbian building. Steam
heat, electric licht, gas and all
modern conveniences,
April 1 st. Apply
to Geo. E.
Tonight is your last opportunity
to see "Tony the Convict." Ask
those who witnessed the former
presentation. They'll tell you that
it s good. Admission 25 ana 35
cents. '
There is a scarcity of houses in
Danville. It is said that a number
of experienced workmen are unable
to move their tannliestnere because
they cannot proline houses for
. . a: -
1 lie lame ui . a
...111 l.oon a riiirL'n cnntvr nr t lip
w - "r- --
home of Mr. h. M. Laubach t
brks on Saturday evening. March
7th. Ice cream and cake will also
be served. Proceeds to be used for
church work.
Miss St. Georce Ilussev is said
tr, one of the wealthiest actresses
5n Aniprica. Her Dronertv holdings
in Tr.ncT Tslnilfl VV ill amount to over
,rr, mid two nf the largest
flat buildings on Ellis Ave., Chicago
or olsn in hnr name. The fortune
has not been altogether accrued
1 business, luckv
rci ttatf. stipulations ulavine an
. l 1 - .
important part. Her summer nome
Qt T.-imhnrst nn the Sea is said to be
o ooicA a..H w lmsts rf friends visit- hpr rtnrinrr the summer
.,t,a i.a,r iinthiiiiT but words
-ic f,-,r her rrenerons hosnitalitv.
Among her nearby neighbors at
this delightful resort are Chauncey
Olcott, Russell Brothers, John T.
Kelly and Miss Katherine Linyard.
rL tt.,c Vri.iav fvMiinr
MWh rfi '
Take your bike to the Blooms-
burg Cycle Works, Iron street,
and get it cleaned and hxed up tor
your first ride in the spring.
The best melodramatic offering
of the season, without any excep
tion, is "The Span of Life," at the
Opera House, 1 ucsday night next.
The Bloomsburg Cycle Works,
on Iron street, is now ready to fix
up your bicycle for spring use.
orkmanship guaranteed.
The Farm Journal is cream, not
skim-milk, and just the paper for
the man who keeps cows. It goes
nearly five years, remainder of 1900
and all of iqoi, 1002, 1003 and
iood. to everv subscriber, new and
old. to The Columbian who will
pay a year ahead. Both papers for
the price of one. ray up.
Harvey Iv. Heacock, who for the
past several years has conducted
the Columbia Steam Laundry, on
Centre Street, on Tuesday sold out
to S. 15. Reynolds, who. two yeirs
ago was connected with the Blooms
burg Cycle Works, and the Arti
ficial Ice Company. Mr. Heacock
has purchased a laundry in Wash
ington, D. C, and intends moving
Died in the fifteenth year of his
age, Fred Rote, at his home in
Nescopeck on Saturday, lie was
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Rote, and had been sick but a short
time with pneumonia. The remains
were broueht to Bloomsburg on
Tuesday over the D. L. & W
Railroad, and conveyed from here
to Buckhorn. where interment was
The dresses that Miss St. George
Ilussev wears in the second and
third acts of "Wealthy Widow
Wiggles" are a revelation to the
ladies. They are made and design
ed by a graduate from v orth s
Pans, and never fail to create
sensation amone the fair sex, who
give expression to their amazement
by uttering a prolonged Uh.Uii!
At the Opera House, tomorrow
Friday evening.
Fire was discovered at the Hess
Iron Manufacturing Companie's
plant, shortly before twelve Mon
day night, but by the uuited efforts
of several men who had hurried to
the scene the fire was put out with
out the succor of the fire companys
A few hours later, however it broke
out asrain. lhis time it was neces'
sarv for the Rescue Company to
connect and extinguish the blaze.
The loss was very tnffling.
Mrs. Mary Johnson, widow of
Samuel Johnson, died at her home
in Beaver township on Sunday
March 4th, aged 81 years, 5 month,
and 24 days. She was the mother
of Aaron Johnson of Bloomsburg,
Hannah, Amanda and Charles, of
Beaver township, Mr. Joseph Link
of Shenandoah, II. T. Johnson of
Hunlock's Creek, and E. F. John
son of Hazleton. The fuheral took
place on Thursday morning, con
ducted by Rev. C. F. Dry of
The official report of the Method
ist church, for the time since Rev.
B. C. Conner has been the pastor,
as read in the church Sunday morn
ing last, was most gratifying. Dur
ing Dr. Conner's five years here
470.000 have been disbursed in
payment of expenses. The bonded
debt of the church is $10,000. The
actual membership of the church,
not counting probationers, of which
there are nearly loo, is over boo
Dr. Conner's devoted and dignified
service to God and man is certainly
worthy of the commendation of
At the Opera House Tuesday,
March 20 that unique and highly
successful play, "The Span of Life"
will be the attraction. The piece is
a melodrama of intense interest and
I allows excellent atuuc iui aicim
dj lay atld highly dramatic situa-
I "'1 " "J . ' . .
tions we are uilormed that at no
. . Wnpmon fWc
the interest lag for an uistant.
There is enough comedy interwoven
to break the monotony aud furnish
food for laughter. The company
oresentine the play this season is
spoken of as being a better one than
any which has yet been seen in this
plav. In the third act, the famous
living bridge, from which the title
of the play is derived, is given. Mrs
Blunt and her child are talceu pns-
oners by the villain, Leech, who has
become a leader among the Arab
slave hunters. Attired as Arabs,
I ... . r! J 1-1. I..- t,f. T u
munis incuus uuu uciuicu
as a prisoner. As soon as Leech
turns his back, Blunt and his wife
aud child are released. They fly
of to the mountains. Blunt's friends
cross a chasni by means of abridge
Ere it is reached by Blunt with his
wife and child, the Arabs appear
and throw the bridge into the chasm
just as the fugitives reach it. 1 hen
is formed "The Span of Life" and
the heroue and her child cross over
H. A. Gidiline was In Mt. Carmel over
Hon. C. II. Dickcrman and wile ol Mil
ton, have cone t . Tarn.
Hon. Rufus K. I'olk, of Danville, attended
the funeral of Christian Reice on Saturday.
tt.w.l Trrrntt. of Millvillc. is a iuror in
he United Slates District Court, at
t in, this week.
Alfred McIIenrv. mannner of the Blooms-
linrct Store Coinoanv. is in New ork this
week buying new goods.
Mrs. Acnes Mcllick of Orangeville will
spend some time in North Carolina, she
lclt for that place on Monday
Denutv Sherifl A. B. Black and Geo. I'..
Klweil went to Scranton on Monday to serve
as Jurors in the United States Court.
MUs loaephine Johnson and Miss Cora
Fenstermacher, two of Berwick's popular
young ladies, spent Saturday in town with
Rev. B. C. Conner, of the Methodist
church, left last evenim? for Conference. He
has been here the full limit, and will of
course be transferred to another charge.
The Winona Fire Company would
like to see all their friends at the
Opera House to-uight.
Just one more night. " Tony,
the Convict," Opera House, Thurs
day, March 15. You all want to
see the play and hear the latest
popular songs. The Winona boys
guarantee that you will not regret
the expenditure of 35c.
Summit Ranges, with reservoir
and without. Special wood set for
burning long wood, for farm use.
Good draft, elegant bakers, heavy
and beautiful in appearance. Full
guarantee on each range. Call and
see them. L. E. Whary. 2t
Porter J. White's production of
"Faust" gave good satisfaction to
a large audience at the Opera House
Saturday night. Mr. White gave
an excellent interpretation of the
role of Mephisto, and his support
by Walter MacDonald as Faust and
Miss Olga Verne, as Marguerite
was very good.
The business men who want the
newspaper man to impress upon his
readers the desirability of patron
izing home industries and then
seuds out of town for their job print
ing are noc practicing what they
would like to have the good-natured
newspaper man preach. Reciprocity
ought to be mutual in all such
Genial and clever Miss St. George
llussey will be here on Friday,
March 16, at the Grand Opeta
House. Miss Hussey is always
welcome, if for no other reason than
that she is the representative 01 a
type of actresses none too plentiful,
namely, a conscientious one. iuiss
Hussey's portraiture of "Wealthy
Widow Wieirlcs." shows with in
delible distinctness the scrupulous
ness of this well-beloved actress
character, who for years has been a
uninue fieure on the stage of 1
America, which she undeniably
adorns and elevates.
Do not think for a single
moment that consumption will
ever strike you a sudden blow.
It does not come that way.
It creeps its way along.
First, you think it is a little
cold; nothing but a little hack
ing cough ; then a little loss in
weight: then a harder cough;
then the fever and the night
The suddenness comes when
you have a hemorrhage.
Better stop the disease while
It ia yet creeping.
You, can do it with
You first notice that you
cough less. The pressure on
the chest is lifted. That feeling
of suffocation is removed. A
cure Is hastened by placlngone of
Dr. Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral Plaster
oyer the Chest.
A Book Free
It la on the Diseases of the
Throat and Lungs.
Wrltm urn Ffsf.
n It too h.T. dt comvlitnt whiUvn
.na ib. ( to.w. jam
co poMlblr r..alv., writ. w. 4ootqr
us You wtllr.lvproDpii;
Xow.ll, Ku i.
We now have on sale full and com
plete lines of lace and heavy curtains
in all grades. All styles. These goods
are fully 10 to 20 per cent, less than
the ruling market prices. If you
have a curtain need it will pay you
to come and see these goods. Also a
full line of curtain materials by the
Dress Goods.
We offer special bargains in
black and colored dress goods
in all grades; You can save
money on your purchases of
dress goods now.
A new line of embroideries
are hers for your approval. All
kinds. Matched sets, allovers,
tuckings for waists, yokes, etc.
See them.
We have a few coats yet that
we will sell very cheap. If you
have a coat need, see them.
You will find full lines of
hosiery of all kinds. Ladies'
Dolkadot hose I7c. Ladies'
special black hose 3 pair for 35c
Ladies fine black hose 25c. a
pair. Childrens' black hose 2
pair for 25c.
One price for cash.
II gill IIIHi
Get the correct shape for your par
ticular type of feet.
Also a complete line of the famous
CURTIS SHOE for men.
6 E. Main St.
The cheapest place in town to
buy your
Geo. Anderson's.
Urelta Mixture, 7c. lb., or 4 lbs. 25c
French Mixture, 15c. lb., or 2 lbs. 25c.
Broken Candy, 10c. lb.
Fine Chocolates, 20 and 25c. lb.
44 East Main St. - Bloomsburg, Pa.
Dress Ginghams.
A full line of dress ginghams
in new effects.
You will find this stock com
plete with all the newest effects
of the season. All kinds, all
styles, all prices. If you have a
lace want see this stock.
We call special attention to
our lines of table linens, towels,
napkins, toweling, by the yarfl,
tray cloths, etc. See the 50c.
linens. Try our 1.00 bleached
table linen. If you have a lines
want see this stock.
Neck Ruches.
We show a full line of ladies
neck ruches made of Mouslaine
De-Soie. All styles.
A full line of bleached and
unbleached muslins, sheetings,
calico, ginghams, outings, shirt
ings, etc., at the right prices.
are made in special
shapes to fit the sev
eral types of feet. The
price is not the only
thing that has made
A Rich and Royal Gift
can be selected from our superb
stock of table silverware for wed
ding, birthday, silver wedding
gifts, etc. We have them in the
newest and most exclusive do
signs in the most skillful work of
the silversmith, and in such large
variety to choose from that the
most fastidious taste can be e
tered to with satisfaction. Nice
line of fine cut glass.
moomsourg, ra.
Shoes !
Do You
We have the Largest Stock of
Shoes in the County ?
You will make a mis
take if you fail to see our
lines before doing your
shoe buying.
W. H. noore,
Cor. Second and Iron Sts.
Rloomsburg, Pa,