The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 08, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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John H.
Gear Reelected United
Senator from Iowa.
tart rd la Mf an a Fnrm Hoy
Roue to lie a Man of tlnxlnr,
Governor of a Great State
and a National Leader,
Years ago they called John II. Gear,
Just reelected to tlie United Mutes sen
ate from Iowa, "Old liusiness." lie wan
Uieu governor of the state (1878-1882),
and he gave the affairs of the common
wealth an attention, a care, a discrimi
nating fidelity such as few governors
before him had done. The title has
clung to Senator Gear ever since,, al
though he has gone on to higher honors
and has become a servant of the nation
M well as of Iowa.
Senator Gear is New York born. He
belongs to the generation of young men
who abandoned farm life and small
ommcrcial pursuits in the early years
tt the nineteenth century and came
west to find room for their ambitions
and energy in which to work. Horn in.
1825, at Hhnea, he was 18 when he made
his way to Burlington, la., taking all
the chances of travel of that time and
facing poverty for the reward which ar
bor might bring in the years to come.
He was a merchant In Burlington when
Chicago was a struggling village, be
fore the Union Tacific was constructed,
when St. Louis was the commercial
mart of the west, when the Missouri
was to be the great 'navigable stream
at the middle country, when there was
not an operated railroad west of Ohio,
not a mile of telegraph, line, nor any
jneans of transportation but steam
boat, stages or one's own feet,
Burlington was a town of consider
able Importance at that time, having
1 wide trade and a class of merchants
noted for their progressive ideas. Sen
ator Gear, beginning with small capital,
increased his field of operations until
he was one of the best known merchants
in. the state. He was shrewd in driving
I bargain, paid great attention to de
tails, worked incessantly, paid Ms bills
promptly and laid the foundation for
Well-Know n llllnnl I.pglalator fin
Oprnly Annonnrrd III Deiilre lo
Heroine (lovrrtior.
Walter Beeves, at present the rep
resentative in congress of the Klevcnth
congressional district of Illinois, was
born in western Pennsylvania in. 1848.
He came to Illinois in 1836. After leav
ing school he taught school for several
years lu La Salle, Livingston and Mar
shall counties. He saved his money and
was enabled to study law. He was ad
mitted to practice In Streator, 111., in
1875, where he hod resided for 24 years.
For many years he has been active
in politics, and In 1894 when the Elev
(Illinois Congressman Who Wants to B
uovernor oi me oiate.j j
enth district was divided, the two
leading candidates, Thomas J. Hender
son and Henry Mayo, withdrew, and
the party united on Walter Reeves. He
defeated the democratic nominee for
congress, Capt. Gibbons, by 4.0S2 votes,
although at that time the district was
believed to have n democratic major-
ity of 2,000. In 1890 he was reelected by !
a majority of 6,251, and in 1808 he ran j
against ex-AUorney uenerai .uuium-y
and defeated him.
Mr. Reeves lias served in congress
with distinction. He was a member of
the committees on rivers and harbors
and patents. He was one of the mem
bers chosen by Speaker Reed to confet
with the senate committee regarding
the river and harbor bill. Mr. Beeves'
efforts on that joint committee secured
nnJnvestigation of the whole Nicaragua
canal project. He has been greatly
complimented for securing this action,
which enabled congress to move in
telligently in the matter.
Mr. Reeves has nnnounced hisonndi
dacy for governor, and has been mak
ing a canvass openly for some months.
declaring that he represents no lac-
In 1876 Mr. Reeves married Marietta
N. Coggswell.
CRo-Elected United States Senator from
the State of Iowa.)
he honorable nickname which he now
lears. He did not show an aptitude
ben for political life, nor did he make
my effort to enter it. He was a repub
ican as soon as the new party was or
ganized and uncompromising in his at
itude on the questions raised during
he civil war, but until 1803 he did not
olicit the votes of the people, and then
inly to become the mayor of Burling
on, a position which he filled with
When his term expired he retired
igain to private life, from which he did
lot emerge until 1872, when party ex
gencies demanded his election to the
egislature, and he was Bent to the
ouse. In 1874 he was elected speaker
it the house, and aguin in 1876 the same
office was given him. His first term as
peaker came at the end of the famous
eadlock in the grange legislature of
'874. From the legislature he passed to
he governor's chair, where he served
our years. Retiring from the govern
ir's chair, he became a private citizen
igain until 1886, when he was elected to
degress and reelected in 1888, practi
cally without oppostion.
The landslide against the republican
inrty in 1890 defeated him for reelec
ion to congress with four other eon
-ressmen of the state, but he served as
issistnnt secretary of the treasury for
ome time. In 1S92 his party again re-
urned him to congress, and in January,
894, he was elected to the United States
enate as the junior senator from Iowa
lis present term will end March 3, 1901
Ie was conspicuous in congress for his
vork on the committee on ways and
a cans, where he lind charge of the
ugar schedule. He is now chairman of
he senate committee on I'aclfic rail
vays, and it was through his efforts
hat the government was successful in $117,000,000 from thern instead
if the $L0,000,000 offered.
Of Interent to Smoker.
The briar pipe is not made of briar
-vood at all. The word "briar is t
corruption of the French word "bru
ere," meaning "heath," and the wood
ised is really that of the heather,
'.Vhen these pipes were Introduced into
his country the tradesmen found that
he 1 rench word was rnther too diffl
ult for the ordinary smoker to get
ioI'J of, and they soon twisted it into
he familiar briar. The supply of this
vood from France is now almost ex
minted, and is only found in any quan
ity in the Alpes Mantimeg.
Alio a Church Dlarnltary,
. It is but little known that In addition
o being "defender of the faith" by
virtue of her position of sovereign
Jueeu Victoria is ulso the oldest dig'
iltary of thechureh by virtueof herpo
sltion of prebendary of St. David
athedrnl,' Llandaff.
I.ont Human Muscle.
There are many muscles in the hu
man body, control of which hus been
tost throsgh ages of disuse.
The Blade Onee I'aed by the Immortal
George How the Property of
( Missouri Lady. ,
The centenary of the death ol
George Washington has called forth
the fact that a Missouriun, Mrs, Julia
E. Mans, of Linneusi, is the possessoi
of a razor that was the property of
the Father of His Country during the
revolution, and which he usik! last on
the morning following the battle .ot
Brandywine, says the St. Louis Republic.
A well-known colonial character anil
especial friend of Washington's, Maj
Vivian Brookln, who was. taking leave
of his superior officer, said to the com
mander: "Gen. Washington, I want
you to give me some trivial thing Of
a token of our friendship, and which 1
may retain as a keepsake.
The general, then jnst finishing
shaving, turned from the mirror.
(Now In Possession of Mrs. Julia E. Maus,
Llnneus, .Mo.)
A I'ropoRltlon That Wonld Rnnhle
Money to H Secured Independent
of Hunker In Time of Flnnnclnl
The currency bill introduced in con
gress by Hon. Joseph C. Sibley de
serves the oareful consideration of our
national lawmakers, and all who aro
Interested In stability of prices and pre
vention of financial panics. Injurious
ly affecting, as they do, all legitimate
interests. The bill provides that any
holder of government bonds may de
posit them with the United States
treasurer, and receive therefor 80 per
cent of their face value In treasury
notes of the same debt paying power
as now granted to the notes Issued by
national banks. During the period of
deposit the Interest on the bondB shall
cease, or be covered into the United
States trcpsury. Upon the surrender
of the certificate of deposit, together
with payment of treasury notes equal
in amount to the sum advanced, the
bonds may again be converted to the
use of their lawful owner. The merits
of such measure briefly are as fol
It provides for a currency that would
automatically expand and contract ac
cording; to the demands of business.
Within tho last few weeks money has
loaned In New York as high as 186 per
cent. During the panic of 1893 money
could not be borrowed with govern
ment bonds as security. Under the pro
visions of the bill Introduced by Mr.
Sibley in time of financial distress the
currency could be expanded. If neces
sary, more than $400,000,000. The
reason for naming 80 per cent of the
face value of the bonds is that the
government shall not be put regularly
in tho business of loaning money, but
merely to lend Its power to prevent ex
cessive rates of interest or financial
disaster. When money Is worth more
In the open market than the interest
on 80 per cont of tho face .value of the
bonds, money would flow out Into cir
culation. When tho Interest upon 80
per cent Vas worth Icbs than the in
terest upon the face of the bonds, the
currency would flow bnck into the
treasury and the bonds be withdrawn.
Mr. Sibley's statement being that both
a scarcity of money and a redundancy
of money may possess danger, the sear
city hindering business and paralyzing
industries, while a too redundant cur
rency might provoke speculation and
overtrading, which would in the end
inevitably invite disaster. Mr. Sibley
states that he is not wedded to nny
fixed percentage to be advanced by the
treasurv. but pnv percentage from 60
tip to 80 would be satisfactory, as the
wisdom of the house may determine.
This measure has received a great deal
of attention among lawmakers and
bankers, one and all agreeing that it
has features which entitle It to careful
consideration. No one has yet been
able to offer a valid objection, but
these perhaps may come when the bill
is analyzed by the committee on bank
ing and currency.
The only objection that has yet been
made is to the effect that the banks are
In business to loan money and derive
their profits therefrom, and should not
be subjected to competition through
loans made by the government. In
reply to this objection Mr. Sibley
urees that under the new currency bill'
which has recently passed the house
bankers are enabled to Issue money up
to the full face value of their bonds, at
the same flme receiving interest upon
the bonds so deposited, and to give to
the holder of bonds the privilege of
losing his Interest, and drawing 60, 75
or 80 per cent of the face value of his
bonds does not subject the bank to
any unfair competition, and that the
bankers themselves, under stress of
financial circumstances, might be great
beneficiaries, which would enable them
to convert their securities Into cash
during the prevalence of a panic, which
would make a run upon their resources.
Mr. Sibley urges that under the pro
visions of a law such as this there
could not again occur a great financial
revulsion, and that the advantages
would not be centered in New York or
in any gruat city, but would benefit
locally, throughout the entire United
States, the community where there
might be a scarcity of money whtcn
would force rates abnormally high and
threaten to create a panic. Secretary
Oage declares that the worst character
istic of our financial system is its
rigidity, and Mr. Sibley's plan certainly
would overcome this to considerable
extent at least.
The Word Is More Often Applied lo
lh (irrnt UnRlnea
of Death.
"The evolution of the word 'gun
forms an Interesting study in up-to-date
etymology," remarked one of a
pnrty of newspaper men, says the New
Orleans Times-Democrat. "A dozen or
so years ago we all understood gun to
mean a fowling piece a shotgun as dis
tinguished from a rifle or a musket.
Henty and light ordnance, in fnet all
pieces of artillery, without regard to
size, were known'as cannon. That, of
course, was where people made an ef
fort to speak English. Out In the
frontier the word gun was applied ex
clusively to pistols.
"Nowadays the nomenclature hns
curiously changed. By degrees the
good old word gun hos become monop
olized by the long, slim, murderous ma
chines that constitute our modern ar
tillery. We speak of quick-fire guns,
eight-inch, ten-Inch, twelve-inch guns,
and the word seems singularly apropos.
They are not cannon. 'Cannon' imme
diately suggests the big, lumbering,
black-throated, smooth-bores of the
past. The word conjures up all sorts ot
curious antique pictures swabbers
naked to the wuist, motionless men
holding lighted matches, frigates
lashed together and firing Into each
other's ports, Sepoys bound to the
tnuzz'.e, neat geometric pyramids of
found shot in neat geometric forts, the
charge of the Light Brigade, and lots of
other things loo numerous to nien-tiou."
Let us give you a piece of advice: I'nin in
i,. K,, L- u nn almost inf.illiblc sitin of Kid
ney disease ( a suier sign -is the condition of
Nearly one hundred thouand copies of the
Higgle Hooks have been sold. No I is shout
horses. No. 1 tnnts of berries of U km,!.
No. 3 Is poultry hook a Rem. No. 4 tell
all aliout tows and dairying, while No. 5 i
lur H if;"; have a fain h. the hack , the most comprehensive hook on swine yet
K 00k o the condition of your urine. It printed Price of each coc. Address Wil
ls easilv done. Take a glass tumbler and , tner Atkinson Co., Philadelphia.
nil U w.Hi u.ine, after it h... stood J4 noM,,, , , fc
il lt ha a scdment. if it U milky or cloudy, , ' ' ., . . ln rn,V.
Jki.L-O, the new dessert, pleases nil the
family. Four flavors 1 Lemon, orange,
raspberry and strawberry. At your grocers.
10c Try it to-day. 3 I 4tJ
Cooks are often afflicted with boils.
now An Toar Kldnr I
pr Hobta' ini!i Pill" enra all Wrtner 111".
plofroe. Add Hlerllna HfrnmlrCo., Chicago or N. Y.
The installment dealer seems to be a firm
believer in trusts.
Should Lord SltHabnry llrtlre front
Office, lie Wonld Ileoome Minis
ter of Great Ilrltaln.
Bepeated rumors of the retirement
of Lord Salisbury lend interest to the
wport that the duke of Devonshire is
to be the next prime minister of Kng
innd. It is pointed out that llou.
Schombcrg K. McDonnell, Lord Salis-
if it is pale or decolored, stringy or ropy,
your Kidneys and Hladder arc in a Uaiic,cr-
ous condition nnd nceil inimcuiaie aiiemion,
or the consciiii- nccs may prove f.itnl.
l)r. David Kennedys J'nvorite Remedy
is the one medicine thai really cures nil dis
eases of the Kidneys, Liver, liladder and
Wood, Uhcumntism, J)Sipsia and Chronic
Constipation nnd corrects the had cllccti 01
wlmkcv uivl heer on ine system, n i won
derful how it makes that pain in the back
disappear, how it relieves the desire to
initiate olten, especially at night, and drives
away lhat scalding pain in passing water anil
in a remarkably short lime makes you well
and strong. Dr. David Kennedy's lavoriie
Kenicdy is s ild at Ml drug stores lor if 1 . 00
a bottle, or six bottles for 15.00.
If you would like to try this wonderful
medicine you can do so absolutely free.
Send your full name nnd address to the DK.
Kondout, N. Y., when a free tiial bottle, to
gether with a pamphlet of valuable medical
advice, will be sent you by mail postpaid,
providing you mention the "Columbian"
when you write. The publishers of this
paper guarantee the genuircness of this
liberal oflcr.
If you examine the giggling girl closely
you will generally find thai she has a gold
tooth, through which Moats her silvery
Ed urate Your Dowels Willi CarreU.
Candy Cntlinrttc, cure constipation forever.
tOo, 26c If O. C. C. f ail, druunists refund money.
Musical cranks are just the) people who
most fclrongl; object to the of music
that is produced by means ol a crank,
There have been poultry books printed
costing fifteen dollars and more, nut tnerc
has never been one" at nny price with more
beautiful coloicd reproductions of poultry,
than those found in Higgle Poultry Book, nn
announcement of which appears in another
column. The paintings were made direct
from best birds of the different breeds, and
the coloring and characteristic shape of each
breed are perfect As for the text, there
never was a book printed containing more
practical, level-headed information. Its
chapters include, "Kggs for Hatching,"
"llatch'ng the Lggs," "Care of Chicks with
liens and llroodeis," "The Successful Care
of Incubators," 'The Farmer's Flock,"
"The Viila'-c llcnncrv:" chanters on
"Bieeds." on "Kattcninii and Marketing," There is a class of people who are injured!
and "Diseases nud Remedies," with the old j by the use of coffee. Recently there ha
and new school met hods of treatment. One . beco placed in all the grocery stores a new
man wrote the publishers that, "The i.iot- ' preparation called (HiAIN-O, made of pure
loes alone at each chapter heading were i grains, that takes the place of coffee. Tie
worth the cost of ihc book." Twenty I most delicate stomach receives it without
thousand copies of this udiiiiiahle work have distress, and but few can tell it from toffee,
been printed. The ptic; is 50 cents free by , It docs not cost over as much. Children
mail ; u.idrexs the publishers, Wiliner At- 1 may drink it with great benefit. 15c. and 25c
kinson Co , l'liiladeluhia, l'a. per.package. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O.
(Possible Successor to Lord Salisbury at
uruisn rremiiT.j
bury's principal political secretary, has
volunteered for service In South Africa
und that this action would not have
been taken If his principal Intended
to remain in office for nny length oi
time. The duke of Devonshire is the
lender of the liberal unionists. He is
now G6 years old and has been promi
"Dought my life cents." This was
B. r ...1 U- L.J
one man s way 01 pumng-ii wmn ikmh
been pronounced incurable from chrome
dyspepsia. "It was a' living death tn me
until I tried Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tab
letsthanks o them to-day 1 nm well ant
I tell my friends I bought my life for Aea
cents" 18 in a box they're good for any
and every form of stomach trouble safe !
use and corvenient to carry with you.
Sold by C. A. Klcim. loo
"When a man discover that his friend
are not trumps," says the Mannyiink Philos
opher, "it's time for him to dixcawl them."
a '
Try Grain-OI Try (Jrain-O! Askyotsr
groccr to-day to show you a package of
;RAlN-0, ihe new food drink that tttkes
the place of coffee. The children may-tlmnt:
it without injury as well as the adult. AH
who try il, like it. C1KAIN O has that ric
seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made
of pure grains, nnd the most delicate stom
ach receives it without distress. the price
o' coffee. 15c and ijc. per package. SolJ
by all grocers. , 2 I 4td
Jfe "Re on your guard, for t propose t
steal your heart." She "Not if I steel it
first." ;
Take one of Dr. Agnew's Liver Tills after
dinner, it will promote digestion nnd over
come any evil effects of too hearty eating.
Safe, prompt, effective, painless and pleas
ant. This effective little pill is supplanting
all the old school nauseous purgatives. 4a
doses, toe.
Sold by C. A. Kleim. 99
Thermometers are about as low as ihey will
be this winter, nnd yet you don't see any o
the bargain counters.
Truth, fays the old adage, lies at the bot
tom of the well. That sounds all right, but
why should truth lie under any circum
stances ?
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Ciisein ets Cnndv Oulinrtlc, 10c or Ho.
If C. U. C. full lo cure, drui;t;iMs refund money.
The chap who buys his girl many roses
at this time of year has lo give dollars fcr
Trust Those Who Havb Tried. I
suffered from catarrh of the worst kind
nent in politics for more than 40 years, and never hoped for cure, but Ely's Cream
handed Brookln the razor and replied?
"Here, take this, and I assure you that
with pleasure it is given."
When Maj. Brookln died, several
years later, in Petersburg, Vn., tin
razor was left to his -grandson and
namesake, Col. Vivian Brookln Holmes,
who hns relatives in Llnneus and Cen
traliu, Mo. The Wade, after the death
of Holmes, passed into the ownership
of Mrs. Mans, who still retains the in
teresting relic.
Upon the blade of the razor, which
is of a peculiar' shape, the words:
"Warrfinted (iratian," are found neiu
its heel. The handle, on account of Iti
great nge, has .utmost decayed, only
ubout half of the original remaining
In the center is a small ornamental
sonth African War Kens.
The news from South Africa starti
at Cnpe Town, is sent to Delagoa boy
thence to Mozambique, to Zanzibar, t(
Aden. There it is repeated to Suez, t
distance of over 1,400 miles. From Sues
it is repeated 143 miles to Alexandria
where it is repented again, this time un
der the Mediterranean, 025 miles, tc
Malta. From Mutta it goes to Glbral
tar, and thence to Lisbon, the greut
cable center, 383 miles. At this point
it plunges under the Atlantic, 800 miles
to Pepzance, and so on to London, anc
the rest of the world.
Senator Hoar's resolutions are giv
ing the imperialists more worry than
they can stand, nnd with one accord
they are trying to find relief by declar
ing tbey are in favor of them but are
opposed to their enforcement. San
Francisco Call.
Now lt is said that Mark Hanna will
be chairman ot the Republican nation
al committee after all. The adminis
tration has evidently recovered from
its fear that the presence of the high
brahmin of trusts on the committee
would be dnngerous. Boston Traveler.
The charge that McKlnley and his
official advisers are under the thumb
of the money trust can be provod, if
the charges are pressed home and the
facts are forced into the light by de
termined and persistent action of tho
Democratic members of congress.
Kansas City Times.
The amount of the appropriations for
Durcoses other than usual government
expenditure introduced during the first
12 days of the present session of con
gress reachod 1280,845,366, or at the
rate of nearly $24,000,000 per day.
Philadelphia Record.
Don't Tobacco Spit sua Swuks Tyar Mt
To a ult tobacco euNlly and forever, be mag
letlo, lull of lite, norve and vlifor, tahs No-To-Bac,
the wonder-worker, that mokes weak men
itronff. All drusKlsta, iOoorll. Curegunrun
;cil Ilooklet and sample free. 1 Address
(sterling Itemed Co., Cnlcatio of Hew York.
Though a lifelong liberal he is One ol
the richest noblemen in Lngland, own
ing nearly 200,000 acres of land, in ad
dition to coal and other mines. He
split with Gladstone on the question
of home rule, but afterwards declined
to join Lord Salisbury's cabinet nftei
the secession of Lord Randolph Church
ill. In addition to his house in London
he owns no less than seven castles and
country seats. He is a brother of that
Lord Frederick Cavendish who was as
sasslnated in Thoenix park, Dublin, in
Horse Power of KnKlnea.
An ordinnrv railway engine Is equiva
lent in strength to about 900 horses.
Ileauty Is Blood Deep,
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
bcautv without it. Casearcts. Cundv Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
itirruiK up the lazy liver and driving all inv
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, bluekheads,
md ilmt sickly bilious complexion bv takine
cascarets, neauty lor ten cents. All drug'
gists, Batislaction guaranteed, 1Uc,2jc,50c.
An ounce of prevention is often worth a
pound on the piano.
A Certain Curb for Chilhlains,
Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot-Kase, a
powder. It cures cnublains, frostbite,
damp, sweating, swollen feet. At all drug
gists and shoe stores, ice. sample l'KEB.
Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, New
oik. I 11 d4t.
Many n man who can't even write his own
name makes his mark in the world.
Halm seems even to do that. Oscar OS'
trom, 45 Warren ve., Chicago, III.
I suffered from catarrh ; it got so bad I
could not work j I ut.ed Ely's Cream Balm
and am entirely well A. C. Clarke, 341
Sheumut Ave., Boston, Mass.
The Halm does not irritate or cause sneez-
inc. sold nv nruucists at coc.. or mailed
by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., New York.
The clock-maker is never in a hurry, lie
always has plenty of time.
District Office Managers in this State to rep
resent me in their own and surrounding
counties. Willing to pay yearly Coo, pay
able weekly. Desirable employment with
unusunl opportunities. References ex
changed. Enclor self-addressed stamped
envelope. S. A. lurk, 120 Caxton Huildine,
Chicago. 12-21. l6t
Comes to grief the undertaker.
Many School children are Sickly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children,
used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's
Home, New York, lireak up Colds in 24
hours, cure Feverishness, Headache, Stom
ach Troubles, Teething Disorders, and Des
troy Worms. At all druggists, 25c. Sample
mailed FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted,
LeRoy, N. Y. 1 i8 4td
Bean th y ine wna ton Have Always
The average man is content w ith a day off ,
on his birthday, but most women like ts Lake
a year off.
Manager of btanch office I wish to open in
this vicinity. Good opening for nn ener
getic sober man. Kindly mention this pa
per when writing. A. T. Morris,
Cincinnati, Q.
Illustrated catalogue, 4c. posge. (6ttl
It doesn't follow that an unsuccessful au
thor should be poor, lie ought to have
plenty in his own write.
What Shall we Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family every day.
Let us answer it to-day. Try Jell-O, a de
licious and healthful dessert. Prepared ia
two minutes. No boiling I no baking ! sim
ply add a little boiling water and set to coal.
Flavors: Lemon, orange, Raspberry aad
strawberry. Get a package at your grocer
to-day. locts. 2 id tf
Quick Communication
Facilitates Business
and Communicate
Direct with persons in Berwick, Cat,
wissa, Danville, Riverside, Rupert
Willow Grove, Almedia, Lightstreet
Lime Ridge, Mifflinville, Millvilte
Rohrsbnrg, Nescopeck, Orangeville
Stillwater and Benton. Also long
distance lines to nearly all the towns
in the different States. Rates reason
able. Local exchange over Postofnce.
JOHN KENY0N, Manager.
Catarrh and Colds Relieved in 10 10
60 Minuies One shoit puff of the breath
through the blower, supplied with each bot
tle of Dr. Agnew's Catanhnl Powder, dif
fuses this powder over the surface of the
nasal passages. Painless nnd delightful to
use. lt relieves instantly, and permanently
cures catnrrn, nny lever, colds, Headache,
sore throat, tonsiltti and deafness 50c
hold by C. A. Kleim. "7
The egotist may have an Impediment in I
nis hpeecii, uui never in nis i t.
Cigars, Totacco, Candies, Fruits and Huts
Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week.5 "
lEtTsr-s Goods jl. SisECiA.Xj,r"sr.
F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco
Sole agent tor the following brandB ot Cigars-
Itching, Burning Skin Diseases Cured
for 35c lr. Agnew' Ointment relieves
in one day, and cures letter, salt rheum,
biSetde.raP,ioK Indian Princess Samson, Silver Asb
is sooihini: and cniietintr and nets like niai'ic I
uioomsDurg fa.
in the cure of all baby humors.
Sold by C. A. Kleim.
Cold coffee makes a man hot.
Heart Disf.asr Relieved in 30 Mis.
I'tes. Ur. Agnew'a Cure for the Hean
gives perfect relief in nil cases of organic or
sympathetic heart discum in 30 minutes, and
speedily ettects a 1 uie. U it a peerless rem
edy for palpitation, shoitness of breath,
smothering spells, pain in left site, and all
symptoms ol a diseased heart. One do.e
Sold by C. A. Kleim. 96
Boan th A Tl Kind You Have Always Buufft
2 D)or'abve (Court House.
A large lot of Window Curtains in stock.