The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 21, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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Illinois Mining Troubles Break
Out Afresh.
Th KnA lli-lwrvii Ihv WtiISp iitnl
Ciilnri'il MlnT n( ( iirlrrt lllv
hi I'll linn KaUtpil For n Vpnr
Seenns Knr From plttoiiient. Ills.. Sept. IS. A
trci't fight botwccn n cmwil f nrtrro
luincm of Hnmh's niino In ( 'nrtcivilk'
and (.'artervilk white tnltifi-M nt iimm
yeMi'rdaj resulted in thu death of hIi
neurit noinniluii miner. The negroes
were down town mid were ordered Imuk
by the white miner. In the qiinrrel
which followed u tieitro lioimnion miner
hot Into the crowd. The white men ut
once opened tire, nml when the nhootiiitf
ceased nix of the negro miners weni
dend nud one mortally wounded. None
Of the white miners was injured.
The killed nre Kev. T. .1. Floyd, Itnse
Bradley. John Hlnels, Henry illinium,
two nnidentitied. I
Mortully wounded, Sim Cummin. '
Cummin, the woumled negro, wns re
ported Inst night ns dend.
Trouble him existed here off nnd on for
over n year, but no futilities occurred un
til June oO, wlien u passenger train on
the Illinois Central rnilroad was fired into
and one negro woman killed. These ne
groes were on tliv way to the mines,
Uuviug come from Puna. A short time
afterward a pitched buttle ensued be
tween the union and nonunion forces,
during which time the dwellings occupied
by the nouiiuion negroes were burned.
Several arrests were made, and the ac
cused are in jail nt Marion awaiting trial
on the charge of murder.
Superintendent 1 inline lly of the Brush
mines, where the negroes reside, reports
that the negroes are worked Into a frenzy
and that while he is doing all in bis pow
er to hold them in check he is uliiiid
that he cannot do so much longer.
Company C. Fourth regiment. I. X. O.,
arrived here last night and will endeavor
to preserve order. Forty miners from
the TIerrin mines are reported to have
left that place for this city aimed with
Klag-.loi'gcnsen rilles and determined to
assist the white miners here.
One of the dead negroes is a preacher,
the others are laborers. One of the ne
groes when first shot started to run. Ho
was shot again and fell. One of the
white men then ran up nud shot him
through the head with a rille. The shoot
ing took place immediately in front of
M.lyor .iiumermnu's house and ill full
view of several ladles seated on the
porch, llefore the noise of the first shots
hnd died away the streets began to till
with excited nrnied men. After the
crowd of negroes had been killed or
scattered it was the evident intention of
the infuriated miners to go to Creen
ville, where the big nonunion negro camp
is located, and finish the work. All after
noon an angry crowd of men patrolled
the streets. Later the projected trip to
Greenville was apparently called off.
Knlnlile Fvcnt of the Week llrlrfly
nml Tersely Twill.
T.leutcnnnt Colonel Jolin 1. Mlley died
Rt Manila of cerebral meningitis.
Mrs. Sarah ltlnmbonsohn, who slept
for 1'MI hours, died at her home in New
Jersey, v ,
The yacht Columbia took n trial fpin
from llristol, K. I to Xewport, showing
pood speed.
Slorine ami Martin, the American j.rk
cys, were very successful nt race meet
ings In Fuglaud.
Frank l'ugh, grandson of the late John
Stephenson, car builder, committed sui at Xew ltochclle, X. Y.
laliiel Franklin, a former sheriff of
1 Mil ware county. X. Y died ns the re
sult of a surgical operulioli. f
Prince nml Princess Hohcnlohe-Lau-genburg
narrowly escaped death in H
railway collision at Perth, Scotland.
Oakes A. Ames, senior ;meinber of tho
well known Massachusetts family, died
nt North Kastou, M.ISS., aged 70 years.
(leneral U. A. Alger has been an
nounced as one. of those who will wel
come the Kansas troops returning from
Tuesday, Kept. 10.
Secretary nnd Mrs. tinge left .Wash
ington for n trip to Arizona.
A serious break occurred in the Forest
port feeder to the Krie canal.
The first general rain in northern Tex
as since June 2." fell Sunday.'
A cigar syndicate hai been formed nt
Tnmpn, Fla., with a capital of ifllj.OOO,
000. The president's dinner for AdmirM
Dewey Recepton will be a Handsome Souve
nir Well Worth I reserving.
The preparation of the New York
State official program of tht Dewey
reception is now in progress, and or
ders are received from all over the
country and abroad for this great pop
uUir souvenir of this national event,
which indicates the interest manifest
ed by the general public in the great
recepiion to be extended to Admiral
Ieweyonhis arrival in New Yotk,
September 28. The State legislative
committee, of which Senator John
Raines is chairman, has perfected all
arrangements for the Pewev reception.
Mr. George T. Parker has returned
from Washington, where he had been
in consultation with the navy and other their case before the Supreme Court.
omciais. 1 11c iii'iicuuuiis now arc
His Execution Fixed by Governor Stone lor
November 15th.
Governor William A. Stone last
week fixed Wednesday, November
15th, as the time for the execution of
l.dward Cressinyer, who, it will be re
membered, brutally murdered Daisy
Smith, in Northumberland coun'.y,
about a year ago. The details cf
this horrible crime are still fresh in
the tncmoiy of our leaders, and tt is
not necessary here to tepeat them.
The counsel for the defense, Attor
neys (Tram and Clement, firmly be
lieve that Cresssinger is insane nnd
they have not yet given up hope of
saving him from the gallows. On Oc
tober 9th, at Pittsburg, they will argue
Silieriu's Advancement.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15. Siberia is
becoming the successor of the United
States ns a Mecca for Immigrants. The
5,213,!)50 square miles of Siberia and the
Amur lands have u population of only
4,000,000. but last year there were 400,
000 immigrants, and the tide of immigra
tion is increasing. Consul J. C. Monaglmn,
at Chemnitz, reports to the state de
partment that the recent movement into
Siberia is unequaled anywhere except in
the records of past immigration into the
United States.
Kitltit Perish III an Ailolte tlonse.
LAS VEGAS, N. M Sept. IS. An
ndobe house, rive miles from Morn. N.
M., collapsed Saturday night, killini,'
Manuel Cordova nnd his wife and six
children. It had been raining in that vi
cinity for several days, and the dirt root
of the house having become saturated,
fell on the inmates, crushing them. Only
one member of the family, a boy of 10
years, escaped, he being outside the
house when the accident occurred.
Gnldeleaa I'licer'l Trial.
POrGHKEEPSIK. N. Y Sept. 10.
The guidelesg pacer, Cute, owned by V.
B. Strong of New Paltz, made a mile
without driver or harness at the Dutch
ess, county fair yesterday in 2:Oili.2. The
exhibition took p-lace on the track nt the
Hudson Uiver Driving pnrk. The horse
veered to the outside of the track on the
homestretch which materially Interfered
with tfie time.
Earthquake In Ohio.
TOLEDO, Sept. 15. A Commercial
special from Elyrin says: "Pcntield town
ship was visited by an eiirtluiuake early ( ltritish missionaries.
that lroin an artistic standpoint the
State program will be equal, if not
superior, to any souvenir program of
like nature ever published. The of
ficial design adopted by the committee
is an illuminated cover illustrating the
life of Admiral Dewev from his en
trance to the Naval Academy to the
battle of Manila Bay, which is life
like and realistic. I he vivid picture
of the "Man Behind the Guns" is but
a fitting tribute to the gallant men
Dewey nt the White House has been set ! ,, fousiht with Dewev on that mem-
n..."1'.- ' orable May morning. The portrait of
llonted into the diydock at the Brooklyn
navy ynrd.
From July 1. 1MS, to Juue 110. ISOll,
21ii.S-l."i immigrants arrived nt the New
York barge ollice.
Subscriptions deposited in the National
Hunk of North America for Porto Uican
sufferers readied !? H'.5;t;i.i0.
Arizona nnd New Mexico otlieials de
clared they would not follow California
In the proposition to quarantine consump
tives. Monti:!'. Seit. IN.
The seasuu at Coney IlanJ, N. Y., Las
The Cleveland strikers voted unani
mously to continue the strike.
A lockout at ."0 Dundee iScotlnndl milN
throws 35,0110 men out of employment.
Many fishermen were drowned during
the recent storms off the Newfoundland
Harry Jacobs. 17 years obi, was drown
VU in Dog river, ill Montpdicr, Vt while
1 athing.
Six hundred men are idle as the result
of n strike in the sawmills near Jackson
ville. Fla.
'1 he union carpenters of llirininghnm.
Ala., have struck for a nine hour day and
minimum wages of l?2.
At Newburg. N. Y.. Charles A.' Mc
Closkey died of lockjaw after the admin
istration of nnlitctauic serum.
The city public library, a church and
several printing establishments in Lin
coln, Neb., have been burned ut a loss ot
1 ver $."011.1 Mm.
Sntnrdny. Sent. HI.
Tlie Indian council at Simla passed the
new currency bill.
Fifty-nine cases of typhoid fever were
reported nt Madrid.
Hear Admiral Sampson's squadron left
Philadelphia for New York.
An old Alaska prospector has reached
Scuttle who cannot tell his name ot
The New York state workingmen's fed
eration elected M. F. Murphy president
nt Albany.
It. It. Banning, n Hawaiian capitalist,
lost in San Francisco a valise containing
over IPJIO.IMM).
I It was reported that tho German mis
I sion at Shangtung. China, had been anni
hilated by Chinese.
I Another Mexican guard near Naco,
I A. T was killed during the trouble with
1 Amerieon cowboys.
Governor Tyler of Virginia refused to
ihtt rfere with the execution of Noth r in
ley for hliriiwiiy robbery.
Edward Snow, 17 years old, was held
for trial at Harnstable. Mnss.. on charge
of murdering James F. A hittcmore ut
Yarmouth, Mass.
Friday. Sent. IS.
A French colony of 500 families will
Viotite on farms near Clay City, Ills.
Itishon Doano of Albany was robbed in
llostou of $100 and valuable papers.
Miners arriving lit Seattle from Alaska
declared the Cape Nome goldficlds to be
very rich.
The natives of Pnongau, Tibet, have
driven out of the province a number of
Dewev in the center, under tlie caie
and rl.igs, represents the "fighting
Commodore" in his uniform as Ad
miral of the Navy of the United States.
Scenes from the battle of Manila Bay,
and other interesting matter, and
among other features an engraved re
production of the sword to be present
ed to Admiral Dewey, as well as a
fac simile of his commission as Ad
miral, signed by the president of the
Uiiiied States, and sent to the Admiral
on behalf of the people and Congress
of his country.
Portraits of national, State and
city authorities will be likewise includ
ed, the Stnate ami Assembly of the
State will be well represented by en-
craved portraits of the Senators and
Members. Many other features, to
gether with the full official program of
the naval and land parades, will make
this program well worthy of preserv
ation as a memento of an extraordi
nary event tn the history of the Em
pire State.
Orders, enclosing the price, 25 cents
postal note, should be sent to George
Patker, treasurer, 253 Brood way,
Don't Pay to be Mean
The story is told of a man who
gave a note recently without a rev
enue stamp on it. He said it was
unnecessary, as he would pay it in a
few days. When the note became
dut he refused to pay it, and pleaded
as a defence that there was no stamp
on it. He won that case, but now he
is under arrest, charged with-violating
the revenue law, and the costs already
amount to several times more than
the note. A mean man always gets
" caught up with " in the long run.
Educate Tour Vowels Willi Cusrnrets.
Canity Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c, S5c. It C C. C. full, druggist refund money.
Judge Biggie not only knows a great
deal about horses, but what is more
important he knows how to impart
his tnformat.on tn a way that will be
understood. One does not have to
wade through a great man of undi
gested, unimportant matter. The
Biggie Books are models of clarness
and consciousness. 1 hey are adver
tised in another column. The price is
50 cents. free by mail : address the pub
lishers, ilmer
Atkinson Co., Phila-
New York, and
prompt attention.
they will receive
While there is life there is
hope. I was amicteu with catarrhs
could neither taste nor smell and
could hear but little. Ely's Cream
Balm cuied it. Marcus G. Shautz,
Rahway, N. T.
The Balm reached me safely and
and the effect is surprising. My son
says the first application gave decided
relief. Respectfully, Mrs. Franklin
Freeman, Dover, N. H.
The Balm does not irritate or
cause sneezing. Sold by druggists at 4acn day, bicycle races each day
50 cts. or mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 pun particulars in pamph'.ets may-
warren at., isew oric.
iMiltja Fair.
The fifteenth Annual Fair oi the
Mi'.tou Driving Park nnd Fair As
sociation will be held at Milton,
Pa., October 3. 4,5 and 6, 1S99.
The outlook indicates the most suc-
cessiul rair in tne History 01 tne
Association. A new road lias been
opened to the grounds, by which
they may uj reached by those per
sons whose horses shy at trolley
cars. The trolley road tunning by
grounds affords the best, facilities
for handling crowds, both electric
and steam roads issue special rates
and special service. Trains stop at
entrance. The premium list has
been revised, offering great induce
ments to owners of fast horses,
stock raisers, farmers, and manu
facturers generally. Competition
unrestricted. Grand stand has
been remodeled, track worked, and
accommodations generally un
oroved. Trials of speed in harness
lleanty Is Mood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. Ko
beautv without it. Cascarets. Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
itiri ing ui the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body, liegin to-duy to
sanisli pimpleg, boils, blotches, blackheads,
ind that sicUly bilious complexion by taking
Lascarets, beauty tor ten cents. All drug-
jibis, gaiisiuctioii guaranteed, luc, ajc, ouc-
jbe had by addressing Edwin Paul,
Secretary, Milton, Pa. t
Besri the 1 118 Rin(1 Have mm Bul'!
yesterday morning. I nst there was a
shock lasting about four seconds, which
shook dishes, tables, chairs and other
movable urtieles. After the shock there
was n rumbling noise lasting fully half a
t'mitHlii I.eiiry Iteimrls.
WASHINGTON. Sept. lo.-Captain
I.etiry, the governor general of the island
of tiiiaui, has reported his arrival at his
post on the steamer Voscmilo, under
date of Aug. 7. The collier Hnitus and
the surveying ship Nero arrived at tiie
same Island Aug. Ill and Se pt. 7, respect
ively. Knrtliiinnkv In Hon Hi Afrla-n,
CAPK TOWN. Sept. 1H. About noon
yesterday an curthijuiikc chock was felt
strongly in Simon's Town, on tin- wist
side of Pulse bay, about 'l't inili-s soulb t
Cape Town. The disturbance was per
ceptible here. There was considerable
anxiety, but no damage was done.
1. 11 rue Coal I.miiiIs I'urrliusv.
PlTTSmiltO, Sept. IS.- I'iflicii thou
sand ncres of good coal land in l-'ayciie
county were puii-liiieJ last week by
llgeuts representing the l-'edeiul hiiel
company, and it Is said the ('hiago ou
ceiu is now about lo wage wui uiut
the Curnegle Steel company.
I'he president unexpectedly summoned
Philippine Commissioners Worcester and
lienby home from Manila.
The Missouri, Jinnsns and Texas rail
road has taken IfUri.llllll of capital slock in
the St. Louis World's fair.
Application was made by editors --f the
llohokcu lb-publican for the arrest of
Mayor Kag-iu of that city for alleged
criminal libel.
'I'll 11 rail 11 y, Scpl. II.
1'lood.i were reported in upper Austria,
l irteen house painters have struck in
The Civic federation, in Chicago, began
its conference mi trusts.
II. 'lirvtl". charged with def riiuclilig
English Kloiidiki'is, was arrested nt lon
uld, ' 'anaila.
A pet paitot turned on tlie gr.s In 11
room in VYashinglou, asphyxiating Miss
Alice Knott.
A Tob -do shipbuilding company lias
planned lo luiiiell soon 11 second big
occuu going tcajihip,
Lord j:iei-t Hamilton, son of the
uke of Aberdeen, bus reached Vancou
ver, li. I '., fit route to the Klondike.
The City nf Mexico has arranged elal
orate celebration nt President 1 Mux's
birthday and of independence day oil
fceit. K and li,
A New Way to Get a Husband.
We have heretofore heard of brides
KCttincr themselves in a tub of but-
ter," but in this case only her card
was in the butter. Miss Belle Lafflin,
farmer s daughter, residing near
Great Bend, wrote her name and ad
dress upon a card and imbedded it in
a tub ot butter, which her father was
shipping to a Philadelphia commis
sion house, six months ayo. She re
quested the finder to write to her.
Ten days later the chef of one of
Philadelphia's leading hotels wrote to
Miss Laflhn, who promptly replied.
A month later the chef came to the
Lafflin homestead. There will be a
pleasant wedding in Great Bend
township during the holidays, and
Miss Lafflin will be the bride.
Don't Toljacro Spit ain) Smuke Tour I.lfu inny.
To quit ti'bacco easily and forever, be mag
lctic, lull of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-
3ac, tlie wonder -worker, that iiinUes weak men
itrong. All druggists, Mc or II, Cure guaran
teed. Booklet mid sample free. Address
Sterling Itemedy Co , Cnltuco or Mew York.
To liar oni. ui il 1 1 -,
BAN PHANCIHCO, Kept. Pi -Ju Use.
raiucnto lr. I. I. Crowley, no-iulei ,,t
tho state board of hi-allh, pM-i-iil- H
resolution looking toward the iiisniiii
ing of the state of California against nil
persons siitTcrluo; with coimumpiioii.
Teiiuvsat-e Minna Iliirs,
M'CKTOWN. Tcmi., Hepl. 1H.-Work
was resumed In the mines hero yesUrdsy,
and the Oucklown Sulphur, Copper and
Iron company will start Its work M'to
, day morning, the recent iUrlk hnvletf
been amicably settled.
I'isbvt-lvs I'IumI llurneil.
MCW VOKK, Sepi. 1H - The plant of
the Ameiicuii J' irdicrii's company, at
I'l'oujiM-d J. and, N. Vt, was destroyed by
fire jt uiilil. Kighf building 111 nil
ttcjv iit)H' i, together c jih 11 large fjiiriu
lily nt very valuublu machinery.
Ladies Cn Wear Shoes one size
smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease,
a powder to be shaken into the shoes.
It makes tight or new shoes feel easy;
gives instant relief to corns and bun
ions: It's the greatest comfort dis
covery of the age. Cures swollen
feet, blisters and callous spots. Al
len's Foot-Ease is a certain cure for
ingrowing nails, sweating, hot, aching
feet. At all druggists and shoe stores,
25c. Trial package- free by mail.
Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy,
N. Y. 8-3i-4td
lioMcral 4ler WllliilriiMS.
l(KTKOJT, rW. P.. The letter writ
leif by j. ntril It, A. Alger In New York
oit Kepi. H withdrawing from tho contest
for tlu l.'uilud Mtst'-s sonatorsliip u
Utadu niiblu.' yijsy,
More herrings are eten than any
othet kind of fish.
Bean th. ) Kind You Haw Always Bought
r ni nir H
UBS. LI. & Li
The Leading Specialists of America
250,000 Cured.
I Thousands of young and middle-aged I
me n are troubled with this disease many I
unconsciously. 1 hey limy nave a smart-1
I ing sensation, small, twisting stream,
tdmrp cutting pains at times, slight di
chnrgo, difficulty in commencing, wenk
organs, emissions, ana an 1110 eyiuixums
of nervous debility they havo SXK1C
T 1' K K. Don' t let doctors experiment on
you, by cutting, stretching, or tearing
you. This will not cureyou, ns it will re
turn. Our NEW MliXHOU XKEA'f
ME.NT absorbs the stricture tissue;
henco removes the stricture permanently.
It can neror return. No pain, no suffer
ing, no dotention from business by our
method. Tbesexualoigaasarestrengih
ened. The nerves are invigoruled, ami
the bliss of manhood returns.
Thousands of young and mliMle-aged
men are having their sexual vigor and
vitality continually eappea l y tins uis
eae. They are frequently uuoonscious
ef the cause of there symptoms. General
Weakness, Vnnnturul iliscburgos, Fail
ing Manhood, Nervousness, 1'oor Slein-
sation. Sunken fcyes.witb dark circlus,
Weak Back, lieueral Depression, Lack
of Ambition. Varicocele. Shrunken
l'arts. eto. GLEET and STRICH KK
may bo the cause. Don't consult family
doctors, as they have no exiierieuce in
these special dUeutic don't alluw
Uuacksto experiment on you. Consult
specialists, who havo made a life study of
l)i.eesof Men and Women. Our NEW
tively cure you. One thousand dollars
for a ease we accept for treatment and
cannot euro, lermt moderate tor a cure.
The Kind You Havo Always Dought, nnd which has been
in use for over 80 years, has borno tho signature of
and lias hvon mado under his jmt-
J jj&Jfy-f-?u sonal supervision fdnco its Infancy.
-Afy'LcuAi Allow 110 0110 to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes aro but Kx
perlnieiits that trillo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience ngalnst Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria Is n, substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless nnd Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Nareotlo
substance. Its ngo is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms
nnd allays Feverish ness. It cures lIarrhuu nnd "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and IJowcls, giving healthy nnd natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears tho Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
We treat and cure: EMISSIONS.
III! ll'J i;'vati'kat. mscii AUO.
ES, KIDNEY and BLAUDER Diseases.
FREE. If unable to cull, write for
Kennedys Kergan
5 A A
Farm Library of unequalled value Practical,
UP-tO-date, Concise ana UHnprenenMvc muu-
somely PrlnteJ and Beautifully Illustrated.
All about Horses a Common-St-nse Treatise, with orer
74 illustrationi ; a ataudard work. Price, 50 Ccuts.
All about crowine; Small Fruits read and learn now;
contains 41 colored lite-like reproductionsof all Irading
varieties and 100 other illustrations. Price, jo Cents.
All about Poultry j the best Poultry Book In eilstence ;
tells everything : withaj colored life-like reproductions
of ntl the principal breeds; with loj other iUustraliona.
l'rice. 50 Cents.
m. mnrii n rnW RfvnK
All about Cowa and the Dairy Business : havins; a treat
sale; contain colored lifelike reproductions ofeach
breed, with ijj other illustrations. Price, 50 Lenta.
Just out. All about Hoge-Breedins;, Feedintr. Butch
ery, Diseaaee. etc. Containa over Ho beautiful half
tones and other engravings. Price, jo Cents.
The BldOLE BOOKS are unique ,orlginal,ueful-you never
saw anything like them so practical, so sensible. They
.r. h.vln. n mnrmnus sale East. West. North and
South. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or
Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send right
way for the BIQOLE BOOKS. The
Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit. It Is yeara
old; it is the great boiled-down, hit-the-nall-on-the-head,
ouit-arter-you-nave-eaia-ii, rarm ana nouscnom y"'
7. , , .u. . nn,. .1.. iM u TTnitM4 Ststea
of America having over million and a-balf regular readers.
8 YEARS (remainder of 1899. I9J. 190". 9 od 9J) will nt bJ' m,il
f ympdteo?FARM JOURNAL andcircnlw deribing BIQQLE BOOKS ft
CUi. 9. J UN SUNS.
...iiii...h.....i. .i.ii ii
filli MARKETS.
Rutter oer lb $
Eggs per dozen
Lard per lb
Ham per pound
Poik, whole, per pound
Beef. Quarter, per pound, . . .
Wheat per bushel
Oat3 " "
Rvo " "
Wheat flour per bbl
Hay per ton
Potatoes per bushel,
Turnips " "
Onions " "
Sweet potatoes per peck
Tallow per lb
Shoulder " "
Side meat
Vineaar. per qt. .
Dried apples per lb
Dried cherries, pitted
Cow Hides per lb
Steer " " "
Sheep pelts ,
Shelled corn per bus
Corn meal, cwt
Bran, "
Chop "
Middlings "
Chickens per lbnew
" " "old
Turkeys " "
Geese " "
Ducks " "
No. 6, delivered
' 4 and s
" 6 at vard
" 4 and s at yr..
9 to $10
. q
1. 00
1. 00
You can save money on Vianos and Or
gnns. You will always finl tl.e lares
stotU-, lei makes and lowest pikes.
PIANOS. From $175.00 and Upwards.
' ORGANS. From $50.03 and Upwards
We sell on the installment pi.m l'ianos
55.oo down and $1000 p.-r month. -Or
Hans, $10.00 'Imvn, ifj.iioper nuintli. Lib
eial iliscmint for cash, hliect music, at one
linlf piic.'. Musical meixh.ilulisc of
We handle Genuine linger llih Arm Q
S'A.oo down and i?l.oo rer monili. We also
, handle the Demorest Sewing Machine, from
1 $19.50 and upwards. Sewing Machine
Needles and Oil for all i.iakes of Sewing
Machines. licA makes of
j FROM $4.00 UP TO $9.00.
1 C-iT Music Room Ko. 115 West Main
St., below Mar. et, Uloonisbnry, l a. 311111-3
V rumotM ft luimistnl rru wth .
Never ThUm to Beatore Giny
air q m iouiu ut voter.
CklFkMt.' Fna-U.h DIajsMsid Brui
m yJh sW
Orljrtntsl mA Only CfVnnlnas A.
At, tlVftJTt rvliasbl. LAUIt uk C
for Chicktr9 Mnotuh Dta fTW
mend Sr4 lo Ued w4 UUU aituiUA Uf
it'VlM. s-ld iiq blue rlbboa. Vmt
uk unj mifaiioM. Ai DriucRix. r trad 4
in tDg tut bftrtieuui
fur. b. rptu
SfmIL 1 ll.lttm TcliinMlLl.. JV.iM.
USliiUUwJjfKiiiu. rillLAUA.. !'..