THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOM3BURG. F n. Bummer Tours to the North. Two Tours to Canada via Pennsylvania Rail rond. For the Summer of 1896 the Penn sylvania Railroad Company has arrang ed to run two personally-conducted tours to Canada and Northern New York. The first tour, leaving July 22, in cludes Niagara Falls, Toronto, Thous and Islands, Rapid; of the St. Law rence, Quebec, Lake St. John. The Saguenay, Montreal, Au Sable Chasm, Lakes Champlain and George, Sara toga, and Highlands of the Hudson, occupying seventeen days. Round trip rate, $125. The second tour, leaving August 12 covers the same territory with the ex ception of Lake St. John and the Sag uenay, and occupies fourteen days. Round-trip rate, $too. Each tour will be in charge of one of the company's tourist agents, assist ed by an experienced lady as chaperon, whose especial charge will be unescort ed ladies. The rate covers railway and boat fare for the entire round trip, parlor car seats, meals en route, hotel enter tainment, transfer charges, and carri age hire. For detailed itinerary, tickets, or any additional information, address Tourist Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1196 Broadway, New York; 860 Fulton Street, Brooklyn; 789 Broad Street, Newark, N. J ; or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passeng er Agent, Broad Street Station, Phila delphia. 7-6 2t Spoiled by a Kiss John Brown of Ossawattomie they led him out to die, And, lo. a poor slave mother with her little child pressed nigh, And the bold blue eyes grew tender and the old harsh face grew mild As he stooped before the jeering ranks and kissed-the negro's child! Whittier The kiss that old John Brown gave to a little colored child as he was led out to be hanged, forever checked the child's career as a useful person. Owen Carter of Charlestown, VV. Va., was the litttle colored baby held up to receive John Brown s last kiss, He is now 43 years old, has 14 child ren and has never done a stroke of honest woik in his life. He lives on the tips of curious and foolish tourists and the free will offerings of his own race. PLENTY OF RECRUITS. Imly Knlintril illi-n to Hp Sent to , Ol In aa Noon ua PonnlUIo. WASHINGTON. .Tuly .". H.-port from tvcniitiiiK dtntiuiis thiminhout the country roiirirm tii hi'lk'f of the wiir tic piirliiH'iit that tlii'ic nru on hand 'Iuih:!i li'iTiiits to tnci't the nct'ils of Mnjor ( ten-i-rnl Otis for lillinir up tho ivtfiiWir Mj;i liiriits now in the I'liilippiiii'N. Orders lmvc I'l-en Kent to the diiiVn-tit Minions to fnrwnid nx rapidly nx possible to Sun I-'rnm-ixco nil recruits on hnml. At Sun rnuiclxeo they will he mobilized nud drilled lind will do turret priH'tiep. tienerul Shatter, who lins thin work in Unlike, luis recommended to the war di tnirtmeiit that recruits he detained nt the l'residio ns long as possible to enable them to get u 11 the nepesxary Instruction in turret practice, hut owing to the ne cessity of avoiding any delny in the de parture of transport the war department feels that the drilling will have to lie sub ordinated to the loading and departure of the transports. hint as soon ns the recruits have been mobilised nt San Francisco orders will he Issued for recruiting the volunteers to till the nine volunteer regiments. It Is probable that these orders will lie sent out immediately and that the number of recruiting stations will he largely in creased in the country districts us well as the cities. The nunrtermnster'a department has hren very active in the work of obtaining additional transportation, and Oeneral Lndington now believes that be has on bund in the l'acltic fleet sufficient trans ports to Ml all requirements. CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. ITALIAN LAWMAKERS FIGHT. Stormy Scene In the C'hnmber of Deputies. ltOMK, July 1. The sitting of the chamber of deputies yesterday was vio lently riotous. The Undicnls declare! that they would continue to prevent a majority vote on the government's meas ures looking to the mnintennnce of public order, and a wrangle ensued, which de veloped into a general nielee, in which luauy blows were exchanged. Signers Praiupalinc and Dp Falnce seized the voting urns for the purpose of preventing a vote, and for this they will be prosecuted by the government. A secret ballot having been ordered up on certain bills, the Socialists rushed down to prevent It. Signer Sonuino ad vanced first to register his vote, but the Socialist deputy Signor Bissolati denit him a violuut blow near the temple. Sig nor Sonuino then seized him by the throat nud coat collar and threw him down, receiving himself in the menn timo numerous blows from the other So cialisU who took part in the affray. General Pelloux, pale and stupefied, remained standing. He was on the point of being attacked, when Admiral Uettolo raised a chair and defended him. DREYFUS AT RENNES. On the subject of divorce the cor respondent of the Wilkesbarre Record who is also a lawyer, says: "This county is fast making a reputation as a divorce mill. Every term of court grinds out a good grist of them. But as long as the law on the subject of divorce in this State remains as it is there is little hope of a change in this respect. In New York State it is easy to get tied up, but after that it is not so easuy unuea 1 nereis but one ground for a divorce, adultery, and the laws of evidence are held strictly on this point. In this State the obtain, ing of a license may hold some people in check, on the start, but the num erous grounds for a divorce on our statute books make it possible for any one to free themselves from the state of matrimony." Ilenuty la Illood Deep. Clean Mood means a elenn skin. No beauty without it. (..'uscarels. CmidvCnthnr. tic clean your blood und keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body, liegin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking CascaretH, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50e. Try Allen's Foot Ease A pow der to be shaken into the shoes. Your feet feel swo'len, nervous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Al len's Foot Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen, sweating feet, ingrowing nails, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pam and gives rest and comfort. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores tor 25c. Trial package free. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Rov. The Noted French Prisoner Arrived at the Prison Without Incident. RENN'ES, l'rnnce, July 1. Cnptaiu lireyfus landed from the cruiser Sfax at Quiberou early this morning and was conveyed by special train to Bruz, 12 kilometers from Kenncs. There he en tered a landau, accompanied by the chief of the detectives of the prefect depart ment, and was driven to ltennes, where '-' gendarmes awaited his entrance into the town. Ten of the gendarmes enter ed a wngon und followed the carriage. The rest followed on foot. The party arrived at the prison with out incident. A large crowd assembled ami wituessed the arrival in silence and without iflnnirestntion. Arbitration Optional. TIIK HAGUE, July 5 At a mooting yesterday nfternoon of the arbitration committee the iiuestion whether arbitra tion should be obligatory or optional was raised und drew 11 categorical declaration from tlfe (.ierman dclegnte to the effect that he had received formal instructions not to accept the principle of obligatory arbitration otherwise than by special con ventions. In view of this statement ar ticle 10 of the Hussiau proposal was struck out and replaced by n provision declaring arbitration should be optional except in the case of conventions between the powers. All the delegates adhered to this, M. lbutrgcois, head of the French delegation, declaring he accepted it only as a compromise. AecnrilliiK to Ktiler Daniel Whllmer llee Stlnjcs Is n ftpeclfle That Never Kalis. At last there Is a sure cure for rheu matism. It Is vouched for by no less an authority than Elder Unnicl Whlt lncr. The elder discovered it quite by accident. He litis no nierconnry object ! Riving It to the world, lie would bo (.iite satisfied if he could rest In n safe place nnd wntch other people tnklnfr the cure. As nil evidence of Rood faith 1:1. Icr Whitmer tells in the American lice Journal bow his own cure was ac- Rnflnlo Hunt In New York. NEW YOItK. June 1!U. A buffalo cow which had showed an ugly temper for some time escaped from the paddock in Central park yesterday morning ut i:45 und led -3 policemen, five keepers nud a great crowd 1111 exciting chase lasting two hours. It spread terror along Fifty-ninth street from Fifth to Eighth avenue, and several persons narrowly escaped being run down by the heavy, compact beast, which was going ut express speed. The uninial was finally lassoed in the lake. N. Y. 7 6 4td. Conversion of Mexico's Debt. NEW VUUK, July 5. It is announced here that the formal contract has been signed whereby J. l Morgan & Co. of this city, S. lllcichrodcr of the Deutsche hunk, the Dresden bank In Germany and J. S. Morgan & Co. in Loudon under- I take the conversion of the entire foreign cebt or the republic of Mexico, most of which now bears ti per cent interest, by the issue of new bonds at 5 per cent in terest. t - m M. mm Superstition and Ita Effects. I wish that potiin one would write nn ndeqnnto book npon nHrHtition nnd IN rtTects, ns distinguished from mid op posed to rcvenleil religion and its effects. This enrso of the world, civi lized or SHvngo, deserves a worthy chron icler. Walking; round tho exhibits in the Agricultural linll. it was borne in to my mind that superstition In .nil its hideous phases Is perhaps tho most con crete and tnnible form In which tin) evil otio manifests, himself upon rnrth, nnd I think that thosa who hnvo mixed mud, with native laces will not dis tigrcu with inc. Here is 1111 instance, of iti working 1 which luis just come to my notice: Not long ago two MntabeU's wore tried nt Dnlii wayo for the innrdcr of their grand son, a child of 2. Poison having failed, the lxiy wiw held beneath the wnter.nnd drowned. The crime was admitted, lint the defenso raised was that the child had cut its top teeth first. Such chil dren being unlucky and tho cause of ill luck to others, it was customary to kill them, and a "witch doctor," on being consulted, had ordered that this one should be put to death I Well, only a Century or so since we did things al most as bad in England. Rider Hag gard in Longman's. CURB FOR RHEUMATISM. (How Elder Whttmer Effected a Cure In Less Than No Time.) complished. Ilia was m bail case. Asa result of sclntio rheumatism the elder was partially paralyzed. lie was able to get about only with the aid of crutches. The parts of bis body affect ed by the disease were entirely numb. One day the old gentleman was toying with a swarm of bees. Evidently recog nizing that he could not run the bees attacked him viciously. They stung him repeatedly in the numb portions of his anatomy. Under the stings they rapidly recovered a lively sense of feel ing. Dropping his crutches, the elder executed n skirt dance which would have done credit to Loie Fuller. Next morning, though somewhat sore from the stings, the elder states that every trace of the rheumatism had left him, nor has It ever returned. He urges all victims of rheumatism to try the bee sting cure, believing in oil seriousness that it will cure them. COBWEB PICTURES I'nlque Works of Art Prodaced by an Italian Resident of a Penn sylvania Hamlet. It hardly seems credible that cob webs taken from the cellurstnirwaycon be made into a beautiful picture, yet this remarkable feat is accomplished bv Anthony llratto, of Plymouth, Mont gomery county, Pu. His pictures ore generally in demand, and Bratto has enough orders ahead to keep hiin busy lor some time. Just how he makes the flimsy material stay in place is bis own secret, lie admits, however, tliut be first traces his scenes with a lead pen cil. The queer artist is very versatile and can picture anything in this man- "The Lord hath sent me!" quoth the missionary, immediately he set foot upon the tropic strand. Here a venerable savage addressed his fellows. "Didn't I tell you the Lord would provide?" he exclaimed. Then they fell to and ate the mis sionary, and their simple faith was much confirmed by the incident. To Cure Constipation Forever. 1.0 HS Cfy'r61 Candy Cathartic. lOoorSSe. u Kj. U. O. fall to euro, druugists refund mouey. "Mamma, what would you do if that big vase in the parlor should get broken?" said Tommy. I should spank whoever did it," said Mrs. Banks, gazing severely at her son. ".Well then yon'd better begin to get up your muscle," said Tommy, glee fully, coz papa's broken it." Har. per't Bazar. Lnrue Production of Mnuwiinese. WASHINGTON. June 20. The lur gust production of manganese ore report ed since 1N01 occurred in the calendar year 18US, uecordmg to statistics just completed by the I lilted States gcolog icul survey, 'ilie war with Spain caused a diminution, ami the home production amounted to 13,1157 long tons, valued at $12!),1S5, an Increase-of ulmoNt 44 per cent over lwi. Killed by a Mowing Machine. NOHW1C1I. X. V., July 5. While playing in a field which her father win mowing at Guilford the 3-year-old daugh ter of Hial Stead fell in front of the mowing machine, the knife of which cut off one of her legs. The child died from the effects of the injury. LEAVING PORT. (A Marine Picture Made Entirely of Cobwebs.) ner from a "face" to a "battle at sea." The following sketch is a copy of one of his pictures which was made entirely of cobwebs. Brutto, who Is an Italian, has been practicing this queer art for the past An Added Burden,. I was taking my dinner one day at a mountain farmhouse on the headwaters of the Cumberland river, and the lady of the house, who had four children playing around the front of the estab lishment, was inclined to repine at her hard lack in having so much work to do. "I run this here whole farm," hIiu said in a tone which indicated that she was ready to resign. "How many acres have you!" I in quired. 'A hnndrcd and forty 20 in wheat, 00 in corn, 10 in medder an paster, an the balance scatterin an woods." "Got any stock?" "Ten head uv cattle, two cows, sis hogs an work critters for the place. " "And you run the whole business 7" "Indeed I do every bide an hair uv if," she sighed. "Dou't you hire soino help?" "In course, but 'tain't hired help that takes the load of 'en a body. ' ' There was philosophy in that statement, and 1 paused a minute. "Haven't yon got a husband ?" I next asked with a good deal of sympathy. "Yes," she responded very slowly, "but I have to run him too." Wash ington Star. He Got the Fees. Sagar, the verger of Halifax parish church, was qnite a character in his way. He figured in several good Btorles in Dean Pigon's "Phase of My Life. " On one occasion a bridegroom discover ed after the service that helad no mon ey with which to pay the fees. Sagar went to the bride in his most winsome way and asked her: "Hnst ever seen Black Bibles? We've a rare lot on 'cm in this 'ere vestry." "No," she replied, not having the faintest idea of what a Black Bible wad. "Coom along. I'll show yer them." He lured her into the inner vestry. "There's the Bibles," he said, point ing to theiu, locked up as they were in a bookcase with glues panels, of which he hud not the key. "Wait awhile till I come buck." He turned the key of the vestry on the bride and, going to the bridegroom said, "Lass is all right, but you'll no have her till yon have paid." The "brass" was immediately forth coming. A Happy Introduction. An Englishman who is an enthusi astic Alpine clnbbist came in one night to carry a friend off to n lectnre which the veteran mountaineer Whyniper was giving ut Westminster on his pet theme, "Twenty Thousand Feet Above the Sea." The friend could not go, for he was otherwise engaged, bnt Whymper's name reminded him of a story of Sir James Linton, the late president of the Royal Institution of Painters In Water Colors. He hud to introduce the well known artist E. M. Wimperis to the Alpinist, and he did it in the following fashion 1 "I want to make two distin two years, but It is only very recently , "a"v l" ",a" ' . . , J , gnished men known to each other. The that his picture, have met w,th op- Whyniper. the other Mr. provaU In appearance the persever ng Wi u .. FJ J luprolnptu this is a uciuK 1 v.. .t . . . . UUb UUU. Ilia ucmcuuur niiu artist would not strike one any way talented, dress being similar to that of his hard working countrymeu. A Haughty Reply. A story about William Pitt I read or heard somewhere many years ago, it is to be reared, is not authentic, as I can Longest Deard in the World. Probably the longest beard in the j not find it la Lord Stanhope's or Lord Kosebery g book. It represented a no- world is that of a metal worker In Mar seilles. The man Is 74 years old. When 14 years of age be bad a beard six inches long. It grew from year to year, nud now his hirsute attachment, when unrolled, reaches the respectable length of ten feet ten inches. When this man goes out walking he carries his beard rolled tip in a big skein un der the arm. Since be is rather small in size, measuring but five feet three inches, the beard Is more than twice the man's height.' ble mediocrity as assuring the great statesman with some condescension that be might fairly expect an earldom for his magnificent services. "I au earll" was the haughty reply. "I make dukes." Macmillan's. Christian Science Movement. Lute statistics showing the strength of the Christian Science movement are j crn(jhing rejoinder from the smart boy of the class. The ex-linen draper did The Capital of Holland. A gentleman to the best of our recol lection a retired linen draper went into school one duy with the intention of putting the fifth standard through their facings in the geography of En rope. He began, "What is the capital of 'Olland?" "Capital H," was the O Basra the BTOniA. lht Kind You Haw Always Bought th sf mi uno You Haw Always Fatal Dynamite Explosion. BERLIN, July 5. A dispatch from Odessa announces that a dynamite car tridge exploded near there while Uie. ex cavation of a coal mine was in progress and that 44 persons were killed und 0 wounded. FoA.lentonunt Peary's Itullef. PHIXCETON, X. J., July 1. Profess or WiHiam Iilhbey left Princeton Inst night for North Sydney, Oupe Breton, to make preparations for the expedition that will go to Liuuteuuut Peury's relief. now nvuilable. The mother church in. Boston has a membership of almost J 5.000. It has 304 chartered branches in this country and abroad, and the total church membership is placed at 70.006. The regular church attendance is upwurd of 300.000. In 1807 the in crease In number of churches was 44, nnd in 180S, 75. This church Is growing more rapidly than any church In the world. Its percentoge of gain I very large. Too Bis for Schoolboys. The largest history ever published is "The Wur of the Rebellion," Issued by the United 8tates, In 120 octuvo vol umes of 1,000 pages each, 'xvltb a gi gantic atlas In 30 parts. The books oc cupy 30 feet of shelf rooiu and weigh one-quarter of a ton. The series, lim ited to 11.000 sets,' bos been In course of publication for over SO years. not pursue his geographical inquiries further. Cornbill. A Deadly Weiljou. Bronxburough Where are those bis cuits you made for supper ? . Mrs. Bronxborongh Yon don't want to eat biscuits at this time of night, do you? Bronxborongh Of conrse not I I want to throw them at those cats out ia the back yard. New York Journal. More coffee is used in the United States than in any other country, the an nuul consumption being not far from 450,000,000 pounds, for which Ameri can importers pay about $00,000,000 to the growers. Men have been known to lose by per spiration 0,000 to 6,000 grains an hour. AVcge tabic Preparation for As -slmilatliig UicToodandRctf ula ling thcStamochs andDowch of lTrrai(tesT)itasUon,CheeffuI- ticssatvlRcsLContalrts neither Snum.'Morphinfi nor rjincral. OT NARCOTIC. IIIWIIItltlMmMIIIMIt- mnTPrBBl fl - I 1 - III SAST0RI1 ALx.Jermm rVr QmeJU IKrmSud' hfajrVi rtmrm ADcrfcct Remedy for Cons Una- lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms convulsions .Fevensh ncss ondLoss or SLEEP. TaC Simile Signature of NXW "YOHK. ftjana- rift" EXACT C0PV OF WRAEEEB. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AM r The Kind You Have Always Bought. win TMC eCHTAUM OOMMNV, Mf W VOH 0ITV. 6IGGLE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BIOOLB No. l-BIGOLE HORSE BOOK All about Horses a Common-Smse Treatise, with over 74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price, y Cents. No. 2 BIOOLB BERRY BOOK Allnhout growing Small Fruits read and learn how contains 43 colored life-like reproductionsof all leading; varieties and 100 other illustrations, lfice, jo Cents. No. 3 BIOOLE POULTRY BOOK AU about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book in elstence ; tells erery thing; ; with) colored lift-like reproductions of all the principal breeds; with 10 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 4 BIOOLB COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Business ; having a great sale; contains (colored lire-likercproductionsofesch breed, with 13a other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 5 BIOOLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hogs Breeding, Feeding, Butch ery, Diseajrs, etc. Contains over So beautiful half tones aud other engravings. Price, 30 Centa. Thf BIOOLE BOOKS are unique.originnl.useful you never saw anything like them so practical, so sensible. They are having an enormous sale- Kant, West, North and ricuth. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send right away for the BIOOLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit. It is 11 year old ; it is the great boiled-down, bit-the-nail-on-the-head, quit-after-you-have-said-it, Farm and Household paper in the world the biggest paper of its sise in the United States 01 America naving over a million and a-hall regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL S YEARS (remainder of 1809, 1500, 1901, ,1901 and 1903) will be sent by mail to any address for A DOLLAR BILL. Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIOOLE BOOKS inc. WILMER ATKINSON. CHA8. r. JKNK.INS. Address, FARM JOl'RltAL Philadelphia TEK MARKKTS. BLOOMSBUKG M KKETS. COBBIOTSD WBSKLT. aBTAlL mtOSS Butter per lb $ Eggs per dozen , Lard per lb Ham per pound Pork, whole, per pound Beef, quarter, per pound, . . . Wheat per bushel Oats " " Rve " " Wheat flour per bbl Hay per ton ' 9 to Potatoes per bushel, Turnips " " Onions Sweet potatoes per peck Tallow per ID. Shoulder " . Side meat " " . Vinegar, per qt, Dried apples per lb Dried cherries, pitted Raspberries Cow Hides per lb Steer " " Calf Skin Sheep pelts Shelled corn per bus Corn meal, cwt. Bran, " Chop " Middlings " Chickens per lb new , , " "old Turkeys " Geese TWlrl COAL, No. 6, delivered " 4 and s " " 6 at yard , , " 4 and s at yard .18 '5 -co .iai ,co .07 90 40 50 4.00 $10 1 00 5 1 CO .40 .05 09 .08 .05 S .19 .IS 31 S .80 75 .60 i.S 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 .14 .11 .is, .14 .08 t.6e 3.83 00 PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM (tIMm. aUui twaiititibf lh hall1, rruiiioiaaa ft luini isUtt aTruwth. Vmvmr Ttult to fixator Ortvj Curat tcalp disease hair iallinx. te,ndl.u0at lruKKlm 7-WUL You can save money on l'ianos and Or gans, You will always find ihe largest stock, best makes and lowest prices. PIANOS, From $175.00 and Upwards. ORGANS, From $50.00 and Upwards - We sell on the installment plan. l'ianos $25.00 down and $10.00 per month. Or gans, $10.00 down, $5.00 per month. Lib eral discount for cash, heet music, at one half price. Musical merchandise of kinds. We handle Genuine Singer High Arm SEWING MACHINES. 5.oo down and $3.00 per month. We also handle the Demorest Sewing Machine, from 19.50 and upwards. Sewing Machine Nrodles and Oil for all makes of Sewing Machines. Best makes of WASH MACHINES, FROM $4.00 UP TO $9.00. J. SALTZER. K-T Music Rooms No. 115 West Main St., below Market, Hloomsburg, Pa. 3111II.3 P OkhshoUr's lEullak tUmmtMmM ENNYR0YAL PILLS Uflffinaj ft 41 Vnlj OmuIbb, .motttf Jfrviuf b 114 aw, Maiaa wlih biaa 90 "KM fer IsMIm," UMr, t- ret sra k Bf "wl ivawuv 1 rniatswiiii, jvum I'avtr. Var 1'rf. .U.lil. m.ii. U kr au Umu U.uwu. . I'HILADA.. IA. 1 Ad OoU SHU1U0V7