JJA. 3 THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG. PA.' 4 7- r WASHINGTON. From our lte;uiar Correspondent. Washington, June 26, 1899. " Too good to be true," is the gen eral comment upon the rumor tnat preceded Secretary Alger's return to Washington, saying that having made a deal with Pingree to support him for the Senatorship, Alger would soon resign in order to devote his whole time to trying to get to the Senate. There are too many pickings in sight lor Alger to voluntarily resign before he gets his share of them. Those Porto Rico concessions are yet to be given out, and the scheme of enlisting volunt eers for the Philippines without a regular call for quotas from the States, which was devised so as to leave the appointment of the officers in the hands of the War Department, instead of the governors of the states, where it would have to go if the us ual course was followed, is an addi tional reason why Alger isn't likely to resign in the near future. It is denied at the War Department that Gen. Miles is to be sent to the Philippines so as to have him out of reach when Congress meets, as was rumored several days ago. The Agricultural Department made public a report that it has just re ceived from Lieut. A. P. Hayne, Cal ifomia Heavy Artillery, on agriculture in the Philippines, which shows those islands to be anything but desirable possessions, although the country is now adding more than a million dol lars a day to the original big price paid for them. The report quotes Senor Manuel del Busto, formerly chief of the agricultural experiment station, at Manila, to show the social stagnation the increase m popula tion from 1842 to 1848 was less than four cent. ; also their characteristics. "the middle and lower classes are al most of the worst possible type, irre sponsible and degenerate, morally and physically, insensible of any contracts or obligations, written or oral, ready to cheat and expecting to be cheated, and amenable to no sort of persua sion, except brute force, from which they are always ready to escape by moving their habiute." After recit ing the difficulties connected with clearing ground and getting a crop planted, the report says : " When this is accomplished and a luxuriant crop is raised, it is at the mercy of the first typhoon, which, in the northern part of the archipelago, is severe. These wind and rain storms level crops, uproot trees, demolish houses and flood with water everything that has been left by the wind, turning plantations into lakes and swamps. and rendering the primitive roads im passable for long periods. Here is another extract : Diseases, so far hardly known to European doctors. result from the turning up of this vir gin soil. According to competent medical authority, many of these strange disorders cause death in a few hours, while by others, even if the Batient recovers, he is condemned to a wretched and lingering existence. One of the commonest of these dis eases is temporary or permanent par alysis, with almost endless complica tions." Mr. William Ryan, of New York City, now visiting Washington, said in reply to questions : " The factional strife that is going on in New York City isn't of much consequence to the Democratic party at large, tor no rrincinle is involved in it, and the whole struggle is for personal aggran dizement. The taint of commercial ism, in tact, is over everything in New York, and dominates its politics abso lutely. The mass of Democratic vo ters in New York ate for W. J. Bryan for President and for a re-adoption of the Chicago platform. If Mr. Bryan is chosen next year he will carry New York State. ' It is regarded as significant that th administration should have considered it necessary for the Postmaster Gen eral to make public an official denial of the charges that letters ot the vol Deafness Canuot ba Cured, by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutional rem edies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circul ars, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by drugg'sts, price 75c a bottle Hall's Family Pills are the best, mi Philippines are being ensored. The Sampson clique is still on top the Navy Department and is still Ictermined 10 trv id do.vn Admiral chlcy, and as the dinue owns Secre tary Long, it is able to use all the machinery of the djp.irtment for its own purposes. It has compelled Lieut. Commander Hodgson to make monkey of himself by subscribing to an official statement branding him self as a liar, in order to bolster up the absurd claim that Admiral Schley ordered the Brooklyn to run awav from one of Cervera's ships, allhougn to do so he had to come dangerously near to colliding with the Texas, and it is even contemplating the ordering of a court of inquiry by Secretary Long, to be made up of officers that can be depended upon by the clique to report against Schley. All of this disgraceful mess is a part of the scheme of the climie to lessen the number of Schley's friends in Con gress, they having been numerous enough at the last session in the Sen ate to defeat th; scheming of the Sampson clique. The members of this clique do not seem to realize that they have been long ago sized up by the press and by public opinion, both of which are almost unanimously ranged on the side of Admiral Schley. War Department officials express the opinion that Gen. Leonard Wood will resign to accept the presidency of the Washington street railway and electric light trust, which has been of fered him, because it will pay him much better than going back to his old position in the regular army.which he would have to do sooner or later. Reduced Rates to Richmond, Va-, Pennsylvania Railroad, Account Inter national Convention Baptist Young Peoples Convention. Via On account of the International Convention of the Baptist Young People's Union of America, to be held at Richmond, Va., July 13 to 16, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged to sell excursion tickets from points on Us line, to Richmond, at rate ot single tare for the round trip (tickets via Baltimore and steamboat fifty cents more than single fare). Tickets will be sold July ir to 13, and will be good to return until July 31, inclusive, except that on deposit of ticket with the Joint Agent at Rich mond before July 28, and the pay ment of fifty cents, the return limit may be extended to leave Richmond not ater than August 15, 1899. Stop over at Washington on return trip for ten days, not to exceed final limit of ticket. For specific rates and conditions apply to Ticket Agents. 2t Watch Out ForCim. A heavy-set, medium built man of 30 or 35 years of age, dressed in black dark complexioned and with features' graced by a small, dark mustache en deavored to work the flimflam game on several Elmira nerchants a few days ago. The fellow makes a trifling purchase and tenders a two, five or ten dollar bill in payment. After he gets his change he discovers that he has the amount of the purchase m com and offers that with the request that the cletk give back his bill. The man is a sleek talker and endeavors to confuse the person waiting upon him so that many times he is not ask ed for the silver that he had received in change for his bill. One Elmira merchant was up to the game and poked a revolver in the swindler's face, with the admonition to "scoot.' If the individual strikes Columbia County, treat him in the same m ner. SNAPSHOTS AT YOUR STOMACH. An Apparatus Invented to Tako Photographs of Its Interior. Medical men in London are much interested in a story reaching there by way of Rome that two Munich doctors named Range and Maltzing, have invented an apparatus for photograph ing the interior of the stomach. The apparatus consists of a stomach numn to the tube of which a small camera and a tinv electric light are attached. When the tube is in post tion in the stomach the latter is arti ficially dilated, the lamp turned on and the camera operated on. Forty photographs were taken, measunn 8 by 10 millimetres, but when enlarged the smallest detail of the inner struct ure of the stomach was distinguished "Circumstances Alter Cases-" In cases of dyspepsia, nervousness, catarrh, rheumatism, eruptions, etc the circumstances may be altered by purifying and enriching the blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Good appe tite and good digestion, strong nerves and perfect health take the place of these diseases. Hood's Sarsaparill is America's Greatest Medicine and the best that money can buy. Hooc s rills cure billiousness, sic headache. riteers in the OOUUTSHIP IN GERMANY. If Ihe Gallant Calls Frequently He Is Asked to Declare His Intentions. " When a girl has arrived at what is considered a marriageable age in Germany her parents invite young men to the house," writes Charlotte Bird, of " Girl Life in Germany," in the July Laities'1 J fame Journal. "Two or thre.e invited at the same time so that theettention may not seem too pointed. But no young man is ever invited to the house until after he has called at leastor.ee, and thus signified is wish to have social intercourse with the family. If he calls several times in too close succession it is ta- en for granted that he has 'inten- tentions,' and he may be questioned concerning them. Generally an en gagement is made public as soon as the arrangements can be made. This is done by means of the newspapers and formal announcements on cards. The man supplies a plain gold band ring for each This is worn during the engagement on the ring finger of the left hand. From this time the contracting parties are bride and bride groom. Among conservative people even the affianced couple is scarcely allowed to be alone, a chaperon being provided whenever the young people go out. A betrothal may last several years, until the bridegroom can be come settled in life, but in most cases the marriage soon takes place. Just before the marriage the bands are published in the etiurch, either on two successive Sundays or, if the time be short, twice on the same day. In the latter case a notice is posted in a pub- c place notifying all concerned of the wish of the couple to marry." Exterminating Canada Thistle. Knowing it to be a popular opinion that the extermination of the Canada thistie is practically impossible: and re cently noting articles 111 agricultural and other journals, even giving cred ence to such opinion, I herewith give you for publication a method by which I have exterminated the Can ada thistle, when a farmer in Canada, says a writer in a farm journal. I have by repeated trials in various fields proved it to be an absolute and cer tain success. It is: The field in which the this tles have become obnoxious is plowed deep in the fall of the year. It is then let stand (keeping all stock from it) until the following June or July, when the thistles are in full bloom or about to bloom, but must not be let ripen. Then plow all thistles and weeds deep under with a chain. I think it would be well to roll down with a land roller though I did not take pains myself In course of a month or so the land may be harrowed, and then plowed up again and sowed with winter wheat, the great body of thistles and weeds having served Ihe purpose of a valu able fertilizer. The principle involved in this effect ive method of destroying the thistle is this, that when it is thus plowed under it has taken the whole strength and vitality from the root to the top, and when cut off deep under the ground will not bloom again. I believe any other obnoxious weed may be des troyed by the same method. Don't "Mind the Heat-" To avoid heat prostration dress as lightly as you tan, eat sparingly, with plenty of fruit in your diet, keep out of the sun as much as possible, don't ovetwork, and above all don't worry or fret about anything. Though you may not know it, one of the easiest and yet surest ways of keeping cool is to keen a cool and even spirit with you. Vexation, anger discontent or worriment are not to be thought of in such weather if you don t want to "mind the heat." A New York Physician Advises His Patient to Take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound (LETTER TO UB1. riNXBAII MO. " Dear Mrs. Pinkham I have three children and suffered with fulling of the womb and flooding. My physician scraped tho womb, still the Hooding continued and I was no better. At lust he advised mo to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Then I thought I would write to Mrs. Pink ham for she could advise me better than any one if I was to take her reme dies. I received her reply and followed all her directions and I am very glad to send you this testimonial, for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is just what it is recommended to be. I advise all women who suffer from these complaints to try it." -Mabik Lump, 108 to Avk., New Yobk City. "A year ago I was a great sufferer from painful menstruation. I could not lie down or sit down for the dread ful pain each month. I wrote to you and took -twelve bottles of Lydia K. I'lnkham's Vegetable Compound, and it has helped me bo I cannot And words to express my gratitude toward Mrs. l'iukham. I am to-day well and hearty." Miss Join Saul, Dover, ClahicCo., Mich.. More than a million women have been helped by Mrs. Pinkham's advice and medicine. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL Piles or Hemorrhoids Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters. Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. Corns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects c u R E S Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and Jl.oo. Bold by drugglsu, or tent post-paid on receipt of pries IRrHRKS'RtD.CO., Ill 1 1 1 Wllllus HI., Terk. ritRVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood. Cure Impotency, NlphtKmlsslonsand wasting diseases, ail enects 01 sen- abuse, or excess ana indis cretion. A nervo tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mail 50c per box, O boxes for $2.50; with a written guaran tee to cure or refund tho money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICACO. ILL' Hold by Mover Bros., druirtrlsts, BloomMjurff, Penna. 4-l:wt9 LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL I CURES Biliousness. iConstipatlon, Dyspepsia. Sick-Head -lache and Liver Complaint. SUfi.AH COAT1II. 100 PILLS bold by alt drninjtsts Jorsem oj man. Nervlti Meslcal Co., Chlctll Be. boxfS contains 15 pills. Sold by Mover Bros., druggists, ttlooirmburir, Penna. 4-1.1-99 Vrlln for tho free booklet: " Merry Jihinfn fur Thxrtty Timet." iinire Rootbeer time is here THE CHARLES E. HIRES CO., Philadtlphla, Pa. Uakert of Ilirct Condented Milk, RAILROAD TIME TABLE pvELAVARE,LACKA WANNA & S WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. In effect April 28, 18W. oTAllU.MS. BAsT. A.M. . 18 25 888 P.M. A. M P. . N0STBUMBBBLAND.....M. 1.60 looo n 60 Cameron ...... ...... 6 03 Chulaeky Danville . .. 8i3 6 07 . 8 80 8 18 10 81 10 32 10 88 10 41 10 48 6 13 8 28 6 38 Calawlssa ....... .. 7 08 .. 709 . 7U . 723 2 28 Kupert 9 81 8 38 2 42 8 48 8 bi uioouibuurx ...... B8DV 8 89 6 45 6 62 8 tf Lime Ulde 7 80 Willow urove 784 BrlurcreeK ... ......... 7 38 Berwick 7 51 Beach Uaven.... . 7C3 Ulck'B Kerry. 8 01 Hblckshlnuy . 8 14 llumock'8. 8 27 Nuntlcoke 8 36 Avondale 3 40 Plymouth 8 45 Plymouth J unctlou 8 5 KlritfR'.ou 8 57 Bennett 9 0J Forty ifort 9 08 Wyoming 9 08 West PIMston 9 12 Susquehanna Ave 9 15 Plttaton 81 Duryea 28 Lackawanna 9 20 Taylor - 33 itellevuo 8 3H H0BAMTON 9 42 7 r 8 01 8 07 8 18 8 24 8 84 8 42 8 411 8 61 8 65 4 02 4 08 1104 70 7 1 72 7 3 74 1180 1145 7 5, 8 0 11 68 110 8 08 8 1 8 18 8 21 4 10 4 18 12 08 8 24 8 28 4 21 4 21 4 i9 8 82 8 36 8 40 18 14 12 17 4 84 4 87 4 45 4 60 4 65 8 44 8 8 5' 9 01 18 35 9 f P. 1 A.M r. M- P.M. 8TAT10N8. WEBT, M. A.M. P.M P. M, KCBAKTON 8 00 1.0 05 Bollevue . .. 8 U5 .... Taylor 10 1015 Lackawanna 6 1 123 Kuryea - 8 28 10 28 Plttston 10 41 Husuuehanua Ave 6 89 loss WtiBt l-iuston 6 3tl 10 39 Wyomlnir 41 1U44 Forty Fort 6 40 .... Bennett 8 " Klntfstoo 10 60 Plymoui h Juuotlon 7 00 .... Plymouth 7 04 11 OS Avondale 109 Nantlroke 714 1113 Huniock'a 7 20 11 19 Hhlekbliluny 7 81 1180 Illek'8 Ferry 144 1148 Beach Haven 7 58 11 48 Berwick 8 00 11 51 1 65 IS 40 9C3 2 10 2 13 2 17 2 20 8 24 8 29 6 50 6 112 6 08 8 10 6 14 6 ) 8 38 9 42 8 47 8(2 8 57 3 02 8 10 8 24 i 35 8 42 8 49 8 55 8 59 4 04 4 11 4 IT 4 23 i 4 29. 4 48 4 49 6 30 6S6 'ti'43 6 47 6 60 658 7 10 7 85 7 38 18.8 V49 1 n 6 00 8 07 813 8 18 881 '84 90 , r.M Brmn'reek. sub Willow Urove 8 10 MmeKldge 814 1804 1219 19 15 12 22 18 27 19 82 18 47 Espy, 881 Hloomsburg Kupert OatawlRsa ...... Danville Cnulasky Cameron MOETHUMBBHLANP 8 28 8 84 8 40 8 66 9 ( 6 IS 67 9 20 110 a.m. r. . 4 64 6(8 P.M. t Dun. Hall v coiiuectliinu at Kupert with ThllHdelphla 1 Reading Uallroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua Wllllamaport, Hunhury, Pottsvllle, eto At Northumberland with P. Ai K. Dlv. P. R. for Harri-burg, Lock Eaveu, Emporium War'ei. Corry and Brie. ' W. F. HALIJJTKAD. Gf n. Man.. bcranloa. Pa. BOUTU.- ABBIVI. H.tt8 K. Ki In 11 1 1 11 1 J II I I'M 'J I HI ILllAlillU I rT, LT J 3 ' L74 I 2S CTS. -NORTH LBAVB am 7.10 7.08 a.m. pm 6.80 6.20 6.94 p.m. STATIONS. am pm 8.4718 4 H.49i9.42 8.62 9.41 9.01i2.64 DUiialu 12.05 12.00 11.67 1147 11.43 BloomMbu'g. 6 45:6.10 9.UI P. V. 6.47 7."3 1 8.53 6.60 9. " Main St.. Paper Mill. 6.60 7.C1 6.12 1 60 1.46 1.311 1.00 18.53; 6.09 6. 69 1 6.48 Llltllt bt . 9.05 9. Ml 9.I53.10: 7.06 6.4" 11.38 orangevll'e. 7.1417.10 6.29 11 , . . tOTKM ... ...Ziiner's... Bttllwater. ..Benton.... 9.3 8.S0 7.24 6.25 8 08 6.04 6.02 11.19 11.18 11.06 5.44 9.2' 8.24 T.V8 5.87 6.27 19.45 9.88 1 9.43' 9.47 9.50 8.30; 3.40 3.44 7.83 7.49 18.3M 11.00 6 82 10 58 ft. 90 10.626.18 12.10 12.0.1 ...EdaonV.... 7.47 .Cole's cr'k. 847 7.51 6.63 6 43 B4'l 11.58 ..Laubach.. ...central... .Jam. cur. 9.69 8.67 4.07 N.01 I0.43I8-03 11.45 10,101 10.14 8.11 10.401 6.00 1 11. so! 4.108.15 .m tmpupu ItkVM am p m pm am AKBIVS Pennsylvania Railroad. Time Table in encl Mny ai '9 r x 1 4 v; 4 14 . M 1 a. V r. m.. lmlilonI illlv I 45 . t. I V IS. I'llisioi 1 i", n" ' ' i ' '"1 a. v. t , H;i I T us 1 411 8 (II M 18 S 2i A. 10 .V'l II I-' P. M. I 0 " I 8 1:1 r. m ; o'l I 8 08 8 17 8 87 8 47 7 00 P. M I 50 8 M 8 JJ 8 II 8 tl P 1 ( 7 (I I w 7 an 7 7 82 7 82 7 51 8 IS P. M. 1 9 in y'llkeiHrre. lv Plnrth Kerrv Nanikoke.. " Mocunaiiii . .." wapwnllopei.. " Nehoopeik ar 11 Hi It Hi 11 4 11 M A. M. II .V, 11 51 11 44 1 11 SM X A. M. It '.' u a 19 10 l'J 14 r. m. U !il H !fl 1U M 1 00 P. M. a iii 8 43 8 M 4 05 A. M I 00 7 IK t 7 -' 7 :w 8 0:1 Pottuvllle !v H7.l4on . " Tonilihken " Kern Glen " Koek l.len. " Nescopeck ar A M. 8 V4 8 3) f S 43 8 ? 8 n 8 55 9 14 P. M Nescopeck lv Cieasy Espv Kerry " S. IHooiubburK" Oatawlssa ar Catawlssa lv H. Danville.... " t no bury " I 4 05 4 14 I 4 Si 4 X7 4 81 4 t'l 4 Ml 9 85 A 15 p. . A. M Hunuurv .lv Lewlsburg ... ar M: ion " Wiuiamsport.." o k Haven... ." (31 'IVO rf.tt.c ...... I 0 45 I 1 Ml 1 45 5 45 10 15 n IN 8 II 10 10 11 On 11 5tt I Ull 9 50 10 40 II 80 8 40 7 10' 8 07 9 00 A. II 4 40 n a. P. M M 1 jek Haven.. .lv ilellefonte ar Tyrone " Phlllpsburg Clearfield " Pittsburg " m 10 1 i'R 9 15 4 !M 5 07 6 S5 8 45 4 44 8 I II 8 ati 9 OK 11 30 A. M P. M . P. M ( 8 81 110 10 A. H. 1 4 ro 8 .'IS 7 4 Sunbury lv Uarrlsburg.... .ar I 9 50 111 80 1 55 I 8 U5 C 8 SO: 6 6f r. m. P. M. P. M, Philadelphia Baltimore.... Washington . I 8 00 I 13 I (I ro 110 V I 9 4 110 8 8 11 4 lu I 7 15 A. M P. M Sunbury ........ lv 19 67 i 8 (8 r. m. 11 :i7 lwlpt own Jo ar 8 50 ill 80 Pittsburg- 8 551 A. N: I 11 4 P. M. P. M P. II 10 vo A. M .' 1 10 Harrlsburg..... lv Pittsburg ar 18 M I 7 8'i A. M. I 55' 111 30 I i 00 I Weekdnis. Dally, t Flagbtallon Sunbury 8. Danviuo.. CatawlBna, B. IllooiriKburg" Kspy Ferry " Creasy . .... " Nescopeck ....ar Neacopeclc. lv Koek Ulen... ar Fern Glen. Tomhlckea " ITazleton " PoMBvllle Neseopeclt U Wapwallopen.ar Mocanaqua " Nantlcoke " Plym'th Ferry" Wllkesbarre...." Pltt8ton(5H)ari 8cranton 1 Arrives Catawlssa 12.16 p. , m. 'Leaves Cat a wlsaa a 88 p. m. t Weekdays. I Dally, t Flag station. pniiman Parlop and Hleenlnir Cars run o tvirnnirh rrainn hetween Hunburv. Wllllamrpor an crin hnt.ween Hunburv and Philadelphia and Waahlniiton and between Harrlsburg, Pitta; hiirir nnrl IhA WAHl. For further Information apply to Ticket Agents. f. B, HUTCHINSON. J. R. WOOD. Oen'l. Manager. Uen. Pass, Agt. Philadelphia & Reading Railway Engines Bum Hard Coal No Smoke 0 In effect July 1, 1898. TUIIS t.RAVK BLOOMHBUKO: P. M. P. M. A. M. A. II Pittsburg.. ..lv I 7 i ii I 8 80 I a .10 8 CO A. M. A. M. P. M. Harrlsburg ar I a 00 I 3 40 I 9 t I I 10 A. II. A. M. Pittsburg lv t 8 no P. M. I.ewlstownJo." ......... t 7 50 t 8 40 sunbury ar ......... t 9 t 6 30 P. M. A. M. A. X. A. M Washlntrton....lv iio 40 t I 60 Dm 50 Baltimore " 111 6 I 4 fB t 9 5') 113 00 Philadelphia..." Ill 80 I 4 80 I 8 80 IU J A.. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. Harrtsnurg lv I 8 35 I 8 05 til 40 t 4 00 4F"-VT camov sunbury... ar I 5 05 I 9 40 l 10 t 5 40 ff fjrw 1 1 WNBT I L Tyt CATHARTIC yk BeKnte....." 8 31 .Z:: 9 Hi 141 taDi ma mtanuftZ Lock Uaven...ar 9 30 ......... JO 80 VOT&i 'fr 7Tm a. u. a. m. p. h. SSfll-Ma 'lU Ja Kane"".'.' " 7 55 I 00 ........ Plent. Palatable. Potent, Tte Good, l0 Kenoo ' 11 10 t 8 40 10 80 Good, Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. IOo.Uo.Uo. LockUaven...." 12 00 1 7 88 ll 25 I 8 00 m CURE CONSTIPATION. ... . ,, , . X t nr 8I.HI.1 tmr4, 0..r. rkteM.. ..Irl. .w T.rk. Sit wiuiamsport.." i 1 8 80 tiaio 4 oc ; rj , Milton " 1 50 9 19 1 27 12 un yi Bin Bold nml imaranteed by all drug- Lewlsburg ... ." 9 05 1 15 4 47 HU I U-DAu unci to CCUKXobaooo llablt. Sunbury ar a 27 9 45 1 85 6 to A. M. A. M. P. M. P. K lv 58 55 98 t0 t 8 48 7 is io 17 a ai 6 o s : 7 811 10 35 8 87 S7 . rftfsfil rfC-"-"" 7 4jS 10 48 8 43 88 T7- j-1 I 07 10 M 2 55 8 4? UtWtM iLT ! f A. M. A.M. P.M. P, M litllr l . J! jtL t 8 08 1 11 00 t 8 05 t 55 llfmVll 1 I I YUt; ! 4B 11 K 8 48 7 MMk??i J 8 57 18 oa in lS$n't f ""'- 9 0S 19 10 4 05 8 00 FAj-rTrwA. -r?H ? A. M. r. m i r. . r. - t 9 89 118 4111 t 4 52 t 8 80 I 1U W 1 lOI 9 U P W For New Vora, pbiuuelphia, heaainif Potts inu Tnm.nnft Wfl'ltnVi 11.30 B. m. Vo't WllllumBport, weekdays, 1.80. m., 8.40 p mpor Danville and Milton, weekday, 7.S0 a, a ah For Catawlssa weekdays 7.30, 8.38. 11.80 a. 12 20, 8.40, 6.00 B 80, p. til. for IU HI l ncc,u;oi.w,... ' , a k ni, a AO n. m. Kor HALUinore. muiijkiuu " n L, u ,hH..,hi.ulnB luve KeAnlnir Ter. mlnal'phlla'(lelplila, 8.20, 7.65, 11.26 a. m., i ot n m. Hundava 3.20. T.r6 11.26 a, 8.46, 7:2:, p. m. Additional trains from S4 (.nesinut. atreei, statuiu. wccruojd, ..u, 8 23p.m. HuudayB, 1.84, 8.28 p.m. TRAINS FOR BLOliMMHURQ Leave New tork via Phlladeipnla 8.00 m., and via Kastou w.io a. m. Leave rniiaueipuiH h1. .1 a. iu. Leave Heading '2.16 p. m. Leave Poti Bville 12.au p. m. Tahva Tftmnnna 1 .49 I). m.. Leave Wiuiamsport weekdayslO.OOa id, 4.80 Leave CBtawisea weekdays, 7.00, 8.S09.10a. 1.80 8 40, 6.08 Leave Kupert, weeauas, i.uo, o.no, .io n. a. m., 1.88, S 60, 8.20. ATLANT1CCITY DIVISION, in effect June 3. 1898. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut, etreet wharf and south street wharf for Atlantic city. W'BBK.DAYS-ExpresH, 9.ooa. in., (Saturdays only 1.30) 2.(0 (seventy minute), 8.uo, 4.00 (sixty. five minute), o.uo, t.id p.m. (seventy uimiiini, Accommodation, 6.15 a. m,, 5.30, 6 80 p. m. Sun days Kxpress, 8.00, 9.oo 10 oo a. in., 7.15 p.m. (seventy minute). Accommodation, 8.1., a. m. A 45 n. m. Leave Atlantlo City, depot, i Wkbk-dats JExpress, 7.00 (seventy minute), 7.45 (sixty - lultiu'o), s.vu (sixty-live minute;, v.uv, iu.to (Meventv minute). 8 80. 6.80 n. m. Accoin., n. m. 4.25, 8.J1 it. in., 4.05 p. in. Sundays Kxprese, 6.87 5.30, 8.00 p. 111. Accom.,7.io a m., 4.13 p. m. For Cane May. Sea Isle city and Ocean City. 6.50 Weekday s-11.15 a. 111. (1.40 Sal urdnys only), 1.35 p. 111. Sundays s 45 a m. Aiiuiuouai- week. davs-for Cape May and ocean City, 8.45 a, m, 4.15 n. in. 41 8.1X1 8.30 Audit Innal Sundays Cape May and Ocean 8.40 City. 9 15 a m. cape May only, 4.45 p. in. Parlor cars on all express t rains. 4. A. SWKIUAKD. EIJhON J. WEEKS, N.46 i 9.00 9.25 lien'l Supt. Ueu'l Pass. Agt. 9.86 2ry the COL VMBLAN a year. . Fine PHOTO GRAPHS and CRAYONS at R. B. GROTZ, Bloomsburg. The best the cheapest. are Blend most softly and olav most effectively over lestive scene wucn mrown by waxen candles. The Hum tliat Heightens beauty's charm, that gives the .finished touch to the drawing room or dining room, is the mellow glow ot UNQVET WAX CANDLES Sold in all colore and shades to harmonize with any interior hangings or decorations. Mumtfiirtnred by (STANDARD OIL CO. Kor mile everywhere. BAD BLOOD "CA4CARET4 do all claimed tor them and are a truiy wonderful nieilictne. Ihaveolteu wibhed for amcOlnlne pleasant to take and at last oave tuuoa it in lascnreis. since iskihk mem. iuj blood has been iinrtOed and tuy complexion lias im proved wondertiillv nmt 1 feel much belter In every 31 US. BA1.LIB BV. DAL.UA1UI. liUUTDU. IflUD, , TID-BITS FOR MA' HONEY! 1 fill LI I I 41 t a . s- , tfji. I way 18 5.M 4 05 BUM iKTr-9-S5- WSvU and tender little juicelets for the chil dren, are all right, but papa and "the boys" want a good, big, juicy steak, roast or chop wnen Dusiness or scnooi duties are over, and we can cater to them all. Our stock of prime meats is unexcelled for quality, and we send them home in fine shape. J. E. KF.IFER, Quick Communication Facilitates Business. Use the LOCAL TELEPHONE and Communicate. , Direct with persons in Berwick, Cata wissa, Danville, Riverside, Rupert, Willow Grove, Almedia, Lightstreet, m., Lime Ridge, Mifflinville, MUlville, Rohrsbnrg, Nescopeck, Orangeville, 8.46 IU., Stillwater and Benton. Also long distance lines to nearly all the towns and in the different States. Rates reason able. Local exchange over Postoffice. CENTRAL PENNA. TELEPHONE Sl SUPPLY C3. JOHN KENY0N, Manager. p m PATENTS caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and sl Patent busluess conducted lor MODEKATB FKES. OUKOr'ini'KlSOlTUSlTKTlIB U. 8. PAT ENT OFFICE. We have no sub-aorencles. al business direct, hence can transact patent bust ' ness In less time and at Less Cost than those re moietrom Yvasningum. Send model, drawlnir or Dhoto. with dcscrln tton. We advise If patentable or not, tree of charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured live a dook, "now to obtain Patents," with refer ences to actual clients In your State, County, o town sent free. Address 4.00, V. A. SNOW A CO,, Washington, . O (Opposite V. 8 Patent Office.) 4.16 llreata with yna whether yon continue tbeeaaej nro-klllli,g lobacro hihlt. N U-TO-UAt-Jfl I remove, luu desire for louftoi'o, wnlLfJTlff I out aervoii.dUtreM, eiuelanleq-frl 3111 une, purines tne bluud, re-efl JMW k KTl.wl stores lost manhood,sjrw. mWr&Q boss V":k". 7u troas jiy. Ill AUsold, 400.001 to hesltb.ntrvegffll ii VJAcsJescureuVbiij MdpackstlA VI IkNOTO BAC from ,7411 J fwiyour own aniyKi.t, wha f9w III r-"1" vouch for us. Tsks It wit VU isV" wlll.p.tlrntly, persl.tentlv One I 111 box.SI. u.ue.117 euresi 9 buiee.Sl.M, PMarsnteed to cure, or we refund money, hweat wrlu SewdjiCe., ctts Urssi, Sew Isii. "1