'HE COLUMBIAN, SHERIFF'S SALE. I By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Is sued out of the Cmirt of Common Pica of Col nuiula County and to mo directed thero will do espowd to pulillo sale at tlio Court llouso In VloomHburg on SATURDAY, JUNK 3, 1899, at o'clock p. m., t Iip following real estate, slt ate In tho Town or HlDomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylvania: Purpart No. 1. Pi situated as tho Inirrnln Will, moro fully described ns follows: Mcttln Blng at a point on the southeast corner of Fifth and Leonard streets, thence along south side of Klttli street north 111 degrees. 80 minutes east four hundred forty-nlno and one-tenth rect to a stake o land of It. A It. It. H., t henco along samo south tit degrees, M minutes enst two Vindrnd .and flvo feet to corner of Tapestry Vlant, thence along samo south 04 degrees, 80 minutes west seventy-nine foct to a stako, thence along Borne south s degrees, 10 minutes eiwtono hundred and twenty and thirty-four sundredths foct to a Blake corner of spinning Plant, thence along famo south 64 degrees, no tulnutcs west threo hundred and sixty-nine feet to Leonard si reet, thence along same north IM degrees, 10 minutes west three hundred and Iwenty-flveand Ihlrty-four hundredths feet to the place of beginning, whereon Is erected a lour-story HKIXK INGRAIN CAKPKT MILL, a threo story brick englno, boiler and del ing house, barn and out buildings. Pi-KrAUT No 8. Designated as tho Tapestry Plant, more fully described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the line of It. H. Kit ne hundred and ninety feet north of Sixth street ut a corner of Ingrain Carpet Mill, thence along the same south M degrees and 30 minutes west seventy-nine feet to a stake, thence south S5 degrees and 10 minutes east ono hundred and sixty-two and sixty-six hundretha feet to tho corner of Dye room, thence along samo north l degree and 80 minutes east seventy-nine feet to Hue of H. A B. Kit., thence along samo norm K degrees and 10 minutes east ono hundred and nrty-one and five-tenths feet to the place of be ginning, whereon Is ercctod A BRICK WEAVING SHED, wted lu the manufacture of Tapestry Carpets I'I'KPaht No. 8. Designated as tho Dry Hoom w Color shop, more fully described as follows lo wit: Beginning at a point on the north sldo o' Sixth street, corner of K. A B. Kit.; thcace along aame. north twenty five degrees, 10 mln., wes krty clirht and rive tenths feet to a corner of Tapestry plant; thence along sumo south 88 de grees and 30 minutes west seventy-ntne feet to a stake corner of Spinning Mill; thence along same fifty-three and flvo tenths feet to a point en north sUlu of Sixth street fifty-two feet from place ot beginning; thence along same fifty-two ftMtto the nluco of Winning: whereon Is erected a one story BRICK COLOR SHOP. Purpart No. 4. Designated as the Spinning mil. Moro fully described as follows, to-wn Beginning at a point on north-east corner of the Intersection of Sixth and Leonard streets, thence alone Leonard street, north 5 degrees, 10 minutes west Blxty-nlne and sixty-six nun. tretbs feet to corner of Ingrain Plant, thence alonir same north 84 decrees, 80 minutes west Uiree hundred and slxty-nlno and four-tenths loet to Tapestry Plant, thonce along same Muth 25 degrees, 10 minutes east twenty-one Htxteen-hundreths feet to corner ot dye loom; thonce along same fifty-three and flve .ontbs feet to line ot sixth Btreet; thence south t degrees, 80 minutes west three hundred and alnoty-seven and one-tenth feet to place of be ginning, whoreon Is erected a tnree-siurjr BRJCK BUILDING, with hnaement. used In solonlng yarns. fkid and taken Into execution at the suit of The General Fire Extinguisher Co's. use against The Magee Carpet Works, and to be sold as the roperty ot the Magee carpet wores. i W. W. BLACK, Siiawm A Small A Uebrino, Sheriff. Ml 4t. Attorneys SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Lev. Fa., Issued out ot tbe Court Qf Common Pleas ot Columbia county, rnnsylvanla, and to me directed, there will be ex posed to public salo, at tho court uouao, m Soomsburg, on SATURDAY, TUNE 10, 1899, t m o'clock in the afternoon, all that certain ylece and parcel of land, situate In the Town of Jdoomsburg, County ot Columbia and State of Jennsylvanla, bounded and described as fol tows, towlt: Situate In the eastern part ot said Town ot Bloomsburg, and marked in the ri ninn of said town as lot number one Jundred and eight (No. 108). Beginning at a 8t corner of lot No. U9 and Canal street (now Xlghth street), and running thence along said mtreet north seventy-three degrees, east sixty more or less, to No. 1D0; thence along Bald v.t north, thirty and one-fourth degrees, wes nii flfrr feet, more or less, to -bkiihi Alley : theuco along the said alloy south oTcnty-three degrees, west sixty feet, more or leas, to lot No. 109; and tnonce Muugnuu .rh. thirtv and one-fourth degrees, east one Mildred and fifty feet, more or less, to the nf hecinnlne. It being the same premises -Men Charles. W. Eves and Sarah B. Eves, his wife, by their Indenture, bearing date the first w of January, A. u. iss grauveu uu nhn Mccormick. BeiPrt. takoa In execution, at the suit of Lo fiist Mountain Building and Loan Association tu John Mccormick, aud to oe soia as vv rty ot John Mccormick, with notice to terre waiants- W. W. BLACK, MABMAK.Atty. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Lev. Fa.. Issued out ot the Court ot common Pleasot Columbia county, junnsylvanla, aud to me directed, there will be xpoaod to publlo Bale, at the Court Bouse, lu jsloomsburg, on SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1899, at two o'clock In the afternoon, the following teicr'bed real estate, to wit : AU that certain jdece of land, situate In the Town of Blooms, uonnnvivanla. beginning at a point In the r,Lm line ot Eighth street, alxty-oue met from tho eastern Hue ot Clinton alloy; Since eastwardly along Eighth street thirty .. . rnnrut land ot 11. 1L White; thence kg same northwardly ono hundred and tor wnni four-tenths teot to southern line of -u. miKV. thence along same thirty m mnd of F. II. Wilson ! thonoe xwtuwordly along same one hundred and for u-f urn nnil three-tenths foct to place of begin. -i, h-mir ilia same promises conveyed Siuuuel II. llarman, above moutloned, by Creasy Wells, by deed dated May so, 1898, entered tor iwrd in the -Kecorder's onice, at Bloomsburg rennsylvanla,on June 17, 1898. ai.,i. taken In exocutlon, at the suit of perative Building 4 Loan Association v 8am .i 11 ltarman. and to be sold as the property W Bauiuul II. llurinau, with notice to all unaBts. Babmam, Atty. W. W. BUCK, Sheriff. Zry the COL VMM AN a year. Annual Statement OF The Town of Bloomsburg FOR THE YEAR 1898. TAX HOLL KOKTUK YEAH 194. Unlit np ! Suhurb.ui H im in Personalty Occupations uogsana miotics. ADD TDK FOLLOWING EXONERATIONS. Artificial Ice Co Kuriilture Co Brass A Copper Co .... isioomslmrif Mfg. Co.... Steam llentlng CO Carpet Mill Co Electric Light Co I'enn Kievator Co nilk Mill CO .... School furnishing Co.. Magee Carpet, Works.. Bloom Gas CO 3 per cent, of the above valuation Is Kundert debt Is Bond No. 154 outstanding ls!l 11)00 Issuo of August 9th 18x. .., 210 " .nine mii, iwt..., " October loth, 1887..., " October 4th, I8.is.. " Septenir 12tll,ls9.... " November 17,18')..., " January 17th,18iri... " January 8iiih.l8ii:t... " November 2d,li98..., November 1ft, 1891 .... " October Ulth.im.j .. August. th, 181W... 1 " July 291 h, 18'i7... " September 25,1897... 11 Juiy aoth, 189S... 5'l 2li0 30) r.:o 5O0 2S0 310 7S 220 290 XiO W WIO 200 aoo 210 201) :ioo 5110 21)0 200 300 iui looo POO 5011 300 510 5IK) 500 AO0 'iO0 CltW 5085 Totals Bond No. lil, due August 1st, 189S out not prescmeu uy mo uumer moicui J. K. BITTEN BENDEU, Collector. Dlt. To balance on dupllca'e of IN'.tft i Tobilauco on duplicate of IwUlL ,UlV 1 J. K. HIT TEN BEX DEH, Collector. CK. By exoneration on duplicate 661 18 126 40 or iss By amount paid A. N. Yost, Trpas. on iliiD. of 1895 By ainouut paid A. N. Vost, i reas. on uup. ii.m " " By balance due on duplicate of 1"U,1 872 89 iiw tviiiim.A line on rliinltcate - cim Q'J 01 in'. 6831 18 L. D. KA'E, collector. DK. To balance on duplicate oi 10.17 oxn it To balance on duplicate of 1898 iu.io ! $ 15062 79 L. D. KASE, Colloctor. CK. By amount paid A. N. Yost, TreaH. dup. o 1897 $ S717 .1 By amount paid A. N. Yost, Treas. on dup. of 1898 . S2S, 83 By balance on aupnuum ui 1897 ; nv hni.nra, nn riunllcnte OI 153S 43 ' wis 701 to t i;56i. 79 A. N. YOST, Treasurer. DK. To bal. from last settlemnt $ 537 81 To error In credit ot last years stAwment, ordor No. 8W of I8'.r? 50 To amount from J. K. Bit- tenbender ooliootor 1407 68 By amount from L. U. nasi. collector T. By amount of tax roll 1M. . . Bv amount from O. 8. leck- 7015 81 9361 38 ensllne, 'ireas. bal. u- censes 1898 8100 To amount from G. S. Fleck enstUie. Treas. bal. U- cenaes 1899 To amu Silas Conner loan . . . . louo 00 I'o amt. bonds lsmied and sold 800J 00 To amU W. o. llolinea Presl- dent. S To amt,. from w. u. aiKunr., To ami. from Jos. Itattt oen eilis assessed Jeff. St 50 100 00 TO amt. from 11. 8. llollowell bMiiellls ass. Jeff St. .... . . 100 w To amt. from w. v. nuuums benefit ass. on Jeff. St... To aiiit. from A. U. Brlggs beneflt ass. on Jeff. St. . . To amt. state Treas.Tax from Vnr. Klre Ins, Co. IS (5 200 00 186 32 To amt. from Bond Holders State tax M1 10. t 29697 06 A.N. YOST, Treasurer. CR. By amt. ot orders of '91 paid t ,i ii '95 ' 100 37 55 '94 A5 82 97 BHD W '98 18508 77 iiv amt. of Couuons of Feb. '93 " n?nt.dof Coupon's otAugust amt .Pof Coupons' 'of Feb. '94 ' ano'f Cou'pons ot August '94,pald vt'hiH amt. ot coupons of I eb.' 95 " amtl'ot Coupons of Aug.'95 paid v "J',", " amt. of coupons of Feb. uO paid " amt. ot Coupons ot Aug. 98 " amt . of coupons ot Feb. 97 r...M 10 83 10 80 10 80 10 80 10 80 10 80 10 80 10 SO 81 11 80 73 204 04 1815 56 1215 45 7015 84 " amt of coupons of Aug.W ' amt! of Coupons of Feb'.'98 a?ntdof'c'o'upons'o'f Aug-nw a?nt?b'f Coupo'ns"of Fe'b.'99 paid " amt. of bonds paid ........ IVmuI (?(ill........ 'JH0 84 bal. In Treas. hands 1SW11W $ 29697 HECEIPT8. To balance from "last year's $ 587 84 statement...... "error In creuii, or mu year's statement ordor ho 840of'9T 47 50 1407 (18 7015 84 9; 16 1 88 82 00 1251 00 10U0 00 8000 U0 182 20 50 100 00 From J. K. Ulttenbcnder col lector ' L. 1). Kaso Collector.... ' TaxHollot '91 ... ....... ' 0. 8. Fleckenstlne Treas bill, license '97..... ... 1 U. 8. FleekeustlueTreas. bal. license '98 1 Hllas Conner loan. ....... ' Bonds Issued and sold... W. o. Holmes, 1'res W. It. Kocher Joseph ltuttl, benefits assessed Jefferson t..... feet ' 11. 8. llallnweu, oeHuius assessed Jefferson 8t 100 00 w. V. Kobblus, benelltB assessed Jefferson Mt 10 So A. O. Brlggs, benetlts assessed JelTorson St 200 00 foot to state ireas. n iium Foreign Fire In. Co ' Bona holders, State tax. 18A 82 200 75 $ 29697 BIOBWATS. T. L. Smith, Smithing $ Moyer Bros., cement w. L. Demaree, lumber. Creasy 4 Wells llurinan & llassert, smithing O. B. Martin, agent, smithing KlUha Keller, building guard mils. . C. K. Hagenbuch, oobble slonos. D. L. A W. . H. Co., freight.. J. B. Brobst, smithing E. L. Barton " to v 25 15 40 58 57 94 47 85 87 11 18 89 89 108 70 58 87 3 90 4 Hi terre (A 9 mills $1590 11 Vfinvn n 107i;n3 " 4K " .... Moor, " 9 ' 241' IS " " 791 55 4 I M 117 on 8175 70 181 00 f 113 03 nnoo loono 18000 li'llO no to lnooo tsnoo jnoo 2O0O0 INK 10 s!S937 00 I7778 71 WJ7l,- w 2.'i0 00 $iii9) 00 ltoNtlM m-E A9 FOLLOWS: ItlOl 11102 ll0;l 1901 11105 1900 1907 l'JO.1 1901) 1910 1911 nio 8M) 7-10 210 2fKI 3U0 820 :mi 775 Sol) 340 mt 800 2li0 8"fl 10.1 H.,0 273 (WO 4.'0 H7.r m 410 irS 300 410 00 8t 300 400 400 100 400 400 400 500 BOO 000 looo looo inon looo ,ri00 .rH) MO :VO 6IKI 400 11011 570 fiOO 5i 0 500 8"0 ran 500 till) Mm SftO 4ni fiOi) BOO 300 500 soo 500 ,500 500 500 5110 ! 500 AilO m) 700 7"0 no 7110 110 uo 52CK) 5050 5105 5350 4875 1730 4(Wi 2875 1600 1700 1700 Hoffman ft Allison, smithing 1 90 W. 11. Leioy, coooiestones.... it to Bloomsburg WaterCo. cinder 01 30 E. W. M. Low, 851 loads grav- vel n 10c 85 10 L. E Waller, cinder . ...... 827 92 J. C. Brown. Town Engineer.. 135 '7 CUmnx Koad Machine Com pany, Hoad Machine, chutes and buckets 1095 90 Thos. Oorrey, cobblestones... 112 8J Phlla. aud Heading kallroad Company, freight 49 00 S. M. 1 1 ens, coal and crusher.. 2rt is S. Knorr. smithing H2 08 HoadurmelX Welllver.smlth- lug..... 9 55 J. B. Eves, plow and DOluts.. It 45 W. Monroe, powder. 46 43 It. 1). Hagenbuch, cobble stones 21 63 Bloomsburg Car Mfg. Co.. suudi !c s at crustier 5 35 W. 11. Humphrey, dynamite and fuse 19 Levi N. Cox.smltlUug 18 SO Dlcffcnbauh Bros., cobble stones. 10 00 Bloomsburg Car Mfg. Co. two steel hammers . 5 50 W. C. Evans, hummer hand les and labor 8 75 Amos Krum, sand 65 82 C. K Klclnirt, smithing 1 25 John Culp, lumber... 2 82 Cold Storage Art. Ice Co., Ice at crusher 2 24 Clearrteld clay Working Co., vltrltlcd brick 110 00 A. L. llvssong,coal at crusher 4 50 C. w. McK.elvy,commlssloner of highways Ml 46. Haullnir 2196 15 Labor." B002 84 -$ 10327 88 NSW STBKBT8 AND IXTINSION8. Q. M. Quick, costs grading of West street $ 9 50 Fred Ikeler, viewers costs, sixth street. 28 00 S. J. Pealer, viewers coats, Fifth street . 24 80 T. L. Guntou, damages, open ing J enersou street ooo ny $ 631 19 BBWEBS. W. H Eyer, record book of sewers $ C. W. Miller, sewer pipe Geo. M. McAlarney, Agent, sewer pipe D. L. A W. If. K. Co., freight.. J. A. Uutchlns Co., sewer Loo-'P liave'n" ' Cl'ay ' ' Works, . sewer pipe Labor and hauling . 12 00 12 83 85 75 57 18 67 05 23 09 559 00 -$ 817 50 WATER. Jackson A Woodln Mfg. Co., water pipe $ 36 30 D. L. & W. It. R.CO., freight. 35 Bloom Water Co., bal tor year 18irt 91 07 Bloom Water Co., for 1898.... 1125 86 Bloom Water Co., water pipe 50 Bloom Water Co., tire plug, West aud Fourth Btreets 48 48 It. K. and First streets ... 42 99 Bloom Water Co., fire plug, Barton aud Main treets.. 41 89 Bloom Water Co., fire plug, Eyer street. w no Bloom Water Co., fire plug, fenn and Fair streets.... 4a ki Bloom Water Co., tire plug, iiigmaireei roaa 00 1 - 1517 70 FIKI DCFARTMENT. W. Ilassel, rent, Hescue hose house $ 83 00 Fabric Fire Hose Co.,two lan terns iu ,u J. C. Kutter, Jr., rent for Wi nona hose cart lo uo W. C. McKluney.gum boots and coats for Kescue Hose Co 82 60 D. L. A W. It. K. CO., freight on hose , &1 Barman 42 Bassert, coal, Hes- . cue Uose Co 10 81 Empire Hubber Mfg. Co. .hose and fixtures. 139 77 S. F. Peacock A Co., lock and keys, Goodwill Fire Co 0 25 Creasy Wells, lumber, Kes cue Fire co t 63 The Fire Companies receive tneir appropriations as fol lows: Friendship, "97 .. 75 00 lnona, '97 75 00 Winona, '98 75 00 Kescue, '9H 75 00 Friendship, '98 150 00 08 700 69 FOLIC! AND CONSTABLE. George Shultz, tor 1897, One arrest. F. P. Baum, for 1897 Arlington Hhuliz. balance ot salary for 1897 John K. Townsend, yi dozen police budges Wm. llarrelt.Constable, spec ial elections M. W. Iiutz, salary for 1898... M. W. Itetz, four arrests Wesley Knorr, chief of police Oeorgo Crist, police for 198.. Chas. Culp, balance ot salary Constable tor 1MI7... Wm. Ulutterlck, police, for '98 Ellis cor, do do one arrest A. V. ilower, pollco, tor 1898, two arrests Wm. Stlner, police, tor 1898. , . 50 4 00 51 00 6 65 8 00 50 00 2 00 469 00 6 00 9 00 6 75 50 1 00 6 75 13 50 1 25 8 75 4 25 15 75 14 75 8 00 87 60 9 00 10 60 32 50 Win. Hhaw, do do Jos. Wilts, do B. W. Ilagenbuch, Frank Beers, police (leo. Cavanee, do (Icn. Olrton, do A. Heroine, do John Corbett, do Oeorge Yost, do C. M. Hess, do F. K. Drake,, do do do do do do do do do do do 08 -$ 755 STREET MOOT, Bloomsburg K. L. A P. Co., balance for 1"H7 $ 432 90 Bloomsburg E. L. A P. Co., wiring fountain 47 19 Bloomsburg E. L. A P. Co., . wlrlug four lights 8 00 Bloomsburg E. 1. A P. Co., for year 1x98 M?a w $ 06T02 PRIHTIKO Columbian, ann'l statem't, AO 80 90 Democrat lo Sentinel, annual statement, . Hepubllean,nn'l statem't.fto 55 OT Kiooniso ir Lmnr. w uuncus. " " - 118 90 TOWN I1ALL. Bloom Oas Co . gas for 1898...$ lllooin S. A K. L. Co., steam.. Bloom Water Co., watpr.. .. .. A. c. Desiieppard.mak'g keys Mrs. Ell. Wirt,, cleaning hall Mrs. C. Hlldehrnndt,, do John Lewis, work on gates... Wm. Khodomoyer. do 104 00 SMt 75 1 HO 4 fit) 2 00 no 4 I0 4 IX) 8 41 A 00 13 00 87 09 ,1. II. Mercer, stationery II. B. Sharpless, work on hall A. V. Howcr, watching hall.. P. K. Vnnnat.t.a, painting hall W. H. ltlsluon, ammonia and whiting (lock up) . 25 -$ 487 83 MISCILLANKOl'S. A. H. Bloom, et. al. Town auditors f WW) Freeze (Julck, secretary, bal. for'W ... 1' 00 I. Ilagenbiich, health officer, bal. for '97 W J.K. Schuyler It co.,hardwaro 42 Fred Ikder. solicitor salary for 'Of SCO CO J. K. Pensyl, coal oil W I I. Ilagenbuch. salary '98, I neiiiin uim;er w Freeze iulck, sec, salary ror j us -1" W. CShaw.palntlng fountain 8 00 1912 191:1 1911 1915 1910 1917 1918 1919 1920 121 1922 5C0 500 fOO 500 600 500 500 500 1000 1000 1000 10C0 1000 1100 500 SOO 600 looo looo looo looo lnoo ....$112715 00 a to Totals I2995 00 s. F. Peacock Co. .hardware S3 86 Silas Connor loan 1009 00 W. O. Holmes, piumoing fountain 75 42 Silver spring liuarry Co., five spaul orks. 8 i5 School Furnishing Co., 18 lawn settees at $2.60. 8(1 00 O. B. Melllck, P.M. .envelopes 4 31 Dr. Keber, secretary Board of Health 65 00 L. D. K use, collector of taxes, taxes of various persons. 77 46 F. B. Dawson, cementing fountain U '- E. J. Brown, sprinkling 14 U0 W. O. Holmes, plumbing c. 23 52 Freeze lulck, making Indices of ordinances 50 00 Moyer Bros., sundries 33 Farmers' National Bank, Lock box rent tor two years at $2.50. 6 00 W. U. Jury, building Inspec tor 10 00 C. W Kunyon, hardware 22 41 C. B. Ent, recording deed and release.... 500 Fred Ikeler, solicitor for '98 . 175 00 A. N. Yost, Treas., State tax on bonds 209 28 A. N. Yost, Treas., Interest on orders and judgmonts. 753 20 t aW 48 Total numborof orders Issued Deduct orders of '9,i outstand ing $ 24407 29 6843 52 Amount ot orders of W paid.. $ 18663 77 OTIIIR PATH INTS. Orders of 1891 $ 100 37 " " )89J 55 " " 1K98 65 82 1197 639 97 " 1X98 18563 77 Coupons ot February, ls93 10 80 e' August, 1893 10 80 " February, 1894.... 10 8ft " August, 1891 10 80 " February, 1895. .. 10 80 ' August, 1895 10 hO " February, 1H96.... 10 80 " August, 1898 10 80 " February.1897.... 81 12 " August, 197 80 73 " February. 1898.... 204 04 August, 189S 1345 56 February, 1899 ... . 191 J 45 Bonds paid 56u5 "0 Treasurer's commission 280 84 by bal. In Treasurer's bands. 1331 94 -$ 29097 06 Equalizing amount ot recep's $ 48260 83 RECAPITULATION. nighways $ lOOT 88 New 8treet8,daniage8,cost,&o 631 19 Sewer 817 59 Water 1547 70 Fire Department. 7oo 69 street lights 5H67 02 Police and constables 755 90 Printing 11190 Town Hall 487 83 Miscellaneous 3357 48 Amount of orders paid. 19389 9S coupons paid 3019 30 Bonds 5695 00 Treasurer's commission 20 84 Balance Treasurer's hands.. 1331 91 Deduct orders of '98 out standing $ 5843 52 $ 48260 93 ASSETS. Bal. on Duplicate of '95. 11 11 11 11 ,98.,,.,., 11 ii 1. 11 117., " ' "'98.""!. Due benefits assessed on West street Due benefits assessed on Jet- fersoo street , Fire engine and hose Town ball and lot Uook and ladder truck and hose carts. Athletlo Park Balance In Treas. hands. ... $ 872 39 8890 91 1536 43 7011 02 513 71 S3 4 5 85U0 0O 15000 00 1400 00 0000 00 1331 94 $41118 87 Liabilities 38l!9 3X -$ 79667 69 LIABILITIES. Funded debt $ 6J745 00 Judgment First National Bank 6175 00 Orders outstanding 11282 80 Coupons outstanding 175 89 Due Hteum Co., about 40 00 Bond No. 154 due August 1, '98, but not presented by tho holder thereof 250 nO $ 79667 89 STATEMENT SHOWING AOCKUED LIABILI TIES AND AVAILABLE ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Orders outstanding $ 11282 80 coupons. 175 39 Judgment, First National Bk 6175 00 Bloomsbg S. A E. L. Co .about, 40 00 Bond No 154, due August 1, 189s, but not presented.. . . 250 00 -$ 16922 69 ASSETS. Balnnce on duplicate of 1895..$ 872 39 do do do 18H6.. 8io 93 do no do 1KK7.. 15H8 18 do do do 1898.. 7011 02 Benefits assessed on West 8t. 542 71 Benetlts assessed on Jefferson St., W. V. Kobblns ...... 83 45 Bal. In Treasurer's hands..... 1331 94 -$ 15218 87 Liabilities In excess of assets 1703 82 Balance In hands of President from sewer permits. $1 00 W.O. HOLMES. Attest ! Fhkezi Quick, Beo'y. President, Bloomsburir. Pa.. Anrll 35. ikuu We, the undorslgued, Auditors of the Town ot llloomsburs. do say that we mot at tii Couucll Koom, for the purpose of performing our duties, and that we have examined the books ot the Secretary and tlnd them correct, and that the balance In the hands ot the Treas DO urer is correct. P. n. FKEEZE. 1 w. K kick b AuM, V Auditors. u.s. niLliUH, In slenlnir this report I dlsannrnvn nf Mem bers of Council contracting with thenumivau and shall feel It my duty hereafter to euter W. KKICK.BAUM, Auditor. CATARRH n;-eae A Cllmatlo AfTectlon Nothlnif but a local remedy or change of climate will cure It. I QCt a well-known SI'KUIKIC Ely's Cream Halm It, Is quickly Absorb ed. Gives Belief nt once. Opens and cleanses the Nasal COLD n HEAD Passages. Hint., it.rlttmmnf Inn nun J a " ' ' "" , - ,,,., ,..,. , ,lH Meats ana i-roifcm i m. u .......... ... "-- Senses of Taste and Smell. No Cocaine, No Mercury No Injurlousdrug. Knll Sl.e 50c ; Trial Size lite, nt DriiggtHtsorbv mail. ELY BltO ru Bills : warren m., " BLOOMSBURO ELECTRIC LIUIll cs l'OWER CO. in nnuanrnn. Pa.. Mnren 30. 18W. A special meetlnit of the stockholders of tho Bloomsburg Klectrlo Llifhl and rower vuin pany will be held nt the olllcn of Mr. R. . Mullen. President., No. M Arch street. Phila delphia, Pa., on the ftthday 01 June, imw, ve- A -..tirvitK tim netinn nf the Presi dent and secretary In executing a certain bond and mortgage, bearing date the first day or i... . 7 r. Vim r,.,.,,r,i..,i in the on cp of the f uillini .T , i. - ..v..- ... - - " .. . - Keeorder or Deeds, in anu i"r Columbia, In Mortgage Book No. ii, at page No. 7 and for the transaction of such other busi ness as may properly come uci m vim m., .., lot 11. M. FHANCI8, secretary. rklrhMtrr' FaclUk Pennyroyal pills "X(7rl . lw7i rrltabla. loii mi vtmtpn m wkmiwi ,,i I MM, mad will" Dim ribbon. Tk iionaamltrMlaMou. At llragltliK, or Ml 4U la alunpa for aartlealara. ittlmealala auj "Hellof for f.oillra," "". br return Mo.IL 1,00 TeMlinooiaii. nam t-aptr. li.httFtJfceljay.aaiaoB riiiPe. BaMaj UfuaAlaia. rnibAUA.. a1 6-85-4 id PROFESSIONAL CARDSX-, N. U. FUNK, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, Mrs. Ent'i Boililine, Court Uoa ADr, BLOOMSBURG, PA. A. L, FRITZ, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Post Offic Building, and floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. W. MILLER, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Wirt'i Building, toi Boo, ELOOUSBURG, PA. Jnim a. ranzf . johk o. hakmah FREEZE & HARMAN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Offloes: Centre St., first door below Opera House GEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, 2nd fiooc, BLOOMSBURG, P.&. WM. h MAGILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Lockard's building, Corner Main and Centre Sts. A. N. YOST, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbian Building, and Floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. RALPH R. JOHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hartman Building, Market Square, Bloomsburg, Pa. IKELER & IKELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. R. RUSH ZARR, ' Attorney-At-Law. . BLOOMSBURG, PA.S Office in Clark's Block, corner of and and Centre Streets. i-ia-'94 W. A. EVERT, Attorney-At-Law. BLOOMSBURG, PA. (Office over Alexander ft Co. Wirt building. G. M. QUICK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office over First National Bank. JOHN 1C CLASX, ATrOKKErWLMAJr THE KiO) Mora Bbosv Be VUXMSMOWftA. J, ILMAIZX, iTTOKHKT-JlT-CAW, UaU. XSTATS , Office in Lockard's Building. SLOOMSBQXjG, ta. W.H.KHl?lt jOTOJ&nrisA-u Office, earner of Tbbai aaA Hah CATAWESA, PA. EDWARD J. FLYNN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. tvonice Llddtoot building, Locust avenne- my A LOCAL MM aULoaa HOWARD PATTERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rooms 4 and 5. Feacct k tHt Telephone. 1463. liLOOMSElfcG, IV J. S. JOHN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residence, 410 Main St.. 3-70-lv M.OOMSIUKC, PA. HIiMRV MY. CHAMPI.IN,H,D. GENERAL SURGERY, SURGERY Or THE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Over Farmer's National Ba nk, liloc 11- ic burg, Pa. SPECIAL ATT1NTI0W TO DISIAPKScr ( BII.DRVI H. BIERMAN, M. D. nOMffiOPATUICfPHYSICIAN AND BDKUaW oppici bocbs: Office & Residence, 4th St., Until 0 a. m., 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 P. M. BLOOMSBUKO, V DR. ANDREW GRAY DON, physician and surgeon, Bloomsburg, Pa." Office and residence N, E. Cor. Fourth u Jefferson streets. TELEPHONE. Dr. F. W. REDEKER, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Office and residence East street, between Third and Fourth. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat a specUlO BLOOMSBURG, PA. 18 to 10 a. m. office bocbs: i l to 8 p. m. 17 to 9 p. m. J. J. BROWN, M. D-, Market Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested, fitted with glau and Artificial Eyes supplied. Hours 10 to 4. Telephone ConneoHM DR. M. J. HESS, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Crown and bridge work a specialty, . Corner Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, TA. Dr. W. H. HOUSE, SUMQEON DENTIST, Office, Barton's Building, Main below XMfe Bloomsburg, Pa. All styles of work done in a superior maaaar and au work warranted as represented. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAUL, by the use of Gas, and free of charm .!!! i - - . 1 , . si initial iceui are insenea. WTo be open all hours during the day. DR. C. S. VAN HORN, DENTIST. Office corner of East and Main streets, op posite Town Hall. Office hours 8:80 to 12 a. m ; 2 to p. m. BLOOMSBURG, PA. J- C. WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. F. Hartman Represents twelve of the strongest CoorpM es in the world, among which are : CASH TOTAL SOBPLDt CAPITAL. ABBBTB. OVKB 1U Franklin of Phlla.. $400,000 $8,198,52 $i,oooJia Penn'a. Phlla 400,000 8,825,lo 1.41U Queen, of N. Y.. 500,000 8,M8,916 l.reTi Westchester, N.T. SOO.Of O 1,758,807 4nLr N.America, Phlla. 8,000,000 9,780,889 . 2,864,TJ Office First Nat'l Bank Bldg ad flooe. " JfaTLosses promptly adjusted and paid. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSORS TO FREAS BROWH) INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATB AGENTS AND BROKERS. o N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. o Represent Seventeen as good Compaa. ies as there are in the World and all losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN F. KNArP, FIRE INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home, of N. Y. ; Merchants of Newark. N. J.; Clinton, N. Y. ; Peoples', N.Y.jReaJ ing, Pa 1 German American Ins. Co., Nasi York; Greenwich Insurance Con New York Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. These old corporations are well seaaouf by age and fire tested, and hare nerer y) had a loss settled by any court of law. TVrlt assets are all invested in solid securities, an 4 liable to the hazard of fir-t only. Losses promptly and honestly adjusted paid as soon as determined, by Chrtstlaa W, Knapp, Speoial Agent and Adjuster, Bloom burg, Pa. The people of Columbia county thoal patroniie the agency where losses, if an. ljft mmitlmA - -1 I J , , .1 . "" oiuu ymm uy one oi their citizens. CITY HOTEL, W. A. Hartzel, Prop. No. 121 West Main Btreet, f Large and convenient sample rooms, bat rooms, hot and cold water, and modern cor yeniences. Bar stocked with best wine and liquors. First-class livery attsched. EXCHANGE HOTEL, G. Snyder, Proprietor, (Opposite the Court House BLOOMSBURG, pa. Large and convenient sample rooms. rooms hot and cold water, and all modem txiivruienccK Bath