The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 11, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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IJrinp; it back if you don't like it, or can buy
it cheaper elsewhere. We'll pay back
the price you paid for it
without a murmur.
Refuge to partake of this
t Notion treat. It's Hart
man's Treat. Don't attribute the
caiiHe to anything hut Hartman's pur
pose to make it pay you to visit their store.
rtfi'4- Let jealous compptitors mi.s
UKJH L load you.. Dout forget that
tliiH sale of Notions at these prices will
aroiiHC the ire of all loo per cent, profit
Notion sellers.
Firm '4 Mistake the
UUll I forcjt that
place. Don't
Don't Sray away nm t,,IsS!,'c and
L,v'11 L then regret your low. Not
Hartman s
System of selling affords the same op
portunity in buying. Don't believe it's
an unmeritorious item in the list,
say so when you sec them Felling.
too good to be true. It is so !
1 !1 B !
AT 41c. EACH.
1 Iiottlo trench Slme Urrnstnj
t l.o:k mill Kev leneil liox
I Nickel Ilalicllu Mmwl Strap
I box 24 Miirts of Paper and Envelopes
I S:t of Checkers
I Ilar.lwo.xl i'ipe
I Onc-Kont Hoxwood Rule
I Insect Powder (Inn
I C'omli nnd ISrush Case
I 1 1 lnch Silver Tray
I Nickel Snj;ar Shaker
I lilacs I.emon Squeezer
I I'nir Straw Cuds
I Kuhher Rattle
I iJoi I'cail Shirt Huttons
I (Iriis Agate HiittuiiH
1 Vnr.l "-helf Oil Cloih
I White Lawn Kami How
I 9) in. China I.imli Doll
I l'air Hoy SusiHMiileM
1 H-Mik Combination Needle ttooks
I Hcst Polished Curling Iron
I Emery
I Spool Silkotine
I Piute 6-yard l eather Stitch llruid
1 I)oz. High Neck Hone Collar Buttons
I 8-inch Rulilier Comb
I Kublier I'ocket Comb
I Huliber liarher Comb
I Kublter Fancy Round Comb
I 4 how Tooth lirush
I tdiaving lirush
1 Rhinestone Morn Hair I'm
I 1'iece Collar Stiffening
I Roll Cotton Halts
1 2 -iiladcd I'en Knife
At4ic. Each.
I. W. Hartman & Son,
rionday Sale,
May I5th.
J. S. Williams & Son,
Public Sale Criers and
General Auctioneers.
tr Fifteen yearn experience. NatlHfaetlnn
guaranteed. lli-nt returns ot any salt) criers In
thin section of t he Suite. Wrlto for terms and
dates. We never disappoint our pat rons. 1-5
Tuksuay, May 16, 1899 at ten
o'clock a. m. Miss Kate Antes, will
sell on the premises No. 535 South
West street, a lot of household goods,
consisting of furniture, carpets, glass
ware and other articles.
For base balls, bats, catchers
gloves, mitts, masks and all base
ball utensils go to Mercer's Drug &
Book Store.
We don't see any necessity for
exhibitions ol pride over the pos
session of a chainless bicycle.
There's nothing so very new about
them. Why, our grandmothers often
took spins on chainless wheels.
A wheel gave way on a carriage
belonging to Chester Catkins, of
Beach Haven on lower end of liast
St., Tuesday afternoon, and had to
be abandoned until a new wheel was
procured. The crash which follow
ed the smashing of the wheel,
frightened the horse, which was a
spirited animal, and he nearly got
away lrom the driver.
Parties who sweep their sidewalks
every morning would do a great
lavor lor the people who pass, if
they would sprinkle their walks
with water before sweeping, or else
wait a second or two until the ped
estrians pass by. It is not very
pleasant to be compelled to go
through n cloud of dust, and there
would be no need of it if the clerks
wuuiu iuaKe use 01 a little more
judgement and care.
The Normal School base ball
team kept on in its winning way
Saturday afternoon at Wi liamspoi t
iy downing the colors of the Dem
orests of that city by the close score
if 7 to 6. From a jitrson who wit
nessed the performance we learn
1 hat the game was a fine one, and
that Williams, pitcher for the Nor
mals, made an excellent showing
.'.gainst the opposing batters, many
if whom are old ringers. On the
whole the school has an outfit this
season of unusual merit, and one
:hat will make the best of them play
to win. i
To Cora t'oii.tlputlon Forever.
Take Owcarela Cuticlv Cuttmrtlo. lOo or Mo.
it O. 0. C. tall to cure, ilrugutuu retuna money.
When we said "IT'S COMING." we
were in earnest. Not a word of bom
basticity, not a word misleading, not
an unworthy item offered. It's meri
torious from the surface to the core.
Don't wait until the third hour of
the sixth day. Come early ! but let
ter late than not at all.
Nearly 1 00 different items to offer
nt 4c each. I)or.cns and hundreds
of each item to supply the demand.
It will be a week of ttnequalcd oppor
tunities heretofore.
50 Pieces
Full width, all colors, not the ordinary sort,
with broken meshes and ragged edges.
warranted to keep out all bugs
nut nea ougs. tot this sale per y.i,
Tuesday Sale,
May 16th.
A very large line of window cur
tains from ioc to 75c at Mercer's
Drug & Book Store.
Governor Stone on Wednesday
sitrned a number of annronriation
" i 1 1
bills, among which is one of 70,700
ior tne Jiospitai lor tne insane at
If vou want vour bicvele cleaned
or adjusted or repaired in any way
lase u 10 tne Jiioomstjurg cycle
Works on Iron street rear of Moore's
Shoe Store.
The fire companies of town will
assemble for divine service in St.
Paul's Church .Sunday morning,
May 14th. The sermon will be
preached by the rector, Rev. D. N.
For the purpose of double track
ing the system, from Milton to
Pottsgrove, the Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad has notified its
agents between Milton and New
berry to advertise for laborers. One
thousand men are wanted. Twelve
sidings are to be built on the Cata
wissa branch, and several double
sidings between Milton and New
berry Junction.
Ready for feace.
The latest renorts lrom the Philin.
pine Islands, tend to show that the
insurgents nave abandoned all hope
of continuing the war. A meeting of
the Filipino Congress was held at San
Isidro for the purpose of deciding on
terms of peace. According to the re
port a large number of those who at
tended the meeting were partisans of
Aguinaldo, all of whom expressed a
strong desire for peace.
There has been very little fighting
of late. A number of the American
transports have sailed for home. Fur
ther bloodshed is not anticipated.
Damages Awarded.
In the suit of Dennlson Brink
against Hemlock township, tried in
court this week, the jury gave a ver
dict ot $1100 lor planum. Mr. Bri. ;
was hurt by Ins horse shvini' off the
the road, and he had his shoulder
broken and was ruptured. The counsel
for the township asked for a nonsuit,
but Judge Little refused it. No evi
dence was offered by the defendant.
Tain Unnecessary in Ciiii ijiiirhi.
Tain Is no longer necessary in childbirth,
Its causes, tieii) understood, are ea.ilj over
come, the labor being maile short, easy and
free from danger, morning sickness, swelled
limbs, and like evils readily cured. Cut this
out; it may save your life, sutler not a day
longer, but send us 3 cent stamp and receive
in sealed envelope full particulars, testimon
ials, confidential letter, &c. Address, Krank
Thomas & Co., Baltimore, Md. 3-2 6 m
I Leather Covered Spectacle
I Hox, 3 Cakes Iluttc-rmilk Soap.
lUickle Gar-
Palm Toilet Soap.
It is made for fine trade. It is a reminder
of the Old-Fashioned Urown Windsor
Soap, delightfully scented, and one of
the finest Toilet Soaps of the times,
worth jc a cake, this week
we will sell
2 for 4ic
For Men H'kerchiefs.
We want to interest the men. Handkerchiefs
will do it. One lot, 25 Do.., Men's
Fine Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, in
plain white and rich borders (borders
that will not fade;, never sold for less
than Ioc each. This week, not
more than four to a customer, ea.
200 Yards India Linen.
Sheer, fine, full width. You've seen offered ?
Yes 1 Laid for no better eight to ten
cents per yard. We'll hand it ,
out at this sale per yd 4&C
I. W. Hartman & Son,
Wednesday Sale,
Hay 17th.
We have heard it rumored that
the employment of foreign labor is
being considered by the Car shops
at Berwick. Surely there is enough
of the home born product to supply
the demand. We hope the report
is incorrect.
State Board ol Agriculture and Institute
Prof. John Hamilton, the newly ap
pointed Secretary of Agriculture, has
issued a call to all the Institute Work
ers in the State to meet with the State
Board at the Court House in Blooms
burg May 31 and June 1 and 2. This
will bring to our county seat between
100 and 200 of the leading agricultur
ists of our state to discuss subjects of
the greatest interest to our farmers,
merchants, manufacturers and the
general public. If all our good people
will arrange the work on the farm, in
the stote and the shops with the fixed
plan to take the three days of this
meeting for a holiday, the meeting will
be a success, a large number of us will
enjoy a pleasant rest and very much
good will accrue to our community.
It should not be necessary to urge up
on our citizens the importance ot at
tending a convention like this, and we
trust that by calling your attention in
this way you will fix the date in your
minds IMnu it inl Tunu . nn,t
be present at the opening on Wednes-
day noon. For anv narticulars. al
dress or call on the County Chairman.
Very truly,
at H. V. White.
Driuk QrainO.
after you have concluded that you
ought not to drink coffee. It is not a
medicine but doctors order it, because
it is healthful, invigorating and appe
tising. It is made from pure grains
and has that rich seal brown color
And tastes like the finest grades of
coffee and costs about as much.
Children thrive'on it because it is a
genuine food drink containing nothing
but nourishment. 15 and 25c. at gro
cers. 4-27-4t-d
Tor the Boys and Girls
Prize Worth $500 to be Distributed Free.
Next Sunday's Philadelphia "Press"'
(May 14), will begin a competition for
hoys and girls, in which "The Press"
will offer as rewards prizes worth $500
Any boy or girl can try for these prizes.
See next Sunday's "Press."
Don't Tutiteeo Spit and Bmok. Your l ift iirsy.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be meg
netlo, lull ol ll(o, nerve and vigor, taka No-To-Dao,
the wonderworker, that makes weak men
strong. All drugKists, too or II. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
1 Sterling ItemeJv Co., Cnioago or New York.
Pair Cuff Tins ,
I'nir Ladies' Silk
I Stone Set Pelt Hucklc
I Stone Set Hatpin
I Stone Set Hclt Holders
2S cces No. 7 Silk Satin Ribbon. Ribbons
sucn as everybody needs. Ribbon, the
quality and width sold at eifiht nnd ten
cents per yard, usually. All the leading
shades to go at this sale nt the re
markable price of per ya'd 4IC
One yard No. 7 Ribbon Ajc
English Torchon Lace.
14 pieces, x6 yards in each piece, 504 yards,
1 inches to 4) inches wide. Hcaiitifu!
patterns. Will wash like muslin. Wear !
Wear 1 1 Wear 1 1 I Insertion to match.
The lace was made to sell from 8c to
and two or three of the styles at
:. jvr yarn, ah to go at our "Under
selling Sale." to yards or less
to one customer, at per yard 4iC
200 Yards Curtain
Needed in every house. It's the kind usu
ally sold most places at 6 to 8c per
yard. Our ambition for underselling
prompts us to cut it nt per yard,
, for this sale 4JC
Thursday Sale,
May 18th.
Business of toe Week-
The failures in April were the small
est in any month since records by
months began, 38 per cent, smaller
than in April of last year, not a third
of the amount in 1897, and not half
the amount in April of any previous
., d .1 r . 7 1
year. Both m manufacturing and in
irauing mey were tne smallest ever
known in that month, and in trading
the smallest ever known in any month,
as in manufacturing they were if the
larger failures were omitted. The ratio
of defaulted liabilities to solvent pay
ments through clearing houses was less
than 70 cts. per $i,oco, against 90
cts. in January and $1.19 in March,
$7.89 in August and $8.02 in Sep
tember, 1896. A great share of the
risk in the business world has been
eliminalcd. It is not inconsistent or strange if
business halts, because it has been
crowded to the utmost for four months
in an.icipating future needs on ac
count ot new combinations proposed.
i some cases prices have been ad
vanced so far as to check new business
and in others works have been engag
ed so far ahead that new orders can
not now be taken. Yet new business
in amount which would have been as
tonishing two years ago is still coming
forward, and the voluntary advance in
wages Dy tne sixteen .Bessemer firms
of the Central Association, and by the
nc.k coke works whose shipments in
April, ;?o,4;2 cars, were the heaviest
ever known, show confidence in the
future. At Buffalo and in Idaho
strikes are causinir trouble, but lahor
questions elsewhere do not affect gen
eral uusiness.
Try Allen's Foot-Ease A pow.
der to be shaken into the shoes. At
this season your feet feel swollen,
nervous and hot, and get tired easily.
If you have smarting feet or tight
shoes, try Allen's Foot Ease. It cools
the feet and makes wilking easy.
Cures swollen and sweating feet, blis
ters and callous spots. Relieves corns
and bunions of all pain and' gives rest
and comfort. Try it to-day. Sold
by all druggists and shoe stores for
25c. Trial package free. Address,
Allen S. Olmstead, LeRoy, N. V. (u
A large number of cigars bearing
Jacobs fraudulent stamps have been
discovered at Ashland. The revenue
collector did not confiscate the
goods, but he ordered the dealer
not to sell them. The difference
between the good and bad stamps
is said to be easily discernable 011
close inspection.
Ban tbs The Kind You Haw Always BuujH
I Wood Handle Bread Knife...
I Leather Key Chain
I a-ptece Jiase Hall
If Uncle Sam don't put up a "value
sign" and drive a "price-nail" during
this sale, the surface will be too hard
to penetrate with any pointed price
tool. Theory is a mighty good thing,
but a practical illustration' is letter.
The most practical thing a merchant
can do is to offer that which is good
nnd desirable, at a price uninecta
ble, "That's Us."
It's a great Gingham season. We secured a
half a case for this sale. Everybody
knows the quality of these Ging.
hams. They sell all the time at
6c and 8c. This half a case is
assorted. Beautiful Dress Plaids, in
all colors, and nil the popular Apron
-necks, not more than 10 yards .
to a customer, this week 4JC
I. W. Hartman Son,
Friday Sale,
Tlay 19th.
The body of 16 year old Weston
Smith, who was drowned in Bern-
inger's mill dam at Catawissa Tues -
day evening of last week, au ac-
count ot which we published in our
last edition, was found Wednesday
ofin,., M. t. r -
oiiviuuuu, u auuii uisiautc lrom iiie
spot where he went down. A jury
"r"1 c went uuwu. jury
was empaneled and rendered a ver-
diet of accidental drowning.
Many women suffer from untold ag
ony and misery because the nature of
their disease is not correctly under
stood. They have been led to believe
that womb trouble or female weakness
of some sort is responsible for the
many ills that beset woman-kind.
Neuralgia, nervousness, headache,
puffy or dark circles under the eyes,
rheumatism a dragging pain or dull
ache in the back, weakness or bearing
down sensation, profuse or scanto sup
ply of urine with strong odor, frequent
desire to pass it with scalding or burn
ing sensation, sediment in it after
standing in a bottle or common glass
for twenty four hours, are signs of kid
ney and bladder trouble.
The above symptoms are often attrib
uted by the patient herself or by her
physician to female weakness or womb
trouble. Hence, so many fail to obtain
relief, because they are treating, not
the disease itself, but a reflection of the
primary cause, which is kidney trouble.
In fact, women as well as men are
made miserable with kidney and blad
der trouble and both need the same
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root is the
great discovery of the eminent kidney
and bladder specialist, and it is easy to
get at any drug store for fifty cents or
one doliar.
To prove its wonderful merits you
may have a sample bottle and book
telling all about it, both sent absolutely
free by mail. Kindly mention The
Columuian and send your address
"laaffrred tli torture of the damned
with protruiluiif piled lirouuht 011 by eousupa
tion with which 1 wan anlleted for twenty
years. I ran across your CAKOAKETS In the
town of Nenoll, la., and never found any thine
to equal them. To-day I am entirely tree lrom
plies and fuel Ilka a new man."
a H. Kbits, nil Jones St., Sioux City, la
''ant. Palatable. I'oient. Taita nvwl TV,
Good. N.,, giek.n. w..koo or SSSf.mbi J
""" g;yf-f ''"-. .T.iVsis
AT 4ic. EACH.
I Steel Dressing Comb 6 ins. long
I Aluminum I'ocket Comb, i 1 slide
I Clo'h lirush
t lllackening Dauber
I l'air Gilt or Silver Side Combs
I Fancy Head Hand
t Doz. Horn Hair Pins
I Do. Aluminum Hair Pins
I Vuiltcd l'.ib, with lace trimming
I 24-imh Men's I'lue Handkerchief
t lnitinl Lady's Handkerccief
I Gent's Handkerchief, fancy woven border
I ard Cap Ruching
I Set Studs l ink and Collar Button
I rocket Mutch Sate
I Cabinet Picture frame
1 Execution Kod
I Hottle Good Perfume
I ltox Talcum Powder '
i Child's Pocket Hook, Silver Corners
I 'oz. S inch Kid Cur ers
I Hall 200 yds. Crochet Cotton
I Spool Crochet Silk
I Yd. lirush Skirt ISraid.
I Yd. i Frilled F.dge Web
I Pair Gent's Hose Supporters
I Pair Cuff Holders
I Doz. Pearl Muttons, 16, 18,
20, 22 and 24 line
I Doz. Twin Dress Stays
I 60-inch Reel Tape Measure
I Double Cake Castile Soap
I 6-inch Cake Ciood Toilet Soap
At4c. Each.
Saturday Sale,
Hay 20th.
' A OA ED.
Totht Democratic Voterg of Columbia County:
1 t.oruen0
S"""'. Mr- "" Human u my oppon '
ing ttattta
! JhSni'Pw?.?.?. Mr- "?ny
1 inT.Hin .ir.!v.u . p second term.
... n viiivv vt Mini 1 Aiairriitiy wiut
not a recognized two term orllce. and that ha
',an)OIlylBlr'dtue ofllce for ono term.
The follow mr is a cony of the statement cot
..rA,ILtue,1rM"ca'llPaBncardof Mr. Marinate
nttea nnMerm office. For over a quirter oji.
m? j r" ,lu'n ,'"VI' ,ieM " term "
ih. iwl"e.,"lw,"lt proper Information for
iS81 e.mrBt,c vote Columbia cuunty, .nd
respectfully solicit tlielr support.
catawlsaa. Pa., May n, latin.0, 8MaLI" tt
,, Hloomrbcho, Pa., Marcn so, ifW
ninrfJ? ni!",,!llntf tlio stockholders of the
Vn!iX."!.be..1"'1'1 at ,he omi,B of r. E. II.
rt .hi-' ' r."'1'1"".' Art, wreet, Path,
(telphla, pa., on tlio Sth day 01 June, lstw. be
tween the hours ot 8 p. m. ano 5 p. in., for the
S . "d.8ecri'Ui.ry lu executing a certain bond
lwSSKi ,Ui,W'!'' record. In the otlWe ortba
J'JS? ... .f i,.,,e,s 10 and r,,r 1118 county of, ,rausa""'n of such otheFbilKW
n. ss us may properly come b. f ie the meeting.
101 U. M. FKANCI8, Secretary?
Clatmlntr lhr. t ho nm.m nt iu.tJ!.t a.
To see this Shoe is to
buy it. If you buy it once
you will buy it again. Up
to date in style, fit and
These Shoes in stock at
W. H. Moore's.
Co::. Second and Ir.o.v Sts.
' J21ooiiislurg Ia
tino, pur.Uei tbo bioj
'U, I
Mucmin, nerve
ii u pocxet-
Ill vourh for ui. Take It i
-Vul SSS3f 85152;
For BUrliUrban anH i
Requires no painting or after care.
339 341 Orand St., Jersey City. Utdju
iiai 1
m nit .'iTb.a-
m m m a mi Bx mrz. ' uicu pwy
Vm.W V M jaW I aV VWl, inns.
is A m. aw ataa" fu tk.'r i -
. m em w Bktw -,.1,
1 1