MEN HIT IN BATTLE. OBSERVATIONS OF A SOLDIER WHO FOUGHT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Tn In Totten'n HnMery-Homs Wounded and lJ,n 1 r" Tlilrk Fant- Fljlil- ag In Hard Luck Taking III! I.aat gmuke. "If you want to know how men dio In battle, BBk some of those who bate been ot Wilson's Creek, on one tde or the other," said Judge David Murphy of the criminal court of St Louis. "I was In Totten'a Battery, and I taw them, wounded and dying, fall ing thick and fast around me. You mar say that I taw not one man flank In the face of death on that lerrlble day of fighting and bloodshed. While I was firing my gun from Bloody Hill a youngster, not more than twenty years old, suddenly jerk ed bis leg. He uttered a sharp, quirk err. then bent down and tore the trousers away from the place on his skin where a Mlnle ball had struck btm. He looked up with a stylle, pat ted the wound with his hand, pulled the torn trousers down and went on shooting. Five minutes later he yel led again, and his hand went up to the fleshy part of his arm. 'Hit again!' he said, sat down behind the battle ranks and examined his arm. The wound was only skin deep, and that eemed to please him hugely, for he tied his handkerchief around tt and -went again forward Into the ranks with his musket. "You're fighting In bad luck, to-day, Pete,' said a comrade. The youngBter turned his face to answer back, and (by the mapping of his eyes It could be seen that bis mind framed a saucy, defiant reply. Just then his Jaw drop ped. A ball ploughed its way through Its mouth leaving nothing but a bloody cavity. With a hoarse gurgle the fel low threw bis gun on the ground and fled back of the lines. He was found to a hospital afterwards, but never re covered. "On that same day I encountered three men under a tree. Their faces were ashy gray, showing that they were mortally wounded. I asked them why they were not attended to, and J one of them said that it was all over with them; they wanted the surgeons to attend first to those who could be eared. One of the men was smoking short brlarwood pipe. What are you doing, my friend?" ' i asked. "Taking my last smoke," be answer ed, his glassy eyes looking steadily at Be. Another was reading a letter. He aeld It up to his face, but I could see that he was not making any headway. ' His yes were growing dim. and bis weak, trembling bands folded the mis sive and thrust it Into bis breast 'pocket.' He was perfectly resigned to 'tis fate and had not a word to say. When I returned In the evening, after a lull. I found the three men dead. Their faces were white and set in the shadow of the tree Under which they lay. "That's all bosh about men raving " about home; mother and heaven. All the men I have seen die or near death were quiet and perfectly rational. They made no fuss. Those that did were usually delirious, entirely out of their minds. The faces of those were frequently distorted, and gave every evidence of the mental and physical agony they unconsciously had endured. "One thing struck me as peculiar. Nearly all the regulars exhibited an instant desire to examine their wounds when they were hit, and the expres sion of their faqs indicated in a mo- saent whether they were slightly or ' Mortally wounfled. They seemed to know with unfailing certainty. If the wound was slight and in a place where they could tie it up convenlent- tj. they did so, and then went back to the fighting lines. If it was mortal their grave, pale faces betrayed their knowledge. The volunteers were not so well poBted, but they were as brave as lions, and seldom gave up unless seriously hurt." Whan a Man Ileeomm of Ac. The question sometimes arises whether a man is entitled to vote at an election held on the day preceding ' ti fwnntv-first anniversary of his Mrth. Blackstone, in his Commen sries, book 1, page 463 says "full age Jh male or female Is twenty-one years which age Is completed on the day pre ceding the anniversary of a person's Irth, who, till that time. Is an Infant. and so stvled In law." The late umei Justice Sharswood. In bis edition of Blackstonc's Commentaries, quotes Christian's note on the above, as fol lows: "If he Is born on the 10th of February. 1608, he is of age to do any JeKal act on the morning of tho 16th f February. 1629, though he may not nave lived twenty-one years by nearly forty-elrht hours. The reason as signed Is. that in law there is no frac tion of a day; and if the birth were en the last second of one day, and the t of the first second of the preceding day twentv-one years after, then twen ty-one years would be complete; and fn the law it Is the same wnetner ihtng is' done, upon one moment of the iay op another." The same high au thority (Sharswood) adds in a note of Is own, "A person la ot full age the day before the twenty-first anniver aary of his birthday." rivaa In Frnoh Tliaatm. All Parla theatres except the new Otters Comiaue are full of fleas, ac ordlna- to Franclsque Qarcey, the dra aiaUc critic,' who ought to know. He suKs-eBts that managers drive sheep Into the auditorium before the per lormances to attract the peats, a meth d that Is said to bave some success SMOKELESS POWDER. No Advantage la Naval Work pan lards Did Not Have II. "SmokoloM powder la to n sront ex tent a ninltiT of tho future," ox pin I tied an ordnnnr-e pxnert. "Thoi.. la mi doubt tlmt It will come mnni time, but so far tin-re bftS been lit) complete, mie- cess In tlmt liiw. Nearly nil countries nro nt work u It, nml tin- best chem ists nro giving It attention. -The result so far Is three or four eouibliiatloim of nitric ncld and glycerine or nitro-gly-cerlne, but tliey nro not entirely smokeless, of course, they nre all an Improvement on tho old fashioned, black or charcoal powder, which got Its explosive power from ultrato of potash, ns fur as Ntreiigtli Is concern ed, but so Is the brown powder, which Is nearly smokeless. Thcr'J baa ,,0,' powder on the mnrkct for over live years which Is known ng ultro powder. It Is known also us smoke less powder, and, ns fnr as sporting uses nre concerned, has almost entire ly supplanted black powder. It Is a much stronger powder, oue-half of the quantity doing tho work of bluett powder when dona up Into cartridges. It costs sIlKlitly more, but tliero Is no renson why It should except that It Is a novelty. It has received the en dorsement of all the best sportsmen, and for nil practical purposes la smokeless as much ns any powder, but is I said before, It Is not entirely so. I luring tho several days when our army was actually cupigcd In wnr fare lu Cuba there were frequent ref erences In tho newspapers to tho statement that the Spaniards were better prepared than our nrmy iu that they had nn actual smokeless powder. This was au error in fact, and no otll clal report has ever been made bear ing It out. The Spaniards hud only what we had brown powder and there Is still some sinoko dlsccruahlo when It Is exploded. There have been hundreds of formulas prepared ami tested, and while nearly nil ot them are nn Improvement on the charcoal powder of former times, It Is a mis Iiomer ns yet to call them Kinokeless . powder. ' Itut smokeless powder will , be a fact lu less than two years, but we will not have any advnt'taKo ever nations In its use, for they will be us well off In this particular as we will be. There bt a difference iu the for mulas, but tho base is the same, nitro glycerine. Smokeless powder has a particular value for sharpshooters. It allows them an opportunity to do dam nue to the enemy and reduces tho I chances of them beiug discovered. Slmrpshootiug Is only au incident of warfare and a small one lu compari son to others though It la well enough to take every advantage that la fair and possible. This fact Is whnt will hasten the coming of mokeless pow der. It will be of 00 advantage for naval purposes, for naval work has to be done In tho opeu. '-Washington Star. WIT AND HUMOR. "I likes a modest man," said Uncle Eben, "excep' whon be niukes his mod esty an excuse fob be in' too lazy to try." Washington Star. 'Fweddy, why don't you let your mustache grow?' "Why don't I let it? Good heavens, deah boy, I do, but it won't." "Your husband must enjoy his home." "He does. Especially at times when want him to take me to the theatre." Detroit Frae Press. ft She I'm almost baked, I've been shut up in a close, stuffy room for two hours 1 He What was the occasion for that? She A meeting of our Fresh-Air so ciety. Yonkers Statesman. "That's a fine, solid baby of yours, Middleton," said a friend who was ad lulrinir the first buby. 'Do you think he a poiuir asked Mia- dlflton. rather disconsolately. "it seems to me as if he was all holler." Secret Strvice Secretary "I want a a wan who has skill in translating ciphers." ADDllcant "luen i in your mn For two years now I've put up perscrip tlons in a drutf store." Detroit Free Press. 'Monev makes the mare go, you know," quoted the young man who Is too frivolous to be original. "Yes," answered his father, who was nnndarinnr over a chock book; "but you don't want totiavelso fast to risk a runaway and a smash up." Washing ton Star. Friend (over the wine after dinner) "Your wife is cortainly a brilliantly handsome woman, i siiouiu tuinn you would be jealous of her." ' Host (confidentially) "To -tell you the truth, Robbins, I am. I never in vlte anybody here that a sane woman couU possibly tke the least fancy to." "Did I see a certiiu little boy, when I was on my way to church this morning," said the Sunday school teacher, "trying to club down peaches in Deucon Brown s orchard?" , , . "Not me, teacher." shouted one youngster, in a toue of virtuous protest, "I was up in the tree shakin 'em off. Detroit Free Press. "The man who owns the farm next to mine is the luckiest fellow I ever -What are you talking about? There is no each thing as luck." "There isn't, heyt Then will you kindly tell me how It happened that he bored for water and struck oil, while I bored for oil and struck waterl"-De-troit Free Press. Shake Into Your Shoes I An Austrian chemist, who has been la 1 f . . A T. ...U,!aw I Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the! feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing nervous feet, and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunyons. It is the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c in stamps. Trial pack irTp rocr Ai-lilrcnq Allen S Olmstead. the following administrators' erecutors', guar age free. Aciuress, uen a. uimsieau, i)nnR, g,,,, niivp Dl(m m tne ortiee of Le Roy, N. Y. 4 U 4 t-d Jury List For May Term, 1899. (IRANI) JURORS. MONDAY, MAY 1ST, l8y), AT 10 A. M. lJcnton twp. Miner C. Smith. licrwick-llruce Sliultz, Charles Hartman, Geo. L. Kcyan, J. C. Smut hers. liloomslmrp;- Isaiah iJeilv, Lafayette Creasy, John V. Loynn, Claries H. l.ulz, l' h. 1 ubhs. Cat;ivissa boro. V. II. Warwick, Adam Truckennitllcr. Calawissa twp. Solomon Ruler. Centre Wilson C. Creasy, (.ireenwood Alfred Freas. Hemlock Henry II. Sands. Jackson Iram Lewis. Madison Charles Carey, Allert J. Girton, Brittnin Thomas. Main ohn W. Shnman. Millville Joseph L. Cole. Orange A. H. Herring, Geo. Appleman. TRAVERSE JURORS -TUESDAY, MAY 2, I899 AT IO A, M. licrwick Miner Ilartman, Charles Haas, John L. Crawford, Samuel Hess, William Lamey. Hcnton twp. Freas Hartman. liloomsburc; llcrvcy II. Grotr, J. Wesley Ever, lohn V. loncs. Thos. Gorey, Daniel Sterner. Catawtssa boro. J. K. Sliarplcss, John I. Dicmer Catawissa twp. James R. Iilbby, Charles Drumhcllcr. Centre Wm. F. McAllister, Geo. Ruckle, Tierce H.igenbuch. Cleveland W. II. Small. ConynMiam Geo. Weller, Wm. Raudcn- hush. I Miingcreek Robert Mather, A. J. Karns Greenwood I. B. Ikeler, Enos IUrtman. II emlotk Charles Welliver, Hervey Mc llenry. Jackson Jasper Fritz. Locust Wm. H. liittncr. Mililin C. J. Yohe. Orange John Wolf, A. M. Dewitt. I'ine Geo. W. Iiudman. Koaringcrock-Chas. Krcisher, David Long. Scott A IS. White. TRAVERSE JURORS, SECOND WEEK, MONDAY, MAY 8, 1899 AT 10 A. M. Berwick Clark D F.atcn, N. C. Carey. Bloomsburg Jerry Hess, Amos Trivel- piece, John Kelly. Unarcreek lienry Bower. Catawissa boro. Reuben Shuman, Wm. Bcrninger, Charles Baker. Catawissa twp.-r-Wm. Levan. Centralia lohn M. Keillv. Wm. II. Jones I - . ... . B. J. Curran, Wm. Harris, Sr., Wm.Mcnscn, Charles Shaum. Centre Andrew I. Johnson, Hervey L, Vanderalice. I Cleveland Chnrle Stine. Obadiah Yocum leveiana nanes june, uoauian ouum Conyngham Thos. Kelly. FUhinccreek Jacob Wenner. t.- r-i.....: t A..i- r.a,,K,,,1-v.u u,,, v ,SJ, I orauwuou jamcs i-tcu,:i v.. Davis. Hemlock John G. Moore. Locust Adam Karig. Madison Wm Holdren. Mt. Pleasant John Shaffer, Frank Doll- ' . .J ' man, Morris I'.icier. Orange Perry rreas. Scott Byron Kashner, Wm. T. Hidlay, Philip Angle, C. C. Ammerman. SPECIAL COURT. MONDAY. JUNE , l8oq, 2 P. M. Benton boro.Clark Fidler. Berwick Henry T. Trough, Louis J. Townsend, W. II. Martz,Chs. Brader, John I. Jones, Chas. Ilippensteel. liloomsburg Chailes lerwuuger, Aie Derr, Wm. K. Moyer, John Mourey, Eli Jones. Bnarcreek Wm. S Ash. Catawissa boro. E. B. Uuie, D. E. Peg. ley, Chas. E. Smith. Catawissa twp. Wm. Witmer. Centralia John Hinckle, M. J. McDon nell. Centre John Coleman, Charles Creasy. Franklin Frank Kern. Fishingcreek Alfred A. Eveland. Jackson Charles Coleman. Madison Erastus Ilendershott. Main Clark Beagle, Mifflin Rider W. Smith, Daniel A. Hess, Mt. Pleasant- Geo. Whitenight, Henry Crawford. Pine Robert Hileman. , Roarinucreek Wm. Beaver. Scott J. T. Grimes. Sugarloaf James Pennington, Edward J. Alhertson, Ceo. W. Roberts. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of Ft. Fa. Issued out ot the Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia County, Pennsylvania and directed to me, will be sold at the I'ourt House liloomsburg-, Pa. on SATURDAY, APRIL 29TH, 1899. at 9 o'clock In the afternoon, the following des cribed real estate: All that certain piece of real estate and foundry and machine shop property situate In the town of Bloomsburg, Columbia county. and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and des - erlbed as follows towlt: Northwardly by the lands ot tue Lackawanna and liloomsbursr Kail road Company, Eastwardly by Iron street of Bald town, Southwardly by the lands formerly of D. J. Waller now of and West- wardly by lands now occupied bj H. V. White & Co., containing about ONE HUNDRED (ioo) FEET along the lands of said Railroad Company and about Ntnety-tlve (95) foer. along said Iron street be the same more or less, with the Engine, Boiler, Shutting, Machinery, Tools and Fixtures thereunto belonging. seized, taken In execution at the suit of Joslah Ralston versus Hess Iron Manufacturing Co. L td. J. 8. Wilson, Tr.. and to be sold as the property of the lless Iron Manufacturing Co. L't'd. J. H..VUson Tr. 4-6 4t W. W. BLACK, Sheriff. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Shultt, anceaeed. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned) auditor appointed by the Orphans' court of Col umbia county, to pass upon exceptions and to make distribution of the bulanee lu hands of the Administrators of William Miultz deceased, late of Madison township; will sit at his omee In the town of Itloomsbuig, Pa. on Tuesday April 251 b, 1899 at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, to perform ihe duties ot his appointment, when and where all persons Interested will nrsont and prove their claims, or be forever disbarred from coining In for a share of snld fund. 4-6 3t. A. W. BUY, Auditor. making researches imo t .c declares that out of the 41 10 varieties of flowers known and cultivated in - . , , 1 I -1.. ,n,l i,l iUa npnrlv fiftv I will sit, to perform tho duties of Ills appoint any odor, and of these nearly nity menf.( a't, nfTU,e 0f,james L. Evans, Ksi , in have an odor Which is if anything the borough of Berwick, Ha., on Tuesday Aprl nave an uuui ywuv-h , 0 I is. ihm at o'clock a. m. when and where all .iirnTif si ;iri.c I v uui iiuikiivu . disagreeaoie. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Nntlee Is hereby Riven to all legatees, credit ors and other persons Interested In the pstates nr the respective decedents and minors, tint the Keiflster of t.niumnia uoiimy, ami win no presented for confirmation and allowance in the Orphans' I'nurt, totie held In Hloomsburg, on Monday. May 1st, ixw, at o'clock p. m., of said da; t No. 1. First, and final account of Asher 3. Olrton, ndmlnlstrator of Hasan Heller, late ot Modlsun township, deceased. No. 9 First, and partial account nf neorfte W. ,laeoby and .laoon Oman, exeoutors of Jacob Ullbcrt, late of MU Pleasant townshlp.deceased. No. S. First, and nnal account of OeorKe W. lfc'lfsnyder, administrator of James Jones, late of Cat wlaa borough, deceased. No. 4. First and final account, of Keboeca and H. M. Yonntn, executors of I'eter Yocum, late f Locust lownsnui, acceascu. No. . First and final account of Daniel Mc Ilenry, guardian of Oliver 8. Mcllenry. No. . First and final account, of Oenrne H. Vastlne, executor of Hamuol Fisher, laie ot Montour township, deceased. Kn 1 Flint, and nariHl account Of Oeonre ,7. Owen, executor of Hudson Owen, late of Horwlok, deceased. No. S. The second and nnal account of K. P. riageubueh and Permrlla K llulstilzer Admr's. of J. M. Uulsulzer lato of Scott township, de ceit scd. No. 9. First, and final aicounl of Wm S. Moy er Kxecutnr of Peter A. Evans late of Ulooius burg, deceased. No. 10. The account of Lloyd Bomboy Exe cutor of lleuben Bomboy late of Hemlock town ship, deceased and Trustee for tho sale of Heal r.Hiatfl 01 isaoeua uooiuoy laie vi uuuuuv township, deceased, No. 11. First and final account, or Joseph C. F.ves Administrator of Kra V aniline late of Mlllviuo uoroUKU, deceased. No. 13. First, account of C. B. Jackson Trus tee tor II. F. linttaln. No. 13. First and final account of O. E. Yorks Executor ot John Wesloy Kile late of Bugarloat township, deceased. No. 14. First and final account of W. II. and John II. Hitler Administrators 0. t. a. d. b n. of Levi sitlor late ot llrlarcreek township, deceas ed. No. 15. First and final account of EU J. Oh!, executor of Isaac U. i'ursel, late ot Hemlock township, deceased. No in. First and final account of Oscar and D. Jasper Lewis, administrators of David Lewis, late of dugarloat township, deoeased. No. 17. First and final account of Wm. B. Snyder, administrator of John Hupp, late ot the Townsnlp ot Locust, deceased. No. 18. First and final accountof M. T. Mo Henry, executor of Ellas Mcllenry, late of Ben ton, deceased. No 19. The account of Charles W. Hassert, Administrator ot Sarah M. Loldy late of Blooms burg, deceased. No. 80, The first and final account of C. B. and Atfnes Mcllenry, Admr's, of Oeortte L. Mc llenry late of Benton Borough, deceased. No. at. First and partial account of J. F. and A. J. Derr, Admr. of Iram Derr, late of Jackson township, deceased. C. B. ENT, Kegtster. Kegtster's office, Bloomsburg, Pa., Apr. 1, 1899. WIDOW'S APPRAISEMENTS. The following Widow's Appraisement will be presented to the orpnans' uoun, 01 uoiuuiuia County on the first Monday of May A. D. 1B99 I.UUUll II 1 1 LU13 uinL nuuuai ' . nuj v. vv- 1 -nnnrmMi .1.1. anii unless exccntlcns are niled within four days tnereaiier, win ua uou- liruit-u hirx'iuiu Estate of Charles Herrinif late ot Beaver twp. Personalty l44.i. Kealty jhs.uu Estate of Levi Belshllne late of Flshtngcreelt twp rerBonaityin.w. naaity aw.ou- 9tate 0( (;lem &. Belshllne, late ot Berwick Boro. Personalty $J5.0o. Estate of N. W. Barton late of the town of Blnnmsbu'ir. Personalty (Sil.00. Realty $50.00. Estate of Jos. B. Knlttle lute of Catawissa Bor0i fersonalty l.oa Estate of Wm. D. Johnson late of Pine twp. Personalty $300.00. Estate ot wm. R. Demon late of MlUvllle Boro. PersonaltyiOD.O0. Estate Of John Barber late or risningcreeK twp. Personalty lluo 00. Realty $mua I KMlntn nr Aftrnn Hnnno lata of ftCOl Estate of Aaron Boone late of gcott twp. Pni-HnniLltv UM) 00. Estate ot Lawson Hughes lato of Hoarlngcreek twp. rersonalty tjuo.m. Est ate of Lorenzo D. Htackhouse late of Green wood twp. Personalty tiot.oo. Estate of Jos. FauBt late of Berwick Boro. Pprannftlt.v ll.W O.V Estate of Alvin vandormark late ot Brlarcreek twp. Personalty 181.91. Kealty Estate of Archibald M. Fowltir late of Briar creek twp. Personalty Kealty $3n0.00. Estate of Christopher Klsbaugh law ot Ber wick Boro. Personalty $81.50. Itealty l'JIS.50. W. U. 11 EN It Y, Proth. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ ot Fieri Facias, issued out ot the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County, State of Pennsylvania, and to me di rected, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, In Bloomsburg, County and State aforesaid, on SATURDAY, APRIL aaND, 1809 at 2 o'clock p. m.,all that certain piece and par cel of land situate In the town ot Bloomsburg, county of Columbia, Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, and bounded and desorlbed as follows to- wit: Beginning at the Intersection of the east line of Strawberry alley with the north line of Seventh street, running thence north 66 degrees east sixty throe (53) feet more or less to lot ot Mrs. Florence Donohue, thence north 87 degrees east eighteen and one-bait (isx) feet to lot of C. W. Hassert, thence north 3X degrees west fifty (BO) feet to lot ot Dr. Gardner, thence south 43 degrees west eighty live and one half (85X) feet to Strawberry alley, and thence south 48 degrees east twenty four (21) feet to the placo of beglnntng, whereon Is erected a large double FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. Seized and taken In execution at the suit ot Cosmopolitan Building & Loan Association vs. Fred J. Klchards, John L. ltlchardson and Frank N. Turner and to be sold as the property of Fred J. Klchatds, John L. Klchardson and Frank N. Turner, W. W. BLACK, 8herlff BARMAN, Atty. 8-80 4t ScllOOl DireCtOrS' CODVGntiOII. 1 To the School Director or coiumoia vouiay ; Gentlemen: In pursuance ot the forty-third section of the Act of May 8th, 1854, you "are hereby not 1 lied to meet In convention, at the Court House, tn Bloomsburg, Pa., on the tlrst Tuesday In May, A. D. 1899, at 1.80 p. m., being the second day of the month, and select, viva voce, by a majority ot the whole number ot di rectors presont, one person ot literary and sci entific acquirements, and ot skill and experi ence tn the art ot teaching, as county superin tendent, for three succeeding years ; and certify the result to the State Superintendent, at Bar- rlsburg, as required by the thirty-ninth and fortieth sections ot said Act. JOHN K. MILLER, County Superintendent of Columbia Co unty March 80, 18'JU. 8t BLOOMSBURG ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER CO. Ui.oousburo, Pa.. Marco 3D. 1899. A sneolal meellnir of the stockholders of t he I Bloomshurg Electrlo Light and Power Com-1 pany will be Held at tne omee of Mr. K. D, Mullen. President, No. 609 Arch Btreet. Phila delphia, Pa., on the 6th day ot June, 18M, be. I iweeu me nours ui a p. m. anu o p. m., lor tue purpose of ratifying the notion ot the Presi dent und Secretary fn executing a certain bond I and mortgage, bearing date the tlrst day of I jannary, a. v. mm, recoraeu in tue omee or the lteeorder ot Deeds, In aud for the County of Columbia, In Mortgage Hook No. IW, at page No. 7 ; and for the transaction of such other busi ness as may properly come bet ire the meeting. ui u. jji. iuaiiu9i cwcreiarr. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. malt of C. . ttarptter, taU of MtHHn Town. $Mp, oVoensed. The undersigned auditor appointed by the irpnns' ;ouri, or uniiiiiiuiaciiuiii j, r. tu uiu nmr.riniiT.inn nr Tiinan in iihiiuh ui Huiiiiiiinunii', , parties Interested must, appear, or do iorever Debarred from coining In on snld fund. 8-80 3t FHANK IKKLKK, Auditor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. RSTATS Of nSNRV RI.KIV, BBCSASSD, f.ATS OF BI.O0MSBUKO, PA. Notlco Is hereby given that lettprs testa mentary nn tho estate of Ilenry Kielm, late of liloomsburg, Pcnna., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned executor, to whom all persons lndebtd to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay to C. A. KI.KIM, 8-lft-ilt KxacUTOR. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. RSTATS OF DOHOTtl V RSBI.RS, tATB OF BENTON, PRCRASRD. tjntina i hnrnttr riven r.imr. letters testament ary on the estate of Dorothy Keeler, late of Benton, Columbia county. Pa., deceased, have hnon irmnteii t.n !. P. Yoonm. resident of said town, to whom all persons Indebted to said es tate are requested to make payment, and those havlmr claims or demands will make known the sume without delay. C. P. YOCVM. hxr , Fhitz, Atty. a-ZJ-6t Benton, Pa llmM with yon whnthir yon continue ' jV romoTOI ins ut;nrn lor wuku, . out nffToun miireu, oiptii nico- tin, puriflea thm bloot 0. bom! Biftkei you ttronir AAA nAA Inhmitn.n, and pocket- TU HAO from AHH fUreil. Dill poo b. nn nmm tt niffir Int. WhO ill vouch forni. Take It with natUntlT. nftraUtrntlT. OH 1, amiallr rurnii Sbnzei.tlM, urllai Iw4;t. Calff, ImUmI, Itw miarKnTtn .ornrn, or wr remnu mtmef. www -PROFESSIONAL CARDSJ- N. U. FUNK, ATTORNXT-AT-tAW, Mrs. Enft Baildiic Court Hoate AlWy, BLOOMSBURG, PA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTOtNIY-AT-tAW, Fast Office Building, and floce, BLOOMSBURG, PA C. W. MILLER, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Wilt's Building, sn ftoec, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JOIIM O. FHRKZS. JOHN O. HARMAM FREEZE & HARMAN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Offices: Centre St., first door below Opera House GEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, and float, BLOOMSBURG, P.t, WM. H MAGILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Lockard's building, Corner Main and Centre Sts. A. N. YOST, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbian Building, and Floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. RALPH R. JOHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hartman Building, Market Square, Bloomsburg, Pa. IKELER & IKELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office back of Farmers' Naticmal Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. R. RUSH ZARR, Attorney-At-Law. . BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Clark's Block, corner of and and Centre Streets. l-I2-94 W. A. EVERT, Attorney-At-Law. BLOOMSBURG, PA. (Office over Alexander A Co. Wirt building. G. M. QUICK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA, Office over First National Bank. JOHN IL CT.ARK, iTTOXXZXnAXHJIW Uoytt Bbs Bsi J. H. MAIZE, TTOKJfrS-AXA.W, UAL XSXATS . Office in Lockard's Building. BLOOM SWim PA. W. EL RHAWN Office, ok ucr of Tkbi sA CATAWISSA, PA, EDWARD J. FLYNN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. rwoflleo Llddlcot building, Locust avonn a iii.i aT. HOWARD PATTERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rooms 4 and 5. Peacock bldg Telephone 1463. BLOOMSBURG, FA J. S. JOHN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residence, 410 Main St., 70-1- PI.OOMSBURG, PA. H DNRV W. C IInPI.IN,M,D, GENERAL SURGERY, SURGERY OF THE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Over Farmer's National Ba 11k, locn JO? burg, I'a. 1 1 BrRCIlL ATTRMTIOM TO D18KASRS OF CBILDKR II. BIERMAN, M. D. . HOMOJOPATniC PHYSICIAN AND 8CRUM) officr nocRSl Oftlee A Residence, 4th Bt., Until 9 a.m., t to Sand 7 to 8 F. M. BLOOMSBURG, Tt DR. ANDREW GRAYDON, physician and surgion, Bloomsburo, Pa. Office and residence N. E. Cor. Fourth Jefferson streets. TELEPHONE. Dr. F. W. REDEKER, Pitt SICIAN AND SURGEON, Ofllce and residence East street, between bird and Fourth. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat a specialty BLOOMSBURG, PA. 8 to 10 a. m. OFFICR H0CB8 to 8 p. m. to 9 p. m. J. J. BROWN, M. D., Market Street Bloomsburo, Pa. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested, fitted with glauet and Artificial Eyes supplied. Hours 10 to 4. Telephone ConneottM DR. M. J. HESS, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Crown and bridge work SPECIALTY, Corner Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA, Dr. W. H. HOUSE, BURGEON DENTIST, Office, Barton's Building, Main below Harke Bloomsburo, Pa. All styles of work done in a superior saMMf and all work warranted as representee. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PATH, by the use of Gas, and free of charge i arunciai teein are inserted, o be open all houri during the day. DR. C. S. VAN HORN, DENTIST. Office corner of East and Main streets, posite Town Hall. Office hours 8:30 to 12 a. m ; 2 to 1 p. m. BLOOMSBURG, PA. C, WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Suocessor to B. 7. Hartman Represents twelve of the stronireat oobumb es in the world, among which are: cash total strnrttrs - CAPITAL. 1RBMV. AVI. . . Franklin of Phlla.. is.1us.s20 u rmu Penn'a. J'hlla 400,000 8,82S,ieo 1,419.5 yueen.Of N. Y.. RCO.OOO 8,538,915 Lon.a Westchester, N. Y. soo.WO 1.VM.807 426, N.America, Phlla. 8,000,000 9,780,689 2,864,73 Office First Nat'I Bank Bldg., ad floor. WLosses promptly adjusted and paid. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSORS TO FREAS BROWM) INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND BROKERS. N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Streets, Bloomsburg, Pa. o Represent Seventeen as good Compaa, Z a! . . 1 . a mm ics as mere are in tne world and all losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN F. KNAPP, FIRE INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home, of N. Y. 1 Merchants of Newark. J. N. J. 1 Clinton, N. Y. ; Peoples', N.Y.; Read ing, Pa ; German American Ins. Co., New York; Greenwich Insurance Co., New York) Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. a ncsc uiu corporations are well seasOBM by age and fire tested, and have never Mt had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are an invested in solid securitlea, aa4 liable to the hazard of fire only. Losses promptly and honestly adjusted aaa paid as soon as determined, by ChrlstJaa T. Knapp, Special Agent and Adjuster, Blooesff burg, Pa. The people of Columbia county shomll patronize the agency where losses, if any. .- ,! - J 1 ... . .! - i aciiicu kuu paia vj one OI tneir citizens. CITY HOTEL, W. A. Eartzel, Prop. No. 121 West Main Street, tyLarce and convenient sample rooms, bat rooms, hot and cold water, and modern coa veniences. Bar stocked with best wine and liquors. First-class livery attached. EXCHANGE HOTEL, G. Snyder, Proprietor, (Opposite the Court House- BLOOMSBURG, PA. ' Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms hot and cold water, and all modem conveniences In Spanish' hotels.