THE COLUMBIAN. Bf.OOMSBURG, ESTABLISHED 18M. UUf Columbia gcmocrni, STABblSBKD 1837. CONSOLIDATED 189. HJBU9HED ?VEKT THCK.XDAT MOSSINU riloo nsbuty. the Countr seat of Columbia countr. Penntrlrsnla. OSO. R. KLWKLL EDITOR p J. TAKEK, Local Editob. oso. Kuan, fouiman. tsa: Inside tbe ooutty ti.ooarearln 1 tano; (1.50 If not paid In advance outside lac county. $l. a year, strictly In adranof . All oommuulcaUona should be addressed to THIS COLUMBIAN, Blootnsourg, Pa. THURSDAY, MARCH 9. 1S99. What Shall We Do With th Philippine? POLITICAL CARDS. FOR COUNTY TREASURER, J. K. SHARPLESS, of Catawissa. FOR PROTHONOTARV AND CLERK OF j 1 THE COURTS. WILLIAM H. HENRIE, of Bloomsburg. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, J. W. PERRY, of Sugarloat TVp. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, W. H. FISHER, from the South Side. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, JOHN N. GORDON, of Montour. FOR REGISTF.R AND RECORDER, A. N. YOST, of Bloomsburg. FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER, J. C. RUTTER, JR., of Bloomsburg. FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER, DR. T. C. HARTER, of Bloomsburg. FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER. W. F. STOHNER, of Bloomsburg. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, JOHN G. HARMAN, of Bloomsburg. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, C. A. SMALL, of Catawissa. ttr The above announcement are all subject to tbe decision of the Democratic County con tention, to be held Tuesday, June 13th, tm. Prltnai y election, Saturday, June 10, 8 to 7 p. m. George Dewey is now the Ad miral of the United States Navy, an office that has not existed for nearly twenty years. Admiral Porter was the last one who had this title. The Bar Associatton of Carbon and Lehigh counties have endorsed Judge Edwin Albright, of Allen town, as a candidate for Justice of the Supreme Court on the Demo cratic ticket. A bill has been introduced in the State Senate which imposes a fine of five dollars on every qualified voter who fails to vote, unless he can prove that he was sick, or ab sent from the city or county, where he is a voter. A bill has been introduced in the House at Harrisburg, which pro vides that students of the Normal Schools to share in the state aid must be over seventeen years of age at the time of admission to the special class in the Art and Science of teaching. itr The Bellefonte Watchman has been investigating the matter of ex tra pay and allowances for Judges of the Supreme and common pleas courts of the state, and finds that it cost the state nearly $40,000 last year for clerk hire for the former and for extra pay for the latter for holding court for each other. THE INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE Speaker Farr's eflorts to prevent an investigation of the bribery charges in connection with the Mc Carrell bill have proven a failure. On a committee ot five he appointed four Quay men and one auti-Quay man. This committee organized and passed a resolution, which vir tually prevented an investigation. This the House would not stand, and on motion of General Koontz, four more members were added to the committee. Representative Fow, of Philadelphia, a Democrat, is chairman of the committee. On Tuesday witnesses were heard, and Peter J. Christe, a Democratic member from Northumberland county, testified that he was offered $1,000 by Ex-Member Moyles, ot Luzerne county, if he would vote for the re-consideration of the Mc Carrell bill, and John Engler, of Lycoming county, testified that he was offered $500 by Ex-Senator Coyle to vote for the McCarrell bill, and a like sum by Michael J. Cos tello, if he would vote for its re consideration, jno evidence was offered to show for whom these men were acting, but it is likely that the committee will get at that before it adjourns. The above question seems to be agitating the public mind at the present time. It is too deep a prob lem for me to settle satisfactorily even to my own mind. Perhaps I ought not to meddle with it. In my own opinion it were better if none of our people were placed in posi tion that made it necessary to med dle with it. It seems to be the universal opin ion that the inhabitants of those is lands are incapable of self govern ment, and there are grave doubts as to their willingness to be governed by any outside party, no matter how beneficent that government might be. It has been a Democratic doctrine as old as the Declaration of Inde pendence, that "the just right to govern is derived from the consent of the governed." According to that doctrine we would have no right to force them to submit to our government. If we do not establish some kind of government over them we shall fail to derive any revenue ! from our newly acquired territory, to reimburse us for the indemnity we are to pay Spain together with the other incidental expenses made necessary by increasing our public domain. If they are not capable of self government, they can hardly be supposed capable of sharing by rep resentation in our government. To tax those people without their being represented would be a violation of another time honored maxim of our people viz: "no taxation without representation. rerhaps it may not be considered so heinous an of fence to thus tax people, when it is the "other ox being gored." Altogether it seems to me, that we have got a difficult problem on our hands. We may learn that it is not wise to buy pigeons on the wing and catch them ourselves. It is claimed bv some, that if all would agree and stand by the ad ministration, there would be no dif ficulty in meeting and satisfactorily disposing ot all questions tnat may arise in dealing with our new po sessions. That may or may not be the case. One thing iscertain. We have not yet arrived at that mental condition tnat enables us all to see eye to eye. People never have been, perhaps never will be so constituted that they will all see things from the same stand point. v hen our government purchased the Louisi ana territory ot t ranee there was considerable of fault found by some of our people. Later on when Tex as was annexed to our manor, with a nice section from Mexico, it took a long time for some of our people to get reconciled to the idea of our accumulating such a vast amount of territory. Some even died without being convinced that it was the proper thing to do. The person who doubts the wis dom of those transactions, would be regarded as a fit subject for a lunatic asylum. But those additions to our public domain, were composed of territory contiguous to our own We did not have to cross the Pacific ocean to reach our new possessions we did not nave to increase our army or our navy, in order to pro tect or care lor them. Just what will be the result of our speculation in real estate, it seems to me will be somewhat diffi cult to determine. I have made up my mind to wait until dividends are declared, before I make any calcu lations as to what my share will be. One of The Firm. STATE NEWS- A small son of Mr. and Mrs. Bar rett, of Williarnsport, died from the result of scalds received by upsetting a pan of scalding water which the motner had placed on the edge of a 1 table. The Topton Furnace, at Reading, which has been idle for more than two I years, will be put in operation, it is expected, in a very short time, in view of the great improvement in the iron business. Christian Strohl, aged 1 1 years, onlv son of a widow, attempted to board a moving Lehiizh Valley coal ttain at Weathcrly Monday morning and fell beneath the car wheels. Botn legs were severed. Gold watches and jewelry valued at $1500, including; more than a hun dred diamonds and about ihe same number of pearls, were stolen Sunday night from the residence of Howard Drake, on College Hill, Easton. President McKinley last week signed the bill appropriating $125,000 for a public building at wilkes-Barre. Congressman Williams has the satis faction of knowing that he succeeded in getting this appropriation after all his predecessors had failed. Germania Hall, a large public building in the heart of Wilkes-Barre, was destroyed by fire Monday after noon. The loss is $20,000 with only 4.000 insurance. The building was used for theatrical purposes and a place of meeting for lodges. A milk trust, for the purpose o controlling the sale of milk in Wiil- lamsport, is being formed in that place. A number 01 prominent dairy men are in the scheme and an attempt is to be made to force all dairymen in that section to sell the:r milk whole sale to the trust. There seems to be money in honey if a farmer knows how to han dle it. A Bradford county man has 103 swarms of bees. From 63 swarms he sold about 4,000 pounds of honey last year. From his best swarm he secured 201 pounds, and from the best ten 1,101 pounds. The average price from the entire lot was 9 cents a pound. OBSERVATIONS. Tennesee will soon erect a statue to Sam Davis, the Confederate spy, who died as bravely as did Nathan Hale during the Revolution. Sam Davis was a 19 year -old trooper in the sec ond Kentucky Cavalry. He was cap tured with very important papers on his person. He was offered his life if he would reveal the name of tne per son from whom he had obtained them. He replied "If I had a thousand lives I would lose them all before I would betray a friend." He was promptly executed, but died without semb lance of fear. Everyone has heard of the won derful South Carolina decoction, 10 cents' worth of whirh will make a man drunk as a lord the night before, hich condition he can continue in definitely by simply shaking his head the morning after, but a Kansas boy at Manilla has discovered something new in this line about which he dis courses as follows: "The natives make a kind of drink which they use and a fellojv can get enough for 10 cents to make him howling drunk; but the worst part ot the game is that every time he takes a drink of water for a week after he is drunk all over again.'' The small boy and his matbles will be in evidence before long. Star Clothing House. A BIG DRIVE. AN ELEGANT All-Wool Spring Overcoat, Handsomely made, tf F 0Ov in the latest style, for SUxJ At Townsend's Star Clothing House. Some member of the South Da kota Legislature, who has probably had a back subscription bill to pay, introduced a bill making a subscrip tion claim invalid unless the pub lisher can produce a written order by tha delinquent covering the time unpaid. Very likely this member subscribed about like three-fourths of the subscribers of country papers do, that is, he simply told the edi tor to "to send me your paper,' when they met driving through the country, or in town, just as it hap pened. mere is nothing wrong with the custom, and in spite of legislation, honest men would ex pect to pay for a paper as long as they continued taking it. The pro posed measure, it it could have any legal status at all, would be resorted to solely by the tricky class of peo pie, and even they might find it difficult to convince judge or iury that their verbal order did not cover the time they received and made use of the paper An exchange says: "Farmers in the adjoining valleys report the re turu of many birds, an indication of the approach of spring, It is pre dieted that no more rough weather will be experienced in this section of the state for the remainder of the season. , That section must be especially favored. We in this region have yet to hear the melodious notes of any members of the feathered choir. However, a continuation of the pleasant weather of the past few days will bring the pretty songsters. Batcahty. 1 Local newspapers should warn their : business men against a rascal who is ' operating, according to reporis. as fol lows: He goes into a store and claims to nave the same name as the propn etar, and is afraid that things will get mixed up, as he is going into business there. In case of goods being deliv- ( ered there by mistake, will the nier-1 chant please take charge of them un-1 til he comes for them. The stranger j then goes to a wholesaler and orders a big bill of goods, usually jewelry. 1 The goods are sent. The sharper comes along and takes them away. As the good-natured merchant has re ceived the goods and allowed them to pass from his hands, he has to pay for them. Give tbe Children a l)rink called Grain-O. It is a delicious, ap petizing, nourishing food drink to take the place of coffee. Sold by all gro cers and liked by all who have used it because when properly prepared it tastes like the finest coffee but is free from all its injurious properties. Grain-0 aids digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health builder, and children, as well as adults, can drink it with great bene fit. Costs about i as much as coffee. 15 and 25c. 32 4td The Eoyal Arcanum The Royal Arcanum business for 1898 is something stupendous in fra ternal insurance. The total receipts for widows and orphans fund duiing the year was $50,163,47184. The total payment to widows and orphans tor the year was $49,164,288.22. Since August 1 st, last, an emergency fund was put in operation and each year $100,000 is laid aside and invested for the use of that fund and for no other purpose. Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treatment by Elv's Cream Balm, which is agreeably aromatic. It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole surface over which it diffuses itself. To test it a 10c trial size or the large, for 50 cents, is mail ed by Ely Brot.iers, 56 warren St, N. Y. Druggists keep it. A remedy for Nasal Latarrh which is drying or exciting to the diseased membrane should not be used. Cream Balm " Trust Not to Appearances. " recognized as a specific That which seems hard to bear may be a great blessing. Let us take a lesson from the rough weather of Spring. It is doing good despite appear ances. Cleanse the system thoroughly; rout out all impurities from the blood with that greatest specific, Hood's Sarsaparilla. Instead of sleepless nights, with con sequent irritnblenesa and an undone, tired feeling, you will have a tone and a bracing air that will enable you to enter into every day's work with pleasure. Ueinember, Hood's ticrcr dinupiiomta. 8cr0fu!a Bunches -"An oia-ratlun helped my son temporarily for scrofula bundle on bit neck, but Hood's Sarsapa rilla caused them to disappear entirely." Men. Lewis a. Carfektkb, til Wadswortb Street, Hartford, Conn. Catarrh "I bave had no return of tbe catarrti which troubled me for yean, since Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me." Mb. Joe Martin, Washington 8t., Ogdensburg, N. V. DysneDftia - " Nothing relieved me of my dysiiepsia until 1 took Mood's Sarsapa rilla. It cured me and I can eat three good meals every day. I give It to my children every spring." Fiud, 437 South Petina Street, Indianapolis, Ind. fwcd& SaUabaUGa llood'i fills cur lUsr llli. th non Irritating snd ' . only thTtl to ukwtth fluuj'i tu'rtajiarlllfc IS Among the bills introduced in the Legislature was one presented by Mr Vaughn, of Lackawanna, last week, legalizing prize fighting in Luzerne county. Several attempts have been made recently to conduct prize fights in that county, but the authorities have interfered every time. The lov. ers of the sport now hope to get ahead of the authorities by legislative action. The bill will be vigorously opposed. DIED. Ever. Died near Rohrsburg on Feb. 22, Mrs. Mary Lenon Eyer, aged 28 years, 9 months and 7 days. lieu my 1 Itluud Deep. Clean blood 'means a clean akin. No toxin v without it. Caacarets. Candy Catbar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up tbe lazy liver and driving alf im purities Horn me oouv. jiegiu vo-uuy 10 banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, autistactiou guaranteed, luo, iac, ouc. Now the Postoffice Department has decided all dutiable articles, ex cept books, must be excluded from the mails. Importers will feel the results of this order very much. The habit of ordering goods from samples received by mail will be broken up. fain ji, j w una 1011 nm wwari bqujh TWO OF THE Biggest offers we HaveMade o0 pieces of Imported Organdies, some of the same lot advertised so largely by "Wanamaker in January. They had never been sold before that time for less than '25c. We will Fell them, beginning Wednesday morning, March 1st, at 12ic. the yard. This is not a lot of odds and ends. You will not find a bad pattern in the lot. This ia a chance to save some money, and tbe first on the ground will get the plums. We put on pale Wednesday morning the largest lot of Table Liaen we have ever offered. We have hunted the market in New York and Philadelphia, and we have no hesitation in say ing that we can show you the best goods for the least money we have ever had on our counters. Bleached Damask from 22c. the yard to $2.00. We call special attention to a lot of Bleached Damask, all linen, 72 inches wide, that we will sell during this sale at 49c. Unbleached goods, frani 25c. to 7oc. the yard. In Unbleached Liuen we will sell during this sale a lot of Barnsley Linen, goods that we could not buy to day to sell for less than 70c. It will go in this sale for 49c. GG inches wiJe and every thread linen. DRESS GOODS. Just a word about them. They are tumbling in daily. Are you interested in knowing just what is correct for. Spring wear ? Then come and feast your eyes on these new beauties. Thi3 Dress Goods Section is a veritable School of Fashion, but we charge nothing for the tuition. Laces and Embroidery. Nothing so entertainingly beautiful as these new Laces and Embroidery has ever visited this town, except, perhaps, the Cotton Dress Goods . beauties which they are intended to embelbh and adorn. Such a varied assortment of Laces and Erabroid; ery beauty you caunot fail of being suited. F. P, Pursel. SPECIAL SALE! Now is the time to get bargains. During the next 30 days we will give you many goods at and below cost. Wool Dress Goods that was 25c, now 15c. Dress Goods, from 50c. to 30. Do not miss these special sales. We have just received new sup ply of pretty Coats, Capes and Fur Collarettes for ladies. Fur sets for children. Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, from ;.oo uo. . Ladies' Coats, Capes, Separate Skirts. Coats for rriisses and children. In this line our stock is larcre. Prices low. Ladies' Fur Collarettes, from $2.00 up. Our sales in Shoes increases daily. Ladies' Fine Shoes, from 79c. up. Uents tune bhoes, from 98c. up. Good Calicoes, 3a Good Muslin, 3 Jc. Our stock of Underwear is complete. We handle the celebrated Leather brand Stockings for ladies, misses ana Doys. corsets, tor 24c. up. Our Grocery Department is improving daily adding new goods at better prices. Our whole stock is complete and prices always right. It will pay you to see our goods before you buy. Bloomsburg Store Co., Limited. Corner.Main and Centre. ALFRED McIIENRY, Manager