The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 01, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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How the Great Chen* I'layer Defeated lilt
Satanic Majenty.
On reading tin' notes in the July
number on Paul Murphy's visit to
Philadelphia, I am reminded of an
incident in connection witli ills visit
to Richmond, Va„ about the same
time, which was related to tue some
years ago by Rev. Mr. 11. of that city.
I do not remember ever to have seen
it in print. Mr. Morphy was Mr. ll.'s
guest while in the city, and on his ar
rival was at once attracted by a paint
ing over the mantel, which was a tine
copy of a celebrated painting repre
senting a game of chess between a
young man and the devil, the stake
being the young man's soul.
The artist had most graphically de
leted the point in the game where
i was apparently the young man's
Jove, ami he seemed just to realize
he fact that he had lost the game,
he agony of despair being shown in
every line of his features, and atti
tude, wliile the devil, from the oppo
site side of the table, gloated over
him with fiendish delight. The posi
tion of the game appeared utterly
hopeless for the young man, and Mr.
H. said he had often set it up and
studied it with his chess friends, aud
all agreed that the young man's game
was certainly lost.
Mr. Morphy walked up to the pict
ure and studied it for several min
utes, when dually, turning to Mr. H„
he said:
"I can win the game for the young
Mr. H. was. of course, astonished,
and said: "It is impossible!"
Mr. Morphy replied: "Get out the
men and board and let us look at it."
The position was set up. and in a
few rapid moves lie demonstrated a
complete win for the young man, and
the devil was checkmated.
Rev. Mr. H. was wont to apply the
evident and beautiful moral, which I
leave to each one of your readers to
think over. It. Munford in American
Chess Magazine.
Conni<l>rh'e Amount * of Mnn? y Gathered
by Strolling Itnllann.
When an Italian "goes , broke,"
which isn't very often by the way, he
does not run to the selectmen with a
long tale of poverty and woe, neither
does he land at the poor house and
settle down for the rest of his days.
Not at all. The unfortunate son of the
land of sunny skies, penniless though
he may be. always has three good
stand-bys. which will put him on his
feet and turn the tide his wiry—ba
nanas. peanuts and pianos.
There are six street pianos in daily
use in New Ilaveii. Four of these nre
owned by an Italian saloon keeper on
Union street and the others by the
individuals who operate them. The
first mentioned rents pianos to his
countrymen, who call for them every
morning and return them at night.
The men who drag the piano about
the streets all day divide their receipts
with the owner every evening on re
turning. When the money taken in
during the day is less than $5, the
trip is considered poor. On the other
hand, receipts average about $0 or $7
per day, and sometimes go as high as
$9 or Sib. Routes where this harvest
is gathered are carefully watched, ami
kept as secret as possible from com
petitors in the field.
One of these pianos costs $250 in
New York, and they are made most
substantially in order to stand the
wear and tear of street service. The
owners each year contract for n new
"barrel" of tunes, ten In number,
which is supplied by the dealer at a
cost of $55. So. following the original
Investment, tills is the only yearly ex
pense.—New Haven Register.
lie Aereuled His Uncle** Offer aiul
I'itrhcil In on Hln Own Hook.
A certain wealthy man has set his
nephew up in business three times,
but the young man lacks something
essential to success in the mercantile
line and failed with each effort When
he came with the fourth request for
financial backing, the uncle demurred.
"You must learn to lean on your
self," he said. "I can't carry you all
your life. It would he an unklnduess
in me to keep supplying you with
money to carry on enterprises that in
variably end iu assignment. I'll tell
you what I'll do. You owe a good deal
as the result of that last failure.
'Pitch in on your own hook and go it
alone till you pay those debts off.
When you've done that I'll give you
a check for all the amount due. Such
an experience would do you more good
than all the money I could give you
Three months later the nephew
walked in with every claim receipted
in full, and the uncle was delighted
as he gave the promised check.
"That's something like it now, and
I warrant you feel all the bettor for
the hard training. How did you
mannge, Tom?" '
"Borrowed the money, uncle."
Now the old gentleman is telling
about that there is the making of a
great financier in his nephew.
The Czar of Itunfil:. at Home.
Alexander 111., the late Czar of Rus
sia. was said to he an autocrat,
even in the bosom of Ids family.
Nicholas 11., however, is the very re
verse. lie regards his consort as a
good comrade, aud when, in urgent
cases. Ministers seek an audience late
in the evening, he is Invariably to be
found In her company, chatting and
laughing without restraint. The Czar
is generally occupied at his desk,
while the Czarina busies herself wills
embroidery work. Immediately a
Minister enters she rises as if to re
lire, bul more often than otherwise
the Czar Informs her that she is not
one too many.—New York Herald.
Muslin Petticoats Cut After tlie l'ntterns
of the Cutest IJress Skirts.
The woman has yet to be born who
has not a fondness for dainty, fresh,
beautiful lingerie, inul it is therefore
natural that this phase of fashion
should interest and fascinate all wo
English nainsook is the fnbrlc most
in use for line underwear.
The nightgown of the immediate fu
ture is gored and trained aud most
elaborately trimmed.
This season the short-walsted effect
Is much sought In night dresses, and
laces and embroideries are inserted
bayadere fashion.
The fichu is n feature of the newest
night-dress, nnd is a most beeoiulug
part of iL
* /
The chemise has again come Into
use. Formerly this garment was worn
next to the skin under the corset, but
it is now more frequently worn over
the corset, doing duty as a corset cover
and short skirt. The most highly ap
proved design Is rather short—falling
just low euough to hide the drawers.
Most of the newest models are made
to draw In behind at the waist lino
with a ribbon, so that they lit the fig
ure as snugly aud smoothly as a fitted
corset cover.
Drawers are liy no means so wide as
they were last season. Very few um
brella drawers are shown, this design
having been greatly modified. They
are narrower, and fit very snugly and
plainly about lite hips, having no gath
ers at all in front and on sides, and as
few as possible in the back.
Both the very short and the long
muslin petticoats, arc cut after the
newest dress-skirt patterns, aud their
fit is fuullltys. Their tops are sheath
sliaped, aud they fit hack aud frout
around the top without a gather or
pleat or even so much as a pucker. It
goes without saying that they flare de
cidedly at the bottom, and ou the loug
petticoats three lace-edged graduated
•ruffles are made to fall over one an
other, and are set on an attached lace
edged flounce, which makes four fluffy
ruffles about the feet.
While the matinee more properly be
longs to neglige dress, the average wo
man thinks of it in conuection with
her lingerie.
A most useful one Is the Geisha
dressing sack illustrated. This is
made of fine French fiauncl in delicate
pinks and tans, and is lined with pale
pink India silk. Another good model
is a matinee of white allmtross with a
square, horizontally tucked yoke back
nnd front. Heavy lace of the shade
known us age yellow almost hides
each tuck. The sleeves and skirt are
tucked vertically, a style most becom
ing to stout figures. By the way. very
desirable nightdresses for steamer or
sleeping-car wear are made of alba
tross in all colers, aud fine flannel
gowns made after the most approved
styles, except not quite so elaborate
as to trimming, are considered desira
ble. —i.
A (iuPHt Ht ii Dinner Party May Recognise
llin Own Property on the Table.
Chinese butlers have a way, when
their own supplies fall short, of bor
rowing from the neighbors. At least
this was a very common custom twen
ty-live years ago. ami goods changed
hands over the garden wall with as
tonishing celerity, the butlers, mean
time. keeping a strict account. An
American lady residing In China
writes thus iu the Atlantic:
At the first large dinner party to
which I was invited—l went as a
bride —I found myself eating with my
own brand new knives, forks ami
spoons. I stared at them very hard;
there could lie no mistake, for I could
see the fresh monograms.
I was dreadfully distressed, but did
not dare to say anything. When I
reached home I told my husband, rath
er tremblingly, for I was quite sure
that they had been stolen. To my
amazement he gdy laughed ami said:
"Oh. you will get used to that soon,
and when you have too many guests
you will find that, instead of asking
you to get more supplies, the butler
will Just borrow your neighbor's and
always make up the deficiency."
Ami so it proved. I can well re
member once, when my husband had
asked eight guests In to dinner only
half an hour before the usual time
(one for each of the delicious first
spring snipe lie had shot), that there
appeared later, a splendid roast leg
of mutton as one of our courses.
Now I knew we had 110 mutton for
earlier iu the day the cook had been
bewailing the m*'-arrival ol' the
Shanghai steamer, by which it always
clime. Turning to the gentleman on
mv left 1 asked, "IMd your steamer
come from Shanghai to-day ?"
"Yes; why?"
I looked down to the other end of
the table, where my husband was
carving the unexpected treasure trove
with very evident enjoyment.
"Well, ours did not," said I, "and
He caught sight of the mutton.
"Oh!" he laughed. "1 suppose that
is mine. No doubt yours will come
tomorrow and probably be much
better; so 1 shall be the gainer this
time, and enjoy It all tfio more."
Queun Victoria'* lfavuna Cl|rrii.
Queen Victoria lias a great dislike
of smoking and will not tolerate the
use of tobacco in her immediate neigh
borhood. And yet the cigar bill for
her guests Is a very heavy one.
The principal item is l the brand of
the finest Havana cigars, which are
specially made for her anil sent to
Windsor iu glass tulves hermetically
sealed. Queen Victoria's cigars could
not be had even In Cuba at wholesale
prices under a dollar apiece.
The men who make them receive
thirty cents for each cigar, and none
but the oldest and most sklltui work
men are entrusted with their manufac
ture. At this rate they can earn quite
a small fortune, for three hundred el
gars a day can be turned out by the
most expert.
How l'i?on4 Arc Protected.
Carrier pigeons in China aP; nro
teeted from birds of prey by a little
apparatus consisting of thin bamltoo
tubes fastened to the birds' lxxlles
with thread pass si beneath the wings.
As the pigeon Hies along the action of
the air through the tubes produces a
shrill whistling sound, which keeps
birds of prey at a lVspectfui distance.
If it were not for the salts in the
ocean, the whole sea would soon be
come a mass of corruption, owing to
the decay of the organic matter it con
"My son," said the London business
man, "I must again caution you to live
within your means."
"Has anybody been sending you my
"Not yet. Hut yen have been seen
saying 'howdydo' to two Dukes anil
nn Earl."—Washington Star.
"Why, sir," said the geologist, "the
ground you walk on was oiiee under
"Well," replied the friend, who is
nothing if not patriotic, "it simply
goes to show you can't hold America
down."—Washington Star.
"I am always grateful to my parents
for the musical education they gave
me," said Willie WlshJngton.
"But you never sing."
"No. Thanks to my thoughtful par
ents, I know enough about music not
to try."—Washington Star.
"Ethel coaxed Hurry to quit send
ing her flowers and candy and save
money for a tandem."
"Just when lie had enough saved he
got engaged to another girl."—Chicago
.Tones (leaving for Europe)— When
I'm In Koine I'll do as the ltomans
Smith—lndeed you won't. You'll do
as the Americans do—pay twice as
much for everything as anyone else
"We are in danger," said one Span
ish statesman, "of sinking into obliv
ion; of being almost forgotten by the
rest of the world."
"Never!" replied the other, proudly.
"We still have our debts."—Washing
ton Star.
Freddie—Mamma, don't you wish It
would rain diamonds?
Mrs. Rich—No. dear. If It should,
people with money couldn't afford to
wear them.—Jeweler's Weekly.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
iu use for over fJO years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under liis per
( , sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in tills.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that trillo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Props
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tito Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
yj Bears the Signature of _
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
STOVE NAP 7 HA, the Cheapest and
Best Fuel on the market. With it you
can run a Vapor Stove for one-hall
cent per hour. Give us a call and be
W. O. Holmes, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Eshleman 8c Wolf, "
L. E. Wharey,
W. f. Hartman, "
The Easton Argus is authority for
the statement that several hundred
Free Masons in the Lehigh Valley
have been outlawed by the Masonic
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, and
that the lodges to which the alleged
Masons belong are said to have been
organized at South Bethlehem, Allen
town, Mauch Chunk and Hazleton.
The Argus further states that the
clandestine lodges have been black
listed throughout the United States,
and that none of theit members will
be recognized by the craft as Masons.
The tabood lodges are claimed to be
conferring the three first or basic de
grees of Free Masonry at prices vary
ing from $3 to $5, whereas in the
Easton and other legitimate lodges
the firsf three degrees cost upward of
SSO. Hundreds ot men are alleged
to have been induced to join these
clandestine Masonic lodges through
the low charges asked, men even of
prominence, although unworthy appli
cants, are also said to have been free
ly admitted, and many of these roam
the country, always in hard luck and
asking Masonic aid. What the hos
tile degree of the Pennsylvania Grand
Lodge really means to these men may
readilly be inferred from the fact that
the lodges to which they belong are
not working under a warrant or char
ter from the Pennsylvania body, and
that the legitimate Masons through
out the world recognize that body as
the only one having lawful jurisitlction
in this State. Members of the clan
destine lodges will therefore only be
met with a cold shoulder.
grateful tor what Hood's Sarsaparilia
has done for me. I suffered a severe
attack of rheumatism and was troubled
with night sweats. Medicines perscrib
cd did not give relief, but Hood's Sar
saparilia has cured me I recommed
it for these troubles." W. HENRY ZIEST,
HOOD'S PILLS cure all liver ills. Easy
to take, easy to operate; reliable,
sure. 25c.
ING—CURED in three to six nights. Dr.
Agnew's Ointment is peerless in cur
ing. One application gives instant re
lief. It cures all'itching and irritating
skin diseases, Chafing, Eczema, etc
35 cents.—63.
Sold by C. A. Kleim.
Forgers may not be superstitious
as a class; but they evidently be'ieve
in signs.
Bears the _A Kind You Have Always Bought
Lewis, ofShamokin, Pa., writes: I am
eighty yeare of age. I have been
troubled with Catarrh for fifty years,
and in my tune have used a great many
catarrh cures, but never had any relief
until I used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder. One box cured me complete
ly —62.
Sold by C. A. Kleim.
Mrs. Casey—"Doctor, Oi want yez
for to looke at little Patsey's t'roat. It
do be sore from schmokin'." Doctor—
"Does he smoke incessantly?" Mrs.
Casey—"He do not Sureheschmokes
A REMEDY for Nasal Catarrh which
is drying and exciting to the diseased
membrane should be used. Wnat is
needed is that which is cleansing, sooth
ing, protecting, and healing. Such a
remedy is Ely's Cream Balm. To test
it a trial size for 10 cents or the large
for 50 cents is mailed by Ely Brothers,
56 Warren Street, New York. Drug
gists keep it. The Balm when placed
into the nostrils, spreads over the
membrane and is absorbed. A cold in
the head vanishes quickly.
Tyres—"l thought Wheeler was to
get a handicap in the bicycle races."
Sprocketts—"No; he was covered with
mosquito b.tes, and they put him back
to scratch."
APOPLEXY.— Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Heat 1 is equally as effective in
apoplectic symptoms. If you have un
pleasant dizziness, lightness or sudden
rush of blood to the head, take pre
cautions auainst a recurrence. This
great remedy will remove the cause.
The press of the land has daily a long
list of sudden deaths which would not
De chronic ed if Dr. Agnew's cure for
the Heart were used.—6l.
Sold by C A. Kleim.
Thbi is a Glass of People
Who art injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed in all
the grocery stores a new preparation
called GR AIN-O, made of pure grains,
that takes the place of coffee. The
most delicate stomach receives it with
out distress, and but few can tell it
from coffee. It does not cost over
as much. Children may drink it with
great benefit, iscts. and 25cts. per
package. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O.
11 10 gtd.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
j Bloomsburg.
j The best are
■ the cheapest.
•A.L.iV COPVKii.i.
and tender little juicelets tor the chil
dren, are all riuht. but papa and "the
bovs" want a good, big, juicy steak,
roast or chop when business or school
duties are over, and we can cater to
them all. Our stock of prime meats is
unexcelled for quality, and we send
them home in fine shape.
Butter per lb $ ,20
Eggs per dozen ,24
Lard per lb c 8
Hani per pound .eg
l'ork, whole, per pound ,c 6
Beef, quarter, per pound.... .07
Wheat per bushel .80
Oats " " ,35
Rye " " 50
Wheat flour per bbl 4.40
Hay per ton 9 to $lO
Potatoes per bushel, .. .70
Turnips " " .25
Onions " " 100
Sweet potatoes per peck .20
Tallow per lb .05
Shoulder " " .09
Side meat " " .08
Vinegar, perqt ,05
Dried apples per lb .05
Dried cherries, pitted .12
Raspberries .xa
Cow Hides per lb .3J
Steer " " " .05
CalfSkin .80
Sheep pelts ,75
Shelled corn per bus .60
Corn meal, cwt 1.25
Bran, " .95
Chop " .95
Middlings " ,95
Chickens per lb new ,08
" " " old .08
Turkeys " " 12 J
Geese " " .14
Ducks " " .08
No. 6, delivered a. 60
" 4 and 5 " 3.85
" 6 at yard 2.35
" 4 and 5 at yard 3.60
The Leading Consenratory of America^—- —
Carl Faulten, Director.
Founded i n IM3 by £ pUxr**
g'.ving full information.
W. H Central Manager.
ifl Wg 90999Q9 >
i : Cures.
I; Aches; ■
Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and al
Patent, business conducted lor MODERATE
ENT OFFICE. We have 110 sub-ngencteß, all
business direct, bonce can transact patent busl*
ness In less ttme and at Less Cost than those re
mote from Washington.
Send model, drawing or photo, with dcscrlp
tion. We advise If patentable or not, trn i.(
Charge. Our l'oe not due till patent Is seen red
A Dnolf, "How to Obtain Patents." with r.'tr
ences to actual clients In your 81 ate, County, 0
town sout true. Address
C. A. SNOW it CO,, Wsshlrptor, V. C
(■ ipposlu-I'. a put,.,it tie., e.,
r.d itaocnvo thj^talr.
Colt!? 7
~ 11-Ji-lul. -
7ry the COL UMB/AN a year.