VOL. 33 ft VICTORY_FQR STONE. Republicans Win Pennsylvania by a Good Plurality. PBOBAELY MOEE THAN 100,000. Senator Quay Will Be lie-elected United Sim en Senator—State Ticket Al*o (apt ii rel ly Ilc|iublieanN. Democratic ConffreMsional Uulna. Philadelphia, Nov. 9. —Pennsylvania has been carried by the Republicans by a plurality not much short of 100,000. Returne have come in slowly from the city and state, but State Chairman John P. Elkin claimed early this morn ing that enough had been received to bear out his prediction made Sunday night that Stone would be elected gov ernor by 131.000 plurality. At the Democratic state headquart rs the election of the Republican state ticket was conceded, but no figures are given out. The Republicans will have a large majority in the state legislature, and Senator Quay will doubtless be his own successor. It was one of the most stubbornly fought battles In the history of Penn sylvania, there being three aggressive candidates in the field. The Republic an candidate for governor, backed by the Quay contingent, was William A. Stone, the Democratic candidate Georee A. Jenks and the Prohibition candi date Rev. Silas C. Swallow. ConjcreßNttten HSlectetl. Philadelphia, Nov. 9.—The following named congressmen have been elected in Pennsylvania: First District—H. H. Ringham (Rep.). Second—Robert Adams. Jr. (Rep.). Third—Wtliiam MeAleer (Dem.). Fourth—James R. Young (Rep.). Fifth—A. C. Harmer (Rep.). Sixth—Thomas S. Butler (Rep.). Seventh—lrving P. Wanger (Rep.). WILLIAM A. STONE. [Republican candidate for governor.] Eighth—David H. Barber (Dem.). Ninth —Daniel Ermentrout (Dem.). Tenth—Marriott Broslus (Rep.). Twelfth—Morgan S. Williams (Rep.). Fourteenth—M. E. Olmstead (Rep.). Fifteenth—Charles F. Wright (Rep.). Sixteenth—Horace B. Packer (Rep.). Eighteenth—ThaddeusMahone (Rep.). Twentieth—Joseph E. Thropp (Rep.). Twenty-first—S. M. Jack (Rep.). Twenty-second—John Dalzell (Rep.). Twenty-third—'William H. Graham (Rep). Twenty-fourth —Ernest F. Aeheson (Rep.). Twenty-fffth—J. B. Showalter (Rep,). Twenty-seventh—J. C. Sibley (Dem.). Twenty-eighth—J. K. P. Hall (Dem.). Congressman at Large Galusha A. Grow (Rep.). Congressman at Large Samuel A. Davenport (Rep.). Leu'islutive Fusion. Philadelphia, Nov. 9.—Legislative re turns from the state thus far show Democratic and fusion net gains of 13 in the assembly. Districts not yet heard from will probably elect 10 or 15 Democrats to seats now held by Re publicans. The Quay leaders claim that a majority of the Republicans elected will favor the re-election of the sen- Tlae Vote In Rhode Island. Providence, >}ov. 9.—The voting has been light throughout the state, as the election of both Republican candidates for congress was a foregone conclusion. The revised constitution has probably been rejected. The country districts voted against it. and unless the vote In the cities proves larger than expected It will not be approved. In this city Baker (Dem.) Is re-elected, through aid at Independent and Republican votes, by a large majority. The Vote In California. Dan Francisco, Nov. 9. —At 9:30 p. on. the Republican state central com nlttee claims that Gage has been elect id governor by 30,000 plurality. Weather Forecast. Colder, with showers In northern and lair in southern portion; brisk souther ly winds, becoming variable. Work has been begun on the buildings for a silk mill at Lock- Haven. It will be tinder the same management, and a branch of the Bkmmsburg Silk Mill. . LOUNSBURY ELECTED. Connecticut llcpnhlicnn For Govern or null CiMiKremimen. New Haven, Nov. 9.—Tlie result or the election in this state shows a gen eral victory for the Republican ticket. The majorities of the candidates on the state ticket will average fully 15,000, with some changes likely when remote districts are officially heard from. The vote shows a falling off of about 5,000 from that cast at the election of two years ago. The Republican candidates appear to have suffered most from the general decrease in the vote, but no par ticular disaffection can be said to be shown by the general result. The only real contest was In the Second district, where Congressman N. D. Sperry, the Republican nominee, and James H. "W ebb (Dem.l were the opposing candi dates. Webb succeeded in cutting Sper ry's majority of two years ago to a con siderable extent, hut the Republicans claim the election of their candidate by a safe majority. The returns Indicate that the Republicans will have a ma jority of at least 50 in the general as sembly. The returns also Indicate that the Re publicans have elected their candidates GEORGE E. LOUNSBURY. for sheriff In each of the eight coun ties. The fine weather which prevailed yesterday brought out an unusually large vote for a state election, and at some places in the state the vote Is not falling far behind that of two years ago. Minnesota In Dorttit, St. Paul, Nov. 9. At midnight the Democratic state committee claimed the election of Bind for governor, but would give no figures. The Globe (Dem.) claimed that he was elected by 10,000. The Republicans simply say that the result is still in doubt and that the re turns are too meager to decide the re sult. They also claim all the congress men, although the Democrats are posi tive they have the Seventh district and possibly two others. Oliln Indorses Mclilnley. Columbus, 0., Nov. 9.—Returns indi cate that the Republican plurality on the state ticket will exceed the plurali ty of 51,100 for McKinley for president in 1896 and probably double the plural ty of 28,105 Jor Bushnell for governor last year, 'rnc Republicans elect 15 of the 21 congressmen and four districts are carried by the Democrats. Two dis tricts, the Third and Twelfth, are in doubt. The present delegation in con gress is 15 to 8. Illinois (locs Rcpnbllenn. Chicago, Nov. 9.—The indications are that the Republicans have elected their entire state ticket, but the figures are coming in slowly from outside Chicago and nothing could be estimated with accuracy. The Democrats in many counties have shown gains over the vote of 1896, and they have apparently secured several congressmen in Cook county and some outside of it. New Hampshire Elects Rollins. Concord, Nov. 9.—Senator Jacob H. Gallinger, chairman of the Republican state committee, Issued this statement: "The indications show the election of Rollins for governor by from 8,000 to 10,000 majority and that the Republic ans will have from 18 to 20 of the 24 state senators and nearly the same ma jority in the house as two years ago. Both Republican congressmen are elect ed. Republican* Claim Kaniai. Topeka, Nov. 9.—Chairman Albaugh of the Republican state committee claims the state for Stanley (Rep.) for governor by 5,000, and Chairman Riddle of the fusion committee claims the k *.ate for Leedy (fusion) by 11,000. Only and Colien Defeated. New York. Nov. 9.—The Press (Rep.) concedes the defeat of Judges Daly, Co hen and Taft by a big vote, although it says the Tammany Judiciary candi dates ran behind the Van Wyck ticket. Ex-l,lentrnnnt Governor Dend. Springfield, Mass., Nov. 9.—Ex-Lieu tenant Governor Byron Weston died of apoplexy at his home in Dalton last night. South Carolina Democratic. Columbia, S. C., Nov. 9.—The Demo cratic state ticket was elected without opposition. A very light vote was cast. Keyatone Soldiers Vote. Hnrrlsburg, Nov. 9.—The vote in the Pennsylvania regiments at Camp Meade was as follows: Fourth regiment —Stone, 226; Jcnks, 124; Swallow, 10. Fifth regiment—Stone, 151; Jenks, 147; Swallow, 65. BLOOMSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1898. ROOSEVELT WINS The Rough Rider Sweeps the Empire State. REPUBLICAN TICKET ELECTED The Majority For Governor Is Over Twenty Thousand. LEGISLATURE REPUBLICAN. This Insures the Retirement of 1/lilt ed States Senator Murphy and the Election or it Ite|>nlillelln In His Flucc—Democrats On In In Several Congressional Districts—The Vote In Detuil by Counties. New York, Nov. 9. —Theodore Roose velt (Rep.), late colonel of the First United States volunteer cavalry, has been elected governor of this state by a plurality anywhere from 25,000 to 30,- 000. All Colonel Roosevelt's associates on the Republican state ticket are probably elected with him. The returns both from Greater New York and from the counties outside of this municipali ty are incomplete, but enough have been received to Indicate a heavy fall ing off in the vote up the state, while that in the city was well sustained. The consequence Is a falling off in the Republican plurality in the state from 212,000 to the approximated figures giv en above. Outside of Greater New York the vote of Van Wyck is only aoout one-fifth of 1 per cent above that of 1896. There appears to be a loss of four Republican congressmen in the Brook lyn districts—the Second, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth—and it is probable that Con gressman Quigg, who had a majority of about 9,000 at the election last year, has been defeated by William Astor Chanler. In the Albany district—the Twentieth—Glynn (Dem.) has been elected to succeed Southwick (Rep.). Congressman Sulzer (Dem.), whose district renominated him upon a free silver platform, is undoubtedly re elected. The returns from many counties up the state were incomplete up to an ear ly hour this morning, and in some cases THEODORE ROOSEVELT, missing altogether. The indications, being computations upon the figures at hand, point to a Republican plurality in the counties above the Harlem of about 100,000, to offset which the Dem ocrats can produce only the 80,000 plu rality of Greater New York. The soldier vote will not be counted until Dec. 1, but it is not likely that the ballots from the camps will materially alter the result. There would seem to be the greater probability that the ma jority for Roosevelt will be increased. The Republicans had in the lna/t leg islature a majority of 28 on joint bal lot, and lenders of the party assert that there will be no material diminution of that majority. A Republican legisla ture will mean the election of a Repub lican to the United States senate in place of Senator Murphy. Every condition was favorable to the polling of a full vote in all parts of the state. In this city there was no fulfill ment of predictions of trouble at the polls. The state deputies authorized by act of the last legislature were most In evidence In the east side districts, where the cheap lodging houses are located. The number of arrests made was below rather than beyond the usual record of a general election, and In many cases the occasion was found to be In the carelessness of registration clerks. Fights at the polls were few and easily quelled. There was no friction between deputies and police, one lending assist ance to the other in the preservation of order. On the streets down town there were the usual election night noises and scenes. Retu-ns were displayed in front of the newspaper ollces and in numer ous public places. Democrats good na turedly accepted the fact of the defeat of their state ticket, which was appar ent from the returns displayed early in the evening, and found what compen sation they could in the result in the city. Democratic Congressman Chosen. Pottsvtlle, Nov. 9.—Returns indicate that Charles N. Brumm (Rep.) Is de feated for re-election in the Thirteenth district by James W. Ryan by about 2,000 voteß. DON'T PUT IT OFF. Now is the time and this is the store at which you can now buy Boys' Reefers, Gloves, Underwear, Mackintoshes and BOOTS AND SHOES, at actual cost. No dealer's profit. Every dollar's worth of this im mense stock must be cleaned up within the next two months, Save from $i to $4 on every Suit or Overcoat, or from $2 to $8 on both. Save from 50c to $1.50 on every pair of Boots or Shoes, but don't put it off, buy while the stock is still large. Suits, Overcoats and Storm Ulsters for Men at $ 3.90 from $ 5.00. 4.50 " 6.00. 5.50 " 7.50. 7.50 " 1000. 10.00 " 13.50. 12.00 " 15.00. A Saving on each of from $1.50 to $4.00. Boy's Suits and Reefers and Overcoats at $1 50 from $2.25. 2.00 " 275. 250 " 3.50. 300 " 4.00. 3.50 " 5.00- A Saving on Each of from 50c. to $2.00. CBKIIDIDIISrGr &c aO^VCF^IT-Y", □Cla.e "TX7~iiite Front, Nearly Opposite Court House. Two Doors Below Postoffice FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS Both Parties Claim a Majority In the Next House* !*** STATEMENTS MADE BY LEADERS. Mr. llitbrock Slicks to His Prediction of a Republican Majority of Twen ty-ftve, While Mr. Kerr, llemoarml, Claim* From Fifteen to Twenty, Washington, Nov. 9. —Chairman Bab cock of the Republican congressional committee has just made the following statement: "While I am satisfied that the Repub licans will control the house of repre sentatives in the Fifty-sixth congress, It is impossible at this hour to indicate what our majority in the house will be. Thus far we have no definite returns from Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, lowa or Kansas. Ohio has elected 15 Republicans certainly, and two districts seem to be in doubt. From Michigan the returns indicate a solid Republican dele gation. Representative Hawley is re elected in Texas. Vincent lloering Is elected in the Eleventh Kentucky dis trict. S. J. Hugh is probably elected in the Ninth Kentucky. The aleotion of George M. Davison in the Eighth Ken tucky is in doubt, with chances seem ingly in favor of his election. A dispatch from Maryland shows that we have elected four representatives certainly. Nineteen members of the delegation from New York state and perhaps more will be Republicans. I. F. Fischer of the Fourth New York district, Brooklyn, Is the only member we have elected In Greater New York. The election of Cochran in the Nineteenth New York and of Mahany in the Thirty-second (Buffalo) district is In doubt. From Pennsylvania we have thus far received meager returns, but the indications are that we have sustained some losses there. Kirkpatrick of the Eighth dis trict and Arnold of the Thirty-eighth seem to he defeated. Unofficial advices from western states show that we have more than held our own, and. my con viction is that we shall control the house by a safe majority, probably not far from the figures which I gave out last week." The figures referred to by Mr. Bab cock were contained In his predictions that the Republicans would have a ma jority over all of about 25. Since early last evening Secretary Kerr of the Democratic congressional committee and a small corps of politic al statisticians have been working on returns received at Democratic congres sional headquarters. Secretary Kerr •aid at 1 o'clock last night: Mens and Boys Hats aud Caps. 19c. from 25c. 39c. " 50c. 50c. " 75c. 75c. " SI.OO SI.OO " 1.50 1.50 •' 200 2.00 '• . 3.00 SHOES. Mens, Womeus, Misses aud Children's, prices that were never heard of before for such qualities. 98 cents. For hundreds of pairs of Mens, YVouiens, Misses and Children's that retailed at from $1.50 to $3.50. Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Felts, Gaiters, all at aud below cost. "The Republicans have lost control of the house of representatives. We will have from 186 to 190 members and will organize the house of the Fifty-sixth congress. The majority of the opposi tion will be from 15 to 20 over the Re publicans and perhaps more. Our ad vices indicate Democratic gains in some of the states as follows: Alabama, 2; Il linois, 5: lowa, 1; Kentucky, 3; Mary land, 2; Massachusetts, 2; Missouri, 2; j New Jersey, 2; New York, 6; North Carolina, 2: Pennsylvania, 6; Virginia, | 3; West Virginia, 1. This is a total of , 37. One district in Delaware is doubtful, with the chances in favor of the Dem- i ocrats." In figuring a gain of three in Virginia Secretary Kerr includes two districts which elected Democratic congressmen in 1896 who were unseated by the pres ent house. Coloriido ('niiKreHNnicn. Denver, Nov. 9.—Returns received here show that the congressional dele gation from this state Is unchanged, the two representatives being re-elect ed. Following is the Colorado list com plete: First district, John F. Shaffroth (Silver Itep.); Second district. John C. Bell (Pop.). Hampshire's Delegation. Concord, N. H., Nov. 9.—Returns from this state indicate the return of two Republican congressmen, leaving the state politically unchanged. Following is the delegation: First district. Cyrus A. Suiloway (Rep.); Second district, Frank G. Clarke (Rep.). Arkniunii fonffrrHimen. Little Rock, Nov. 9.—The following congressmen are elected: First district, P. D. McCulloch (Dem.): Second dis trict, J. S. Little (Dem.): Third district, Thomas C. Mcßae (Dem.); Fourth dis trict. W. I. Terry (Dem.); Sixth district, S. Brundidge (Dem.). Georgia Congressmen. Atlanta, Nov. 9.—ln the Seventh district Maddox (Dem.) distanced his Populist opponent in the congressional race by a tremendous majority. How ard. Democratic candidate for congress In the Eighth Georgia district, defeated Noose, Populist. Republicans Gain In Nevndn. Reno, Nev., Nov. 9.—lndications po' t to the election of McMlliln (Rep.) for governor. Newlands (Silver) for con gress. Flannigan (Rep.) for senator and at least two out of the four assem blymen for this district. Rhode Island Goes Republican. Providence, Nov. 9. The Rhode Island congressional delegation com plete shows two Republican member of congress elected, Melville BuH In the First and A. B. Capron In the Second. flen's Underwear, Gloves, Sweaters, Hackintosh Coats and of Every Kind at the Actual Wholesale Cost. Boy's Waists at a Sacrifice. A SAD DEATH. The uncertainty of life has again been demonstrated in the jpdden death of Miss Grace, the r6 ye old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Sieppy, which occurred at her home in Kingston this morning. She was in the best of health until Sunday evening when she complained of great pain, but it was not thought that any J thing serious would result. A doctor was called in, but in spite of al! the | assistance he could render, she con ; tinued to grow worse until early this morning, when she passed away. Her | parents have the heartfelt sympathy ol the host of young friends in tbts. town among whom she was so welK | known. Mrs. Sieppy is a daughter of Mrs. Geo. Hassert, Sr., who resides on the corner of Catharine and Fourth Streets this town. Arrangements for the funeial have not yet been made. i In our account of the fire at Light Street last week we stated that the loss sustained by Mr. Grimes was | partly covered by insurance. In this , we were mistaken. His loss is a total one. Beside the stock of harness, blankets etc., he also los; hve hund- ' red dollars in cash which he had in. his desk in the house. He probably might have been able to save the cash. Jl had he thought of it in time, but it never occurred to him until it was all over. u, A fire which completely destroyed ' ' the building and all its contents broke J out in a large barn owned by George Sponsler, a short distance this side of i Berwick. Nothing was saved from i the building. Mr. Sponsler lost a horse, as did also the farmer Frank Sitler A cow belonging to the latter was burned too. There was a small insurance, but the loss is quite heavy. Paper Free for One Month. A THE COLUMBIAN will be sent frte J to any person in the county, on re- J ceipt of the name and address on a postal. Don't be afraid to ask for it You will get it only four weeks, unless \ ordered to be continued. NO. 45