The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 03, 1898, Page 7, Image 7
THE JUNKET BUSINESS. How It Ilns Urown to Its Present Aw fill Proportions—Dcinoci-utl<* and ltrpnl-licnii Halt- < oniparrd. In connection with state politics in Pennsylvania there are few things more interesting or instructive and absolute ly nothing more fully demonstrable of the curse of the machine rule than a study and comparison of the various general appropriation acts of the state legislature. Mr. Wanamaker has fit tingly supplemented the work of the Democratic party, its conventions, com mittees and press, in explaining to the people that these acts cover many mon- Ntrous extravagances and villainous f.teals. There are not many of the features of them more prolific and as tounding in this range of development than those that touch the sums voted for legislative junkets, "extra services" of legislative committees, and the multitudinous commissions that are constituted for the solo purpose of put ting unearned money into the pockets of the henchmen and retainers of the dominant party throughout the state. A carefully compiled tabic, made up from an item-by-item search of the general appropriation acts for the past 15 years shows that in 1883, the first year of Governor Pattison's tirst administra tion.there wasatotal of $7,348.91 awarded for these purposes. These included the expenses of investigating the State col lege, the clerical force of the several state departments, the western Penn sylvania insane asylum and peniten tiary, and the accounts of that expen sive appendage to our state govern ment, Mr. John C. Delaney, then occu pying the position of librarian of the senate, which had no library. They covered also the cost of the Bns ier-Wagner contested election case ($1,185) and of a commission selected to report a comprehensive system of bookkeeping for the several depart ments. In the year 1885 there were still fewer appropriations of this kind, the total being but $3,918, out of which an item of $1,200, for the expenses of the com mittee to investigate the Standard Oil trust, Governor Pattlson vetoed, leav ing a balance of but $2,718.43 taken from the treasury by the general appropria tion act, as Anally made a law, for these purposes. In 1887, however, General Beaver hav ing in the meanwhile become governor, these appropriations swelled to $16,965, an increase of several hundred per cent. As illustrating the careless and fraudulent methods that had already begun to prevail, $6,000 of this total was voted In a lump sum for four Investi gations, an excursion to Gettysburg and a member's funeral. It was not until 1889, however, that there was anything like a really riot ous revel along these lines. Beaver was stilt governor, and the aggregated Items in the general appropriation bill for these unnecessary and unlawful uses reached the enormous sum of $123,868,- 60. These included $17,860 for a house contest and $39,759.72 for a senatorial contest, entirely unprecedented figures, $15,000 for a committee to examine and report upon the charitable and correc tional systems of the commonwealth. $6,000 for a commission to codify the road laws, another $6,000 for a com mittee on Industrial education and $10,700 laid out In taking the legislators to participation in the centennial Inauguration of George Washington as president. And Beaver never interposed a single veto. A unique Item in this list is SIOO for a committee on amended orthography. There was certainly a bad spell of ap propriation legislation about that time. It was so had, In fact, that its cost ti the taxpayers was greater even than the accomplished and proposed similar steals of the 1897 legislature, including both those In the general appropriation and those In the special appropriation bills, and the citizen who believes in honesty and economy in state expendi tures may he pardoned for asking where were Wanamaker and Swallow then? In 1891 the Democrats attain had the governor and that year the appropria tions for junkets, &<•., in the general act were but $73,859.33, and of these Mr. Pattison vetoed items aggregating $34,116, leaving the actual outlay but $39,743.23, or less than a third of Heav er's last term figures. In 1893, warned doubtless by these ve toes, the legislature made the general appropriation act cover only $3,466.12 of such expenditures. Hut the Republicans came In again in 1895, and that year the total was $115,486.92, or about $15,000 more in the general bill than there were in 1893 in both the general and the special bills together. Here again was a sharp summons to Republican reformers, but they failed to put In an appearance. Hastings had not yet fallen out with the machine. His vetoes, in 1 95, of this class of Items amounted, all told, to $40,715, leaving a balance awarded of $74,771.92, or nearly 22 times as much as the total for Pattlson's last term. The 1897 legislature voted for pur poses within the category under discus sion $11,401.43 In the general bill and $60,123.02 in special bills. Of the aggre gate, $101,524.45. Governor Hastings ve toed, all told, but $30,823.90, leaving the actual waste or fraud at $70,691.55. There was absolutely no excuse for more than probably a tenth of this outlay. It comprehended, as fully ex plained In another article, very many audacious swindles in addition to the handful exposed and overridden by the governor. And yet the cost to the state of the whole business was much less than that of 1895 or that of 1889, though, In those years the Democratic protests went utterly unheeded by the so-called Republican and Prohibitionist reform ers, and the perpetrators of the scoun drelly grabs pocketed the swag and were In many Instances triumphantly returned to the places they had dis graced. No fair man can ponder and digest the figures here given without being forced to the conclusion that, both by promise and performance, the Demo crats of Pennsylvania have approved their title as the only genuine and re liable reformers of corruption and Inex cusable waste In the matter of the state expenditures. Messrs. Bower and Trickett were nominated because they are brainy men, and would grace the superior court bench. Every man who knows anything knows thai Swallow cannot possibly win. Therefore, wise Democrats will not throw their votes away upon him. HUMAN HAIR HARVEST. ltegular Clrop la Clown To Supply Switohea mid Wluh. If the tresses you wear did not grow oil your head tlicy probably arc im ported. The United States buys more than $2,000,000 worth of hair encll year, much of which is used in the manufacture of wigs and switches m supplement the cranial hirsute adorn ment of those whose locks are scanty. The popular Idea Is that the materi hi for switches is supplied oy pi.,.. ..... . who, to raise a mortgage or pay the rent or something of the sort, do ne the girls la, story books, and go to a hairdresser and sacrifice their magnifi cent "crowning glories" for their fam ily. It is true that some hair is ob tained In this way, hut the supply is too inconstant to be depended upon. There is a regular hair harvest, just as regular as the wheat crop. In fact, It is more to l-o depended upon, as drought does not affect it. Most of this hair comes from Switzerland, Ge many and the French provinces. There is a human hair market in the lower Pyrenees held every Friday. Scores of hair traders walk up and down the village streets, their shears dangling from their belts, and cx amiue the braids which the peasant girls let down for their inspection. If a bargain is struck the hair is cut and the money paid on the spot. These girls lgtve fine linir and can raise more than one crop. A woman's hair may grow to the length of six feet. A single hair will lvar up a weight of four ounces without break ing, but the hair thus heavily tried must be dark brown, for blonde hair will break under a strain of two and a half ounces. The hair that is cut Is the best. Dealers can easily tell whether the locks offered them have lx-en cut off or combed out. Tlicy do this by rub bing the hairs through their fingers. If the hair lias la-en cut from the head and lias not been misplaced it remains In the original position. If It has been pulled or combed out and put together regardless of the direction la which it grew, one portion will slip to the right and another to the left. It does this because the Jagged edges catch upon each other and pull In opposite direc tions.—Chicago Times-Herald. ENCHANTED GROVE OF BEES. !'-rnllarlty of Two Troon, iho Cause Ol Wlilcll Cannot He K* On the site of an old Shawnee vil lage is n spot which seems to have been the thickest settled part of the town, is a grove of black oak trees. In this grove are two very large post oak trees, one In the south and one In tin- north end of the grove. In the grove can lie heard most any day the buzzing of n swarm of bees so plainly lhat the noise has fooh-d many old las- hunters, lint all their search lias never revealed a single bee. Now comes the most peculiar part of this most peculiar tale. The huge postoak tree standing at the north end of tin- grove is the curiosity of the bunch, for not long ago a young man hearing of tin- bees went to tin spot and proceeded In look carefully till each tree in the grove until he came to tin- north tree, lie was with in two leet of tills tree. Inking up, when he heard a noise Just like a carpenter at work nailing on hoards, and tin- noise socmcd to come from the tree. He went around it several times, trying to locate the hammering, but it still seemed to come from the tree. The hammering continued until he happened to touch the tree with his hand, when it suddenly stopped. The man ilu-n went away amazed. A day or so afterward this man had invasion again to pass that way. He slipped up to the tree and listened for the hammering, and sure enough, It was as plain as ever. He touched the tree with the end of his linger, and as before the noise stopped at oner. This man and several others have tried touching the tree several tunes since, with the same result. Tlic.v say Hint the humming ol' la*is and the curious hammering can lw heard any day. hut no one has l>eea able to explain the mysteries of th! enchanted grove,—Galveston News. A Snrv e •• A good story Is told, which, by th way, goes to show that officers were not feasting while the men were liv ing on ordinary army rations. One ol our generals in Cuba entertained, it seems, some visiting officers at his field quartern, mar the fighting Hit" before Santiago. The fare resembled in slmpllnlvy the legendary roasted sweet potatoes of Revolutionary times, hut the host's hearty welcome and still more his wealth of good stor ies carried along the meagre menu. At length, however, then, on me a pause, both gastronomic anil conversational. The guests were awaiting "what next" when the old negro servant was heard to hiss Into the general's onr: "(Jive 'em another big one. Oen'l; da rook dun seorcli de hardtack."—Phila delphia Press. T'rtll 14 Hi t y 4 * frMii Mrs. Richard King of Texas la probably the richest woman In the I"lifted States, not excepting Mra. Hetty Green. Her wealth Is partly inherited from her father, a pioneer Presbyterian clergyman, the first who ever went, staff and Rible In hand, to preach the gospel to the ludllThs and mixed races that peopled the vast do main over which his own little daugh ter was destined to hold sway as a landed proprietor. Mrs. King la a widow, and hor landed estates in southern Texas amount to 1,250,000 acres, or about two thousand squara tnllea.—Kxehange. The residents In Vienna laat year ate ISL2OT horses. COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBbRC, PV Wbo shall Rtl'o. The real contest and issue in this election is between Quayism and the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The question that you must answer on your conscience and on your character as patriots is, who shall rule, one single auto cratic ruler, with those whom he has bound to himself, or the voice of the people, honestly expressed by the ballot ? GEO. A. JENKS, at Meadville. VOTE THE STRAIGHT D E M O CR A TIC TICKET, FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. \7iuter Excursion Kates on the Pennsyl vania Railroad. On November i the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will place on sale at its principal ticket offices ex cursion tickets to all prominent Winter resorts in New Jersey, Vir ginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Floflda and Cuba. The tickets will be sold at the usual low rates, with the usual liberal return limits. The magnificent facilities ot the Pennsylvania Railroad, with its many connections, make this the favorite line for Winter travel. An illustrated book, descriptive of Winter resorts, and giving routes of travel and rates for tick ets, will be furnished free after No vember i on application to ticket agents. Try Grain-0! Try Grain-0 ! Ask your Grocer to-day to show you a package of GRAIN O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without in jury as well as the adult. All who try it, like it. GRAIN O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. J the price of coffee. 15c. and 25c. per package. Sold by all grocers. 10 12 4td. Federal Patrocaeo Sold by the Quay Machine- _ You can use the Federal patronage for what it is worth. Your district being Democratic, all patronage under a Republican administration would be contro'led by tne United States Sen ators. M. S. QUAY to HON. D. R. HORNE, Allentown, Pa. NEW HOPE FOR THE DYSPEPTIC.— Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are the Dyspeptic's haven of rest and cure. They contain no injurious drug or narcotic, won't hurt the most delicate and sensitive stomach, aid digestion, stop fermentation of the food, good lor the blood, good for the nerves, good for the braiu, make flesh increase, cure the stomach. 35 cents.— 45. Sold by C. A. Kleim. Do Not Forget. That the next Governor will he a member of the State Capitol Building Commission, known as the Board of Public Grounds and Buildings, and that it is of the greatest importance to tax payers that no $20,000,000 steal like the one in Philadelphia is carried through. There should be a minority member on this Board—vote lor at least one honest member—vote for George A. Jenks. May—"You say Mr. Little has a family of ten, and he only gets twelve dollars a week! How on earth does he get along?"' Jennie —"O! every Little helps.'' NOT A QUARTER. —But just 10 cents, and 40 doses in a vial of Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills. No pain, pleasure in every dose—little, but awfully good. Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Nausea, Sallowness.— 44. Sold by C. A. Kleiin. W. H. Moore's. School Shoos —FOR— Sunshine or Storm. School Shoes must be made specially strong to stand the hard service required of them. My School Shoes have been carefully selected to stand the hard service. Cash buying gives me the best made and enables me to 'sell them at right prices. Don't fail to see them before buying. 0 ' Co?.. Second and Iron Sts. Illoomgburg, Pa. THE FEARFUL STRUGGLE OF AN* EARLY SETTLER, How One of the Early Farmers in Michigan Over came a Serious Difficulty—His Life of Hardships. From the Observer, Flushing, Zfich, Frank Long who lives near Leiitinn,Mich., Is one of the pioneer farmers of Venice town ship, Shiawu.ssce county, and hy his industry ami thrift in which many hardships were en dured, lie now has one of the best farms in that section. He tells an interesting story of when his life was in danger during his pioneer days. He savs: "About November 1, 181)4. on starting to get up from the dinner table, I was taken with a pain in my buck, and found myself unable to move. The pain increased and spread over mv entire body. 1 was obliged to take to my bed. The physician who was immediately summoned pronounced my ease muscular rheumatism accompanied by lum bago. He gave me remedies and injected morphine into my artn to ease the pain. "My disease, however, gradually became worse until I thought that death would he a welcome release from my sufferings. I could not sleep hut would lie awuko nil night and rub my leg. "This continued for about four months. Besides my regular physician I also eon sHlted another doctor but he gave me no en couragement and suid his medicine could do me no good. "I was finally induced through rending sonic accounts in th? newspapers regarding the wonderful cures wrought hy Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pale People, to try tlieui which I did as a last resort. When you want to ook on the bright side of things, use SAPOLIO SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex., Issued out of tUe Court of Common fleas of Columbia county and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sate, at the.Court Bouse lu llloomsburg, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30, 189b at two o'ulock p. m., all these sundry lots and premises, situate lu the village ot MlfltlnvlHe, lu Hie Township 0( Mltllln, lu Columbia l ounty, Pennsylvania, as follows, to wit": Three out lots In the said village, marked, numbered and described In the general plan of said village, as out lots N'os. 12, 43 and 105, and In lots Nos. 109, Ilia, IM, 1115, 1611, 107. 108 and 113, property of the saldlllram Eckroth, and also ou all the right, title and interest, of the said lllram Eckroth In the following described real estate, situate In tne same village and plot ot ground, to wit: The house uud ground comprising the late res idence of Lewis Eckroth, deceased, being in lot No. 21, and part In lot No. 23, whereon are erected a large two-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE aid a frame barn and outbuildings, with fruit an 1 water on the premises, with the appurte nances, and also on all the right, title and In terest, 01 said 11 Irani Eckroth, la lots on Front street, 111 said village, Nos. 74 and 75. Also on all that piece and tract of land adjoining lands ol s. Kucchtand •>. 11. lless, containing TWO ACRES, more or less. Also one piece of wool) LAND, containing SIX ACItES more or less, adjoining lands of George Fry, J. 8. Yobc, also, one In lot No. 2fU. Seized, taken In execution, at the suit of A. W. Snyder, executor of Samuel Snvdr, de ceased, vs. Hiram Eckroth, and to be sold as (he property of lllram Eckroth. FHKKZK V HARM AN, \V. W. BLACK, Attorneys. sheriff. ORPHANS' COURT SALE —OF VALUABLE— REAL ESTATE. In pursuance of an order. Issued out of the orphans' Court, or Columbia county, the under signed, executor of Ellas Mcllenry, late of the Borough of Benton, Columbia county, ea., de ceased, will expose to public sale, ou the prem ises, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER n, 1898, ut two o'clock p. m , all that certain lot of land, situate In the Borough of Benton, Columbia county. PH., and bounded und described as tol lows, to wit,: Beginning at the notthwest cor ner of lot No. 25 on the east side of Main street, 1 hence along said st reet north twenty-eight and one-fourth d gieeseast ihreerodst© a corner at an alley; thenee by said alley south sixty one and three-fourths degrees east, thirteen and four-tenths rods to a corner at an alley: thence by said alley smith twenty-eight and on -fourth degrees, west three rods to a corner of lot No. thence by said lot north sixty one and tlire*-fourths degrees, west thirteen a d four-tenths rous to the place of beginning, containing 40 SQUARE PERCHES OF LAND strict measure, being lot No. 2-t in the plan or draft, or the north part of Benton, laid out by Blchard 81 lies, on which are erected a two story / DWELLING HOUSE, barn und outbuildings. TKRMS OF SALK:— Ten percent, of one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid at the strik ing down of the property; the one-fourth less the ten per cent, at the confirmation of the sale, and the remaining t luw -fourths In one year thereafter,with Interest from continuation nisi. 10-2011 M. T. McHKNKY, A. L. FKITZ, Atty. EXECUTOR. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. 'KBTATX OF WM. 11. YOlltl • Y, WIC'D. Notice Is hereby given Mini the undersigned Auditor, appointed by the orphans' Court of Columbia County. I'a , to pass on exceptions, Ac., mil male distribution of the funds In bunds of administrators, as shown by their first and llnal account tiled, will sit. for the purposes ot his appointment, at the omce ot Freeze A Herman, on centre street, Htnoinsburg, I'a.. oil Friday. Nov. 83th. IS!H, ut lo o'clock u. tin, when and where all parlies Interested may appear and support ihelr exceptions, or [cove their chums, us the nise mny be, or be torcver de barred. JOHN U. II ARM AN, 11.:;. it. Auddltor. STEADY INCOME Sa* per week. Either sex. I'll start yo In I he Mall order Business. dav or evening No peddling. M. YOUNG, Jh; Henry 8t„ 10-lMtd Brooklyn, N. Y. " I took the pills according to directions oiid soon begun t<* notice an improvement in my condition. Before the tirat box WHS used 1 could get about the house, though with great difficulty, hut utter using five boxes I was entirely cured. "Since that time I have felt no return of the rheumatic pains. I am confident that Dr. Williams' Pink Tills for Pale People saved my life and 1 try to induce my friends who are sick to try the same remedy. " I will gludly answer any question con cerning my sickness and wonderful cure, provided those who write enclose stamp for reply. "FRANK LONG." Sworn to before me at Venice, Midi., this 15th day of April, 1898. U. 11. GOLDSMITH, Justice of the Vec.ce. The cure of the severest cases of rheuma tism by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People has occurred all over the land, and its power in ordinary cases is proportionately greater. These marvelous vegetable pills go directly to the seat of the trouble und exert a powerful influence in purifying and enriching the blood ly eliminating poison ous elements and renewing health-giving forces. Many diseases long supposed by the medi cal profession to he incurable, have suc cumbed to the potent influence of these pills. This universal reinedv is prescribed by physicians, recommended by urucgihts, and everywhere used by a grateful public. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate. of John A. Puna ton, deceased. Soticfi is hereby given that tetters of adminis tration, with the wilt annexed, on the estate of oohn A. Funston, late of the tomi of Bloom s bnrg, Columbia county, Ai. deceased, have tteen granted to Charles W. Funston, resident of said town, to irhmn all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. CHARLES W. FUSSTOX, c.t. a.. 10 sw-w. Administrator. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of J. it. C. Ranck, deceased. The undersigned auditor appointed by the Or phans' Court of Columbia County to puss upon the first and partial account, or Charles W. Dow son, executor or the last will and testament of J. M. c. ltunck, late or Scott township deceased, and report thereupon, will sit at his office, HOOIU No. 4, Lockard ItulUllng, llloomsburg, Pa. on Friday, October 28th, at ten o'clock a. m. to perform the duties or his appointment, when and when; all persons Interested must attend. \V. 11. MAO ILL, lr-iMt. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Kstate of Mathlas Kindt, dee'd. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the orphans' Court of r<..umblu county, l'a., to make distribution or funds In hands of admin istrator, as shown by his second and partial ac count, and to dispose of exceptions tiled thereto, will sit to perform it he duties or said appoint ment, at his office, In Blooms burg, l'a ,on sab unlay, November 15ft h, ifuk. at 10 o'clock a. in., when and where all parties Interested shall at tend, or be forever debarred from anv share of said fund. W.M. 11. SXYDRIt, oct. £•, IH'JS. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Karle lless, Deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Columbia County, Fa, to pass upon exceptions and make distribution will sit, to perforin the duties of his appolut lnent, at the office of Robert Buckingham. Esq , in the Town of hlooinsburg, Fa., on Thurwlay, November til. at 10 o'clock a. in., wnen ami where a l parties Interested must appear, or be forever debarred from coming In ou said fund. 11-3-lt W. 11. liHAWN, Auditor. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. I, \V. W. BLU'K, High HherlfT of Columbia county, ouimonweult it or 1 ennsvlvanla, do hereby make known and give; notice to the electors or the eoutity aforesaid, that a general election will be held In the said county of C ol umbia, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, I3 9 8, (being the Tuesday next following the llrst Monday or said month) for the purpose of elect ing the several persons hereafter indued: one pet son for Governor of the louimon weallh of Pennsylvania. one person ror Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth or Pennsylvania. One person for Secretary of Internal Affairs of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Two persons for .i udges of the Superior court In the common wealth of Pennsylvania. Two persons for congressmen-At-Large In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. one person for inemoerof ongress from the 17th Congressional District ot Pennsylvania. one P*MHOII for Senator from the 'i4ih senator ial District of Peiins>lvanU. Two persons for Representatives In the Gen eral Assembly for Columbia county. One person for President Judge of the Sttth Judicial District. One person for Couuty Surveyor of Columbia county. The qualified voters of this county are hereby authorized ami required to vote by ticket, printed, written, or partly printed and partly written as follows: KKPI'BLICAN. Governor, William A. Stone. Lieutenant Governor, j. p. s. Gobln. Secretary of Internal Affairs, James W. Latta. Judges superior court, William W. Porter, William D. Porter. Congressmen-At-Large, ualusua A. Grow, Samuel A. Davenport, congressman, Wllllaui H. Woodln. Stute Senator, N. 11. culver. President Judge, James Scarlet. Assemblymen, 11. A. M'Kllllp. A. 1). Goldswortby. County Surveyor, William Griffith. DEMOCRATIC. overnor, George A. Jenks. Lieutenant Governor, VMUtnin 11 sowdeu. Secretary of Internal Affairs, i at rick Delacey. Judges of superior Court, William Trlckett, Calvin M. Bower. F,LECTION PROCLAMATION. Congressmen-At-Large, J ere M. Weller, Franklin I'. lams. Congressman, Burns K. Polk state Senator, J. Henry Cochran. Representatives. William T. creasy, William Chtisuian. President Judge, Kobert li. Little. County surveyor, Hoy a Trescott. PROHIBITION. Governor, Silas C. Swallow. Lieutenant Governor, Emmett D. Nichols. Secretary or Internal Affairs, Sterling W. Dickson. Judges of Superior Court, Lewis I). Vail, William Trlckctt. Congressmen-at-Large, George 11. Garber. Pennock E. sharpless. Congressman, J. M.Caldwell. State senator, W. 11. cummlngs. President Judge, Charles L. llawley. Representatives, John Eves, J. Harry Elsenhower. PEOPLE'S. Govi rnor, Silas c. Swallow. Lieutenant Governor, Justus Wat kins. Secretary or Internal Affairs, David Logan. Judges of Superior Court, William Trlckctt, J. Newton Huston. Congresmon-At-Large, Dennis K. Johnson, Jero N. Weller. SOCIALIST LABOR. Governor, J. Mahlon Barnes. Lieutenant Governor, W. 11. Thomas. Secretary of Internal Affairs, Ilenry Peters. Congressmen-At-Large, John R. Root, Donald L. Munro. LIBERTY. Governor, Silas C. Swallow. Lieutenant Governor, .Justus Watklns. Secretary of Internal Affairs, Adolphus P. Hutchinson. Judges of Superior Court, J. Newton Iluston, William Trlekett. Congressmen-At-Large, J. Acker Guss. Charles P. Shaw. HONEST GOVERNMENT. Governor, Silas C. Swallow. Ronresentatlve, Joseph B. Knlttle. I also hereby make known and give notice that the places of holding the aforesaid election In the several wards, boroughs, districts and townships within the county of Columbia are as follows, viz: Beaver township, at the public house of C. A. Shuman. Benton Borough, at the public house of Oscar E. Sutton, in the Borough of Benton. Benton the grist mill of Edwards Bros. Berwick N. E., at the tin slion of George A. Buckingham on east side of Pine street, be tween sixth and Seventh Streets, In the Bor ough of Berwick. Berwick s. E., at the easterly side of the pub lie building on second street, between Market and Mulberry streets, In the Borough of Ber wick. Berwick N. W., at the band room of Harry Gro/.ler on the easterly side or the alley be tween Third and Jackson streets,*ln the Bor ough or Berwick. Berwick H. W., at, the westerly side or the public building on Second street, between Mar ket and Mulberry streets, In the Borough or Berwick. Bloom, Ist Precinct, at the court House, In Bloomsburtr. Bloom, 2nd Preclnet, at onice of- W L. Deinaree, mi West Firth St., Bloomsburg. Bloom, Jiil Precinct, at the Town llall, in t Dloomsbuig. Bloom, till Precinct, at the Fubllc House or Win. Glger, In Bloomsburg. Brlarcreek township, at the Martz school house. catawlssa Borough, In the building of W. H. llliawn, at corner or Main aud Railroad Sts. in the Borough of Catawlssa. catawlssa township, in the public house of /.. Krelshcr. centralis. Ist Ward, at the public House of John J. Kaln, In Centralhi. Centralia, 2nd Ward, at the public licuse of Peter F coaler, In Centrulla. Centre township, at the public school house near Lafayette Creasy's. Cleveland township, at Keller's school house, conyngliam, E. North District, at the school house near colliery or John Anderson x. Co. Conyngliam West North, at the public house of Daniel Roach In Montana. Conyugham, Southeast, at the public house of Bridget Hurke. Couynghani, Southwest, at the public house of William Waltersheld. in Loeustaule. Conyngliam West District at Mid valley School House. E. Flshlngcreek, at the house of John Wen ner at Beiulertown. W. Flslitngcreek, at the house of A. B. Mc- Ilenryat still water. Franklin township, at the Lawrence school house. Greenwood East at the public house of Alfred Utt A Johnson, in Rohrsburg. Greenwood West, at the shop of sauiuol Mil ler, in Greenwood. Hemlock township at the public house of William .smith In the town of Butkhorn. Jackson township, at the house of 11. IL. 111 i lonian, In Jackson. Locust township at the public house of Peter E. Bean, 111 Numldla. Madison township at the public house of W. K. Crawford, In Jersey town. Main township, at the public house of Chas. A Intel tor. In M din villi*. Mlrtlln township, at the public house of Ben). Pennypaeker, In Mlflllnvllle. Mlilvllle Borough, at the public house of Harry Neyhart, In Mlilvllle. Montour township, at the public nouse of Mrs. Lloyd Kelchner, at Rupert. Mt. Pleasant township, at the election house or Robert (I. Howell Grange township, at the public house of Hiram Shaffer. In orangevllle N. Flue, at the house of William 11. L>ons, s. i i„e. at house of EUluh Shoe in ker. Ronrlngcreek township, at the house of Sam uel Lelby. Seoit East, at Odd Fellows llall, In Espy. Scott West, at the P. U. t. of A. building In Light street. North Sugarloaf, at the public hou*e of Jacob Bteen In central. south sugarloaf, at the old school house at Coles Creek. Polls shall be opened at seven o'clock a. m., and shall continue open without Interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock p. in., when the polls will be closed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That every person, excepting Justices of the Peace and Aldermen, Notaries Public and per sons In the mlliila service of the state who shall hold, or shall within two months have held any office or appointment of profit or trust under the United Mates, or of tnls state and city or corporated district, whether a commis sioned officer or otherwise a subordinate officer or agent, who Is or shall be employed under the Legislative, Executive or Judiciary Department of this State, or or any city, or of any Incorpor ated dlstrlcr, ad also, that every member of Congress and ot the Mute Legtslatuie and of the select, or common council of any city, or commissioners of any incorporated dis trict are by law Incapable of holding, or exer cising at the same tline, the office or appoint ment of Judge. Inspector or Clerk, of any elec tion of this Commonwealth, and that no In speci or, Judge or other officer of such election shall be eligible to la* then voted for. The Inspectors anu Judge of the election shall meet at the respective places appointed for holding the election In the district to which they respectively belong, before seven o'clock In the mo nlng, and eaeli of those Inspecora shall appoint one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of such dlstrlcr. 4 W. W. BLACK, Fuirivf Sheriffs office, Bloomsburg, Fa., Oct. 22, 18VS SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN 7