The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 27, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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    Hoy ml mikes the tood pi* re, !
Y.bvietiL.£ 4bd de jclous.
Absolutely Pure
Entered at the. Post Ojflve at fllnomsburg, Pa.
od second class matter, March 1, 1888.
John G. Freeze will sell at the
Court House in Bloomsburg on
Thursday, Nov. 17, a farm situated
in the town of Bloomsburg and con
taining' about one hundred and
thirty acres.
M. T. McHenry, executor will
sell on the premises in Benton, on
Friday, November 11, 1898, at two
o'clock p. m., a lot of land, contain
ing forty perches, on which is erect
ed a two-story dwelling house, barn
and other outbuildings.
Miss Bessie is visiting friends in
E M. Savidge is among the Philadelphia
visitors this week.
Isaiah Hagcnbuch left on Saturday for a
trip to Philadelphia.
J. D. Armstrong and wife went to Phila
delphia on Monday.
Hon Kussel Karns of Benton, went to
Philadelphia on Monday.
VV. B. Cummings made a business trip to
New York on Thursday.
Louis Gross and wife spent Sunday with
xelalives and friends at Danville.
Mrs. M. A. Blosser has arrived home
after spending a week with friends at Lewis
Harry Manning of Pittston, visited his
uncle, H. D. Manning on Fourth Street last
J. E. Uoys arrived home from New York
on Monday evening where he has been buy
ing new goods.
Rev D. E. Rupley of Montgomery, wis
in town on Saturday, meeting friends and
Mr. Howard Welliver, wife and daughter
Mary of Benton were the guests of Mrs. J.
D. Jones one day this week.
Geo. W. I less went to New York on Fri
fc*y. lie will also take in the Peace Jubilee
at Philadelphia before returning home.
Mrs. J. C. Rutter Jr., accompanied by her
cousin Miss Marion Wilbur are visiting in
Bethlehem and Philadelphia this week.
Miss Carrie Cohen has returned to her
borne in New York City after a pleasant and
extended visit with friends in this town. %
Miss Elizabeth Enterline, who has been
visiting relatives in town for some time past,
returned to her home at Wilkesbnrre on
Rev. J. D. Smith, pastor of the Baptist
Church, spent the greater part of last week
in Bath, N. Y., transacting business in
connection with his brother's estate.
F. H. Boynton of Baltimore, Md., spent
several days in Bloomsburg last week. lie
has been visiting this place every year for
lh,e last ten years. His visit this time was
somewhat delayed, owing to a spell of sick
ness He usually gets here about June.
The following from this town went to
Philadelphia: Mrs. P. K. Vannalta, Hon.
and Mrs Grant Herring, A. C. Hidlr.y, Mrs.
Amos Savidge, J H. Coleman, E M. 1
Savidge, Mrs. Charles Hendershott, Robt.
Buckingham, Geo. W. Sterns**, Mr. and Mrs.
.George W. Enterline, Mr. and Mrs. H. F.
Dieterick, F. P. Pursel, Mrs. Bruce Jones,
P. Z. Mensch, Oscar Lowenburg, Mrs. Dr.
J. L. Rabb and daughter, Miss Freda,
Robert Dent, Albert Dent and several others.
John S. Williams has moved from
Iron Street, to a house which he
recently purchased from the John A.
Funston. estate, on Eyer Street.
I have secured the sale of the finest
line of Confectionery in the world.
Are unsurpassed in richness and fla
vor. Always fresh, at
In quarters, halfs and pounds.
W. S. EISBTON. Pi. G.,
OjooUm F. 0 Pharmacist
"Telephone No 107K \
Democratic Candidate for Representative.
Bk' < '
& \ •
William Trenton Creasy, candidate
for the Legislature, was born 111 Cata
wissa Township forty-two years ago,
a son of Nathan and Susanna Creasy.
His ancestors were among the easiest
settlers of eastern Pennsylvania and
New Jersey, as well as of Columbia
county, some of whom had taken an
active part in the Revolutionary war.
Mr. Creasy is a graduate of the
Bloomsburg State Normal School, and
has also a German education. He
taught school at the age of sixteen,
and followed teaching in the winter
and working on the farm during the
summer for a number of years, and
since that time has devoted his atten
tion to farming and fruit growing.
He has filled the most trusted
places in the councils of organizations
formed to promote the interests of
Agriculture. Has served as School
Director and virions other positions
of trust.
He has always taken an active part
in politics, has been committeeman,
delegate to our county and State con
ventions and on several occasions act
ed as a substitute on' The State com
mittee. He served in the last two
sessions of the Legislature with faith
fulness and credit to his county, and
was one of the"two members who was
present at every meeting of this body
at these two sessions. In the session
of 1895 he received words of com
mendation from the newspapers for
the active part he took in passing the
free bridge bill, by which the State is
required to erect bridges across pub
lic streams when destroyed by fire,
water or other casualty. This bill
has already saved Columbia county
over $BO,OOO. At the session of 1897
he was the recognized leader ot the
Democratic party in the House,which
title he won by his ability, honesty,
courage and attention to business and
his courteous treatment to his fellow
members. His advice was frequently
sought on important bills by the lead
ing members of both House and Sen
ate. The records of the House show
that he opposed the infamous electric
light bill and all other monopoly and
jobbery bills. He always took a deter
mined stand in favor of the farmers'
and laboring men's interests, and was
one of the active members in stand-
Democratlc Candidate for Representative, j
t H*
Hon. William Chrisman, one of the
Democratic nominees for member of
Assembly of Columbia County, was
born in Pottsville, Pa., torty-four
years ago, and at an early age remov
ed to Montour county and soon after
to this county. He spent the early
years of his life upon the farm ; and
after the labors of the day were over,
he was to be found poring over his
books determined to secure the best
education he could. He attended
the public school during the winter
months, and began teaching at the
age of seventeen years, graduating
from the Bloomsburg State Normal
School in 1877, and afterwards taking
an extended course in the classics; and
for a number of years taught in the
Bldomsburg public schools.
Mr. Christinan studied law in
ing by the schools and their appropri
ations, and the new method of distri
bution in this State.
' He was spoken of by his friends as
a suitable candidate for Auditor Gen
eral in 1897, and also for Secretary of
Internal Affairs on the present Demo
cratic ticket but declined the honors.
The press throughout the state has
spoken very favorably in behalf of his
past services ; a few of the compli
ments are here given :
The Pittsburg Post, the leading
Democratic paper of western Pa.
said :
"The coutageous and really able
manner in which Representative
Creasy of Columbia county has stood
op against the determined Quay pow
er in the House and fought for re
trenchment and reform has rendered
him a conspicuous figure. He Jias on
more than one occasion forced a re
cognition of the minority by a ma
The Harrisburg Patriot , the lead
ing !>emocratic morning paper of cen
tral Pennsylvania says the following :
"Mr. Creasy has made one of the
most valuable of legislators. He is
honest, capable, fearless. With cour
age and conscience he has steadfastly
fought against vicious legislation and
has won many fights in the capitol
with the evil powers arrayed agamst
him. We shall be glad to have him
back here next year."
The Philadelphia Press, the leading
Republican newspaper of
nia said:
"Representative Creasy is a Dem
ocrat, and as long as Columbia county
must send Democrats to the legislature
it is not likely to find a- more honor
able and intelligent Representative.
He was a leader on his side at the last
session, and did not,like so many oth
er Democrats,yield to the temptations
which through one sort of bribery or
another destroyed the members' useful
ness. Mr. Creasy was an honor to
his party and to his county."
In offering himself for re-election
to ihe Legislature he pledges himselt
to oppose machine rule, trusts,monop
olies and jobberies of all kinds, and
will do all in his power to faithfully
serve his constituents and the best
interests of the whole State.
Bloom sburg and was admitted to the
bar of Columbia County in 1882.
In the same year, was elected Town
Treasurer, and served for three years;
School Director in 1888 and served
as treasurer of the board during said
term. In IS9O he was appointed by
the Court for District Attorney, filling
the unexpired term, elected then for
one term, serving the Commonwea'th
faithfully and declined a re-election.
He was chosen Chairman of the
Democratic County Committee in
1888, this being an acknowledgement
of the interest he had taken
in the party, and the skill and en
ergy he had shown in advocating its
policy, and has since acted in this
capacity five years.
During the last session of the Leg
islature, he pursued the same honest
course, working strenuously for the
best interests of those who elected
him. Although his party was in the
minority, his voice was always heard
in opposition to any methods that
were proposed to conflict with the
prosperity of the people. He was up
on some of the most important com
mittees in the House, thus adding to
the strength of his work. ,
Politically, Mr. Christman has al
ways been a democrat, Descending
from a long line of men famous for
their puolic works as Legislators, Min
isters, and Revolutionary heroes, who
have always been failhtully devoted to
the principles of the democratic party,
he has never faltered in his party alle
giance. Although actively engaged in
the practice of his profession, he has
always been able to find time to res
pond to thj call of his party in all the
important campaigns since 1880 and
has taken an active part.
Mr. Chrisraan is asking for the
support of the people for his second
term which has been conceded by a
Legal advertisements cn page 7.
The best way to avoid sickness is
to keep yourself healthy by taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood
This week and next this paper
will be devoted largely to politics.
After the election local and general
news will again be made the lead
ing feature.'
The Prohibitionists opened their
headquarters in the Exchange build
ing, Friday night. There was a right
good attendance. Rev. McLinn, of
the Lutheran Church, made the open
ing address.
John Barber died at his home at
Stillwater on Sunday morning, after a
protracted illness. He located at
Stillwater about thirteen years ago,
and has conducted a successful busi
ness ever since, being a member of
the firm of Barber and Smith, wagon
manufacturers. The deceased was
forty-six years of age and leaves a wife
and one daughter to mourn his death.
The Supreme Court has decided
that when a cross is marked in the
circle at the top of the column, and a
cross marked at a name in another
column, the %vhole ballot is vitiated
and will not be counted. The only
way to avoid a mistake is to mark a
cross in the circle and vote the
straight ticket. Democrats who do
not want to lose their votes should
make a note of this.
Boyd Shaffer, a member of the
United States Volunteer Engineet
Corps, arrived home on a twenty day
sick furlough, Tuesday night. At the
expiration of the twenty days he will
make a request to remain at home
forty days longer, a piiviiege allowed
all soldiers from the front. He was
taken sick at Ponce, Porto Rico, and
sent to the Hospital at New York,
and came from there home. During
nis time at the hospital in New York
he had the honor of meeting Miss
Helen Gould. He speaks in the
highest terms of her, and says her
kind treatment to the soldiers will
never be forgotten.
With this week's issue of THE
COLUMBIAN we print 8,000 copies,
which will be sent out through this
county. Our desire is to reach ev
ery voter, and if we fail it will be
because our lists are imperfect. If
any one should receive two copies,
he is requested to hand the extra
one to a neighbor who received
none. Don't be afraid to take the
paper home and read it. It will
cost you nothing. If you are
pleased with it, send us your name
and address on a postal card, and
the paper will be sent to you one
month free.
Demoeratic Meetings.
Democratic meetings will be held
at the following times and places.
Able speakers will be presept to dis
cuss the issues of the campaign.
Thursday, Oct. 27 —Mifflin X
roads, Stillwater and Five Points.
Friday, Oct. 28 —Swamp School
House, and Mifflinville.
Time and places for other meet
ings until the close of the campaign
will be announced later.
long established custom in Columbia
When it is considered that he is in
line for honest government and clean
politics, the Democrats should rally
round their nominee and give him a
rousing majority.
Governor Hastings' proclamation,
naming today (Thursday) as a special
day for thanksgiving and prayer, can
be found elsewhere in this issue. '
\ Doctor
\ Knows)
/ Your doctor knows all about \
\ foods and medicines. f
f The next time you see him, \
J just ask him what he thinks r
<lcon's Emulsions
C of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- J
1 % phosphites. We are willing X
\ to trust in his answer. i
/ For twenty-five years doc- N
j tors have prescribed our /
/ Emulsion for paleness, weak- \
J ness, nervouß exhaustion, and /
J for all disoases that oause \
\ loss in flesh. I
/ Its creamy color and its \
j pleasant taste make it es- /
/ pecially useful for thin and V
A delicate children. /
f No other preparation of cod- A
\ liver oil is like it. Don't lose I
/ time and risk your health by \
) taking something unknown /
/ and untried. Keep in mind V
I has stood the test for a J
\ quarter of a century. '%
€ 50c. and ti.oo; all druggists. \
\ SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. /
In Full Swing
The tide of Fall business is now at its flood, at our establish
meet, and we are grandly prepared for it. Every department
stocked with the choicest and best of the world's merchandise,
presenting a completeness and variety never before approached
by us. Our prices are also equally important factors in produc
ing this activity, because they are THE LOWEST that can pos
sibly be quoted for goods of equal quality and merit, and forcibly
illustrate our well known policy—NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD
Dress Goods.
You will find this stock very com
plete, with all of the season's leading
Vicuna Suitings, 50c. a yard.
52 inch all woo! Cheviots, 50c. yd.
52 inch all wool Venetian, Si.oo a
38-nch all wool Serge, 35c. a yard.
Dress Trimmings
This stock offers all of the latest
effects in trimmings.
Dress Linings.
Our Lining Department is com
plete, with the leading linings of the
Fur Collarettes.
A large line in leading Furs of the
season, from $1.90 upwards.
Blankets and
If you have a Blanket want we can
snpply you from the 33c. cotton ones
up to $lO.OO for the fine, fleecy wool
ones. See our $2.00 Comfortable,
all white cotton and stlkolene outside.
There are hundreds of ladies each Fall look
ing for a nice and good Jacket. Some fjr style,
others for warmth.
We have both kinds for you, your daughter,
or your child.
In Fur Capes, we have a good line.
In Plush Capes, our lines are nicely trimmed.
In Cloth Capes, we have a good quality.
The Tackets are in many colors, and are in Rough Beaver Cloth, or in
Plain and Smooth Cloth, at prices to please. In
Our assortment was never more than half the stock we show now, either
in single patterns, or by the yard, from to $1.75 per yard.
The Ladies' Dress Skirts are in Black, Grey, Brown, Blue, Green,
and well made—full width.
Standard Designer, for November, 10c. November sheets free. Pat
terns, all sizes.
How fast we are selling our
New Stock of Fall and Winter Goods.
Pretty Styles and Low Prices does it.
Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, from $5.00 up.
Ladies' Coats, Capes, Separate Skirts. Coats for misses and
children. In this line our stock is large. Prices low.
Ladies' Fur Collarettes, from $2.00 up.
Our sales in Shoes increases daily. Ladies' Fine Shoes, from
79c. up. Gents' Fine Shoes, from 98c. up. Good Calicoes, 3c.
Good Muslin, Our stock of Underwear is complete. We
handle the celebrated Leather brand Stockings for ladies, ipisses
and boys. Corsets, for 24c. up.
Our Grocery Department is improving daily—adding new
goods at better prices. Our whole stock is complete and "prices
always right. It will pay you to see our goods before you buy.
Blcomsburg Store Co., Limited.
Corner Main and Centre Sts. ALFRED McHENRY, M'G'K,
Do Not Forget.
That the next Governor will be a
member of the State Capitol Building
Commission, known as the Board of
Public Grounds and Buildings, and
that it is of the greatest importance to
tax payers that no $20,000,000 steal
like the one in Philadelphia is carried
through. There should be a minority
member on this Board—vote tor at
least one honest member—vote for
George A. Jenks.
While at work painting Hon. A.
L. Fritz's house on East Street, on
Thursday, Daniel Breece had one of
hts legs severely bruised by being hit
by a falling ladder.
WHKKK fur "The story ot the Philippines"
by Mural llulstrail, commissioned by iln: Unv
ernment as official Iltscurlan to the War Depart
incut. Tlio book was written tn army camps at
San Francisco, on t he Pacific wit 11 General Met -
the hospitals at Honolulu,tn linn# Km g,
in tins American trenches at Manila, In the In
surgent camps with AgulnaUo, on the deck of
the oiynula with Dewey, and the roar ot hatllo
at the lall of Manila. Houau/.a for agents. Brim
full of original pictures taken by government
photographers on the spot. Largo book. Low
prices. Big profits. Frelgnt paid Credit given.
Drop all trashy unofficial war books, outilt
free. Address, F. T. Barber, Sec'y., star Insur
ance Bldg., Chicago. to-g.'-ltt.
Coats and Capes.
Come and see our line of thest
goods. See the goods, note the price
and styles.
Kersey Coat, satin lined, at $5.68
Fine Kersey Coat, heavy satin
lined, at $9 50.
Ladies' Vests and Pants, 25c.
Children's Vests and Pants, 25c.
Children's Combination Suits, 5 tip
Ladies' Combination Suits, 50c up.
Ladies' Ribbed Wool Vests and
Pants, 75c.
Small Wares, &c.
Sterling Silver Turtles, 25c.
Sterling Silver Paper Cutters, 15c.
Kid Curlers, sc. pack.
Curling Irons, sc.
All Linen Handkerchiefs, sc.
Ladies' Pocketbooks, 25c.
Cotton's Handkerchief Extracts,
Chamois Skins, 25c.
Bath Sponges, 10 and 15c.
Florida Water, 25c. a bottle.
Buttermiln Soap, 18c. a box.
A large and beautiful line of lamps
at Mercer'.. Drug and Jiook Store.
A fine line of new styles in wed
ding invitations just received at TH*
COLUMBIAN office. tf.
Parlor lamps, banquet lamps, hall
lamps, in fact, all kinds of the cele
brated Miller lamps at Jas. H.Mercer's.
Rooms on 3rd. floor, COLUMBIA*
building. Steam heat, gas or elec'ric
light, water. Apply to
Mercer has the largest line of Hymn
Books ever shown in Bloohisburg.
Mercer's line of Bibles and Hymn
Books is complete Call in and
inspect his stock. Opposite Episcopal
HOOD'S PILLS euro Liver Ills, M*
| lousness, Indigestion, Headache.
I Easy to take, easy to operats. lis