6 Sp Surgeon. Istherc anything I can do to relieve you,my man < Rpugh Iftder. — Give mc a chew of Battle Ax quick I IWf > Wj X The qualities that have brought the "Rough X V Riders" their envied position—courage—dash V§ J —perseverance and determined purpose have J W been used in making * | gaji% i | PLUG | 9 the best known and largest selling chewing tobac- 9 X co in the world. Every intrenchment of prejudice * 9 (against low price) and tradition (against large 9 piece) has been successfully stormed and carried Z X by Battle Ax. High value at low cost. X I Pemember the name § S ■ v when you buy again, s " If at first you don't succeed," try SAPOLIO A l'ortect Hmtms, \ A woman may possess wealth un told, she may have the kindest of hearts and the brightest of minds, but jntess she has absolute control of her feelings there will be some time |n aer career as hostess that she will A play annoyance or flurry, and the etM •igloo spreading to her guests, \vW •ause an otherwise successful enter alnment to die out in undisguised fail re. A model hostess must to all ap pearances be made all of good"humor JO far as disagreeable happenings are Hjnccrned. Even though a guest or jandess waiter inadvertently breaks k bit of china which can never (>e re placed, she must smile on as though the loss of the entire set would but emphasize the pleasure of the evening. Her well bred calm Inspires her guests with a feeling of confldence, and though In her heart she may be very iuftlous about certain Important de tails of her dinner or dance, if she loes not show her anxiety everything will pass off to a happy conclusion. A lurried hostess or nervous host, whose touutenances but sadly conceal the worry they feel, can do more toward naktug the guest uncomfortable than if the soup were serv\l stone cold and the salad dressing wdre ruined by a too bountiful quantity of vinegar. An Imperturbable calm and a ready tact *re the two important factors in the making of a model hostess. Secure these and you need never fear for the lueeess of any of your entertainments. —riiilndelphia Ledger. How to Make Your Canary Happy, A lady of our acqualnrance, suspect lug her canary might have lice, took it. In the early evening, after it had fone to roost, and sprinkled It well with the Insect powder usually sold at bird stores. She then covered the top t the cage with a towel. In the course of the evening she picked one hundred and fifteen Uee from the towel. She made that bird happy by killing one hundred and fifteen lice that were living upon it. We have found by experience that nothing adds more to the hapi.ncss of our canaries than to buy little ten cent mirrors •nd bang them on their cages in such a position that neither the sun nor Ught shall dazzle the birds. They ap parently take as much pleasure In looking at their pretty selves as any young lady or gentleman who reads this article.—Dumb Animals. For nottloa When Travolliig. Rottles of medlelnp, hair wnsh or •tent are troublesome things to pack, >nd there Is always the danger, on ar- riving at one's destination, of finding that a treacherous cork has come out even if the bottle remains uncracked), mil the contents run out, to the sad .ictrimeiit of the garments, etc., in the trunk. A cylindrical tin can always be ob tained, nr.d in most houses there is a store of the thick fluted paper which chemists use when their bottles have to be made up in packages. Cut the bottle paper to fit the inside :>f the tin, with a disc of the same for ti'e bottom; fasten It In with glue or cum, ami you soon have a safe recep tacle for your bottles and pots. Don't Carry CHUVHO 11 iturlkrrclilefn. The fresh, dainty-looking girl or wo man suggests delicate lingerie, and a discrepancy between outward fineness of raiment and underneath coarseness of texture gives the discoverer a dis tinct shook. This includes the matter of handkerchiefs as well as lingerie. Carrying u coarse quality embroidered handkerchief is a vulgarity no refined woman should be guilty of. If ex pense is an object the plainest possi ble bit of linen Should by selected. Few things disgust a refined hostess' as much as the common handkerchiefs occasionally found in drawing rooms after a crush of the well-dressed. The glove, the shoe, the lingerie and the handkerchief are unerring Indicators as to the possession of elegance or the tack of It. Womn ■■ Rottwny Guards. Russia Is not generally looked upon as a progressive country, but, so far •s women are concerned, they certain ly do keep abreast, If not a little ahead, of the times. The latest step forward taken by Hussion women is to become railway guard a With the female porter or signal woman France hns already made us acquainted, and a very quaint figure she cuts. The new field of labor upon which more or loss fair Russian has entered seems a little odd at the first glance, but a mo ment's consideration will show It to be a not Inappropriate calling after all, since the duties of the female guard are confined to attendance upon the compartments reserved for ladles. Creaiufld for ltreakfut. A nice breakfast dish Is creamed eggs. Line the bottom of a hot dish with slices of fresh toast, fiiice the whites of a dozen hard-boiled eggs over this. Wtb the yolks tllruugh a sieve and put over the whites. Wake n cream sauce as follows: Boil one plut of rich milk; take a heaping spoonful of flour and rub to a cream with a tablespoonful of butter and add to the milk. Season with pepper and snlt, ar.,l lot boil up once. Pour over the tuust and serve hot. Do not intersperse your conversation with foreign words and high sounding terms. It shows affectation and will draw ridicule upon you. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG. PA. DISCLAIMED THE STAGE. Bernhardt Say. She Wa. Horn To Be a Fainter and Nothing EDo. It seems to be given to few mortals to succeed In the line of life which they most love. Even the greatest act ress of her time, Bernhardt, named of the public the divine, says: '-I have never -thought that I was born to be an actress. I was born to be a [winter and nothing else. Of all things in this world I love painting best. Circum stances made an actress of me; first, a very poor actress, for all the critics could not have been mistaken, and there was not one who did not join in ray condemnation. Then I mink into comparative obscurity, but I worked. What was before me I did not like, but I would not consent to being a failure." The real genius is the one who is strong to conquer environment, and so. because the little, thin, red haired girl made up her young mind to do tile best she could with a profession not wholly congenial, Mme. Bernhardt is such a Camille, a Theodora, Fedora, Cleopatra, Adrienne, Izeyl, Donna Sol, Marie de Neuberg and Lorenzeccio as the world never saw before. The story of Bernhardt is familiar—how she trembled before the tribunal of the Comedie Francalse, and afterward be came tts chief glory and la grande tragedienne. Her eccentricities, her violent outbursts of temper, her brus querie and her fine diplomatic feeling, MME. BERNHARDT, her moral peccadillos, her artistic achievements and -her extravagances, have been the talk of the civilized world. She is upward of 50 and a grandmother, but age has not even lined her face. It has been said that great as Bernhardt is, she has only two notes—a feline caressingness. which may pass for love, and a tiger ish passion, which does duty for ha tred or revenge. For all that, no one disputes her place ns the first of liv ing actresses. Millions of dollars she has earned, yet she has not grown rich, and probably all she owns In the world is a summer home on the rock bound coast of her beloved Brittany. SHE WROTE THE PRESIDENT. Wanted Her Papa Who Had Killed the Spanish Men, To Come Home. Marguerite, when she learned that her father was at Camp Wlkoff and that she could not see him, wrote a letter to Fresident Mc-Kinley. This letter was written and mailed without the knowledge of any member of her family. She says that It was her let ter which brought her father home. The letter reads: "Mr. President: Please send ray papa home. I have not seen him since lie wenif with Uncle Sam to kill the Span ish men. lie has done what you want ed and I am crying for him to cotne home. I love him nnd will send you a kiss for sending hint to me ana mamma. Tour friend, "MARGUERITE WEED." "153 Madison ave.. New York City." A Responsive Hesrer. Guests had arrived unexpectedly at the country pnrsonage on Suuday morning. The weekly supply of but ter had run short, so the hospitable host dispatched old Joe, the colored man, to his neighbor, Mr. Paul, whose dairy always boasted a surplus. The parson proceeded to the church with his well-prepared sermon on some of the best sayings of the great apostle, and was well under way with it when old Joe, returning empty-handed, con cluded he would quietly slip In and hear his master preach. Just as he entered, the preacher stretched forth his hand In a most impressive inter rogation of voice and manner, and called out: "And what did Paul say?" Distinctly sounded through the church old Joe's reply: "He say, Ma rater, he ain't goin' to let you have no more butter till yon pay for dat last you got" "This is the fourth time you have asked me to marry you," said Mlas Cayenne, rather impatiently. "How often do you wish m& to refuse you?" "Well," replied Willie Wishlngton. "I think three times quite sufficient" BRIDAL AND BRIDESMAIDS' GOWNS The Attendant. Dre.sed In Fair., Kaol Couple In a Different Color. (By special arrangement with the N.T. Bun.l Materials for bridal toilets, brides maids' gotvus, and wedding reception costumes were never before so rlel) and varied as tliey are to-day. Ivorj satin ducliesse is still the fuvorite ma terial for bridal goWns, though a rich heavy, white gros grain silk, such as our grandmothers took their marriage vows in, is bidding for favor. White satin Is exceedingly unbecoming to a plain woman and not at nil suited to n very young bride unless draped with lace chiffon or tulle. Gros de Londres is an old weave returned undfer a new name and is being utilized to some ex tent, and so are heavy corded silks in rep and bayadere effect. Bridesmaids' dresses change so con stantly in fashion that it can rarely lie said that any one style is the thing. Usually bridesmaids' gowns depend upon tfhc Individual taste of the bride, who decides this question. Just now it is the proper thing to have th bridesmaids dresiwd in pairs, each couple being In a different color. Gros grain silk, which is softer and wears better than taffeta, has to a large ex tent supersedod this material, and of course the delicate shades are the ones usually selected. At noon and after noon weddings, the attendants do not wear decollete gowns, though they not Infrequently appear in transparent yoke and sleeves. Big picture hats or poke bonnets covered with feathers or flowers or short veils of tulle or lace are worn as a headdrgss. Black silk gowns will be mofe worn than they have been since the time when the black silk gown was consid ered the swellcst of ail. This calls foi a return of Jet, which promises to 1h nlso much asod on gowns other than black silk. As a matter of fact trim mings for reception gowns and othei "lahoratc toilets are n match for fash ionable materials when it comes t< mngnlficence. Garnitures, in blouse effects, handsomely spaugled or em broldcred with dazzling Jewels an employed on both day and evening gowns, and the bands of trimming tt match are so exquisitely wrought thai they cost almost as much as if worked with precious stones. Tailor-made gowns will be rendered less severe by means of braid and cloth applique trimmings and Rome very handsome garnitures made en tirely of mohair or silk braid are as signed to cover capes of cloth, silk oi velvet. Black chenille, with Jet, ot with black or colored spangles, is quite effective on dressy black gownß of a wool and silk mixture, and perhaps no color is more generally Introduced Into trimmings of ail sorts for gowns of every style than national blue, which, strange to say, tn most coses has a de cidedly purple cast about It V _ "A. PERFECT FOOD—as Wholesome as It la Delicious." 0 WALTER BAKER & CO.'S 0 1 COCOA? #X B i 3w\ " H itood the test of more than 100 year.' use among all OIM Slm 'A clae, and for purity and honest worth i unequalled." Y/ X Fftn! m Costs less than ONE CENT a Cup. .X, ORu If [' J Trade-Mark on Every Packarp. V WALTER BAKER & co. LTD., A X THADC-MARK. Established I 780. DORCHESTER, MASS. fo ALEXANDER BROTHERS & CO. DEALERS IN Cigars, Tobacco, Candies, Fruits and Nuts SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Mail lard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. GOODS SPDCIADTT, SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco Sole agent,b for the following trandß of Cigars- Henry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Aeb Bloomsburg Pa. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, HATTING, or OIL, CLOTH, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. H. BKOWEB'S 2nd Door above Court House. A large lot of Window Curtains in stock. WASHINGTON. Prom our Regular Correspondent. WASHINGTON, Oct. 10, 189 S. The covert threat to re-open the war by sending a strong fleet to the coast of Spam, sent out from Wash ington last week, was ostensibly in tended to scare - the Spanish Govern ment into directing the Peace Com missioners, at Paris, to speedily ac cept the propositions made by the American Peace Commissioners, but its real object is to try to make votes for Republican candidates for Con gress by stirring up the war spirit among the people, and asking them to stand by the administration, be cause the war isn't over. It is a queer sort of voter that this sort of thing will influence. That the Span ish Peace Commissioners will quibble and delay as long as possible is the natural thing to expect from Span iards, but every fairly-well informed person knows that Spain is just as much bound to accept the terms of peace imposed by this Government as Greece was bound to accept the terms imposed by Turkey last year. The war with Spain will not be re opened, and it there is any bluster in that direction, it will be solely for po litical effect. " * * War Department officials are un duly elated because the testimony of Gens. Joseph Wheeler, H. V. Boyn ton, and Fitz Lee, taken by Mr. Mc- Kinley's Commission, this week, has been of the not proven order. That is to say, neither of the Generals named were personally cognizant of any mismanagement or neglect. It is beginning to be pretty well under stood in Washington that the work of the Commission.is to be so managed that no damaging testimony is to be taken until after the Congressional elections, unless it shall be given by some witness who gets marked " all right" by mistake. * • * Representative Dockery, of Mis souri, who has been making speeches in more than thirty counties, outside of his own Congressional district, was in Washington long enough this week to say that Missouri would give one of her old-time Democratic majori ties next month, and that the Legis lature to be elected would certainly re elect Senator Cockrell. * * -In a long reply to questions asked him concerning his branch of the War Department, by Mr. McKmley's Commission, Adjutant General Cor bin attempts, by implication, to throw all the blame upon Admiral Sampson for the troubles the army had in con nection with the movement against Santiago. He doesn't, of course, charge that Simpson was responsible for Shafter's making the movement before arrangements for the welfare of his men was completed, but his reproduction of the following dts- OASTORXAT. Bean the _y? Tha Kind You Have Always Baugfrt ! patches from Sampson, dated July 7, implies jusi iliiu. I'iie first dispatch reads : "If ten thousand men were here the City of Santiago would be ours in 48 hours," and the second: " Only await arrival of troops to re duce Santiago." By the same sort of implication Sampson is made to ap pear responsible for the cooping up of our troops on the transports dur ing the week they were delayed in Florida waters by reports of danger Irom a spook Spanish fleet. Whether correct or not, the impression is now growing that Gen. Corbin in writing his answers tried to make Sampson the scapegoat for all the mistakes made in the Santiago campaign, tak ing it for granted that Sampson's un popularity would make the public take kindly to the scheme. It may stir up enmity between the War and the Navy Department that may lead to uncovering some things which were thought to be safely buried. The public does not need to be in formed that Sampson is a pet of the Navy Department. * * Aguinaldo's man, Agoncillo, who has just left Washington, is as good at concealing his disappointment as a professional gambler. Although he received from the administration neither promise nor recognition, he is out with a published statement de claring himself pleased with what he has accomplished in Washington, and announcing his intention to go to Paris to lay the claims of the insur gents before the Peace Commission, and his belief that the independence of the Philippines is assured. If he doesn't succeed in getting more at tention paid to Aguinaldo's claims in Paris than they have received in Washington, he is wasting his own time and somebody's money by go ing over there, and there isn't the slightest probability that he will. The American Commission will have their orders from Washington long before he gets there. * * * Another very decided difference of opinion between the War Department and General Miles, commander of the army, has become known. Sec retary Alger has repeatedly said that the volunteers who have not been or dered mustered out would be kept in i service to do garrison duty in Cuba, i Porto Rico and the Philippines for an indefinite period. Senator Berry, of Arkansas, who has been trying to get some Arkansas volunteers mustered 1 out, was also told that by Alger. 1 Senator Berry then went to see Gen -1 eral Miles, and was told by him that Jit was not intended that volunteers j should do garrison duty to any ex j tent, and that was absolutely cer tain that all of the volunteers would, be mustered out shortly after the treaty of peace was signed. Hoax—"l noticed you were shrewd enough to refuse Col. Buncombe's cigars. Been there before, eh?" Joax —"Oh, yes ; I kn'ow the ropes." OASTORIA. „ 1 Bean the The Kind You fa Always Bo#