The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 29, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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    Royal owkes the food pure,
9 aiid dt.iclou*.
Absolutely Pure
Kntered at the Poet Office at Bloomsburg, Pa,
as second class matter, March I,IBSB.
A little more than a month ago
we had occasion to communicate
with many of our subscribers, and
did so by mail, rather than to put a
notice in the paper. This cost con
siderable for postage. Not one in
ten has responded. Those who so
kindly and promptly replied have
our thanks. The many who have
not replied will hear irom us again.
About People TOU Know.
Mrs. W. R. Iless, of Picture Rocks, vis
ited in town the past few days.
Frank E. I.utz left town on Monday to re
sume his studies at ilaverford College.
H. G John and wife of Mt. Carrnel, visit
ed friends in town a couple days last week.
Dr. D If. Montgomery, of MifHinville,
made this office a pleasant tall Tuesday after
Miss Mary Knapp left on Monday for
Beaver Vallev, where she will teach school
the coming winter.
R. B. Edgar, Espy's enterprising watch
maker and jeweler, paid this ollicc a pleas
ant visit on Wednesday.
Obediah Rocum, of Elysburg, an old sub
scriber of the COLUMBIAN, called in to see
us while attending Court on Mondhy.
Miss Clara Enterline and Mrs. E. A.
Ennis, of Wilkesbnrre, came dowm on Sat
urday and spent a few days with Mrs- G. W.
John T. Drehcr, a former Bloomsburg
lesident, now located at Blcomington, N. J.
is visiting in town. He is accompanied by
his daughter.
Prof. Brooks and son John, have been en
raged by a Lewisburg firm to furnish music
tor them in the exhibition building at the
l.ewisburg fair this week.
Mrs. Florence Cool of Philadelphia, is vis
iting her uncle, George Herring on East
Street. She was formerly a Miss Hess. Her
parents reside at Shenandoah.
S. J. Peajer, who has been engaged sur
veying in West Virginia lor some time past,
stopped off in town a short time on Saturday
afternoon while on his way home to Asbury.
Rev. I. M. Patterson, a former pastor of
the Bloomsburg Presbyterian church, has
accepted an unanimous call from the Wal
nut Avenue Presbyterian church of Trenton,
N. J. His installation will take place on
October 16th. Mr. Patterson is a good con
scientious man, an able preacher of the Gos
pel and we wish him continued success in
bis new field of labor.
The Columbia County Teacher's
Institute will begin November 28th.
Football Saturday afternoon, at
3.30. Dickinson College vs. Normal
School. Normal Athletic Field.
A new crossing of vetrified brick has
been put down at the alley on the
west side of the Court House.
The regular monthly meeting of
the School Board will be held in the
High School building tomorrow even
James Chamberlin's barn at Pine
Summit, together with its contents
was entirely destroyed by fire on Fri
day morning of last week.
have secured the sale of the finest
line of Confectionery in the world.
''\>A re unsurpassed in richness and fla
vor. Always fresh, at
In quarters, halfs and pounds.
Orrraita P. 0 Pharmacist
■Telcplio_e -so. IKM
Legal advertisements on page 7.
The best medicine you can take is
that which builds a solid foundation
for health in pure, rich blood-Hood's
William B. Cummiiigs has re
ceived the Prohibition nomination
for Senator from this, the twenty
fourth district.
A. N. Yost's new house, corner
of Fourth and Jefferson streets, is
nearing completion. It will be a
handsome and commodious home.
S3OOO to loan 011 first mortgage,
in amounts from S2OO upwards.
For particulars inquire of
See the swell business suits which
we are selling at from $4.89 to $lO.
See the handsome black clay worst
ed at $6.50 toslß.oo. Louis Gross,
Frank S. Brittain fell dead, while
walking on the street at Berwick,
Monday evening. He has lived in
Berwick for a long time and leaves a
wife and four children.
John G. Harman has broken ground
for a dwelling on Third street, be
tween Market and Centre. B. W.
Jury is the contractor. The building
will be constructed of brick.
The Knights Templar Triennial
Conclave will be held at Pittsburg
October Bth to 13th. Members of
the order who expect to go, can find
| a beautifiul line of sample cards at
; this office.
Louis Gross just returned from
New York, Pliila. and Rochester.
He has bought the newest and most
beautiful fall goods, bought by the
power of spot cash from the leading
manufacturers of the country.
The Christian Endeavor Society
of the Lutheran Church will have
a lunch supper at the home of Miss
Annie Snyder, 425 East street,
Friday evening, front five to ten
o'clock. Price of supper, iscts.
W. W. Black, Sheriff on Satur
day sold the Farmers Produce Ex
change, 011 Market street to George
M. Tustin, for S2OOO, and the Z. T.
Fowler property at Willow Springs
to S. J. Conner, of Orangeville, for
We call the attention of our read
ers to the new advertisement of the
Bloomsburg Store Company, to be
found in this issue. This is one of
the largest and most complete mer
chandising establishments in this
The Musical College, at Freeburg,
Snyder county, Pa, is now in session,
and will continue without vacation
until the holidays, giving young peo
ple an opportunity of attending a
term of six weeks or more at a trifling
expense, and can be admitted at any
time. For catalogues and informa
tion address Henry B. Mover. (9-15-4!
The following letters are held at
the Bloomsburg, Pa., postoffice, and
will be sent to the dead letter office
Oct. 11, 1898 : Miss Delia May Hol
dren, Mr. Howard Lyons, Mr. Thos.
Mcßride, Mrs. Maggie Smith.
Persons calling for the above
'letters will please say that they were
advertised Sept. 27, 1898.
O. B. Mellick, P. M.
The remains of Miss Rebecca
Armstrong, who died in Towanda
last Friday, were brought here on
Saturday. The funeral took place
011 Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock,
conducted by Rev Dr. Heming
way. The deceased was a sister of
Mrs. Judge Ikeler, Mrs. J.J. Hagen
bucli, Mrs. Stees, and Amelia Arm
strong. She died at the residence
of E- W. El well, where she had
made her home for some years past.
C. W. Funston, administrator c.
t a. of John A. Funston, will sell 011
the premises, corner of Market and
Fifth Streets, Saturday, Oct. Ist, at
one o'clock p. m., a lot of personal
property, consisting of 1 parlor suit
of furniture, 2 walnut bedroom sets,
chairs, walnut side board, extension
table, 2 large mirrors, 11 and 7 feet
high respectively; Gaehle piano,
a set of fine white Haviland China
dishes, feather pillows and bolsters,
spring mattresses, stove, lounge,
couch, carpets, dishes, kitchen uten
sils, tinware, buckets and numer
ous other articles.
In its Advanced and chronic form
a cold in the head is known as Nasal
Catarrh and is the recognized source
of other diseases. Having stood the
test of continued successful use, Ely's
Balm is recognized as a specific for
membranal diseases in the nasal pas
sages, and you make a great mistake
in not resorting to this treatment in
your own case. To test it a trial size
for 10 cents or the large for 50 cents
is mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren
Street, New York. Druggists keep it.
Mercer has the largest line of Hymn
Books ever shown in Bloomsburg.
Mats Mealing at Benton and Bloomtburg.
A Democratic Mass Meeting will
be held at Benton on Saturday,
October Stli at 2 o'clock in the af
ternoon. Hon. James A. Stranahan
of Harrisburg and Congressman
Joseph Sibley will be present and
address the meeting.
A special train will be run on the
B. & S. leaving here at one o'clock.
In the evening ot the same day a
meeting will be held at Blooms
burg, and will be addressed by the
same speakers. A vigorous cam
paign is to be carried on, and Col
umbia county will be expected to
give an old time Democratic major
ity for the whole ticket.
Eepubhcan Senatorial Conference.
After meeting at Danville on
Sept. 20, and taking the ballots,
and adjourning to Williamsport on
Friday. Sept. 23, and having five
more ballots without naming a can
didate, the Republican conferees of
24th Senatorial District, met at the
Exchange Hotel on Mondav at one
o'clock, and proceeded to ballot for
the candidates previously named,
who were VV. F. Spencer, and H.
N. Culver, of Williamsport, and W.
K. Holloway, of Danville. After
ten unsuccessful ballots, an adjourn
ment was taken until 3 o'clock,
when they met again and nominated
H. N. Culver on the sixteenth bal
lot. Every county was fully repre
sented. The conferees were Mac
Mitchell, Frank Beck and H. L.
Emmons of Lycoming; W. T. Ran
dall, Walter Buck and E. N. Ing-,
ham of Sullivan, J. C. Patterson,
C. L. Schocli and W. L. Gougher
of Montour, and Isaiah Hagenbuch,
W. M. Monroe and Nehemiah
Kitchen of Columbia.
Fifty years ago next Saturday, I.
W. Hartman and his brother Henry
began the mercantile business in
the Arcade, a frame building that
stood on the corner of Main and
Center streets, where Lockard's
building now stands. Henry died
some years ago, but I. W- has been
continuously in the business ever
since, and is now the head of the
firm of I. W. Hartman & Son.
Married by Judge Herring-
Frank Fairman, of Mt. Pleasant
township and Miss.RosettaE. Grlde
well, of Sullivan county were unit
ed in marriage by Judge Herring in
Prothonotary's office Tuesday even
ing. After securing a license from
Prothonotary Henry, the young
man said he would like to have the
ceremony performed at once. Judge
Herring was passing by the door
and he was called and said the words
that makes two hearts beat as one.
The happy groom handed the Judge
a five spot, but he immediately pre
sented it to the bride, with congrat
ulations. The unque occurrence was
witnessed by quite a number of
Robert R. Littlo Nominated.
After repeated meetings of the Judi
cial Conference, a result was reached
on Monday night at 8 o'clock by the
unanimous nomination of Robert R.
Little Esq., Judge Herring withdraw
ing, and permitting his conferrees to
vote for Mr. Little. The ticket is
now complete.
home of the bride's parents, in Madi
son township, on Sept. 22d, 1898,
Mr. Joseph Corell, of Hemlock Twp.,
and Miss Ida Wnitenight were united
in marriage by Rev. Jos. W. Bell.
1 Worn Out?II
m < >
<t> V I
2 Do you come to the close of \ j
$ theday thoroughly exhausted? < j
$ Does this continue day after IS
5 day, possibly week after week? J
jj> Perhaps you art even too ex- j >
hausted to sleep. Then some- < \
$ thing is wrong. All these J J
things indicate that you are jj
suffering from nervous ex
fhaustion. Your nerves need | (
feeding and your blood en- ' >
| riching.
I Scott's Emulsion ||
$ of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo- ' !
£ phosphites of Lime and Soda, | J
£ contains just the remedies to ; J
a meet these wants. The cod- ! >
jg liver oil gives the needed J J
<{> strength, enriches the blood, ; >
a feeds the nerves, and the hy- 1 >
$ pophosphites give them tone | \
iand vigor. Be sure you get j j
SCOTT'S Emulsion.
I i
All druggilti; 50c. and v j [
SCOTT a BOWNR, Chamta*, New Yorl a*
Just received, a handsome line of
fine chinaware at L. h,. Wharey's,
Main street, below Market. *
Families supplied with fresh oysters
by H. O. Christian, Market Square.
Stop in and examine Jas. H. Mer
cer's line of beautifully decorated
Parlor and Banquet lamps.
Nice fresh oysters by the pint,
quart or gallon at H. O. Christian's.
Jammed full is the best way to ex
press the appearance of L. E. Whary's
China Bazaar. We will not at
tempt to describe the beauty of their
stock of fine china, cut glass and
porcelain. You will have to pay the
store a personal visit.
H. O. Christian can supply you with
large fresh oysters. Also fruits, nuts,
See our stylish hats at the Star
Clothing house.
Bohemian and cut glass novelties in
endless varieties at L. E. Whary's.
Do not overlook the fact that the
fall line of overcoats for men and boys
are all new. No old goods carried
over, but up to date goods at .Town
send's Star Clothing Store.
If you are looking for chinaware,
and can't be satisfied at L. E.Whary's,
you will be very hard to please.
The spirits move some men fre
quently. We trust they will move
you into our store to see the splen
did fall offering of up to date suits,
overcoats, hats, &c. Louis Gross,
It will pay you to visit the Blooms
burg Store Company's Cloak Depart
ment before making your fall pur
Do you want to buy a boy's cloth
ing bargain? Then come to our
store. Suits, ages 3 to 15, 79c, 98c,
$1.55 and $1.47.
A large and beautiful line of lamps
at Mercer's Drug and Book Store.
The newest and latest styles in
Clothing just received at Townsend's
Star Clothing House.
Parlor lamps, banquet lamps, hall
lamps, in fact, all kinds of the cele
brated Miller lamps at Jas. H.Mercer's.
We are selling an absolutely
guaranteed pure wool, fast color,
Kersey overcoat. We question if
you can find a coat of equal value
with this for less than $t 1.00. Our
price, sß.sa Louis Gross, clothier.
All the latest conceits .in ladies'
tailor made suits, by the best French,
Swiss, and American makers at the
Bloomsburg Store Company, Alfred
McHenry, manager.
A fashionable suit this fall will
be a double breasted, real worsted,
silk faced to button holes at $9.75.
Louis Gross, clothier.
Agency for Eagle and Columbia
Graphophones at Hess Bros. Prices
from $lO up.
If you want a suit or overcoat for
yourself or boy, go where the good
clothes come from, the store that un
dersells them all. The D. Lowen
berg clothing store.
Columbia Graphophone records for
sale at Hess Bros.
Don't forget that men's and boy's
shoe department at the D. Lowen
berg clothing store. It's a good place
save money on shoes.
Mercer's line of Bibles and Hymn
Books is complete. Call in and
inspect his stock. Opposite Episcopal
No one ever saw such a large stock
of clothing in Bloomsburg as they
now have at the D. Lowenberg cloth
ing store.
We are selling men's pants from
69c. and upwards. Men's suits,
$3.49 and upwards. Men's over
coats, $2.95 and tipwards. Men's
overalls, 35c. and upwards.
Turkeys and Chickens Wanted-
The Reformed Church wants
Turkeys and Chickens for the din
ner at tlie Fair. Apply to W. D.
Moyer, 338 West street. Blooms
burg. _____ 9-I-4*-.
Try Allen's Foot-Ease,
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen,
nervous and hot, and get tired easily.
If you have smarting feet or tight shoes
try Allen's Foot Ease. It cools the
feet and makes walking easy. Cures
swollen and sweating feet, blisters and
callous spots. Relieves corns and bun
ions of all pain and gives rest and com
fort. Try it TO DAY. Sold by all
druggists and shoe stores for 25c.
Trial package FREE. Address Allen
S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
HOOD'S PlLLScure Liver Ilia, Bll
• ouaneks, indigestion, Headache.
- easy to taica, easy to opera :a* 2Sc.
• ♦ —s —♦ — c
® EEEFEES. *llflr
Embracing all the newest effects for the coming season.
Stylish, well made garments, and at little money. We ask
your inspection ot these goods. We mention three special
Black Kersey Jacket, all Satin-lined, at $5.68.
Kersey Jacket, strapped back and front, all Satin-lined, at
Plush Cape, trimmed, at $3.75.
tAll of this season's newest styles
Black Collarette, Silk-lined, full
Black Collarette, with tabs and tail
Electric Collarette, with tabs and
Electric Seal and Grebe Collarette,
with long tabs and tail trimmed,hand-
With many others. Come and see
You will find some extra good values in Dress Goods in
our Dress Goods showing. It will pay you to come and see
50 inch All Wool Cheviots, 75c. 44 inch Mohair Brocades, a
a yard. Worth 85c. yard.
50 inch Broadcloth, 85c. a yard. 36 inch All Wool Novelties, 3 7lc
Worth §I.OO. a y ar d.
43 inch All Wool Black Crepons, jnch A) , w , s a
at SI.OO a yard. yar J d b ■"
Bsc .. Blankets, Comfaitablw
pa ' r *. , v ., j, A full line. A good Cotton Blanket
5 hook Kid Gloves, SI.OO a pair. 5
2 Clasp Seal Kid (black and colors) g°°d size at 39 c - a Pair
sl 15 a pair. A five-pound Blanket at $1.39 *
Veilings. P "; ,
A full line of newest effects. I#£3S3 1 rimn*lUgJß.
Towels. A full line in Braids, Jets, Pcaria,
We offer you some big values in Yokes, Fronts, Beaded Nets, Chif-
Towels this week. See them. fons. &c.
With the experience of fifty years on Octo
ber Ist, 1898, in buying and selling goods and
the management of a store, I should be able to
serve the people of Bloomsburg and others
well I 1. W. HARTMAN.
We, as a firm, keep before the com- Our Plush and Velvet Capes are
munity our stock of Fine Dress Goods nicely trimmed.
in single patterns, and to cut by the
yard, from 25c. yd. to SIO.OO patterns. The Jacket Suits are good sellers
this season for the reason our assoxt-
Our Black Dress Goods are in ment is good, and we make them fit.
plain, figured, and stripe. We cut any
quantity for a Skirt or whole Dress Ladies' Dress Skirts, in a dozen dif-
Suit. 25c. to $1.75 a yard. I ferent colors and prices.
Our stock of Capes, Coats, Dress Suits, Dress
Skirts and all cold weather goods will be in the
best of shape by Fair time, in fact, the goods
are here now.
How fast we are selling our
New Stock of Fall and Winter Goods.
Pretty Styles and Low Prices does it.
0 J
Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, from $5.00 up. r
Ladies' Coats, Capes, Separate Skirts. Coats for/misses and
children. In this line our stock is large. Prices lour
Ladies' Fur Collarettes, from $2.00 up.
Our sales in Shoes increases daily. Ladies' Fine Shoes, from
79c. up. Gents' Fine Shoes, from 98c. up. Good Calicoes, 3c.
Good Muslin, 3sc. Our stock of Underwear is complete. We
handle the celebrated Leather brand Stockings for ladies, misses
and boys. Corsets, for 24c. up.
Our Grocery Department is improving daily—adding new
goods at better prices. Our whole stock is complete and prices
always right. It will pay you to see our goods before you buy.
Bloomsburg Store Co., Limited.
Corner Main and Centre Sts. ALFRED McHENRY, M'g'r.