The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 15, 1898, Page 8, Image 8
8 w iH ma il THE LADIES* HOME JOURNAL, begin ning with the October number, to January i, 1899, also THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, every week, from the time subscription is received to January 1, 1899, on receipt of only Twenty-five Cents. In The Ladies' Home Journal Mrs. Rorer, who writes exclusively for THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL, will continue her cooking and do mestic lessons. In the October num ber she tells what should, and what should not, be eaten by men follow ing certain occupations. Twenty five desserts are given for all sorts of stomachs. SOME SPECIAL FEATURES include churches decorated for Christmas, Easter, Fairs and Weddings, photo graphed and described. Interiors of tasteful and inexpen sive homes pictured and described, showing pretty corners, tables set for dinners, luncheons and teas, etc. THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA BARGAIN IN LADIES' BICYCLE BOOTS, $1.29 per Pair. WIDTHS, C, D and E. W.C. McKINNEY, No. 8 East Main Street. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Hugbesville Fair. s September 21, 22, 23 and 24. 1898. This Fair has become one of the most successful Fairs in the State, and each year it increases in interest, this year it promises to surpass all previous occasions. The horse races are filling up and already upwards of three dozen stables are engaged, and faster horses than ever before will be entered. The application for space in the home and agriculture depart ments exceed that of any former years ; coming from every section of the county. There will be single tare excursion rates on the Beech Creek, Fall Brook, Philadelphia and Reading, Lehigh Valley, and Will iamsport and North Branch Railroads. Methodist Episcopal Ohoroh- On next Sunday, September 18, the Methodists will celebrate the first anniversary of the dedication of their new church. It will be a very inter esting and important occasion. Some distinguished minister from a distance is expected to occupy the pulpit. Special music will be furnished by the choir. All in all, the services of the day will be very enjoyable. The pub lic is cordially invited to be present. Married. LENKER—PEALER.— On the 7th inst., at the home of the bride, by Rev. A. Houtz, Mr. P. M. Lenker, of Wilkes-Barre, to Miss Sadie M. Pealer, of Fishingcreek township, Columbia county. At a meeting ot the Danville Coun cil, held last week, it was decided that the city erect an electric light plant of its own. Some Special Features of THE SATURDAY EVENING POST Besides the General Departments—Serials, Short Stories and Sketches— Men and Women of the Hour Brief biographic sketches and characteristic stories of people prominently before the public, with portrait illustrations. The Post's Series of Practical Sermons Each week is given a strong sermon, simple, direct and unsectarian, on vital topics, by one of the best religious thinkers of the world. The Best Poems of the World Beautifully illustrated by the best American artists, are accompanied by a portrait of the poet, a biographic sketch and the interesting story of how each poem was written. LITERARY NOTES. Twenty Stories About Mark Twain. Mark Twain is the next famous person to be " anecdotalized " by the Ladies' Hotne Journal, and the hu morist's closest friends have sent to the magazine for its next number some twenty odd stories about him, none of which have ever been printed. They are, of course, of the droll sort, but not more funny than the " snap shot " pictures of Mark, which his friends have also loaned the magazine. These, too, have never been printed. When They Write the President. The State Department has given over to the Ladies' Home Journal for publication its " Royal letters" addressed to the President of the United States by Napoleon I, Queen Victoria, the Prince of Wales, Napol eon 111, and Emperor William I of Germany. Napoleon answers such events as his marriage to Marie Lou ise j the birth of bis son, the King of Rome; his return to the throne of France from Elba; Victoria announces her accession to the throne of En gland in 1836; her marriage to Prince Albert; the birth of the Prince of Wales ; the death of the Prince Con sort ; and the famous letter thanking President McKinley for his congratu lations on her Diamond Jubilee will also be given. The whole collection, in fac simile, will be presented in the October number of the magazine. Without any apparent cause, Rich ard Chester, a bright young man of Bear Gap, in the twenty-third year of his age, took his own life, at his father's home, Sunday morning The deed was committed with an old gun. He was a son of John Chester. What led him to commit the deed, no one will ever know, as he was in good health and at a family picnic, which he attended the day before, ap pearing to be in the best of spirits. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. When a newspaper was started in Dallas, some years ago, the publisher put up for his motto, " Nothing too good for Dallas." The motto " took" and the most enterprising and ener getic people of the place have adopted it as their own. The result is seen in everything, but, perhaps, it is more noticeable in the Dallas Fair than anywhere else. And this year the managers have determined to exceed all previous records and make it the most popular Fair in this part of the country. Liberal premiums are of fered ior all kinds of exhibits. Purses amounting to $1,700 are offered for the races, which will undoubtedly bring some of the best horses in the country. New buildings have been added to the equipment and the grand stand has been enlarged to double its former capacity. An excellent band of music has been engaged to give daily concerts, while special attrac tions will give free performances be fore the grand stand. The railroad facilities have been much improved, and cars on the new Wilkes-Barre and Northern will leave Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, every few minutes dur ing the Fair. Of course, everybody within a radius of a hundred miles will be there, and excursion rates on all railroads will prevail. The Fail lasts four days, Sept. 2 7,28,29 and 30. A New Clock- The Hazleton Standard says: •'What is known as the Bundi clock was received at the postoflice yesterday. It is an ingenious labor saving device and as soon as the Postoflice Inspector arrives, which will be in a few days, the clock will be set up. The clocks are being placed in every free delivery oflice, and are practically a machine to keep account of the movements of the car riers while on duty. Each carrier is supplied with four keys. The one is to report when going on duty, the other when he returns, and the fourth, when he departs for home. The clock will be a relief to the carriers, as under the old order of things, car riers were supposed to make out their own returns." , AWFUL EXPERIENCE WITH HEART DISEASE.— That Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart works like magic, and cures as proven by the testimony of Mr. L. J. Law, Toronto, Can. " I was so sorely troubled with heart disease that I was unable for 18 months to lie down in bed lest I smother. After taking one dose of Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure, I retired and slept soundly. I used one bottle and the trouble has not returned."—6. Sold by C. A. Kleim. GRANT'S CUBAN POLICY. a. Hart Seen War'* Terrors and Quitted the Nation out nt a Hanatrat. The action of President Grant In re gard to Cuba id so frequently referred to In certain quarters as a correct prec edent to follow, that some reference to the circumstances of that time cannot fall to be Interesting at the present Juncture. In 1873 the Vlrglnlus, an American steamer, was engaged in ordinary com merce between this country and Cuba. She was purchased by some American citizens who were anxious to wrest the "Pearl of the Antilles" from the pow er of Spain. While engaged In head ing with a mixed cargo of passengers and supplies for Cuba, the Vlrglnlus was pursued, overtaken and captured off the shores of Jamaica, Those on board were taken to Ha vana, being starved and insulted on the voyage back, and then subjected to a mock trial such as Spain merci fully provides for military offenders of the worst sort Conviction followed without even the show of decorum that accompanies the ordinary drumhead court-martial, and the prisoners were sentenced to be shot. The crew and passengers shared equally the chivalry of Spain. The whole proceeding was carried out with that fierce spirit of brutality, that celerity of despatch which the annals of Torquemada em halm in the pages of European history. From one end of this country to the other a wave of popular indignation swept when the people heard of the ex ecutions and the heroic spirit, which bore up the nation's hopes at Vicka burg and at Lookout Mountain, cried to Washington to have the flag of Cas tllle and Arragon share the fate that had so lately befallen the Empire of Maximilian. The nation's excitement was quite ns Intense as in the case of the Maine's bluejackets. Blue and gray alike joined In the demand that the honor of the United StateUfcould not be atoned for by an apology and could i only be satisfied by prompt and effec tive of retaliation. Caleb CusMlng w®Pthen the American Mlnls tdl* to Madrid. Hamilton Fish was Secretaryyof State. Cushlng was the son-in-law' of the Secretary who did so much to make Grant's second term the prelude to a third. Fish was an able man but In a crisis like this he was a weak man. He was the repre sentative also of New York's interests in the Cabinet, and New York was then the pivotal state of the Union; and in contra-dlstinction to the great virile and unspoiled West, New York then also represented much the same forces as it does to-day. Grant with the true Instincts of a brave soldier ordered the Navy to be put on a war footing when the Vlr glnius affair had stirred the hearts of the American people. The President made undoubted preparation to vindi cate the honor of the country and to punish Spain. Accordingly Fish was instructed to tell the Dons that they would have to let the Cuban people go. There ensued a long diplomatic corre spondence, and meantime the still ■mall voice of Wall street passed the word along to keep cool about the Vir ginlus affair; to do nothing rash and to act with the requisite prudence as well as with the requisite energy. Such was the gawky phrasing of the period. While Grant was a firm and patriotic American he was also the most tender and humane of men. He had quelled the greatest rebellion in all history, and was not anxious to subject a na tion which he had raised erect and up on its feet, so soon again to the dread hazard of war. The era of resump tion and of reconstruction was in full swing; and if Spain made suitable reparation and compensation to the families of those butohered to make a Spanish holiday it was said to be savoring of cruelty to smash Spain in her distant colony at a time when Ser rano and his extemporized Cabinet were earnestly Beeklng to bring the Spanish Monarchy into the great fam | iiy of republics. Serrano was repres ented as the saviour of the Spanish people, and as a great soldier himself, and as a Marshal in the Spanish Army he could toady "the tenderest part," the heart of another great soldier, then too the President of a sister republic in that new civilization which Spain had formerly given to the world. There was a sublime pathos in the situation that was artfully turned to account in the case of a man whose fame was linked with that of Caeser, Cyrus and Napoleon, and who could not do a small, petty or inhuman thing even if he tried to. Grant erred by not punishing Spain then and by lis tening to the Influences to which he was subjected, but he erred on mercy's side. Thus the vacillations and sud den changes of policy of that time fur nish a painful precedent if a prece dent at all for those of which they remind us in 1898. The questions then as now were questions of inter vention, of Independence and 01 recog nition of the Cubans in arms. The President's sympathy like that of the vast body of the people was with Cuba. But the casuistry of Span ish diplomacy and the' flne hand of Fish provided a wealth and coping of argument on the other side that the straight and simple mind of Grant was unable to resist. Accordingly, having actually written a message in favor of Cuba as the dickey birds of the White House say, the President was induced to change it at the last moment, and so the precedent as it stands, is the very reverse of what it might have been had the hero of Appo mnttox been left to his own instinctr and to his unbiased judgment. This Is history but history that has yet to be written. .'■3. v ... ■ Though the Cubans in 1876 were seven years In arms the President was persuaded that they had not the I status of belligerents and that this | country could not do so without incur ' ring vast responsibilities for tho na- I tion which undertook to recognize them. | in his message Grant briefly stated his I views of the Cuban question transmit ting at the same time a despatch to the Spanish Government, written by Fish, and which waa sent to the other powers inviting their co-operation with the United States in putting an end to the cruel war theu raging iu Cuba. Tne Powers to whom the despatch was sent snubbed Secretary Fish and the President's message was also re ceived coldly by Congress, being con sidered as against our well established principles to keep aloof from foreign alliances. The Invitation to the other Powers was regarded as opening the door to negotiations that might give these Powers an excuse to infringe on the Monroe Doctrine. This passage indicates how the sympathetic vein of the President was worked: "Our own civil conflict Is too recent for us not to consider the difficulties which sur round a government distracted by a dynastic rebellion at home, at the same time that it has to cope with a separate insurrection abroad." What Congress was asked to consider was the belliger ency of the Cubans and the butchery of American citizens In the Vlrglnlus case. Neither the despatch of Secretary Fish nor the response of the European powers, by the way, was ever pub lished In American diplomatic corre spondence, and thw entire precedent Is dlveßted of that authority with which It would otherwise be Invested* through the sympathetic circumstances under which the message was written. Spain therefore escaped the terrible crisis of the second Carllst rebellion by almost as fortunate a chance as she had saved Cuba twenty years before on the ad vent of the Crimean war. She there fore got over the Vlrglnlus affaJ* by ' on apology, and through availing her self of the same leniency extended to Great Britain In the Alabama award, A TERRIBLE BATTLE. The Night Kettle or Wei Hel Wat Ilevo lutionlzed Modern Wnrfere. The battle of Wei Hei Wei revolu tionized those notions of naval war fare that have come down to us from the days of Nelson and Trafalgar and demonstrated that the fortunes of war depend upon rather uncertain condi tions and minor tactical advantages. The Chinese came out of that cam paign with a loss of thirty-four pro tected cruisers and men-of-war. Of these twenty-two were destroyed—the greater proportion in the single en gagement—and twelve were captured. On the other hand the Japanese lost but one gun vessel and one torpedo boat throughout the operations, cap turing the fort of Wel-Hel-Wel and Its commander and utterly routing the Chinese forces both on sea and land. Five miles out at sea the Japanese fleet was visible on that fatal March evening as It kept Its armed vessels under steam ostensibly waiting an op portunity to attack the Chinese fleet which lay at anchor In the bay and protected by armed forts on either side. The Japs awaited the cover of darkness and then quietly sent a flo tilla of fifteen Bmall torpedo boats to wards the East entrance of the harbor. They stole past tho line of torpedoes and booms protecting tbs harbor of Wei Hel Wei, and before their pres ence was discovered they were In the midst of the Chinese fleet, each deadly torpedo tackling one of the. fourteen ironclads, cruisers, gunboats or other naval craft lying at anchor. Two tor pedoes were directed towards the more powerful "Ting-Yuen" and the great Ironciad sank at once. Suddenly the greatest consternation reigned In the harbor; and men were screaming and dhlps going to the bottom in all di rections. | Ironclads partly keeled over and forts now combined opened a wild Are, while the speedy wasps of war that Industriously plied their stings upon every object bearing the Dragon flag with which they came in con tact Having caused havoc to the Chinese fleet the swiftly moving tor pedoes all shot back around the point from which they came, having sus tained a loss of one boat with its crew of eight men. The more powerful vessels of the Japanese squadron did not lift an anchor, though some of them steamed over next morning to exchange congratulations with their brothers who had also silenced the guns of the forts, or to view the beach ed vessels of the Chinese fleet strand ed and crippled In the water. A Painful Custom. When ladles g<T to buy a dress in Japan they tell the shopkeeper their age and If they are married or not, be cause there are special designs for the single and double relations of life, as well as for ages. The consequence of this painful custom Is that you can tell the a£e et every lady you meet, and know whether she Is married, pre cisely as though she were labelled or you were a census taker. Not n Very Good Boy. Sammte had Just returned from Sun day school, and his mother asked him If he had been a good boy. "No, not very," was the truthful re-. ply. "Then you didn't get a good behavior card?" queried his mother. "Oh yes, I did," replied the precocious youngster. "I saved the money you gave me for the hoaithan and bought tfro from the other boyu."—Troy Times. JONAS LONQ'S SONS' WEEKLY GHATS. WII.KES-BARRE, PA., Thursday, Sept 22nd, 1898,! READY FOR FALL BUSINESS WITH NEW FALL DRESS GOODS That are correct In Style and Priced so low that the tide of trade will rush here. The First Sale of the Sea son Begins this Week. The Counters, Aisles and Shelves are filled with an array of Dress Stuffs as has never been shown in Northern Pa. Here are a few of the Striking Values that go ' on Sale this Week: 3974 yards of all Wool Black Henrietta finished with deep rich luster—will not change color and full 36 inches in width. You'll say they are worth 49c. Opening Sale price, 29c the yard. New Armure Novelties in all the new colorings for Fall Wear, full 36 inches in width. Would be a bargain at" 50c. Opening Sale Price, 35c the yard. New Novelties in Black Worst eds,'a variety that will astonish you. Full 40 inches in width. You'd pay 49c and find no better. The price, 29c the yd. All Wool French Surah Serge. Extra weight for Fall Wear in Jet or Blue Black, full 45 inches wide. Actual value, 69c. Special at 49c the yard. New Boucle Novelties, rich in colorings, new in designs. Come in Cadet Blue, Browns, Greens Navy, Garnet and Black. Full 40 inches in width. The price should be 75c. Special at 59c the yard. Cheviot Serges 46 inches in width. Suitable for Tailor Made Suits. In all the new Fall Shades The value so all say is 98c. Open ing Sale Price, 69c the yard. Silk Item of Importance. 2700 yards of New Fancy Taf feta Silks, in a great variety of Stripes, Plaids and Checks, all new colorings made specially for this season's wear. Regular value £I.OO Special at .75 c the yard. Buttoricks Patterns. Dependable for correctness in Style. We are headquarters for all the Fashion Publications, Delineator, Grand Album, Glass of Fashion and Metropolitan Catalogue. Our Mail Order Department. Makes your shopping easy. Samples send everywhere and any where for the asking. Wilkes-Barr?, Pa.