The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 15, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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A "Left chtw this instead." A
• There has never been any question of 9
X rivalry about X
• It is acknowledged by all to be the Victor. •
Z Its campaign has been successful because S
Z its forces have been irresistible. These A
• forces are high quality and large quantity •
X for a low price. In no other way can 2
Z you get so large a piece of really good A
V chewing tobacco for 10c. •
z pemember the name z
| |V when you buy again. |
"If at first you don't succeed," try
A Chapter on Young Tarkejl.
Turkey eggs batch in four weeks
after setting. "Strong" eggs batch
ant several days earlier.
Take young turkeys from the nest
as soon as they are dry, to prevent
•hem from mashing, wrap them np
and keep in warm place. Give no
food for a day and night; there la a
residuum of yolk to be absorbed and
voided. Too early feeding Interferes
with this pro -es3
When aJI the eggs have hatched,
remove the turkeys to a temporary
eoop. Burn the nesting strnw, white
wash pen and boxes, sprinkle with
kerosene wash if vermin are. sus
pected. Grease heads, throat and un
der the wings of old turkeys. Grease
with lard or unsnlted grease all the
small turkeys und return them to the
pen, and feed, for Qrst week, hartl
bolled eggs, chopped fine, chopped
lettuce und onions, raw or boiled.
Feed bens grain and some soft food.
For regular feed after first week
make curds of buttermilk or clabber
sealed and pressed dry from whey.
Sprinkle occasionally with red pepper.
Also feed plain corn cake, unsalted,
crumbled fine and moistened with a
little water or sweet milk; these are
the proper foods for young turkeys.
Feed four or five times a day. In an
earthenware plate or vessel.,, Turkeys
are fastidious as to clean platters and
fbod. If eggs ure not practicable for
diet {or the first week substitute the
curds. Do not give raw meal dough,
buttermilk or sour milk. These pro
duce diarrhea and this disease is the
mortal foe of the turks.
IT It be damp or rainy weather keep
the turkeys inside the pen for a week,
housing them In the nesting coops at
night. After that period let thein out
every morning nfter the dew has dried
off. shutting them up early in the
evening. Wet.' cold quarters, sudden
showers and early dew baths will pro
duce diarrhea and slay the young
turks right and left It Is a good plan
to shnt them up safely In the pen at
tbe first sign of a shower.—American
Tli* S*w Olory Culture.
As the lev?l culture of celery has
superseded the universally practiced
trench culture many years since, so is
the "bed culture" gradually taking
the place of nil former systems. Its
principal advantages are that it econo
mizes both land und labor In growing
aa well as ID blanching tbe crop. Five
or six times as many plants can bo
grown on a given area than under the
•id methods. The closeness of the
.. .HI > Mm tics the ground and partial J
blanching is effected while the plants '<
are crowing. Upsides this, there is '
less danger of the washing of the <
ground, as the roots penetrate the en- 1
tiro surface soil. Where plenty of '
manure and water are available, the 1
■mure of celery is well worthy of
trial. I
Celery grown ID this manner requires '
hut little blanching at the end of the
season, and this may be done by stor
age in dark cellars or In outdoor tren
cher. so as to shut out light and frost. 1
I.ate in the season as frost approaches,
plants are taken up with a small por
tion of earth among the roots and be
ing closely placed against each other,
their blanching is soon completed and
they come out crisp and tender.— i
American Agriculturalist.
Help* to i'revtfht Potuto £ftb.
A correspondent of The Farm and
Fireside writes that ho has for two
years been testing the value of a rye
r.od in which to plant his potatoes to
prevent them from being scabby. The
rye is sown in the fall and turned un
der in the spring, when about sis
inches high; then the potatoes are
planted. Although the land had pre
viously grown very scabby potatoes
and was supposed to be full of scab
germs, he says the result was potatoes
"reasonably clean," While he does not
claim perfect faith In the rye sod as a
preventive of scab, he says this or
some other cause has greatly reduced
the number of scabby potatoes in his
crop. His theory is that the decaying
rye ploughed under produces an acid
in the soil which is unfavorable to the
development of the scab germ.
Controlling Red Spider.
In the greenhouses and among house
plants this pest is often serious. Where
it is practicable the atmosphere should
be excessively humid, as the mites do
not work so readily in moist aiy.
Squirting water upon the plants has
some effect. Spraying with soap emul
sions is also advised. Kerosene emul
sion, however, is the most effective* of
all remedies, and will usually be
found the most convenient and satis
factory. .
* When to Cat Millet.
Tbis crop should be cut just as it
is coraiug into blossom, to give best
results. If the seeds are allowed to
form, bad effects may follow when
fed to horses and in some cases to cat
tle. If cut earlier than this the hay
will be good but will not contain as
much nutriment as when more fully
Th Fiirmnr't Ilamllo AUy,
It Is estimated that a single toad
destroys in a year Insects which if
tbey had lived might have damaged
crops to the extent of about S2O. The
practice of collecting and colonizing
toads in garden* Is thought to be com
It Wat on Ihe Eventful July 3d, When
Bis Fleot Had Submerged the Spuulsh
Warships, That lie Mistook the
Austrian for an Enemy.
Here Is an Incident which shows
more clearly than anything else Just
what the navy Is ready to do aud how
delicately balanced is the chip on the
shoulders of our sea fighters. When
Schley had enriched our history on
July 8 and every ship in these waters
under the royal banner of Castile had
been shattered, he was sailing east to
resume station before Santiago. Word
came to blm that the Polayo, pride of
the Spauls-h navy, had reached the Ca
ribbean, and he was directed to en
gage her as soon as found. To naval
experts the suggestion that a cruiser
fight a battleship Is Insanity gone mud,
but nevertheless the Brooklyn started
on her errand.
Near Santiago a battleship was
sighted, heavily armored and turreted,
but at such a distance that her colors
could not be distinguished under tho
glass. Toward her the Brooklyn start
ed. Commodore Schley and Captain
Cook stood on the forward bridge as
the big cruiser fairly leaped forward
to give battle.
"She Is white—an unusual thing In
war time," said the commodore, watch
ing the stranger through his glass. "I
don't believe she Is Spanish," he re
marked a moment later, and then, con
sulting the picture of a sister ship to
the Pelayo, suddenly exclaimed: "By
Jove! It Is the Pelayo, after all!"
"On the signal bridge!" shouted Cap
tain Cook. "Can you make out her
"Not yet, sir," came the answer, fol
lowed a moment after by "We have
raised her colors, sir, and she is Span
"Send your men to quarters, Cook,"
said tho commodore, "and start an
eight-inch shell for her when 1 give
the word."
On went (he Brooklyn, fact closing
the distance between herself and the
•trauger—a big battleship of modern
type, and with her flag aft—two stripes
of red on each side of yellow, as It ap
peared, and the crown in proper place.
The bugle sung "To quarters!" and
the men, although they bad been fight
ing all the morning, rushed to their
guns with a cheer. For a moment the
commodore hesitated. "On the signal
bridge!" he called. "Are you certain
the stranger Is a Spaniard?"
"Certain, sir," came the reply. "I
can see her colors distinctly."
The commodore had his glasses on
the battleship. Turning to the captain
of his ship, he said: "Cook, that fel
low Is not at quarters. His guns are
turned away from us. He Is not up to
snuff. Watch him closely, and the mo
ment he sends his men to quarters
or moves a turret lot drive. Give him
everything you have. We will sink
him In twenty minutes unless he gets
a shot under our belt."
Just then the officer on the bridge
reported that the battleship was sig
nalling with the International code,
and soon translated the message: "This
Is an Austrlnn battleship."
Half an hour after the commander
of the Mnrln Theresa (Austrian) was
seated In Commodore Schley's cabin.
"If you had sent your men to quar
ters or moved a turret I should hnvo
raked you; it was a narrow escape,"
said the commodore during the convert
saitlon. "Your flag is so like Spain's,
saving that you have a white stripe
where she lias yellow, that it Is hard
to tell them apart art. any considerable
distance, and I came near letting drlvo
at you."
"We know that." rerturned the Aus
trian, "and we were very much wor
ried. We signalled long before you
answered. We had no wish to be
troubled. We have seen the wrecks
along rthe const But," he Inquired, as
he rose to leave, "do you send cruis
ers to meet battleships?"
The commodore smiled as he an
swered: "We always make a fight
with the first ship we have at hand.
We never wait because we are out
rated. Wt try to win with what we
"You Americans are very remarka
ble." said the Austrian as lie went
over the side to his boat.—Chicago
"Buy a talking machine?"
i. "No, friend, I have one at home."
Interacting and Remarkable Career ol
Kreklel Hnpklne.
Who was the first commander-lu
chlef of the American navy? What
were the names of our tirßt war chips
and when were they built?
Probably not one out of a hundred
of the average newspaper readers can
answer, without Investigation, these
questions; yet the knowledge Is Inter
esting and valuable and especially
timely just now, when the havy and
Ihe doings of the naval officials occupy
so large a part of the public attention.
The Continental Congress at the out
set managed the Revolutionary war
through committees, there being at
that time no executive. John Adams
was chairman of the naval committee,
with Stephen Hopkins and three other
congressmen as associates. On Octo
ber 13,1775 Congress ordered two cruls
sers built. These were the first war
Tessels constructed by the United Stat
es; and were followed by others until
by January 1, 1776 Congress had or
dered the building of fifteen crulsera
This was the navy, and Its first com
mander-in-chief was Ezekiel Hopkins,
of Rhode Island, a younger brother ol
Congressman Stephens Hopkins. He
was appointed to this high office on
December 22, 1776.
At the time of his appointment Ezek
iel Hopkins was a brlgadier-geueral
In command of the Rhode Island
troops, acting under commission from
the governor. He had spent part of
his life on board merchant ships, and
had also been a ship builder; conse
quently he was fitted both by exper
ience and ability to fill the Important
office given to him. In a short time
a fleet of four ships and three sloops
were ready, and with these Admiral
Hopkins set out to win glory for him
self and country. Among his lieuten
ants was the famous John Paul Jones,
who was, probably, the most brilliant
and daring naval officer of the wars
with England.
The Bahama Islands In the West In
dies were then an English colony, with
New Providence as their principal sea
port and seat of government; and
hither the new Admiral sailed the new
navy. He attacked the city, captured
the harbor fort and town, and brought
back with him to America the Eugllsh
governor as a prisoner, eighty cannons
and a very large quantity of ammuni
tion and other military stores. This
brilliant achievement was a godsend
to the disheartened and Impoverished
patriots. It renewed their courage
aud replei Ished their stores. Admiral
Hopkins was the hero of the hour and
received a vote of thanks from Con
gress for his great deeds which had
redeemed tho glory and advantage of
his country.
Shortly after his return from the
Bahamas he met two English ships oft
Block Island and captured both of
them. Two days later he had an en
gagement with the English twenty
nine gun ship, Glasgow, but did not
succeed in capturing it The public
severely censured his conduct of this
battle, and In June, 1776, be was order
ed to appear before the congressional
committee. After a hearing had been
given him, the committee sent a fav
orable report of his actions to Con
gress. which the latter body approved,
so the Admiral was exonerated from
all blame.
He was now placed In charge of a
large number ol war vessels, which
Congress was having built. The task
was a difficult one. Money and ma
terial were hard to geL A powerful
English fleet blockaded the harbors,
and prevented the sailing of some of
his ships when.completed. 'lbs peo
ple became ImpatlenL The press ac
cused him of slowness, of being a lag
gard In his country's services. His
temper was never ot the best, and he
emphatically resented the elamur of
complaints. Again he was summoned
to appear before Congress for investi
gation. Then the testy old sailor lost
his temper entirely, and sent u point
blank refusal to Congress, couched in
vigorous but undiplomatic English.
The result of all this was that he was
dismissed from the service January
2, 1777.
Ezekiel Hopkins at ouce equipped a
fast aud powerful privateer, and again
went to sea. He sailed to the East
Indies, where his daring and skill
found rich rewards. During one cruise
he captured a sufficient number of rich
English merchantmen to cause his
profits to foot up over 61,000,000. At
another time he fell In with a large
fleet of English merchantment protect
ed by a man-of-war. He boldly Joined
the fleet, and every night cut out and
captured a vessel, until ha had sent ten
home and could spare no more men
from his crew. He became the most
successful aud darlug of all the Ameri
can privaleersmen.
When the war ended he returned to
Rhode Island, and became oue of her
most prominent and busy citizens.
. The outbreak of the Revolutionary
war found the patriots without a navy.
Congress Had to create one. Four
merchantmen were first purchased,
hastily equipped with guns and sent
to sea as eruisers; but their defects 4s
war vessels soon became so apparent
that Congress determined at once to
set about tbe building of a navy. On
October 13. 1775, Congress rfrisred two
cruisers built; and on December 13,
the order was Increased to five thirty
two-gun ships, five twenty-eight-gun
ships and three twenty-four-gun ships.
They were to be ready for the sea by
the following April. The names giv
en to tip thirteen vessels were: Bos
ton, Cengrese, Effingham, Delaware,
Hancock, Montgomery, Providence, Ral
leigh, Trumbull, Virginia, Warren,
Washington and Randolph. These'
were tbe first war vessels constructed
In the United States.
.. hL> 1 .• .*•
V "A PERFECT FOOD—as Wholesome as It is DeliciousX
iff In V " Hm *t°od the test of more than xoo years' use among all
Bfl ** ' H classes, and (or purity and honest worth is unequalled."
JRh Jq, tv\ Medical and Surgical Journal. /\
A ffl! *J>U Costs less than ONE CENT a Cup.
vU|| JE I Trade-Mark on Every Package. V
Cigars, Tobacco, Candies, Fruits and Nuts
Henry Mail lard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week.
F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco
Sole agents for the following brands ot Cigars-
Henry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Asb
Bloomsburg Pa.
2nd Door above Court House
A large lot of Window Curtains in stock.
This settles —— That's the
hi Hereafter
- , „ KJnu Marry. 1 o
I will have all, ( win success a
my clothes' SK man cannot
HADE to be too careful
order BY ££ appear-
America's Popular Tailors, Chicago.
To Clean Milk Cans.
The slightest of filth in a milk can
will injure the milk, and it is possible
to have portions of the former milk
contained in the can to be left over
despite the greatest care. First wash
the cans in tepid water to which a
little powdered borax is added. Rinse
with clean cold water and place them
where dust cannot reach them. Borax
may be used freely in all water used
for milk cans with advantage.
A BAYONET THRUST is as a pin
scratch to the tortures of Indigestion
and Dyspepsia. The bravest soldier
will weaken before the onslaught of
these redoubtable enemies to health.
Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets
break down the strongholds of disease,
build up and fortify the wasted nerve
force, give new life, new hope, new
energy, hoist the banner of victory in
the stead of the flag of distress. 35c.
—lO. Sold by C. A. Kleim.
What Hissing Signifies.
Hissing means different things, ac
cording to where you happen to be at
the time. In West Afjica the natives
hiss when they are astonished ; in the
New Hebrides when they see anything
beautiful. The Basutos applaud a
popular orator in their assembles by
hissing at hin. The Japanese, again,
show their reverence by a hiss, which
has probably somewhat the force of,
the "hush" with which we command
" Well," said her mother, "eighty
dollars is pretty expensive for a flat
like this. At that rate I don't see
how you can hope to keep the wolf
from the door." " Ob! we don't care
if it does reach the door, " said the
bright young matron. " Charlie says
it could never squeeze into any of the
Bran the The Kind you Haw Always Bouglt
You can't always tell by the
looks of a garment how it is
going to WEAR.
get the WEAR as well as
the looks when you can have
both at the same
PBICE. $12.00 is the starting
point of those
Edward E. Strauss & Co.'s
Famous Custom Tailored
Suits and Overcoats
with an ironclad guarantee
thrown in free.
IT WILL PAY YOU to examine
this line, and leave your or
der for one of these hand
some garments.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
What a Good Laugh Does-
It tends to lengthen one's life.
It conveys a new and direct stiulus
to the vital forces.
Dr. Green says that there is not
one remotest corner or little inlet of
the minute-vessels of the human
body that does not feel some con
vulsions occasioned by good, hearty
When one laughs the life principle
of the central man is shaken to the
innermost depths, sending new tides
of life and strength to the surface.
The blood moves more rapidly,
and conveys a different impression to
all the organs of the body as it visits
them on the particular mystic jour
ney, when a man is laughing, from
what is done at other times.
Eminent nose and throat specialists in
daily practice highly recommend Dr.
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, as safe,
sure, permanent, painless and harm
less, in all cases of Cold'in the Head,
Tonsilitis, Hoarseness and Catarrh. It
gives relief in 10 minutes and banishes
the disease like magic.— 7.
Sold by C. A. Kleim.
It is not always the man who says
the most complimentary things about
your paper that pays his subscription
promptly. Nor is it the prompt-pay
ing subscriber who most frequently
feels called upon to advise the editor
as to the policy of the paper. The
man who pays his subscription when
it is due, God bless tiim, is the staff of
the editor and a joy in his troublous
Hoax—" He's a great raconteur."
Joax —" Is that so ? " " Yes; short
stories are his forte." "I didn't know
he wrote at all. " "He doesn't; he
simply holds you up and tells them to
you, and gets into you for a 'V'."
Ban the _/} Kind You Haw Always Bouglh