The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 18, 1898, Page 5, Image 6

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    Royal makes the food pyre,
Vholeiouic jtiid delicious.
Absolutely Pure
tottered at the Post Office at Bloomslturo, Pa.
ate ecixmd cluee matter, March 1,1888.
Ohange in D. L. & W- Time Table'
The following changes have recent
ly been made in the D. L. & W. time
table. Noon train going south, form
erly at 12:27 now leaves Bloomsburg
at 12:22 ; evening train south, torm
erly at 8:30, now leaves at 8:07. The
tiinfc table as printed on the third
page of this paper is incorrect, as to
these trains, but correct as to all
others. It will be changed as soon
as we can procure a time table trom
the company. tf.
About fcople lOU Know.
Miss Mame Vial Sundayed with iclatives
i.nd friends at Shiekshinny.
Mrs. Harry S. Wilson left on Monday to
*risit relatives at Limestownville.
Miss Rose Gidding of VVilkesbarre, is
/isiting relatives in town this week.
Donald Snyder ot bcranton, Sundayed
v. itli his father at the Exchange Hotel.
Miss Irene Heck is a guest at Mr. and
Mrs. Dr. G. W. Mifflin's on Main Street.
Harry I.ay cock of Wyoming, is assisting
x\ the Republican office for a few weeks.
Miss May Blue returned from a week's
visit at Baltimore, Maryland on Friday.
Joseph Kline of Fishing Creek, and J. M.
Smith of Jerseytown, dropped in to see us
while in town on Monday.
W. R. Kocher, accompanied by his family
are spending a two weeks vacation at
Shawnee Lake.
Miss Huldah Oppenheimer of Philadel
phia, is the guest of Miss Blanche Gross on
Normal Hill.
Charles Kitzmiller arrived home on Tues
day from a trip through the west, lie has
been away since May.
Miss Hettic Brown of Bloomsburg, is a
guest at the home of Joseph Keeley, West
Mahoning street. —Danville "Sun."
Hon. Russel Kains of Laporte, spent Sun
day with friends at Benton. He circulated
among acquaintances in town on Manday.
Mrs. J. W. Lewis and Eugene of Altoona,
arc visiting Mrs. Lewis' mother, Mrs.
Thomas Vannaita on Iron Street.
i' 1 of. G. E. Wilbur was called to Susque
hanna County on Saturday, by the serious
illness of his mother.
William Krickbaum, who has been con
fined to the house for some time was out on
\\ illiam B. Cummings went to Wilkes-
Wirre on Saturday, and from there on to
New York on a business trip.
The Misses Nettie and May White, of
Light Street, spent a few days in town with
relatives tlis week.
Miss Elizabeth Jacoby, clerk in the post
office went to the sea shore yesteiday, for a
two weeks vacation.
Robert Bogart, Nathan Gidding and
Eugene Cohen are spending a week visiting
friends at Wilkcsbarre and Scranton.
Miss Martha Witmer spent Monday in
town with her aunt, Mrs. M. A. Blosser on
Market Street.
I have secured the sale of the finest
Vine of Confectionery in the world.
Are unsurpassed in richness and fla
vor. Always fresh, at
in quarters, halfs and pounds.
W. S. RISHTOH, Ph. 0.,
Ooßosito P. 0 Pharmacist
Teiepho". NO.IC7M
Miss Margaret I.aubach went to Atlantic
City to-day to spend a couple of weeks.
Hon. Grant Herring and Trothonutary \V.
H. Henrie went to VViuiamsport on Tuesday.
W. H. Smith 01 .ne Benton "Argus" was
in town on Tuesday.
Cal Girton and wife. Miss Nora Girton
and Miss Agnes Mensch, go to Atlantic City
this week for ten days.
A. B. Croop of Briarcreek dropped in to
see ns while in town on Wednesday. He is
an old subscriber to the "Columbian."
Prof. F. H. Jenkins, Registrar of the
State Normal School, is spending his vaca
tion with relatives in York State.
Rev. J. W. Crawford, a former pastor of
the Baptist Church at this place, now located
in Lycoming County, was in town this week
on a visit.
Our well known merchants H. J. Clark
and Son, who have been absent from town
for the past two weeks on a trip through the
west, returned home on Tuesday They at
tended the exposition at Omaha, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLaughlin, and
Mrs. Kate Potter, of Bloomsburg, were
guests of the editor's family on Sunday. The
latter went to North Mountain to visit Rus
sell Swisher and other relatives.—"Millville
Legal advertisements on page 7.
Hon. Chas- L- Hawley will speak
at Millville to-morrow evening.
Mrs. Riley is improving her prop
erty on Centre street by moving it
back and building an addition to it.
Dr. J. C. Reifsnyder Assistant Sur
geon of the 12th Regiment is home
on a sick furlough.
The storm which passed over this
section yesterday afternoon, did
considerable damage to the crops.
Several crack bicyclists have ar
rived in town, to contest for the
diamond prizes offered by the Blooms
burg Wheelmen on Saturday.
W. H. Woodin, the Republican
candidate for Congress from this dis
trict, was among the first to arrive in
town on Tuesday. He had his head
quarters at the Exchange Hotel.
Every person confined in the
Luzerne County jail has been present
ed with a large palm leaf fan by
Warden Boland. He evidently wants
the prisoners to keep cooi.
Charles H. Johnston, an employee
of Creasy & Wells planing mill had
his leg broken on Thursday afternoon.
He was walking a*">out the machinery
and was caught by the belt of the
flooring machine.
The following letters are advertised
Aug. 16, 1898. Mr. T. M. Culver,
Fred C. Davis, Mr. John P. Lenon,
Mrs. Cora Nufer, A. W. Ro, Mr. S.
Sampson. Will be sent to the dead
letter office Aug. 30, 1898.
The Harrisburg Commonwealth
very tritely says: "Annexation, ex
pansion, imperialism and all the ques
tions growing out of the war haven't
any more to do with the campaign in
Pennsylvania than the wind has to do
with the revolution of the moon."
For those desiring to visit Ocean
Grove (Asbury Park) , Camp
Meeting no better oppo.,unity offers
than to go on Pennsylvania Railroad
Nine Day Excursion Wednesday
August 24th. Rates are low and ac
commodations first class.
On Saturday next, the people of
Tyrone will unfurl to the breeze be
tween two mountains, the largest Hag
in the world. Its size will be sixty by
one hundred feet and be stretched
along a wire thirty-two hundred feet
long. Tyrone patriotism isn't waning
even if the war is ended.
The Montoursville Pantaloon facto
ry has secured the government con
tract to make 50,000 pairs of pantr
loons for the army. They will start
to work on the contract as soon as
the material is received. This will
give the factory steady work for three
The new lodge of Elks recently in
stituted in Bloomsburg held its first
regular meeting at the K. G. E. hall
Friday night. There was a good at
tendance, members from many sur
rounding towns being present. Be
side a previously arranged program
consisting of various games of amuse
ment, refreshments were served.
"Let this thought comfort you
my son," said the Queen Regent,
and the imperial < lips were firmly
drawn, ' 'that whatever else we have
lost, we have saved our honor."
The boy King dug his heel into the
carpet's velvet pile, and pouted.
"Honor is all right," he finally
said, "but I'd rather have the
Patrick J. Corbett, father of James
J. Corbett, the pugilist, shot and kill
ed his wife, at San Francisco on Tues
day. He then turned the weapon
upon himself and committed suicidp.
The hypothesis is accepted by the
family and by intimate friends that
Mr. Corbett committed the act while
temporary insane. He was 66 years
of age and his wife four years younger.
The contract for furnishing the
diamond prizes for the race meet on
Saturday has been awarced to Hess
C- P. Sloan of Ent Post G. A. R.
has been appointed an aide on the
staff of Department Commander of
Penna., W. J. Patterson.
It is said by tying sand-paper
arou nd her ankles, a girl can pro
duce the same effects as buying an
expensive silk skirt. The pieces of
sandpaper rub together and sound
like a $l2 skirt.
A. H. Stroh will open a store at
West Pittston the latter part of this
mouth. He returned this week
from New York where he has been
purchasing his stock. We join with
his many friends in wishing him
unbounded success.
Mrs. Elizabeth Kurtz, aged near
ly seventy-five years, died at
Brooklyn, New York, on Thursday
last. The deceased was the mother
of Associate Judge Kurtz. The
remains were brought to Berwick
and interred in the cemete.y at
Summer Hill.
The match race between C. W.
Krick, of Sinking Springs, and
Will F. McMichael, of Berwick, is
the all absorbing topic of discus
sion at the present. Several small
bets were made Monday evening by
some of our local sports. The odds
appear to be slightly in favor of the
The candidates of the Democratic
party who were nominated at Altoona
in June, were formally notified of their
nomination, at Bedford Springs on
Wednesday afternoon. C. B. Jackson
Esq., was a member of the committee
to inform the candidates, and Geo.
E. Elwell also was present by invita
tion from the state chairman.
We are told that the opening of
the new addition to the Grovania
Hotel which took place on Wednes
day night of last week was attend
ed by considerable free fighting in
which women played a prominent
part. There have been no fatalities
reported, although some of the par
ticipants received blows which
caused catalepsy.
The supreme court has confirmed
the decision of Judge Biddle, of
Cumberland county, in a case that
is of general interest throughout
the state. He allowed constables
ten cents on each and every mile
they traveled in performance of
their official duty. Many con
stables were only allowed five cents,
and proceedings will be instituted
for back fees in many counties
where they were withheld.
One of our Lock Haven exchang
es says a man lias been carrying on
a swindling game in towns of that
section. He represented himself as
an agent for a millinery establish
ment in Lebanon. He was selling
outfits to make artificial flowers and
said he would forward the wax,
silk, wire, thread, scissors, and too
moulds to make 150 in advance.
He stated that he would be around
the next day to give a lesson of an
hour, and would continue for a
week. The students in the art were
to work one hour every day for a
week, and at the expiration of that
time they would receive $2.00 for
their labor. He succeeded in in
interesting a number of ladies who
are still waiting for the return of the
swindler, who left the same day,
and since then nothing has been
seen or heard of him. As he will
very likely try his hand in Blooms
burg, we warn our young ladies to
look out for him.
•' *****************
• jJTLjaj OME persons say •
•I is natur al for
• ePIJs ,hem to ,ose esh s
•; during summer. •
S But losing flesh is losing *
•; ground. Can you afford •
• to approach another win- •
S ter in this weakened con- £
•; dition?
• Coughs and colds,weak •
• throats and lungs, come
•; quickest to those who are •
• thin in flesh, to those eas- •
Si ily chilled, to those who :*
•; have poor circulation and
•< feeble digestion. i*
I Scott's ]
S Emulsion J
• of cod Irver oil ivith hypo- •
Si phosphites does just as S
Si much good in summer as ;J
•] in winter. It makes flesh •
Si in August as well as April. S
Si You certainly need as [5
• strong nerves in July as in
Si January. And your weak i*
Si throat and lungs should
• be healed and strength- •
S ened without delay. IS
• ' AU DraatUt*, Mo. and tl. I*
• ■ SCOTT A BOWSE, clmulata, Now Tor* •
Oourt Proceedings.
A session of court was held Friday
afternoon, with the two Associates
Fox and Kurtz p.-siding.
R. T. Smith, J. B. Laubach, Jasper
Lewis, C. F. Seely, Chas. Edson, I.
L. Edwards and C. T. Davis appoint
ed viewers to assess damages in the
opening of Beaver alley in Benton.
Petition presented and granted for
the changing of'the polling place in
Benton Borough, from the Exchange
Hotel to the Town Hall.
Citation awarded in estate of Sarah
J. Crawford, dec'd.
Lunacy of Reuben J. Kester. Re
port of commission filed, finding him
a lunatic. Aaron Kester appointed
Court convened again for a short
session. Hon. Grant Herring the
newly appointed Judge occupied
the bench.
Chas. Mensinger was appointed
guardian of Minnie, the minor child
of Adison Mensinger.
C. W. Mensinger was appointed
guardian of Myron Folk, minor
child of Cora Mensinger.
On motion of Col. John G.
Freeze, acknowledgement of Sher
iff's deed in the sale of real estate
of Samuel Longenberger, is con
tinued till first Monday of Septem
Albert Ploch discharged from
custody of Sheriff, under the Insol
vent law. Bond of $3OO given by
Frederick Ploch.
Adjourned to meet September 5,
1898, at nine a. m.
Dr. Byron Clark licensed specialist
in chronic diseases and eye troubles
can be consulted free at St. Charles
Hotel, Berwick from 8 A. M. until
noon Saturday Sept. 3rd. At Exchange
Hotel, Bloomsburg from noon until 4
P. M. Saturday Sept. 3rd and at Sus
quehanna House, Catawissa from 4
P. M. until 8 P. M. Saturday Sept.
3rd. Come early. Treatment can be
made as low as $2.00 a week, or $5.00
per month where circumstances
require it. BYRON CLARK.
It is said that war has had the effect
of raising the price of many edibles,
but that very few people know that
the Irish potato is already higher than
in years past at the same seasons.
This is not due to shortage in crops,
for reports coming from various sec
tions show that it is about normal
but entirely to an increase in demand.
The war with Spain has been largely
responsible for this increased demand,
for the United States government is
buying everything in the way of old
potatoes to forward to the troops en
camped in various parts of the country,
and those engaged in the invasion of
Cuba and the Philippines. For several
months past the government agents
have been securing vast stores of old
potatoes. The gain in the regular
demand caused by this drain has
been filled witn orders ror new po
tatoes, and they have constantly risen
in price'somewhat, but the sudden
termination of the war and the muster
ing out of service of 75,000 soldiers,
will probably effect the price, which
will very likely come down a little.
The September number of Harper's
Magazine will be unusually cosmo
politan in character. The timely sub
ject of the outcome of the war with
Spain will be treated in three impor
tant articles : "The Future Policy of
the United States," by James Bryce :
"The United States in Foreign Mili
tary Expeditions," by Professor Albert
Bushnell Hart ; and "The New Fiscal
Policy of the United States," by
Worthington C. Ford. England re
ceives attention in Mr. Smalley's se
cond paper on Mr. Gladstone ; and
in "Social Life in the British Army,"
illustrated by R. Caton Woodville.
"The Romance of a Mad King" is a
vivid sketch of the life of King Louis
11. of Bavaria; Sidney Whitman,
F. R. G. S., writes of "The Turk at
Home" ; and "Days in the Arctic"
are notes from the journal of Frederick
G. Jackson Part i, of "An Angel in
a Web," a novel by Julian Ralph,
four short stories, including one by
Frederic Remington, and the Drawer
conclude the number.
Notice to Comrades Col- 00. Vet- Ass'n.
Those who have been appointed
to procure a list of all enlistments
of their townships, also those col
lecting dues, will please report to
secretary not later than Sept. ist,
1898. H. J. CONNER, Sec'y-
We have received the latest sample
book of society address cards and are
prepared to supply cards with beauti
ful designs and in great variety to
Masons of all degrees, Odd Fellows,
Knights of Malta, Knights of the Gol
den Eagle, Junior O. U. A. M.,
G. A. R., Union Veteran League,
Sons of Veterans, Royal Arcanum,
P. O. S. of A. Also cards for Fire
men, Christian Endeavors and many
other organizations. Call and set
samples. tf.
$3OOO to loan on first mortgage,
in amounts from $2OO
For particulars inquire of
OF SUMMER GOODS. Time is up for us holding them.
In order to close them out quickly we have greatly reduced the
prices. Below we mention a few items. Come and see the
goods. A visit at the store will pay you.
Wash Dress
17c Organdies now 12ic yd
25c Organdies now 19c yd
12ic Lawns now 9c yd
8c Lawns now 5c yd
10c Galetea Suitings now
15c Plaid Lawns now 10c yd
Bayadere Lawns now
8c yard.
42c Silk Striped Zephyr now
32c yard.
30c woven Madras now 25c yd
8c yard. wide Percales now
We have greatly reduced the
prices of these goods. See
One lot silk striped Challie,
floral patterns, now 20c yd.
Special Petticoats.
Wash petticoats, 50c.
Linen petticoats with deep
ruffle at 89c.
Seersucker petticoats with
deep ruffle at 75c.
Terms, CASH. H. J. CLARK & SON
1. W. HARTMAN & SON, Bloomsteg, Fa.
Second August Saio,^
Special Prices on all kinds of Summer Goods, and many kinds of earl}
Fall Goods. If you need a short length of any kindof cotton goods, you mill
find it here at less than you expect. Silks for trimming and for -waists m
this sale.
A small lot yet remain. If your
size is here you can get a waist for
almost halt price. 69, 50, 39c ; were
$1.39, 1.00 to 50c.
Waist lengths and small pieces are
here at prices to please Find out how
much you need, then examine the lot.
These cool evenings suggest the
child's need of a light weight Jacket.
If you buy now, the profit is all yours.
Remnants of wide ribbons at almost
Wide ribbons for sashes at 25c,
have been 35c.
Sashes at $1.95, were $2.50.
to yds. good muslin, 35c.
street. NEW SHOE STORE. pEflJ'i
See if you don't need a new pair of Shoes for dress or for
work, and then come here and examine goods and prices. Men's
solid, serviceable working and plow shoes at $l.OO and $1.25.
Dress shoes, wide and narrow toes, $l.lO, $1.25, $1.75.
These shoes for the quality and price is a saving to you of from
25c. to 50c. 011 each j'air.
We invite the women and girls that wear sizes 13,1, 2or
3to look at our job lot of shoes at 79c. Were sold at $2 and
$3. See them in front of store.
Schuyler's old hardware stand. lIJhOOM£*IIIJRQ
If you want lithographed bonds,
certificates of stock, checks, drafts,
diplomas, or any thing in that line,
the COLUMBIAN office can furnish
them. See samples.
Try Allen's Foot-Ease,
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet fee! swollen,
nervous and hot, and get tired easily.
If you have smarting feet or tight shoes
try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the
feet and makes walking easy. Cures
swollen and sweating feet, blisters and
callous spots. Relieves corns and bun
ions of all pain and gives rest and com
fort. Try it TO DA V. Sold by ad
druggists and shoe stores for 25c.
Trial package FREE. Address Allen
S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Wool Dress
We mention three lots only:
45 in. Check Mohairs now 45c.
40 in. Black Mohairs now 55c.
38 in. all wool Vigoroux now
Art Denims
In new patterns for curtaim
and furniture coverings.
Shirt Waists.
We have greatly lowered
the prices on these goods.
Special Crash
For Suits and Dress Skirts,
extra good, price 15c yd.
Of Wool Dress Goods, suit
able for Skirts, Waists and
Children's Dresses at little
Large size, good patterns
and weight, hemmed ready for
use, at 97c.
The last price cutting on these goods
has just taken place. Lawns, sto 18c,
were 10 to 35c. Percales, Bc, were
12Ac. Ginghams, 4,jc yd., sold in
dress lengths only. Lots of shori
lengths for dresses and waists at al
most your prices.
75c to $1.95, were $1 to 3.50.
75c. were $l. 59c, were 75.
Waists, 39c, were 50. 19c, were 25c
Neckties, 4to 50c. Shirt Waist
Sets, 10c to $1.50. Belts, isCtosi.sok
3 spools King's Thread, sc. 6 pieces
white tape, sc. Crochet cotton, jc
spool. Belt buckles, 19 to 50c.
10 yds. good cabco, 35c.
.Hoarders Wanted-
Good accommodations can be fur
nished two or three adults in a
pleasant home up the creek. Terms
$6 a week. Inquire at this office. <jt.
Rooms on 3rd. floor, COLUMBIAN
building. Steam heal, gas or electric
light, water. Apply to
HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ilia, Bil
iousness, Indigestion, Headache.
Casy to take, easy to operate. 25e.
2ry the COLUMBIAN a year.