The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 18, 1898, Page 4, Image 5

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Site (ToUuuMa flemorrnt,
moomsburg, the County seat, of Columbia
County, Pennsylvania.
VIRUS:—InBtde tne county Ji.on a year in ad
vanoe; $1.50 If not paid In advance outside
the county, $1.25 a year, strictly In advance.
Alt communications should be addressed to
Bloomsburg, Pa.
"I have been a Republican since
iB6O but our party now stinks in the
nostrils of any decent man. If the
people are willing to uphold this cor
ruption and dishonesty, God save
the country ' —Ex-Postmaster General
John Wanamaker."
There have been several moves
on the political checker board since
our last issue. On Friday last
Robert R. Little and his conferrees,
Capt. J. B. Robison and T. J.
Vanderslice, drove over to Ex
change, Montour county, and there
met Dr. M. McHenry and Ex-
Judge Divel, the conferrees ap
pointed by the late Judge lkelerby
the authority of the Montour con
vention The Judicial conference
was organized by electing Capt.
Robison chairman, and T. J. Van
derslice, secretary. Five ballots
were cast in which the Montour
conferrees voted for Fred Ikeler,
and the Columbia conferrees for
Little. On the sixth ballot Dr.
I McHenry voted for Little, and
then, on motion, it was made unan
imous, and R. R. Little was de
clared the nominee.
On Saturday the Democratic
Standing Committee met at Dan
• ville. They were informed that
the Judicial conference had been
held, and Mr. Little nominated.
It was claimed, however, by Judge
Herring and his friends that the
Ikeler conferrees had no power to
act, as there authority ceased when
Judge Ikeler died, and the commit
tee, therefore, proceeded to name a
new candidate, and Grant Herring
was declared to be the nominee of
Montour county. Mr. Little claims
that he is the regular nominee, and
that his name will be printed on
s the ballot in the Democratic column.
Judge Herring claims that Mr.
Little is not regularly nominated,
and that his name should not be
printed on the ballot on his present
certificate. How this controversy
is to be settled we shall not attempt
*0 predict.
The Republicans are in as much
of a muddle as the Democrats.
James Scarlet has been nominated
.. by Montour county. The Repub
,! lican Convention of Columbia
v codnty, held last May, authorized
the chairman to appoint Judicial
conferrees, and he has done so.
They arc without instructions, but
"have declared in favor of C. C.
| Evans. The convention last MOll
- day refused to entertain a motion
instructing for James Scarlet, and
after the convention had adjourned
Mr. Scarlet was called for, and the
' audience remained to listen to his
speech, in which he declared that
he was in the fight to stay, and
, would carry the war into this coun
ty, from which, it is understood,
that if lie is not mad ; the nominee
of the conference, he will go on
the ballot by nomination papers.
The next move in the game,
whatever it may be, is awaited by
the public with intense interest.
A New Peu6ion Departmont.
Owing to the number of applica
tions for pensions being received as
a result of the war with Spain.
Pension Commissioner Evans has
established the "Division 0f'98."
To this all application originating
through service in the present war
will be referred. Medical officers
of the pension bureau estimate that
at least two thirds of the men who
have been sent to Cuba and Porto
Rico will eventually become pen
From our Regular Correspondent.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 12th, 1898.
If proof were needed that Mr. Mc-
Kinley made a serious mistake in not
definitely naming all the terms of
peace that Spain must accept, instead
of leaving some of them to be settled
by a joint commission, it was furnish
ed in chunks by Spain's first answer,
accepting the terms of peace, but on
condition that numerous things, in
cluding whether Cuba should be
responsible tor a portion of the Span
ish bonded debt, should be determined
by the Peace Commission. That it
was compelled to waive the conditions
and accept the terms of peace with
out conditions, does not lessen the
mistake Mr. McKinley made in leav
ing anything to be settled by commis
sion, as the country will realize long
before that commission completes its
work. Spain was whipped to her
knees and was bound to accept any
terms of peace Mr. McKinley chose
'to offer and there was not a single
good reason why the terms should not
have been made such that their ac
ceptance would have settled the whole
business for good and all. The ex
cuse for not doing that is not a valid
one. It is that the administration had
not decided what shou'd be done with
the Philippines. The people have
decided that Spanish rule ought not
to be continued in any part of the
Philippines, if the administration
Sampson's "pull" extended to Mr.
McKinley, as it has been decided to
make him a Rear Admiral for his ser
vices in the war, although not a few
persons say that his share of prize
money, on prizes he had no hand in
taking, will largely overpay him for
anything he has done. The public
agitation in favor of Schley is doubt
less the cause of his also getting made
a Rear Admiral, but the pleasure at
his promotion is lessened by Sampson
being promoted ahead of him, thus
keeping up the injustice by which
Sampson was jumped over his head
in the first place.
The wily Sultan of Turkey appears
to have talked this government to a
standstill in the game of diplomacy
that has been going on for several
years over the claims of American
missionaries for $lOO,OOO for property
destroyed by Turkish mobs. The
claim was first made by the Cleveland
administration, and from its first filing
until very recently the public has been
told from time to time that the gov
ernment was about to compel the
Sultan to settle up. Nothing official
can be obtained at the State Depart
ment, but from other sources it is
learned that the Sultan has positively
refused to pay a cent, taking the
ground that his government was not
responsible. Ordinarily such a refusal
could have been easily met, but in
this case the refusal was based on a
quotation from an answer given by
this government to another govern
ment that had presented a claim for
property destroyed by a riotous mob.
1 hat is what brought this government
to a standstill, until the next move
can be thought out. It would be an
easy matter to send a strong fleet to
1 urkish waters and force payment,
but it must first be decided that it
would be wise to establish such a
Now that they no longer have the
Spaniards to fight, the army officials
who have been so busy trying to shift
the responsibility for the shameful
shortcomings in the furnishing of pro
per supplies to the men in the army,
not only at Santiago, but in camps in
the U. S. from their own to somebody
else's shoulders, can give their entire
attention to fighting each other, in
stead of wielding the official, white
wash brush. Perhaps it may be possi
ble when Congress assembles to get
an investigation that will really investi
gate. If so, there is little doubt that
much incompetence, will be located,
and some crookedness, too. By that
time many volunteers now in the ser
vice will have ceased tp be soldiers
and their evidence will be available,
while now their tongues are tied by
military regulations.
There is trouble, and lots of it
ahead of the War Department, on
account ot its management of its end
of the war, and that may account for
the rumor that Secretary Alger in
tends shortly to resign and that his
portfolio will be offered to Gen. Joe
Wheeler, of Ala It would be a shrewd
move on the part of the administra
tion to attempt to head off demo
cratic criticism of the War Depart
ment by making such a good demo
crat as Gen. Wheeler Secretary of
War, but it remains to be seen whether
Gen. Wheeler would accept the place,
if it were offered him. Gen. Wheeler
is as good a politician as a fighter, and
he would see through the scheme at
once, and would probably decline
with thanks. It is very probable that
Alger contemplates resigning as an
easy method of escaping criticism.
If we aie to judge from reports the
country at large is begining to show a
great improvement in business.
America is promised three years of
great prosperity.
The Sullen Insurgents.
Santiago advices, which are about
the only Cuban advices now avail
able, represent the attitude of the
Cubans as one of distrust and dis
appointment, one dispatch saying
that many insurgents even display
a sullen hostility. There is Spanish
blood in them, and they, too, have
a uot unworthy feeling of pride
which is hurt by the evident con
tempt with which they find them
selves regarded, while they cannot
fail to note the complete change of
tone toward them which has follow
ed the Santiago campaign. Right
ly or wrongly, they have been
taken down many pegs in American
opinion by rep jrts of their doings
sent from the front, and now as ihis
country is responsible for the good
government of Cuba it is natural
that this lowering of American
opinion of the Cubans should be
marked by more frequent reference
to the prospect of annexation. The
reasoning runs about like this :
"The Cubans behaved badly at
Santiago. The Cubans are a bad
lot. They are unfit to govern them
selves. We must annex and 1 ule
them." It is very bad reasoning,
based upon blind jumps from small
evidence to great conclusions. With
equal truth it might have been said
Pennsylvanians behaved badly in
certain battles of the Revolution
and were therefore unworthy to
form a part of the union. But this
has nothing to do with the drift
of American opinion. Returning
to the effect of that opinion upon
the Cubans, it is not unnatural that
we should find them accepting the
peace with sullen doubt and distrust,
rather than gratitude. Priceless
though the gift may be the ignor
ant mass of those long hunted and
wretched insurgents may be par
doned for failing to recognize un
alloyed kindness and benevolence
in what may seem to them only a
change of masters with 110 recogni
tion for their flag or for all that it
must signify. They are to be
pitied, not blamed. Let us deal
fairly, frankly and patiently with
them.— Ex.
Statehood for none of our new
conquests lias been thought of yet,
but the people of Porto Rico are
getting themselves in training for it.
They are showing au Americanism
and an intelligence which is im
pressing this government very fav
orably toward them. It is known
of course, that the proportion of
whites to the total population is
larger in Porto Rico than it is in
Cuba, or any other Spanish island,
its per capita wealth is greater, and
its per centage of educated people is
higher. After ihe Spauiards are
driven out of the island a stream of
'emigrants to it from the United
States is very likely to begin, and
its population will rapidly increase
•in the immediate future. Pouo Rico
will probably not remain in the
crown colony status long. A full
territorial government is reasonably
certain to be given to that island
before many years roll by.
What a Protocol Is.
A protocol, (literally the first leaf
of a sheaf of manuscript, glued in
place) in the language of deplomacy,
means a preliminary sketch or draft
of a treaty or agreement, and for
the time it is in force is supposed to
have the binding power of a com
plete and final agreement. The
usual method of procedure follow
ing the announcement of a protocol
is for the two governments con
cerned to appoint respectively com
missioners for the drafting of a
formal treaty, and this will be the
course pursued by the United States
and Spain in the present war.
Colonel Roosevelt has given notice
that he wdl take his Rough Riders to
the Paris Exposition in 1900 at his
own expense. The boys are all very
loud in their praise for thiir Colonel.
They fought for ninety hours without
sleep or rest.
After the Fever
Little Clrl Was Weak and Could
Not Eat—Hood's SarBaparllla
Cave Her Appetite and Strength-
Eczema Disappearing.
"My little girl was sick lor several
months with typhoid lever, and alter aha
got over it Bhe was weak and did not eat.
My husband got her a bottle ol Hood's
Barsaparilla, saying It would make her
eat and give her strength —and it did.
She had taken it only a short time when
she was well and strong. Kveryone who
sees her is surprised at her improvement
because she WSB EO weak and thin, but now
is lat and healthy. I am giving her
Hood's Sarsaparilla now tor eczema and
the trouble is last disappearing. My hus
band has taken it tor rheumatism and it
has done him good." MRS. CLINTON B.
COPE, Buckingham Valley, Pennsylvania.
Hood's parllla
Is the best-ln tact the One True Blood Purifier.
Sold by all druggists. Prloe, gl; six tor go.
Hnnd'n Pills are Ue
lIUOU S r HIS p ilU| „ d digestion. Mo.
August Sales!
For Men, Boys and Children,
To make room for fall and winter goods,
at prices that will surprise you.
Townsend's Star Clothing House.
Who Pays the Tax?
The annexation of Porto Rico is
not without some very valuable
lessons to those who have been be
fooled by years of Republican high
tariff teachings. And every one of
these lessons is worth the closest
attention of every voter in the
United States.
It has been said time and again
by the protectionist that the for
eigner pays the tariff tax. As a
great protectionist put it when
throwing dust in the people's eyes :
"The Republican party believed
that we should never tax our own
people so long as we can have
J other people to tax.'' The whole
rubric of protection has been that
high tariffs protect domestic manu
factures from the encroachments of
foreign competition and that the
foreigner who wishes to enter the
American market must pay the
tariff tax, which is not returned to
him through a reimbursing selling
We all know how fallacious has
proved the claim that a high tariff
is necessary to the protection of
American products from foreign
competition. Within the last few
weeks the people have had placed
before them official statistics show
ing how American commerce has
increased in countries that are our
chief industrial competitors. These
statistics show that protection is
the sham.
A good object lesson of the falsity
of the claim that the foreigner pays
the tax has always been wanting.
True, it seemed queer that protec
tionists who reveled in high tariffs
never made these so high that the
collection of internal revenues
would be unnecessary, bnt it was a
subject carefully avoided by the
protectionists. Now the desired
object lesson has been furnished by
events in Porto Rico. The Presi
dent has already ordered that the
same tariff regulations provided for
Santiago shall be enforced at Porto
Rican ports. And this order was
received with great satisfaction in
Porto Rico.
Why ? Because the tariff rates
on all articles of food imported into
Porto Rico have been so excessive
that most of the population found
it difficult to obtain the simplest of
food necessaries. With the tariff
tax reduced the Porto Ricans are
enabled to get food so cheaply that
all can get enough to eat.
It is a simple story, told in the
telegraphic columns of all news
papers, but how the simple story
destroys all the artful aud elaborate
tales of the men who have spent
years in deceiving the people as to
tariff and protection ! Now who
pays the ta x ?— Ex.
—William and Joseph Quick were
drowned in the Susquehanna river at
Wilkesbarre last week.
—A 5-year old daughter of Harry
Coldren was swept away by the rapid
ly rising Conestoga Creek, at Church
town, Lancaster County. Her body
was not found.
Miss Jennie Wilson one of Shamokin's
best known and popular young ladies
was instantly killed last week, by
placing her two hands on two tele
phone wires, while leaning out of a
window listening to a band play. It
appears that during the day some
electric light wires had become cross
ed with the telephone wires and
charged them strong enough to kill.
It is believed that she received a shock
ot ijoo volts.
—After a bitter fight the Cumber
laud Valley Telephone Company was
granted the right to operate in Cham
will be extended to August 24, 1898,
with new offers in almost every de
partment through our store that can
not help but interest you.
We put out a lot of iight wrappers
this week, good patterns, made as
nice as any dressmaker would make
them, worth from $1 to 1.50, for 69c.
We make another cut in Shirt
Waists. Our lot we will sell out at
25c., worth from 50c. to $l.
S. L. Munson's waists, worth from
$! to 1.65, go this week at 79c.
You will find this week a great
many special offers in our Grocery
Flour, any make, $1.25 for 50 lbs.
Good country lard, 8c per lb.
riason glass jars, 50, 60, 75c. doz.
Waterwelons, Sweet Potatoes, Ba
nanas and Lemons, always fresh.
General Greely's 273 Days of Death.
The true story of those 278 days
of suffering by Greely's heroic lit
tle band of explorers in the Arctic
region has been told by General
Greely himself, for the first time,
for the October Ladies' Home Journal.
For years General Greely has kept
an unbroken silence about his fear
ful experience and that of his com
panions, as they dropped dead one
by one at his side, and it was only
after the gieatest persuasion that
the famous explorer was induced
to write the story.
—o —
The Little Queen's Picture.
Wilhelmina, who is to be crowned
Queen of the Netherlands 011 Sep
tember 6 next, has personaly sent
to Mr. Bok, the editor of the La
dies' Home Journal —himself a Hol
lander by birth —one of her private
portraits for publication in the next
number of his magazine. It is the
last portrait which will be taken of
the little lady before her coronation,
and will be printed in connection
with a specially prepared sketch,
showing the personality of the first
Queen of Holland from every point
of view.
I At a meeting of the Lycoming
County Republican committee held
at Williamsport yesterday, the pre
sent Democratic incumbent John J.
Metzger was unanimously nominat
ed for President Judge of the
Twenty-ninth Judicial District.
Judge Metzger is now the nominee
of both the Democratic and Repub
lican parties.
At Private Sale!
A valuable farm, lying within the limits of
130 ACRES,
adjoining lands of Armstrong, Shafer, Mifflin,
l'utsel and others, whereon are erected a largo
a frame barn and outounulngs, with two wella
of water at the buildings. Apply to
June 88-tf Bloomsburg, Pa,
Estate of K. R. Ikeler, late of Bloom:ihurg, To.,
deer teed.
Xottce is hereby pi twit that letters testamentary
on the estate oj K R. Ikeler, late of Uluomsbu.'g.
Pa., Columbia County, deceased, hatte teen grow,
ed to Frank Ik' and Fred Ikeler, to whom att
persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make payment, and those having claims or de
mands will make kntncn the same without delay.
• Executors.