The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 18, 1898, Page 3, Image 4

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    Who foots the Wat Expense?
Quay's candidate for governor,
William A. Stone, is a patriot. Can
didate Stone wants the people to up
hold McKinley and the war against
Well, are they not doing it ? and
if not, who is ?
It requires money to make war on
a grand scale and this money can be
obtained by taxation only.
Is there any war tax ? Yes. Who
pays it ? The plain, common people.
Don't the brewer pay his share ? No.
It is paid over the bar by the beer
drinkers. ,
Don't the rich tobacco firms pay
their share ? No. It is paid by the
small dealers, smokers, chewers and
snuffers. Don't the rich monopoly
express companies pay their share ?
No. It is paid by the senders of ex
press packages.
Don't the telegraph companies pay
their share ? No. It is paid by the
sender of messages.
Don't the wealthy bankers pay their
share ? No. It is paid by the maker
of bank checks.
Don't the tea merchants pay their
share ? No. It is paid by the drink
ers of tea at the rate of 10 cents per
Don't the taxes fall upon any of
these rich nabobs ?
No. A Republican congress, of
which William A. Stone is a member,
did not pass that kind of a tax bill.
Who are under dogs in the war
anyhow ? The under dogs are the
farmers, small traders, laborers and
mechanics, both in Spain and in this
country, who foot all the bills and
furnish the fighters, while the dons
and dudes do all the shouting and get
all the glory and the spoils.
Don't the dons and dudes pay
taxes and fight ? Nit I—Johnstown
Provisional Guard-
The recruitment of the seventy-two
companies of infantry, three batteries
of light artillery and three troops of
cavalry for the National Guard of
Pennsylvania is virtually completed.
General orders are being prepared by
Adjutant General Stewart amending
previous orders so that instead of or
ganizing three regiments of eight com
panies in each brigade there will be
two regiments of twelve companies
These regiments will be numbered
and assigned as follows: The
Seventh and Eleventh regiments will
be attached to the Second brigade,
the Seventeenth and Twenty-first to
the Second brigade, and the Nine
teenth and Twentieth to the First
brigade. The batteries and troops of
cavalry will be designated and assign
ed as follows : Battery D and Se
cond troop. Philadelphia city cavalry,
to the First brigade ; Battery F, at
Phoenixville, and second Governor's
troop at Harrisburg, to the Third
brigade, and battery E, at Pittsburg,
and second Sheridan troop, at Tyrone,
to the Second brigade.
The Seventh regiment will comprise
two companies at Wilkes-Barre, and
one each at YVilliamsport, Sunbury,
Hazleton, YVanamie, Plymouth, Pitts
ton, Shickshinny, Tunkhannock, Mes
hoppen and Allentown. The Eleventh
regiment will be made up of three
companies at Scranton and one each
at Reading, Lancaster, Carlisle, Fas
ton, York, Harrisburg, Lebanon,
Honesdale, and Pottsville.
$lOO Reward, $lOO.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires
a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and muc
ous surfaces of the system, thereby
destroying the foundation of the dis
ease, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith
in its curative powers, that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure. Send for list of
Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best, rm
A Hint for Next Winter.
A neighboring county has a young
man, who by pulling a string while ly
ing in bed starts the kitchen fire and
takes another snooze while the tea
kettle in nearing the boiling point.
At night he puts the shavings and
wood in the fire pot and has in front
of it a plate of steel with a hole
through which protrudes a parlor
match. . Next to this is a flat file with
a string attached, which runs to his
bed up stairs. Pulling the string
draws the file over the head of the
match which ignites the shavings ar.d
sets things going without one's getting
out of bed.
Kile Antt HrltU'.i Atrltnde In the Keceu'>
Diplomatic Entanglement Over Chines*
Hallway Concessions to Be the Grounc
on Which England Will Proceed.
London, Aug. 16.—The foreign office,
It is reported here, though the report ai
yet lacks confirmation. Intends to de
mand that the Chinese government dis
miss Prince LI Hung Chang from pow
er on the ground that he Is responsible
for the recent antl-Brltlsh attitude ol
the Tsung-11-Yemen.
The foreign office. It Is also asserted,
has had under special consideration the
question of seizing the Taku forts, on
the Qulf of Pechin. at the mouth of the
Pekln river, and the.Clty of Tien-Tain,
the port of Pekln, In the event of China
holding all until comifctance is aseured.
refusing to comply with this demand.
Meanwhile the semi-official Journal
de St. Petersburg. In to-day's Issue,
deprecates the tone of the British press
and says: "Russia does not contemplate
fresh acquisitions in the Far East. Her
only object is to preserve the advan
tages recently gained. The Russian
government does not desire to Injure
the economic Interests of Great Britain
any mor than those of any other pow
The controversy between England I
and Russia Is over the possession of a
new railroad which is being built from I
New Chwang to Shouhla-Kwan. At '
New Chwang this line connects with
the Manchurian railroad, which in turn
connects with the Trans-Siberian rail
road. At Shonhai-Kwon connection
will be made with Tientsin by the rail
road now being built.
These various connections make the
road the link in the great system which
is to unite Siberia with the rich valley
which Is the main source of China's
wealth* The control of this road is
therefore of great commercial import
ance, and would also carry with It a
strong BtrategJc advantage.
Since the beglnhing of the operations
looking to the building of the new road
Russia and England have been watch
ing each other closely, but in all the
diplomatic contests thus far England
has been worsted, and M. Pavilof, the
Russian minister, has succeeded in
having his way. His peremptory de
mand that English capitalists should
not be permitted to control the new
road was granted by the Chinese au
thorities, and it has been understood
from the first that LI Hung Chang has
exerted his great .nfluence with hi*
government in support of the demands
of Russia.
Th Commissary Department Sending
LOIR of Fresh Meat and Good Dread.
New York. Adg. 17.—1n order to ex
pedite the work of completing Camp
Wikoff at Montauk Point the quarter
master's department In the Army build
ing sent two boat loads of trucks and
teams to the Point.
Officers of idle quartermaster's de
partment were out yesterday engaging
trucks wherever they could do so. Fif
ty were finally secured, each with four
horses and a driver, and were all sent
to Caimp Wikoff on a barge and a ferry
Colonel Amos S. Kimball, deputy
quartermaster general, said yesterday.
"The ferry boat and barge will be re
tained at Montauk Point for service
there. The trucks will be used In un
loading and distributing baggage and
stores, and In the work of completing
the construction of the ea,mp. So far
as this department is concerned every
thing is progressing rapidly."
Reports from the commissary de
partment at Camp Wikoff are also fa
vorable. Colonel Wells WlllarU assist
ant purchasing commissary of subsis
tence, when seen in the Army building
yesterday, said:
"Fresh meat is furnished dally for
Camp Wikoff by Nelson Morris & Co.,
with whom the government has a con
tract. The meat Is furnished according
to telegraphic statements of the needs
of the camp. Major John 8. Duval,
chief commissary at the camp, attends
to this work.
"It takes from 15 to 20 cents per man
per day to feed the troops. This sum
includes everything In the army ra
tions. The fresh bread furnished is as
good as I eat myself. It Is taken up
every day from Brooklyn. Monday
3,000 loaves were sent and yesterday
between 6,000 and 8,000 loaves were
"The delicacies at the camp are in
cluded In the commissary. department
and are sold to the soldiers at cost.
"All the storehouses have not been
put up. They should have been finish
ed last Saturday, and fhey ought to be
finished this Saturday."
"Has the commissary department de
cided to give the men cold tea?" was
"We furnish tea," said Colonel Wll
lard, "and If the soldiers want to cool
It they can do it themselves. We can't
go around cooling tea.
"The food given the troops at Camp
Wikoff is better than that enjoyed by
the average laborer, and Is better by
far than the rations furnished any ar
my in the world."
All Quiet Mt Havens.'"' l '
Key West, Fla., Aug. 17.—There is
apparently no foundation for the report
that there have been special disturb
ances in Havsaa within the last day
or two.
According to the latest advices fro id
reliable sources the olty Is very tran
ltl ' ■ _j
'Cbb.n Will Abide by Anyihluf
the Hulled States Sajra
New York, Aup. 17.— T. K!rala i"al
ma. president of the Cuban .'urita, Is it
Washington, and Mr. H. fi. Rubens
counsel to the Junta, Is also out ol
town. Few of the members eared tc
talk on the reported agreement to dis
band the Cuban army and of the ap
pearance of agitators unfavorable tc
America In Santiago. One of the mem
bers said, however: ~
"1 have not heard of the reported ap
pearance In Santiago of agitators whe
seek to stir up the Cubans against the
United States; but If such have made
their appearance I do not think thsll
talk will amount to much. There have
always been dissatisfied people whe
desire to further their own ends or to
change existing conditions The Cuban
government hoe experienced this klnJ
of thing before, and even the presenl
form of government has been opposed
by certain agltatora These things art
to be expected, for the man or party
who attempts to do good for a people
or advance the cause of humanity will
always be opposed by hoodlums.
"These breathers of sedition may
have made their appearance In Santia
go now that peace has been declared,
but they will neither command respect
nor meet with much attention. They
are of the game class as the rabid po
litical orator, who sometimes makes
his appearance In this country around
election time. Our government Is pled
ged to co-operate wiKh the United
States In securing a stable government,
as they were in defeating the armies of
Spain and they will do all In their
power to fulfill their pledges, believing
that this country will be, as It has ever
been, the champion of the oppressed
and a lover of Jurtice, and that all Its
pledges to the people of Cuba will ba
"We have said before that Cubans
will do all In their power to assist the
United States in the settlement of all
future Cuban questions, and I repeat
that they will still do so. Yet If an In
flammatory clique of agitators, who de
sire to stir up the people at this time,
have come on the scene, th'-y will re
ceive neither the attention of the better
classes nor t£e favor of the majority
of the masse*, and they will meet with
severe treatment at the hands of the
Cuban government.
"The report that the Cuban army
will attnek Santiago when the United
States garrison is weakened there is
absurd. The Cuban army Is undei
brave and faithful officers, who have
been fighting for the future prosperity
of the island and the *ndopendence if
the people. They are under orders to
assist Che American general: they have
done so and will continue to co-operate
with the Americans. The Cuban gov
ernment has accepted the armistice,
anil I know nothing of the reported
dlsbandment of the Cuban army. Mr.
Palms is in Washington, but I do not
know his mission there."
" Fighting Joe" 1m Suddenly Summoned
to WoHhlngton.
New York, Aug. 17.—General Joseph
Wheeler came to down yesterday, en
rou*e to Washington, on a sudden order
frojn the secretary of war The order
was received in Camp Wikoff Monday
night, and the general started for this
city on the 5.40 o'clock train from
Montuuk without getting any break
fast. His going caused grea; anguish
among the medical men In camp, whose
quarantine regulations were smashed
to general wreck by the order from
Secretary Alger. It called merely for
General Wheeler's Immediate presence
In Washington. In the camp the ru
mor spread that General Wheeler was
to be one of the peaae commissioners
not yet appointed, and was hailed wltli
great enthusiasm. If It Is so, the ap
pointment will be accepted by the army
as a most happy recognition of the ser
vice of the brave volunteers, whom the
old general with the Iron will and un
bending spirit weU typifies.
The train that carried the general
ran off a switch at Amagansett and it
took half an hour to get It back again.
General Wheeler went out to the train
men and watched them work, dropping
a word of advice where It would be of
use. The rest of the way to the city
he was the object of much attention,
being promptly recognized by the pas
sengers. In the depot at Long Island
City and on the ferry boat the work
ingmen came up, brushed their hands
clean on their aprons and asked the
privilege of shaking hands with the old
hero, which was readily granted. When
he got Into a Thirty-fourth street car
newsboys hung on behind and shouted
for "General Joe" and there was an In
formal levee.
The general went to the Hotel Wal i
dorf to meet his children, to whom he
had telegraphed his coming. He left
last evening for Washington
New Cup Defender.
Bristol, R. 1., Aug. 17.—Oapt. - Nat
Herreshoff refuser to discuss the mat
ter of a cup defender to meet the chal
lenge from across the water In a con
test for the America's cup, saying noth
ing has been settled.
A man well known In shipping circles
who visited the Herreshoff works on
Monday, claims to have seen the plans
and model of the boat to be built for
the great race. 'They are for a boat
very much after the style of the 1596
The lines of the new craft are finer
than those of the Defender, and show a
hull cut away a little more In the foro
foot and a little broader of beam.
But she will be a keel boat and of a
form very familiar to those acquainted
with the last American cup races.
Killed HIM Wife and Himself '
San Franelsoo, Cal., Aug. 17.— R. J.
Corbett, father of James J. Corbett,
the heavyweight pugilist, yesterday
morning shot and killed his wife and
then turned the weapon upon himself
with fatal effect. It Is believed that
the murderer was demented. He had
been in extremely poor health for some
time. Death was Instantaneous In both
cases. I
The shooting occurred at the resi
dence of the Corbett family, 520 Hayes
street. i
1 ]
bin), Blanco Ordered to Stay '
Madrid, Aug. IT.—The cabinet has de
cided to order General Blanco and all
otlier Spanish generals In the Antilles
to remain ait their respective posts until
the evacuation ti completed.
The Home Paper-
Said an eminent divine : "Your
home paper tells you when to go to
church, to county court and probate
court and when to send your children
to school. It tells you who is mar
ried and who is dead, who is sick,
who is bom, and many other things
you would like to know. It calls at
tention to the public enterprises and
advocates the best of schools, and
laws in town. It records the marriage
of your daughter, the death of your
son and the illness of your wife free of
charge. It sets forth the advantages
and attractions of your town and in
[ vites immigration, and is first to wel
come newcomers. Yet in spite of all
these and numerous other benefits,
some people say home papers are not
half as good as city papers, that they
have no interest in their business or
success. The home papers are like
the home church—too often neglected
by those who are benefitted thfe most.
Weather Tor August.
Rev. Hicks Says There Will Be Storms,
Cooler Winas, etc.
Rev. Hicks, in "Words and Works,"
predicts that summer heat and storms
will prevail in the west and east the
forepart of August. He also states
that the autumnal equinox will be a
factor in weather and storms during
the last half of August, the period be
ing ushered in by excessively warm
weather. The 12 th will be the first
period for the east for perceptible high
temperature and storms, followed by
cooler winds and fair weather. New
moon on the 17th will as usual cause
a change. A storm period will pass
over the country from the 20th to the
24th. We should look for many
storms of wind, thunder and rain. At
this period the main centers of severe
disturbance will be coast towns, cities
and the gulf regions. The 27th-29th
will be the next storm period, accom
panied by much warm weather. A
Mercury equinox is in force the clos
ing days of Aug. Moon is at perigee
on the equater on the 31st.
Rev. Hicks concludes his August
forcast as follows : We firmly adhere
to the belief that from the last half of
July through August and September,
heat and general dryness will be the
rule especially in sections to the west
and north, and admonish our readers
so watch for them.
Women Everywhere Express their
Gratitude to Mrs. Pinkham.
nrs. T. A. WALDBN, Gibson, (la., writes:
" DEAR MRS. PINKHAM: —Before tak
ing your medicine, life was a burden
to me. I never saw a well day. At
my monthly period I suffered untold
misery, and a great deal of the time I
was troubled with a severe pain in my
side. Before finishing the first bottle
of your Vegetable Compound I could
tell it was doing me good. I continued
its use, also used the Liver Pills and
Sanative Wash, and have been greatly
helped. 1 would like to have you use
my letter for the benefit of others."
nrs. FLORENCE A. WOLFE. 518 riulbMrry
St., Lancaster, Ohio, writes 1
years I was troubled with what the
local physicians told me was inflamma
tion of the womb. Every month I suf
fered terribly. I had taken enough
medicine from the doctors to cure any
one, but obtained relief for a short
time only. At lost I concluded to write
to you in regand to my case, and can
say thut by following your advice I am
now pefectly well."
nrs. W. R. BATES, ITansfleld, La., writes 1
" Before writing to you I suffered
dreadfully from painful menstrua
tion, leucorrhoea and sore feeling in
the lower part of the bowels. Now my
friends want to know what makes me
look so well. Ido not hesitate one min
ute in telling them what has brought
about this great change. I cannot
praise Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound enough. It is the greatest
remedy of the age."
must be non-irritating, easy of application,
and one that will by its own action reach the
inflamed and diseased surfaces.
ELY'S CREAM HALM combines the im
portant requisites of quick action and spe
cific curative powers with perfect safety to
the patient. This agreeable remedy has
mastered catarrh as nothing else has, and
both physicians and patients freely concede
this fact. All druggists cheerfully acknow
ledge that in it the acme of Pharmaceutical
skill has been reached. The most distress
ing symptoms quickly yield to it. In acute
cases the Balm imparts almost instant relief.
By Absorption.
Catarrhal sufferers should remember that
Ely's Cream Balm is the only catarrh rem
ABSORBED by the diseased membrane. It
changes them to a limpid and odorless con
dition, and finally to a natural and healthy
The Balm can be found at any drug store,
or by sending 50 cents to Ely Brothers, 56
Warren St., New York, it will be mailed.
Full directions with each package.
Cream Balm opens and cleanses the nasal
passages, allays inflammation, thereby stop
ping pain in the head, heals and protects the
membrane and restores the senses of taste
and smell. The Balm is applied directly
into the nostrils.
Lithographed bonds, stock certifi
cates, and checks are furnished at
THE COLUMBIAN office. tf.
Easy to Take I
asy to Operate
Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small In
size, tasteless, efllcient, thorough. As one man
aabl: " You never know you
have taken a pill till It is all "II _
over." 25c. C. I. Huud & Co., 111 fhfc
Proprietors. Lowell, Mass. ■ ■■ ■
The only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla.
CURES i FEVKRB ' Lun F ver, Milk Pever.
CURJCH j SPRAINS, Lmmenru, Rbeuiustlsm,
EPIZOOTIC, Distemper.
CUKES } WORMS, Dots. Grub..
CUKES i COUGHS. Colds. ■nOuenzs.
| COLIC. Bellyache, Diarrhea.
CUKEM i MABiGE, Skin Dlseues.
cuus| BAD t'O.NDIT'ON'. Staring Coat
60c. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, ftc., $7.
At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William & John
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific
Ho. 28, in use over4o years, the only
successful remedy.
$1 per vialfOr 5 vials and large vial powder,for $6
Bold by Druggists, or tent post pld on receipt of price.
BCVFHBSYft'HKD, CO., Cor. William * John bU., Row York
AGAIN we offer yon COLD
STORAGE for Eggs, Butter,
Dried Fruits, Carpets, Furs and
perishable articles. Inquire for
We Manufacture
For domestic purposes you should
use PURE ICE only.
Cold Storage & Artificial Ice Co.
255 East 7Mi St
A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M.
NOBTHUUBBBLAND -.... 625 1.50 10 00 550
Cameron 6 38 6 03
Chulaeky - 6 07
Danville...—.— 650 212 10.21 613
Oatawlßßa - 703 226 .... 628
Rupert —— 709 9 81 10 36 6 38
Bloomsburg 713 23b 10 41 639
Espy - 723 242 10 46 645
Lime Ridge - —... 730 248 652
Willow Grove 784 2 52 6 56
Brlarcreek - 7 88 7 00
Berwick- 748 3 01 1102 7 06
Beach Haven...... -... 754 807 .... 712
Hick's Ferry 800 318 .. 719
BhlckBhlniiy —. 810 824 11 21 735
Hunlock's.- 820 384 .... 747
Nantlcoke 827 842 11 £6 7 54
Avondale 882 8 47 T 68
Plymouth 887 8 62 11 48 8 03
Plymouth Junction 842 8 67 8 07
Kingston.— 850 4 05 11 52 8 12
Bennett..- - 853 4 08 6 16
Forty Fort 866 4 11 8 19
Wyoming - 901 4 17 12 00 8 2c
West Plttßton —. 906 422 830
Susquehanna Ave 910 4 25 1 2 07 b 83
Plttston 915 4 30 12 10 8 39
Duryea 919 434 ...... 844
Lackawanna 921 4 87 8 48
Taylor 982 445 .... 557
Bellevue - 987 450 .... 902
SCBANTON 942 4 55 12 80 9 07
A. M P. M. P.M. P. M
A. M. A.M. F.M.P. M.
SCRANTON..—— 600 10 20 155 600
Bellevue. 6 05
Taylor - 610 10 28 205 610
Lackawanna 618 loss 21.3 617
Duryea - 22 10 38 216 621
Plttston - 628 10 42 2 20 615
Susquehanna Ave 632 lu 45 223 638
West Plttston 685 10 48 221 681
Wyoming -....- 640 10 53 232 636
Forty Fort 645
Bennett 648 11 CO 239 644
Kingston' 664 1104 246 653
Plymouth Junction 659 .... 25i
Plymouttt 704 11 12 254 7OS
Avondale 709 .... 25s 707
Nantlcoke 714 11 20 302 712
Hunlock's 720 118" 310 720
Shlckahlnny 781 1140 824 735
Hlck'B Ferry 744 11 50 8 is 747
Beach naven......— 7 54 11 65 842 754
Berwick 800 12 00 8 49 80C
Brlarcreek 806 856
Willow Orove 810 1710 859 811
Lime Ridge 814 1215 4 114 Sir,
Espy 821 12 21 411 823
Bloomsburg 823 1227 417 880
Rupert.. 884 12 32 423 836
Catawlssa - 840 12 36 429 841
Danville 865 12 49 444 858
Cnulasky 449 ...
Cameron. —. 996 12 58 454 91 0
KOBTHUUBBHI.AND 920 110 608 925
A.M. R.A. r.u. r.W
connections at Rupert with Philadelphia A
Reading Railroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua
\\ llllamsport, Suntury, Pottavllie, etc At
Northumberland with P. A B. I)lv. P. A H. for
Borrlsburg, Loch Eaven, Emporium Warren.
Corry and Krle.
W. P. HALLBTRAD, Gen. Man.,
Scranlou, l'a.
UODTH. B. & H R. 11. NORTH
amia.m.ipmip.m. STATIONS, amipimptntam
7.10 11.46 0.301 8.16 Bloomsbu'g. 8.31 a.40j0 46 8.10
7.08 11.40 6.80 8.10 " P. AP. H.BB 8.4216.47
7.18 11.87 6.94 8.05 " Main St.. 339 9.416.0U|
6.53 11.27 0.12 1 50 Paper Mill. 848 2.54|7.C1 6.87
6.60 11.23 6.09 1.45 ..Light St.. 8.52 8.59 7.05,6.60
6.40 ti.ia 5.501 1.80 Orangeyli'c. 9.08|7.14 7.10
6.89 11.05 5.48 1.00 -Forks.... 9.10 3.20!7.84 1.35
6.85 11.00 5.44 18.68 ...Zaner'a... 9.14 824 7.28 7.45
6.1 10.66 5.87 18.45 .Stillwater . 9.80 5.8017.33 8.00
8.08 10.45 6.87112.3. ...Henton.... 9.30 3.40,7.48 8.80
6.04 10 40 5 88 18.10 ...RdßOttf....! 9.34 8.44 7.4< 8.40
6.02 '0 36 5.80,18.05 Cole's Cr'k. 9.87 3.4? 7.51 8.46
5.58 10.82 5.18111.53 ..Laubach.. 9.47 8.57,9.01 9.00
6.48 10.88 6.08 11.48 ...Central... 9.67 4.07,8.11 9.85
6.40 10.a015.00111.80 Jam. City.. 110.00 4.10|8.15 9.85
am u m pm pin arapmpm am
M nUKFI DlrawH Brand. N
■ Original and Only Or n nine. A
|ARI, ILFV* NIUBTO. ladies UK A\
ij( 02t Draccirt for KnolUh Dio-/fvV
AMUQA*i<M4MIa IU4 ud Gold ro®ullio\\flF
T_l Him Mnil 11m ill) m Take\Jrj
•fH *oih iii|orwn T '
n AI DragUM, r waA 40.
o<u to 'PA'•
| Pennsylvania Railroad.
Time Table in effect June >6, >9B
I 4. It. I 4. M T. M. P. M
ticrantoniut E)lv Ji 45 {g 38 {2 18 s4 27
Pitteton " " | 7 osj no 00 t2 40 4sa
lA. M. A. M. F. M. P. H
Wllkesbarre....lvl 4 7 301 {lO 15 13 12 {6 00
Plyni'th Ferry ";f 738 10 20 12 21 fB 08
I Naulkoke " 746 10 27 3to 617
Mooanaqua " 8 01, 10 15 300 687
I Wapwallopen. " 8 13, id 65 8"8 47
Neseopeck..... ar 824 1110 410 700
A. 11. A. M. P. M. P. >l.
Pottsviue Iv { 00 { {l2 so {
Hazleton 710 11 35 200 550
Tombleken " 780 11 25 2 aiii 610
Fein Glen " 73. 11 34 2 2tT 618
Hock Glen " 74s 1140 233; 626
Negcopeck at 807 ... 3uo 050
A 8. A. M. P. M.I P. If.
Nescopeok lv {8 24 {ll 10 I 4 10! {7 00
Creasj •• 833 via 118 7 0
Espy Ferry "la 48 Rock t4 21 7 1
E. iiloomaburg" 847 Glen 430 7 2
'• M -
Catawlssa ar 865 12 20 436 730
Catawlssa lv 8 55! u2O 486 780
8. Danville....'• 9 14| 12 38 453 747
sunbury " 35] 100 617 810
A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M.
Sunbury—lv I 9 45| {1 10 {5 46 I 9 25
Lewlsburg 10 13 1.45 618 -
Wilton •• 10 10 139 612 980
WUUamsport.." ll oo| 230 705 10 40
Lock Haven...ll 59 a 40 8 06
Renovo " a.m.! 440 900
Kane...—. " ........ I 905 .........
P MJ P. M.
Lock {l2 10; {3 45
Bellefonte ar 1 05 4 44
Tyrone •' 2 15 6 00
Phlllpsburg...." 4 231 8 26'
Clearlleld " s 07: Btwi
Pittsburg '• 665 11 80
A. M. | P. M. P. M. P. Ml
Sunbury -lv I 950 { 155 I 5 25' {8 26
Harrlsburg ar 1 11 80 {8 20 6 55j 110 06
P. M. P. M. P. M.I A. M.
Philadelphia .ar 1 8 ooi 1a >8 11020, 1 4ao
Baltimore " 311 f E6 CO !9 45 625
Washington .. " 4 loir 7 15 mo 55 740
A. M. P. M.j
Sunbury —.lv {lO 05 { 2 25! .........
' P. M.I
Lewlstown Jo ar is 03 {42s -. ....
Pittsburg- •• { 6 35j {ll So |
A. M.j P. M.i P. M. P. Ml
Harrlsburg lv !li 45 fa r>o 17 so 110 20
P. M. | A. M. A. M.
Pittsburg.-.—.ar I 6 65l ill 30i i 2 00 {5 30
{ Weekdays. Dally, t Flag station
p. u. p. v.j A. M.I A. M
Pittsburg..—,.lv I 8 loj s 8 10, 13 ;0 18 CO
A. M. A. 11. P. M.
Harrlsburg ar I 3 30 I 3 301 fio 00 13 10
j A. M.j A. M.
Pittsburg lv , .. . t8 CO
P. M.
Lewlstown Jc." ......... +7 30 t3 03
; Sunbury- art 9 18 t 5 00
P. M. A. M. A. M. A. M
I 110 401 t7 50 110 50
1 Baltimore " 111 50| I 4 85! t9 50 (12 00
Philadelphia..." 11l 20| 1 430 18 30 112 25
A. M. A. M.j A. M. P. M.
HarnsDurg lv I 335 1 a ur> til 40 t4 00
Sunbury ar 1 505 I 9 40l 1 10 t 640
P. M. A. M. A. M
Pittsburg lv 11 CO 1 {3 30 {8 CO
Clearfield " 409 ! ...... 9 81
Phlllpsburg " 4 ao 10 12
Tj rone " 7 16 t s 10 12 30
Bellefonte " 831 | 932 142
Lock 930 1 10 30 248
p. M. A. MJ A. M P. M.
Erie lv! i 4so | I ....
Kane " 755 r s 27 ...
Renovo '• 11 10 t 6 401 lo so .........
Look naven...." 1165 t 7 88j 1125 18 00
A. m p. M
Wllllamsport.." 12 50 1 s so l 71215 4OC
Milton " 1 40 9 181 1 27 4 62
Lewlsburg " 9 cr, 1 15 4 47
Sunbury ar 206 9 is! 185 520
A. M. A. M.j P. M. P. M.
Sunbury lv t6 10 I 9 55| t2 no t5 43
s. Danville " 6 33 10 171 2 21 em
Catawlssa " 6 54 10 35 2 37 ! 6 4
K. Bloomsburg" Via 10 43! 2 48 1 632
Espy Ferry " Rock fio 47 247 t6 36
Creasy " Glen. 10 sr. 1 2 55 1 646
Nescopeck 807 lllo! 810 669
A. M. A. JIJ p. sr. p. *.
Nescopeck lv til 10, t4 list 7 05
Rock Glen art 7 S9 11 86 440 7 81
Fern Glen " 7 47 11 43 4 46 7 87
Tomhlcken " 7 6 11 54 4 35 7 4
p. M.
nazleton " 8 20 12 18 5 111 8 08
Pottsviue " 11 80 208 625
A. M. A, M. P. M. P, It.
Nescopeck lv t8 07 111 10 t3 10 t 59 818 11 22 319 709
Mocanaqua " 828 11 32 3so 721
Nantlcoke ......" 8 48 11 54! 3 50 7 42
P. M.
Plym'tb Ferry" f8 56 1202! 400 762
Wllkesbarre...." 9 05 12 10 l 10 8 00
A. M | P. M P. M. P. M.
Plttstonfß tB) art 3 411 tl2 40 t4 52 t8 se
Scranton " " 10 101 1 161 620 9.05
t Weekdays. I Dally, t Flag station.
rullman Parlor and Sleeping Cars run on
through tralnß between Sunbury, Williams port
and Krle, between sunbury and Philadelphia
and Washington and between Harrlßburg, Pitts •
burg and the west.
For further Information apply to TtcKet
Gen'l. Manager. Ren. Pass, Agt
Philadelphia. 8c
Reading Railway X 1 Burn Hard Coal—No Sinoke
In effect July l, 1898.
For New York, Philadelphia. Lesorog Volts
vine, Tamaiiua, weekdays 11.80 a. m.
For W llllumsport, weekdays, i.BO a. m., yTp. T
m, i
For Danviue and Milton, weekdays, a. m.
For catswlssa weekdays 7.30, a. pa..
18.80. 3.40, 5.00, 0.30, p. m
For Rupert weekdaya7.3o,B.BBll,3oa. m., 18.80,
8.40, 8.00, 11.80, p. in.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
B. O. R. R., through trains leave Heading Ter.
nilnal, Philadelphia, 3.-30, 7.83, 11.2# a. m„ 3.4# }
7.27, p. m. Sundays 8.20. 7.6# -11.86 a, m.. s
8.40, 7.27, p. m. Additional trains from 84 and
chestnut street statlou, weekdays,, #.41,
8.23 p. m. Sundays, 1.85,8.28 p. m.
Leave New Tork via Philadelphia B.OQ a
n.,andvla Easton s.lOa. m. .■ ...
Leave Philadelphia 10.21 a. m,
Leave Reading 12.15 p. m. J j *
i.eave PottßVlllen.Si' p. m. yf f: . 1
Leave Tamaqua 1.49 p, m., /
Leave willlamßport weekdays 10.00 a m, 4.80 6
Leave Cat awlasa weekdays, 7.00,8.80 fl.lo a. m.
1.80 3.40. 6.08
Leave Rupert, weekdays, 7.08, 8.28. 9.18 11.40
a. m., 1.38,3.50, 6.20.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestuut street wKarf
and South Street wharf for Atlantic City.
WBSI-DATS— Express. 8.00, 9.00, 10.45 a. m.
(1.30 Saturdays only), 2 00, 3.00,8.40. (60 minute
train), 4.00, (65 minute train), 4.80, 5.00(65 mm.
train), 5.40,7.00 p. m. Accorn. 615 am., 5.00,8.30
p.m. 11.00 Excursion train, 7u. m. SUNDAYS—
Express, 7.30, 6.00, 8.80, 9.00, 10.00 s.m., 4.46 p. m.
Aceom., 615 a. m., 4.45 p. m. #1 UJ Excursion
train, 7.00 a. m.
Leave Atlantic City, depot.: WKIX-DA vs—
Express, (6.45 Mondays only), 7.00. 7.46, (65mln.
t rain), 8.2n (65 minute train), 9 00, 10.16, 11 a. m.,
8.80, 4.30, 5.30, 7.30, 930 p. m. Aceom., 4.25, 5.50
a.m., 4.05 p.m. $l.OO Excursion train (from
Mississippi ave. only), 6.00 p. m. SUNDAYS—Ex
press. 330, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 6 30. 7.00, 7.30, 8.00, 9.30
p.m. Accom.. 7.1# a. m., 5.05 p.m. $l.OO Ex
cursion train (from foot of Mississippi ave. only)
8.10 p. m.
For Cape May and Sea Isle City, 8 45 a. m.,
2.30, 4.15 p. m. Additional for Cane May—47ls
p. m. Sundays, ($1 00 Excursion 7.e), 9 15, a.m
For Ocean city—8.80,8.45 a. m., 2.80,4.45 p. m
($l.OO Excursion Thursday only), 7.00 a. m
Sundays, 8.15,9 16 a. m.
Parlor cars on all express trains.
Gen'l Supt, Gen'l Pass. Agt.