The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 18, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. 33
Pursuant to the call of the chair
man of the Republican County coiv
mittee, the Republican convention
assembled in the Court House o.
Monday, August 15th, at 2 o'cloc'.
p. m. Prii. ary election had been
held on Saturday afternoon preceding
and as the call was for a convention
to nominate two members of Assem
bly, and a coroner, but little interest
was manifested and a small vote was
polled, but the attendance at the con
vention was large, every district in
the county being fully represented.
H. A. McKillip, county chairman
called the meeting to order, and
directed A. VV. Duy, secretary of the
committee to read the call. This
was done, and then the list of districts
was called and credentials presented.
The following is a list of delegates :
Beaver, —C. B. Noethng, Philip Ra
Benton Boro., —F. S. Smith, Peter
Benton Twp.,—J. E. Edson, Harry
Sat ds.
Berwick N. E., —Jenkin Evans, H. F.
Berwick S. E., —C. D. Eaton, J. R.
McAnall, sub. J. U. Kurtz.
Berwick N. W., —R. S. Bowman, VV.
B. Wright, sub. J as. Lee.
Berwick S. W., —Eli Sherwcod, Wm.
Bioom 1, —A. B. Grotz, sub. C. W.
Brown, G. E. Wilbur, sub. J. C.
Browrf, W. U. Jury.
Bloom 2, —Daniel Sterner, Benjamin
Gilmore, Ray Swentzell, Robert
Coffman, sub. A. W. Duy.
Bloom 3, —I. Hagenbuch, W. D.
Bed:!.' • J. Ralston, sub. J. 1..
Towusw.d, Boyd Evans, jolin Cad
Bloom 4, —S. H. Harman, B. F.
Hicks, J. Tierney, sub. Clark Kash
Briarcreek, —Isaac Martz, A. B. Lynn.
Catawissa Twp.,—Wm. Witmer,
Chas. Gaumer.
Catawissa Boro., —A. L. Rinard, J.
B. Waters, A. J. Guie, C. S. Waltz,
C. E. Geyer.
Centralia 1, —Walter Haws, John
Centralia 2, —Geo. Davis, David Kel
Centre, —Z. T. Fowler, W. F. McAlis
Cleveland, —C. R. Kreisher, Alex.
Conyngham E. N., —Thos. McGinley,
James Casey.
Conyngham W. N., —Jas. Kostenbau
der, E. E. Straub.
Conyngham W.—Robert Taylor, John
Conyngham S. W.—G. W. Shaffer,
John Pitts, sub. Peter Lenahan.
Conyngham S. E.—W. Donlavey, An
thony Gerity.
Fishingcteek, E.—J. J. Mather, S. J.
Fishingcreek, W.—S. B. Crouse, J.
F. Trump.
Franklin, —J. Kosteribauder, C. E.
Mensch, sub. Thos. Mensch.
Greenwood, E., —J. H. Johnson. Ja
cob Rantz.
Greenwood, W., —Norman Parker,
P. K. Patterson.
Hemlock, —Geo. Dent, Willits Beagle.
Jackson, —Z. A. Butt, E. J. Sones.
Locust, —J. C. Wintersteen, C. S. W.
Madison, —R. G. Greenly, John Con
Main, —VV. R. Rifelderfer, C. R.
Mifflin,—D. H. Huttenstein, A. B.
Millville, —J. C. Christian, VV. H.
Montour,—-Geo. Vv. Mears, VV. M.
Mt. Pleasant.—C, L. Sands, H. F.
Orange,—J. P. Crawford, Chas.
Pine N., —J. L. Eves, A. Bennett.
Pine S., —VV. H. Hayman, R. M.
Roaringcreek,—l. VV. Chernngton.
Scott E., —W. Hopper, F. H. Ring
Scott VV., —M. L. Keller, J. E. Zeigler
Sugarloaf, N., —Ezra Stephens, C. E.
Sugarloaf, S., —J. N. Pennington, R.
E. Hess.
R. S. Bowman of Berwick was
unanimously elected chairman of the
convention. S. H. Harman, and C.
S. W. Fox were elected secretaries.
A. W. Duy w?s elected reading clerk.
The chair announced that the next
business was the nomination of two
candidates for Asse. bly. J. C.
Brown named Ambrose Goldsworthy
of Centralia, and John Goldsworthy
of Centralia named H. A. McKillip.
Both were declared duly nominated.
William Griffis of Centralia was nomi
nated tor county surveyer.
The list of committeemen was then
called over. I
F. S. Smith of Benton offered the
followi. j:
WHEREAS, At the preliminary Re
publica.. Convention in May provision
'.v.s made for Judicial Conferees from
this county and
WHEREAS, there was at that time
no candidate for President Jut'ge then
known to the Republican Voters of
this county, and
Wr AS, this Convention, being
the regular annual Convention of the
Republican party, and fresh from the
people, be it
Resolved, , That Hon. J. U. Kurtz
and D. A. Beckley, Esq., are approv
ed as Judicial Conferees and are in
structed to use all honorable means to
secure the nomination of James Scar
let, Esq., as the Republican candidate
for President Judge of this 26th Judi
cial District.
This was seconded by D. E. Keller
of Central's and then J. C. Brown
asked the chair to read the rule relat
ing to the registering of candidates
30 days before the conveution. On
being informed that Mr. Scarlet had
not so registered the chair declared
the resolution out of order. D. E.
Keller appealed from the decision,
and C. E. Geyer moved to adjourn.
The yeas and nays were called for by
E. E. Straub, but the chair paid no
attention to this and put the motion
on the question of adjournment. The
ayes were loud and the nays were
louder, but the chair decided that the
ayes had it, and decided the conven
tion adjourned. There were loud
calls for Scarlet, and he appeared from
the law library. It was evident that
he had a good many friends in the
house, and he was received with loud
Scarlet made a speech of about a
half hour in which he roundly scored
the gag law that had been applied to
the convention, and concluded by
saying that he is a candidate for
President Judge, and that he will
carry the banner into Columbia
In reponse to calls, Charles Chal
fant Esq., of Danville made an ad
dress on patriotism.
Huntington Valley damp.
Huntington Valley campraeet'ng,
near Shickshinny, opens Tuesday eve
ning, August 23. Wednesday will be
Epworth League Day with a fine pro
gram. Monday, August 29, is Old
Folks Day, a special feature at Hunt
ington Valley. Rev. B. F. Dimmock,
of Grace Church, Harrisburg, will be
the Sunday morning preacher. Rev.
R. H. Gilbert, with his pictorial ser
mons, wili have charge of the child
rens' hour. Prof. Jas. M. Black will
lead the singing and Rev. J. C. Grimes
will conduct the young people's meet
ings. The ministers of the Danville
and Wyoming districts will attend in
large numbers under the direction of
Dr. W. W. Evans, presiding elder.
The well furnished bo-rding hall is
prepared to accommodate all who
come. Busses meet all trains at the
Shickshinny station.
The festival given *y. the S. C.
Creasy Sunday School Class, in
Hess Grove, Rupert, Tuesday even
ing, was very largely attended.
The low price of 15 cents for a ride
and ice cream seemed to catch the
people, and they went down by the
hundreds. Another feature, which,
no doubt attracted a good manv
was the excellent concert given in
the grove by the Bloomsburg Band.
But the pleasure of the occasion
was somewhat marred, for many
people, owing to the lack of con
veyances to bring them all home.
Fifteen cents for a ride down and
back and ice cream and cake beside
is indeed reasonable. but when you
pay 15 cents to ride down, get no
ice cream or cake and have to walk
back, its not quite so nice. The
vt riter can bear evidence to that.
John S. Williams & Son last week
sold the double house on Eighth Street
belonging to Sam H. Harman to W.
L. Demaiee. They also disposed of
the C. M. Creveling property in
Magee Row to Sam H. riarman. On
Tuesday they sold the C. B. Robbins
house on Leonard Street and twelve
vacant lots in the village of Eyers
grove to Sam H. Harman.
Bishop Lee of the A. M. E. Church,
of Phtsburg, will preach in the A. M.
E. Church on First Street Friday
evening at half past seven.
Joseph Casey of this Town Meets a Tragic
Joseph Casey, aged seventeen
years, the oldest son of our towns
man Michael J. Casey, was instant
ly killed on the railroad a short dis
tance above the P. & R. Depot at
Danville Tuesday night. A little
after seven o'clock Tuesday even
ing, he and a companion, Hope
Penman boarded a freight train on
the D. L. & W. Railroad with the
intention of going to Rupert to at
tend a festival, but the train did
not stop at Rupert and they were
compelled to go on to Danville.
Arriving there, they went over to
the Reading railroad to board
another freight train and ride back
to Rupert. When the train came
along it was going at a lively rate
of speed, and it is said the boys
were warned against attempting to
jump it but neither heeded the
warning and both reached for the
grip and step. Penman was suc
cessful in boarding but Casey miss
ed his hold and was hurled violent
ly on the station platform. Arising,
he remarked, "must try again for I
have to get home to go to work in
the morning," and then attempted
to board the caboose, which was at
the rear of the train, excepting the
pushing engine. What caused him
to fall is not known, but he was
sten to plunge down between the
caboose and the engine and the
latter's monstrous wheels to pass
directly over him. His abodottien
was torn open, back bone, jaw and
neck broken, and his right foot and
left hand cut off.
Witnesses of the accident at once
notified the firm of John Doster &
Sons, and the lifeless and mangled
body was taken to their under
taking rooms.
Acting Coroner Bare of Danville,
viewed the body and decided that
no inquest was necessary.
The father as soon as he received
word went down, and brought the
remains up on the early train Wed
nesday morning.
Joe was a bright boy, of good
habits, and a favorite among his
companions. The heart-broken
family have the sympathy of all.
The funeral took place from St.
Columbia's Catholic Church this
j morning at nine o'clock conducted
by Rev. A. J. McCann.
Fourth Annual Race Meet of the Blooms
burg Wheelnnn.
With the month of August comes
the Race Meet of the "Bloomsburg
Wheelmen." This year on the 20th
of August they will hold their Fourth
Annual Meet on the Grounds of the
Columbia County Agricultural Society,
and bids fair to far excel all previou
meets, which have always been stand
ard in the quality of races and attenu
ance. The program with an aggre
gate of over $4OO in prizes, all Being
diamonds, follows:
1, Class Race, time 2:45 ; 2, One
half M'le Open; 3, Trick Riding ;
4, Two Mile Lap Race ; 5, Special
'lace, local ; 6, One Mile Open ; 7,
Match Race. Krick and McMichael ;
8, Trick Riding; 9, Three Mile
The match race between Krick and
McMichael, two of the best riders in
the state, is creating widespread
interest and promises to be the great
est ever seen in this vicinity. It will
be a one-mile race, each contestant
to choose his own pacemakers, and
one, at least, and quite likely the
other, will use quads as pace. The
track, which is a good one with an
unobstructed view, will be put in the
best possible condition and all expect
to see the record go to two flat, or
All wheelmen and their friends are
invited to be present at the Club
House on the evening of the 19th.
There will be a band concert and
every one served with a lunch, free.
The operation of the new stamp
tax will put an end to the practice of
endeavoring to conceal the purchase
price of a piece of property by stating
it at "one dollar and other valuable
consideration."- The full considera
tion will have to be set forth in the
deed in order that the instrument may
bear the proper number of stamps and
that the purpose and intent of the tax
law may not be illegally evaded.
James Scarlet Esq., of Danville
came up and attended the Republican
convention on Monday. He has se
cured the endorsement of Montour
for President Judge but Columbia
County will endorse Evans of Berwick.
The undersigned, members of the
Bar of Columbia County, impressed
by the conviction that a selection for
the President Judge for the next ten
years in this Judicial District, is of
transcendent importance to the Pub
lic, and observing that the ordinary
agencies for the nomination of a Can
didate 01 Candidates, do not in this
instance, promise to succeed in giving
to the people harmonious and desir
able results, do agree to confer to
gether upon the selectiou of a Judge
who shall be competent, independent
and impartial, who shall be free from
faction, "witho;-' '-'ends to reward or
enemies to punish" and, if possible,
wholly anconnected in position or in
terest with past or present controversy
or dispute upon the question of the
Jndgeship for this District, and take
such action as a majority of those
present at such conference shall judge
to be advisable, prudent, wise and
necessary to secure or aid in securing
the selection of a President Judge.
H. A. McKillip, C. E. Geyer, VV.
D. Beckley, C. J. Fisher, C. A. Small,
R. K. Zarr, J. Howard Patterson, S.
B. Karns, A. N. Yost, H. V. White,
Robert S. Howell, Ralph R. John
O. B. Mellick, Wm. H. Magill, Clem
R. Weiss, Charles C. Evans, James
L. Evans Sterling VV. Dickson, John
G. Freeze, N. U. Funk, C. B. Jack
son, B. Frank Zarr, C. VV. Miller,
Paul E. Wirt, L. E. Waller, John M.
Clark, G. M. Quick, Guy Jacoby,
John G. Harman, C. C. Peacock, W.
A. Evert. Robeit Buckingham, C.
R. Buckalew, Grant Herring, George
E. Elwell, VV. H. Rh a wn, A. W. Duy,
Edward J. Flynn.
At ten o'clock, Wednesday, the
meeting of the Bar called for that
hour, to consider the question of
the Jtidgship, assembled. Nobody
could find the key to the grand
jury room, and the court room was
opened for the meeting :
Present -Mr. Freeze, Mr. Dick
son, Mr. Small, Mr. Miller, Mr.
Buckalew. Mr. Waller, Mr. Har
man, Mr. Funk, Mr. John, Mr.
Duy, Mr. Quick, Mr. Geyer, Mr.
Mellick, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Rhawn,
Mr. Peacock, Mr. Patterson, Mr.
Mr. Rhawn moved that Mr.
Buckalew be chairman which was
agreed to. On motion, Mr. Waller
and Mr. Freeze were chosen secre
The chairman called for the read
ing of the paper signed by the Bar.
Paper read by Mr. Freeze with the
names of the signers—as printed
Mr. Buckalew stated the object
of the meeting. After some further
conference between those present.
On motion of Col. Freeze, se
conded by Mr. Miller it was unani
Resolved: That the chairman of
this meeting appoint a committee
(of which he shall be chairman,
and to consist of such number as he
shall determine), to act for and
represent us in the conference
which must take place, and enable
us to present for endorsement by
the people of this district, a man
competent and eminently fitted to
serve as President Judge. On mo
Resolved : That this committee
shall not exceed seven members.
On motion. Adjourned to meet
at the call of the chairman.
Various cities and towns through
out the state are contemplating a gen
eral celebration in honor of the many
victories gained by our army and
navy. In Philadelphia committees
have been appointed to make pre
liminary arrangements, and the same
steps have been taken in several other
places. It has been suggested that
the President name the day and that
every state in the Union join in making
it a grand demonstration, and show
the other nations of the world how
well the American people appreciate
the unstinted bravery of her gallant
soldiers and sailors.
The Republican bosses in town are
not conducting things to the likmg of
the party. This is evidenced by the
adverse comment being indulged in
by some of tne party voters concern
:ng the methods by which the con
vention was run on Tuesday. That
"they have troubles of their own" is
very apparent.
The diagram for Saturday's big
race meet is open at Bidleman's book
In fact anything in the store
as this business will be positively
closed out.
ciooiiac & co
Stephen Mensinger and William
Holler, two prisoners, who have
been living on the staple fare at the
jail for some time past, took advan
tage of the supper hour at the jail
Saturday evening, and while the
authorities were rating, escaped by
way of the cellar. Mensinger is
the young fellow who stood trial
here for the murder of his father,
but was being held this time on a
charge of stealing a bicycle. Hol
ler is charged with robbing a store
and postoffice at Mt. Grove. On
Monday Sheriff Black received a
letter from Holler, which stated
that he was at his home at Nurem
burg, and that his wife and six
children, being in destitute circum
stances, he thought it his duty to
go to work and provide for them.
He concluded the letter by saying
that he would be on hand for trial.
Mensinger has not yet been appre
Commodore Schley woke up one
fine morning recently to find him
self the recipient of over a thousand
letters. The missives came from all
classes and contained requests for
coat or cap buttons, autographs or
"any old thing" the commodore
would see fit to give. There were
bundles of poems and pieces of
music dedicated to the gallaut sail
or, advertisements with his picture
on them and letters from societies
named after him. One of the most
pleasing communications was a set
of engrossed resolutions from his
native town in Maryland. The
"cranks" were heavy contributors.
Catharine Masters, daughter of
James Masters, of Sereno, died
Monday morning about two o'clock
of dropsy and heart disease. She
had been a patient sufferer for sever
al months. Funeral services were
held at the house at 10 o'clock
Wednesday morning, and interment
made in the cemetery at this place.
Her age was about 56 years-—Mill
ville Tablet.
Miss Freda Rabb gave an evening
party Thursday night in KSnor of her
guest Miss Daisy Case of Hyde Park,
Scranton. A very pleasant evening
was passed in playing games, music
and friendly intercourse. Refresh
ments were served. (
NO. 33
We clip the following wedding
notice from the Wilkesbarre Record. j
The groom is well known in this
town having learned the printing trade
in the Republican office. He is a son
of P. W. Mellick of Light Street.
''The marriage of W. S. Melick and
Miss Marie P. Vose of this city took '
place Tuesday afternoon 111 the par
sonage of the Presbyterian Church at
Shickshinny, Rev. Mr. Mickey being
the officiating clergyman. Only a
few near friends witnessed the cere
mony. Tne bride was attired in a
traveling costume and was unattend- -
ed. Mr. and Mrs. Melick left for a J
short wedding tour. The bride is art,
estimable young lady and quite popu
lar among her associates. She gradu
ated from the City Hospital nurses'
training school in the class of '96. '
The groom also enjoys an extensive
acquaintance. He has been for sev ]
eral years a valued employe of the
Record, being the linotype machinist
of the composing room."'
Judge Tuley, of the Illinois cir
cuit court, has decided th t the ex- j
press companies must pay the 1 * |
cent r evenue tax, but in William- 1
sport the companies continue to '
make their patrons pay it, says the
Williamsport Sun. In regard to
the company's strongest contention
—that the rates had been increased
and that it did not ask consignors J
to pay the tax—the court said 1
' 'An express company has no right J
to arbitrarily increase its charges 1
when the intent of such action is j
plainly to make the public pay the .1
tax which the congress of the Unit
ed States intended it to pa>.''
The local telephone exchange will
soon be kept open all night. Other • j
towns, no larger than Bloomsburg k
have had all night service for several s
years past but there has never been
anjf necessity or demand for it here.
The Company has decided however,
to keep the office open, and in a short
time it will be possible to converse ;
with other towns, over the phone at j
all hours of the day and night
E. S. M'Killip, who joined the
Volunteer Corps, has been appoint
ed an orderly of the regiment.
They left New York last week for' 1
Porto Rico.