8 SHOES! Newest Spring Styles for Men and Women, • * That are Worthy ol Your Inspection. W.C. McKINNEY, No. 8 East Main Street. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. To the People of Bloomsburg. In accordance with an appeal sent out by the Red Cross Society, and published in this paper last week a request is hereby made to the people of Bloomsburg to assist it in its work m Cuba. The following is a list of articles most needed: Large and small contributions of money, Salt pork, corned beef in barrel, codfish, hard cured, mackerel in kits, smoked beef and hams, bacon, canned salmon, smoked sausage, indian or corn meal, flour, oatmeal, cracked oats, wheat in any form, bar ley, canned vegetables ot all kinds, canned fruits ot all kinds, dried fruits, such as apples, prunes, apricots, etc., and dried corn, barrels of onions, potatoes, beans, rice, salt and ship biscuit, beef extracts, bovinine, etc., soups, malted milk, condensed milk (Eagle brand, or other high grade), evaporated cream, wines, grape juice, lime juice, clam bouillon, raspterry vinegar, coffee, tea, cocoa, and general groceries, jellies, preserves and jams, disinfectants of every description, quinine pills and general drugs. Oint ments, salves, phenol sodique, gauze of all kinds, absorbent cotton, surgical antiseptics, general hospital stores, soaps, bedclothing for hospitals, pajamas for soldiers, canvas and carpet slippers for use in hospital, mosquito netting, palm leaf fans, towels, absor bent and Turkish, soft handkerchiefs, bandana very desirable. Clothing, new, suitable for summer wear, made as plainly as possible, for children of 5 years and upwards, and women and men. To facilitate this work a committee consisting ot the undersigned together with the pastors will have charge of the same, and will receive and forward all contributions. Any of the above named articles may be left at the vacant store room of L. T. Sharpless on Main St., or with any member of the committee, not later than Tu6s day August 9th. All packages are to be marked as to their contents. COMMITTEE. Mrs. Margaret Eyer, Methodist Church, Mrs. H. G. Supplee and Mrs. H. R. Kelly, Baptist Church, Mrs. W. H. Snyder, Reformed Church, Miss Musia Kahler, Evangelical Church, Mrs. I. K. Miller, Presbyterian Church, Mrs. D. W. Kitchen, Luth eran Church. Women Who Enlisted. The New York Sun recently con tained a lengthy article about wom an who enlisted and fought through the civil war. What will give the article additional interest, says the i Northumberland Press, is the fact that one of the heroic women, whose adventures in battle are described was a young lady of Danville whose remarkable exploit is well remem bered by the older residents. The methods of physical exami nation employed during the present war in the selection of volunteers preclude the possibility of a woman getting into the service. Physical examination during the Civil war did not amount to much more than the recruiting officer's eye measure ment. If the applicant approxima ted five feet in height, and was not obviously blind, lame, halt or deaf and dumb, instant admission to the ranks was given. The wonder, therefore, does not seem so great that a considerable number of wom en actually soldiered as men during the Civil war. Following is the Sun's account of the Danville woman : A young woman named Mary Owens of Danville, Montour county, Pa., enlisted in order to be with her husband. The girl's father was violently opposed to her marriage. The couple were married secretly, and the young wife donned the United States uniform, enlisted un der the name of John Evans in the same company with her husband, endured all the hardships of the camp and the dangers of the field, saw her husband fall dead by her side, and returned home wounded. Her sex was not discovered while she was in the service. She was in J* service for eighteen months, took part in three battles and was wounded twice, both times •in her arms. She dressed her wounds herself in order to reserve the secret of her sex. She was a Welsh girl, and pretty and clever. Those persons who are inclined to doubt nearly everything found in the large metropolitan newspapers will be surprised to learn that the above story is strictly true. Mrs. Frederick Owens, who resides on Hemlock street, Danville, is an aunt of the female warrior, Mary Owens. Mrs. Owens, who is a pretty widow, well up in years, was seen at her home on Monday. The good old lady was very much affected while the extract from the New York Sun was being read. , " Well, it is true, " she said at its conclusion. Mary was a "wild girl," according to the information gathered from the aunt, and one was left in doubt whether love of adventure had not as much to do with Mary's going to war as a de sire to be with her husband. It was her delight to masquerade among her friends in male costume, where she often passed unrecognized. This was long before she went to war. After the war she married a sec ond time and became the mother of four children. Her husband, how ever, ill-treated her and this togeth er with the hardships she endured during her enlistment, seemed to have the effect of shortening her life. At the age of thirty-five she died, having removed with her hus band to some town in Ohio, the name of which Mrs. Owens could not recall. STBAY PARAGRAPHS —The demand for Cuban flags is on the decline. —lt may be true that the world goes around, but you uever see it all by standing in one place. —There will be some kicking going on if the government spills any war "tax" on the bicycle path. —William Jennings Bryan seems to enjoy soldier life. He became accustomed to roughing it during the last campaign. —That people would rather stand in the shade than sit in the sun is evidenced by the lonely appearance of the seats around the Market Square fountain during the day. —Why, in a republic, should an officer in the army receive any higher pay than that of the private soldier? There is a very decided difference at present, and it is an idea borrowed from the old mon archies. The Madrid government don't exactly like Mac's peace terms, but acceptance will save a heap of trouble. Give them a little time to recover. —Oregon is a great wheat pro ducing state, and Oregon recently gave the goldbugs a vote of confi dence, but that was before the price of wheat dropped 50 per cent. How do the Oregon wheat raisers like the situation now? Perhaps no better than the Oregon silver miners and the Southern cotton growers. —lf you should see a fellow man with trouble's flag unfurled, And looking like he didn't have a friend in all the world, You're sure to know that he is one, although he does not say, Who feels and knows that he is but a tool of big boss Quay. —A youpg British soldier was conducting a party from the United States over the citadel at Quebec. One member of the party was a small maid of nine, and to her the young soldier devoted most of his attention. She was a saucy child, full of enthusiasm, and blessed with the earnest, aggressive patriot ism of extreme youth. " Here," said the soldier, as they stood before two worn, brass can non, " are two guns we took from your people at the battle of Bunker Hill," and he smiled in triumph. Nonplussed for a moment, the child was still; then she looked up. " Come home, with me," she said softly, " and I'll show you a whole country we took away from your people about the same time." THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMBBURG, PA. MORE TROOPS NEEDED MANY NOW IN EASTERN CAMPS MAY HAVE ACHANCE TO GO. Gen. Merrlnm Notified That Gen. Merritt Has Asked for a Large Increase In Hl# Command—Fourth Manila Kxpedltlon Arrives Safely at Honolulu. Washington, D. C., Aug. 3.—Although the war department officials will not admit that they have any information of reinforcing further General Mer rltt's forces at Cavlte, there is canon to believe that some of the troops now In eastern camps who desire to see active service will soon find the oppor tunity unless the government shall change its present plan, with respect to the Philippines. It Is believed to be necessary even If our claim Is limited to the claims stat ed In the conditions submitted to Bpaln, namely, to the military occupation and government of the territory on the Bhnres of the bay of Manila to furnish to General Msrritt a larger force than he has now at his command. It Is realized that 20,000 soldiers oan scarcely be expected to maintain United States possessions and protect the in habitants over a territory of this ex tent. for It must be remembered that the bay of Manila Is twenty-five miles deep from the entrance at Corridor Is land to the city of Manila at Its head. It will also be necessary to possess protection extending some distance back to the bay In order to make sure of the preservation of the water works. Of course a considerable force would not be necessary If the Insurgents un der Agulnaldo could be taught to real ize their Interests lie In the permitting of United States possession of the ter ritory. But the natives would not keep the rich loot to be had In Manila without an adequate force to protect the place. Then with the growing heat and damp ness it Is to be expected that illness will develop among the troops: not|to the extent that It appeared at Santiago, but sufficient to require some of the men to be invalided home and their places to be taken by fresh troops from the United States. At present the large majority of General Merritt's force Is composed of troops drawn from the Pacific coast or far western states. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 3.—ln reply to a dispatch received from General Merritt, now at Cavlte, General Merri am yesterday cabled that since the de parture of the governor general of the Philippines five transports with 4,897 men had sailed from this port. Scarcely had the message been sent before General Merrlam received word from the war department that Gener al Merritt had asked to have his com mand increased from 20,000 to 50,000 troops In order to be able to meet any emergency which may arise on account of the hostile attitude of Agulnaldo and the insurgent forces. Fourth Kxpeclitlnn at Honolulu. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 2.—The steamer Doric, which arrived last eve ning, brought news of the arrival at Honolulu of the fourth Manila expedi tion. The Doric left Honolulu last Monday. The transports arrived there the day before with all on board well and on Monday the boys in blue were ashore and were given a royal recep tion and a grand feast. The fourth exoedltion left here July 15 and reached Honolulu without mis hap to either of the vessels. Great preparations are being made at the is lands for a grand celebration on the arrival of the annexation commission ers and the raising of the Stars and Stripes. The recruits of the First Colorado, Second Oregon and First Nebraska, by order of Brigadier General King, have been added to the command of Lieu tenant Colonel Barnett, making, with the recruits of the Tenth Pennsylva nia, a force of 1,0000 men. This action was taken in order to mobilize the scattered Camp Merritt forces. CHANGES AT THE NAVY YARD. Large Contracts to Be Awarded Shortly by Secretary Long. Washington, Aug. 3.—Contracts Tor nearly $760,000 worth of work at the New York navy yard will be awarded by Secretary Long during the next few weeks. The principal Job Is the repair of timber dock No. 2, which Is In need of a new entrance and extensive alter ations. The dock has been In use but a few years, and is already in bad con dition. This work will not be under taken until the new timber dock is com pleted. The contractor's time on that structure expires in about two weeks, and the experts believe there will be no delay in the delivery of the dock to the government. The other contracts are for two new storage houses to cost $70,000; the ex tension of the railway system, $25,000, and for a crane, SIOO,OOO. It has not been derided whether a travelling crane or a floating crane will be built. The engineers favor the latter. Again Tom Iteed. Portland, Me., Aug. 3.—The Repub licans of the First district of Maine held their convention here yesterday. After preliminary business the name of Mr. Reed was presented to the con vention by Hon. J. W. Symonds of Portland. The nomination was secon ded by Hon. H. 11. Burbank of Saco, and Mr. Reed's name waß accepted by acclamation amid much enthusiasm. Later, Mr. Reed appeared on the floor of the hall. He was greeted with deaf ening applause, which prevailed until he began to speak. Then some one shouted: "Take the platform!" "No," said Mr. Reed. "Let me have my way once," and the convention broke into laughter. I A Sleeper (Impelled. Syracuse, Aug. 3.—As an engine of the Rome, W&tertown and Ogdensburg Railroad was shifting cars from the Syracuee train to through train No. 7, from Uttca, at Richland yesterday morning, the through sleeper from Syr acuse to Clayton, mounted the rail and tipped over on its side. Two passengers were severely injur ed. 0 Our Troope at Comma. St. Thomas, D. W. 1., AUK. I— I The American troope have reached Cosmo, about sixteen miles northeast of Ponce, on the road to San Juan. Thus tor they have met with no reolataooe. MANY ILL AT SANTIAGO. A Slight Decrease In the Figures. Sixteen Deaths Reporter*. Washington, Aug. S.—The detailed condition of the health of the army at Santiago, together with a list of the deaths on each day. Is shown In the following telegrams from General Shat ter: Sanitary condition for July J9.—Total sick, 4,164; total oases of fever, 3,212; new cases of fever, 609; cases of fever returned to duty, T9J; death Hot: Pri vate P. D. Qearny, Company G. Six teenth Infantry, July 28, dysentery; on July 29, Principal Muaiclan George Hol derneas, Thirty-fourth Michigan, yel low fever; Private Max H. Pauslcr, Company C, Thirty-third Mlohigan. yellow fever; Private William Brondt, Twenty-fourth United States Infantry, yellow fever; Private Edward Benja min, Company D, Thirty-third Michi gan, dysentery; Private David McCaf ferty, Company E, Second United States Infantry, pernicious malarial fe ver; Private Gustav Graem, Company L, Seventy-first New York, dengue; Sergeant William S. Young, Company E, Seventy-first New York, dengue; Private Rlnaldo K. Sheed, Company H, Thirty-fourth Michigan, acute dys entery; Private W. J. Dolan, Company D, Thirty-fourth Michigan, malarial re mittent fever. 9anitary condition for July SO.—Total sick, 3,892; total cases of fever, 2,692; new cases of fever, 643; cases fever re turned to duty, 816; deaths on July 30: Captain Charles Dodge, Twenty-fourth Infantry, yellow fever; Private S. O. Johnson, Company F. Seventh United States Infantry, asthenia, following yellow fever and dlorrhoea; Major Pat rick J. Grady, Ninth Massachusetts, functional disease of the heart: Pri vate John F. Mtnnls, Company H, Sec ond United States Infantry, pernicious malarial fever; Private John H. Clease, Company E, Second United States in fantry, pernicious malarial, fever: on July 29, Private Andrew Thorn, Com pany G, Ninth United States Infantry, malarial fever and diarrhoea. In another dispatch, dated Santiago to-day, General Shafter says that he has In the hospitals wounded and sick prisoners to-day, 2,181. START FOR HONOLULU THURSDAY. Flrnt Detachment or the let New York Will Leave on Two Transports. San Francisco, AUK. 3.— lt is now thought that the first detachment of New York troops and the battalion of engineers will sail for Honolulu on Thursday. Orders were to be Issued to day for them to embark to-morrow on the transports Lakme and Charles Nel son, preparatory to their departure on the following day. Major Chase examined the steam ships yesterday and expressed his sat isfaction with them. The steamship North Fork, however, was relegated to duty as a freight carrier. The Alliance of Looke, Johnson & Co., left Seattle for San FHancisco to-day, and will be placed at the disposition of the govern ment for the transportation of troops to Honolulu. Even with this there will be 300 men unprovided for. The contract made by Major General Otis on behalf of the government with L/ocke, Johnson & Co., provides a de murrage of $360 a day for delay caused by the United States, while making no provisions for tardiness on the part of the shipping firm. The Taconsa, a sail ing vessel, will leave on Thursday for Manila wLth horses, mules and general supplies. The military authorities here are completely In the dark as to the Athenian and Tartar, which have been reported as purchased by the war de partment for the transportation of troops to the Philippines. The North American Commercial Company is negotiating to charter some of its Alaska steamships, particularly the Leelenaw, which is due to arrive at any moment. She Is capable of ac commodating 1,500 troops. GOLD COMING OUR WAY. Total Imports tor the Current Week loot Up a Grand Total of SLSBO.OOO. New York, Aug. 3. —The gold move ment, which began last week with an order by the Bank of British North America for $50,000 in gold for Import, has set in. Since then the same bank has engaged $125,000 for shipment Sat urday. It was announced yesterday that Lazard Freres have $150,000 on the Britannic, $300,000 on the Augusta Vic toria, $325,000 on the Eutruria, and en gaged for shipment during this week, $1,175,000, making a total of $1,950,000 by this firm. The total by both firms to date Is $2,125,000. At the Bank of Brit ish North America It was learned that the amount might be increased before Saturday.- Catholics Fear a Massacre Washington, Aug. 3.—The war and navy departments have received cable dispatches through Cardinal Kampolla, the private secretary of the pope, ex pressing anxiety for the safety of the bishops and other clergy at Cavite. The Vatican has received information to the effect that Agulnaldo and his forces have planned the massacre of the Catholics. Immediately upon the receipt of the dispatches from Cardinal Rampolla the authorities sent cablegrams to General Merrltt and Admiral Dewey to take every means to prevent Agulnaldo from harming the Catholics. A Threatened Cool Strike. Pittsburg, Aug. 3. —If the coal oper ators of the Pittsburg district do not conform to the terms of the Chicago agreement by August 10, five thous and miners will be ordered to strike. This is the decision of the convention of United Miners of this district now in session here, and a series of strikes is to be inaugurated in the Young dis trict, the third pool. The Attitude oi on Carlos. London, Aug. 3.—A dispatch to the Dally Mall from Luoerne, says: "Count Melgar, the constant companion of Don Carlos, has telegraphed to a friend in Paris that Don Carlos orders his followers not to embarrass his country while she is in mourning." More Immiines for Santiago. Macon, Ga., Aug. Colonel P. H. Ray, commanding the Third regiment. United States volunteers Gmmunes), which has bean organised hers, has re ceived orders to be prepared to move on a day's notice tor Santiago, i ... The assessment of Columbia coun ty for 1898 shows the whole number of taxables to be 12,420 ; cleared land, 182,415 acres ; timber lanJ, 64,- 934 ; value of all real estate, sll, 416,862 ; value of real estate exempt, $951,985 ; value of real estate taxable at 4 mills for county tax, $10,464,877 number of horses, 7,295 ; value of same, $229,692 ; number of cattle, 5,377 s value of same, $86,612 ; value of all salaries, occupations and offices, $971,019 ; value of all proper ty taxable for county purposes at 4 mills, $11,752,191 ; amount of money at interest, stages, etc., $1,359,541- We have received the latest sample book of society address cards and are prepared to supply cards with beauti ful designs and in great variety to Masons ot all degrees, Odd Fellows, Knights of Malta, Knights of the Gol den Eagle, Junior O. U. A. M., G. A. R., Union Veteran League, Sons of Veterans, Royal Arcanum, P. O. S. of A. Also cards for Fire men, Christian Endeavors and many other organizations. Call and see samples. tf, THE BROADWAY. DAILY SPECIAL SALES. Of Interest to Everyone. Note the dates of the differ ent sales and come on that day for the special sale prices. WATCH OUR WINDOWS. FRIDAy, JUL Y 29 th. Special sale of Infanfs and Children's Hat and Caf<~, and Ladies' Straw Tail or Hats for one day only. Children's Lawn Caps, sc. to sr.ooea. Children's Tarn o Shanters, 70c. to 39c. ea. Ladies' 25c. Straw Sailors, 19c. ea. Ladies' 50c. Straw Sailors, 39c. SA TURD A V, JUL Y3O th. Special sale of Corsets for ont day only. Our 24c. Summer Corsets for 19c. Our 48c. Summer Corset for 39c. Our Lady Clare Corset at 42c. ea. Our 79c. Corset at 65c. ea. Corset Stays, Corset Lacers and Children's Corsets reduced for this sale. MONDA V, A UG UST Ist. Special sale of Framed Pictures for one day only. s2.co Framed Pictures at $1.50 ea. si.oc Framed Pictures at 75c. ea. 60c. Framed Pictures at 45c. ea. One fourth off the price of any framed picture in stock. TUESDA Y, A UG US T 2 nd. Special sale of Chenille Curtains for one day only, Chenille Portieres, worth $2.50, for $1.98 pair. Chenille Table Covers, 25c. to $1.25 each. Derby Portieres, worth $2.98, at $2.25 pair. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3rd. Special sale of Muslins and Sheet itigs for one day only. Yard wide extra unbleached Muslin at 10 yards for 35c. Yard wide bleached Muslin, 10 yards for 39c. 46 inch bleached pillow case muslin at BJc. per yd. Wide sheetings at THURSDAY, AUGUST4th. Special sale of Embroideries for one day only. Pretty Hamburg Edgings, 2c. to 25c. yd. Fine Swiss Embroideries, 2c., 4c., Bc., to 25c. yd. Embroidery Remnants in all widths, from 10c to 50c. per piece of Job in feather stitch braid for this sale, 3 pieces for 10c. (EARLY CI.OSING NOTICE.) Hespectfully Submitted to the Sash Trade Only by m mm use store, Mover's New Building, Main Street, BLOOMSBURG. Shoe Bar gains To close out quickly several , small lots of -SHOES- We will decided bar gains during the month of July. W. fT Hoore. Cos. SECOND AND IRON STS. JONAS LONG'S SONS' WEEKLY CHATS. WILKES-BARRE, PA., Thursday, Aug. 4th, 1898. of Little Prices OH Roue Mult Ms. _ Ve never knew Household necessi ties to be cheaper than we have marked them this week. We art preparing for the Fall stocks and have made prices on all articles lew enough to draw the thrifty house wives out in full force, you want to refurnish your kitchen and dining room for the autumn or to provide the needful things for hot weather; why not do it now? When you can buy two articles for one. Is'nt there wis dom in saving half? This week's bargains are as attractive as any we've given; if anything, more so. Why not then ramble over our immense basement filled with so many good things of just what you are in need of: WHO CAN RESIST SUCH MONEY SAVERS? fou can buy any of the A pf following articles at.. " vldl Puns. Rockers. Sauce Puns. Comb Caßes. Dippers. Oil Cans, tread Pans. Spoons. 'lidding Pans. Tooth Picks. 3lrd Gravel. Meat Forks. Jake Cutters. Tack Hammers. Iplce Canisters. Dust Pans. Skimmers. Strainers. •"otato Mashers. Fruit Funnels. Joat Racks. Pint Measures, dalch Safes. Garden Forks. fou can buy any cf the £| c> ■ following articles at., v blul Scrui irushes. Soup Ladles. Shoe rushes. Sooops. Jio\c Brushes. Soap Dishes. Dust Brushes. Paring Knives. Larg. 10 qt. Pud- Bread Knives. dlnp Pane. Hash Cutters. Doal oil Cans. Stove Lifters. Potato Mashers. Can Openers, fruit Strainers. Electro Silicon. Pry 1 os. Fancy Dust Pans. bem< Squeezers. Large Sauce Pana Heat Broilers. Large Graters. Dork Serewß. Sink Strainers. Hammers. Agate Sauce Pana rack Pullers. Agate Wash Basins Dorn Scrapera Bread Pans. [ce Picks. 2 tq. Milk Cans, flour Sieves. Water Sprinklera The Daisy Oil Stoves, 3 burner, $1.09. Florence Oil Stovea, 3 burner, $2.00. Florence OH Stoves, 1 burner, 65c. Gem Oil Stoves, 3 burner, $1.50. Palace wlckless and valveless Oil Stoves, 1 burner, $4.00. Automatic Blue Flame OH Stove, 2 aurner, the finest made, $6.00. . Croquet Sets for Bto play, 49c. 1 Croquet sets for 4 to play, very finely finished, $1.50. Arctic Freezers, 6 qt. size, $2.39. White Mountain Freezers. 8 qt. size, |3.70, Clothes Bars with 14 bars, 45c. Good quality Rufeber Hose, 4 ply. guaranteed, this week per foot 10c. German Beer Steins, finely decorated. 10c. Jelly Tumblers, with covers, extra fine quality, per dozen 19c. Good quality Table Tumblers, at each 3 cents. Patriotic Olasses with cut of battle ship Maine. Yankee Doodle and "Re member the Maine." each sc. Lauifdry Soap, the regular 5c si/o, 10 bars for 25c. t Window Screens, the 22c. and 19c. kind at 12c. The 29c kind at 2oc. Galvanized line, Ice Coolers, holds eight gallons. $3.00. ► • Agate lined Ice Coolers, holds four gallons, $5.00. f ' Fine assortment decorated Austrian ' vases, 10c. Reed and wood Baby Carriages, with steel wheels and brake, the $6.50 kind at $4.50; the $5.00 kind at $3.95. Go-carts reduced to $7.00. Paint brushes and varnish brushes from 10c to 45c. Kalsomine Brushes, fine quality, afc 16 cents. White Wash Brushes from 10c. to 68c. Extra large size Whisk Brooms 12c Large Wash Boilers, heavy tin, 25c. Fruit Jar Caps tor Mason Jars, 23c. per dozen. Fruit Jar Rubbers, best quality, at per dozen sc. Fine assortment of Hammocks at 89c., 98 cents. | Fancy color Hammocks, nicely woven, I extra large, with spreaders, at $2.85. Porcelain Preserving Kettles, lined, with bail and lip, 8 qt. size, 19c. 14 quart, 35c. 24 quart 85c. | REFRIGERATORS. Removable and cleanable ice cham ber, bronze trimmings, double dors, all , made from solid ash, from $6.39 to $16.50. No better refrigerators are to be had at any price. Come in and look them over; find one to suit you; they ara guaranteed to give you satisfaction. They must be sold this week at hurry up prices to give us needed room. When ready to do your canning con sult our prices on Mason's Fruit Jars, the very best quality at lowest prices In this city. Basement —House Furnishing Department. Cor. Wet Market and Public Banana
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers