The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 04, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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    Raiding the Treasmy.
It is after raid upon the state '
treasury, and it will be raid after |
raid upon it as long as there is a
vestige ot authority left in the hands
of the creatures of boss Quay to
make them. The last one to come
to light is in the form of a public
printing bill pr sented by ex-state
printer Busch for $16,000, a greater
portion of which is for colored plates
of pole-cats, minks, weasels and the
like, for the annual report of the
State College —plates that were nev
er contemplated, ordered or author
ized and of the existence of which
those who prepared the State Col
lege report know absolutely nothing.
They were added to the report by
Dr. Warren, a political protege of
Senator Quay, and ordered to be
printed in it by the state superin
tendent of public printing—Thomas
Robinson —another disciple and fol
lower of the Republican state boss.
A similar steal amounting to
$53. 000 was attempted within the
past year by the same parties, in
the publication of a small pamphlet
on the " Diseases and Enemies of
Poultry." It was halted by Gov
ernor Hastings through a techni
cality in the order for printing.
Whether the present one can be
prevented is doubted, as it bears all
the ear-marks ot regularity from
the state printer's desk until it
reached the treasury department.
It is known that for the past ten
months Governor Hastings has had
no love for Senator Quay or his fol
lowers. This they alleged is the
reason tor his interference in the
payment of bills of the character re
ferred, whether this aggregation is
correct or not we do not know, but
we do know that it is a good thing
for the tax-payers to have some one
in the gubernatorial chair who will
stop such thieving. How much of
it went 011 prior to the disagreement
between Senator Quay and Gov
ernor Hastings 110 one knows. How
much of this-kind of thing—and it's
only one of many kinds—has been
successful during the many, many
years that Quay and his henchmen
have had control of the different
departments at Hanisburg will nev
er be known.
Do the tax-payers of the state
want to stop it ? If they do they
must stop electing creatures of Sen
ator Quay. They must place in
the office of Governor a man who
owes Quay and those who do his
bidding nothing, whose purpose
will be to protect the people from
such robbery and prevent the loot
ing of the treasury that has been
going 011 for so many years.— Ex.
SIOO Reward, SIOO.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at leasr
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires
a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and muc
ous surfaces of the system, thereby
destroying the foundation of the dis
ease, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith
in its curative powers, that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure. Send for list of
Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Language of Flags.
To "strike the flag" is to lower the
national colors in token of submission.
Flags are used as the symbol of rank
and command, says the School Jour
nal, the officers using them being call
ed flag officers. Such flags are square
to distinguish tnem from other banners.
A "flag of truce" is a white flag dis
played to an enemy to indicate a de
sire for a parley or consultation.
The white flag is the sign of peace.
After a battle parties from both sides
often go out to the field to rescue the
wounded or bury the dead under the
protection of a white flag.
The red flag is a sign of defiance
' and is often used by revolutions. In'
our service it is the mark of danger
and shows a vessel to be receiving or
discharging her powder.
The black flag is the sigji of piracy.
The yellow flag shows a vessel to be
at quarantine and is the sign of con
tagious disease. A flag at half mast
means mourning. Fishing and other
vessels return with a flag at half mast
to announce the loss or death of some
of the men. Dipping a flag is lower
ing it slightly and 'hen hoisting it
again to salute a vessel or fort.
If the president of the United
States goes afloat, the American flag
is carried in the bows of his ba'ge or
hoisted at the maine of the vessel on
board of which he is.
p. Ha st The Kind You Hare Always Buugft
Ia Clilef of the ■lur.mia of Ordinal.™,
Kqulimient A count, and Construction
—An luuneuae Amount of Uiiaiueea Ac
eoinpllahed Kaoh l>ajr.
A day at the Navy Department,
such as the writer recently spent, Is
full of Instruction as to what It means
to be the' head of the navy In war
time. The place Is assuredly no sin
ecure. Secretary Dong reaches his of
fice promptly at 9 o'clock every morn
ing. After thirty minutes with his
mall, the stream of people who are
waiting in the large ante-room begins
to pour In upon him. It Is the eti
quette of the department that when
ever a Senator arrives he has the
right of way over all others, no mat
ter how long they may have been
waiting there before bun. A Repre
sentative In Congress also has pre
cedence of general callers.
Plspatches of all sorts are contin
ually coming In, and the Secretary is
kepi busy dictating answers to them.
Communications from the department
of navigation, which deals with the
personnel of the service, detailing the
officers to the various ships and or
dering the ships hither and thlthcs:,
have to receive prompt attention.
The bureau of ordnnnce makes an
other large daily demand upon the
Secretary's time. This bureau deals
with all matters relating to ammuni
tion, projectiles, weapons, and arma
ment generally.
The burenu of equipment makes an
other considerable call on the Secre
tary's working hours. This is the
bureau which furnishes all the equip
ments of the ship—the ropes, the
sails, the anchors, and especially the
coal. The coal buying for the navy
Is in Itself an enormous business, and
the providing of coal stations and the
furnishing of a dozen coal lighters, at
one point or another, to carry the coal
to our war vessels, is In Itself a lurge
The bureau of accounts is another
branch of the naval service which
gives Mr. Long a great deal of hard
work. This bureau has to do with
the purchase of supplies, which are all
bought under bids, except In cases of
pinergency. Another new feature of
Mr. Long's administration Is the hos
pital ambulance ship, the Solace, a
mngniflcent vessel of 4,000 tons, equip
ped nnd fitted with all modern surgical
appliances. This ship will snil under
the rules of the Geneva Red Cross as
sociation, and will be free from at
tack. The women of the country have
shown great interest in this new de
parture, the like of which wns never
attempted in any previous naval war.
Yet another share of the Secretary's
time is called for by the bureau of
construction nnd repnir, which has to
Jo with the building and repair of our
ships. All the new ships that we
have been buying of late in other
countries have had to be put into con
dition under the direction of this bu
At half past 2 o'clock In the after
noon. Mr. Long makes his escape from
the flood of visitors—the department
doors are closed to the general public
at 2 o'clock—nnd then he begins to
sign his mail. He is kept busy writ
ing his signature for a full hour, dur
ing which time he writes his name
about 300 times. Then the clerk of
the department makes his appearnnce,
bringing with a large muss of pa
pers, offers of service, requests for
the naming of ships, suggestions for
advice of all kinds. No letter ad
dressed to the department on any of
these subjects is left without a reply.
He lives in very modest style at the
capital. His family consists of his
wife, his oldest daughter. Miss Mar
garet Long. 24 years of age, who is
studying medicine at the Johns Hop
kins university; his younger daughter.
Miss Helen Long, who is of great as
sistance to him socially; and his lit
tle son, fierce Long, a bright boy of
ten. who is busy with his schoolbooks
and his bicycle. Mr. Long is n de
voted husband and father, and the
domestic side of his life has always
been very happy. He is Jealous of his
evening leisure and callers at the fam
ily hotel where he lives, who come on
business, are not cordially welcomed.
He believes that after a hard day's
work at the department the serenity
of the lamplight hours should not be
Intruded upon, except for grave rea-
Bons. He enjoys walking very much,
and Is to be seen nearly every after
noon, after the cares of the Navy De
partment have been dropped, tramp
ing sturdily around the beautiful
iquures and circles of the capital. Mr.
Long Is, by the way, a teetotaler, and
almost n non-smoker, his limit being
one cigar a day. He has always hnd
t friendly side for woman suffrage
and for civil service reform.—Jamea
W. Clarke, in Chicago Inter-Oecaa, ,
Special Correspondence.
It Is doubtful whether the list of
endeavors to elevate the lives of the
poor and the unfortunate contains the
record of any institution which ac
complishes more In proportion to its
means than whut Mrs. Anna Lowell
Woodbury modestly terms her "school
of cookery" In this city. Mrs. Wood
bury Is a niece of the late James UUH
sell Lowell, and It is her two brothers.
Col. Charles and Lieut. James J.
I.owell, who heroic deaths are com
memorated with those of four other
young men, in the' soldiers' held at
When Mrs. Woodbury came to
Washington after the war she saw the
tremendous need on the part of the
newly franchlscd colored people of
some domestic training. Their girls
were growing up without the re
straints nnd the Instruction of the
slave regime, and the new civilizing
tendencies had not yet become opera
tive. So, In fact of great opposition,
Sirs. Woodbury opened what Is still
known ns a "cooking school," although
it alms to teach those things which
will improve the home life of its pu
pils. Plain cooking, without refer
ence to hygiene or chemistry, which
Mrs. Woodbury believes belong else
where, and the elements of good
housekeeping are, of course, the fund
amentals, although the school goes
much farther and alms to elevate the
Intellectual and moral standards of Its
Army and Navy Letters.
There is a postal regulation which
hns been In force for many years. It
"Letters written by officers, commis
sioned or non-commissioned, nnd pri
vates in the military, naval, or marine
service of the United States, to be
transmitted unpaid must be plninly
marked "soldier's letter,' 'sailor's let
ter,' or 'marine's letter,' as the case
may be .and signed thereunder with
his name and official designation by a
staff or field officer, post or detach
ment commander, to whose command
the soldier belongs, or by surgeon or
chaplain at a hospital where ho may
he; and .n the navy and marine ser
vice by the officer in command of the
vessel, or surgeon on board, or officer
commanding a naval hospital or de
tachment on shore. Letters so certi
fied will bo forwarded charged with
postage due at single rates omy, to bo
collected on delivery.
This was provided to overcome the
difficulty in the field or on naval sta
tions of getting postage stamps. The
provision for payment on delivery at
single rates is 'to overcome the statu
tory provision that all first class mat
ter shall be prepaid, ot else fully paid
with a penalty on delivery.
Second and third class mail will be
forwarded to soldiers in the same
manner ns letters. Papers and pack
ages will be forwarded from place to
place until they reach the soldier.
Senator Gorman's Future.
The Democratic friends of Arthur
Pue Gorman in Washington and Ma
ryland have mapped out a future for
him. He is to be succeeded on March
4 next in the United States Senate by
a Republican, Judge MeConias. Some
of his old adversaries have believed
that with the advent of Senator-elect
McComas Mr. Gorman will be'retired
forever from public life. The Demo
cratic friends of Mr. Gorman sny that
he has still a future before him, and
that he is too valuable a citizen in
public life to be retired incontinently,
Mr. Gorman hns been in public life
since 1552, so that for nearly fifty
years he has been in public life.
His friends do not believe that he
should now be retired. Already there
is a plan arranged to have him run for
Congress this fall in the Fifth Mary
land district, to succeed Sidney Kman
uel Mudd, and if Mr. Gorman con
sents to the arrancenient and is elec
ted over Mr. Mudd, the Democrats
to make him speaker
of the House of Representatives,
should the Democrats capture Con
gress next fall. This is a very pretty
plan all around and it has been ar
ranged In order to keep Mr. Gorman
in public life. He has become accus
tomed to Washington life and to af
fairs of great public moment.
Senator Gorman, It made
known, has the personal friendship of
Senator Murphy of New iork and of
an the Democratic senators and Demo
cratic congressmen now In Washing
ton. Senator Gorman also has the
personal animosity of some of the
friends of William J. Bryan of Ne
braska. But animosities in politics
are very frequently changed In order
that victory may be accomplished, and
the fact remains that the Democratic
friends of Mr. Gorman propose, if ue
will consent to the arrangement, to
have him run against Congressman
Mudd, and if the Democrats capture
the House of Representatives, and If
Mr. Gorman defeats Mr. Mudd, to
make htm the next sponger of the
House of Representatives, SENATOR.
The Origin of Toast.
The word "toast," used for describing
the proposal of a health in an after-din
ner speech, dates back to mediaeval
times, when the loving cup was still
regarded as an indispensable feature
of every banquet. The cup would be
tilled to the brim with wine or mead,
in the centre of which would be floating
a piece of toasted bread. After putting
his lips to It the host passed the cup
to the guest of honor on the right hand,
andjafter it had circulated around the
table it came back U> the host, who
drained what remulned and swallowed
the piece of toast In honor of his friends
at the table.—Chicago Times-Herald.
New Arrival (Dawson City)— You
seem the only happy man in the town.
Native—l am, sir. I've got dyspep
sia so bad 1 can't eat anything.—Judge,
Scovel and Others.
If it is true, as reported, that
Sylvester Scovel, war correspondent
of a New York newspaper, slapped
General Shafter's face because he
was not permitted to help raise the
American flag over Santiago, and
thus give a noisy and clamorous
newspaper an opportunity to tell
with pen and pencil how its repre
sentative raised the American flag
over the Spanish city, Scovel should
at the very least occupy a military
j prison until the end of the war.
He represents a class of news
paper men who disgust one with
disgusting newspapers. These men,
if their stories could be believed,
conduct all campaigns, advise all
movements, capture prisoners, make
officers ' 'stand around'' and are full
of all sorts of biggold nonsense, as
Mr. Sparkler would say. But for
tunately nobody believes what these
men write and all are content to get
real news from men who don't sign
their names to their news articles.
The men of the Scovel stripe al
ways make themselves offensive.
One of them was invited to leave an
American warship during the block
ade of Havana by Sampson's big
ships. Scovel was found stowed
away in a government tug and de
prived of the right to accompany
the navy. And there are others
who have been offensive but have
been more gently treated because
more easily ' 'called down.''
It would be a good thing for all
newspapers if such men and the
papers they represent could be en
tirely and forever squelched. Decent
newspapers would be the better for
their absence and the morals of the
public would be the gainer for their
suppression. Scovel will richly de
serve whatever he shall get and the
scovel newspapers deserve nothing
better.—Harrisburg Patriot.
Oare ot Indigent Insane'
Judge Scott, of Northampton coun
ty, has made an important order in
lunacy cases. Under this order "any
indigent insane person may be com
mitted to the asylum without the us
ual costs of a commission." The pro
cedure in such cases heretofore has
been by petition and appointment of
a commission of three persons to in
quire into the fact of lunacy. This
procedure is not exclusive and it is
not mandatory. It is only one of the
means by which the indigent insane
persons may be committed to the
A woman with the blues is a very un
comfortable person. She is illogical,
unhappy and frequently hysterical.
The condition of the mind known as
" the blues," nearly always, with wo
men, results from diseased organs of
It is a source of wonder that in this
Bge of advnnced medical science, any
person should still believe that mere
force of will and determination will
overcome depressed spirits and nerv
ousness in women. These troubles are
indications of disease.
Every woman who doesn't under
stand her condition should write to
Lynn, Mnss., to Mrs. Pinkham for her
advice. Her advice is thorough com
mon sense, and is the counsel of a
learned woman of great experience.
Read the story of Mrs. F. S. BENNETT,
Westphalia, Kansas, as told in the fol
lowing letter:
" DEAR MRS. PINKHAM:—I have suf
fered for over two years with falling,
enlargement and ulceration of the
womb, and this spring, being in such
a weakened condition, paused me to
flow for nearly six months. Nome time
ago, urged by friends, I wrote to you
for advice. After using the treatment
which you advised for a short time,
that terrible flow stopped.
"I am now gaining strength and
flesh, and have better health than I
have had for the past ten years. I
wish to say to all distressed, suffer
ing women, do not suffer longer, when
there is one so kind and willing to
aid you."
Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Com
pound is a woman's remedy for wo
man's ills. More than a million wo
men have been benefited by it.
must lie non-irritaling, easy of application,
and one that will by its own action reach the
inflamed and diseased surfaces.
ELY'S CREAM BAI.M combines the im
portant requisites of quick action and spe
cific curative powers with perfect safety to
the patient. This agreeable remedy has
mastered catarrh as nothing else has, and
both physicians and patients freely concede
this fact. All druggists cheerfully acknow
ledge that in it the acme of Pharmaceutical
skill has been reached. The most distress
ing symptoms quickly yield to it. In acute
cases the Balm imparts almost instant relief.
By Absorption.
Catarrhal sufferers should remember that
Ely's Cream Balm is the only catarrh rem
ABSORBED by the diseased membrane. It
changes them to a limpid and odorless con
dition, and finally to a natural and healthy
The Balm can he found at any drug store,
or by sending 50 cents to Ely Brothers, 56
Warren St., New York, it will be mailed.
Full directions w'.h each package.
Cream Balm opens ard cleanses the nasal
passages, allays inflammation, thereby stop
ping pain in the head, heals and protects the
membrane nnd restores the senses of taste
and smell. The Balm is applied directly
into the nostrils.
Much in Little
Is especially true ot Hood's Pills, for no medi
cine ever contained so great curative power In
so small space. They are a whole medicine
chest, always ready, at- ■ ■ ■
ways efficient, always sat- all £
lsfactory; prevent a cold 111
or fevor, cure all liver ills,
sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c.
The only Pills to tako with Hood's Sarsaparllla.
AGAIN we offer you COLD
STORAGE for Eggs, Butter,
Dried Fruits, Carpets, Furs and
perishable articles. Inquire for
We Manufacture
For domestic purposes you should
use PURE ICE only.
Cold Storage & Artificial Ice Co.
255 Bast 7th St
-3-17-7 mo.
A.M. r. M. A.M. P.M.
NORTH 0M88RL.1N1)........... Bas 1.50 10 00 5 50
Cameron 6 80 s oj
Chulasky 8 07
Danville #SO 2 12 10 21 6 is
Catawlasa 703 228 .... 628
Rupert 700 281 10 36 633
Bloomsburg 7l i 236 10 41 6 30
Kspy - 723 242 10 46 645
Lime Ridge 730 248 6 52
Wlllovv Grove 784 212 6 M
Brlarcrees 7 38 7 oo
Berwick 748 8 01 11 02 7 06
BeacbUavcn........ 754 807 .... 712
Hick's Perry SOO 313 . . 7i
SMckshtnuy slO i 24 u :il 7 35
Hunlock's. 820 334 .. 747
Nauileoke . 827 84*2 1116 7 54
Avondalu 332 347 7 18
Plymouth 83; 852 1143 8 0S
Plymouth Junction 84 2 3 57 b 07
Kingston...... 84 03 11 52 8 1 2
llcnnett,... 853 4 09 8 16
Forty Fori 856 4 11 818
Wyoming 'J 01 417 12 00 s a
west Pittst on 006 422 830
Susquehanna Ave 010 4 26 12 c 7 b 33
Plttston 915 4so 12 10 8 30
Duryca...- 9 19 4 34 8 44
Lackawanna 02t 4 37 8 48
Taylor 932 445 .... 857
Ttellevue 937 450 .... 902
80BANT0N 942 455 I' 230 9 07
A. U P. M. P.M. P. M
A.M. A.M. P.M.r. M.
3CBANTON ■ 600 10 20 155 600
Bellevue 6 us
Taylor 610 10 28 205 610
Lackawanna 618 1135 213 617
Duryca 632 10 39 216 c2l
Plttston - 628 10 22 220 625
Susquehanna Ave 632 10 45 223 628
West Plttston 635 10 48 227 631
Wyoming 640 10 53 232 636
F0rtyF0rt....„....... 6 45
Bennett 648 11 00 289 644
Kingston' 654 11 04 945 663
Plymouth J unction 659 .... 251
Plymouth 704 11 12 254 703
Avondale 709 256 707
Nantlcoke 714 11 20 302 Tl2
Hunlock's 720 1180 3 10 720
Shlckshlnny 781 11 40 324 785
Hick's Ferry 74 4 1150 835 747
Beach Haven 754 11 55 842 753
Berwick 800 12 00 849 80C
Brlarcreek 806 856 ....
Willow Grove 8 10 12 10 359 8 11
LlmeP.ldce 814 12 15 404 815
Espy 821 12 21 411 823
Bloomsburg 828 12 27 417 830
Rupert 884 12 32 423 836
Catawlssa 840 19 36 422 841
Danville 855 12 49 442 868
Coulasky 449 ... I
Cameron 905 12 58 454 910
NORTHUMBERLAND 920 110 608 925
A.M. P.M. P.M. P.* |
Connections st Rupert with Philadelphia A
Reading Railroad lor Tauianend, Tamaqua,
WUllamsport, Sunnury, Pottavllle, etc At
Northumberland with P. ® K. Dlv. P. & R. for
Harrisburg, Lock Haven, Emporium Warren.
Corry and Erie.
W. F. HALLSTEAD, Gen. Man.
Scranton, Pa.
am a.m.ipm p.m. STATIONS, am pm pm am
7.10 11.46 6.80 2.15 Bloomsbu'g. 8.34 240 6 45,6.10
7.08 11.4016.26 2.10 " P. AB. 8.36 2.42 0.47
7.08 11.37 6.24 2.05 " Main St.. 8.39 2.43 6.50
6.63 11.27 6.12 1 50 Paper Mill. 848 2.54 7XI 6.37
6.50 11.2316.09 1.45 ..Light St.. 8.52'2.69 7.05 6.50
6.40 11.13 5.59 1.30 Orangevll'e. 9.02 3.10 711 7.10
6.29 11.0115.48 1.00 . .Forks ... 9.10 8.20 7.24 7.35
6.25 11,00 5.44 12.63 ...Zanet's... 9.14 3.24,1.28 7.45
6.18 10.55,5.87 12.45 .Stillwater. 9.20 8.3017.83 8.00
6.08 10.4515.27 12.3 ...Benton.... 9.36 840(7.43 8.80
6.04 10 40 5 22 12.10 ...EdSOn'B.... 9.84 8.44,7.47 8.40
6.02 10 38(5.20 12.03 .COle'S Cr'k. 9.37 8.47 7.51 8.46
6.63 10.82(5.13(11.53 ..LattbSCh.. 9.47 3.57 6.91 9.00
6.48 10.2315.08111.45 ...Central. 9.67 4.07(8.11 9.25
5.40 10.2f1j5.001H.80 .Jam. City.. 10.00 4.10;5.1r> 9.35
am am pm pin amp m pmam
LBAVM arritb
C Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures <1 Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
I I Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
R Boils & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blister^.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
SCorns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25 c soc5 oc - and SI.OO.
Sold by drugglAta, or sent poet-paid on rooelpt of prloa
HL'SPHRKI'B' MliD. CO., 11l * 11 WMla* 81., Haw fork,
ft Chfeheatrr** En S lUh DUawl Brand.
..ssss.-tMSS'isib-., A
£<( Uvf Drugrtrt for CkichmUr t J MaUtk IHa Mf W\
£MkXSg^mtmdßrand In 11*4 and Gold maUllia\%OT
CV jij staled with bine rtbbon. Tako NJpi
4R f&Jito other. Rtflfdangmmtrubtit*- ▼ <
| 7 f jjf turns and imitation*. AtDrvggtMs.orMttddo.
I w Jr In etanpO for partleulare, leettuvmlale and
\ o- o*' B*Uef for fodleV (a return
BMtlvwlUwUiuwaM. PHILADA.. PA.
| Pennsylvania Railroad.
I Time Table m effect June 16, >9B
A. M. A. V. P. M. P u
Sorantonfl)* H)lv {6 45 59 38 §8 is 5427
Flttston " " 708 (10 00 I 2 40 462
A. X. A. M. P. V. p. x 57 80 {lO 15 13 12 5e 00
Plym'th Ferry" (7 38 1020 (3 81 (608
Nantlcoke '• | 74U 10 27 330 01:
Mocanaqua " 804 10 45 350 887
Wapwallopen." 818 10 55 308 #47
Nescopeck ar 884 11 10 410 700
A. U. A. M. P. 2. P. 2
Pottsvllle IV 58 00 { il 35 5
Hazletou 7lu 11 .16 200 500
Tomhlcken " 7so 11 25 220 610
Fern Glen " 7Ss 11 34 228 818
Kook Glen " 748 11 40 236 625
Nescopeck Br 807 800 650
A M. A. M. P. M. P. 2.
Nescopeck lv {8 24 {ll 10 i 4 10 17 00
Creasy •• 8 38 Via 4 18 7 0
Espy Ferry " (8 48 Rock (4 21 7 1
E. Bloomsburg" 847 Glen 430 7 2
P. M.
Catawlssa ar 865 12 20 436 730
Catawlssa .IT 855 12 20 418 730
8. Danville.... " 914 12 38 455 747
Sunbury e 35 1 00 5 17 8 10
A. M. P. X. P. M. P. M.
Bunbnry___.lT I 45 {1 10 55 46 9 25
Lewlaburg ar 10 16 145 618
MUtOn ...." 10 10 139 612 950
Wllllamsport.." 1100 230 705 10 40
Lock Haven... 11 59 8 40 8 06
Kenovo " A. m. 440 900 .........
Kane „ " 905 ........
P H. P. X.
Lock {l2lO {845 ......
Hellefonte ar 1 05 4 44
Tyrone " 2 15 800
Pblllpsburg...." 4 23 8 26;
Cleartleld " 5 07 9 09
Pittsburg '• 655 11 30
A. u. r. 11. p. x. P. Ml
Sunbury „ 1 950 {156 15 25 {826
Darrlsburg ar 111 30 {3 20 655 {lO 06
P. M. P. M. P. M, A. X.
Philadelphia .ar {3 00 I 6 23 110 20 I 480
Baltimore " 311 i 6 CO I 9 45 626
Washington " 410 17 15 110 55 740
A. X. P. X.
Sunbury lv {to 05 {2 15 „ .._
P. M.
r.ewlatown Jc ar 12 05 {4 23' ...._ .
Pittsburg- ." {6 55 {ll 311 1
A. 51. p. x. p. x. p. xl
Darrlsburg lv 111 45 13 50 t7 so 510 20
P. . I A. M. A. X.
Pittsburg ar I 055 111 301 1 2 110 {5 8u
{ Weekdays; Dally. ( Flag stat ion
P. M. P. 11. A. X. A. X
Pittsburg.._,.lv i 8 lu I 5 IP I 3 to I 8 CO
Harrlsburg ar I 3 80 [3 30 110 00 t8 10
A. X. A. X.
Pittsburg lv 7 8 to
p. ii.
Lewlstown Jc." ......... t7 30 t3 05
Sunbury art 9 18 t 5 00
P. X. A. M.i A. M. A. M 110 40 t7 60 fio 50
Baltimore " 111 50 14 (5 ts 59 112 uo
Philadelphia..." 11l 20 1 4 30' 8 30 112 25
A. M. A. M.I A. M.I P. M.
Harrlsmurg lv 13 35 I 8 05; til 40 t4 00
Sunbury ar I 5 05 I 9 40| 110 t5 40 .
p. M. ! A. M. A. M
Pittsburg lv {lllOl {3 30 {8 0S
, Cleartleld " 4 091 931
Pblllpsburg.. ." 456 10 12
1 Tyrone " 715 18 10 12 30
Belletonte " 8 31 9 32 1 12
J Lock 930 10 80 2 13
| P. M. A. M. A. M. F. M.
• Erie lv 1 4SO
1 Kaue " 755 7 s 27j ...
■ Kenovo " 11 10 t6 10 10 30
Lock Haven...." 11 55 17 38 11 25 ! 300
A. M.I P. M i
Wllllamsport.." 12 sol 1s 30 tl2iti 400
MlltOli " 1 40! 9 18 1 27 1 4 52
Lewlaburg " 9 06 1 16 4 47
Sunbury ar 2 06j 945 1 551 520
A. M. A. M. P. M.I F. X.
Sunbury lv 76 10 111 56 t 2 nth 75 18
s. Danville " 33 10 17 2 21 0 07
Catawlasa " 6 54 10 85 2 37 6 24
E. Bloomsburg" via 10 43 2 43 0 32
Espy Ferry " Rock (10 47 247 (6 36
Creasy " Glen. 10 50 255 646
Nescopeck 807 11 lu 810 #59
A. X. A. X. P. X ' P. X.
Nescopeck lv til 10 74 is 77 05
Hock Glen art 769 11 35 440 781
Fern Glen " 7 47 11 43 4 46 7 87
Tomhlcken " 7 58 11 54 4 55 7 4t
r. M.
nazleton " 8 20 12 18 6 16 8 05
Pottsvllle " 11 30 206 625
A. M. A, X. P. X. P, X.
Nescopeck lv 78 07 1 11 10 73 10 76 59
1 Bis 11 22 319 709
1 Mocanaqua....." 8 281 11 32 830 ;21
1 Nantlcoke " 848 11 541 350 742
P. M.
Plym'tb Ferry" (8 58 12 02' 400 762
: Wllkeßbarre...." 905 12 10 110 800
1 A. X., P. M.| P. M. p. X.
' Plttston(D H) art 941 tl2 49, t4 52 t8 8t
Scranton " " 10 10 1 li 520 905
7 Weekdays. I Dally. ( Flag station.
Pullman Parlor and Sleeping Cars rnn on
' through trains between sunbury, Wllllamsport
and Erie, between Sunbury and Philadelphia
and Washington and between narrlsburg, Pitts;
burg and the west.
For further information apply to Ticket
Uen'l. Manager* Gen. pass, Agt.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Engines Burn Hard Coal—No Smoke
In effect July 1.1899.
For New York, Philadelphia Reading Potts
vine, Tamaqua, weekday* 11.30 n. in.
For Wllllamsport, weekdays, 7.80 a. m„ 3.40 p.
For Danville and Milton, weekdays. 7.30 a. m,
For Catawlßsa weekdays 7.30,8.38, 11.30 a. m.,
12.20, 3.40, 5.00. 11.30, p. m.
For Rupert weekdays7.3o,B.3S 11,30 a. m., 12.20, f
8.40,6.00, 6.30, p. m. . „
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
B. A O. R. R., through trains leave Heading Ter
minal, Philadelphia, 3.20, 7.55, 11,26 a. m., 3.46
7.27, p. m. Sundays 3.20, 7.65 11.26 a. m.,
3.46, 7127, p. m, Additional tralDa from 24 und
Chestnut street station, weekdays, 1.35, 6.41,
8.23 p. m. Sundays, 1.85,8.23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia 8.60 a
ra., and via Easton 9.10 a. m, \
Leave Philadelphia 10.21 a. m.
Leave Reading 12.15 p. in.
Leave Pottsvllle 12.80 p. m.
Leave Tamaqua 1.49 p, m.,
Leave Wllllamsport weekdays ln.oo a m. 4.80 p
Leavecatawissaweekdays, 7.00,8.90 9.iu a. m.
1.30 3.40, 6.08
Leave Rupert, weekdays, 7.08, 8.28,9.18 11.40
а. in., 1.88,8.50, 6.20.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf
and South Street wharf (or Atlantlo City.
WRM-DAYB—Express, 8.00, 9.00, 10.45 a. m.
(1.30 Saturdays only). 2 00, 3.00,3.40. (SO mluuto
train), 4.00, (65 minute train l , 1.30, 5.06(65 mln
train), 5.40,7.00 p. m. Accoin. 6 15am., 5.00, 6.30
p. m. jl.oo Excursion train, 7a. m. SOHOATS—
Express, 7.80, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 10.00 a.m., 4.45 p. m,
Accom.. 615 a. m., 4.45 p. m. $1 00 Excursion
train, 7.00 a. m.
Leavo Atlantic City, depot.: WMK-DAYS—
, Express, (6.45 Mondays only), 7.90. 7.45, (69 mln.
train), 8.2u (65 minute train), 9.00,10.15,11 a. m.,
3.80, 4.30, 5.30, 7.30, 930 p. m. Accom., 4.25, 1.60
. a. m., 4.05 p. ra. SI.OO Excursion train (from
Mississippi ave. only), 6.00 p. m. SUNDAYS—Ex
press, 830, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 6 80. 7.00, 7.30, 3.00, 9.80
p.m. Accom., 7.16 a. m., 5.05 p.m. #I.OO Ex
cursion train (from foot o(.Mississippi ave. only)
б.lO p. m.
For Cape May and Sea Isle Cltv, 8 15 a. m.,
2.80, 4.(5 p.m. Additional (or Cane May—
p. m. Sundays. ($1 00 Excursion. 7.00), 0.16, a m
For ocean Ct'y-8.80,8.45 a. n\, .-.90, 4.45 p m
(#I.OO Excursion Thursday o„iy), 7.00 A. m
Sundays, 8.15, 9 15 a. m.
Parlor cars on nil express trains.
wen') Supt. Gen'l Fasa. Agt;