2 DEWEY READYFOR BUSINESS First Expedition Arrives After j Taking a Spanisb Island While Enronte. New York, July s.—Amor, July 4. Messages from Manila received her# announced the safe arrival there on Thursday last, June 30, of the cruiser Charleston, with the transports City of Pekln, City of Sydney and Australia •with troops. The Charleston en route captured Guajan, one of the Ladrones. Seven guns were fired at the fort there, but the Are was not returned. The governor, thinking the Charleston was firing a salute, sent a boat out to the cruiser and thanked the captain ef fusively for the honor paid him. The governor's representative was detained on board a prisoner and boasts were sent aahore to capture the governor and his officials, all of whom were taken on the Charleston to Manila. An Amer ican was left In charge at Guajan. First Expedition Roaches Manila. Cavlte, July 1, via Hong Kong, July s.—The cruiser Charleston, with the transports City of Pekln. Australia and City of Sydney arrived here yesterday. At Honolulu the Charleston received sealed orders from Washington to pro ceed to Guajan, the largest of the La drone Islands, and capture it, or sink or capture any Spanish gunboats there and afterward to reduce the forts. The Charleston arrived at Guajan June 20 and was boarded by Spanish officials of the Ladrone Islands, who professed entire Ignorance of war ex isting between Spain and the United States. Governor Marina surrendered and he and his staff were made prisoners and taken aboard the Charleston. The American flag was left flying over the capltol. The American troops arrived here In a very healthy condition. The troops began landing immediate ly. Cavlte arsenal had been put In or der for their accommodation. The French admiral has arrived on the cruiser Bayard. The British crui sers Iphegenia and Pigmy have arriv ed. The Bonaventura left yesterday •for Wei Hai Wei. Others are expected here. Another Spanish gunboat, the Leyte, was captured in Manila bay on Wed nesday. Dewey's Official Rcpoit. Washington, July s.—Secretary*Long received from Admiral Dewey the fol lowing official report of the arrival of the first expedition: Cavlte, July 1, via Hong Kong, July 3. Three transports and Charleston ar rived yesterday. Captured Guam, La drone islands, June 21; no resistance. Brought the Spanish officials and the garrison of six officers and fifty-four men to Manila. On June 29 the Span ish gun vessel Leyte came out of a riv er near Manila and surrendered to me, having exhausted ammunition and food repelling attacks by Insurgents. Had on board fifty-two officers and ninety four men, naval and military. DEWEY. ON THE YUKON RIVER. Fatiy Riacliei St. Michael In Open Boats With News ot the Winter lp Gold Region, Vancouver, B. C., July B.—Advices re ceived here from the port of St. Mich ael. on Norton Sound, say that the Ice left the harbor of St. Michael on June 16. The tug New England was the first steamer to arrive there. At Dutch harbor there are a great many river boats being built for the Yukon trade. The Yukon river opened at Dawson on May 8. A party of eighteen men left Dawson City on June 1 in small open boats and reached St. Michael on June 15, a dis tance of 1,800 miles, in fourteen days and slxte&i hours. The Yukon is eight fet higher than ever known. It is reported that there are 16,000 claims recorded, and only about 200 are on a paying baßis. It is estimated that from 310.000,000 to $40,000,000 will come out of the country this spring. A good part of this will be composed of last year's output. Outcomlng miners sav that new miners will have to go to en tirely new grounds for diggings. ON TO SPAIN AT ONCE. Wation Will .Set Sail a* Soon aa His Fleet Can Re Fitted Ont. Washington, July s.—After the ad journment ot the war hoard's confer ence at the White House Secretary Lone e ii I "There will be no change in the pres ent plans of the navy. Commodore Watson's fleet will sail for the Spanish coast as soon as it Is fitted out. and the fleet before Santiago will be given plen ty of wor kto do." The News la Madrid. Madrid, July s.—Up to late last eve ning the officials were consoling them selves with such news as (the following: An official dispatch from Santiago de | Cuba says: "Admiral Cervera's fleet sustained for an hour the Are of the American fleet. .It then disappeared westward, followed by the American squadron. We lost two torpedo boat destroyers." A later official dispatch from Santi ago de Cuba says: "Admiral Cervera's squadron made a sortie from Santiago, traversing the channel without Incident. But a heavy cannonade was heard outside the har bor and It Is supposed a naval battle was proceeding. Wonld Exchange Cervera tor Hobson. Washington, July 6.—The release of Hobson and the other heroes of the Merrlmac incident Is llltely to be anoth er result of the events transpiring yes terday. It may now come about either by the surrender of the oKy, whloh would Include the surrender of Keb r son and other American prisoners, or else by the exchange of Hobson fsr Admiral Cervera sr asms other Ugh ranking .ofßofcaL OBIBF NEWB ITEMB. Heavy rains have caused a serious property loss at Vancouver, B. C. The official plurality of Geer, Re publican, for governor of Gregon is 10 574- American homoeopathic eye, throat and ear specialists/are in convention at Chicago, 111. Southern Methodists at Macon, Ga., will prosecute church agents of the Church Book Concern. By a premature blast, Thomas Hahn, of Bethlehem, had an eye des troyed and was otherwise terribly in jured. For cutting rates on contracts to make overalls and shoes at San Fran cisco, Cai., Chun Ying was killed by a Chinese highbinder. For assaulting his little daughter, Samuel E. Lindsey, of St. Louis, shot and killed Herbert G. Everingham, his brother-ii-' w. A shipment of $lOOO in silver from the sub-treasury in St. Louis, Mo., to Silver City, N. M., was lost or stolen by expressmen. Clai-.is to property in Chicago, worth $1,000,000 have been filed in that city by William H. Coxe under a deed from Indian settlers. Newspaper reports in London re vive the story that the Princess Vic toria of Wales is to wed John Baring, the present Baron Revelstoke. Miss Olive F. Sampson, daughter of Admiral Sampson, and Henry Har rison Scott are to be married at San Francisco, in November next. The suit of George Harding, vs. the American Glucose manufacturing company, to annul the sale to the trust, was dismissed at Peoria, 111. Bigamist William Runcieman, who posed as an English baronet and had married women in England and America, has been sentenced to five years by a Xondon court. The warring brewers and retail liquor dealers of Lancaster have reached an agreement by which the latter pay twenty cents extra a barrel for beer as part of the war tax. Ex President of the American Pro tective Tariff League, Cornelius N. Bliss, will be presented with a sou-" venir album by the League members, at Washington, D. C., on June 30th. At Beloit (Wis.,) commencement President Eaton announced that the effort to obtain $200,000 increased endowment had been successful, in c'uding $50,000 given by D. K. Pearsons, of Chicago. , Stone's Hypocritical Address. Quay's nominee for Governor had a speech prepared for the convention after his nomination, but he was not given a chance to speak his piece. The servants of the boss who com posed the convention had obeyed or ders in nominating his man, but what the nominee's views might be on pub lic questions was of no interest to them whatever. Probably they be lieved that he had no views except such as his master allowed him to entertain. Candidate Stone having missed the opportunity of tiring off his speech at a convention that didn't want to hear it, sent it out nevertheless, as if it had been regularly delivered. Its most notable feature is its effort to connect his machine candidacy with the war, and to give an appearance of patriot ism to Quay's rotten politics. A single passage will be sufficient to show the hypocritical character ot the address : "We are fighting the battles of Al mighty God. Already grief sits about the hearthstone ard tears are shed in our State for the first of the fallen in this war. ** • We of Allegheny will not soon forget the Maine. "Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget, lest we forget." In accepting this nomination arrd becoming the standard-bearer of a great party in a great State, I natur ally feel the responsibility that rests upon me." Speaking of this bare-faced attempt to disguise machine rascality by , the use of patriotic expressions and an invocation to the Almighty, the anti- Quay Republican Philadelphia Ledger says : "It would be extremely diffi cult to compress into as brief a form so striking an example of the unseem ingly mixing o! political and demo gogic platitudes with unconsidered blasphemy." There could not be a more severe condemnation of Quay's candidate than the above quotation extracted from one of the most reputable Re publican journals in the State. "Lest we forget" the real issue of the contest, in which the people of the State are about to engage, it must be born in mind that this man Stone, whom a political, licentious, autocrat has forced upon the Republican party as its candidate for Governor and who so hypocritically prates about "fighting the battles of Almighty God," is merely -the retainer of a party boss by whose election to the governorship a vicious political ma chine would maintain its misrule of this State.— Dem. Watehman. A fine line of new styles in wed ding invitations just received at THE COLUMBIAN office. tf. j THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, P<V THE WORLD OF LABOR. Echoes From the Busy MUI and the Work shop. t v Japan boasts of 323 a telephones. Arizona has 20,000 wild horses. France employs 140,000 teachers. Spain has 5,000,000 agriculturists. Bavaria has 800-year-old houses. Our railroads employ 800,000 men. Amsterdam has 12,000 diamond cutters. Germany has 642,000 working women. Hungary whisky is distilled from maize. There are, it is said, forty kinds of tobacco plants. Jipan has 10,000 paupers : 38,000,- 000 inhabitants. Scarborough (England) plumbers get sixteen cents an hour. England makes $20,000,000 a year profit out of its post office. The Victoria Cross carries with it a pension of $250 a year for life. British trade with the Philippines last year was $9,934,590; that of the United States $5,145,303, or about half as much. Every state in '.he Union, with the exception of ten, now has a state botanist, New York and Connecticut having two each. A gold-weighing machine in the Bank of England is so sensitive that a postage stamp dropped on the scale will turn the index on the dial a dis tance ot two inches. With all her agricultural wealth, South Dakota is also third in the list Of gold-producing states. The aggre gate of gold produced in the state last year was $5,829,575. Public ovens are established on most of the residential streets of Japanese cities, where people can have their dinners and suppers cook ed for them at trifling expense. Corsets must not be worn by Rus sian young women attending high schools, universities and music and art schools, according to a recent de cree of the new minister of educat'on. At the present time the largest angle iron which is rolled at Ameri can mills measured 6 by 6 inches. The Carnegie company will-soon erect a new mill at Homestead which will turn out BxB angle iron. Brazil is agitating the transforma tion into a state monopoly of the sale of coffee, rubber and tobacco, and limiting their export to the demand for actual consumption, as distinguish ed from speculative demand. In Allegheny, Pa., three cent schooner houses have become so num erous that a meeting of liquor dealers has been called to discuss the situa tion and take measures against these cut-rate dispensers of beer. A similar situation confronts the dealers in Pitts burg. It is staled that the engines of a private yacht belonging to an English shipbuilder are now heing constructed in an American shop, the reason for the contract having been placed ou this side of the Atlantic being that the work can be done more cheaply here than in England. The United States Court has de clared unconstitutional a Milwaukee ordinance that provided for 4-cent car fare. In Milwaukee one company operates over the entire city and uni versal transfers are given so that a passenger may go from any part of the city to any other part for a single 5-cent tare. A shoe manufacturer with a head for figures has calculated that the hides of the following number of ani mals would be required yearly to shoe the whole population of the earth, so far as known : Cattle, 245,881,384; goats, 90,084,548; sheep, 25,482,000, and kangaroos, 25,000,000. It is the belief of the Iron Age that the consumption of iron and steel for the production of agricultural imple ments for the year beginning on July Ist will be greatly in excess of all previous seasons. In view of what are thought to be the good prospects of the farmer at present, the manu facturers are making enormous con tracts for raw material. The largest dam in the world is the Quaker Bridge dam about four miles from Kitchawan, N. Y. This great structure is more than a quarter of a mile long and 216 feet thick at the base. It turns the whole Croton River into the aqueducts to New York city. The lake, which holds back 40,000,- 000,000 gallons of water, is the larg est artificial lake in the world. The Atlas tack company, of Taun ton, Mass., whose machinery is widely scattered about in a number of shops, has decided to adopt the electric sys tem of distributing power. Three mills will be driven from a central stftion, the radius of operation being more than a quarter of a mile. Many long lines of shafting will be dispensed with, and nearly forty electric motors will apply the power where it is want ed. A new law adopted in Italy requires that every employer shall, at his own cost, provide for his workmen com- ftiiiiiiiiMiuti | CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have SE'illSiartiffiw Bears the J Mi /(y l\r —, Signature /A\r ProiriOteg'D^s&Qn,Cheerful- / VlW® tiess and HestCsn&fniein*ar n r X Jp OpiumiMorpbinfl norMfletol. - UI /(\'ll/ Not Narcotic. iiVllr jtovt/oun-ssNßaEnwa . VrVp' I W TL is&Liu" I (\ ifv The J 1 Jf* "j A perfect Remedy forConstlpa- |u A IV 111 U lion, SouriStomach,Diarrhoea, I lif WormsjConvulsions .Feverish- 1 IF' U,,,. 11-.,, ness and Loss OF SLEEP. V_f lOU HuVu TatSiiru'e 'Signature of Always Bought. nioynpin EXACT COPr OP WRAEHEB. KB Sj I II 1 ftjl TW. QKNTAUW COMPANY. WCW TO.. CITT. You will realize that " they live well who live cleanly," if you use SAPOLIO it] >L K BhaznnH H STOVE NAPTHA, the Cheapest and Best Fuel on the market. With it you can run a Vapor Stove for one-hall cent per hour. Give us a call and be convinced. W. O. Holmes, Bloomsburg, Pa. Eshleman & Wolf, " v L. E. Wharey, " W. F. Hartman, " pensation for ail accidents the con sequences which last more than five days. The compensation under the law is as follows: If there shall result from the accident disablement of a complete and permanent nature, the compensation will be an amount equivalent to five times the man's yearly wages, but in any case not less than $6OO, this amount is, as a rule, to be invested in a life annuity for the benefit of the injured workmen. Colonel W. H. 11. Stowell has re turned to Duluth, after an absence of eight months in Japan. "I think," says Colonel Stowell, "The future de velopment of our country lying on the Pacific Ocean is going to be very great. For centuries the Medi terreanean sea was the centre ot the commerce of the world. During the past 400 years the Atlantic Ocean has been the great commercial centre. The time is rapidly approaching, I think, when the Pacific ocean will be the scene of the greatest activity of the world's commercs. The Pacific coast is a vast empire of itself, 350 miles wide and 800 miles long, pro ducing in abundance almost every thing that is grown in the way of agri cultural products and fruit, and the state still leads in the matter of gold production." Appetite and Ambition. ' I was tired and had no appetite or ambition. I began taking Hood's Sarsapanlla and it gave me perma nent relief. I attribute my present good health to the fact that Hood's J Sarsaparilla has purified and eniiched my blood, and I earnestly recom mend it for a debilitated system." Miss MARY HONECKER, St. Clair, Pa. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head ache, biliousness, indigestion. Price 25 cents. Sohedule of Trains to Eaglesmere. Train on P. & R. leaving Blooms burg at 7.30 a. m. connects at Halls at 10.23, reaching Eaglesmere at 12.20 p. m. Train leaving Bloomsburg at 3.40 p. m. connects at Halls at 5.25 p. m., reaching Eaglesmere at 7.15 p. m. tf GLEANINGS- An ordinary brick will absorb six teen ounces of water. Wearing nightcaps is said to pre vent dreaming. Indian oak, one ot the hardest of woods, will sink in water. In Scotland at one time capital punishment was by drowning. It is impossible to run at an alti tude of 17,000 feet above the sea. Physiologists say that of all people in middle life at least one-third have one ear in some degree affected by deafness. Many a French mother buries her own hair and a favorite toy with her dead child, "that it may not feel quite alone." Fourteen prisoners recently escaped from Mana Mana, New Guinea, at tacked a native village and killed and ate eighteen men. Costa Rica means the rich coast, and in most respects it is rich, parti cularly in the snake family, the most deadly of which is the terrible cule bra de sangre, or blood snake. A western paper recently request ed answers to the question, "What do you regard as the most common fault of present day young men ?" The most original answer received was "preference for a white shirt job." An ingenious machine for making sandwiches is used by many of the ocean line steamships. It cuts and butters the bread, and the machine can be arranged so that the bread need not be buttered if the operator does not want it to be so. A bashful young man who resides here in Laceyville went to see his girl the other night and after a long pause during which neither one had said a word, she mustered up courage to ask him what he was thinking about. He said "I am thinking about the same thing you are." She replied : "I'll hit you in the mouth if you try it." ■ Anyone guessing what they were thinking about will be fined one dollar and costs.— Laceyville Messenger. OABTOAXA. Bun the Kind You Have Mints Bought Fine PHOTO GRAPHS and CRAYONS at R. B. GROTZ, Bloomsburg. The best are the cheapest. TID-BITS FOR MA' HONEY! and tender little juicelets for the chil dren, are all right, but papa and "the boys" want a good, big, juicy steak, roast or chop when business or school duties are over, and we can cater to them all. Our stock of prime meats is unexcelled for quality, and we send them home in fine shape. J. K. KEIFER. THE MARKETS. BLOOMSBURG MARKETS. COBBICTIDWIIILT. BITAIL PHICBS. Butter per lb $ .14 Eggs per dozen .14 Lard per lb .ro Ham per pound .10 Pork, whole, per pound ,06 Beef, quarter, per pound.... .07 Wheat per bushel 1 00 Oats " " 35 Rye " " .50 Wheat flour per bbl 6.00 Hay per ton... 9 to $lO Potatoes per bushel 1.20 Turnips " " Onions " " 100 Sweet potatoes per peck .35 Tallow per lb .05 Shoulder " " .09 Side meat " " .08 Vinegar, per qt ,05 Dried apples per lb .05 Dried cherries, pitted .12 Raspberries .is Cow Hides per lb .*1 Steer " " " .05 CalfSkin .80 Sheep pehs .75 Shelled corn per bus .60 Com meal, cwt i.e Bran, " 1100 Chop " 100 Middlings " 1.00 Chickens per lb new........ .12 " " "old 10 Turkeys " " 12 1 Geese " " .1^ Ducks " " .08 COAL.] No. 6, delivered 2.60 " 4 and s " 3.85 " 6 at yard " 4 and 5 at yard 3.60 Th Leaißig Conwrratory ofAraarioa Cabl Faeltbn, Director. rouod.lt. 18Mb, * full information. W. II ALE. General Manafec. | BiALulcnna Orives T^CHES ; I! "PATENTS Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for MODKUATI OUH OFFICE IS OPPOSITE THE TJ. 8. PAT ENT OFFICE. We have no eub-agcnctea, al business direct, hence can transact patent bust nesß In less time and at Less Cost than those re mote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo, with doscrlp tlon. We advise If patentable or not, free of charge, our fee not due till patent is secured A book, "llow to Obtain Patents," with refer ences to actual clients In your State, County, o town sent free. Address C. A. BNO W A C 0„ Washington, D. C (Opposite U. 8. Patent Office.) HA^R R BALSAM CUsum and beaotifiaa thaihah Promotaa a laaariut givvw. 7-7-dt.d. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN
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