The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 07, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. 33
The celebration and race program
offered by the Bloomsburg Driving
Association attracted a good sized
crowd to town on Monday. The
heat throughout the day was intense
and the lemonade men did a good
sized business.
The parade started from Market
Square at ten o'clock and was com
posed of W. O. Holmes, marshal,
M. P. Lutz, Dr. Harter, Harvey
Fedder, W. Webb, assistants, and
the following organizations: P.
O. S. of A. Band of Shickshinny,
Washington Camp, No. 319 P. O.
S. of A. ; Friendship Fire Company,
with steamer and hose carriage ;
Rescue Fire Company with hose
earriage; Citizens Drnni Corps,
Bloomsburg Band and members of
G. A* R. in conveyance. They
passed through the principal streets.
It was not a very long procession,
but nevertheless it made a good ap
The prizes offered by the Associa
tion for the best appearance and
largest number in line were award
ed to the Friendship Fire Company
and the Rescue Fire Company.
After noon the principal attrac
tion appeared to be the races at the
Fair Ground, and the people went
down in large numbers, the grand
stand being entirely filled up. The
races which proved quite interest
ing resulted as follows:
Grace C., b. m., of Shillington, Pa 11 1
Syra, b. m., of Wilkes-Barre -2 2 2
Allen, ch. g., ofMahanoy Plane 3 4<ls
Marl, s. g , of Mahanoy City 4 3ds
Time—2:l7b 2:14b 2:17.
Saracinesca, of Wilkes-Barre I j 1
BirdE., b. g., of Williamsport 2 2 2
Lady Bellman, of Mahanoy City 4 4 3
Chester, b. g., of Bloomsburg 5 3ds
Electric Prince, of Wilkesßarre c ads
Time—2:2Bs, 2:28b 2:28$
Paul Snyder, age 12 years Ist
C. W. Kline, " 13 '• 2nd
Joseph Gidding, 14 " yd
Ralph Swartz, 12 " 4th
Edward Raup, of Light Street I
Harry Shaffer, of Bloomsburg " 2
B. Buckwalter, of Light Street 3
E. P. Blue, of Bloomsburg 4
J. H. Michael, Picture Rocks 5
In the evening there were several
nice displays of fire works.
While the residents and visitors
were watching the bombardment of
the heavens in different places, the
news reached town that Sampson
had met and totally destroyed the
Spanish fleet. Then the celebra
tion began in earnest. Church bells
were rung, whistles blown, men
and boys peraded the streets, yell
ing at the top of their voices, and it
only ceased when the local dealers
supply of fire crackers and com
bustibles had been exhausted. It
was the greatest demonstration ever
witnessed in this city, and it is
doubtful if those who witnessed it
will ever forget it.
Ou Tuesday the Catawissa Band
came over and furnished the music
for the races. The attendance was
not as large as on Monday, but the
gate receipts showed that quite a
large crowd had paid admission to
the ground.
During the three mile bicycle
race, in which there were eight
contestants, a spill occurred, where
by Joseph J. Weber, of Pittston,
was seriously hurt, sustaining sev
eral ugly cuts about the face and
body. He was taken from the
ground in ati unconscious condition.
Sumamries :
Mile open, gentries—W. E. McMichacl,
Berwick, won ; F. P. Gstalder, Williamsport,
second ; Joseph J. Weber, I'ittston, third ;
George Harry, Berwick, fourth ; Howard C.
Jewell, Bloomsburg, fifth. Time, 2.36.
3-mile handicap—W. F. McMichacl, Ber
wick, scratch, won ; J. Howard Michael,
Picture Rocks, 200 yards, second ; George
M. Farley, Berwick, 150 yards, third; Ed
ward Raup, Lightstreet, 225 yards, fourth.
2.40 CLASS, PURSE $l5O.
Doc. F., b. g., J. C. Faughnan,
Shamokin ''353
Highwood Spider, b. g., E. E.
Stay, Williamsport 22:11
Karl Van, r. g., W. A. Hartzell
Bloomsburg 33222,
Time, 2.30, 2.36, 2.36J, 2.37, 2.41 J.
Spain, b. g. ( Elwood Smith, Wilkes
barre I 1 1
Maggie G., blk. m., William D.
Gross, Shiilington 223
Annie J., b. m., L. B. Johnson,
Wilkesbarre 3 3 2
Time, 2.41J, 2.28, 224 J.
R. B. Grotz has purchased the Mc-
Killip Bros photograph gallery, and
will conduct the business hereafter.
Mr. Grotz is an industrious young
man of correct habits, and we wish
him unbounded success.
Meeting of School Board-
A meeting of the members of the
Bloomsburg School Board for the pur
pose of electing teachers and Janitors
for-the coming school term was held
in the High School building last
Thursday evening.
The meeting was called to order
and the minutes of the last meeting
read and approved.
C. A. Kleim, treasurer, of the
Board presented his bond in the sum
of $lO,OOO, with J. E. Wilson, C- S.
Furman and himself as sureties.
The following committees were
appointed i
Building and Grounds—C. A.
Kleim, J. C. Brown, R. R. Little.
Supplies—W. E. Rinker, Jos. Gar
rison, J. C. R'utter Jr.
Grievances—Jos. Garrison, W. E.
Rinker, C. A. Kleim.
Compulsory Education—J. C. Rut
terjr., C. A. Kleim, Joseph Garrison.
Text Books and Courses of Study—
J. C. Brown, R. R. Little, J. C. Rut
ter Jr.
Finance—R. R. Little, J. C. Brown,
W. E. Rinker.
L. P. Sterner, Principal, made his
report, giving a brief synopsis of the
work accomplished during the year.
The following were chosen janitors :
High School—lsaiah Holter ; Third
Street building—John Gray ; Fifth
Street building—Franklin Taylor.
The salary of Janitors was fixed at
$3O per month.
Mrs. R. Edwards was elected as
sweeper for the Third Street school.
Salaries for the teachers were fixed,
with one or two exceptions, same as
last year, and teachers elected as
follows :
Supervising Principal—L. P. Stern
er $lO5O.
First Asst. Prin.—W. P. Mauser....
sBo 00
Second Asst. Prin.—Byron
Grimes 45 00
A Grammar—Hannah Breece 40 00
A Grammar—R. H. Hess... 40 00
B. Grammar—lda Rinker... 40 00
B. Grammar—Alice Wilson.. 40 00
Elocution, Literature and
Rhetoric not yet filled.
Music and Elocution—O. H.
Yetter. 55 00
Principal—Samuel Pursel... 65 00
C Grammar—Ellie A11en.... 40 00
A Intermediate—Alice Edgar 40 00
A Intermediate—Sara Earn
est 40 00
B Intermediate—Minnie Pen
man 40 00
B Intermediate—Tressa Hehl 40 00
A Primary—Edith Maize.... 40 00
A Primary—Tillie Casey.... 35 00
B Primary—Dora Breece... 40 00
B Primary—Julia Sharpless.. 40 00
C Primary—Emma Town-
send 40 oc
C Primary—Helen Carpenter 40 00
Principal—Harry Barton.... 50 00
AJlntermediate —Emma Cad
man 40 00
A Primary—Mary Sheep.... 40 00
A Primary—May Blue 40 00
B Primary—Anna Fox 40 00
B Primai y—Louisa Robbins 40 00
C Primary—Anna Snyder... 40 00
C Primary—Stella Lowen
berg 40 00
Substitute Teacher—Myra Moyer.
She to receive compensation only for
time actually employed.
The tax rate was fixed as follows :
Five and a half mills for school pur
poses, and ten mills for building.
The term was fixed at nine months.
Some other matters were discussed,
after which the board adjourned.
A very pretty wedding was solemn
ized on Wednesday evening June 29,
at the home of Mr. Henry Deigh
miller, Hemlock township, when his
daughter Minnie and Mr. Lloyd
Dildine were united in marriage by
Rev. P. B. Fasold. The ceremony
was performed in the early evening
on the lawn under a beautiful arch
way of roses and evergreen, in the
presence of about one hundred
The attendants were Miss Bertha
Deighmiller, sister of the bride, and
Mr. Ed. Brobst of Bloomsburg. The
bride was attired in a lovely gown of
cream cashmere, with trimmings of
ribbons and lace, the groom wore the
conventional black. Shortly after the
ceremony a bountiful supper was
served, at a late hour the guests de
parted, leaving behind them, numer
ous and handsome presents as a
token of their good wishes for the
welfare and happiness of the newly
wedded couple.
The plucky Spanish Cevera with
his splendid fleet, after being bottled
up in the harbor at Santiago for
three long weeks, resolved on Sun
day to escape from the harbor if
possible, and as a result of his dar
ing his fleet, the cream of the Span
ish navy, now lies in ruins on the
Cuban coast.
He made a plucky fight against
overwhelming odds, but was com
pelled to surrender. The Spanish
loss of ships is complete with 1300
prisoners, while the American loss
is only one man killed and one
wounded, with no damage at all to
our ships.
This victory will have the effect
of commanding more respect for
American warships hereafter, and
will teach the other nations of the
world that we are capable of taking
care of ourselves in our own way.
This should put an end to the
war. It is high time that Spain
realizes her position. She cannot
hope for anything better, and every
move she makes only carries her
nearer ruin.
Spain now has 110 more vessels on
this side of the Atlantic, and the
progress of Shafter and his troops
about Santiago should be quick,
short and decisive.
A very pretty wedding was
solemnized at the residence of the
bride's mother Mrs. M. A. Finney,
on Third Street, Wednesday, when
Prof. L. P. Sterner, principal of the
Bloomsburg public schools and
Miss Nora M. Finney, were made
man and. wife. . The ceremony was
performed by Rev. G. H. Hem
mingway of the Presbyterian church
and was witnessed by about one
hundred and fifty guests. The
ushers were F. P. Pursel and J. K.
Miller. Miss Maud Runyon pre
t sided at the organ.
The presents were very numerous
and beautiful. After a wedding
breakfast and hearty congratula
tions, the bride and groom left for
a trip to Washington and other
On returning the newly married
couple will take up their residence
on Third Street.
The French Line Steamship
Bourgogne, which left New York
a few days, with 851 souls on
board, collided with the British
Cromartyshire, early on the morn
ing of July 4th, sixty miles south of
table Island. According to reports
was the most appalling calamity
in the history of marine horrors.
Passengers and crew were alike in
the awful struggle for self that turn
ed the deck of the liner into a
shamble and made the ocean the
scene of deliberate murder of help
less women and men, by the very
ones to whom they had entrusted
their lives, and who made self pre
servation their only object. Of those
onboard the illfated steamship 491
were passengers and all that survive
are 61.
Danville No. 4 base ball club
journeyed to Bloomsburg on Satur
day afternoon and wiped up the
earth with the team representing
that town to the tune of 12 to 6.
Danville Intelligencer.
The team Danville defeated hap
pened to be a lot of boys who never
played ball before, and simply ar
ranged the game for a little amuse
ment. Danville shouldn't talk that
way. The ground at Athletic Park
has been wiped good and often in
days gone by, and the club from
Danville served as a mop, and it
wasn't their No. 4 club either.
Mrs. McDowell, who has been
making her home with the family of
C. C. Marr for many years past, died
on Thursday of last week. The de
ceased was the widow of Matthew
McDowell, and was seventy-eight
years old. Funeral services were
conducted at the house Friday after
noon. interment in Rush township,
Northumberland County on Saturday.
A very singular case has just been
decided at Scranton. L. B. Thomp
son brought suit against Mrs. Joseph
Mott, alleging that the latter employ
ed him to take her husband home
whenever he became intoxicated, for
which services he was to receive five
ddllars for each time. Thompson
claimed to have escorted Mott home
on eight occasions, and was only paid
five dollars. He was allowed his full
Every Suit, Hat and Pair of Shoes
Here's an opportunity to clothe your=
self or children from head to foot that
seldom presents itself===but we're going
out of business here.
Beautiful Summer Suits are here at $5, $6 and $7.50.
Hundreds of pairs of fine Shoes at 98c., and $1.98.
New Postal Card.
After July 1, it will be permissible
for private parties to print postal
cards. A circular has been issued by
the postoffice department at Wash
ington which states the form that
must be complied with in the issuance
of these cards.
They must not be larger than size
"H" of the government cards, which
is inches. Nothing but the ad
dress is to be written upon the side of
the card upon which the stamp is
placed, although any advertising de
vice may be placed in the upper left
hand corner. It is also necessary to
print the words, "Private Postal Card,
Authorized by Act of Congress, pass
ed May 19, 1898," upon the address
These cards will go under the same
rights as the regular postal cards, af
ter a one-cent stamp is affixed to
them. The idea has never been tried
in this country, although it is in suc
cessful operation in Canada.
Water Ices.
Water ices are inexpensive, delici
ous and seasonable. They are a
trifle more troublesome to make and
require a much longer time in freez
ing, but their lesser cost is more than
compensation, The recipe' given is
for lemon ice, but with the variations
of a little less sugar and of different
fruits, it may be used with either
oranges, pineapples, raspberries,
strawberries, cherries and currants.
A sherbet may be made by adding,
just before packing the white of an
egg beaten to a stiff froth, into which
has been mixed a tablespoonful of
fine sugar.
To make the lemon water ice, boil
for five minutes exactly one quart of
water and one pound and a quarter
of white sugar, to which has been
added the rind of three lemons and
of one orange. Remove whatever
scum arises and strain the syrup while
hot through a muslin bag. When
cool mix the juice of four lemons and
of one orange with the syrup ; strain
a second time and freeze.
At the Democratic State conven
tion held at Altoona last week, the
delegates from Columbia County
voted, three for Gordon, for Gov
ernor and two for Jenks.
The New Revenue Stamps.
On the face of the new revenue
stamps is engraved a reprcsertation
of the ill-fated battleship Maine.
There is 110 inscription, excepting
the denomination. The colors are :
One-eighth cent proprietary, light
green; three-eighth cent proprietary
salmon; five-eighth cent proprietary
dark blue ; one cent proprietary,
purple ; two cent proprietary, dark
brown ; four cent proprietary, light
purple; two cent documentary, light
pink, and four cent documentary,
dark pink. In shape they are ob
long. The battleship is pictured
going at full speed through a heavy
sea. From the two smoke stacks is
pouring volumes of dense smoke.
The stamps, of which millions will
be used, are a silent, though an ap
propriate, reminder of the loss of
the pride of the American navy,
and 266 of her bravest sailors
through Spanish treachery.
Ho, For Glen Onoko-
If you want a day's outing, take
your wife, or your sweetheart, or
someone else's sweetheart, and go
with the P. O. S. of A. picnic and
excursion to Glen Onoko, on July 23d.
Glen Onoko is situated about two
miles from Mnuch Chunk. Cars run
between the two places every few
minutes. It is a piece of nature's
handiwork. There are magnificent
pleasure grounds, where every accom
modation is at hand to make picnic
kers comfortable. It is a beautiful
place, a succession of beautiful falls,
cataracts and cascades, meet the eye
at almost every step, natural bridges,
over rushing, roaring torrents, which
seethe and boil under the feet of the
awe-stricken pleasure seekers, huge
fissures of lofty rocks, giving proof of
old time convulsions of nature, and
overhanging cliffs, portends danger,
and makes the journey all the more
awe-inspiring and gloriously grand.
Remember the date, July 23d.
An unusual number of intoxicated
men and boys staggered along the
streets on Monday. The latter ap
peared to be in the majority. The
law, forbidding the sale of strong
drink to minors, is poorly enforced
these days.
NO. 27
The corner of Leonard and Main
Streets was the scene of a very
patriotic demonstration, in the shape
of a flag raising on Thursday even
ing of last week. Fully a thousand
people witnessed the ceremonies.
The poles, two beauties, one on
each side of Main Street had pre
viously been placed, and everything
was in readiness for the raising. As
the cherished emblem was being „
suspended in the air, the Blooms
burg Band played the Star Spangled
Banner, a large number joining in
the chorus. Speeches were made
by J. C. Brown, of the Republican,
and Fred Ikeler Esq. The flag is
12x18. It was purchased by sub
scription through the efforts of M.
I. Hennessy.
Net Fishing is Unlawful-
Important Opinion by Deputy Attorney Gen
eral Reeder.
According to an opinion by deputy
attorney general Reeder fishing with
fyke nets is unlawful in the streams in
the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The opinion was given to W. E.
Meehan, assistant secretary of the
Pennsylvania fish commission, and
decides as follows ; First it is unlaw- <
ful to use any fyke or net or nets of f
any kind, or device made of cotton '
or flax twine or wire netting similar to
a fyke net for the purpose of catching
fish in any of the waters of this com
monwealth. Second, suckers, eels
and catfish may be caught in the
open seasons in streams other than
private trout streams, but the same
cannot be done by means of any
seine, fyke net or device as above
described similar to fyke nets.
Colonel Reeder says in the same J
opinion that there is no law to pre- ,
vent persons or corporations from 4
emptying chemicals from their factor
ies into streams for the simple reason
that fish are thereby destroyed.
"Such an act may be restrained," he
adds, "where the act of the person or
corporation becomes a public nuisance i
and a menace to the health of the
people, but in that event it must be
evidenced as a nuisance."
An opinion was also given that '
counties must pay $5,00 toward the
wardens' expenses.