6 QiiD ADAGE VERIFIED MQHTY WARS HAVE MARKED EVERY CENTURY'S CLOSE. Lesson of Universal History Is Thai the Kud of Rach Century Has Seen Some Phenomenal Disturbance* Among the Nations. The adage of history repeating lt ult is likely to be verified by the preo aat war with Spain. The lesson of universal history is that the end of •ach century has seen some phenome na civil disturbance either in the abape of a great war between existing ndions or the struggle of a people against domestic tyranny. Without gaing further back It may be noted Oat it was toward the end of the wventh century that the Saracens in vaded Armenia and Asia Minor, and at the close of the eighth Charlemagne began his wars against the Huns and Ssfaated the Lombards, thus establish ing the temporal power of the Popes. Tha close of the tenth century saw the conquest of King Alfred of England by the Danes; that of the eleventh tha defeat of the Moors by Spain and of the Greeks by Otho II at Bareatello. ITbWards the end of the same century OK Anglo Saxons were the slaves of tha Normans in their own land after lutings, and later there were the Mghtful wars of the Crusades pro moted by the Church for the mainte aanea of the power conferred upon it Charlemagne. The end of the thirteenth century saw the gallant Seat* defeated at Dunbar and at Fal kirk under Wallace. While the final yaire of the fourteenth century are lighted up by the story of William Tall and the defeat of the Austrians by the Swiss and of the Spaniards by the XWrtuguese. The evening of the fif teenth was remarkable for the battles at Bosworth In 148S, and of Bannock barn, while the closing decade of the Mxteenth century saw the wreck of the Spanish Armada and the Ellsa hethan wars of the English in Ire land under Ilngnal and Mountjoy; while thoßo of the succeeding century, IfitO, had those at the Boyne and Glencoe between William 111 and James II for the British. Even an cient battles like those at Marathon and Troy selected similar epochs. But all these wars which appear to be controlled by law based on the prin ciple that every century dieß In some phenomenal social convulsion, were eclipsed by the magnitude of the events that terminated the eighteenth century. And a strange presentiment has seized the ruling classes in Eu rope that the present century Is fol lowing In the wake of its immediate predecessor. Thoy believe that the at titude of the United State# forbodes a danger to those family groups that have survived the Renaissance and the Reformation, not because of any merit that would Justify survival or preserve them from extinction, but because their chiefs havo been so far fortunate in throttling the cause of liberty or balancing one rickety throne against another. These thrones are now like x lot of old houses in a street in such i position that if one falls the whole ow Is likely to come down with a teirific crash of dust and smoke and cinders. The end of the eighteenth century witnessed such a change In men's minds as the world had not seen since .he birth of Christ. The regime of ane of the proudest European mon arch! had been swept away by a fierce uprising of the French masses, and ihrone and altar, prelates and poten tates, alike fell before the stupendous popular upheaval which sent the cold shiver of Impending fear through every state of Europe. The French Sevolutlon of 1789 was but the rum bling echo upon a distant shore of the principles of the American Declaration jf Independence. "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity," was really the Euro pean Interpretation of the doctrine of 1776, that all men are born free and equal and entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Apart from the similarity of both sets of princi ples to tko sentiments enumerated by I'homas Paine, the chronological or der of the two revolutions and the cir cumstance of French soldiers under Lafayette, partaking In the American struggle, show that both revolutions followed each other as Immediately as cause and effeot. The French revolu tion was a decided stride towards the emancipation of man from the treach ery of theologians and from the trea son of thrones. And had Its opera- Jons been controlled by wise and prudent men all Europe would have to-day a sferles of republican self-gov erning states In the closest sympa thy and appreciation with one form of government instead of being a hor net's nest of sceptered schemers stalk ing upon liberties and sneering when ever they dare at the spirit of our in stitutions. Napoleon who had more ot the ele ment* of true greatness in hie compo sition than any other human being that eyar lived, held European mon arch* in wholesome contempt. He dispoied of their trumpery dynasties with that ease and grace and freedom with which our American grocery man changes clerks in his tea store. If a King answered Napoleon's purposes he left him his old throne; if not the God-like Corslcan peremptorily dis missed the reigning monarch, put an other in his seat or converted his palace into a temporary barracks for hit victorious troops. When the last century closed Desmoullne and Robes pierre and Marat were reincarnated and re-embodled In still more awful form tn the person of Napoleon, and whom the Kings of Europe all com bined to denounce and overthrow. Confronted by this great man they closed up their historic fouds against one another and with one accord wheeled into line to face the common danger that threatened them for near ly twenty yeara from the Bridge of Lothl to the field of Waterloo. It is because the close of the nine teenth century sees the American idea again active and promising again to •work out its predestined mission In a mysterious way that there Is so un usual a stir In Europe and rumors of concerts and joint notes and Interven tions. There Is evorywhere an un easy feeling In the European air and the occupant of each throne keeps his ear close to the ground or the royal binocular trained upon the drama now being enacted In the New World, which stands to him very much in the same disquieting relation as did the affairs of France and of Napoleon at the termination of the eighteenth cen tury. Hence the mingled feelings of fear and anxiety with which this petty Spanish-American war is regarded, and which, says one of the best In formed of the London correspondents, "la a matter of greater concern to the European nations than to America herself." Why should it be a matter of "great er concern to European nations" than to the country upon whose borders It takes place and which Is one of the actual participants In the contest? It Is because Europe Is reposing above a sort of submarine mine that may at any moment explode. Because at the end of this as at that of the eighteenth century, their subjects are restless and unhappy, and those European powers Jealous of and well acquainted with each others relative strength seen in America a new and unknown quantity suddenly precipitated Into the situa tion and whose latent powers they are all unable to guage accurately. It Is as If the spectre of the French Revolu tion or Napoleon had again arisen to fire the hostile and armed camps and was wrapped this time in the mantle of Monroe. The Kings of Europe are not more intelligent or less supersti tious than are other people. And the time and circumstance of the pervad icg danger Is not calculated to allay the royal fears. First the storm cen tre is once more of New World origin. And America like a young Colossus stands high and seems In their fright ful imaginations to be preparing to Btalk around the Universe. Second the trouble comes about Spain and Europe remembering how she was rifted at the close of the seventeenth centurj by the twelve years war of the Spanish Succession, wonders whether now a similar fate again, awaits her. "There is a strange lull," observed the corre spondents, "both In the domestic and International concerns of each country, and governments and people alike have put aside their own affairs In or der to watch the tragedy toward which European disputes often tend but which Europe has managed to avoid for nearly a generation." Quite so. The American Idea that leavened Eu rope before, not as Europe under stands it, manifested itself for nearly a generation. What Bhape it will take now, or to what extent it will sway Europe is the chief cause of the present strange lull In Europe whose domestlo and international affairs have actually stopped still pending the present trouble. It has hardly affect ed us at all. On learning the Intense commotion abroad, however, the stride of every patriotic American should be at least cheerful.Let the Yankee breast then heave with the swell of true pa triotic emotion, because It seems this country at this moment Is actually discharging functions towards the States of Europe analagous to that of the Sun, which besides being the source of light and life and heat acts as the great ring master of the uni verse by keeping the planets and the whole solar system in their regular order. That Is the mission of America while It Is the destiny of European thrones to be paralysed with the fear of coming disaster at least every cen tury or so. Wnntcit No Cinematograph. At a rural dinner It was usual for the eldest farmer present to propose the principal toast, and laat year the duty devolved upon a rustic who was by no means confident of his ability to make a good show. He therefore requested the learned squire, who sat opposite him, to hold up his hand whenever he strayed off the proper track. The squire good bumouredly consented, and the farmer commenced his toast. Perhaps the good man had already had too much drink, or perhaps he had lost sight of his previous qualms; at any rate, he made a host of trips, and kept on his feet In spite of the warn ing hand, which shot up again and again. At length the squire leaned careless ly over the table, and moved his hand to and fro within two feet of the farm er's nose. The old man stopped, glared bale fully at the extended hand, and then slowly and with scarcastlc emphasis said— "Yes, I sees It, squire, an' so does everybody else. It's a white hand, an' a purty hand, an' a clean hand, but there's no occasion to make a bloom in' cinematograph of It!" No Aniww Received. "And was your prajrer answered?" asked a visitor of a North Carolina darky who had told of praying for rain. "No, sab," said the African, "I 'specs de cable was cut, sub."—New York Journal. Make* the Moat Noise. Commercial Traveler—Who's that talk ing so loud and kicking up such a fuss back there In the private office? Clerk (nonchalantly)—Oh, that's the silent partner.—Somerville Journal. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG. PA. A HERALD OF MERCY. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE AND HER WONDERFUL WORK. A Story of the Movt Ratuarkttble Womnn of the Nineteenth Century—The Hell She Found llecnme a Heaven of Cleun llneni* and Comfort. War Is not all blood and glory. It has Its gentler side, represented by noble women, whose work requires a more Indomitable spirit and a nobler courage than to go "down Into the Jaws of death" during the heat and excitement of battle. The army nurse must sacrifice ease, health, and all the home comforts so dear to woman's heart.; and face death In the pestilen tial atmosphere of the fetid and over crowded corridors of the hospital. She must become a constant attendant on the most loathsome! diseases and frightful wounds; and shrink from no peril horror of blood nor death. History affords no nobler examples of heroic womanhood than are furnished by these ministering angels of the bat tlcteld. The truth of this Is best ex emplified In the life and work of Flor- %\#7 y i FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE, IN 18(14. ence Nightingale, the soldier's friend. Miss Nightingale was born in Flor ence, the "City of Flowers." during the month of May. 1820, while her pa rents were sight-so;-lng In Italy. Sho was the /oungest daughter of Mr. Wil liam S'. ve Nightingale of Embly Park, Hampshire, and of Lea Hur3t, Derby shire, England. Her father was wealthy; and the home of her youth was a comfortable old Elizabethan manor-house situated In one of the most lovely parts of Derbyshire. She was educated at home by private gov ernesses. Mr. Nightingale, a highly cultured, scholarly man, evidently fa vored the advanced education of girls, for before his famous daughter had reached her seventeenth birthday she was skilled In science, classics, and mathematics, and was well-read in standard literature, a fair artist, a good musician, and could speak and read French, German and Italian fluently. In addition to this she did fancy nee dlework; and on the walls of her old home at Lea Hurst still may be ceen samples of her skill with the needle. She lived the freest of cutdoor lives, walking through the lovely country •urrouta'ng her home, and riding over the hllle "i her pony. It was during one of tnese rides, with her friend, the vicar, that the "queen of nurses" found her first patient, a dog. The in cident shows a tenderness of heart and thoughtfulness rare in young girl hood. On the ride In question they met Roger, an old Scotch shepherd, who was attempting to collect his Bheep without a dog. "What has become of your dog?" Inquired the vicar as he rode up '.o the old man. "The have been throwing stones at him, sir," replied the old shepherd, "and I am thinking of put ting him out of his misery to-night; for his leg is broken, and he will never be any good any mord." "Poor Cap's leg broken!" and the tears came into the girl's eyes. "Oh, Roger, how could you leave poor old Cap alone In bis pain? Do tell me where he Is." AS SHE IS TO-DAY. "You can't do any good, missy," was the sorrowful reply. "I'll Just bring a cord to him to-night, and that will be the best way to ease his pain. He's lying In the shed over yonder." "Do take me to him!" and Florence lifted her tearful face to tho vicar, who seeing her distress turned his horse In the direction of the shed. In a moment Florence was by the side of the suffering dog. kneeling on the muddy floor, so Intent on doing some thing to ease the pain of the animal that Bhe thought not of the dress she was ruining. Fortunately Cap's leg was not broken, only bruised and hurt; and under the ministrations of his lov ing nurse he soon recovered. This action la typical of the whole life of Florence Nightingale. She could never see suffering without striv ing her utmost to relieve it. It soon ■became' the custom of the neighbor hood, when anyone had a cut or a bruise or there was a sick animal, to send for "Miss Florence." It was as natural for her to help the needy as tor the sun to shine. Hor favorite book, were those which told how to alleviate suffering and misery. In stinctively she was fitting herself for her great life work. Her parents belonged to an old and wealthy family, and In due time Flor ence was presented at Court and took her place In society; but, even during her first season, she took a much greater Interest In the hospitals and charitable Institutions of London, than sho did in the gay social life of the metropolis; and shortly after withdrew from it altogether. She now began a systematic study of the hospitals of London, Dublin and Edinburgh; and compared them with those In leading Continental cities. She found their greatest need to be trained women nurses. Miss Nightingale determined to fit herself to become a skilled nurße; but to secure the needed training she was obliged to go to Kaiserwerth on the Rhine, where there was an unique Protestant institution for the training of nurßlng sisters. Hither she went, in 1851, and enrolled herself as a vol untary nurse In order to secure the prized knowledge. Afterward she continued her studies at the hospital in Paris. Her health failed and she was obliged to return to England Then came the war of Crimea. The reports which reached England dally, of brave men literally dying by hun dreds in the hospitals for want of or dinary human attention, stirred the motherhood of England until It arose and demanded that, regardless of cus tom, precedent, and red tape, women should go to care for the sick and the dying. The demand was granted; and Mr. Sidney Herbert, the head of the War Department, wrote to Miss Night ingale offering her the command of this novel expedition of nurses. The same day that Mr. Herbert penned his letter, a pale, fragile, thoughtful wo man at Lea Hurst sat down and wrote to the War Minister offering her ser vices. It was not until the next day that Miss Nightingale received Mr. Herbert's letter. She was to leave for the East In eight days. On October 21, 1834, all was ready and Miss Nightingale, accompanied by thirty-eight nurses, started on her no ble mission. It was not until No vember 5 that this little band of "an gel women" reached Constantinople. They at once took up their quarters in the great Barrack Hospital at Scutari, and began their work. The Lady-ln- Chlef, as Miss Nightingale officially was called, found the condition of tho hospital Indescribably horrible. There was no sanitary arrangements. It was frightfully overcrowded. The men were covered with vermin, and rats bit the limbs of the helpless — 1 LEA HUW6T. wouLded. The beds were reeking with filth. There was no laundry, no kitchen and the meals were served In the roughest manner. Added to this there was a scarcity of food, coverings and the commonest necessities of life. This was the Augean stable the frail English woman had to clean; but she cleansed it The day after her arrival she received the wounded from the glorious charge of Balaclava, and In a few months she had ten thousand sick and wounded under her care. Nothing daunted her. Her endur ance was phenomenal. Wherever the danger was the greatest and the need cried loudest there her slight form was to be seen. The suffering soldiers al most worshipped her. Dying men turned to kiss her shadow as It fell. All yielded to the Indomitable will of Miss Nightingale. She re-organiz ed the entire military hospital system. Order sprang out of chaos at her bid ding. The hell she found became a heaven of cleanliness and comfort. At her call all England arose to help the v/ork. Contributions of money pour ed in. At the end of six months the hospital arrangements were such as to satisfy even Miss Nightingale. She remained here for two years, never faltering in her work. In 1856, when peace was declared, all England sought to honor her home coming. But the brave little woman embarked under an assumed name, and reached her beloved Lea Hurst even before her family knew she had left Scutari. She refused all public ova tions; and devoten the $250,000, which the gratitude of a nation presented to her, to the building of a training school for nurses, which Is llttingly called the Nightingale Home. The brave and noble are modest. A HUMILIUTLNG THOUGHT. The young colored man was very fortunate In that the cable-car was just about to stop at a crossing when the fender struck him. He disentangled himself from the network, and, straightening himself up, inquired of the policeman: "Whah is de recruiting office?" The policeman gave h.m the proper direction and then asked: "Were you on your way to enlist?" "No, sub; but I done change mer min'. I aln' gwinier run no risks of habbin' It said dot I done kep' out'n de ahmy only ter meet mer death at de ban's ob er streetcyah!"—Washing ton Star. "He Is flippant. He can't be serious if lie tries." "Yes he can. Lie Is very serious when he tries to be funny" ... V _ "A PERFECT FOOD—aa Wholesome aa it la Delicious." 0 WALTER BAKER & OO.'S V 1 BREAKFAST COCOA | V MP UmH " Has stood the test of more than xoo years' use among all #4. EE f classes, and for purity and honest worth is unequalled." Ml I F'lwl —Medical and Surgical Journal. X Mi costs lass than ONE CENT a Cup. /) XmSI r*l Trade-Mark on Every Package. V X WALTER BAKER & CO. LTD., X TRAOI-MARK. Established I 780. DORCHESTER, MABS. A ALEXANDER BROTHERS & CO. DEALERS IN Cigars, Tobacco, Candies, Fruits and ITuts SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Mail lard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. FmisriT-x Goods .a. Specialty, SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco sole agents for the following brands of Cigars- Henry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Asb Bloomsburg Pa. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, MATTIWO, or Oil. CLOTH, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. M. HOWIE'S 2nd Door above Court House. A large lot of Window Curtains in stock. This settles . - That's the K! Hereafter ' I will have all win success a my clothes | man cannot JIADE TO SXB& Jbe too careful ORDER BY of his appear ance EDWARD E. STRAUSS & CO. America's Popular Tailors, Chicago. Further Information Wanted. Danforth—An organist says that a cow moos in a perfect fifth octave and that a horse neighs in a descent on the chromatic scale. Williston—l wonder what his tech nical terms are for the yowling of a tomcat on a back fence ? Taking Long Chances. "You wouldn't think to look at that little man across the street that he was especially brave, would you ?" "No. What has he ever done that was so brave ?" "Married a widow whose first hus band committed suicide."' Dover, N. H. Oct. 31, 1896. MESSRS. ELY BROS. :— The Balm reached me safely and in so short a time the effeGt is surprising. My son says the first application gave decided relief. I have a shelf filled with "Catarrh Cures" To-morrow the stove shall receive them and Ely's Cream Balm will reign supreme. Re spectfully. MRS. FRANKLIN FREEMAN. Cream B-lm is kept by all drug gists. Full size 50c. Trial size 10 cents. We mail it. ELY BROS., 56 Warren St., N. Y. City. More Profit "My brother," asked the gentle man with the seedy clothes, "are you a worker in the vineyard ?" "Nit," answered the gentleman who looked like ready money. "I find there is more money in handling the finished product. Yabsley—You look as if you must have had a good time last night. Mudge—l hope not. "You hope not>? Why ? "Because, if I did, it was wasted. I don't recollect a thing about it." OABTORIA. Bear, the _>? The H " W THAT'S JUST IT ! You can't always tell by the looks of a garment how it is going to WEAR. WHY NOT get the WEAR as well as the looks when you can have both at the same PRICE. $12.00 is the starting point of those Edward E. Strauss & Co.'s Famous Custom Tailored Suits and Overcoats with an ironclad guarantee thrown in free. IT WILL PAY YOU to examine this line, and leave your or der for one of these hand some garments. CALL ON L. GROSS, Bloomsburg, Pa. Chautauqua. Low-Rate Excursion via Pennsylvania Hal road. On July 8 the Pennsylvania Rail road Company will run a special ex cursion from Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Reading, Altoona, Belle fonte, Lock Haven, Shamokin, Wilkes Barre, Sunbury, and Williamsport, and principal intermediate stations, and stations ori the Delaware Divi sion, Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, and the Cumber land Valley Railroad, to Chautauqua, N. Y. Special train will start from Harrisburg at 11135 A- M. Connect ing trains will leave Philadelphia 8:30 A. M., Washington 7:50 A. M., Balti more 8:50 A. M. Round-trip tickets, good to return on regular trains not earlier than July 18 nor later than August 6, will be sold at rate of SIO.OO from Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, and at proportionate rates from other stations. For specific rates and time of con necting trains apply to nearest ticket agent. Reduced Rates to Nashville via Peon sylvania Railroad, account Christian Endeavor Convention. On account of the Christian En deavor International to be held at Nashville, Tenn., July 5 to 12, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will sell excursion tickets of the continuous-passage, ironclad signature form, from stations on its line to Nashville, at rate of single fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold, and good going, July 2 to 5 ; return ing, tickets will be good to leave Nashville to July X 5, inclusive, ex cept that by depositing ticket with agent of terminal line at Nashville on or before July 15, return limit may be extended to leave Nashville to August 1, 1898, inclusive. 6-23-2 L