4 |[lte ESTABLISIIEO 186 ft. lUc Columbia gtmofrat, ESTABLISHED 1887. CONSOLIDATED 1869. PUBLISHED BVEISY THURSDAY MORNINU moomsbui-R, the County seat of Columbia County, Pennsylvania. ,KO. E. EL WELL EDITOR. D. J. TABKER, LOCAL EDITOR. UEO. C. ROAN, FOKKHAN. Ya*s:—inside tne county Si.oo a year in ad vance; *1.60 if not paid in advance Outside be county, *1.25 a year, strictly In advance. All communications should be addressed to THE COLUMBIAN, Bloomsburg, Pa. ' THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1898. The suggestion of THE COLUMBIAN two weeks ago as to the selection of a Judge from outside the district seems to have met with great appro bation from all parts of the county. Scarcely a day passes that does not bring us commendations from promi nent Democrats. Now that the Democratic Conven tions have been held in both Colum bia and Montour counties, there is no reason why there should be long de lay in the meeting of the Judicial con ferrees. This body will no doubt find itself confronted with a difficult task, and the sooner they got at it, the better. It has been urged as a reason why a lawyer residing within the district should be nominated for Judge, that it is not right to call in a stranger and give him an office worth four thou sand dollars a year. Those who argue thus, lose sight of the fact that the salary of the Judge is paid by the state, and not by the county; and that if a Judge should be selected from outside the district, • he would move here with his family and his means, and become a resident of Bloomsburg. He would be able to try all cases, and would not be obliged to call in other Judges to whom the state must pay extra salary, while the salary of the local Judge goes on just the same. Judge Woodward came here from outside the district, and presided with distinguished ability, until he was called to Berks county and elected Judge from outside of that district. Judge Elwell was elect i-: ed from Bradford county, and was twice re-elected without opposition, If f and resided here for thirty-two years. ' I Did any body ever regret these selec tions front outside the district ? To the Democrats of Pennsylvania- New York Journal's Advice to the Voters of this State. Fellow Democrats, for you the politi cal sky is bright, the air stimulating, and on the horizon rises the bright sun ot victory. Your opponents are hopelessly rent asunder by internal dissensions. The arbitrary and corrupt element in the Republican party has again enforced its will upon the so-called state con vention, and has submitted to the 1 action of the voters candidates who are but the creatures and the pliant tools of Matthew S. Quay. Republican voters to whom long years of boss have left any vestige of self-respec 7 V political in dependence are upJ?enJi.rms against the dictators who o| Eu lhem a ticket so repugnant to moraZ®y and liberty. The one thing wh"h can save for the Republican party of Pennsylvania any shred of its honor is defeat, ac complished by the revolt of its voters. This fact Republicans recognize, and the revolt is already apparent. To turn this situation into a epochal victory for Democracy it is only neces sary for you to adopt that political course which will be most wise be cause it is most honest. The Journal urges upon you this program. Be aggressive.—Force the fighting. L Put the enemy on the defensive from the first. Be merciless.—Expose remorseless ly the alliance of the Republican boss es, the political banks and the stale treasury. Be radical.—Don't be mealy-mouth ed. Go into this fight to hurt your enemy. Go into it to expose and to end the political scandals which have been on every man's tongue in your state though your "great" papers have assiduously suppressed them. Be brave.—lf in your attack upon corruption you come upon a so-called P Democrat don't protect him. Expose him and kick him out. So shall you win public confidence and votes. If you will adopt this course, if fearlessly, remorsely, intelligently, radi cally and devotedly you will attack Quayism and uphold Democracy, the Journal pledges you its fullest support. I It will make your battle its own. It | will join in the campaign in Pennsyl vania as though it were being fought in its own state of New York. And it believes that the end of a battle so fought can only be a glorious victory —victory that shall free Pennsylvania KL. from the arrogant domination of a ■ boss; victory that will nake Penn- I sylvania Democrats a powerful force ■ to be reckoned with in the national Hi/. campaign of 1 900. Leiter's Meteoric Oareer. Now that Joseph Leiter is no longer king of the wheat pit, he will no doubt pass into comparative oblivion, along with hundreds of other men who have for a time had greatness thrust upon them, but have not been able to carry the weight long. Whether Leiter's collapse proves to be great or not is not material. It -is by 110 means likely that he will again be the fig ure in the business world that he was for a few brief, and to him ex citing, weeks. The story of his rise to be king of the wheat pit is thus told in a Chicago dispatch : Leiter's first dabble in wheat was on April 2, 1897, when he bought one hundred thousand bushels of May wheat at The orders followed each other pretty fast as the market declined. The cheaper wheat bought was on June 18, 1897, when there was executed an order for 500,000 bushels for September delivery at 64 J4 cents. This was the beginning of the operation which has lasted through thirteen months, has carried the price from 64 24cents in June, 1897, to $1.85 in May, 1898, has involved at one time an interest of over 35,000,000 bushels and has resulted in the merchandiz ing of 25,000,000 cash wheat. That there was some big interest active in wheat became apparent to the pit in April, 1897, but it was a long time before Leiter's connection was discovered. In September, 1897, Joseph Lei ter admitted he was the man under the wheat market. Although Lei ter gave his first order April 2, he accumulated a line of almost 7,000,- 000 for the following May, sold it out and bought as much more for July, and repeated the proceeding for September. About 3,000,000 bushels cash grain was paid for in September and was hurried abroad. An enormous line, about 7,660,000 bushels, was changed over to De cember. The size of the specula tion had grown with each change of future. It increased for December very much faster than it had for any other month. It had become the most imposing, because Leiter's in terest was 110 longer in Chicago alone. He had at the close of 1897 about 10,000,000 bushels of wheat bought for December at Chicago. He had several millions cash wheat at Liverpool, or between Chicago and Liverpool, and he had begun to accumulate interests in other mar kets. It was in this month of De cember that Armour and the other Chicago elevator men had their ex citing race with the elements, finally bringing their wheat-laden fleet into Chicago ahead of the blockade win ter was trying to establish. Leiter expected to get 5,000,000 bushels cash wheat this month: he got over 10,000,000 bushels. Later in December Leiter opened an office in the Board of Trade Building, and assumed personal charge of the campaign. The deal grew in size until all others in his tory were left behind. In March and April of this year Leiter had a wheat interest of 25,000,000 bushels half of which was cash grain. L. Z. Leiter came over from Europe to lend his brains to the enterprise. The war rumors and other condi tions sent up the price until it reached the high water mark May 10 last at $1.85. When the deal closed, May 31, at $1.30, it was supposed that Leiter had made $5,- 000,000 and had 6,000,000 bushels of cash wheat on hand. Of course there are more ques tions involved in this brief history than simply the personal fortunes of one young man. The rise in the price of wheat and Leiter's connec tion with wheat speculation have started the discussion of many eco nomical and financial questions. It may be mooted for some time as to whether Leiter's operations have done most harm or good. The New York Journal takes this view of it: Whether Leiter won or lost is im material. His apparent collapse makes all the more complete evi dence that by monopolizing wheat he has spread starvation and misery throughout the world. It is fit punishment if his tainted wealth has been swept away now, but his guilt has in no wise been carried with it. Kulp Picks Woodin, Congressman Kulp, ot Northum berland, spent a few hours last even ing on his way to Shamokin. Al though a strong supporter of Leisen ring, Kulp is now a thorough Stone man, and says he will be the next Governor. He also seems confident that Quay will win out in the legisla tive fight. Kulp however, is out of politics, and while there are three candidates lor his seat in Congress, says, that Wm. Woodin, of the Jack son & Woodin firm, Berwick, will in all probability carry off the prize. He is greatly interested in the Hard Coal Boom Movement, and thinks every business man ought to support it,— Hazleton Standard. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA - JENKS FOR GOVERNOR. The State Democratic Convention assembled at Altoona on Wednes day, for the purpose of nominating a full state ticket for the coaling fall campaign. Levi McQueston, of Butler, was elected permanent chairman. There was much disorder during the call of the roll and the nomina tion for Governor, which resulted : Jenks 305. Gordon 116. A. H. CofFroth 2. J. Henry Cochran 1. The remainder of the ticket so far as computed is as follows : Lieutenant Governor—William H. Sowden, of Lehigh. Secretary of Internal Affairs Capt. Patrick Delacey, of Luzerne. Our latest reports state that the convention was still balloting for the two candidates for Superior Court Judges, for which William Trickett, of Cumberland ; C. M. Bower, of Center ; Eugene Muller of McKean and George A. Allen of Erie were placed in nomination. The convention is the longest drawn out in many years. The platform adopted re-affirms the Democratic National principles, but deals very largely with State issues. STATE NEWS —While picking cherries near Nor thumberland, Robert Hoffman, Jr., fell from the tree, landing on a picket fence. His injuries are fatal. —Russel Seager and Harry Bercan each ten years old were drowned while in bathing at Easton on Mon day. —Police quelled a big riot between employees of the Citizens' and Lycom ing Electric Companies at William sport on Monday. They were at war with each other over the right to string wires. —ln a fight between John Booth and his wife at Lancaster the man was struck on the head with a bottle. He will die. —While in a fit of insanity Mrs. John Cromwell, of Luzerne county, removed the lid from the cook stove and stuck the feet of her two year old baty in the fire. The cnild died in great agony. —Alter July 4th the Liberty Bell in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, will be removed from its SISOO glass case. The restorers of the precious old building have decided to place it on a large truck in the corridor, and allow all who wish to touch it to do it. Roosevelt and his rough riders have experienced some real fighting. They were pitted against a foe of twice their strength, and took a position that should have been taken by the regular army, but nevertheless they fought bravely, and proved to the Spaniards that volunteers can fight. The World's Great Blood Purifier is Hood's Sarsaparilla, Which absolutely Cures every form of Impure blood, from The pimple on your Face to the great Scrofula sore which Drains your system. Thousands of people Testify that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Catarrh, Rheumatism, And That Tired Feeling. Remember this And get Hood's And only Hood's. Note What People Say. HAVEN CRBKK, PA., May 19,1898. This la to cortlty that we have used the Uome Comlort Range for live years, and will say that It Is perfect In every respect. It has no equal as a baker. We consider It by far tho cheapest range any one can buy, as It has already saved Its price lu fuel. Will say to my neighbors buy one and be convinced. Respectfully, MB. & MRS. C. E. AI.BEBTSON, MILES W. MOSS, ELIZA PHILLIPS. This Is to certify that having used the Home Comfort Rango for live years wo can cheerfully recommend ft to any one as being the best cooking apparatus we ever had. We find It a perfect baker and cooker, a great fuel saver, and would not part with It. MB. M. Moss, Mossvlllo, Pa. MRS. ELIJAH IIBSS, Elk Urove, Pa. FAIRMOUNT SPRINGS, PA., May, 19,1898. Wo purchased one of the Home comfort Ranges five years ago and are pleased to say It Kves entire satisfaction; for heating and bak g It 1b superior to all other ranges, It taking one-half the fuel of our cast Iron stove; also for cleanliness It can not he surpassed: tbero Is an ample supply of hot water at all times. MRS. MARTHA SCTLIPP, MB. O. W. HESS, MR. & MRS. J. N. PENNINGTON, MR. G. WI SDTLIFP. BENTON, PA., May, 20. 1898. We bavo been using a Uome Comfort Range for nve years and are pleased to say 11 gives en tire satisfaction. We would not do without ours; would recommend It to any one wishing a tlrst-class range. MR. & MRS. D. M. VERDINE, MR. & MRS. MARTIN ALBKKTSON. Wrought Iron Range Go,, St. Lonis, Mo. a-wt. • THE STAR CLOTHING HOUSE ; Will offer this week some >n EXTRA GOOD BARGAINS. We are closing out some odd sizes at cost. Our line of Summer Serges is now complete. VOIAS Look elsewhere, then come to us and we will convince you that we will sell you goods that will be satisfactory in price and quality. REMEMQER we are tailors. We can make your Suit or sell you a ready to wear Suit. Our goods must fit and please you because we can make them do so. DO NOT FORGET. Townsend's Star Clothing House. IMPORTANT- TO DEPOSITORS AND CORRESPONDENTS: Your attention is called to that part ot the war revenue act relative to stamps on checks, drafts etc., which requires that a two [2] cent revenue stamp be placed on any bank check or draft which is for the payment of any sum of money drawn upon or issued by any Bank, Trust Company, or any person or persons, companies or corporations at sight or on de mand." THEREFORE, on and after July 1, next, great care must be used in affix ing stamps to all checks or drafts you may draw on your Bank and all checks or drafts you may deposit or remit for your credit. The Banks of Bloomsburg, Pa. will have on hand a supply of Revenue Stamps for sale to all persons having need for same. FARMERS NATIONAL BANK, and FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Eloomsburg, Pa. Schedule of Trains to Eaglesmere. Train on P. & R. leaving Blooms burg at 7.30 a. m. connects at Halls at 10.23, reaching Eaglesmere at 12.20 p. m. Train leaving Bloomsburg at 3.40 p. m. connects at Halls at 5.25 p. m., reaching Eaglesmere at 7.15 p. m. tf The following letters are advertised June 28, 1898. Mrs. E. Dawson, Mrs. Maud Deihl, Misses M. Sord, Julia Montague, Mr. Robert B. Mc- Kenney. Will be sent to the dead letter office July 12, 1898. O. B. MELLICK, P. M. At Private Sale! A valuable farm, lying within the limits ol THE TOWN OF BLOOMSBURG AND CONTAINING 130 ACRES, adjoining lands or Armstrong, Sliater, Mlfllln, Pursel and others, whereon are erected a large BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, a frame barn and outbuildings, with two wolls of water at the buildings. Apply to JOHN G. FREEZE, June 28-tf Bloomsburg, Pa. SHOES. Sood Value, lest Styles. Popular Prices. Are the essential features of our care fully selected Shoe Stock. Our 26 years experience and spot cash buying enables us to furnish you with the best there is for the money. Our line of UH RESWEAR and HOSIERY is complete. W. H. Moore. COR. SECOND AND IRON STS. Bloomsburg. WINNING A BATTLE Depends on the officers, the men, the guns, the ammunition. All must be the RIGHT KIND, for weakness in any one point may result in defeat. It is the same in business, likening the proprietors to officers, the clerks to soldiers, the goods to ammunition. It can as truthfully be said every element in store organization must be right to win success. We believe that you will find this store in every particular superior to the usual run of stores, and able to serve you better—that's why it winp. This Week's Specials: We will put on sale Thurs day morning of this week and will sell until July 15 the best Simpson's Gray Prints—all good patterns and perfect goods at 41c. per yard. Ourstandard brand of bleach ed muslin without any dressing, good for any kind of use, 10 yds. for 50c. A lot of counterpanes, lull size, hemmed ready to put on your bed, worth $1.25, but we will sell tkein at 98c. a piece. CORSETS. 28 doz. summer corsets, all white. They would be cheap at 39c, but we are selling them at 25c. each. BELTS. We have never shown such a line of belts as we can now. We have them in all colors and in any shaped buckel you could wish for. qiNGHAMS. We offer this week the ging- F. P. PUBSEL, East CORSER'S MUSIS, s"e"t. NEW SHOE STORE. | PEJj'l look: it oyer See if you don't need a new pair of Shoes for dress or for work, and then come here and examine goods and prices. Men's solid, serviceable working and plow shoes at SI.OO and $1.25. Dress shoes, wide and narrow toes, sl.lO, $1.25, $1.75. These shoes for the quality and price is a saving to you of from 25c. to 50c. on each pair. We invite the women and girls that wear sizes 13,1, 2or 3to look at our job lot of shoes at 79c. Were sold at $2 and $3. See them in front of store. CORSER'S Schuyler's old hardware stand. BLOOMSBUB6* hams that we have sold all season at 12 ic. for 10c. Ginghams that we have sold at 14c. per yard at 12ic. per yd. We have put on sale in our shoe room up stairs on a bar gain table, a big lot of men's shoes, goods worth from $2.25 a pair co $5.00 a pair. The sizes are broken, that's why they must go at SI.OO tor any pair on the table. GROCERIES We will put 011 sale Thurs day morning and sell until July 15th, all kinds of standard package coffees, 10c. per pound. Van Camp baked beans at 2 cans for 2oc. We can give you Heinx' pickles for picnics, in bulk or any sized bottles you may want, and at the right price. These goods must all be right or you have the privilege of returning them and we will refund your money.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers