The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 16, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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    Royal makes the food prrc,
wholesome at<d delicious.
Absolutely Puro
/filtered at the. Post Office at Blootnslmrg, Pa.
as second class matter, March I,lßߣ.
We are able to offer cur subscribers
some special inducements for advance
payments for 1898.
World, three times a week, $1.65.
COLUMBIAN and Philadelphia Weekly
limes 1 45.
COLUMBIAN and Demorest's Maga
zine, 1.75.
COLUMBIAN and Farm News, 1.00
Subscribe now, and get the benefit
of these reduced rates. tf. j
About People YOU Know.
Miss Mahle Waller is home from Vnssar
William Quick visiteil friends at Sunbury
over Sunday.
Mrs Martha Chidv.ick is visiting at i
Miss Jlt.l 11 Carpenter spent a few days at
Ashley tins A tek
Mrs. I'aul lb. Wirt gives a compass whist j
party June 16111.
Mrs. L. 1% Waller will give a luncheon to
lier friends oil Friday.
James Thornton and wife spent a few days i
in Reading last week.
Prof. W. C. Mauser and family left today ;
for Mifflinburg to visit friends.
Mrs. Edward Hnrrnr, of Newark, N. J.,
is visiting her parents In town.
Miss Kate Price, of Poitsville, spent
Wednesday with the Misses Clark.
John W. Trinley of Wilkesbarre, spent
Wednesday with friends in town.
Mrs. Dr. Meredith, of Danville, is j
visiting her parents on Market street.
Mrs. C. \V. Funston gave a card party at !
her home on First street last evening.
Rev G. 11. Ilemmingway ettended com
mencement exercises at State College.
M rs. A. A. Marple is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Martha McKinney, oa Market street. I
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison, of Troy, !
N. Y., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles G.
Mrs. Lydia Hartman returned home
Thursday evening, after visiting friends at
H. V. White Esq., was on Tuesday elect
ed a trustee of Slate College for another
Robert Burns is home on his vacation. He
is a student at Susquehanna University, Se
Edward Ent returned home on Tuesday
from Weatherly, where he had been visiting
since Saturday.
Miss Gertrude Haas, of Sunbury, is the
pleasant guest of Mrs. W. H. Purman, on
Third street.
Governor Hastings last week appointed
Grant Herring a trustee of the Miners' Hos
pital, atA:hland.
Dr. T. C. Harter is in Phillipsburg this
week, attending the annual encampment of
the Sons of Veterans.J
Misses Bess Kuhn and Vida Miller re
turned home Saturday from New York, where
they attended art lectures.
I have secured (he sale of the finest
line of Confectionery in the world.
Are unsurpassed in richness and fla
vor. Always fresh, at
In quarters, halfs and pounds.
W. S. RISHTON, Pii.G.,
Orrecsite P. 0. Pharmacist
Telepbane Ub
Seymorc Pohe, of the free delivery force
and Oscar W. Ent, arc on a few days pleasure
trip up the creek.
Charles Kitzmiller is on a business trip
through the Western states. He will be
gone about three weeks.
John Knics fell off his bicycle on Saturday
evening and sprained his wrist. He is com
pelled to carry his arm in a sling.
Miss Hattie Shadlc, one of Williamsport's
popular young ladies is the guest of Miss
Amy Ritlcr 011 East Fifth Street.
Charles Fnhringer, of Troy, New York,
spent a few days in town last week as the
guest of L. D. Kase, 011 Fourth street.
Hon. E. M. Dunning of l.uportc, was a
Bloomsburg visitor on Tuesday. He occupies
the bench in the forty-fourth judicial district.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. F. Sharpless, of Pueblo,
Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. T. J, Vanderslice,
of town, are camping out, in Lycoming
Miss Bertha Shoemaker went to Beach
Haven 011 Wednesday to visit relatives and
friends. She will be gone a week or ten
Miss Margaret Lauhach, the efficient op
erator at the Telephone Exchange, attended
a moonlight hop, at Danville, Tuesday even
Miss Annie Ilagenbuch of Atlantic High
lands, N. J. has been the pleasant guest of
Mrs. Katharine Sheep on East Street for the
past few days.
J. B. Montgomery of Orangeville, stoped
in town a few hours on Monday. lie was
on his way to Downs Kansas, where he in
tends spending a few months.
Frank Rcice came home on Thursday to
vote If all Democrats will make such an
effort in November, our candidate for Gov
ernor will be a sure winner.
O. E. Kreischer, a member of the 12th
Regiment, located at Camp Alger, Va.,
spent a few days at the Normal School this
week. He is home on a furlough.
Invitations are out for the wedding of Prof.
L. I'. Sterner and Miss Nora Finney, to
take place at the home of the bride's mother,
011 Third street, Wednesday, July 6.
Rev. D. N. Kirkby, Col. John G. Freeze,
George E. Elwell and J. G. Wells, attend
ed the Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal
Church at Altoonaon Tuesday and Wednes
F. M. Kelly, of the postoffice, yvent to
New York on Tuesday evening. lie will be
absent until Saturday. His position is be
ing ably taken care of by the former assistant
postmaster, George A. Clark.
Miss L. Claire Whitnroyer returned home
011 Friday, from Rock ford, 111., where she
ited her friend, Miss Porter, who made
uch .4 favorable impression while visiting
Miss Whitmoyer, in town last Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F.. Kennedy and three
children, of Fort Royal, l'a., Mrs. S. J. Mc-
I inn, of llarrisburg, and G. <l. McLinn, of
Liverpool, were tlie guests of Rev. and Mrs.
M. K. McLinn, on Market street, over Sun
Mrs. F.. I*. Williams and daughter, Annie
Forgo, left Tuesday for an extended visit
with relatives at Tiffany, N. f. They will
also visit the seashore in the hope of improv
ing Mrs. Williams' health, who has been
quite ill for some time past.
John Brooks, a leading pianist of Blooms
burg, visited our town recently and entertain
ed some of his friends at the Ritter hotel.
The following are some of the seletions he
rendered : Beethoven's Moonlight sonata,
in C sharp minor; Weber's "Freichuts Obe
ron; "Blue Bells of Scotland," with varia
tions.—"Williamsport Sun" June 13.
Legal advertisements on page 7.
Festival at Longs Saturday even
The population of Hazleton, ac
cording to a new directory, is 24,239.
Children's day exercises at Buck
horn M. E. Church Sunday eve
S. E. Reynolds is putting up a
fine new residence on East Fifth
John Hid lay has e.rected a new
porch to his store, on the corner of
Iron and Sixth streets.
The visage of our genial towns
man and Member of Council W. L-
Demaree, is decorated with poison.
Prothonotary W. H. Henrie will
remodel his house 011 East Street,
which he recently purchased from
Clark Sheep.
Among the Danvilleians who at
tended the democratic convention
on Tuesday were William Dentsch,
H. A. Sidler, A. L. Heddens' and
Edward C. Carman.
Tuesday was the first curb stone
market morning this season. The
vegetables looked nice and fresh.
There will be market again Saturday
Tuesday was observed as flag day
throughout the United States in com
memoration of the raising of the first
American flag which took place near
Rome, New York, June 14th 1777.
C. L. Rupert, the well known
gardener, was among the first in
market Tuesday morning With a big
load of truck. He will be found at
the curb every market morning
throughout the summer.
We are told that the gardener
and trucker William Abbott of
Espy, on Monday picked sixty
seven bushels of strawberries. This
is an enormous quantity and breaks
all records we have heard of.
The diamonds to be given as
prizes for the bicycle races on July
4th and sth will be furnished by J.
E. Roys, Jeweler, he having been
awarded the contract. They are on
exhibition in his show window.
About 3,4(10 Men Embark— General Greet
Xll Cumuinml—No Native. of tlie Philip
pine. to bo Enll.tcd A Cliinuuinu
Among the IteurulL.
San Francisco, June 15. —The troops
composing the second Manila expedi
tion boarded transports yesterday and
the fleet will sail this afternoon.
General Greene, who will be in com
mand of the expedition, with headquar
ters on the China, has been ordered to
report to General Merrdtt at 9 o'clock
this morning, to receive final instruc
tions from Washington.
One battalion of the Twent"-third
and one of the Eighteenth United
States Infantrv and Colorado volun
teers, Battery A, Utah Light Artillery,
and the detachment of the United
States Engineering Corps will sail on
the China and Colon. The Tenth Penn
sylvania and Battery B, Utah Light
Artillery, go on the Zealandia. The Ne
braska regiment will go on the Sena
Altogether the force will number 3,-
465 men.
Lieutenant Colonel Jewett, Judge ad
vocate on the staff of General Merritt,
has received orders to go with the sec
ond Philippine expedition, on the stea
mer China. He will be accompanied by
Major Bell, head of the department of
military information. Colonel Jewett,
who is a prominent lawyer of Indiana,
expected to sail later, with Major Gen
eral Merritt, but it was deemed advis
able to send him in advance to arrange
for the administration of affairs on the
islands as soon as thev are in actual
possession of the United States.
The United States army and Chris
tian Commission of California has been
organized. Its purpose is the uniting
of all evangelical churches in one for
systematic work among the soldiers,
in co-operaUon with the chaplains o£
the United States army and navy.
A general order has been issued to
the effect that no native of the Philip
pines shall be enlisted in the army of
the United States.
Among the recruits for Company L,
Seventh California volunteers, is Cag
O. Tow, a Chinese, who was born in
this state 25 years ago. He is a citi
zen of Santa Anna.
Lieutenant Bernard and a detail of
men from the Tenth Pennsylvania have
gone home to recruit the regiment to
its maximum strength. Tho.v expec'.
to return with the necessary men with
in a month.
Mare Island Navy Yard, June 15.
The monitor Monadnock and the col
lier Nero have left to accompany the
second expedition to the Philippines.
All the work necessary to be done on
the Monadnock was completed yester
She will have to coal at San Fran
cisco. but arrangements have been
made to expedite her loading and there
will be but little delay on this oc
The first expedition sailed on May 25.
Tlte third fleet will get away about the
Kith of the present month. The trans
port Indiana arrived Monday and tho
government is now in possession.
Hawaiian Annexation la Gaining
Washington, June 15.—An unsuccess
ful effort was made yesterday to bind
ill Democrats In the House of Repre
sentatives to vote against Hawaiian
annexation. At the conclusion of the
session of the House a caucus of Dem
ocrats was held, at which, after a gen
eral discussion, Representative Dins
more of Arkansas, the leading Demo
crat on the committee on foreign af
fairs, offered a resolution declaring
that the action of the caucus should
he binding on all Democratic members
of the House.
This met with such determined oppo
sition on the part of the advocates of
annexation that it was finally with
drawn and Mr. Dlnsmore then offered
l resolution declaring it to be the sense
of the Democratic members of the
House that the annexation of the Ha
waiian islands would be dangerous and
undesirable;-that it would reverse the
traditional policy of the government,
tnd that they believed It would lead to
lolonial aggrandizement and ultimately
.0 the destruction of republican insti
This was adopted by a vote of 50 to
17. Estimates on the vote on the an
nexation resolution to-day place the
majority in favor of annexation at 50
o 60.
The annexationists claim that they
will have not less than twenty-six
Democratic votes, and that they will
tot lose more than six or eight Rcpub
The Government Printing office Dues
Quick Work.
Washington, June 14. —The govern
ment printing oftice has added another
'eat to its wonderful record of achieve
ments. It has been known to print an
tdition of the Revised Statutes in a
tingle night, and only a few weeks ago
.he report of the board of Inquiry into
.he cause of the dieister to the Maine
vas turned out by this great establish
nent in one night, including the illus
trations which accompanied It. Sat
urday afternoon, at 3.30 o'clock, Sec
retary Gage delivered Into the hands
if Captain Bryan, foreman of printing,
he material to be used in the prepara
•ion of circulars relative to the new
anar loan authorized by the act. Al
most 4,000,000 of these circulars, sub
icrlptlon blanks and pamphlets, de
icrlptlve of the bonds, were required,
laptain Bryan hesitated as to whether
>r not the government printing office,
with all its vast facilities, would be
ible to accomplish so great an under
aklng in the time required; that 13,
oetween 3.30 p. m. Saturday and 9 a.
n. Monday, it being the desire of Sec
retary Gage that fifty of the most rap
d mailing clerks in the treasury de
oartment be In possession of the ma
erial at the latter hour.
Monday morning, before the time In
llcated, the entire work of printing had
•een done, and a wagon from the gov
ernment printing office at 8.50 o'clock
lellvered the first 100,000 of each of the
■.lrculars, blanks and pamphlets re
uired. . .
National Relief Commission.
Two hundred thousand men of our
Army and Navy are in the service of
the nation in its war with Spain. In
obedience to the President's call and
command they are enforcing the pur
pose of tne country and its rulers in
behalf of an oppressed nation, and
therein are exposed to the perils of
conflict and ot exposure on sea and
It is meet and due that we, their
fellow citizens, in whose behalf they
venture so much, should do what in
us lies to lighten their burdens and
relieve their pains. There are hard
ships which these brave men must
endure alone, but there are some
which we can share with them and
which we wish to share in response
both to the dictates of patriotism and
the injunction of the divine charity :
"Bear ye one another's burdens."
To this end, many citizens of the
United States, in public and private
life, without respect to creed or party,
have been prompted to unite in an
organization known as the "National
Relief Commission," and whose aims
are here set forth.
The National Relief Commission is
organized in the spirit and with the
general purposes of the Christian and
Sanitary Commissions which operated
so effectively during the Civil War.
The primary object of this organiza
tion is to aid the United States Gov
ernment in caring for its soldiers,
sailors, marines, and others, who may
be disabled by sickness or wounds,
and to relieve the families of combat
ants, if need should require. To ac
complish these ends, we call upon all
Christian and all philanthropic people
in the United States, without respect
to creed or part>, to form auxiliary
Relief Associations ; and in order to
secure harmony of action and prevent
the waste of energy, means and time,
and in order to concentrate all efforts
so that the best results may be obtain
ed, we invite such associations to
unite with us in perfecting a National
A secondary purpose of the Relief
Commission is to aid chaplains and
others in maintaining the moral tone
of the men in the Army and Navy by
friendly visits from our agents and
commissioners, and the representatives
ol religious organizations and orders.
It is our purpose, through these
and other agencies and methods, as
exigencies may arise, to contribute to
the health and comfort of the men on
duty; to afford assistance and support,
as may be required, to surgeons and
nurses in the healing and care of the
sick and wounded ; to aid in the ad
ministration of religious consolation,
with due regard to the preferences
and convictions of all ; to keep the
men in close touch with home and
its refining and helpful influences by
extending facilities for ready communi
cation with relatives and friends ; to
facilitate the identification of those
who may die in the service, and to
aid kindred and friends in procuring
the remains for home burial. In short,
we will endeavor to help the men of
the Army and Navy with such kindly,
healthful and moral influences as will
keep them "true to the kindred points
of Heaven and Home."
We are sure that the citizens of the
United States are willing and able to
aid the National Government to the
fullest extent in caring for the disabled,
and to promote in the above and
kindred ways the health and comfort
of soldiers and sailors and their fami
lies. We know that the people have
a mind to the work. We believe
that it will do them good and deepen
their love of country to permit their
sympathies to have, full play ; that
their patriotism will be strengthened
by their endeavors to aid the suffering,
and those in the field, and that their
■' (fIITjOW are the chll- '.
V SKS 8 ren 'hissummer? \
j' IM I Are they doing 1 ,
j, !■ "I we ll? .Do they <[
4 get all the benefit they /
should from their food? ( h
Are their cheeks and lips i
■l' of good color? And are \
1 1 they hearty and robust in ■,
J1 everyway? <
, If not, then give them (
■! Scott's Emulsion >
j 1 of cod lever oil <with hypo- ',
i > phosphites. <
\ It never fails to build !
, 1 up delicate boys and girls. ',
> It gives them more flesh 1
]i and better blood. /
It is just so with the
■i ( baby also. A little Scott's h
. Emulsion, three or four
times a day, will make 1 ,
, > the thin baby plump and <
j' rOS P erOUS- 1 '
/gmfurnishes the ( '
i just the material 1 ,
H' 1I T1 necessary for 1
j 1 111 [ growing bones <
' an( l nerves. , h
I All Druggit, 50c. and f 1. I
We show a new line of the best Art Denims the market af
fords in choice styles suitable for Curtains, Draperies, Furniture
and floor covering. Colors perfectly fast, goods washable and
66 in. white organdies, 44c. yd.
45 in. French muslins, 45c. yd.
Printed organdies, 15c. yd.
Printed madras, 15c. yd.
Black batiste 22c. yd.
Black lawns, yd.
Printed 36 in. suitings, 10c. yd.
White P. Ks. 25c. yd.
Colored ducks, I2jc. yd.
Crash suitings, 15c. yd.
All linen suitings, 17c. yd.
Silk striped challies, 25c. yd.
36 in. black India silks, 80c. yd.
Colored organdies, 18c. yd.
Colored dotted Swisses, 22c. yd.
Full line of the latest effects
in these goods at moderate
All the leading styles and
makes. Our 47c. summer cor
sets pleases all. Our model
form corsets at SI.OO.
You will want a sash. See
our line, all colors. Ribbons of
all kinds. Seethe special 35c.
ribbons. Ribbons of all kinds.
Another lot of narrow laces
and plaid ribbons for edging
H. J, CLARK & SON, Bloomsburg, Pa.
f OTI Wllflli
Is here, and now there is a stampede for Summer Goods- The
opportunity is yours for a thin Shirt Waist and a Lawn Press.
In Shirt Waists, we have Lawns,
Madras Cloth, Ginghams, Percales,
Calico, &c. 50c. to $1.75.
The Parasols and Sun Umbrellas
are in many colors, styles and prices.
Children's, from $l9O. to SI.OO.
Just in—a new line of Ladies',
Misses and Children's Gauze Under
wear. 4c. to SI.OO.
Gents' nice and cool Underwear,
sizes, 32 to 42. 25c. and 50c. Gents'
fine Seamless Half Hose.
We never had as many customers for Cuffs aud Collars as
in the last week. New lines receiving almost weekly. A
G-resit "Va,riet3r of 3L,amies' Ties.
5 cents to 50 cents.
devotion to the government will be
deepened by co-operation therewith
in the benevolent phases of public
For these reasons we call upon all,
of whatever religious or political be
lief, individually, in Churches, in
young people's societies, in benevo
lent and other organizations and or
ders, to form auxiliary associations in
unison with the National Relief Com
mission, for the collection of funds,
and to do such other service as cir
cumstances may require. We ask the
patriotic and benevolent everywhere
to at once co-operate according to
their ability, that the work of relief
may begin without delay. May God
save the Republic !
JOHN H. CONVERSE, President.
M. S. FRENCH, M. D., Secretary.
GEORGE C. THOMAS, Treasurer.
Contributions may be forwarded
to the Treasurer, Mr. Geo. C.
Thomas, Drexel & Company, Phila
delphia, Pa.
Office of Relief Commission, 907
Drexel Building.
No other preparation has ever done
so many people so much good as
Hood's Sarsaparilla, America's Great
est Medicine.
The following letters are advertised
June 14, 1898: Mrs. F. S. Deihl,
Mrs. Ruth Deihl, Mr. Thomas Fay,
Mr. W. F. Magee, Mr. Thos. Prior,
John Rosenberger, George P. Scott.
Will be sent to the dead letter
office June 28, 1898.
Postmasters have been notified to
send to the dead letter office all letters
and packages addressed to Spain.
This is made necessary on account of
the war between the United States
and Spain. All communication be
tween the two countries is suspended
ad interim.
HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil
iousness, Indigestion, Headache,
■asy to tako, easy to operate. 2Be.
Some of the best values we
have ever shown. Special 36 in.
India linens at 20, 25, 30 and
35c. yd., worth 20 per cent. more.
White organdies at all prices.
Dotted Swisses, 15c. yd. up.
Swiss mulls, yd. up.
Dimities, yd. up.
French muslins, all grades.
45 in. wide, all wool fine grade
silk, finish in cream white, nile
green, canary, light blue, light
pink and cadet at 65c. yd.
In light, pink and blue, cream
and navy blue. 85c. yd.
7 madras string ties for 25c.
Silk string ties, 10c.
White P. K. puff ties, 25c.
Silk band bows, 15c.
Fancy ribbon ties, all grades.
Best bunting flags, all wool,
in sizes sxß, 4x7, 6x12. Muslin
flags, buntings by the yard.
I Flag buttons and stick pins.
. Flag badges, tri-color ribbons,
1 &c.
The Organdies and other Lawns,
from 4c. to 25c., are selling. Only
the French Organdy at 25c.
Duck and Grass Oioth Skirts, 59c.
to $2.50.
Fans by the hundred, ic. to $2.00..
Have you noticed the White Dress
Goods in our west window ? ' • They
are all high priced." The lower priced
ones in the store. 6c. to 35c. yd.
Rooms on 3rd. floor, COLUMBIAN
building. Steam heat, gas or electric
light, water. Apply to
We carry the Largest and
Most Complete Line of Spec
tacles and Eye Glasses in the
county. We furnish skilled
service and guarantee a perfect
J"- ZE3.