The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 16, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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Hftt Columbia fjtmorrat,
Uloomsburir, the County seat of Columbia
County, Pennsylvania.
I'uuits:—lnslile the county Sl.OOayearln ad
vance; $1.50 If not paid In advance Outside
UP county, $1.25 a year, strictly In advance,
til communications should be addressed to
Bloomsburg, Pa.
THURSDAY, JUNE t6, 1898.
The Democratic State Convetion
will be held in Altoona on June 29th.
Among the names that have been
mentioned as active candidates for
Governor are Judge Gordon of Phila
delphia and James M. Guffey of Pitts
burg. Judge Gordon was an aggres
sive participant in the campaign of
1896 as an opponent of Bryan and
the Chicago platform, and it is not
likely that he can bring the two wings
of the party together. Guffey on the
other hand could not get the suppoit
of the gold Democrats. The Altoona
convention will act wisely if it shall
nominate a man for Governor who
can draw votes to the party instead of
driving them over to the opposition.
Other names have been suggested,
among them George A. Jenks, Sena
tor Cochran, and Ex-Congressman
Wolverton. If he could be induced
to accept the nomination Mr. Wolver
ton would make a strong candidate.
His great ability as a lawyer, his high
reputation as a man of integrity and
honor, and his not being offensively
identified with either branch of the
party, would give us a candidate upon
whom all Democrats could unite, and
if elected, would give Pennsylvania a
Governor of whom she could well be
proud. Factional fights have rent
and divided the Democratic party in
this state too long, and the large and
growing republican majorities are
owing more to this than to any other
one thing. When we have chances
for success, they are weakened or
destroyed by the blunders forced upon
the party by the factional leaders. If
we can drop this sort of thing, and
act wisely this year may be, and will
be a Democratic year for the old
The Republican party in this state
is divided, and many republicans are
awaiting the action of the Altoona
Convention to see what the Demo
crats are going to do. If a strong
platform on state issues shall be adopt
ed, and candidates shall be nomi
nated who can not only hold the silver
Democrats, but recall the gold Demo
crats to their support, and at the
same time furnish a ticket for which
the anti-Quay republicans can vote,
the chances for Democratic success
this year will be bright.
It is good politics always to take
such action as will draw men into the
party. It may be some satisfaction
to denounce those who have tempor
arily left us, and to threaten them
with dire political punishment for
having departed from our way of
thinking, but it is bad politics. Men
cannot be compelled to return to the
fold, and renew their allegiance to
the party by threats and denunciation,
and when there has been division in
the ranks there must be concession
on both sides.
Many who did not endorse the
Chicago platform in 1896 are now
ready to return to the party this year
and give it their hearty support on
state issues. They claim that they
are Democrats and always have been,
though differing with the platform of
1896 on the money question.
It the prodigals desire to return,
we ought at least to open the door
and permit them to come in, though
they can hardly expect the party to
go to the length of killing a fatted
calf for them. If they will now turn
in and help us to success this year, it
ought to count something in condona
tion for what they did in helping to
defeat us in 1896. While we would
not favor admitting gold Democrats
to the councils and leadership of the
party until their repentance shall
prove to be true and lasting, we need
their help now, and one of the matters
of importance to be considered at
Altoona is how best to get it. The
hot-heads to whom vengeance is
sweeter than success, should be turn
ed down, and the counsel of clear
minded and even-tempered men of
judgment should prevail.
The old saying that politics often
makes bad friends was verified on
Tuesday when two well known men
became enraged as a result of a hot
political argument. They went at
each other in dead earnest but were
gathered in by Chief of Police
Wesley Knorr, and taken before
President of Council Holmes, who
fined them each $3.60. "They'll
never go there any more."
From our Itegular Correspondent.
WASHINGTON, June 13, 1898.
At last, after all sorts of unexpected
delays that army has got off to Cuba.
It is said that some of the oiders sent
from Washington were hot enough to
melt the wires. There was evidently
occasion for the use of hot words, as
the delay in getting the army started
Irom 1 ampa prevented Santiago being
captured when Admiral Sampson
knocked the outer fortifications to
pieces so completely that he was able
to land a force of marines to spike
the guns that his bombs had not made
useless and to take possession of sev
eral positions, aided by insurgents.
Gen. Miles did not go south a day too
soon. His report of the condition of
affairs at Tampa caused consternation
in administration circles for awhile,
but he was ordered to adopt heroic
measures to straighten out matters
and to hurry the army off", and he has
at least got the army off", if he hasn't
straightened out everything; and is
now engeged in getting another army
ready to be started to Porto Rico
just as soon as it is known that the
movement against Santiago has been
successful. Congress has found it
difficult to keep quiet, but the dispo
sition to regard all well that ends well
is causing a suspension of judgment
until the end is shown to be well or
otherwise. That it will be all right
in the end is certain enough, but
there can be no other reason than
politics for dragging this war along
until the Congressional campaign.
Although the Treasury Department
has widely advertised its intention to
offer the $200,000,000 in bonds,
which will be the first issue under the
authority conferred by the war-revenue
bill, to the people, Secretary Gage
makes no secret of his belief that the
greater gortion of these bonds will be
bought by banks. It is probable also
that he will much prefer seeing the
banks get them ; he is a banker and
has always looked after the intelests
of the banks.
Alabama men are telling many
stories illustrating the peculiarity,
gr : t and determination of the family
of Lieut. Jlobson, the hero ot the
daring feat of sinking the Merrimac
in the entrance to Santiago harbor.
This remarkable family lives in the
little town of Greensboro. Lieut. Hob
son has a brother at West Point and
another practicing law. His lawyer
brother earned a reputation by the
way in which he argued the first case
he had before the Alabama Supreme
Court. It was an appeal from a lower
court, and the following was his open
ing speech : "Your honors, this case
has been decided by you a'ready seven
times and each time it has been de
cided wrong." "He lost his case, of
course, but he got advertised all over
his state. The whole family seems to
make a specialty of upsetting preced
ent and doing things in their own
way. Lieut. Hobson and his com
panions will all be promoted as soon
they are restored to liberty, and Con
gress will give them all medals of
When the war is over a Congress
ional investigation into certain trans
actions in which the government has
been made to pay large sums of money
for ships, and other things bought in
connection with the war is likely to
bring about sensational developments
and to result in public disgrace for
certain individuals who have used
their pull with the administration to
profit by this robbery of the public
treasury. Much information is in
possession of Senators and Repre
sentatives, but patriotism has kept
them quiet, and will keep them quiet
until peace is declared; then they
will talk,'and there will be a day of
There is much humbug in the civil
service discussion in the Senate over
the bill providing for taking the next
census. Everybody knows that Con
gress intends to have the employes of
the Census Bureau appointed by pull,
just as all of the employes of Congress
are now appointed, and that the very
men who have been advocating hav
ing the appointments made through
the Civil Service Commission will be
in the front rank of the scramblers
after these places when the time
comes to give them out.
The controversy over the annexa
tion of Hawaii is in a fair way to be
come a personal fight between Czar
Reed and Mr. Mc.Kinley, if it has
not already done so. Reed is play
ing for time and with the assistance
of some of his lieutenants he has
played successfully this week. His
game is to delay action until all the
appropriation bills are disposed of
and then to force an adjournment of
Congress without acting upon annexa
tion. As soon as this dawned upon
Mr. McKinley, he served notice upon
the Czar that if Congress adjourned
without action upon annexation he
would at once call it together again
in extra session. While a majority of
democrats in the House would join
Reed in voting against annexation,
they are not likely to join him in
voting for adjournment, as they be
lieve that Congress ought not to ad
journ while the war is going on.
To the Editor of the Columbian :
The political situation with refer
ence to the judgeship in this district
invites to some levelheaded thinking
on the part of men who are anxious
to secure a fit judge during the next
term of ten years.
In the first place it is clear that
the primary election of Saturday last
was unofficial and voluntary and im
posed no binding obligation upon
Democratic voters of the county, un
der party Law. For the time fixed
by that party law is the Saturday be
fore the second Tuesday of August
in each yeai, and the plain rule es
tablishing that date has never been
repealed or changed by .any compe
tent authority : it might have been
changed by the last annual conven
tion but was not, because the friends
of change were afraid to submit the
question of new rules to a convention
It follows that every Democratic
voter of the county is perfectly free to
withhold his vote from any candidate
standing as such upon last Saturday's
vote ; though that vote may be
accepted as indicating public or party
opinion with reference to individuals
at the time it was cast, and upon un
contested nominations as satisfactory
and sufficient.
One peculiarity deserving of notice
marked the late judicial contest : the
issue was not so much between Judge
Ikeler and Mr. Little as between the
friends and the opponents of the
judge himself. The canvass develop
ed personal antagonisms to the latter,
accompanied by an unprecedented
amount and variety of newspaper
criticism and denunciation to such an
extent that the candidate named
against the judge measurably escaped
attention and adverse remark.
But we are now confronted by the
possibility of a new and important
change of situation by the appearance
of the Republican party upon the
scene of contest : for, on the one
hand, the Democracy of the district
is now and may continue to be either
in form or in fact or in loth respects
divided until the election ; and, on
the other, the Republicans may seek
by presenting a candidate to achieve
a triumph of their own. That they
are not entitled to such advantage is
perfectly plain ; for, as a minority in
the county, they have already an as
sociate judge and it would be unrea
sonable to assign to them the control
of the court upon all questions of
county administration and business
by yielding to them the president
judge, political majorities in both
counties are Democratic, and it com
ports with fair play and justice that
those majorities should have the
principal voice in selecting the presi
dent judge. X
Catarrh Cured
Fullness in the Head and Ring
ing in the Ear 9
Better In Every Way Since Taking
Hood's Bffrsaparilla.
" For several years I had no cessation
of the suffering caused by catarrh. I had
a sense of fullness in the head and ringing
In my ears. One ol my nostrils was
tightly cloßed so I could not breathe
through it, end I could not clear my head.
I tried aoveral catarrh cures, but failed to
get relief. Seeing accounts of cures by
Hood's Saraaparllla I determined to give
it a fair trial. After taking a few bottles
I was satisfied it had effected a cure, for
the catarrh no longer troubled me a par
ticle and I felt better In every way than
for years. lam now able to do a hard
day's work on the farm." ALFRED E.
YINST, Hoernerstown, Pennsylvania.
I BSarsa
nOOd S parilla
Is the best— lD fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Sold by all druggists. $l; six for $5.
H G Plll c eaßy 10 buy • eaßyto tak ®.
i lLfiiU easy to operate. 25c.
Note What People Say.
HAVEN CREEK, PA., May 19,1898.
This Is to certify that we have used the Home
Comfort Range for Hve years, and will say that
It is perfect In every respect. It has no euual
as a baker. We consider It by far the cheapest
rauge any one can buy, us It has already saved
Its price in fuel. Will say to my neighbors buy
one and be convinced.
This Is to cerl lfy that having used the Homo
Comfort Range for live years we can cheerfully
recommend ft to any ODO as being the best
cooking apparatus we ever had. We Hnd It a
perfect baker and cooker, a great fuel saver,
and would not part with It.
MR. M. Moss, Moßsvllle, Pa.
Mas. ELIJAH HESS, Elk Grove, Pa.
FAIRUODNT STRINGS, PA., May, 19, 1898.
We purchased one of the Home comfort
Ranges five years ago and are pleased to say It
Kves entire satisfaction; for heating and bak
g It Is superior to all other ranges, It taking
one-half the fuel of our cast Iron stove • also
for cleanliness it can not be surpassed: there Is
au ample supply of hot water at all times.
BINTON, PA., May, 20.1898.
We have been using a Home Comfort Range
for live vears and are pleased to say 11 gives en
tire satisfaction. We would not do without
ours; would recommend It to any one wishing a
ilrst-class range.
Wrought Iron Range Co,, St. Louis, Ho.
M-lt. '
Will offer this week some ■, 4 *
We are closing out some odd sizes at cost. Our line of Summer Serges is now complete.
e siEßSisaEs saIAV suß&t&assh"
Look elsewhere, then come to us and we will convince you that we will sell you goods that
will be satisfactory in price and quality. REMEMBER we are tailors. We can make
your Suit or sell you a ready to wear Suit. Our goods must fit and please you because we can
make them do so. DO NOT FORGET.
Townsend's Star Clothing House.
By virtue ot a writ ot Fl. Fa., Issued out,
ot the Court of Common Fleas of Columbia
county, Fa., and to me directed, there will he
exposed to public sale at the Court House In
Bloomsburg, Pa., on
at two o'clock p. m., all that certain lot, piece,
or parcel of land, situate In the Township of
Flshlngoreek, county and state aforesaid,
bounded und described as follows, to wit: Be
ginning at. a yellow pine, corner of land of John
Zaner and Kills s. Stoker; thence by land ol
said Ellis stoker north twelve and one-lialf de
grees west tlity-two porches to a chestnut oak;
thence by laud of William Ikeler north twenty
and three-fourth degrees east ilfty-rwo perches
10 a white oak stump; thence by the same
north eighty degrees east twelve ana six-tenths
perches ton stone in the road; thence by the
same south three and one-half degrees east,
nine and two-tenths perches to a stone In the
road; thence by the same south nine degrees
cast, three and one-tenths perches to a stouo
lu the road; thence by the same south nine
degrees east, three and one-tenths perches to
a stone Ui the road; thence by the same north
fifty-seven degrees eas r , fourteen und one-halt
perches to a white oak stump; tlience by the
same north forty-one degrees east two and
seven-tenths perches to a stone; thence by the
same north sixteen degrees east nve and seven
tenths perches to a post; thence by the same
north seventy-nine degrees east eight and one
half perches to a post, on the bank of tho
creek; thence by the land of John Zaner
south five degrees west thirty-seven and
three-tenths perches to a post; thence by
the same south six degrees west Hfty
nlne perches to a maple, gone (in the
creek); thence by the same north seventy-three
and one-tourth degrees west seventy and one
tenth perches to the place of beginning, con
and ninety perclies, strict measure, wUercon
are erected a
barn and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken In execution, at the suit ot W.
\V. Coleman vs. Phoebe Ellen Dewltt, and to be
sold as the property ot Phoebe Ellen Dewltt.
HKHKINU, Atty. Sheriff.
Estate of John Stngley, late of Slain Township,
Notice Is hereby given that letters of adminis
tration on the estate of John singley, late ot
Main township, deceased, have been granted to
the undersigned administratrix to whom all
persons Indebted to bald estate are requested
to make payments, and those having claims or
demands will make known the same without
delay to
SNYDEIt, Atty. Administratrix.
Good Value,
Best Styles.
Popular Prices.
Are the essential features of our care
fully selected Shoe Stock. Our 26
years experience and spot cash
buying enables us to furnish you
with the best there is for the
Our line of
is complete.
W. H. Moore.
Iry the COL VMB IAN a year.
Swarming with merchandise—that is the condition of this
oldest and largest of Bloonwburg's retail stores. With unlimi
ted industry anil patience, by the employment of the best skill
and the use ot a large capital, the unequaled stock now here
has been assembled. Attractions abound with the beginning
of each new week. Our store will tell when you come to it of
stuffs and goods that are the richest and most varied, and run
ning through all the store arc bargains to please the prudent.
Some Special Offers for This Week.
DRESS (100 OS.
15 pieces ot light weight and
light in collar, all wool, 38 in.
wide, goods we have sold all
season at 56c. Go this week
at 33c. per yd.
All wool bunting in Mack,
navy blue and cream, 38 in.
wide, 25c. per yd.
tor June graduates and June
brides, in Organdies, French,
Nansook, Persian,Lawns,Sheere
India linen, Piques and Dimi
ties in stripes and plaids. We
have made special special
prices for this week :
Organdies 36 in. wide, 15 and 25c.
per yard. 66 in. wide, 35c., 50c., 75c
and 95c. per yard.
French muslins, 45 in. wide, 45c.,
50c. and 60c. per. yd.
Persian Lawn, 38 in. wide, 28c.,
35c., 45c., 50c. and 65c. per yd.
India Linen from 7c. to 4oc.per yd.
Pique, 28 in wide, 14c., 16c., 18c.,
20c., 25c., 35c. to 50c. per yd.
Dimities from 10c. per yard to 30c.
per yard.
We offer this week four
special lots of cambric embroid
ery and two lots of Swiss emb.
Cambric embroidery, lot 1, sc. per yd.
" " " 2, roc. " "
" " 3, 12C. " "
" " " 4, 15c. " -
Swiss embroidery, lot 1, 14c. " "
. 2 < 2SC ~ .
40 —M—— 111
look: it oyer
See if you don't need a new pair of Shoes for dress or for
work, and then come here and examine goods and prices. Men's
solid, serviceable working and plow shoes at SI.OO and $1.25.
Dress shoes, wide and narrow toes, sl.lO, $1.25, $1.75.
These shoes for the quality and price is a saving to you of from
25c. to 50c. on each pair.
We invite the women and girls that wear sizeß 13,1, 2or
3to look at our job lot of shoes at 79c. Were sold at $2 and
$3. See them in front of store.
Schuyler's old hardware stand. URG
Special sale of muslin under
wear from June 15 to June 25.
Come in and see these iot.s. We
know they are marked low.
We want you to know.
Plain muslin goivn worth 50c. at 29c.
Good gown with inserting in yoke,
worth 65c. at 48c.
Sailor gown with inserting and Ham
burg at neck, worth $1.25, now 89c.
Fine gown with fine inserting and
embroidery in neck and sleeves, and
insertion in yoke, worth $1.40, now
Are very much in demand
these days, and we don't be
lieve you can afford to overlook
the exceptional values we are
offering in Swiss Nottingham,
Irish points and Brussel nets.
Window shades, curtain polls
and trimmings, sash rods, etc.,
all at dry goods prices.
We aim to furnish the best
quality possible for the least
Our grocery side is filled
with canned goods of all kinds.
Heinz' pickled goods of all
kinds, baked beans, tomato
soup. A full line of Chase &
Sanbourn's teas and coffees,
new potatoes, Bananas, lemons,
orauges, straw berries. Best
blended flour, any make you
want, $1.65, —50 lbs. Call and
see what else we can show you.