The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 02, 1898, Page 8, Image 8
8 SHOES! Newest Spring Styles for Men and Women, That are Worthy of Your Inspection. W.C. McKINNEY, No. 8 East Main Street. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Dun's Weekly Review of Trade. R. G. Dun & Company's weekly review of trade says : The nation faces war with reviving volume of business. The West is doing iu part and more, but at the East also the volume of business is now expanding. Without abatement in any important line the great outgo, of wheat and corn continues to stimu late business at the West, and rail road earnings show an increase over last year of 15.1 percent; in trunk lines, 8.8 per cent; in granger roads, 22.5 per cent., and in the other west ern roads, 14.6 per cent., while east bound shipments from Chicago in three weeks have been 3SS,SoB tons, against 150.812 last year, and 164,- 923 tons in 1892. This is largely because of the enor mous movement of breadstuff's. At lantic exports of wheat, flour, includ ed. have been 3,726,442 bushels for the week, against 1,536,607 last year, though Pacific exports were oniy 92,- 184 bushels against 134,855 last year. Wheat receipts at the West do not diminish, but run far ahead those of a year ago. Official and all other accounts agree in estimating that the wheat yield will be remarkably large this year. Starling this month with the great est consumption ever known the iron industry has made surprising progress in new orders, which reached about 100.00 ■ ions in bars alone. Heavy contract:, lor structural work amount during the week to at least 15,000 tons, with others reported at many westein (i ii-s. Plate contracts, out side of the heavy demand for the gov ernment, are very large, and include 5600 tons for ship yards in Glasgow and Belfast. Many structural and bridge contracts at the West are pend ing, with probability of large orders during the coming week. A better demand appears for textile goods, with slight advance in print cloths and a substantial gain in sales of staples. Wool sales during the week have been only 3,748,100 pounds, of which 2,489,100 were domestic, against i 6,842,400 a year ago, and 4,211,000 j' in the same week of 1892. The manu * facturers are largely supplied with materials, although some who have heavy government contracts are ob liged to buy different grades of wool than those they have in hand. Activity in the market is prevented by the fact that Western holders almost uni versally believe in higher prices than can yet be realized in Eastern mar kets, so that purchasings are very light. The silk mills are all busy and the coming linen manufacture is making a good record for itself. Failures for the week have been 245 in the United States, against 214 last year, and 21 in Canada, against 22 last year. The Drink a Mau Needs. The average man requires fifty nine ounces of food per day. He needs thirty-seven ounces of water for drinking, and in breathing he absorbs thirty ounces of oxygen. He eats as much water as he drinks, so much of that fluid being con tained in various foods. Iu order to supply fuel for running the body machine and to make up for waste tissue, he ought to swallow daily the equivalent of twenty ounces of bread, three ounces of potatoes, one ounce of butter and one quart of water. The body of a man weigh ing 154 pounds contains ninety-six pounds, or 46 quarts of water. It Was Bad Blood. "I had bad blood, and pimples broke out all over my face. I used everything I thought of, but nothing did me any good until I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. When I had taken a few bottles the pimples had all disappeared and my face was smooth." JOHN ZETOLER, 54r Straw berry Street, Lancaster, Pa. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Mailed for 25c. by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. If you want to km.w how much trouble S2OO can cause 111 this world, just have one of your neighbors pay that amount for a piano for one of his daughters. TOO MUOH FLUMMERY, In speaking of the citizen soldiers the Patriot of Harrisburg, says : "that if there was not so much poppycock in the regular army there would now be a much larger body of trained volunteer soldiery ready to march to the front, wherever that elusive bourne may be. And that the altogether groundless assumption of the superior ity of division surgeous over regi mental surgeons made the recruiting of raw men more frequent than was necessary. "The Patriot does not care what any self-opinionated regular army offi cer may say adversely about the National Guard of this State, for it is known to have been the finest body of citizen soldiery in the country and was ranked second to the regular army by regular army officers simply and only because these officers are in capable of believing the militia, as they always term the guardsmen, can possibly equal the regular army should it be drilled a thousand years and generated by St. Michael himself. The regular army officer cannot be blamed for this belief, for though he was not born that way, that is the way he was brought up. So, when reports came to friends of the guards men to the effect that regular army officers were of the opinion that the guard might be licked into shape in several weeks those friends knew the officers were merely airing their pre- j judices, tor not one of them would willingly exchange a company of lazy, gambling, drunken, quarreling and not especially well drilled regulars lor a company of efficient and gentleman ly volunteers who can and will fight anything on two legs. And as for drilling, brigade for brigade, the regu lar army can't beat our boys. "So, too, the division surgeous ap peared to think that in order to earn their salaries they must show little regard for the professional ability of regimental surgeons. Whether these division surgeons belong to the regu lar army or not makes no difference. A regular army surgeon doesn't know a particle more, either from theory or practice, than a competent surgeon who doesn't belong to the army. At Mt. Gretna men who were passed by the regimental surgeons were stood aside by the division surgeons. Con sequently a raw man had to take his place. This was bad for the com panies and regiments and bad for the Guard of this Slate, which has here tofore endured all sorts of exposure in the line of duty without more sick ness then the supposed picked body of men at Camp Hastings. "The cause of all this is not the in efficiency of the Guard nor the incap ability of the citizen soldiers, but the prejudice and the flummery of the regular army.'' LITERARY NOTES- In Honor of the President. President McKinley is to be given | the unique distinction of having a number of a woman's magazine named for him and piepared in his honor. The July Issue of The Ladle's Home Journal is to be called "The President's Number." It will show the President on horseback on the cover, with the President's new "flying flag" flying over him'; a new march by Victor Herbert is called "The President's March" ; the State De partment has allowed the magazine to make a direct photograph of the original parchment of the Declaration of Independence, while the Presi dent's own friends and intimates have combined to tell some twenty new and unpublished stories and anecdotes about him which will show him in a manner not before done. The cover will be printed in the National color?. Lilian Bell and the Czar. "Kodaks" are not permitted within sight of the Czar of Russia, and he is considered the most difficult man in all Europe to photograph. Lilian Bell, who is in Russia for The I.adie's Home Journal , pursuaded the Rus sian officials to allow her to be an ex ception to the rule, and she succeed ed in photographing the Czar so close that the Russian monarch jumped at the click of the button. Miss Bell will tell how she got her photograph, in the next issue of the Journal. Iry the COL VMB JAN a year. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. REMARKABLE YEAR OF TRADE -1898 Exceeds by Many Millions Any thing in the History ot the Nation. The Bureau of Statistics at Wash ington has just issued the statement of the country's foreign trade for April and for the ten months of the fiscal year, and the document makes a remarkable showing. The record has already been mentioned in tele graphic advices as the most remark able in the history of the United States. In the past ten months the country has sold and exported more than twice as much merchandise as it has bought front abroad. To be exact, the total merchandise exports for the ten montns were $1,025,426,- 681, while the imports were $511,- 181,t86, an excess of exports of $514,245,495. This is far ahead of anything of the sort in recent years. In 1892, which, like the present year, followed a per iod of crop failures abroad, the excess of exports over imports amounted to $202,875,686. Last year made a stdl more favorable showing, but the excess was only $287,813,144, where as for the present fiscal year it is es timated by the Bureau of Statistics the excess for the full twelve months ending with June will probably be $600,000,000. In eighty-five years prior to 1876 there were only sixteen years in which the exports exceeded the imports. Since 1876 there have been only three years in which the exports have not exceeded the imports, but never pre viously has the excess been half s(> great as that which the present year is expected to show. The year 1879, preceding a period of great prosperity, was a record one in our foreign trade for a long time, but the excess of ex ports over imports that year was but $264,661,000. For the ten months so far in the present fiscal year the exports of agri cultural products alone have been more than $100,000,000 in excess of those of the corresponding ten months of the preceding year, and they will exceed by many millions the agricul tural exports of any year in the coun try's history. The failure of the crops of foreign countries has resulted in the rushing out of immense quantities of our cereals to fill depleted granar ies abroad. While exports have in creased, imports have decreased. The resulting immense favorable trade balance conservative predictions agree can mean but one thing—prosperity to this country. No Tax on Bicycles. The Supreme Court has handed down a decision affirming the opinion of Judge Morrison in the case of Densmore et al. vs. City of Erie. The city of Erie passed an ordi nance taxing bicycles $1 each. The League of American Wheelmen con tested the enforcement of the ordi nance. Judge Morrison, sitting spec ial, decided against the city. An ap peal was taken to the Supreme Court and a decision was given. The Supreme Court holds that bi cycles used in the streets are vehicles and are entitled to the same right as carriages drawn by horses. That owners of bicycles have an indefeasi ble right to use the streets for their bicycles subject only to such reason able and uniform restrictions and reg ulations as can be imposed as a police regulation for the safety and comfort of the public. That said ordinance of the city of Erie is not a uniform police regulation and in no sense tends to insure the comfort and safety of the public. That said ordinance under the pre tense of being a police regulation is in its legal effect an ordinance taxing bicycles for revenue. That such or dinance is, therefore, illegal, unconsti tutional and void. At a camp meeting held down south recently, according to an exchange, the preacher in charge of the services, during the course ot his remarks touched on the war with Spain, and stopping suddenly in his sermon called out to an old colored brother in the congregation : "Br'er Williams, I'm gwine ter ax you ter get right down on yo' knees en pray fer de success er de American arms !"' Br'er Williams got down immediate ly and in the course of his petitions he said : "Oh, Lawd, he'p de American arms ; an' Lawd, whilst you lookin' after de arms, take keer er de legs too ! Don't ferget de legs, good Lawd ; kaze we gwine need 'em ter run wid ! Take de arms, ef yu must, but—spare de legs, Lawd, spare de legs 1" G. A. R ENCAMPMENT, OIL CITY- Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania Railroad. For the Annual Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, De partment of Pennsylvania, to be held at Oil City, Pa., June 8 ar.d 9, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from stations in Pennsylvania on June 4 to 8, to Oil City and return, at rate of single far? for round trip , good to return until June 11, inclusive. The Record of Oervera. These are the triumphant points of strategy that the incomparably clever Cervera has scored since he came over to this side with his fly ing squadron : Bottled himself up. Got into a trap. Sailed into a jug. Caught in a box. Committed suicide. Blundered. Lost his head. Lost his squadron. Lost his reputation. All this by sailing into the land locked harbor of Santiago from whence he cannot emerge except into the maw of the terrible squad ron that Schley is cruising back and forth before the narrow en trance to the harbor. Great is Cervera in all that goes to make greatness in the eyes of doting Spaniards. Great in stupidity, egotism and blindness. Great in folly, recklessness and ignorance. And this is the chap all America was praising a few days ago as a master of the science of nautical maneuvering. "Well, Sam, were you in the fight?'' inquired an officer of a darkie soldier who sat warming his shins beside the stack of a Mississippi steamboat dur ing the Civil war. "No, sah," replied Sam, "I runs." "Ah! but that was not honorable," said the officer. "Dat may all be, boss" said Sam, "but honor wouldn't be wut anything to a dead nigger." Around Frederick, Md. the name Schley is pronounced like the word "sly"—not like "slay," or "sleigti." The Commodore now so much talked about hails from the Frederick region. He is "Sly" of the Fly-ing Squadron —not "Slay" of the Flay-ing fleet, although he will probably take part in the flaying of the Dons. Cramp's Contract. The contract recently made by Charles H. Cramp with the Russian government turns out to be much more comprehensive than was at first supposed. Instead of merely building two big battleships the firm will also add a fleet of ten torpedo boats to the Czar's navy. The total sum involved in the con tract is said to besis,ooo,ooo. The ships are to be hurried through as quickly as possible. It is said that the contract for the guns has already been given to the Bethlehem Iron Company. THE MERRY JESTER. ' Gordon: What's worrying you? Edwards: You know that girl—thAt Miss Wilbur —I met at the seashore? Gordon: Yes, I suppose she wants to ignor the engagement now, doesn't she? Edwards: No, by George, she insists that she entered into it in good faith, and I haven't saved enough even to buy a dress suit. Curses on these funny men!— Chicago News. "A Pittsburg woman wants a divorce because her husband kicks when she goes through his pockets." • "Probably he's mad because she doesn't find anything."—Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Samson," urged one of his advisers, "what's the use? Even if you should take that ass's jawbone and clean oul the whole Philistine army you never could make Bob Ingersoll believe you did it." "Nevertheless," replied Samson, grasping the weapon more firmly, "this ja\v will outlive Boh lugersoll's jaw in history." And a moment later he sailed into the enemy with the result now known to everybody.—Chicago Tribune. "As I came home in the shower," re marked Mr. Murry Hill, "I saw Miss Homewood out with, her rainy day cos tume on." "Oh, tell me all about it," replied Mrs. Murry Hill, eagerly. "I am deeply Interested In rainy day costumes." "Well, I can't tell you very much, for I noticed nothing especially except her heliotrope stockings." Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. Note What People Say. RAVEN CBBEK, PA., Kay 19, im. This is to certlly that wo have used the Home Comfort Range for live years, and will say that It Is perfect In eveiy respect. It has no equal as a baker. We consider It by far the cheapest, range any one can buy, as it. has already saved Its price in fuel. Will say to my neighbors buy one and be convinced. Respectfully, Mk. & Mus. C. E. AI.ISEKTSON, MII.ES W. MOBS, ELIZA PHti-LIRS. This is to certify that having used the Home Comfort Range for five years we can cheerfully recommend It to any one as being the best cooking apparatus we ever bad. We tlud It a perleot baker and cooker, a great luel saver, and would not part with It. MB. M. Moss, Mossvllle, Pa. MRS. EI.UA 11 HESS, Elk drove, Pa. FAIRMOCNT SPRINGS, PA., May, l, 18'JN. We purchased ono of the Home comfort Ranges live yenia ago and an-pleased to -a.v It gives entire sat Israel Ion; for heat ing and bak ing It 1 superior to all other ranges, It taking one-half the fuel ofonrcus' Iron stove; also for cleanliness It can not be surpassed; there Is an ample supply of hot wutet at all limes. MRS. MARTUA SUTLIFF, MR. O. W. HESS, MR. & MRS. ,F. N. PENNINGTON. MR. U. W. SCTLIEI . BENTON, PA., May, 20. 189 S. We have been using a Home Couifon Range for nve vears and are pleased 10 say II glvs re tire satisfaction. We would not do without ours: would recommend it to any one wishing a tlrso-class range. MR. &. MRS. P. M. VERDINK, MR. A MRS. MARTIN ALBERTSON. I Wrought Iron Range Co., St. Louis. Mo. I 6-SMt. • READING SESQtJI-OENTENNIAL- Roducca Ratos via Pennsylvania Railroad. For the' Reading, Pa., Sesqui Cen tennial Jubilee, June 5 to 12, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from stations on its lines 'n the State of Pennsylvania to Reading and return at reduced rates. For specific rates and condi tions apply to Ticket Agents. This celebration promises to be one of the greatest events in the city's history. Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, June 6, 8, and 9, will be special days. The celebration will close with a grand masked carnival on Saturday night, June 12. 2t. Married. At Orangeville May 26th 1898 by Rev. N. B. Smith, Mr. Frank Seybert and Miss Nora Creasy, both of Mt. Pleasant Twp. Col. Co. Pa. THE BROADWAY 0 JUNE PRICES Force lively trading when money saving is clearly shown. All departments represented in one econom ical offering—not the accu mulation of old stock, but the best of merchandise, fresh from the manufacturer and importer, bought at prices far below actual worth. White enamel curtain poles with fixtures complete, 20c ea Felt window shades, 10c ea Oil cloth window shades, 20c ea Oil cloth window shades, trim med with lace and fringe, 48c Wood curtain poles with brass trimmings complete, 19c ea. 10 fi. poles for Portieres, 35c ea Stove brushes, 8, 13c ea Shoe brushes, 10, 15, 25c ea Hammocks, 48, 98c ea Hammock hooks, 4c ea White India Linen, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20c yd. Buggy whips, 8, 10, 25 to 45c ea Toilet clippers, 62c ea Fishing tackle, full line. Perforated wood chair seats, 4c each. Grass shears, 15c pair Hosiery, full lines, all new. Fans, large variety, ic to $2.75 Ladies' Waists and Skirts, Rib bons, Gloves and Neckwear, Flowers and Laces in profus ion, all new. Agency for Butterick Patterns. June styles ncAv ready. Kespeotfully Submitted to the Jash Trade Only by m BROADWAY M STDBG, Moyer's New Building, Main Street, BLOOMSBURG. SHOES (hod Value, Beet Styles. Popular Prices. Are the essential features of our care fully selected Shoe Stock. Our 26 years experience and spot cash buying enables us to furnish you with the best there is for the money. Our line of raBEBWEAR and HOSIERY is complete. W. H. Moore. Cor.. SECOND AND IKON STS. Bloomsburg. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONK AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE JONAS LONG'S SONS' WEEKLY GHATS. WII.KES-BARRE, PA., Thursday, May 26th, IS9S. GREAT Half-Yearly Sale OF HUSLIN AND CAHBRIC ..UNDERWEAR.. Consisting of thousands of the choicest, daintiest and well made garments from an eminent manu facturer at ABOUT HALF PRICE. Never before have prices been so low to meet the demands of women who welcome money-saving oppor tunities. All the garments are fresh, pure and clean; -carefully made, properly finished. Rare designs in Corset Covers; exclusive ideas in night gown ; Chemises in the ordinary and full skirt lengths; Drawers perfect in cut with sweep ing frills liberally trimmed; every thing is just like home-made, the most elaborate styles, priced amazingly cheap and ruled by good taste in the making of every lot. DO NOT MISS 'IT. Drawers—Fine quality muslin Drawers, yoke bands, with deep hemmed tucks, 12c. Corset Covers, made of Cambric, trimmed with neat embroidery, V, square and high neck, I2j^c. Drawers, trimmed with deep cambric ruffle, deep hem and tucks, yoke band and large full sizes, 19c. Corset Covers, trimmed with fine embroider,', low and V neck, made of fine cambric, 19c. Skirts, trimmed with cambric ruffle and tucks, 29c. Drawers, with deep ruffle of embroidery and lace, hem and tucks, 29c. Corset Covers, of fine quality cambric, trimmed with fine em broidery and inserting, 29c. Night Gowns, trimmed with in serting, yoke and tucks, with deep embroidery and ruffle, high, V and Empire style, 39c. Skirts, cambric ruffle, trimmed with tucks and deep hem, 39c. Drawers trimmed with lawn ruffle and inserting, also lace and embroidery trimmed, 39c. Corset Covers with rows of tucks and inserting, trimmed with fine embroidery, 39c. Skirts, with lawn hemstitched ruffle and deep ruffle of em broidery, 49c. Night Gowns, trimmed with fine embroidery, inserting and lace, 49c. Drawers, deep embroidery ruffle and tucks, lace and inserting, umbrella shape, 49c. # Corset Covers, trimmed with fine lace, embroidery, tucks and inserting, 49c. Night Gowns, trimmed with embroider}', lace and inserting, 59c. Skirts, deep embroidery ruffle, trimmed with Point de Paris lace and tucks, 59c. Drawers, made of cambric, trim med with deep inserting and em broidery ; also lace inserting and beading, 59c. Night Gowns, trimmed with rows of inserting, lace embroidery, 79c. Skirts, with deep cambric in serting and tucks; also Torchon Lace and Inserting, 79c. No such chance has ever before been offered to women of Wilkes- Bar re and vicinity to buy the handsomest undergarments you've ever worn at a positive giving of three pieces for the price usually asked for one. Is this an induce ment? It certainly should be; thousands of women, wise in know ing what is good underwear, will thank the good fortune that has brought them such elegancies so low, and will be quick to supply their summer needs. LARGEST, FINEST, CHEAPEST, UNDER GARMKNT COLLECTION EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY.