The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 02, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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&\xt Columbia gmonnt,
Bloomsburg, the County scat of Columbia
county, Pennsylvania.
TERMS:—lnside the county SI.OO a year ID ad
vance; 11.50 It not paid In advance outside
he county, $1.25 a year, strictly In advance,
ill communications should be addressed to
Bloomsburg, Pa.
North Side, Second term.
of Bloomsburg.
of Bloomsburg.
of Bloomsburg.
of Catawissa.
(South Side)
Catawissa Township.
of Bloomsburg.
"President McKinley has disap
pointed his best friends, not only in
the Republican but the Democratic
party, who expected that the chief
magistrate, who is a veteran of the
civil war, would not only he patrio
tic enough but evidence the wisdom
of appointing to important military
posts men who were in every way
qualified by practice and theory to
fill the positions, and not make the
present war an occasion to give fat
berths to the sons of politicians and
rich men who, by civil service
rules, were debarred from govern
ment positions since the change in
the administration under Cleveland.
It is not to be wondered that Mr.
McKinley is being censured by the
newspapers. The country impera
tively needs the services of the most
competent, the most experienced,
and the best drilled men for the
conduct of the war with Spain.
Upon the efficiency or inefficiency
of the officers no\Y being appointed
depends the loss or the saving of
thousands of lives, the needless
prolongation or the speedy ending
of the war. We agree with a con
temporary, that a course of conduct
which is in any case an offense
against the first principles of honest
government becomes magnified in
to the proportions of what cannot
be correctly designated otherwise
than as a crime. If a man were to
supply our battleships with defec
tive armor, or our soldiers with
clothing or shoes made of poor
material, everybody would at once
pronounce him, at a time like this,
not only a rascal, but a traitor ; and,
were it not for the indifference that
is bred of habit, we should pro
nounce it just as treasonable to ap
point to a military post an incom
petent person for the sake of satis
fying political "claims," as to fur
nish the army or navy with defec
tive supplies for the sake of an in
crease of money profits.''
The people of the United States
who have been anxiously watching
the movements, and patiently wait
ing for some real news from the
fleets commanded by Schley and
Sampson, are 110 doubt very eager
to hear the facts concerning the re
ported attack of the enemy at Santi
ago by Commodore Schley, which
is said to have occurred Tuesday
afternoon. We would advise our
readers not to put too much confi
dence in news which finds its way
into the daily papers in such times
as these, as the greater part of it is
unofficial and misleading. It seems
very improbable that Schley, know
ing as he does how the harbor is
mined would attempt to force an
entrance, and run the risk of being
totally destroyed unless he had full
knowledge of the working of the
mines. Of course, feats even as
daring, have been accomplished.
However, we will wait its con
The invasion of the Island of Cuba
has practically begun and from now
on the Spaniards will be given an
illustration of the vast difference be
tween an unarmed lot of Cubans and
a well eqnipped army of Ameiican
Industrial Depression Resulting From Legis
lation Hostile to Labor Interests.
A calm and careful review of the
progress of the various influences at
work molding the destiny of this repu
blic leads toward optimistic conclu
sions. When all things are consider
ed, there is nothing that should be
discouraging in the obstinate stupidity
of a considerable portion of the mass
es whose political bribe is a subsidized
gold standard organ, or who at every
election think they drive shrewd bar
gains in exchanging their birthright
for messes of pottage. Not totally im
penetrable is the present gloom on
account of industrial depressions,
caused by corrupt legislation, hostile
to labor interests, although it will con
tinue to hover around, with varying
density, as long as the people choose
public servants who treacherously be
come subject to the control of the
class that is striving to thoroughly
establish, for all time to come, a
plutocracy to be supported in luxury
by the interest on bonds always to be
refunded and never to be paid at
maturity. I think I can show why,
writes A. A. Rcnshaw, in the Mis
sissippi Valley Democrat. The plain
truth, which was temporarily obscured
in 1896 by the subsidized press and
politicians and the muzzled preachers
and professors, is bound by natural
laws to rise again triumphant. It is
not strange that in that year a colossal
campaign fund was able to success
fully darken counsel with words of
deceit. Although the lines were
sharply drawn between the people
and their plunderers as never before
since Andrew Jackson's day, yet the
confusion incident to a hurried, and,
for many voters, novel agitation, pre
vented a cohesion of reform forces.
However, there was a signal disinte
gration of the cement of party pre
judice and a separation of right and
[wrong, so that now, in the calm in
terim between quadrennial election
there is steadily taking place, a re
crystallization, in which affinities arc
inevitably drawn together—the h nest
unselfish and patriotic on one side,
and the corrupt, greedy and pluto
cratic 011 the other side. It is not a
division between the rich and poor
for some of the fonner aio true blue
patriots, while many of the latter pro
fess admiration for corrupt practices,
claiming it is tlr- smartest man who
can sell for the highest price. Surely
there can be no doubt as to the result
of a test at the polls between two such
opposing forces unless the people are
woefully ignorant of the issue. In
spite of the deeplaid schemes of the
dealers in unearned increments, the
course of the present administration
has unmasked the hypocritical pre
tensions of the St. Louis platform
makers, and muffled tones of un
muzzled truth are even now and then
heard amid the din of the Republican
scramble for spoils. Up to the time
when the Cuban question overshadow
ed everything else, there has been at
Washington so conspicuous an exhibi
tion of corrupt greed that he who runs
may read the handwriting on the wall.
The president's cabinet (with Hanna
on the side) is largely made up of
repulsive types of fin de siecle pluto
crats, which, the Creator be praised,
will fade away with the century, and
it compromises representatives of
various forces that threaten the stabili
ty of the republic. The attorney
general is the undisguised champion
of corporate tyranny; the secretary
of the treasury represents the respec
table church, unconscious of the in
sidious encroachments of Mammon,
the name of the secretary of state is
the synonym of cold, calculating
treachery, and our own assistant secre
tary of the interior represents that
numerous class of Republicans who
stifle their honest convictions for pie.
I cannot conceive the possibility of an
aggregation of evil, such as the Repu
blican party has developed into, being
indorsed this year or in 1900 by the
people, unless Ahitophels dominate in
the counsels of the three opposing
parties. Since the plutocrats are de
termined to establish a public indebt
edness, the principal of which is to be
handed down through all future
generations, the people ought to have
enough Anglo-Saxon spirit to say:
"If necessary, so be it. But in that
case we will take care that we will be
the creditors, and will take the debt
in denominations of from one dollar
to fifty dollars and charge no interest.
We see the absurdity of paying idle
ness for the privilege of drawing upon
the products of our own labor."
Not a few of the partisan news
papers are engaged in an effort to
ascertain Dewey's political preler
ences. Politics do not enter into the
case at all, and the United States
cares nothing about it. Dewey is a
better American by far than the politi
cal hucksters who attempt to make
political capital out of everything, war
not excepted. It we had more
Deweys and fewer political chess
board players the country would I e
far better off.
William J. Bryan has organized a
third Regiment of Nebraska Volun
teers. The Governor last week issued
him a commission as Colonel.
Garman Eoplies to M'Ulure.
••Aleck" the Spotted Leopard of State
State Chairman Garman has made
the following reply to an "editorial"
that appeared in the Philadelphia
"Times" of Friday :
"In the first place, no statement
contained in the Philadelphia "Times"
in any way affects any good Democrat
in Pennsylvania. The Philadelphia
"Times" has not learned that its in
fluence, either for good or evil, is en
tirely gone. Aleck McClure has
been the spotted leopard of Penn
sylvania politics. Starting in life as a
Whig, carrying on his depredations
as a republican, becoming one of the
most bloodthirsty of the southern car
pet-baggers, assuming the role of an
independent, and finally undertaking
to become an adviser ot Democracy,
he now, like the crippled rattlesnake,
bites himself m the intensity of his
rage because all men of all parties see
through the shiftiness and shiftlessness
of his political character, and have no
respect whatever either for him or the
organ of which he is the reputed head.
"Being without a party and without
apparently political friends, except as
some special interest may attach peo
ple temporarily to him, McClure has
become the Ishmacl of modern poli
tics, and the "Times" is the Bedouin's
dirty rag which is all that is left for
him to wave, in defiance, at political
foes created by his own lively imagi
As to the Democratic convention from
the 4th legislative district of this
county is concerned, I had nothing to
do with it whatever, except to ask
James A. Sweeney, who has been for
two years an assistant in the Demo
cratic headquarters, to use all his best
efforts to avoid such conflict as might
affect the election of a Democratic
representative to the legislature from
that district. The trouble with the
1 hiladelphia "Times" is that its
politics are of such a character that
neither the Democratic party, as a
party, nor any individual in the party,
would like to undertake to follow its
advice or lead. If the Philadelphia
"Times" had ever been a Democratic
organ, the liberal reward that it re
ceives in the way of sheriff's adver
tisements for its delivery of the Dem
ocratic party to Crow for Sheriff,
would be sufficient warning to any
good Democrat to avoid the advice of
the "Times" as he would avoid a pest
"As to his assault upon what he
pleases to call the ' Revolutionary
Chicago Platform,' I desire to say
that it is to the everlasting credit of
the Democratic party that Chicago
platform did not meet the approval
of the McClures and other political
sharks of his kind. It is said that
men may sometimes become so vile
as to hate themselves, and I think
that politically this is true of
and his "Times". There never has
been in so far as the Democratic
state central committee is concerned,
an organization composed of cleaner
and more reputable young men than
now coustitutes that organization.
"I can say cheerfully that it is my
belief that the Democratic party will
prosper best when it refuses to have
anything to do with suggestions from
the Philadelphia "Times" or its editor.
In conclusion I will say that I for one
am proud of the Chicago platform and
of the record of the Democracy upon
that platform, and am willing to stand
or fall with it."
Columbia county has presented no
candidate for Congress on the Repu
blican side of the house. It is said
that there will be no candidates in
Montour Co. Sullivan Co. will have
a candidate named Jenkins. In the
district conference Northumberland
county has five votes, Columbia four,
Montour three and Sullivan two; a
total of fourteen votes. Eight votes
are necessary to a choice and it looks
as it our townsman, John Packer
Haas, would be the nominee, as he
starts with the five votes of this
county.—Sunbury Daily.
Poisoned Blood
Disagreeable Itching Spread All'
Over HIS Body-Sleep Disturbed-
Hood's Sarsaparllla Drove Out
the Poison and Cured.
"I have been poisoned every summer
for years. Last summer the poison came
out on me worse than ever before. I
would frequently be awakened during the
night by the itching. I would scratch
myself, but Instead of being relieved the
trouble spread to different parts of my
body. I tried various remedies which
people recommended to me, but none of
tbem ever helped me. I made up my
mind the poison could not be cured un
til my blood was pure and then I decided
to take Hood's Sarsaparllla. While tak
ing the firßt bottle I felt relieved from tho
itching. I kept on taking the medicine
and It has entirely oured me. I am now
on my fourth bottle and I can sleep
soundly at night." WILLIAM RAN, 3120
Westmont Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Rest—ln fact the One True Blood Purifier.
AU druggists. $1; six for |S. Oet only Hood's.
Ij rails- cure liver Ills; easy to
HOOd S PIIIS take, easy to operate. 2Sc.
S H &m Bnw B h I*a
The day we honor our soldier dead is near at hand.
Cover them with flowers, deck them with garlands,
those brothers of ours. How is your Grand Army Suit ?
Is it worn or shabby or faded ? If so,
And examine our all wool pure indigo G. A. R. Suit at
SLATER WOOLEN CO. Warranted Pure Wool and Fast Color.
These goods are made under special supervision for us
and are our Leaders, and are now for sale at
Townsend's Star Clothing House.
The Republican State Conven
tion, will convene at Harrisburg to
day. The indications are that
William A. Stone will be nomi
nated for Governor on the first
ballot. The party boss from Beat er
lias made up liis slate, which will
probably go through. It is as fol
lows :
Governor —W. A. Stone, Alle
Lieutenant Governor—J. P. S.
Gobin, Lebanon.
Secretary of Internal Affairs—
James W. Latta, Philadelphia.
Congress-at-large —Galusha A.
Grow, Susquehanna ; Samuel A.
Davenport, Erie.
Superior Court Judge—William
Porter, Philadelphia.
Quay gave his orders and left
Harrisburg this morning for Wash
Wannamaker will continue the
fight. He says the ticket is a weak
one and will invite defeat.
Pennsylvania Railroad 1898 Summer Ex
cursion Route Book.
On June i the Passenger Depart
ment of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will issue the 1898 edition
of its Summer Excursion Route Book.
This work is designed to provide the
public with short descriptive notes of
the principal Summer resorts of East
ern America, with the routes for
reaching them, and the rates of fare.
There are over four hundred resorts
in the book to which rates are quoted,
and over fifteen hundred different
routes or combinations of routes. It
is compiled with the utmost care, and
altogether is the most complete and
comprehensive handbook of Summer
travel ever offered to the public.
It is bound in a Jfrandsome and
striking cover, in colors, and contains
several maps, presenting the exact
routes over which tickets are sold. It
is also profusely illustrated with fine
half-tone cuts of scenery at the various
resorts and along the lines of the
Pennsylvania Railroad.
On and after June 1 it may be pro
cured at any Pennsylvania Railroad
ticket office at the nominal price of
ten cents, or, upon application to the
general office, Broad Street Station,
by mail for twenty cents.
We have received the iatest sample
book of society address cards and are
prepared to supply cards with beauti
ful designs and in great variety to
Masons ot all degrees,. Odd Fellows,
Knights of Malta, Knights of the Gol
den Eagle, Junior O. U. A. M.,
G. A. R., Union Veteran League,
Sons of Veterans, Royal Arcanum,
P. O. S. of A. Also cards for Fire
men, Christian Endeavors and many
other organizations. Call and see
samples. tf.
Quick Communication
Facilitates Business.
and Communicate.
Direct with persons in Berwick, Cata
wissa, Danville, Riverside, Rupert,
Willow Grove, Almedia, Lightstreet,
Lime Ridge, Mifflinville, Millville,
Rohrsbnrg, Nescopeck, Orangeville,
Stillwater and Benton. Also long
distance lines to nearly all the towns
in the different States. Rates reason
able. Local exchange over Postoffice.
HElib To Do Your Shopping.
Where there is plenty of light and air ; where stock is new and
Iresh with constant replenishing from America's and Europe's
leading manufacturers. Salespeople are careful and courteous,
goods tire shown willingly, and iu all there's a home-like air
about the establishment that makes a shopper feel comfortable
when visiting here
Of everything in lJry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Wraps and
Suits If the prices weren't right, the store wouldn't keep
growing as rapidly as it does. Will we see you during your
vis-sit to Bloomsburg this week ?
Towels and
The best cotton toweling 4c yd
Steven's all linen crash, 18 in.
wide, 7c per yard.
Steven's all linen crash, 21 in.
wide, 10c per yard.
Fine bleached all linen crash,
18 in. wide, 9c per yard.
Fine bleached all linen crash,
18 in. wide, 10c per yard.
Fine bleached all linen crash,
18 in. wide, 12}/£c per yard.
Fine all linen checked Glass
Toweling, with good edge
that will not need hemming,
at 11c per yd.
Towels at prices that will sur
prise you.
White Goods.
We have never shown as
complete a lot of White Goods
as we have now.
Sheer India Linens at 7, 9, 12,
14,16, 22, 25, 30, 35, 40c
per yard.
We will sell two lots of Blended Flour on
Wednesday. Thursday and Friday of this week
for $1.63 for a 50 lb. sack.
street. NEW SHOE STORE. | 10.
look: it oyer
See if you don't need a new pair of Shoes for dress or for
work, and then come here and examine goods and prices. Men's
solid, serviceable working and plow shoes at SI.OO and $1.25.
Dress shoes, wide and narrow toes, sl.lO, $1.25, $1.75.
These shoes for the quality and price is a saving to you of from
25c. to 50c. on each pair.
We invite the women and girls that wear sizes 13,1, 2or
3to look at our job lot of shoes at 79c. Were sold at $2 and
$3. See them in front of store.
Schuyler's old hardware stand. BILt©C?M>fS^RURG'
Persian Lawns, 28, 35, 45, 50,
65c per pard.
French Muslins, 45, 50, 60c
per yard.
Orgaudies, 15, 25,50,75,95 c
per yard.
A small lot of printed China
silks, 24 in. wide, some are
light and some dark, worth 70c
per yard, go this week at 56c.
We have them in light
shades, cream, light blue, pink
and red, 38 in. wide, as good a
quality as we can buy, $1.20
per yard.
We put on sale this week a
big lot of new ribbous in every
kind you can think of.
Double faced sateen, 6 in. wide
75c per yd.
Plain taffeta in all the new
shades, worth 60c, at 30c a
Plaids and stripes in all colore
and widths at prices that will
suit you.