The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 02, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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nmslinell's Invention I>l<l but I.IMli
Dulling* ut That Time liut It Can Wei
be Claimed as the I'lithcr of All Moilert
I Submarine Warfare.
It is a long step in the developmcnl
of invention from a tiny tea-kettle buz
zing on the grate with the force of its
escaping steam, to the modern locomo
tive with Its powerful driving wheels
and train of freight cars. Tho im
provements in submarine warfare liavs
hid quite as wide a range and as in
teresting a history from the primitive
herring kegs charged with gunpowdei
to the modern submarine torpedo boal
which dives tinder water, and carrying
Its deadly charge in any direction re
quired. sends the mightiest mau-of-wai
with ail its turrets and barbettes spin
ning into the air.
And as tho idea of the locomotive
was first, taken from the domestic ket
tle, so that of the torpedo was devel
oped from tho common beer or herring
keg. The "Battle ot the Kegs" is little
known but one of the most decidedly
interesting in American history. It wae
one in which the British were worsted
after that famous ferrying party in
which Washington crossed the Dela
ware and was one of the most amusing
and facetious incidents of the entire
Revolutionary war. It was also the
first real battle in which the torpedo
ever figured, if a keg charged with gun
powder to be exploded by contact, and
floated down the stream towards which
the British lay, could he called a tor
pedo. And yet such was the first tor
pedo and the father of all modern sub
marine warfare.
"The Battle of the Kegs" was fought
Jan. 7, 1778, in the Delaware River,
when four Britishers were killed and
several others wounded. The Kegs
would have been given a better account
of themselves only that for some rea
son the British merchantmen that wera
anchored in the river moved close to
shore, otherwise the kegs would have
played havoc to the British shipping.
Whenever the kegs came in contact
with any obstruction It promptly went
skywards and the repetition of this
then strange phenomena, so terrified
the British Admiral that he ordered
some boa's to be manned and a picked
detachment of marines to go forward
and suppress this strange uprising ol
water and stones and flames. One
witty Quaker, who viewed the scene
from shoro remarked that "The infer
nal regions must have opened thbir
windows in order to enable the King's
troops to escape from the merciless fire
of Washington's sharpshooters." As
soon as the detachment pulled theii
boats over the floating buoys to which
the Iters were attached, they exploded
kili'ug four men and wounaing several
The Hon. Francis Hopklnson, the
father of the author of "Hail Colum
bia" and of "Columbians all the Pres
ent Hour." and who was himself a na
tional bard of no small fame, thus com
memorates the incident In these stir
ring stanzas:
The soldiers flew, the sailors, too.
And scared almost to death. Sir.
Wore out. their shoes and spread the
Running till out of breath. Sir.
"Arise, Arise!" Sir Ersklne cries:
The rebels, more's the pity.
Without a boat are all afloat , Tj'g
And ranged before the city."
The royal band now ready stand
All ranged In dead array. Sir,
With stomach stout to see tt out
And make a blood day, Sir.
Such feats did they perform that day.
Among those wicked kegs, Sir,
That years to come, when they gel
They'll bay and boast and bray. Sir
The unusually sober, and digni
fied Philadelphians were like In
dians around a ghost dance thai
day. When the alarm of th
first explosion spread the whole city
was In confusion. The British sol
diers ran from their shelters to theli
assigned places of muster and both
city and river was filled with such an
appalling and unearthly noise that il
really seemed as if the bottomless pit
had burst its crusted roof and spal
flame and sulphur into the skies. The
surface of the water was placid save
for some blocks or floating ice which
however, concealed the buoys, and
such a thing as a possibility of ex
plosive beneath the water was at the
time as unheard of as the ticker or th 6
The kegs were charged wltii gunpow
der and had a wad of wood separating
the explosive and a charge of stones
and scrap Iron overhead which was
just far enough below the surface to
effect concealment and at the same
time to do real Injury as well as make
a grand spectacular demonstration
when exploded. A spring lock set off
this crude torpedo of 120 years ago.
The Inventor was one David Bushnell",
and tne season why more havoc was
not then accomplished, was, he says
himself, because the pilot In the Dela
ware was Imperfectly acquainted with
that part of the river In which the
shipping Icy. These kegs being placed
under cover of darkness were floated
too far from the ships, the distance at
night having greatly deceived Bushnell
and his frler.ds. They set them adrift
with the ebb of the tide but much too
distant, and they did not, arrive until
after being caught in the lco, thus ex
ploding after tha ships had raised an
chor and in most cases In widely dis
peiccil directions causing less damage
than the revolutionary leaders intend
However, Bushnell's Invention vai
tried with greater effect against King
George's Man-of-War Cerberus. While
'.his vessel was lying at anchor some
of the seamen observing a line towing
astern, and thinking it a mere fishing
iiuo commenced vigorously hauling in,
I if cling confident that they had nothing
ti less dimensions than a baby wfialo
at least, on the hook end. When the
sailors had about fifteen fathoms of the
line hauled in they were astonished
to find that It was buoyed up at reg
ular intervals by little hits of sticks,
the necessity of these devices in fish
ing were not apparent to the English
men but nothing daunted and with a
hee-haw the British tars kept towing
the anticipated whale. Suddenly the
refrain of tho seamen ceased and they
found a machine which was much too
heavy for two men to haul up. "It can
not have been a whale," thought they,
"though it may he the very devil him
:elf," as they puiled the peculiar con
trivance cn board. It weighed up
wards of five tons, and ail hnr.ds wevo
called to vet It upon deck. Command
er Symonds who commanded the Cer
berus was a little apprehensive that it
was "another trick of those damned
rebel Yankees" but nevertheless feeling
it a rich find that was destined to be
gazed on for ages in the British Mu
eoum. he. like a brave disciple of Drake
and Cook, ordered the strange nugget
to be examined with a mixture of feel
ing begotten half of fear and half of
fatal curiosity. The whale instantly
took breath, shooting a volume of
flame and smoke into the Captain's
face, killing three men and throwing a
fourth into the water. One of the
ship's boats was also blown from the
davits. There was consternation upon
the deck of the Cerberus and for two
days at least the British sailors flut
tered in quite as awful terror as had
the the Philadelphians. Commodore
Symonds at once sat down to solemnly
write a heavy report to the British
Admirality not to haul In any more
whales "filled with that kind of com
bustible that burns though in tho wa
Captain Symond's report concludes
thus—"The mode these villains must
have taken to have swiftered the ship
was to row oft on the stream a con
siderable distance leaving ono of their
internals on shore and floating the oth
er end at the distance of the line. From
the quantity we have got aboard, near
ly 70 fathoms, and what the men saved,
which was upwards of 150 fathoms
more, there must have been nearly 300
fathoms in all. They at the length of
this line put the other In the water
and left It for the tide to float down.
As the Ingenuity of these people is sin
gular In their secret modes of mis
chief. and as I presume this is their
first essay I have though It indispensa
bly my duty to give you the earliest in
formation of the circumstances to pre
vent the like fatal accident happening
to any of the advanced ships that may
possibly be swiiteitd in the same man
Such was the first use and the first
ofllelal report ever made upon the tor
pedo in submarine warfare.
Mnn Is Condensed Air.
Liebig, the greatest chemist of the
century, writes: "Science has dem
onstrated the fact that man, the be
ing who performs the greatest won
ders, is formed of condensed air and
solidified and liquid gases; that he
lives upon condensed as well as un
condensed air; and that, by means of
the same mysterious agent, he moves,
or causes to be moved, the heaviest
quaint little egg-men to accomplish
weights with the velocity of the
"But the strangest part of the mat
ter is that thousands of millions of
these tabernacles of condensed air are
destroying each other in pitched bat
tles, using implements which are but
other forms of condensed air, the m'
terial of which they themselves are
formed or composed.
"Chemistry supplies the clearest
proof that man is—to all appearances,
at least—composed of materials iden
tical with those which compose the
structural being of the ox or the dog,
or even the lowest animal In the
scale of creation.''
Tile Oldest City In tUc World.
Damascus is probably the oldest city
in the world, and is estimated to be
about 4,200 years old. It is supposed
to have been founded by a great grand
son of Noah, and for many centuries
was famous for its manufacture of
jewelry, silks and swords. In the Mid
dle Ages a Damascus sword was more
highly prized than any other; but the
Damascene method of tempering steel
and the famous swords are no longer
made. In point of age Jerusalem comes
next to Damascus amongst the oldest
cities iu the world, it having been a
Jebusite city In the days of Abraham
3,900 years ago. Athens is the oldest
city in Europe, being 3,453 years
old. Rome is the next oldest, and after
that comes Marseilles, founded by a
colony of Greeks when Rome was still
a small village. London and Paris
have neither of them been in existence
two thousand years.
Wife (time, midnight): "Hark!
Husband! Wake up! I hear the
rustling of silk and the clank of
chains." <
Husband: "You do? Horror! Then
the reports are true. I was told the
house was haunted."
Wife (much relieved): "Oh is that
all? I was afraid Fido had broken
loose, and was tearing my new ball
Dramatist—They're yelling for me
in /rout. I've never made a speech
In my life; what shall I say?
Leading Lady (had a bad time of It)
—Say you've a wife and three Uda
iependent on you; throw yourself u u
their mercy, somehow.
The Sew State Uuird-
Governor Hastings is giving all
the time possible to the considera
tion of the most practicable scheme
to form a provisional national guard
in the absence of the military which
has loiig and effectively protected
the interests of the State from dis
turbances of its pence, but was un
able to give any inlormation as to
the policy that would be pursued in
the establishment of the proposed
guard. " Before I will be read)' to
make a substantial move in that
direction," he said, "I will likely
have to make a trip to Washington
and consult the United Slates au
thorities. '" The Governor seemed
thoroughly imbued with the idea
that the State should not remain
long without protection of organized
militiamen, but as the new guard
would doubtless be made subject to
a call from the National Govern
ment, if its services were needed
for its defense, nothing will be done
by the Governor in the matter until
he shall have fully interchanged
views with its proper military rep
Deafuess Cannot bo Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness, and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
inllamed condition of the mucous
lining of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube gets inflamed you have a
rumbliug sound or imperfect hearing,
and when it is entirely closed deaf
ness is the result, and unless the in
flammation can be taken out and this
tube restored to its normal condition,
hearing will be destioyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir
culars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Fills art the best, im
What is a Battleship ?
A battleship is a ship designed to
fight in line of battle, and is distingu
ished from a cruiser by its heavy
armor plating and slower speed.
Battleships are classified with respect
to their tonnage and the number of
guns they carry, battleships of the
first class being of greatest tonnage
and largest number of guns. The
United States battleships of the first
class vary in tonnage from 1022S to
11,585. The loss of the Maine left
the navy with but one second class
battleship, the Texas, with a tonnage
of 6,315. The Vizcaya, of the Span
ish navy, which recently paid a visit
to New Yoik, is an armored cruiser
of 6,890 tons. In the United States
navy there are two armored cruisers,
the New York and the Brooklyn, the
former of 9,125 tons and the latter of
8,840 tons.
Others Will Applaud Him
It is no* to be presumed that Ad
miral Dewey was disrespectful to the
German Consu' at Manila in his man
ner of refusal to allow German trans
ports to enter that harbor with provi
sions and other supplies. The Ameri
can Admiral is too brave a man to be
discourteous even to a subjugated
enemy or an antagonistic neutral. He
was threatened by a representative
(doubtless puffed up by conceit in his
little authority holding) of a great war
nation, and like a true American gen
tleman, informed the Consul from
Germany that if he attempted to
carry out his threats the American
squadron would simply "shoot his
cruisers," and there the episode end
ed. The German home authorities
will doubtless applaud the bravery of
the Yankee Admiral.
A Shrewd Woman-
A Virginia woman who owns a
little land has gone into the business
of raising sheep. She spent $25,
paying $3 a head for ewes, and then
turned her flock into her pasture land.
She raised what she could care lor on
her land, selling the rest as soon as
they were of marketable age. She
gave only about one hour a day to
them, and paid a boy fifty cents a
week to keep the sheep-sheds clean
and the fodder cut up. She has been
in the business about five years. The
first year she came out S4O ahead 011
her experiment. At the end of the
fourth year she had a flock of sixty
ewes, all she could keep with her
pasturage, and in wool and mutton
she found she had a clear yearly in
come of $450.
The Truth for Once.'
"Goshdurn you and your oJl
grocery !" shouted the man who had
backed up against the fresh paint.
"Didn't you see that sign, 'fresh
paint!" asked the grocer.
Of course, I did, but I've seen so
many signs hung out here announcing
something fresh that wasn't that I
didn't believe it."
Another New Trick.
A sharper has put up a new trick
on farmers, and he has been operating
successfully. He claims to be an
agent for the U. S. government au
thorized to buy horses for the army.
He visits the farmer, buys two or
three horses, gives a check fcr an
amount larger than the purchase
price, gets the difference in cash, and
disappears with the horses. The far
mer presents the check for pavement,
and finds he has been swindled. A
man who will be taken in by a trick
so transparent as this scarcely de
serves a better fate.
A return presented in the Domin
ion Parliment gives the Indian popu
lation of Canada as 99,364, and they
are scattered through all its provinces.
Nearly three quarters of the whole
number belong to some religious
denomination, the Catholics number
ing 41,813, the Anglicans 16,139 and
the Methodists 10,203, the rest being
divided among other Christian bodies.
Of those not registered in known
religious sects about 16,000 are
pagans, probably keeping up some
form of native worship, but making
no particular display thereof and
eluding statistical tabulations. From
an industral point of view the Canada
Indians nuke quile a respectable
showing, their earnings last year foot
ing up about $2,500,000.
It should be remembered by those
who are in the habit of shooting any
birds that come within their reach,
that the killing, wounding or trapping
of any bird of song, cat-bird, robin,
wood-pecker, blue-bird, yellow-bird or
any other bird not a game bird is tn
ditable as a criminal offence, and any
person convicted of such an offence
is subject to pay costs of prosecution
and a fine of not less than ten nor
more than fifty dollars, and to be im
prisoned. One-half the fine goes to
the informer. This is an excellent
law and should be rigidly enforced.
Old Glory Hangs High.
Across the mountain at Reedsvtlle,
in Mifflin county, an American flag 27
feet wide and 40 feet long was sus
pended between two peaks of the
blue mountains, at an elevation of
400 feet, by means of a wire cable
1,500 feet long. The flag was made
by the women of Reedsville, and is
suspended higher 111 the air than any
flag in the state. Its raising the other
evening was attended by one of the
largest demonstrations in the history
of the county.
The Millerton Advocate says when
the National Guard boys come home
from the war, honorably discharged
soldters, every one of them will be
eligible for membership in the Grand
Army of the Republic, even if their
service should only be for a week.
Thus will be perpetuated the G. A.
R. even far beyond the expectation
of the soldiers.
And How Mrs. Plnkham Helps
Overcome Them.
Mrs. MARY BOLLINGER, 1101 Marianna
St., Chicago, IU., to Mrs. Pinkliain:
"I have been troubled for the past
two years with falling of the womb,
lcucorrhcea, pains over my body, sick
headaches, backache, nervousness and
weakness. I tried doctors and various
remedies without relief. After taking
two bottles of your Vegetable Com
pound, the relief I obtained was truly
wonderful. I have now taken several
more bottles of your famous medicine,
and can say that I am entirely cured."
Mrs. HENRY DORR, NO. SOU Findley St.,
Cincinnati, Ohio, to Mrs. Pinkham:
" For a long time I suffered with
chronic inflammation of the womb,
pain in abdomen and bearing-down
feeling. IVas very nervous at times, and
so weak I was hardly able to do any
thing. Was subject to headaches, also
troubled with leucorrhoea. After doc
toring for many months with different
physicians, and getting no relief, I had
given up all hope of being well
again when I read of the great good
Lydia R. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound was doing. 1 decided immedi
ately to give it a trial. The result was
simply past belief. After taking four
bottles of Vegetable Compound and
using three packages of Sanative Wash
I can say I feel like a new woman. I
deem it my duty to announce the fact
to my fellow sufferers that Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable remedies have
entirely cured me of all my pains and
suffering. I have her alone to thank
for my recovery, for which 1 am grate
ful. May heaven bless her for the
good work alio is doing for our sex."
Druggist CATARRH
Tor a generous
Ely's Cream Balm R* s?| g i.J
contains 10 cocaine, .Tc -f /3
mercury nor any |3t* >
oilier Injurious di ng. BV _/ #g*g|
It Is quickly Absorb- JEBB
Givesltellet at once.
It opens and cleanses IBMr
Allays lunawm&t COLD'v HEAD
Heals and Protects tlieMern'oruii". Restores no
senses of Taste and Smell Full slssu D9c.; 'i iiai
Sire li'o. at Druggists or by mall.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warron street, New York
Causes fully half ho sickness In the worhl. It
retains the digested food too long In the bowels
and produces biliousness, torpid Uver, indl-
gestion, bn<l tnste. coattul Bra a
tongue, sick headache, in- MLj} _ ■ I
somnla, etc. Hood's Pills 111
cure constipation and all its ™
results, easily and thoroughly. 25c. All druggists.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only rills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
AGAIN we offer you COLD
STORAGE for Eggs, Butter,
Dried Fruits, Carpets, Furs and
perishable articles. Inquire for
We Manufacture
jjjjp p
For domestic purposes you should
use PURE ICE only.
Odd Storage k Artificial 100 Co.
255 East 7tb St
A.M. P.M. A.*. T.H.
NORTHUMBERLAND 628 1.60 JO 00 6 60
Cameron 6 38 A 03
CMHasky 6 0?
Danville 660 8 18 10.81 6 13
Catawisaa ?03 826 .... 628
Hupert 700 4 31 10 36 633
Bloomsburg ? i • 8 36 ltf 41 oa
KsPY VB3 8 18 10 40 6 45
I.lrue Ridge 730 8 46 6 52
Wtllovv Drove ?34 8 68 I) 66
BrlircreeK TBB 7 <0
Berwick '4B aOl 1108 Too
Beach Haven..... 754 80? .... 718
Kick's Kerry 600 3is . . 7in
siilckshlnny 21 11 21 7 35
llunlock's. 680 3 84 7 4?
Nantlcokc -1 348 1116 764
Avondolo 382 317 .... 7fß
Plymouth 83. 3 58 1143 803
Plymouth J UDCUOU 848 3 57 SO?
Klngs'ot; 66" 4 05 1! 53 R 18
Bennett 653 4 08 8 ill
Forty Port 3(6 4 11 8 it
Wyoming -01 4 17 '.B 00 s ■>.-
Went Plttston 006 428 .... 830
Susquehanna Ave 0.0 4 85 12 '7 6 38
nttston 15 4 30 18 io 8
ITuryea 919 4 34 8 44
Lackawanna 9a t 4 37 .s 48
Taylor - ■'"B 445 .... R5?
llellevue 93, 450 .... Hi 2
SCR ANTON H4B 4 55 12 30 07
A. A P.M. P.M. P. M
J.*. A. M. P.M. P. M.
SCKANTON 6"0 10 80 155 600
llellevue 6(5
Til v lor 610 10 88 305 610
I,..ikr 6is loss al3 617
liuryea 032 lu3B 216 oyi
PlttßtOß 626 10 42 280 695
Susquehanna Ave 682 10 45 283 fi S3
West Plttston 633 10 48 227 631
Wyoming 640 10 53 282 686
Forty Fort 6 45
Bennett 648 11 (0 280 644
Kingston' 664 11 C 4 945 663
Plymouth .Junction 659 .. 25i
Plymouth... 701 11 12 2£4 703
Avomlale - 709 254 707
Nantlcoke 714 11 20 302 712
Huniock's 720 Uso 310 720
Shlckshlnny 781 11 40 324 735
Hick's Ferry 744 11 50 835 747
Beach Haven - 7 54 il 55 842 755
Berwick 800 12 00 349 SOC
Brlarereek. 8 (16 3 55
Willow Grove 810 19 10 859 811
Lime UldgO 814 12 15 401 815
Espy 821 12 21 111 523
Hlo6mßburg 828 12 27 417 830
Rupert 884 12 32 423 836
Catawlssa 840 19 36 4as 841
Danville 8!5 12 49 444 858
Cnulasky _ 449 ...
Cameron 905 12 58 454 910
NORTHUMBERLAND... 920 110 5(8 925
A.M. P. M. P.M. r.M
Connections at Rupert with Philadelphia S
Reading Railroad ror Tamnneiid, Temaqua
Willlamsport, sun'ury, Pottevllie, etc At
Northumberland with P. E. I)lv. P. & K. for
Harrl.-burg, Lock Haven, Emporium Warret.
Corry and Erie.
W. F. HALLSTEAI). Gen. Man.,
Scranton, Pa.
SOUTH. B. & H 11. 11. NORTH
amia.m.ipmip.m.i STATIONS, i arr.pra'pm am
7.10 11.46 6.80 2.16 Bloomsbil'g.l 8.34 24" <5 45 6.10
7.08 11.4010.20 2. 0 " P. SB. 3.86 2.42 6.17,
7.08 11.87 0.21 2.96 " Main at,.. 8.39 2.4J 0.50j
6.53 11.27 V,.18 1 50| Paper Mill.' S4? 2.54 7.U 6.37
6.50 11.23|1;.09 1.451..Light .'t.l 8.52 2.69 7.05 6.50
6.40111.'3i5.5 1.3" (Ji ang 'Vli'e.: 9.02, 7.10
629 1.001 .Forks ...I 9.10 9.20,7.2417.85
6.25 11.0n!5.44 12..V11 ...Z tnel'B... 9.14 1.24 7.26 7.45
n.lsi 0/5 5.37 12.45 .StlllV,liter. , 9.20 3.30 7.33 9.00
6.0S 10.(56.2? 0.3 ...Benton.... 1 9.80 3.40 7.43 8.30
6.04i104n #22 12..0 ...Edaun'.-....i 9.34 3.44 7.-17|8.4U
6.02 1 0 33 5 '2O 13.(1' .Cole's I'l l:.: 9.37 3.47 7.51 3.40
5.63 10.82 5.'3 11.58 .. LanbSCh.. 1 9.4? 3.67 R.ftl 9.00
5.43! 0.2815.03 11.46 ...Central. .1 0.57 4.07 8.11,9.25
6.41110.2016.0(1 11.30 .Jar:. City,.!lo.oo 4.10.N.1-19.35
am am pm pm 4 ainpmpmnm
No. 1 Fever, Congestion.
No. 2 Worms.
No. 3 Infants' Diseases.
No. 4 Diarrhea.
No. 7 Coughs & Colds.
No. 9 Headache.
No. IO Dyspepsia, Indigestion.
No. 1 1 Delayed Periods.
No. 12 Leuchorrea.
No. 13 Croup.
No. 14 Skin Diseases.
No. IB Rheumatism.
No. 19 Catarrh.
No. 27 Kidney Diseases.
' No. 34 Sore Throat,
i No. 77 Grip & Hay Fever.
Dr. Humphreys' Homeopathic Manual of
Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free.
Sold by druggists, or sent 00 receipt of 25cts.,
50cts. or sl. Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William
and John Sts , New York.
I flSfe t'nichf -i r . English Llitmond
I OHjrlnnl ud Only Cknnlne. A
®▼ cl at 1 •• u| A\
1 AJViraU. for CMchcMmr* Jft, „ruk Dia-jft\\
Brand iu iitd aad U<M meUUioVvSv
1 XV —Mnn ribbon. Take \iff
"W WJI" OLHT p. dwigcrvue eubutitu- ▼
1/ At I>rag*ima,oriind4<..
I in unjpi lor Dartioulurß, WgUiaonlaU auJ
\T* Z? ' * "r T.iuWr*," in letter, b r n tnrr
MalL 10.000 Tt..(tlim>tiiiU. ATame™"™
_ PL*'\
I ScldbjaULoofcioruMuu. . PHILADA.. PA.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Time Table lu eflect Mny i.v •.
_ I A. M.| A. M P. U. P. M.
scranton(D4 H)lv' ;6 45 59 38 {2 21 54 11
Pittston " ••! 7 osl no 00 f 243 *o 5 7 so| 510 45 I 8 12 56 00
JTym'th Kerry "11 7as 10 so t3 si ru us
Nantlcokc " 7 4fi, 10 27 340 617
Moeatiaqim " sOl in 45 B'a fi 37
I Wapwuliopen. " I 8 181 lu 55 8 .48! 647
Nescopeck ar| 824 11 10 4 10| 700
| A. M.| A. M.j P. M. I P. M.
; I'OllHVlUe iv i d I/O: 5 1 512.15 1
I Hzieton 7ml 11 :is! 200! sra
Toinhlcken " 7bo 11 26 2 20; ti 10
Kern Glen. " 73< 11 34 228 tl 18
IKoekUlen 7 4 3 1140 2 35 1125
Nescopeck ar 807 300 030
A 51. A. 51. P. M. P. M.
Nescopeck lv 58 24 511 10 I 4 10 57 00
cieasy •• 8 33 via 4 18 7 09
Espy Kerry..... "to 43 Rook f 4 2i| 718
E. Bloomsburg" 84? Glen 430 721
p. 51.|
Catawlsaa ar 855 12 20 486 730
Catawlsaa lv] 8 551 19 20 4 Biij 730
S. Danville...." 914 1233 455 717
Sunbury " 935 100 517! 810
IA. 51. P. 51. P. SI. P. 51
Sunburv lvj 1 945 51 10 56 34 925
Lewisbuig 10 15 145 HOB
Milton " 10 10 139 606 9f5
Wllllamsport.." 11 no 2 30 6 53 10 40
Lock 11aven...." 11 69 3 40 7 57
lienovo a. si. 4 40 8 55
Kane " d 00
I" 51. | p. 51.
Lock 51210! 53 45 '
llellefonte nr 105 444
Tyrone " 2 15i (i 10
Phlllpsburg...." 4 231 k26 ...
Cleartteld " son 9091 1 ....
l'ltteburg '• 855 11 301 !
Sunbury lv I*' 50, *\ m; **s 25 s's ?0
llarrlsburg ar. ill 30 5 3 20] ileal 51010
I'. U. P. SI. P. M, A ■ M.
Philadelphia.arl 53 00 16 13 in 20 1 430
Baltimore " | .3 10 tci col 9 45i 11 20
Washington " | 41" I 7 10j 10 85 740
] A. 51. j P. 51.'
Sunbury lv 510 05- 52*5! I
p - "•! I
lewlstown Joari 12 05, 54 23 1 .......
rittabuvg- " : 55, 511 811 ......
:a. 51.1 p. 51. p. 51. p. m ;
Barrltburg Ivtlill4s 1350 71 no 20
I P. M. A. 51. A. M.
I'ilt.-burg arl. BMI ill 30 2nn I
5 Weekdays. Dally, t Flag station
p. M.| p. 51. a. 11.. A. 51 I 8 iu| i 8 10 13 .0 3co
A. M. A. 51. P. M.
Harrlsbuig nr 1.3 SO. t3 30 in CO] 310
A. M. I A. 51.
Pittsburg lv .. . + 00
I*. 51.
Lewlstown Jc." t 7 30 :
Sunbury... art 9 .8 ! t 5 no
I P. 51. A. M. A. *. A. 51
WasUli! iiu 4ii ; no
Baltimore " 111 So| I 4 f5 tS 69 12 oil
Philadelphia..." 11l 201 1 4 30 ( 830 1225
IA. 51. A. 51. A. M.I P. St.
Barrisnurg Iv I 335 t8 05 ill 40 358
Banbury ar' I 5 or 9 40, lin 1 5 0
Ip. 51. j A. 51.1 A, 51
Pittsburg Iv 51 00 1 53 30 4us
dearth-Id " 4 00 1 1131
PUtllpsburg.. ." I 458 | 10 12
Tyrone 715 4 8 10, 12 30
llellefonte " 8 311 • 932 142
Lock 9 80j 1 10.30] 243
IP. 5fJ A. M. | A. M. l P. 51.
Erie lvl I 3 vsj .. .. |
Kaue " 7 05 t s 27
Kenovo '• 1 10 251 1 8 4nj in :otl
Lock 11aven...." 1 11 11 i 57 38 1135 3oc
I A. M. p. Jl.
Wllllamsport.." 12 15 P no! tl2 15 408
Wilton " 1 13 9 181 1 lit. • 52
l.ewlsCurs " e 06 1 15 4 47
Sunbury ar 145 945 1 Es| 520
A. 51. | A. 51. P. 5tJ P.M.
Sunbury lv t8 10 1 9 .'5 to Oc t5 43
s. Danville " 633 1017 221' 667
Catawlsaa " 654 10 35 2 ' , II 24
E. Bloomaburg" via 10 48 2 1 32
Espy Ferry " Hock no 47 2 r! tc 36
Creasy " I Glen. 10 £6 2 .5, 1. 40
Nescopeck... nr 807 1111) 3 ,o| 869
A. M. A. M.j P. M.I p. .
Nescopeck lv] tl! 10| 14 Ist t7 05
Book Glen art 739 11 B5 4ml 731
Fern Wen " 747 11 43 4 181 7
Tomhlcken " .5s 11 54 1 455 - ,
I P- 51. ;
Hazleton " 820 12 is 51 ,-J 8,5
Pottsvllle. " 11 30 208 ] 8 25'
A. M. A, 51J P. 51 j .jj
Nescopeck Is t8 07 111 101 t3 10 t a .<> 818 11 221 u 7c
Mocanaqua " 8 2,- 11 ,'<gi 3 tul 721
Nanticoke " s 4s 1 11 54 ' 3 501 742
1 r. 3d |
Plym'th Ferry ■ fs 58 1202 4 rcl 752
Wllkesbarre...." j 9 osi 1210 110! 800
jA. 31. p. 31 1 p. M. p. M.
Plttston(D4 B) ar't 9 ill tl2 49 t 4 52; 18 88
scrantnn " I 10 10' 1 i! a sin 909
t Weekdays. I Dally, f Flag sta'lon.
Pullman Parlor and Sleeping Cars run on
through trains between Sunbury. Wllllamsport
and Brie, between Sunbury and Philadelphia
and Washington and betweenHarrisburg, Hits ■
burg ami the west.
For further Information apply to Ticket
Gen'l. Manager. Gen. Pass, Ag'
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Engines Burn Hard Coal—No Smoke
In effect Nov. 14,1897.
For Now York, Philadelphia, Beading Potts
vllle, Tamaqua, weekdays 11.45 a. m.
For WUUumsport, weekdays, 7.80 a. m., S.'.o p.
For Danville and Milton, weekdays,7.3o a. m.,
For catawlßSH weekdays 7.30, a. a.,
12.20,3.30,5.00 8 30, p. m.
For Rupert WHOkduya7.Bo,B.3B 11,45 a. m., 12.20,
3.30,5.00, 8.30, p. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the Went via
B. ffiO. K. R., through trains leave Reading Ter
mlnal, Philadelphia, 8.20, 7.55, 11.26 a. la., 3.46
7.27, p. m. Sundaya 8.20, 7.65 11.28 a. m.,
3.46, 7.27, p. m. Additional trains from 24 and
Chestnut street station, weekdays, 1.35, 6.41.
8.23 p.m. Sundays, 1.35, 8.23 p. in.
Leave Now York via Philadelphia 8.00 a
m., and via Easlon 9.10 a. m.
Leave Philadelphia 10,19 a. m.
Leave Reading 12 00 m.
Leave Potisvillo 12.30 p. m.
Leave Tamaqua 1.36 p. m.,
Wllllamsport weekdays 10.20 a m, 4.30 p
Leave catawiosa weekdays, 7.09,8.209.10 a, w
1.30 8 30. II 08 ,• ns. ui.
a -08, 8.28,9.18 11.56
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wuar
and south si reel wharf for Atlantic City.
WKHk-nAYs—Express, 9.1.0, a. m. 200, 3.00
Saturdays only), 4.00,6.08 p. m. Acoom. 8.00
m., 5.15,6.30 p. 10.
sundavs—Express, u.oo, 10.00 a.m . Aceom.
H.ou a. m., 4.45 p. m.
leave Aiiuntlc City, depot. : Wask-PAvs—
Express, 7.35,9 00, a. m., 3.30, 5.30 p. to. Accom
1.25, 8.15 a. m , 4.05 p.m. Scnuavs—Express.
4.1H1, 5.80, 8.00 p. m. Accom., 7.1.. a. , , 15, . u .
For Cape .May and Ocean city 9 16 a. in. 4 15
Street 9wa n ß ' S "" 111 Blr,!e '' 9 - uu> ' "estuut
Parlor cars on all express trains.
Gen l Supt, Gen'l Pass. A-'t.