The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 02, 1898, Page 2, Image 2
2 GOMEZ SPURNS UPPER INSURGENTS URGFD TO H C LP RE PEL THE INVASION OF CUBA. Tho General Demand* That t lie Indepen dence of the ltopiibllc bo Recognized .Spain Munt Surrender to Amrrlci anil Cuba. Washington, June I.—Advices have reached Washington of additional pri posals made by tile Autonomist gov ernment of Cuba to the government of the Cuban republic, by which It is urged that the insurgents Join with the Spaniards in repelling the proposed In vasion of the United states, in consid eration of which peace and freedom are to follow. The formal proposal at first failed to reach General Gomez, and a second let ter, more eagerly praying for peace, was sent from Blanco's commissioners. Both letters came to Gomez, who grew so indignant as to threaten death to any one bearing any further communi cations of similar character. General Gomez's reply, dated May 15, 1893, spurns the offer of Blanco, and gives warning that a lepetltion of the proposition will result in the death of the bearer of the message. General Go mez demands that the independence of the republic of Cuba be recognized, and scorns to accept freedom, which,. he says, has already been bravely attained after three year 3of fighting. The of fer of Blanco General Gomez denoun ces as audacity. Surrender of Spanish Army. "Should General Blanco desire to communicate with us in an honorable manner," continues the reply, "he must do so through our foreign office, but it must l>e with the consideration and un dei landing that the army of the Cu ba! republic is in alliance with the Ui. . 1 Slates army, unci ills commu liii: : ions must have no other object then the surrender of the Spanish ar my and the evacuation of our shores. A tratv of peace acknowledging the iud' endonce of Cuba forever from Spanish rule and the complete evacua tion of the Spanish army is all that will oe accepted." Anyone who takes the liberty of speaking to him, he continues, with a view to inducing him to accept such a treaty, "Will be shot within one hour as a traitor." The reply closes with these words; "The only idea that could prompt Spain to make such a proposition for an alliance between the Spanish army and the Cuban army is the knowledge that she has already lost control of our island, and this is the last step which she is seeking to take before her final fall. She realizes that she must soon surrender her forces before the united artrti s of the United States i • I Cuba. "Free Cuba! Hurrah for the United States! Hurrah for the free Republic of Cuba! Hurrah for all good and true patriots!" THIEVES IMPERILED LIVES. * They Stole the Copper and Z'ue from ltnll. I'ond Signal Totver Batteries, Elizabeth, June I.—William MoCand less, Raul Birtbauer and Frederick Birtbauer, three Elizabeth boys, each twelve years old, were arrested early yesterday morning on a charge of stealing copper and zincs that are con nected with the batteries used in oper ating the signal on the line of the Cen tral Railroad. The company says that the safety of trains and lives of passengers were Im perilled by this act of the boys, and that it was fortunate a disaster had n>t occurred on the railroad or the New ark Bay bridge through the Inability of the automatic signals to work prop erly. JENNY LINO'S MAD LOVER DEAD. Spent the Karwlngs of Years In Following the Song.tree. About. Bondout, June I.—Tobias Van Steen burgh. 70 years old, known throughout the United Btates as the mad lover of Jennie Llnd, the famous singer, died on Monday in a wretched hovel at Glasco, on the old post road leading to the Hudson river at Ulster Landing. Jen nie Llnd has been dead forty-seven years, but her hermit lover, familiarly known as Boot Van Steenburgh, has all these years cherished her memory, and until his death a faded portrait of the "Swedish Nightingale" hung on the wall in his rude cabin. FORCES IN SANTIAGO DE CUBA. Report That General Garcia IIAH Control of the Province. Key West, Fla., June I. —Senor Polo, head of the Cuban junta here, in his advices from General Calixto Garcia, is informed that Garcia is in complete control of the province of Santiago de Cuba. He claims to have from ten to twelve thousand men under him who are well armed, but In need of provis ions, clothing and ammunition. Their food consists only of fruit and cereals. It is said that there are no Spanish troops in the vicinity. REVENUE CUTTER RUN DOWN. The Golden Gate Damaged by un Kxcur .lon Schooner. San Francisco. May 31.—The revenue cutter Golder. Gate was damaged to the extent of about SI,OOO Sunday by a col lision with the schooner Mary F. Cruse. The schooner, which had a party of ex cursionists on board, "missed stays" and her bowsprit went through the cabin of the government boat, which was lying at her berth. No one was hurt and the schooner was not damaged materially. Rough Rider* LRRTP For Tampa. San Antonio, Texas, May 31.—The en tire regiment of rough riders left yes terday for Tampa. The orders received Saturday Q. 'ected that the first squad should go, but fur ther Instructions were received psster day morning. The regiment travelled in ten special trains, and the first section left here over the Southern Pacific at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Hum lug Manila Expedition. San Francisco, June I.—General Mer lin has'impressed upon the contractors who are to supply the brown duck suits to be worn by tbe soldiers going to Ma nila the need of haste in filling the contracts. Double forces of men are now at work completing the suits. Sampson has been ordered to cut all the cables that lead out of Cuba. ATTACKED CERVERA. The Rattled Admiral and SuntlMgy SnOhl frnm American Gun., Port au Prince, June X.—Yesterjla/ afternoon an American squadron, com posed of fourteen warships, of which the cruiser New York displayed the flag; of Rear Admiral Sampson, and a number of torpedo boats, began a bom bardment with heavy guns of the forts and the harbor of Santiago de Cuba. The American Are was directed prin cipally against the forts and the har bor. The forts of Morro Castle, La Zocapa and Punta Gorda suffered es pecially. The cannonading was very persistent and cannot have failed to b* destructive. It lasted until 3.15 p. m. The town, which Is situated near tla Inner end of the harbor, escaped dam age. From the Spanish account it is Im pt ssible to judge as to the exact merits of the encounter. The Spanish author ities maintain strict silence as to the number of victims, who were apparent ly numerous. CAPOTE MAY BE PRISONER. Vice President of Cuba May lte In Ihc Hands of the Spnnleh. Kingston, Jamaica, June I.—lt is now confidently believed that the Spanish have captured Dr. Domingo Mendez Capote, vice president of the provision al republic of Cuba, and that the fruit steamer Belvidere, on which ho was a passenger, was deliberately wrecked by them by altering x the light on Capo Maysi. The Belvidere left here Wednesday morning with a number of passengers and was wrecked that night on capo Muysl. The fruit t-earners KtlitiJrel and Kingston were expected to lake off tlie passengers. The Kthelred, however, has just ar rived at l'ort Antonio, without any of the people of the llelvidere. The Captain reports that he visited the wreck and found such a condition of confusion on board the Belvidere as led him to believe the Spaniards had swooped down on the vessel after she had been lured ashore and taken off the passengers by force. There were no indications of bad weather and none had been reported since Wednesday. According to early dispatches there were twenty passengers on the Belvi dere beside Dr. t'af ote. The si earner City of Kingston arrived here this morning and her captain reporud that he had seen the Belvidere wreck, but discerned no signs of Jife on fer. It was then hoped that the Ethelred would bring news of her. but the arri val of tliut vessel at Port Aatonix seems to confirm the supposition that the Spaniards arc r isponsilif un the wreck and have captured C . note. BLANCO NOW CUT OFF. His Telegraphic Communication With Ma-ll'lrl Destroyed. Key West, June I.—The St. Raul has completed the cutting of the Santiago cables off Cape Maysi. This complete ly cuts Blanco off from communication with Madrid. There were three submarine telegra phic cables leading out of Santiago de Cuba, two of them going to Kingston, Jamaica. These two lines are the prop erty of the Cuba Submarine Telegrapn Company. The third line goes eastward to tn* Mole St. Nicholas, with an intermediate shore station at Oiiantanamo. All of these lines are owned by English con cerns. The cables leading out of Ctenfuegos, where an attempt was made by United States warships to destroy communi cation, both touch at Santiago, so that the work of cutting them could be more effectually dene at Santiago, where they touch shore for the last time be fore Anally leaving Cuba. The first attempt to cut the cable i at Santiago was made by the auxiliary cruiser St. Louiß and the tug Wanipa tuek on May 11. The cables leading to Kingston were cut, but the one to Haytl was not. A further attempt to destroy this cable was made at Guantananu on '%• fol lowing day, but it failed. SPANISH LETTERS STOLEN. Alleged to Contain the Names of Spies In the United states. Montreal, May 31.—Lieutenant Jlar ranza, Senor du Bosc and other Span iards here are much disturbed. A let ter which is said to have contained a list of Spanish spies in the United States was stolen from their hou.e at 12 Tupper street, Saturday. The entire city detective force is looking for it. but it is gone, and is supposed to be in the United States by this time. It is understood that Carrunza has offered SI,OOO for the return of the let ter. The detectives are now scouring the city, since until it Is proved that the Spaniards are guilty of plotting, they must be protected. AT THE TOMB OF LAFAYETTE. Ambassador Porter Delivers u Speech on Franco.American Sympathy. . Paris, May 31.—The annual American manifestation at the tomb cf Lafayette took place yesterday. United States Ambassador Horace Porter and all of the leading Americans In Paris were present. General Porter delivered a speech in which he dwelt upon the sympathy of France with the United States. M. Bartholdi and others made similar addresses. A banquet was held In the tvening. 830,000 for Rebel's Head. Hong Kong, China, May 31.—The Spaniards have offered $25,000 reward for the head of Agulnaldo, the Insur jent leader, who Is actively drilling the rebels, preparatory to un attack upon Manila. In reply to the Spanish attempt to win over Aguinaldo's men the insur gents are said to have Informed the Spaniards that they are neutral and will await events. Aguinaldo went to Manila with Dew ?y's squadron and was landed to make connections with the Insurgents. He Is the most bitter enemy of Spain in the Philippines, and if he were removed the rebellion would lose its greatest leader. • Nothing was heard yesterday of the two alleged spies who escaped In an open boat to a waiting schooner. It is claimed that they are supposed to bo ;he Fort Taylor spies. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA . -rir CAIi.Z FLEET •Ii!i! That JI r- Tlimi Half nt the Vnal, • ,tr tu!U i't.r righ ing. V' • u.n, Juna 1. —The frequent rt '!' . i ni L'.jain. through other • .11:. • e, to the efcret tliut a formlila be 1 ect is preparing at Cadiz to sail for the West indies in aid of Admiral '.'■■rwi.i causae little apprehension re. Naval or.hcer.-:, through private li.- flns of communication, have pretty mil satisfied themselves that the Cadiz 1. t la a .piipcr licet. In other words, its oiVonaive power is altogether lllu s . nary, Mure than half the vessels whose nanus apptur to frequently 111 the piers dispatches as formidable war c:r rt. are of antiquated type and in a stale of disorder. The old Numancia is an example, she is rated as a bat tleship of the first class. In her day she was a battleship, but she has not a turret nor a sponson. and would be little more than sport for a modern ironclad. In addition to being antiquat ed, most of these vessels are broken down in engines and boilers. There are some vessels, although a very few, at Cadiz, of modern type, but they are not numerous or powerful enough to give our navy any serious concern. Of course It is not to he understood from this that our naval officers are neglecting to take precautions against surprise at Santiago de Cuba. They have thrown scouts well out to the eastward of Cuba, so that they may receive quick notice if any of the Cadiz fleet was foolish enough to have start ed a day or two ago for the West in dies, as is now reported from Europe. SICKNESS ON CRUISER BOSTON. Spaniards at Manila sup'eloned of Hav ing Poisoned Fish. Hong Kong, June I.—According to mail advices to the correspondent of the Associated Press from Manila, dat ed May 27, there is serious sickness on board the United States cruiser Boston. It is believed that the Spaniards pois oned the fish. Rear Admiral Dewey promised to re frain from bombarding on condition that the Spaniards refrained from strengthening their defcncec. On Sun day. May 22, they were observed violat ing the pledge, and Admiral Dewey fired, as a warning. The work was itopped. Nobody was hurt. Numerous dispatches congratulating Admiral Dewey have miscarried. The anti-British demonstrations at Manila are intensifying. The queen's portraits are insulted und ail the for eigners are preparing to take refuge at Cavite. MR. BRYAN DETERMINED TO FIGHT. The Colonelcy of n Nebraska lie;-linent offered t„ trim. Uincoin, Neb., June I.—w. J. Bryan yesterday received a message from Governor Bt< pheni of Missouri offering him the colonelcy of the new Afissnu-i regiment now organizing in that state. Bryan did not accept at once, but tele graphed to Missouri's governor that he could not ask for a better command than one composed of men of the well known valor of Missourians, but that ho was not yet at liberty to accept his offer. Mr. Bryan said privately that he still had hopes of being placed in command of the regiment he had organized, and, as it was through his personal efforts the silver battalion had been placed in the field, his first duty lay in that di rection. "In any event," he added, "I propose to serve my country in spite of any injustice from official sources." SPANISH SCOUT RETURNS. The Mysterious Siesiner That the Ban croft Chased Again Sighted. Key West, June I.—Within the past twenty-four hours the same mysterious Spanish scout steamer which was pur sued by the Bancroft was seen twenty miles south of Rebecca Light. She Is a three-master, with yellow streaked funnels. She can do fourteen knots. The scout has not been close enough to learn what ships are here. A sharp lookout Is being kept up for her. Purchased by Hrrat Britain, Kingston, Jamaica, June I.—The British government has purchased in the United States, for delivery here, 120,000 barrels of flour for the army and navy stores. Tart of the order was placed with the Consolidated Milling Company of Minneapolis. The flour will be transported here by the Atlas Steamship Company. Spain Not Seeking Intervention. Madrid, June I.—ln the cortes Mon day evening Premier Sagasta declared that no negotiations whatever were on foot with any power looking to the con clusion of peace or Interference with the United States in behalf of Spain. WAR RUMBLINGS. There are 8,400 troops at San Fran cisco in readiness for the second and third Philippine expeditions. The cruiser Philadelphia will be rea dy to go into commission at Mare Is land navy yard in two weeks. The government has stopped buying mules in St. Louis. 12,000 having al ready been acquired at about 1100 apiece. "Lew" Wallace, author of "Ben Hur," will doubtless be commissioned by the president as a major general of volunteers. A man supposed to be a spy is In Jail at Fort Jackson. He attempted to run the guard at the fort and was shot and seriously wounded. It was reported at Gibraltar that the departure of Admiral Camara's fleet for Cadiz had been delayed by the dis covery of defects in the torpedo boats. An official dispatch from Havana says that two American correspond ents from Key West, named Whigham and Robinson, have been arrested near Matanzas. It was allowed to be stated yesterday from Key West that the Red Cross steamer State of Texas, with food on board, left Key West on May 21, ten days ago, for Cuba. The cowboy regiment organized by Colonel Wood and Colonel Roosevelt has been ordered from San Antonio to Tampa in all haste, and it is under stood that the regiment will go to San tiago. The paymaster's department issued orders yesterday to pay the soldiers destined for Cuba and Porto Rico one month's salary in advance. This will be paid them as they go on the trans ports. The soldiers intended for the Philippines will also be paid four weeks in advance. This will require more than 81,000,000. GSCI CASTORIfI For Infants and Children. CASTORIA The Kind You Have Mpßjlßi Always Bought AVegetable Prqraratiohfor As - similating tteToodaiidßegula- # tog theStniiiflrJisandßowebof X)BarS tllo M \ Signature /% f EromotesUigfestion,Cheerful- M li|* ness and BesLContalns neither f / 1. ■ Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. UI #f\ IT Not Narcotic.. Tiaxpe of Old BrSAMHELErrOHUI I - F* Pump Jan Saul* H \ lF ■ Alx.Sennm** 1 W IB * /faAiii* SJtt I Bj ■■■ Antse 3t*d '* I Wj a II % T JLm A r is\ la* ne fflmSttJ- I • |.| U| " ' ) ML T* I#. I A perfect Remedy forConslipa- |tl Fie * It I 1111 tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, I laK Worms,Convulsions,Feverish- 1 V Umm nessandLoss of Sleep. lull bluwO Tnc Simile Signature of Always Bought. siiiiiii mm\ EXACT COPY OF VVRAEHEB. 04 Kj| 0 0000004 - —'-*3r ■ company now yo.a c.yy Milium IHIIIIII—II ■ 11 111 II■■■BMBBWMMIWWMIMMIIiIiHMWIBB "East, west, home is best," if kept ciean with STOVE NAPTHA, the Cheapest and Best Fuel on the market. With it you can run a Vapor Stove for one-hall cent per hour. Give us a call and be convinced. W. O. Holmes, Bloomsburg, Pa. Eshleman & Wolf, L. E. Wharey, W. F. Hartman, " THE KING OF THE SEA. I am king of the sea, And ever shall be. Always merry, merry as can be. Chasing those Spaniards with thought less glee. When the bugle calls so sweet, Calls to arms the Spaniards to meet. I am the son of the sea, Them Spaniards once more to make flee. I am happy as happy can be, When them Spaniards once more I see. I'll rake them all night, But that I'll put 'em to flight. I am king of the sea. What more do I want to be ? Only one thing more for me, That is to make the last Spaniard flee. How happy I'll be, I'll shout with glee. I truly am son of the sea. Only one thing more to be. Them Spaniards to spy, Then see them fly. I'll give them plenty of steel, And hear them yell and squeal. —Carl M. Quick. The Veterans at Manila. The German emperor seems to have been surprised at the skill as well as the valor exhibited by the Americans at Manila. He observed that "they fought like veterans." Why not? They are veterans. Commodore Dewey saw more and fiercer sea fighting during the civil war than any German or Spanish sailor has ever seen. He has worn the uniform of his country ever since he was a boy, and been constantly iu the performance of one duty or another connected with his profess ion. If he is not a veteran, where may one be found? The officers under him are likewise all trained men. They know their duties thoroughly, and, as they have just shown, are capable of executing them admirably. Those who op posed the Spaniards at Manila, therefore, and crushed them, are veterans of the best quality. 2ry the COL UMBIAN a year. Demand for War Toys. The war with Spain has caused a strong demand for military toys and uniforms for children. The factor ies where such things are made are running day and night trying to keep up with their orders. Car loads of drums, guns, tin swords, lead soldiers, miniature battleships and cruisers are shipped from New York every day to all parts of the country, and in some of the big clothing establishments all hands are at work turning out " soldiers and sailors" suits for boys from 4 to 14 years of age. Full of interest and picturesque was the ceremony of launching in an American shipyard, the Cramps' at Philadelphia, the Japanese cruiser Kasagi. Such a ceremony goes to strengthen the friendship which without a break has existed forty six years between the Uuited States and the strong young nation of the orient. The fact that Japan, with the skill and resources of the marine architects of the world at her com mand, comes to the United States for her warship shows American naval construction to be even with the best. It must be confessed that the Japanese way of christening a ship is more appropriate and im pressive than In America, a lady breaks a l'-*tle of wine over the new vessel's bows as she slides down the ways. The Japanese style is to free six pigeons, sacred messenger birds, from a cage above the ship's bow at the moment of her gliding into the water. Could n't we have a warship christening in Japanese fashion ? The greatest suspension bridge in the world is the Brooklyn bridge, which also leads the world in the num ber of its daily passengers. Its length, including approaches, is 5,989 feet, the distance between the towers 930 feet; the weight of the structure is 6,470 tons; its cost was over $15,000,- 000. The bridge cars carry about 45,000,000 people every year. OABTOniA. Bum the KM You Haw Always Bougflt j J Fine PHOTO GRAPHS and CRAYONS at McKillip Bros., Bloomsburg. The best are the cheapest. —' C ' coPvßioVh TID-BITS FOR MA' HONEY! and tender little juicelets for the chil dren, ate all right, but papa and "the boys" -want a good, big, juicy steak, roast or chop when business or school duties are over, and we can cater to them all. Our stock of prime meats is unexcelled for quality, and we send them home in fine shape. J. K. KKIFER. THE MARKETS. BLOOMSBURG MARKETS. CORRKCTBD WKKKLY. KKTIIL PRICKS. Butter per lb $ ,20 Eggs per dozen .12 Lard per lb 07 Ham per pound ,10 Pork, whole, per pound ,06 Beef, quarter, per pound.... .07 Wheat per bushel j 00 Oats " 3S Rye " " 50 Wheat flour per bbl 5,; 5 Hay per ton 9 to $lO Potatoes per bu5he1,......... 100 Turnips " " ,25 Onions " " 100 Sweet potatoes per peck .35 Tallow per lb .05 Shoulder " " .09 Side meat " " .08 Vinegar, per qt ,05 Dried apples per lb 05 Dried cherries, pitted .12 Raspberries ,19 Cow Hides per lb al Steer " " " ,o| Calf Skin .80 Sheep pelts .75 Shelled corn per bus .50 Corn meal, cwt 1.25 Bran, " IXO Chop " , 9 o Middlings " 1.00 Chickens per lb new .12 " " "old 11 Turkeys " " 12J Geese " " .14 Ducks " " .08 COAL. No. 6, delivered 2.60 " 4 and s " 3.85 " 6 at yard 2.35 " 4 and s at yard 3.60 The Leading Contsnalorr of Amsfioa^-^J Carl Fabltkn, Director, Founded i n 1843 by ITD 1 living full information. Frank W.Halh. General Manager. PATENTS Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted lor MObBKATB FEBS. OUK OFFICE IS OPPOSITE TUB D. 8. PAT ENT OFFICE. We have no Bub-agencles, al business direct, hence can transact patent bust ness in less time and at. Less Cost than those re mote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo, with desortp tlon. We advise If patent .ble or not, free ot oharge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with refer ences to actual clients In your State, County, o town sent free. Address C.A.SNOW 4 CO,, Washington, D. O (Opposite U. S. Patent Odloe.) BhS. Clean** and bMotiflaa the butt. Promotaa a lozumnl growth. Never Falls to Beetore Ong ciKl r^ i iV2S. u i h SI!r£!JS >e.aD(lf 1 "U i_l>niai4a__ SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN