The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 17, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Yes, the sidewalks are bad enough, but the
crossings are sufficient to take the sole right out
of any self-respecting shoe. Now we've prepared
our soles to protect our customers' feet. We have
a strong, warm, tight shoe that just revels in mud
and slush—a shoe that will take you through the
worst crossing in town and come up smiling every
step. On sale at
Clark's Building. Main Street.
MARCH. 15. Richard Henrie will
sell farm stock, implements and house
hold goods on the farm of E. Kelchner
near Lime Ridge, in Centre township
at 10 a. m.
MARCH 16. Entire livery outfit of
A. C. Hidlay, at his livery stable in
Bloomsburg, consisting of horses,
buggies, harness, etc.
Everybody Suya So.
. Cascareta Candv Cathartic, the most won
t *ful medical discovery of the age, pleas
ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing tho entire system, dispel colds,
enre lieadaoho, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buv and try a box
of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 35, 50 cents. Bold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
For Sale.
A good square piano. Can be
bought cheap. Inquire at this office, tf.
For Bent.
A fine brick residence on 3rd street,
13 rooms, steam heat with boiler in
cellar, gas, range, baili room, hot and
cold water, large lot, fruit trees &c.
Possession given April Ist. Inquire
of Geo. E. Elwell. tf.
FOR RENT. Store and dwelling
house combined, at Pensyl Post office,
Franklin township. Good location,
by F. Pensyl.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Ohildren,
Successfully used by Mother Gray,
nurse in the Children's Home in New
York, cure Feverishness, Bad Stomach,
Teething Disorders, move and regulate
the Bowels and destroy Worms. Over
10,000 testimonials. THEY NEVER
FAIL. At all druggists, 25c. Sample
FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted,
Leßoy, N. Y.
If you want lithographed bonds,
certificates of stock, checks, drafts,
diplomas, or any thing in that line,
the COLUMBIAN office can furnish
diem. See samples.
Front room, 2nd floor, COLUMBIAN
building. Steam heat, gas or electric
light. One of the most desirable
offices in town. Possession given
April 1 st. Apply to
tf. GEO. E. ELWELL'.
A fine line of new styles in wed
ding invitations just received at THE
COLUMBIAN office. tf.
L. T. Sharpless Co. Limited, have
cabbage, celery, lettuce, onions, and
potatoes. In the fruit line they have
Malaga grapes, Concord and Catawba
grapes, oranges, lemons and bananas.
The Victoria brand of canned vege
tables is among the finest in the market
and the Silver Cord canned fruits of
all kinds command a large trade. A
complete line of fine groceries, pro
visions, flour, canned meats, &c. can
always be found on their shelves.
WANTED.—A lot ranging from 25
to 30 acres with good building on. Ad
dress P. O. Box 14, Light Street, Pa.
To-night and To-morrow Night,
And each day and night durgng this
week you can get at any druggists
Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and
Lungs, acknowledged to be the most
successful remedy ever sold for Coughs,
Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and Con
sumption. Get a bottle TO DAY and
keep it always in the house, so you
can check your cold at once. Price
a3 and 50c. Sample bottle free.
Give the Ohildren a Brink
called Grain-O. It is a delicious, ap
petizing. nourishing food drink to take
the place of coffee. Sold by all gro
cers and liked by all who have used it
because when properly prepared it
tastes like the finest coffee but is free
from all its injurious proper ies.
Grain O aids digestion and strengthens
the nerves. It is not a stimulant but
a health builder, and children, as well
as adults, can drink it with great bene
fit. Costs about Jas much as coffee.
15 and 25c. 2 3 4td
HOOD'S PULLS euro Llvsr ills, Bll
loysness, Indigestion, Koadache.
Easy to tako, easy to operate. 25c.
Try the COLUMBIAN a year.
Athletic Park Leased—Ordinance Repealed,
—Other Business.
The Town Council held its regular
monthly meeting Thursday night.
President Kocher and all the mem
bers excepting Richardson were
present :
The meeting was called to order
and the minutes of the last meeting
read and approved.
Rishton of the Fire and Water com
mittee reported that the new appara
tus for the Rescue Company was here,
and had been placed in the Com
pany's house.
Supplee, of the Finance Committee
made a report, showing the work of
the committee. He stated that the
Hennesy matter had all been settled.
A petition was presented to Coun
cil by C. C. Yetter, asking for a cross
ing over Market Street at North side
of Fourth. Referred to street com
The following lease concerning
Athletic Park was then read
Whereas, at a meeting of the
Town Council of the Town of Blooms
burg, Pa., held at their hall on the
nth day of January, A. D., I*B9B, it
was resolved to lease 10 the Athletic
Park Association, the Town Park,
located between Seventh and Eight
and Market and Centre Streets, for a
term of five years, upon certain terms
and conditions
Now, therefore, this agreement
made and concluded this Eighth day
of February, A. D., 1898, between
the said Town, lessor, and the Athle
tic Park Association aforesaid, lessee,
that for and in considera
tion of the convenants and terms here
inafter mentioned and reserved (and
on the part of the said lessee to be
kept and performed,) hath demised,
leased and let, and by these presents
doth demise, lease and let unto the
said lessee, and said Park to be used
for base ball, foot ball, and other inno
cent and legitimate athletic sports.
And the said lessee hereby agrees
to plant a row of Carolina Poplar and
Elm trees of good size, along the
Center Street side of the said Park on
the outside of the pavement, also to
replace such trees as have been here
tofore planted and are not growing
along the north side of the said Park
on the inside of the fence when lease
expires. The said trees to be set
under the direction of the Town en
gineer, twenty feet apart and to be
boxed. The fence to be kept in
good order by the said lessee, and the
trees to be properly trimmed and
cared for by the said lessor. The
work of planting trees and putting
the Park in proper condition to be
fully completed under the direction of
the Town Engineer before June Ist,
1898; otherwise this lease to be void
and of no effect. And the said lessee
shall and will at the expiration of the
said term of five years surrender and
deliver up quiet and peaceable posses
sion of the said Park without notice
The bladder was created for one
purpose, namely, a receptacle for the
urine, and as such it is not liable to
any form of disease except by one of
two ways. The first way is from im
perfect action of the kidneys. The
second way is from careless local treat
ment of other diseased.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy
kidneys is the chief cause of bladder
troubles. So the womb, like the blad
der, was created for one purpose, and
if not doctored too much is not liable
to weakness or diseases, except in rare
cases. It is situated back of and very
close to the bladder, therefore any
pain,_ disease or inconvenience mani
fested in the kidneys, back, bladder or
urinary passage is often, by mistake,
attributed to female weakness or womb
trouble of some sort. The error is
easily made and may be as easily
avoided. To find out correctly, set
your urine aside for twenty four hours;
a sediment or settling indicates kidney
or bladder trouble. The mild and ex
traordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp Root, the great kidney, and
bladder remedy, is soon realized. If
you need a medicine you should have
the best. At druggists fifty cents and
I one dollar. You may have a sample
bottle and pamphlet, both sent free
by mail. Mention THE COLUMBIAN
and send your address to Dr. Kilmer
&Co , Binghamton, N. Y. The pro
prietors of this paper guarantee the
genuineness of this offer.
to quit in as good condition as it now
is, reasonable wear and tear excepted.
This lease was 'the result of the
meeting of the Finance Committee,
who authorized the President to exe
cute the same, and it is hereby signed,
sealed and delivered.
James Magee, 2nd, complained of
the sewer on Sixth-Street. He says
it is entirely too small, and that on
one occasion he was compelled to
stop work at the mill, owing to the
water backing in the mill. He stated
that he would hold the town responsi
ble for any damage that might here
after be caused from this source.
The Town Engineer and Street
committee informed the Council that
the above trouble was caused by
waste and not because the sewer was
too small, and that at least a wagon
load of rubbish, wooden paddles had
been taken out of the sewer below the
Magee mill.
On motion ot Gorrey and Rishton
it was ordered that a sump tbe con
structed to catch the waste. The
work giving the same to be under the
supervision of the Town Engineer.
The subject of license for transient
merchants was taken up and it being
ascertained that the Ordinance taxing
such merchants SSO is unlawful and
cannot be enforced, the following was
read :
An ordinance to repeal Ordinance
No. 46.
Whereas the Courts of the State of
Pennsylvania have declared that
municipal ordinances requiring a tax
upon transient, retail merchants are
Therefore, be it enacted by the
Town of Bloomsburg, and it is here
by enacted by authority of same :
That Ordinance No. 46, entitled,
"An Ordinance to provide for the
licensing of transient retail mer
chants," be,and the same is hereby
Attest W. R. KOCHER,
Freeze Quick, Sec. Pres. Town Coun.
On motion of Supplee, seconded by
Hower the ordinance was adopted as
President Kocher stated that the
book merchants paid him $7.50 the
amount of the regular mercantile tax,
but would pay no more.
Bills were presented and the Secre
tary directed to issue orders for the
same as follows :
F. Cavanee, drayage hose cart .45
C. W. Hassert, Fire Co. rent 3.00
Creasy & Wells, lumber 2.35
Water Co., Fire Hydrants,
Jan. to Feb 9 1 -^7
Steam Co., Heat for Ha 11.... 75.78
Sloan estate, damages as of
1893, widening West St. 64.60
S. R. Bidleman, blanks for
Board of Health 24.80
J. D. Armstrong, matches, oil
&c 2.42
Harman & Hassert, plates,
&c 1.20
Chas. Culp, constable salary.. 8.00
Electric Light Co, 1 month
St. Lights 426.68
Gas Co., Gas for Town Hall 29.25
Miles Betz, one arrest .50
W. O. Holmes, work, sup
plies, &c..., 6.93
Peacock & Co., nails, lan
terns, &c 6.25
Geo. Shultz, police service 1.75
A. Bowen, " " 1.25
A. Herbine, " " 1.25
F. P. Banm, " " 3.00
A. Shultz, chief police 40.00
G. F. Quick, Sec., x m 0.... 15.00
Bills were also presented as follows
but held over for the reasons stated :
The salary of I H. Hagenbuch,
which iieretofore has been $lO
per month, was increased by the
Board of Health to $12.50.
Steam Co., for heat, during seasons
of'97—'9B, $75.87.
The bill of the health officer was
laid aside. Council considers the old
salary of $lO per month sufficient for
his services.
Several other matters of minor im
portance were discussed after which
Council adjourned.
School Report-
The fourth month of school of the
Canby school, Mt. Pleasant District,
closed Tuesday Feb. 8, 1898.
The report is as follows : number
,of males enrolled 14 ; number of
females enrolled 26 ; average attend
ance of males 10 ; average attend
ance of females 21:
The following is 0 list of the names
of the pupils having attended every
day during month. Those marked
with a star have attended every day
during term : Oscar Melick, Clark
Davis, Mary Melick", Stella Melick",
Mary Davis, Cldo Thomas", Ella
Davis, Roy Thomas", Maria Thomas,
Hazel Thomas", Blanche Davis, Lola
Miller, Esther Melick.
G. M. VANCE, Teacher.
[ASTORIA The Kind You Have
iSSSKSSSS* Bears the Fae-simile
ting the Stomachs andßowelsoE Si^HSitUTO
Promote s Digfeslion,Checr ful
ness and Rfest.Contains neither /J -
Snum.Morphine nor Mineral. /"/Jt S/ Is V?
/impc or old n-SAMUELriTuitit
Pumpkin Seed- ON THE
Mx.Smnm * 1
Apcrfecf Remedy forConstipa
tion.SourStomach.Diarrhoea, |l>/|npnpi p
' Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- U\J 1 1 I—<l—
and Loss OF SIEEP. _______
facsimile Signature of miTTI |TTITI\
az*w<az- THE KIND
EXACT COPy OP WHAEPEB. ■always bought.
We invite everybody to call and you will find just what you are looking for
The largest and best selected stock of Groceries in the County.
2 pounds light or dark Honey 25c
2 cans best Tomatoes 25c
3 cans good Tomatoes 25c
4 cans good Tomatoes 30c
2 cans Victoria Corn 25c
3 cans good Corn 25c
4 cans best Peas 50c
3 cans good Peas 25c
1 can French Peas, best 2oc
Good Hickory Nuts, quart 5c
25 lb sack Buckwheat Flour 40c
Potatoes, bushel 80c
Mrs. Winslow's Mince Meat, 6 cts, a Pound
Jamiaca and California Oranges, nice Lemons, Lettuce, Celery, Bananas,
Cabbage, Apples, in stock at all times.
Brick, Roquefort, Sweitzer, Pine Apple and Limberger Cheeses.
B@~ Goods Delivered Promptly.
M. T.j MkmFpMM ($&•, MM**
Personally-Conducted Tour via Pennsylvania
One must appreciate the advant
ages of modern railway travel when he
can leave the land of blizzards one
day and find himself in the land of
flowers the next.
To do tfiis take the Pennsylvania
Railroad tour to Jacksonville, which
will leave New York and Philadelphia
by special train of Pullman Palace
Cars Tuesday, February 22, allowing
two weeks in Florida. Excursion
tickets, including railway transporta
tion, Pullman accommodations (one
berth), and meals en route in both
directions while traveling on the special
train, will be sold at the following
rates: New York, $50.00; Philadel
phia, $48.00 ; Canandaigua, $52.85 ;
Erie, $54.85 ; Wilkesbarre, $50.35 ;
Pittsburg, $53.00 ; and at proportion
ate rates from other points. >
For tickets, itineraries, and full in
formation apply to ticket agents;
Tourist Agent, 1196 Broadway, New
York; or address Geo. W. Boyd, As
sistant General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
Cascarets stimulate liver, kidneys
and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or
gripe, toe. t 4-1-iy
750 different kinds of Foreign and
Domestic cloth already received for
Spring which will be made up to order.
Fine all wool suits, SB.OO, trousers,
$2.75 and upwards. Competition de
fied in Bloomsburg, either in make,
price, fit, quality or quantity of cloth
to select from Maier artistic Tailor,
Hatter, Clothier and Furnisher
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Dou't Tobaoco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away.
It you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, be liiuao well, strung, magnetic,
lull of now life uuil vigor, tuke Tno-To-Biic,
the wonder- worker, tiki inukes weak 111011
strong. Many gain teirponnds in ten days.
Over -100,J00 cured. Buy No-To-Bno of your
druggist, under guarantee to cure, 800 nr
ft.nO. Booklet and sample mailed free. A<l.
tttcrl'ng Kemody Co.,Cuiuko or Sew York.
Dest Prunes, large, pound 15c
Large California Prunes, 3 pounds 25c
Nice Large Raisins, 5 pounds for 25c
Nice Evaporated Peaches, pound 10c
Skinned Hams, pound 10c
Plain Hams, pound 9c
California Hams, pound 7c
2 lbs. New York Cake Cheese 25c
1 package Coxe's Gelatin 15c
4 packages Macaroni, good 25c
1 gallon can good Maple Syrup SI.OO
12] lb. sack Corn Meal 12c
Did you make your Grain O this way ?
Here are the latest directions :
Use one tablespoonful of Grain-0 to
two cups of cold water. Mix the
Grain-O with half an egg and add the
water. (Be sure to measure.) After
the water gets to the boiling point let
boil for fifteen to twenty minutes.
Use cream and sugar to suit the taste.
If you have not cream use hot milk.
A lady said : "The first time I
drank Grain O I did not like it, but
after using it for ten days and forming
the habit, nothing would induce me
to go back to coffee." This is the
experience of all. If you will follow
directions, measure it every time and
make it the same, and try it for ten
days, you will not go back to coffee.
On which our shoes are built
is merit. They must be good,
we have them made so. Not
content with things as they are
we go on making them better.
Out of it comes the best foot
wear possible.
HQSEBY and / "
W. HTnoore.
February t 7th, 1898.
No such opportunity was ever
offered for equipping your kitchen
or dining room with useful and
needful things at such ridiculously
low prices—the goods are in base
ment of our big store, and the
mighty selling is now on, in all its
vigor. True to our policy, we arc
selling cheaper, because we are
selling more—thereby winning
thousands of new customers and
greatly increasing our sal- s by such
huge value—giving, that strong as
the rock of Gibraltar-is now firmly
imbedded the popularity
of this store. As Housefurnishing
Goods are bulky to carry, you buy
with the same convenience as in
town residents since our wagon
delivery service reaches the further
most homes around about us.
Come here, prove to yourself that
every price quoted here is lower
than the actual cost of the raw
Youcan buy any of these
articles during this Sale
at 4c.
Genuine Dover Egg Beaters,
heavy wire.
Broilers, 6x9.
Long Handle Fire Shovels.
Bread Tins, all sizes.
1 quart size Buckets.
Large size Graters.
Long handle Basting Spoons.
Strong iron Meat Forks.
Cake steel blades. .
Alaska cover Lifters.)
Three arm Towel Rhcks.
Greystonegranite basins, all sizes.
The following list shows
the great values you get
during this sale at 9c.
Painted Chamber Pails, with
14-qt. Stamped Dish Pans.
4-qt. Tea and Coffee Pots.
Galvanized Water Pails.
Large isize Culcnders.
Large Size Painted Cuspidores.
4 and 6 quart water pails.
2 quart Watering Pots, zinc rose.
Good quality partition Dinner
8-qt. size retinned Preserving
Bread Pans, all sizes, Grcvstone
Jelly Moulds, Greystone Granite.
2-qt. Covered Buckets, Grey
stone Granite.
Hanging Soap Dishes, with
Drainer, Greystone Granite.
Stew Pans, with handle Grey
stone Granite.
Braided Carpet Beaters.
Regulation size Japan Coal Hods.
Basting Spoons, all sizes, 50.
Pic Plates, all sizes, each 7c,
Extra quality Broom 15c.
Five foot hard wood StCj, 1 ad
ders, 45c.
Work Baskets on stands, value
98c., at 49c.
pound Sugar Box, value
22c., at 12c. 1
Oval Clothes Boilers, No. 9
size, at 22c.
The well known Henis Fruit
Press, value 39c., at 24c.
Alaska nickel plated Fire Shovel,
value 25c., at 15c.
Fine imported rice. tea and cof
fee Canisters, value 25c., at 9c.
Spice Canisters, each Jc.
Extra quality Hearth Biush, 9c.
7-inch White Wash Brush, 9c.
Fine Stove Brush, 9c.
3 kinds solid back Scrub Bashes,
each 9c.
Fine Shoe Brushes, 9c. *
Armour Laundry Soar,
large size cakes, 12 cake f
for 25c.
Copper Wash Boilers, hca'.f '
size 8, $1.49.
Copper Wash Boilers, heav
size 9, at £1.69.
Extra fine Glass Bowls, copy
the real cut kind, 8 and 9 ini !
sizes, value 25c.. each 10c.
One lot of glass Cheese Plate; \
Uo close out, each at ic.
Best white Cups and Saucers, k
i J sets of 6, at 27c.
\test quality white vegetables
Disfics, all sizes, each 7c.
Wash Bowl and Pitchers, best
quality white, per pair 45 c.